Woman Flashed Street Drummer To Flirt (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. -Hello, Your Honor. -Hello. This is the case of<i> Evans v. Snyder.</i> Thank you Jerome. Good day, everyone. [audience] Good day. Mr. Evans, you claim your relationship with the defendant was just a week long fling, and you are certain that you are not the biological father of her two-month old daughter, Laney. Once today's result prove what you already know, you want your last name back. Is that correct? That is correct, Your Honor. Ms. Snyder, you claim today's DNA test will prove that the plaintiff is Laney's father, and you need him to step up and help support your daughter. -Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. So, Mr. Evans, you say you're certain this is not your child. -I'm absolutely certain. -Explain. So, the baby doesn't look like me from the get-go. Like, as soon as I saw her I was just like... She don't look like me. She is-- She doesn't have my nose, she doesn't have my eyes. <i> Like, I would see these, you know, features,</i> <i> you know, that would resemble me.</i> <i> And she doesn't look anything like me.</i> So, [sighing] I just want to know. I mean, if she is mine, then okay. You know, I'll man up and take care of my little girl. And, um... But if she's not mine then I want my name back. [Judge Lake] So, Ms. Snyder, I see you are so emotional. [Snyder] Yes, Your Honor, because... I just want to prove that he is the father and... How much I love her and all that. And when you think about a man denying your baby and saying, "She's not mine." It just makes me mad. I can see you just can't take your eyes off of her. What are you feeling in this moment, right now? Emotional. And kind of sad. [Judge Lake] Why? Because it's just overwhelming right now. So, today truly means everything to you. This is important. -[Snyder] Yes, Your Honor. -This is the day that you feel like you're going to get a father for your baby? -Yes, Your Honor. -[Judge Lake] A father she deserves. Yes, Your Honor. So, Mr. Evans, please take me to the day you met Ms. Snyder. How did you meet? So, I was downtown playing drums. And... So, she walks up to me and I see her. And she's, you know, looking at me and I'm just like, "Okay." And, she's like, you know, starts giving me those eyes and I'm like, "Okay, I know that look." And then she starts dancing a little bit. And then starts flashing her boobs. -No, I didn't. -Wait, what? -[Evans] Yes, you did. -That's a lie. -[Evans] Yes, you did. -Okay, so you're playing drums. -[Evans] Yeah. -She comes up. You all make eye contact. -[Evans] Yes. And... -She flashes you. -Flashes me. -No. And then she, like, starts getting closer. Yes, you did. And, um... She starts dancing on top of me. -No. -Like, she's literally in my lap while I'm playing drums. -[Snyder] No. -[Evans] Dancing and everything. -No. -[Evans] Don't lie. You can't deny that. -Yes, I can. -I mean, okay, deny it all you want, but that's what happened. And, while she's dancing on top of me while I'm playing drums, you know, people were like, coming by. They were like, "Oh." You know, like... -You know, 'cause I'm-- -No. -Lie. -You know, it's entertaining and what not. I'm thinking that this is great. She's making me more money, putting more money in my bucket. [Snyder] No. You said, "This is great, the show just got better." -Okay, so-- -[Snyder] That's a lie though. They're putting more money and everybody is entertained. She's dancing on your lap and you're playing the drums. -Yeah. -[Judge Lake] Then what? So, then I get a phone call from my ex, saying that she's at my house right now. She brought a guy over because he lost his job and needed a place to stay. And it was the only place she could think of to bring him. And I'm just like, "Okay. You know what, fine. But, just know that at this point of time there's this girl dancing on my lap right now -and I'm bringing her home." -He didn't say that part. -Oh, my God! -[Snyder] He didn't say that part. [Evans] I did, too, say that part. I told you what happened right after that. Right after I got off the phone. So... Now, listen. So, you end up going home together? -[Evans] Yes. -What happens? So, I walk in. And she's on my couch, he's in my chair. They're talking and whatnot. Giggling and laughing and everything. So, we go to the bed. And, her and I are, you know, in my room. And, Ms. Snyder comes into the room. And, um... You know, she gets in the bed with us. I'm talking to my ex at this point. Why aren't you out there with him? Because you brought him here. She's like, "I'm not sleeping out there with him. I'm sleeping in here with you and her." And I was just like, "All right, okay. We'll--" Wait. So, you go from playing the drums to being in the bed with Ms. Snyder and your ex. Yeah. I'm scared to ask, Jerome. But, what happened? [Evans] So... I think you know what happened, Your Honor. Um, she started, you know, messing with me, and then... Um, and then, my ex noticed and she was like, "Oh, no, that's mine." And I'm just like... -[crowd gasping] -[Judge Lake gasping] She grabs it from Ms. Amanda. Yeah, she did. I'm sorry. They what? What? No. Oh, it's a threesome and a game of tug-o-war at the same time? No. So, after about a minute or so, I'm