Woman Cheated With One Time Drunken College Fling (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Salinas v Cantu.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Mr. Salinas, you claim your doubts surrounding the paternity of 2-month-old Lily are warranted. Yes, Your Honor. While you admit to a drunken night with the defendant, you don't believe her child was conceived that evening. That is correct, Your Honor. Ms. Cantu, you say Mr. Salinas has never even met your child and now needs to grow up, stop partying, and step up to be Lily's father. Yes, Your Honor. So, Mr. Salinas, why do you doubt Lily is your child? 'Cause we only had sex one time. (AUDIENCE GROANING) JUDGE LAKE: Without protection. Well, it takes only one time. SALINAS: Without protection. JUDGE LAKE: Well, you know that's all it takes. I understand. So I need you to give me a little bit more as it relates to your doubts. (SIGHS) Well, the night we had sex, I invited her out and she didn't come through, went out with some friends, had some drinks. Later that night I hit her up asking if she wanted to hang out. So she told me to come by and we talked, we messed around, we had sex. That was it, just a one-night stand. The next day she woke me up told me that she had to go to class and she also told me that she was off and on with this other guy, so... (AUDIENCE MURMURING) ...you know, I just took it from there but... JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Cantu? Yes, Your Honor. So you had a boyfriend but you slept with Mr. Salinas? Well, what happened was Mr. Salinas had messaged me asking do you want to hangout and whatnot. And I hadn't seen him in over a year. When we first met when I moved to Corpus Christi, um, we were kind of in the same lifestyle. We both liked to party, we were probably young, you know? I was in college, and that's kind of what you do, you experiment with that. And, um, as time went on, as I was getting closer to finishing, my college career, that kind of faded and I really didn't party anymore so I didn't really hang out with him as much. A year goes by and I decided to hang out with him because I hadn't seen him in such a long time. We ended up having sex. He knew about the guy that I was on and off with for about three years, the whole time that I was in Corpus. So, you know, I was on and off with him. At that time me and Mr. Salinas had sex, I was not in an exclusive relationship so I did not cheat on anybody. So when you woke up and I said I got to go to class, what was this he's talking about, "And by the way I have a boyfriend." what did you actually say to him? I don't remember saying "Oh, and I have a boyfriend." I do remember telling him that I do have a class because I am in college and, you know, I kind of had to get things going, I didn't want to do nothing, just lay around all day. And so, Mr. Salinas, you maintain that she said that she was dating somebody. I understood that that she was off and on through her Facebook and everything like that so I just didn't take anything, you know, too serious. Because the truth is you believed she was also intimate with someone else during that time. Yes. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) So, Ms. Cantu, were you afraid of getting pregnant at all? You didn't use protection with Mr. Salinas. Well, Your Honor, the day after because I did realize that we had unprotected sex the night before, the day after I did the responsible thing and I went to go take the morning after pill, you know, just assuming that they would work. And I went about my day, went to class thinking that everything was good. Just because, you know, I wasn't in an exclusive relationship, I'm young, it doesn't... You know, people do it all the time. And, you know, so... But you understand that there are STDs. Yes, I do understand that. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) There is a potential that you could make a little person. Mmm-hmm. Mr. Salinas, truthfully, I understand your doubt. If she slept with you unprotected for the first time, she's probably sleeping with the other person without protection and therefore there could be doubt when she turns up pregnant. How did you actually find out she was pregnant? I got on Facebook one day and I saw her comment saying that she was pregnant. JUDGE LAKE: On Facebook? This is the evidence. JUDGE LAKE: This is your evidence? Yes. Jerome, will you hand that to me, please. So wait, after this day, this night you had together, you didn't talk anymore or you were still talking? No, I didn't, we just had sex. We didn't talk anymore. I understood that she was kind of on the rocks with this other guy. I made it clear to her I didn't want a relationship or a commitment till I was 25 or 30 so... All right, so you went your separate ways? SALINAS: Yes. Until one day you are on Facebook and you see this post? SALINAS: Yes. And it says... (JUDGE LAKE READING) CANTU: It wasn't until I had went to my doctor's and had my first sonogram at nine weeks, and that was from that picture right there, that I had found out the exact conception date. And what was that? That was September 8th and that was the exact same day that we had sex. And so... AUDIENCE: Oh! I had also gone back to the doctor. I told the doctor, you know, I took the morning after pill and he had told me, "Well, if you've already ovulated "or if you're in the process of ovulating "when you take it, it won't work." And