Waldameer Amusement Park - Erie, PA

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically erie pennsylvania on the shores of lake erie even more specifically than that we are at waldemir park now waldemir is german for the woods by the sea i guess the sea referring to beautiful lake erie this is the 10th oldest amusement park in the country opening in 1896. so let's go explore this wonderful gem follow me [Music] of course masks are mandatory not only in theme parks here but in the entire state of pennsylvania you know as i said because of kobe they actually have a free seven dollars on a wally card i guess the wally card is like a credit card that can only be used here in the park look at that we got a little wally bear there on the card so what exactly is the photo op here that you're eating a hot dog with human heads as garnishments one of the best ways to get your bearings in amusement park is hopping aboard the sky ride and uh getting a bird's eye view of the park you can see the little semi train going around right there this appears to be quite a wonderful theme park here very old school style looking forward to uh getting a closer look you can see the ferris wheel turning there amongst the trees if you look off the distance you can actually see lake erie and this is what we came here for the wacky shack this is built by legendary dark ride designer bill tracy a classic attraction here at waldemir let's hop aboard a look at these ride vehicles [Music] never throw things at me or i'll see that you lose your wristband maybe with your arms still attached i'll be watching to see that you behave yourself [Music] here we go this is pretty wacky [Music] oh going through a vortex tunnel in a side of a dark ride car is very disorientated oh look at that spooky oh there's spookiness happening everywhere oh my gosh look at that oh compressed air some sort of evil mermaid what was that oh oh look i'm up above oh my gosh a vortex of squares [Music] the skeleton up there oh flashing lights super discombobulating whoa [Music] oh my gosh there is that a hippo a mermaid a giant rat oh oh my gosh all right first impressions that was one of the best old-school dark rides i've ever been on it it seemed very it's very maintained everything was working everything was bright and colorful there was so much going on in certain places you couldn't really even know what to focus on so major thumbs up to the wacky shack so the park has a second bill tracy designed attraction this is a walk-through fun house called pirates cove sadly this is one of the rides that is actually not open due to uh pandemic restrictions it's a it's a walk-through fun house so i'm guessing a walk-through fun house means that you know you can't stop people from touching things and you can't make sure that they're social distancing but man someday i need to come back here and uh walk through this thing a little teacup right there called wendy's tea party you hear that ominous noise the roller coaster clickety clacking up that huge hill well where'd they go all the way over there oh man [Music] underneath this giant roller coaster they have the ace memorial park dedicated to american roller coaster enthusiasts little statue of a kid kissing a dog for some reason says that this is dedicated to nancy kerrigan like like the fig figure skater or maybe a different yeah they could be a different is that the same nancy kerrigan what the heck let's let's do it [Applause] i made a terrible mistake oh my god oh my god oh oh my gosh that was horrible so this is what we just rode the ravine flyer to built in 2008 it is uh three giant drops 60 degrees first drop uh extreme track banking speed over 60 miles per hour that's actually really fast most roller coasters only go about 35 miles per hour it also has beautiful views of lake erie six tunnels ten crossovers oh my gosh all right so my rating of ravine flyer 2. super terrifying we'll never ride it again wish i could travel back in time and tell myself not to ride it oh but if you love roller coasters you'll probably love it the thing is man i i hate roller coasters [Music] so [Music] this is crazy swing right there people are hurtled through the air some fun house mirrors here i am one of the few people that uh looks exactly the same in a fun house mirror remember kids don't let her throw your trash in a clown's mouth i love these old cars and these little kids rides looks like that's like a snowmobile look at this you got a six-person jeep right there these are so cool imagine how old that is too double motorcycles there a fire truck because kids love fires let's see if we're allowed on the ferris wheel some information about the ferris wheels the giant gondola wheel the one we're about to ride is manufactured by chance rides in wichita kansas is the largest open gondola wheel manufactured in america there's the largest trailer modical wheel in the world and can be erected without the use of cranes in one working day i once again have been denied my uh my desire to ride at ferrisville by myself it says no single riders ask the lady why because i the information gathering mission that's why she said that uh because it's a gondola system that they have to have people on both sides otherwise it tilts to one side i don't know in indiana beach they just let me tilt to one side and it didn't seem to cause a problem but it's all good i would have been paying attention i wouldn't walk past this sign that says no single riders so if it's a balance issue maybe i can start traveling