Woman Says Man Abandoned Family, Man Says Woman Cheated (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Good morning, Your Honor. Good morning. This is the case of<i> Fisher v. Meyer.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Fisher, you say, you thought you found the perfect older man to start a relationship and family with. But after having your first child and getting pregnant again, you claim he abandoned you and denied he fathered your second child Xavier. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Meyer, you contend, Ms. Fisher was a serial cheater who had numerous liaisons with different men during your relationship. You say, you and the plaintiff were not even together when she conceived her child and there is absolutely no way you are Xavier's father. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. So, Ms. Fisher, you say, Mr. Meyer abandoned you and your kids? FISHER: Yes, ma'am. Explain. After our having our first son together, we lived together for about three years. We found out that after the new year, we were gonna have a second son. Him knowing that, he decided he didn't want anything to do with me. I ended up leaving... Living with another family member, just to better our lives. We were doing a switch off back and forth, watching our son together and after that, we got into a lot of disagreements, just arguing a lot... Turned into him not coming around at all. JUDGE LAKE: And so, Mr. Meyer, Xavier is nine months old. You say you haven't done anything because Xavier is not your child. No, Your Honor. That is not my child. JUDGE LAKE: Explain your position to the Court. We were not together when she got pregnant with Xavier. She's cheated on me multiple times. I came home, I found my mattress flipped over. I've came home, I found multiple people in my bedroom. JUDGE LAKE: I wanna be clear, so you all were in a relationship. MEYER: Yes, Your Honor. You say this is your second child. Right, Ms. Fisher? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: So, you have an older child? FISHER:<i> Yes, I have a three-year-old son</i> <i> who's almost four years old this year,</i> named him after Michael. So, he has a Junior. No, it wasn't... She wouldn't even name him "Junior." She named him "The second." Well, my son is "The second." That's the same thing! I wanted it to be Junior. She wouldn't let me... JUDGE LAKE: Okay... I think she knew it wasn't my son, that's why she wouldn't do it. Cause you gave him "The second"? So, she named him "The second" instead. Yes, Your Honor. So now you doubt your older son, too? Yes, I don't believe he's mine, Your Honor. If he thought for some reason that one of these children were not his after three years of having the first one, would you not take a DNA test from... MEYER: I asked you how many times about a DNA test? How many times I asked you? I don't know, Mike. You tell me. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I wanna understand this. You all were in a relationship, living together during the window of time when Xavier was conceived? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Meyer, when you found out Ms. Fisher was pregnant, did you believe instantly this wasn't your child? I had serious doubts this is my child right when she told me. So, take me back to the day she told you she was pregnant. What happened? Well, she explained to me and told me she was pregnant. At that time before that, we were kind of on and off. We were fighting constantly. I don't think we were really together at that time. I hear... I know she is with other guys. I really didn't think this kid was mine at all. There was a chance the kid was mine. The dates didn't add up when she told me. She constantly changed her due dates. Just nothing make sense added up. And so, Ms. Fisher, when you got pregnant, you told him you were pregnant, why? Because you thought, this is great we're having our second baby? Your honor, yes, I was excited to find out a couple of days after the new year of 2016 that I was gonna be having another child. We had a house. We both were working at the time. Everything was okay. One night, I find him crying in bed and ask him, "What's wrong?" He asks me to not be around him anymore. But I'm trying to figure out why because we're having another child. We already have one. He was not around for any of the doctor's appointments for the second child, so he would not know a due date in the first place. MEYER: Obviously, the kid's not mine. You tricked me once, you're not gonna trick me again. Second of all, you couldn't... JUDGE LAKE: Okay, listen. Listen, listen. I'm trying to understand the issue as it relates to Xavier. You're saying, you tell him you're pregnant and his response is, <i> "I don't want anything to do with the child."</i> FISHER:<i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE: Why is that your response? What information do you have which leads you to believe she was even sleeping with somebody else? What proof, Mike? As I said... All right, my neighbor told me some guy was crawling out the window. Who was that? Who crawled out the window? I would like to know myself. Oh, well, you were there obviously, I mean... JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute. Your neighbor told you someone was crawling... MEYER: My neighbor said, "Hey, was your house broken into?" I'm like, "I don't know." Why would my house be broken into? He said, "I seen somebody crawling out of your window." I said, "Really?" I go running over to my house, nothing's gone or anything like that. I can only assume it was the guy she was messing around with, no one took nothing. Was there anyone crawling out the window, Ms. Fisher? I definitely object to that considering the neighbor that we have is an older woman. Our houses are connected evenly. You cannot see any windows from the viewpoint of the neighbor