Woman Denied DNA Test Twice Before Coming To Court (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. -Hello, Your Honor. -Hello. This is the case of<i> Beckley v. Allen.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. [audience] Good day. Ms. Beckley, you are in court today to prove Mr. Allen is the biological father of your one-year-old daughter Ita'lei Beckley. -Yes, Your Honor. -You say Mr. Allen has only seen his daughter one time since she has been born, and you want him to take responsibility starting today. -Is that correct? -[Beckley] Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Allen, you say you are more than certain you are not Ita'lei's biological father, and claim Ms. Beckley's accusations are driving a wedge between you and your fiancee. -Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. So, Ms. Beckley, how do you feel that Mr. Allen has only seen your daughter once? I'm very angry, I'm very frustrated. He's been neglecting her from day one, since I got pregnant with her. And I'm just sick of it, and I just want him to... [audience] Aw. [crying] To take responsibility of something we both made. It makes me feel angry. I'm angry. She... She's without a father, you know. And it's just... It's terrible that she has to go through that, and I'm raising her on my own. I just feel like you should be a dad to her 'cause you are her father. And you feel like he's just neglecting your child? Yes, ma'am, he's neglecting her, um, with the other two kids we have. And it's like, he's in their life, but you're not in hers, and it makes me feel like, "Wow." Like, "Really?" Look at her. Mr. Allen, are you neglecting Ita'lei? Why are you not in her life? Your Honor, um... The time of conception made me have doubts, strong doubts, um, that the child is not mine. So, where was your relationship? What was the nature of your relationship during the time when Ita'lei was conceived? Well, me and Ms. Beckley had separated. We were co-parenting, we were still good friends. [Beckley] That's not true. On Germany's second birthday, he wasn't staying with me, but he ended up coming back on her birthday. We had sex, unprotected. It wasn't baby-making sex, it was angry sex. It's not about baby-making sex. Sex is sex. -It was angry sex. -Sex is sex. -It was a... -Whether it's baby-making, love-making, hate-making, sex is sex. And she's still here as a baby. It don't matter what type of sex it was. <i> It was unprotected. Period.</i> -[Allen] Your Honor... -Yes? It was angry sex. I was mad at the fact that she put me out the house that I had been there taking care of her and the children. She put me out the house. Four months later, I come back on my daughter's birthday, then a day or two later, you tell me that you're pregnant. -I want a DNA test. -It was your daughter's birthday, you came over to the house to celebrate and you ended up being intimate with Ms. Beckley. -You admit that? -I wouldn't say intimate, but I would say we did, yes. Sex is intimate. Uh... -You had sex? -[Allen] Yes. Angry, happy sex, confused, <i> all those make babies.</i> [Allen]<i> Yes, Your Honor. Yes.</i> -Did you use protection? -[Allen] No, Your Honor. All right. So, how long after that did you find out she was pregnant? -Within a day or two. -[Judge Lake] A day or two? -That is a lie. -Yes, Your Honor, within a day or two she told me. Yes, Your Honor. How can I tell you a day after we have sex that I'm pregnant? That don't even make sense. That don't make sense. One or two days after, you're like, -"She's already pregnant." -[Allen] Yes, Your Honor. There ain't no telling who else she done let hit before I hit. You feel me? So, I'm like, you know, like... -You need to stop lying. You're a liar. -[Allen] Your Honor... [Judge Lake] So, wait, I wanna understand from you, Ms. Beckley, how long after you had sex, when it was your daughter's birthday and he came over, was it before you found out you were pregnant and let Mr. Allen know? So, it was after a month, when I found out I was pregnant, I called to let him know that I was pregnant, and from then it was like, "Oh, you're..." "That don't make sense. You got pregnant too fast." Well, of course, we, you know... So, you have other children that he accepts. Was he supportive during the pregnancy with Ita'lei? Was he there for you, doctor's appointments? No, ma'am. I had an emergency C-section. I was at the hospital by myself. <i> He was not there.</i> <i> He was not there.</i> <i> I have evidence, Your Honor.</i> -I'd like to see it. -He signed, um, Germany's and Xa'Zayvier birth certificate. Hers is not signed. So, the first one is for Germany Jacqueline Ann Allen. <i> Father's name is there.</i> Second one Xa'Zayvier Dantez Tyrell Jerome Allen. <i> Father's name is there.