I have the proof to show that research, too, that the pill didn't work because I was ovulating. Let me see your proof. Thank you, Jerome. It indicates that the morning after pill may not be effective if you're ovulating. CANTU: Mmm-hmm. And you contend that that possibly could be what happened in your case. Yes, Your Honor, I do. I believe that that's what the possibility is considering the fact that me and Mr. Salinas had sex on the exact day that the doctors said my conception date was. How close to the date of conception where you with your ex? It was still in that same time period. I'm not sure if it was within those three days... (AUDIENCE GASP) And so I... JUDGE LAKE: So, during the window of conception... Yes, Your Honor. Have you had a DNA test for your ex? No, we haven't. We haven't had a DNA test from my ex. He denies the baby and he told me that he did not want anything to do with her, that it wasn't what he wanted or needed and I needed to take care of it. So, Mr. Salinas, why have you not tried to get to it know Lily? Been there for her? If you know you're a real possibility. Well, when I saw the message, or rather the post on Facebook, I immediately messaged Ms. Cantu asking her if there was a possibility that I might be the father, and she said no. She said that she had taken the morning after pill, that she'd been having intimate relations with this guy before and after we had sex. (AUDIENCE GROANS) CANTU: Your Honor... And that's not how you remember it? CANTU: No, no, no, no. What do you remember? CANTU: I remember it specifically this way. He had messaged me and asked me, "Do you think that the child "that you're carrying could be mine?" And I said, "Well, to tell you the truth, I didn't think "you were at first because the day after we had sex, "I went and took the morning after pill." However, after talking to my doctor and they did the math and found out that my conception date was the exact date that me and you had sex, so you are possible candidate. And plus, the morning after pill isn't effective if you have already ovulated or if you are ovulating, <i> and so I told him that he does have a possibility</i> <i> of being the dad.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Why do you think he refuses to see Lily?</i> CANTU: He always said that he didn't really have the means to do that. He was working at that time, and so it kind of doesn't make sense to me that if he knew that there was a possibility that he could have been the parent to this child that he didn't put money aside to possibly seek out... If this is... If this is his child. So, how far away from each other do you live? Well, we live three and half hours away, and after doing some research I did find out that basic bus fare is only... Is less than 100 bucks to do that. So if you have a job at the beginning and you knew that eventually you're gonna have to go there, then 100 bucks really doesn't sound like much to find out if he had a child. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) JUDGE LAKE: <i> So not much when there's a beautiful little child.</i> Mr. Salinas, $100. You couldn't pull that together to go up and see this child? At that time, I really couldn't afford it. I had a minimum wage paying job and I was out doing my music and I still really didn't... Wasn't sure if she was mine or not. I didn't want to put forth the effort and taking steps to see all for nothing, so... So with this minimum wage job, you still couldn't save up $100? No, I didn't have that... (AUDIENCE MURMURING) I didn't have that job for very long. Have you thought about Skyping, FaceTime, anything to get to know this child? I just don't understand how a child comes into the world that possibly could be your child, and you can't find a $100 to go up and see the child. I, I don't understand it. JUDGE LAKE: So you've never seen the baby? SALINAS: No. JUDGE LAKE: Never. AUDIENCE: Oh! And the first time you ever lay eyes on this little girl that could be yours is on a picture in my courtroom? AUDIENCE: Oh! That is correct, Your Honor. I mean, just look at her. <i> She's beautiful!</i> SALINAS:<i> She's beautiful but...</i> I don't know if it's too early but I still don't think that my features have come out on her. She looks a lot like her so bad. And I never even seen what the other guy looks like. When you look at her you see no resemblance. I mean, if I try maybe the eyes and the nose but... I still don't know. After she told me she took the morning after pill, she was in a relationship with this guy, and then months after she's pregnant, while she's pregnant she comes and visits me and tells me I got to change my life, I got to stop doing the stuff that I'm doing, having fun... And I just really didn't feel like... I really didn't feel like, I guess, taking those steps to see, all for nothing, if she wasn't mine. And so it just wasn't worth it to you to make a couple of adjustments. I mean, just let's be honest. If it comes out today that you're her biological father, you're gonna be able to live with the fact that you missed all this? (AUDIENCE MURMURING) I'd like to hear from your witness, Ms. Cantu. CANTU: Okay. Please stand, ma'am. State your name to the court. Karla Cantu. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Cantu, you are... I'm her mother. JUDGE LAKE: Her mother. What do you know about this? I got a phone call from my daughter letting me know that she was pregnant, and so... So when she told you that she was pregnant, did she also tell you there were two possible fathers? No she didn't. She did not tell me. She told me later. She told me later. So, Ms. Cantu, were you ashamed, were you embarrassed? It wasn't necessarily that I was ashamed. I found out I was pregnant October 3rd, a week later I had told my mom because I was, literally I know how to approach my mom and I was, at that moment, I didn't have health insurance, so the next day I went and applied for health insurance. I was trying to get all my, all my ducks lined up because I knew that I was gonna be taking on this responsibility and I wanted to make sure that I was prepared before I even presented this to my mother and so, you know, I... A week later I call her and I tell her, and at that time I still didn't consider Mr. Salinas a possible candidate because of the fact that I had taken the morning after pill. I hadn't seen my doctor yet to know about the factors... About me ovulating and it not being able to work and whatnot. So that's the long answer for no, you didn't tell her. CANTU: No, right. You know, she didn't tell me because she knew the type of person I was. She knew how hard I had worked all my life to sacrifice, to give them everything that I never had so that they could grow up to be those, you know, perfect kids that I thought. So here I was thinking I was doing the right thing and they... But they, yet, they never got to see that. And so you, you feel like as much as you tried to be the example and be a professional woman and do the right thing for your kids, and take them to church and give them everything you possibly could, you feel like the one thing you didn't give them is an example of what a healthy relationship is and what a woman operates like, moves like... (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) ...within a healthy relationship so that they could model that. Because do you believe that there were esteem issues or something going on with your daughter that lead her... Absolutely. I think that... I think there still is self-esteem issues. I think that she, you know, I think that she was searching for that love, and I think that there are a lot of girls out there that are looking for that love because there's a lot of single parents raising children these days who try to do what I did thinking they were doing the right thing. Probably did what I did. So I'm the first person that is... JUDGE LAKE: You did the very best you could. Right. And you know what? Your daughter loves you for it. Thank you for your testimony. You may be seated. So, Ms. Cantu, what are your hopes today? Well, Your Honor, I really do hope, you know, this is not about me, this is not about Mr. Salinas, this is not about my mom, this isn't about anybody in this room except for my daughter Lily. And she deserves to know who her father is. She deserves to know who her father is <i> because I know if she is anything like me,</i> <i> in the future she's gonna wanna know.</i> <i> She's gonna go searching for him</i> <i> 'cause she's not gonna feel complete or whole</i> until she knows where she comes from. And so I hope out of this, you know, if Mr. Salinas is the father, that he can step up and take responsibility, but not only that, but also look at this as a serious thing, that it's not just, you know... I look at kids nowadays that are just like, "Oh, I get to dress up my baby in nice doll clothes." You know, this is a serious responsibility and so I really... So Mr. Salinas, what are your hopes today? I actually hope she is my daughter. JUDGE LAKE: You do? AUDIENCE: Oh! Because if she is that other guy's I'd feel bad for her 'cause he don't want... You said because if she is that other guy's that you'd feel really bad? Yeah, because he don't want to be there for her. If she is mine I want to be there. I have a loving family to offer her. They would accept her with open arms. JUDGE LAKE: Jerome, I think it is time for the results. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Salinas v Cantu,</i> as it pertains to whether 2-month-old Lily Cantu is the biological daughter of Mr. Salinas. Mr. Salinas... You... In the case of<i> Salinas v Cantu,</i> as it pertains to whether 2-month-old Lily Cantu is the biological daughter of Mr. Salinas. Mr. Salinas... You... are the father. (AUDIENCE CHEERING) SALINAS: That's awesome. Well, I think that says it all. You said, "Awesome." This is awesome. Great day. Aw, that's... That's wonderful to hear. How do you feel, Ms. Cantu? I'm just... I'm happy with the fact that he wants to be there for her and, you know, he wants to be a part of our lives. And I just hope that everything will work out and that, you know, everything will happen for the right reason and she'll have the best life that I can give her. JUDGE LAKE: That's perfect. That we can give her. I truly believe, I truly believe that it will work out because everyone involved has that intention. And I do believe you're willing to do the work necessary to make sure it does work out and put her first. I wish you all the very, very best of luck. Take care of that beautiful little girl. Congratulations, Dad. SALINAS: Thank you. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,377,246
Rating: 4.7738609 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: zRB6NhmsNvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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