two houses down. What else? Let me tell you about the biggest fight we've ever had. This should be something, yeah. Okay. MEYER: Okay, I'm having a bad day. I'm working at the time. We work in the same place. I had to work a double, I was sick and not feeling good. I finally get off work. I call her. She's picking me up. I didn't have a car at that time. I wasn't driving. I'm calling and calling and calling. She doesn't answer the phone. I'm upset. I start walking. She comes to pick me up. She's clearly had sex with somebody. Clearly? MEYER: Yes, visibly. She had something in her hair. It was not gel and it was not shampoo. (AUDIENCE GASPS) JUDGE LAKE: Okay. You believe there were bodily fluids in her hair? MEYER: Yes. For use of better words, yes. We haven't heard that testimony before. Is that true, Ms. Fisher? No, Your Honor. This self-made bum standing next to me... MEYER: Bum? Has given every excuse not to take care of any of his children. I don't wanna skip over the story because the real truth is... This is a story that is... This is what his doubt is based on. Were you with someone else? She admitted she cheated on me that night. She was so messed up, and partying all night, I'm guessing she didn't understand or remember that. This night is a product of his imagination. Probably more than one guy. I'm frustrated, I'm over-worked. I'm tired. JUDGE LAKE: The night in question... That night never happened to where he asked me those questions. And there never was an instance when you... Your hair was all over... MEYER: Nobody tell the rest of the story. (CHUCKLES) So, if Xavier's been here for nine months, <i> you say you've been doing this on your own,</i> <i> he's not helping at all.</i> FISHER:<i> Absolutely.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> Explain that to the Court.</i> He didn't wanna show up to the birth for Xavier. He didn't wanna sign the birth certificate which forced me to give my second son my last name after his first son has his last name. Find his real father. One month later, I show up to his doorstep after I honked outside. Come outside. Take the baby out of the car. I physically make this man hold his own child for the first time thinking that, hopefully, he would feel some sort of guilt in his heart and know that this is his child when he looks at him in his eyes. He refuses to see that. So, standing there holding our baby, he cries, asking, "I would just rather you not come around anymore." I didn't wanna take the baby. You know, this kid's not mine. I don't wanna see him or hold him. You know, she's trying to pass me off. So, I take the kid... You can look clearly, see the kid doesn't look nothing like me. But she said you started crying. I was sad about seeing the other son Michael, I mean... Even though the kid's not mine, I miss the kid to death. She wants to make it sound like I'm some low-life bum. I took care of that kid better than any person in the world. I was a good dad to Michael for the whole... What, two-and-a-half, three years I was there for him. JUDGE LAKE: Wait, wait, wait. FISHER: Your honor... You were saying you were really upset. It wasn't over not being there for Xavier when he was born. I know Xavier's not my... (SCOFFS) So, you are 100% positive Xavier's not your child. Yes. Your honor, he used to do a lot for his first son. Now he does nothing for his children. It's 'cause I found out that my first son wasn't mine. I mean, do you know how that feels? That's some dirty stuff there, really. This reason of belief is strictly because my second son has blue eyes and lighter hair. MEYER:<i> We're both Mexican.</i> <i> Yeah, the kid's got blue eyes.</i> <i> He's clearly lighter.</i> FISHER:<i> My grandmother has red hair and blue eyes.</i> (INDISTINCT) Listen. Listen. Listen. In this courtroom, children come in all colors. All shape, sizes. It doesn't... Listen. If we could base paternity on that, this courtroom wouldn't be needed. JUDGE LAKE: I wanna understand, Mr. Meyer, did you hear anything else that would make you feel like this child could potentially be someone else's biological child? Oh, yeah, I haven't even started saying about the stuff I heard from multiple people. What did you hear? Well, everybody said that... First, it started off as, "Are you sure those kids are yours?" They didn't want to, really, tell me upfront the truth. Then it's like, "I don't think them kids are yours," and multiple people tell me this. JUDGE LAKE:<i> So, multiple people would come up to you and say,</i> <i> "I really don't think those kids are yours."</i> MEYER:<i> I had a random person come up to me...</i> I'm in the park with Michael, we're playing. Some random lady comes up to me and says, "I know Sirena, that's not your son." I was shocked. I didn't know how to respond to that. I mean, like, how do you respond to somebody that comes up to you and says, "That's not your son"? Why would they come up to you and say that? I have no idea to this day. She was out of town for the week. I don't know. JUDGE LAKE: Do you know who this woman is, Ms. Fisher? No, Your Honor, because I've never left that house. Not only for one day but not especially for a week. So, I know for a fact... MEYER: Not true at all. You claim... She was at her mom's or wherever. What do you mean you never left for a week? My mother lives in Cincinnati. The time of me living in the house for three-and-a-half years, she visit us three times, total. One being the birth of Michael and two other visits. Well, who knows what guy she was with for a week. But I was taking care of your son that I thought was mine. JUDGE LAKE: Well, what is going on here, though? I really wanna understand this because it's like you're in a relationship, you're living together, and there's so much mistrust. I didn't intend to be in a relationship with her from the very beginning. I didn't want a relationship with