just like, "Hey, hey, hey. You all quit fighting. There's enough of me for both of y'all." And I'm just like... "It's enough for both of y'all?" [Evans] Yes. Oh, no. "There's enough of me for both of y'all." And I'm just like... You know, I'm thinking in the back of my head like, "This is amazing, I can't wait." -You know, I'm just-- -[Judge Lake laughs] [Evans] You know, I'm excited. You know, so I'm just like, I want to get control of the situation. -[Judge Lake] Okay. -And so, um... So, I'm talking to my ex, I'm like, "You've had me long enough. You need to learn how to share." And, I told Amanda-- Oh, you started getting the lingo together. I suppose. I mean, it just kind of came in the moment. [Judge Lake] Oh, okay. So... Okay. And then what happened? I was like, "Amanda, do you know how to share?" She goes, "Yes, I know how to share." And I go, "All right. Well, then, y'all get along, be nice, play fair, let's have a good time." No. [Evans] And, so, you know, we started having sex. And, you know, and it felt great. I loved it. I had a great time. But you didn't use protection. -[Evans] No. -Which is why you're here. Yes. That's why. But it gets better. It gets better. There's more. There's more to the story. So... [laughing] Um, Amanda, she was with me for that whole week that we were together. And... So, you had sex for a week, Ms. Snyder, with Mr. Evans? A couple of times during the week? Yes, ma'am. [Judge Lake] And you were there all week? Yes, Your Honor. And so, therefore, that's why you're saying that he is Laney's biological father. [Snyder] Yes, Your Honor. -[Evans] No. -Which is why you're here. I can't move on from this point until I say... Now, you know, you don't have no business playing drums out there on the street then coming back home with some woman, and not using protection. And you don't have no business coming home with him and not using no protection. Yes, Your Honor, I understand that now. Was that the only time you were intimate, Mr. Evans? No. So, I left for a week. I went to Colorado to go get a job. And, I came back a week later. And, um, before I left, we had met up one last time, and we had sex that night as well. -In the car. -I didn't use protection. Oh, my gosh! We're here now. We're here. So, Mr. Evans, take me to the day you find out Ms. Snyder is pregnant. Okay. So, I'm in Colorado at this point, working. And, um... She calls me like, between-- It was like, in between July and August of 2018. And, um... I get a phone call from her and she told me that she was pregnant. And I was like, "Okay. So, when do you find out, <i> when the baby is born?"</i> <i> And, you know, what's the sex and everything.</i> <i> And so, she told me it's possibly a girl.</i> And she is due sometime in January. -So-- -December. Or December. One or the other. -And so-- -So, you just said, "Okay." [Evans] Well, just-- Yeah, I was just like, "okay." Well, I'm pretty sure, at that point I thought it was my baby. And I'm just like, all right, you know, so, you know just-- I'm thinking it's mine, 'cause I didn't know that she was, you know, may have been with somebody else or anything like that. I'm thinking, that time that we were together, was the only-- I was the only person that she was with. And, you know, conceived during that time. And so, I'm like, "Oh, yeah, it's fine." You know, if everything goes as planned, you know, I'll be there, you know, when the baby is born and everything like that. Um, but work kept me held up, so I didn't get back until sometime in January, after the baby was born. And, um... And then, when she-- When I saw the baby, I was just like, "Hmm, are you sure this is-- Are you sure she is mine? Because, she don't look like me. She don't have my features, she doesn't..." You know, like... Her nose is like, more flared and mine is like, more round. And, like, she doesn't really, like, have my eyebrows. And I have, like, a widow's peak that you can't really see. It's kind of faded, but like... Like-- You know, I just got a haircut. [Judge Lake] So, during the pregnancy, you accepted that this is "my child." You knew you had had sex without protection. Correct. You did the math, you said to yourself, "Yeah, it was probably around that time. I own up to my mistakes and this is my baby. All right." Yeah. Yeah. Did you ask Ms. Snyder if she'd been with anyone else? Or could it be anyone else's baby? Did you ask? After the fact... Yes, after I saw her I did. What did she tell you when you asked her? She said that she was sleep-- That she had slept with someone else. [audience exclaiming] [Judge Lake] Oh. So, Ms. Snyder, who is this other person you slept with? I do admit I slept with someone else, but we also used protection. And it was after... What would have been after the conception date. It was like a week or two afterwards. -We used protection. -All right. So, how did you meet this guy that you slept with? I have been knowing him for a little bit. -Okay. So, you-- -But, we did use protection. Okay. So, well, this court did track down that other man, because we wanted to hear his side of the story. And he sent in the following statement. "I admit sleeping with Amanda, but I did use a condom. <i> The condom did not break,</i> <i> so I know that baby is not mine."