with a weighted mannequin that i can ride uh ferris wheels with so we just rode ravine flyer two this is ravine flyer three they seem to have uh gone in a different direction in the third one [Music] all right so yeah not as treacherous as ravine flyer two by any means the nice refreshing little ride over top a fountain oh oh my god oh my gosh all right it's actually pretty terrifying because oh my god around in my feet now this ride is closed due to covid 19 restrictions and i'm no right expert and i'm certainly no doctor what makes the pony cart ride more dangerous than all these other rides looks like there's a lifeguard frog he's got a little dab of sunscreen there on his nose here's a classic looking wooden roller coaster the comets i think we were younger [Music] oh my god um here's there carousel let's see lots of different horses to choose from but this person has chosen the the dragon i always like the dragon the music express one of these rides often they're often called the himalaya other names but it is a a lesson in gravity an inertia they twirl you in uncomfortable circles oh lovely old school scrambler this will sit here and wait at the train station for the l ruth express to show up there's that massive roller coaster we wrote earlier here we see there's actually a little wildlife on this train ride looks like we're headed into some sort of creepy tunnel here enjoy the rest of your day here at waldenberg here we have zeke's shack but sadly zeke and the family are still hanging around but they can't play anymore they've kicked the bucket and will be leaving us in the future so i guess we have some broken down hillbillies here see the grandma with the shotgun the old outhouse and of course our moonshine's still there like every good uh amusement park some guy hanging down there from the ceiling well i'm certainly sorry all of you uh kicked the bucket [Music] you see the little hot air balloons twirling there now a friend of mine told me when he used to go to the carnivals the sea dragons would go all the way around over the top does anyone else remember that i know i've not seen one in any recent memory that does that but uh anyone ever been on one of these that goes all the way around are you guys up for one more roller coaster got the steel dragon here looks like it twirls while you roller coast see that looks oh my gosh it's a little uh horrifying i hear someone screaming oh gosh oh my god oh my god what am i doing what am i [Music] the plus side with these spinning oh the plus side with these posters is that actually they don't castle you as much because you know you turn with the curves instead of getting jostled but yeah it's still terrifying i haven't screamed yet i'm trying to scream in my heart to prevent the spread of the pandemic oh my god oh my god see these people here being raised to their doom check out how high above the park they're unfortunately being lifted any second any second now oh we've reached the top i'm getting ready to plunge oh no stalling there straight to the bottom you see the socially distanced alibaba flying through the sky oh is it gonna go all the way over no no no not this time maybe next time let's see is it gonna go is it gonna go all the way over i think it will there just like i said now i can't leave here without going on another ride on the magnificent wacky shack all right let's go super excited all right through the green tunnel here throwing off your sense of equilibrium oh right through the door and then this is so weird going through the vortex tunnel while in a car is very disruptive to your brain up there the expector coming over us this is the best right here this tunnel has all these different things on it okay heading to the rat infested hallway you can see those skulls with spiders a little dose of fresh air evil mermaid i think and then something's gonna pop up here right oh you got me again up here second story back inside oh love this and this is an illusion you can see these are all doors that you smash through up there on top there's like a skeleton operating city well yeah this room is just flashing stripes and mirror this is meant to twist and bend your brain very dark creepy eyes like a guy sleeping or drunk and oh i just love this a hippo and a giant rat so thank you for joining me here today at waldemir amazing park on the coast of lake erie here in pennsylvania i really really love this park um as you see there's all just about everything was running with a few exceptions and the wacky shack that is the amazing dark ride one of the most well maintained like classic dark ride i've ever seen so thank you um again we will continue our trip across pennsylvania visiting other amusement parks and kind of seeing how they are doing uh if you'd like to see other places i've been check the interactive map in the description of this video it'll show you the different places i've been and you can tell me where i need to go next if you'd like to help support the channel you can check the etsy shop in the description of this video uh three dollars or more on patreon we'll get you a postcard once a month until next time this once in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 111,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, waldameer, amusement park, theme park, wacky shack, bill tracy, carnival, roller coaster, rollercoaster, clown, ravine runner, erie, pa, pennsylvania
Id: S6aLRCrkWb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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