her. I clearly told her when we first met, I didn't want a relationship with her. JUDGE LAKE: So, wait a minute. You tell her you don't want a relationship but you end up in one? MEYER: Yes. All right, and then you have one child, and that child's named after you, and you continue... I thought we had a... You continue sleeping with her, then, potentially, have another child. You're in a relationship. MEYER: Yeah. What I'm trying to figure out... Did you decide to date a young woman and now, you just don't trust her because you just feeling like she hasn't had a chance to live or to date and that she's out doing things that, you know, young people do. What is it about what she's doing? She's a compulsive liar. She lies about everything. JUDGE LAKE: You believe she's lying? Oh, yeah. JUDGE LAKE: And what type of lies have you caught her in? I couldn't count how many lies I've caught her in. I mean... Wow. What did she lie about? Well, what she's doing, where she's at. All kinds of things. I mean... As in, he's referring to when I leave to go to my grandmother's house for a couple hours to visit. I'm not allowed to do that without him. Not allowed? I don't care. To my father's... Do you believe he's just being possessive, Ms. Fisher? FISHER: Absolutely, because I was young, naive. I'm tired of doing this on my own. I want help. I need help. I put him on child support, specifically, so that when he would decide, eventually, one day to get employed after a year and half, so that he can weasel his way out of not paying. I'm gonna have it set aside, because being 32 years old, I, in the back of my head, believe that you'll not stay unemployed the rest of your life and if you are, that goes hand in hand with self-made bomb, as I referred to earlier. JUDGE LAKE: And so, because <i> he is not on Xavier's birth certificate...</i> MEYER:<i> I got my own house.</i> These results really do matter. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Because you want him to support and be responsible for supporting Xavier as well. Because it takes two to tango, Your Honor, yes. Yeah, you tango too much, so find his father. JUDGE LAKE: And so, I just want to be clear. Ms. Fisher, is it your contention that you've never cheated on Mr. Meyer throughout this relationship? That is exactly what I'm telling you eye to eye, Your Honor. Wow. And you will not catch me in a lie because there's no way around the truth. That's the truth. And even during the time when you all were off, when you were broken up, you weren't sleeping with anybody else during that time? Your Honor, we were not broken up in between the times of when we had gotten in a relationship up until I was 21 years old. Not true at all, Your Honor. You say that's not true? No. There was days we'd break up for a couple of days here there, a week here. There was multiple times we broke up. She's... JUDGE LAKE: And did she get missing then? Or did you feel like she was sleeping with someone else during those times? She probably was. At the point we broke up, it didn't matter to me, I mean... If you not gonna be with me, go do what you wanna do. That's fine. You know... (FISHER SIGHS) And he may be in reference to a time where I stayed with my grandmother during Christmas and I had to stay with her for a couple of days because he was getting verbally vulgar with me a little too much and I couldn't take it anymore, so I needed time to myself and I took my first son with me to go stay with my grandmother. JUDGE LAKE: So, Mr. Meyer, if you are Xavier's biological father, are you willing to step up to the plate? Oh, absolutely. I know there's no chance that I'm his father but if I was, yeah, I'll take care of him, of course. JUDGE LAKE: You are convinced, you are not this child's biological father? I know I'm not his father, yes, Your Honor. The sad part, Your Honor, is that he has convinced his self that these kids aren't him in denial, of fear of dealing with reality. He'll not put up with the responsibility of taking care of any of his seeds. All right, well, in light of all of this, I think it's time for the results. Jerome. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Thank you. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Fisher v. Meyer...</i> When it comes to nine-month-old Xavier Fisher... JUDGE LAKE: In the case of<i> Fisher v. Meyer...</i> When it comes to nine-month-old Xavier Fisher... It has been determined by this Court, Mr. Meyer, you... Are the father. No way. You have anything you would like to say to your son? I feel terrible right now. And I will be taking care of him. Would it be okay if he saw Xavier in my chambers? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Meyer, would you like to hold your son? Yes, please. I will meet you in my chambers. Court is adjourned. I want to alleviate another level of your doubt. My staff also tested Michael and I just want you to know that he is also your biological child. Okay? Would you like to see both of your beautiful boys? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: All right. Hey, fellas. Hey. (CRYING) It's okay. Hi. (MICHAEL CHATTERS) How's that feel, Mr. Meyer? It feels good and I mean, knowing he's mine, I just... Sorry for being away from you, little guy. I'll always be around you now. FISHER: Michael. You know who this is next to me? You know who that is? It's your dad. Dad? You know, I'm Dad? Remember, I used to pick you up every day when you was little? (XAVIER CRIES) You lived with me. We were always together. I know this is upsetting for you now, but we are starting and this is a place we're gonna grow from. Okay? (CRYING)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,661,828
Rating: 4.7416563 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show
Id: t76dyUvKsfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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