</i> So, this statement, basically, is in line with your testimony. That you did have sex but you did use protection. You don't think he's the father, he doesn't think he's the father. -Yes, Your Honor. -You also testified about your conception window. And that's a calculation that you did to show that Mr. Evans is the biological father in your mind. -Yes, Your Honor. -And you did that... You bought a calendar. -[Snyder] Yes, Your Honor. -I'd like to look at your calendar. So, <i> the beginning of April, that's when you met.</i> <i> And you had sex all week, from the first to the seventh.</i> It was like the end of March, beginning of April. [Judge Lake] Okay. And then, you had sex one other time on April 15th. <i> And that's what</i> Mr. Evans testified to<i> before he went off to work.</i> Then, baby Laney was born December 27th. [Snyder]<i> Yeah, she was due 31st but I had got induced on 26th.</i> <i> [Judge Lake] Okay.</i> So, you had sex<i> with the other guy</i> at the end of April. <i> The 22nd through the 28th.</i> [audience exclaiming] And if you do the calculation, the window of conception <i> would have been around the end of March</i> <i> to the first week of April.</i> <i> So, that leads you to believe</i> that Mr. Evans is Laney's biological father. Yes, Your Honor. And Mr. Evans is the only man you were sleeping with during that time? -Yes, Your Honor. -Because you didn't meet him until the first. -Yes, Your Honor. -Did you sleep with anybody else on the 31st? No, Your Honor. No. The end of March? I met him, like... the end of-- I met him end of March, beginning of April. Okay. So, Mr. Evans, now that you see this calendar, are you pretty convinced now? Has it changed your testimony? <i> Do you believe you are Laney's biological father?</i> [Evans]<i> No, she's not mine.</i> <i> I'm not the father.</i> I do not believe that I am the father. But, are you basing all of this just on looks? Because you don't think she looks like you? 'Cause you know we can't base everything on looks. A baby's face forms and develops over time. She may not seem to have your features now, but maybe she will later. I mean... Well, that's why I need proof. I need proof of that. So, I mean, if she-- So, what kind of relationship have you developed with Laney this far? I have not seen Laney since I've been back from work. So, you've never met her? -[Evans] Never, no. -Never laid eyes on her? Only pictures and video chat. But you do video chat with her? -And you get the pictures? -Yes. And when you get the pictures, what, it just keeps reinforcing "This isn't my child"? Why are you even staying in touch then? Well, I wanted to get a DNA test to find out if she was, because she did say that slept with this other man. And so, Ms. Snyder, you gave Laney Mr. Evans' last name. Yes, Your Honor. But he wasn't there for the the birth or anything. [Snyder] Mmm, no. And did you talk about that beforehand? We had talked about it and he was planning on coming down there, but at the last minute he was unable to because of work. But you-- Did you decide that on your own to give the baby his last name? -Yes, Your Honor. -[Judge Lake] Okay. And you say, if Laney is not you biological child, you want your last name back. You don't want the baby to have your last name. That's correct. And if she is yours you have testified that you will step up and you will take care of her. -Yes, ma'am. -[Judge Lake] All right. Let's get the results. -Jerome? -[audience clapping] May I have the envelope? These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics, and they read as follows. "In the case of<i> Evans v. Snyder,</i> when it comes to two-month old, Laney Evans... I need proof. I need proof of that. [Judge Lake] It has been determined by this court, Mr. Evans, you... are not the father. [audience exclaiming] You were right, Mr. Evans, you are not her biological father. Ms. Snyder, I'm sorry, I know that wasn't the result you thought you were going to get today. Have you informed this other man that he could potentially be the biological father? I told him. You told him? I said-- I said I-- I gave him a chance. I said, "You might be, even though we used a condom." I said there might still be a small chance. Is there anybody else besides this man? No, Your Honor. Okay. So, I got to say this before we go. I know young people are into this one night stand thing where it's all so fun, and you go to the bar or you're drumming on the side of the road. And he's looking handsome and then you start dancing. And then, you know, but... There are real life consequences to this kind of behavior. Real life. You have a beautiful little girl now. And you have to set an example. -Okay? -[audience clapping] If you need our help, if that gentleman that sent the statement, if he needs a test and you need to come back, we are here for you. We have counseling and resources for you both. I wish you all the very best. Remember, Ms. Snyder, we're here now. Let's get the answer, all right? -Yes, Your Honor. -[Judge Lake] For Laney's sake. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,182,268
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: _1gUdcporFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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