</i> <i> Third one,</i> Ita'lei Lisa Alexandria Beckley. -[audience member] Hmm. -No father listed. You didn't even give her his last name. -He don't deserve it. He don't deserve it. -Your Honor, I was there for my other two children by her. I even raised her other daughter, Your Honor. How could you tell me I don't deserve something -when I stood my ground for you and your children? -You wasn't there. How she deserve your last name? Did I not call for a DNA test, Ms. Beckley? [Beckley] You did not. -You denied me a DNA test twice. -[Beckley] Okay. Twice. And now you telling me I don't deserve it? I have children, and all of them have my last name. I didn't have my biological father in my life, so it would be a shame for me not to step up for mines. -It would be a shame. -You denied her from the point I told you I was pregnant to now. Hold on. The point is, I'm trying to understand your doubt, Mr. Allen. She denied me the DNA test not once but twice. That's what gave me further doubt. For the fact the way she told me that she was pregnant was too fast. The time of conception, she said that the baby went full term April 1st. The baby was due March 11th. [Beckley] I didn't go full term, I had her at 36 weeks, Your Honor. My due date was at April 1st. I had her March 11th. Emergency C-section. She was not full term. [Judge Lake] At this point, Ita'lei is here, and you have two older kids together. So, how do you come and see the other kids, Mr. Allen, but not spend time with or bond with Ita'lei? Well, Your Honor, I have questioned Shamiea about Ita'lei. You know, I ask, "Can I speak to her?" She say, "No." You know, I ask, when she come... Well, while us having visitation every other week, we have swap and exchange at a police station. She don't bring Ita'lei. She don't... She don't make Ita'lei a factor to my life. -She gave her... -If you're denying her, why would I bring her to see you? -That don't make sense. -She gave Ita'lei her last name for the simple fact that she want to hurt me and break me down as a father. -She wanna break me down as a man. -That's my child, that's why. Like I said, I didn't have my biological father. He was murdered the year that I was born. So, it would be a shame not for me to be there for my children. -That's why I'm here today. -If I'm here raising her, going through the pregnancy by myself, going through all this stress-- -You denied me a DNA test for a whole year. -You don't deserve it. I didn't deny you nothing. [overlapping argument] -[Judge Lake] Hold on. Let's get some order. -[gavel banging] Let's get some order. Let's get some order. Because I'm starting to understand what's going on here. This is a dance y'all do. You know this choreography. Arguing and dysfunction and yelling and back and forth, you all do this well. Your Honor, I stepped away from her. And this little girl is the one suffering because she's a year old with no father. -Yeah. -[audience] Aw. Your Honor, I would just like to say, as a man, I have been... I have been really struggling to make things work co-parenting with Shamiea. There's... There's straight disconnection. She's nothing but the biological mother of my children. There is disconnection in communication. You got a lot of nerve. You owe child support for two of your kids, forty-five a month, you can't even pay that. [Allen] Like she said, she has me on child support. She get all the assistance. When my babies don't have and she don't come and pick them up accordingly, I struggle financially, and my fiancee and her mother step in. So, I can't turn off being a parent. So, talking about you're tired... But you can turn off making babies. -[Allen] Yeah, you're right, Your Honor. -No. -You're right, Your Honor. -This is where you gotta be on... Stop talking! -This is real. -[Allen] Yes. -You seem like an upstanding young man. -Most definitely, Your Honor. -And you seem like you have good intentions. -Yes. I'm not gonna feel sorry for you because you are putting yourself in this predicament. Once you knew there was a potential that Ms. Beckley's baby was yours, you gotta hit that pause button. That's pause. "I already have two with her. I may have another one. I don't need to entertain or put myself in another situation to create another life until, number one, I figure out if this one is mine, and if I'm responsible, legally, for her," because you are. "And am I in a position to bring any more children into the world?" -I understand where you're coming from. -Listen, I get -what you're saying. -But how could you tell me-- Don't talk over me! 'Cause if you had the answers, you wouldn't be here. -I just don't like being put down. -Hold on! -I don't like being put down about my kids. -[Judge Lake] No, no, no. -'Cause I asked her for a DNA test. -You don't like -being told the truth. -[Beckley] Damn. You like to... You like to tell your truth. But, Mr. Allen, you've sat here as a dad and expressed with good intention your desire to be the dad you never got to have. And what I'm saying to you is that doesn't mean that you've got to create more children to be the best father. That just means be the best father to the children you have. And until you are financially able to have more, don't create more. It is about being the quality of father you can be, not having a quantity of children. -[applause]<i> -And that's just the truth.