Frontier City - Oklahoma City, OK

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the great state of oklahoma more specifically oklahoma city even more specifically than that i'm in front of frontier city this is a technically this is owned by the six flags corporation it is actually a little trivia effect it is one of two six flags um locations that don't have the word six flags in the name it's this frontier city and uh great escape out in new york but it is owned by the six flags company and uh it is a classic amusement park you know six flights kind of has a tendency to buy old amusement parks and then transform them bring in their crazy roller coasters this was originally built in the 1950s as a route 66 attraction a ghost town old west type amusement park but of course six flag comes in and puts their own spin on things so we're gonna head inside here so please follow me [Music] safety requirements for getting in you have to have your temperature screened and masks are required for the theme park check out that buffalo head over top the uh ticketing area he moves so very interesting when you come into the park actually surprising high-tech solution um you simply walk through a corridor that has like this thermal camera on you you don't have to take anything out of your pockets i guess there's i don't know exactly what they're using but they can tell the temperature of your body from these thermal cameras and then i guess they can tell if you're carrying any weapons or anything with you as well so really surprising to see such a high-tech thing implemented so quickly here at frontier city it's all this pouring water fresh crick water five cents here's the us marshall's office let's see uh what's going on in here uh just some typewriters and cow skulls the old jail here let's take a peek oh you can see that uh prisoner right there doesn't look like he's doing too well oh wait he's counting down the days that he's hanging not too many more to go wanted lift to see headshot oh no it's me i'm wanted even have the bandit mask on here's the children's area the frontier city little billy's hotel here of course we have some spinny circle rides for all the children to enjoy the popping frogs shady slim sauna and spa i wonder if that's any relation to slim shady it says jacuzzi optional you supply your own bubbles well that's gross cooties town hall no relation to hootie from hootie and the blowfish i assume then we have the doctor of dentistry bucky the beaver because he knows teeth i guess uh a beaver does know a lot about teeth so probably would make a good dentist i guess and enjoy the western ambiance here [Music] some teacups here it looks like these teacups are made of wood i might get some splinters while drinking your tea [Music] this is d higdon's hardware wilson's old reliable oh they have a magic faucet that pours water while it floats in the air and uh that's an unlimited amount of water here is quick draw this is their singular dark ride that they have here here comes the ride vehicle all right let's board our chariot all right we'll get our gun ready ready to blast some outlaws all right let's go all right we're going to start shooting the bucket shoot the chicken [Music] got that guy [Music] what else is there to shoot oh it's tricky you gotta shoot and then oh so you gotta shoot the targets and then they expose a secondary target of a bag of gold and you gotta try to hit that see oh okay i got that bag of gold oh whoa was it drunkard [Music] abandoned wake these people up by shooting them [Music] shoot the moon there shoot the guitar [Applause] [Music] [Music] dynamite oh no oh the dynamite room oh i gotta shoot these targets still exploding bags of gold all right i got 400 points is that good i don't even really know yeah i love the old western facade here i'm really uh full theming the classic log flume here oh here they go pretty soggy looking here's their mask brake zone this zone is designated for taking a short break wearing a mask please limit time to 10 minutes please observe social distancing so heading into the mask-free zone which uh i don't know if this is such a great idea but the mask-free zone and the smoking area apparently are the same thing um i think there's some contradictions there i mean i guess people that smoke need to take their mass off to smoke but non-smokers may want to have a mask break zone that's not full of smoke all right so i'll take my mask break right now i guess while i have a mask off i'll dress some issues i had in the past with six flags parks um last time i was in a six flags park was uh fiesta texas and i had some issues with my season pass and the story is i went online i bought a season pass that would would have worked for all six flags all around the country when i finally went to use it um they told me that i had to activate it physically at six flags over georgia which i guess even though i bought it online i had bought it through six flags over georgia so i had a lot of frustrating calls to corporate a lot of people uh telling me different things i had people saying that i could get a refund i had people telling me i could not get a refund that people tell me pretty much that i was could just that i had to go to six flags over georgia that otherwise i i just could not use the pass finally after being very very persistent i did get a hold of someone from corporate who said that they gave me a special code to use it said i could use it and tell six flags until i could make it to six flags over georgia and i must say here at frontier city i had zero problem i walked up to customer service explained the story to them showed me my pass and they let me write in so thumbs up um it was actually handled very very well and i appreciate it so thank you six flags yeah if i uh had one criticism here i would say that uh they should make mask break zones that are separate from the smoking areas all right everyone keep a lookout for wild man west he's wanted dead or alive here is the thunder road weather station you gotta look at the rock here and judge uh the weather by how the rock is if the rock is hot it's sunny if the rock is wet it's raining if the rock is white it's snowing the rock is not visible it is foggy the rock is swinging it is windy if it's bouncing there's an earthquake and if it's gone there's a tornado so let's look let's see uh i can't tell if the rock is hot because i can't feel it uh nor do i know if it's wet so system here not all that accurate all right here's another mask brake zone and this one actually is in the non-smoking area so there is smoking and non-smoking mask break zones looks like this is one of those horrible circular river rides it looks like it has not opened yet for this year as it is still dry notice there is a box of moonshine there over the tunnel renegade moonshine it says see the ferris wheel over there rising above the tree line here is the outhouse uh apparently uncle bart has his very own outhouse and the public has there so one franco bart one for the public i wonder why uncle bart needs his own outhouse maybe he maybe he's a little rough on the old outhouses some other western theming here see that there is a sign for dr i yank him i wonder if that is the same i yank him that used to wrestle in the wwf if you look over there you can see the barbershop is named sweeney's so you'll probably be murdered and turned into a pie here's the cool zone where you can just take an outside shower if you want there we there go go are they going around the loop oh there they go big loop oh the loop the loops look at this tangled mess of tracks right here looks like people hanging from the tracks oh there they go they appear to be horrified from their hanging coasting position we've got the tin lizzy horseless carriages let's uh check these out car is driving by itself maybe it's possessed like that one movie about the car that killed people all right let's hop aboard there we go they're really hard to steer for some reason and you know you got you got a little bit of leeway with your steering but this metal beam in the middle kind of keeps you in place but what's this saying got some verma shave signs are your whiskers when you awake tougher than a two bits a two-bit steak try burnishing isn't that an old two two dollar stake is that an old jim ross ism this way to mash burn pass through the tunnel here a lovely little ride through the country on an old sputtery car looks like they do have some classic wild west gun fight shows i guess we're going to want to check that out gunfighter shows take place here at crack axel canyon oh my god oh well well well well i just got incredibly wet is everyone okay i'm worried about your well-being [Music] my favorite author is hg wells one of these or you know one of here's one of these [Music] oh no okay folks well now that's actually the show uh hope you enjoyed it uh like comment subscribe if you did uh give a comment we don't have none of that well someone should have been for me oh no he's dead i genuinely was not expecting to get doused with 500 gallons of water all right let's check out the grand centennial ferris wheel or not because no single riders on the ferris wheel dang you six flags why do you hate people trying to trying to have a good time by themselves they don't even allow single riders here on the casino this is a casino looks like it's a roulette wheel that human beings can ride it starts out a little slow i think it should be getting crazier oh yeah there it goes it's crazier and more volatile there you go you got the people screaming we don't walk in your bed please don't walk in ours you know that would be pretty disturbing if you woke up and there was cowboys walking in your bed i was worried about this frontier city it's infested with baby rattlers no good dangerous toxic poison baby rattlers dr i am a quacks brain drain let's see what it cures whooping cough goiters kidney circulation drain dandruff influenza consumption gout oh i need some of that i've had gout saint vitus's dance constipation arthritis hemorrhoids and much more so apparently the cure for all those maladies is to ride this insane loop looping roller coaster right here so the brain drain is basically just one big loop that functions as a roller coaster it just sends you in a never-ending spiral oh is it going to go all the way around it's going to go all the way around come on oh almost make it oh oh oh there it goes no not quite oh what a tease is it gonna do it this time oh still no i'm so glad i'm not riding that oh there it goes all the way around the chaotic bumper car battle going on over here oh looks like this poor girl here is stalled on the tracks they gonna come and rammer of course they are boom oh there she goes looks like it helped her get grooving again good old tilt-a-whirl whoa always good for a fun little spin oh boy we have a boot hill cemetery where we can have comical tombstones because nothing's funnier than dead cowboys sally jones underneath this pile of stones under this grass under these rocks is what's left of poor old dock united chief shannon doa has sold me across the wide missouri we long to see you rest in peace well that one's really not that funny here's perennial favorite lester moore who lies lester moore four slugs from a 44 no less no more what's interesting about lester moore you'll see him in almost every comedy western cemetery but the hilarious thing is he's a real person and that's actually his real gravestone you can go visit the original one in uh the city of tombstone arizona at their boot hill the real boot hill fisher jim couldn't swim t sanders hanged by mistake he was right we were wrong we strung him up now he's gone and there's the grave of tom the town cat of frontier city it says meow here at the over hustler opera house they do a magic show several times a day let's go uh check that out wow you made a lady out of thin air oh two ladies oh they're gonna make him get in the box that's a twist oh no [Music] that looks painful one now everyone look at my head [Music] all right looks like they are running through with swords hopefully we don't see a bloody corpse come out of that box [Music] oh there he is [Music] how do you get back there so that was frontier city here in oklahoma city um it's a much smaller more quaint version of the six flags parks i kind of like it kind of like the smaller size more low-key feel um they are doing reservations you had to get a reservation ahead of time so they're staggered entry into the park the park did seem very very slow today i don't know if that's entirely um because of the the reservations or it's just uh not that busy right now but anyways yeah it is it is a challenge wearing a mask in the hot sun i just definitely recommend people take it slow take their time take advantage of the mask-free zones and just kind of go easy and make sure you're very hydrated um as you go these times where wearing a mask and a park is required anyways if you like the other places i've been check the interactive map in the description of this video if you would like to help support the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more with your postcard once a month i'm now selling enamel pins in the etsy shop all that information is in the description until next time this once in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 54,553
Rating: 4.915226 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, frontier city, six flags, okc, oklahoma, city, oklahoma city, amusement park, theme park, dark ride, quick shooter, rollercoaster, roller coaster
Id: jZPg6ujP89c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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