</i> [Allen]<i> I work hard for every dollar I get</i> to provide for my children. If that's the case, I wouldn't have my beautiful fiancee with me. She knows that I work hard as a man to provide for my children. Mr. Allen, you brought a witness. I'd like to hear from her. Ma'am, please stand. Before she says anything, Your Honor, she has nothing to do with it. Whatever she says, it's false and it's irrelevant. -[Judge Lake] All right. -She don't know me, I don't know her. Okay, let me be the judge of that since I'm the judge. State your name for the record. Cheyenne Montgomery. I'm Darius' fiancee, Your Honor. She has told Darius that he was not the father. It's been said that she's told another guy he was the father. Okay. Y'all got proof of that? And if you're the fiancee, where the ring at? -Girl, mind your business. -Where the ring at? Right. -You have no business, that's why you're here. -I'm not talking to you. [overlapping argument] [gavel banging] [Judge Lake] Let's get... Let's get some order. Take a breath. Unfortunately, he's moved on. Oh, that's somebody else's problem. I don't want him. -[Judge Lake] Well... -I was robbed of my pregnancy experience because of her and her madness. [Beckley] How? How were you robbed of anything? 'Cause I always take care of your kids... -You came in after I had my... -[Judge Lake] Ms. Beckley, listen... -Ms. Beckley... -What you talking about? [Judge Lake] Ms. Beckley, it doesn't help. See, this is why we shouldn't go around having folks' babies for sport. Because when you have children with people, you're tied to them. Baby's only 12 months old. Even if he's not the biological father, you've convinced yourself that he is. So, you're just so tied. And everything about them just enrages you, and you just can't control yourself. And all I'm saying to you is it's not helping, it's not making this process go any faster. It's not getting you to the answer you want. It's not getting the healing. And I just want you to take a breath. -Ms. Montgomery. -Yes, Your Honor. You testified that you heard Ms. Beckley had been sleeping with another man. -Yes, Your Honor. -[Judge Lake] Where did you hear this? From a neighbor of hers. [Judge Lake] A neighbor of hers told you this? A neighbor of hers contacted him and told me and him that she was telling another guy that he was the father. Yes, Your Honor. Thank you. You may be seated, ma'am. Ms. Beckley, were you made aware that there was someone saying that you told another man he was the father? I wasn't aware, and I never said that. -Okay. -Never. Is there another man who could potentially be the father? -No, Your Honor. -So, during your break-up, you never slept with anybody else. I didn't sleep with nobody. No. Jerome, the envelope, please. [applause] These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Beckley v. Allen,</i> when it comes to one-year-old Ita'lei Beckley, it has been determined by this court, -Mr. Allen... -Yes, Your Honor. ...you... are the father. [Beckley] Told you. You, too, fiancee. Step-mama. Step-mama. [Judge Lake] Stop, stop. -[Allen] Your Honor... -[Judge Lake] You all are still very much tied. Everybody in this room can see it. You may not want to acknowledge, but you two aren't finished. -And I don't mean physically. -We're finished, Your Honor. -[Judge Lake] No, I don't mean physically. -We're finished. -I don't mean physically. -No communication. No nothing. There's too much energy there. -[Allen] That's why... -You all have to learn how to resolve the relationship in a mature way so that you can understand what to do with that entire thing you created with all of these children. How many children do you have? -Total? -Today Ita'lei makes seven, Your Honor. -[audience exclaims] -[Judge Lake] Right. You in way over your head. But, Your Honor, I have... I have took care of every last one of my children. [Judge Lake] Hold on 'cause I'm ready to go because I see a man -who wants to do the right thing. -I've been a daddy. -I do for my babies. -That's where-- And for Shamiea to come here today and see her talk about me like this, and for me to get put down for having seven kids -as hard as I go for my babies... -Okay. [overlapping argument] I don't think you were ever put down. -You were told that you can't-- -[Allen] For you to tell me -to stop making babies. -You can't. If I wanted to have another baby and not take care of them, that's my business. -[Judge Lake] But can you? -Yes, I can. You just cried out that you were struggling -and that her mom has to step in. -[Allen] But even though I'm struggling, do that mean stop? -That mean go-- -[Judge Lake] Yes! -No, it don't. -[Judge Lake] Yeah. -[Allen] No, it don't. -[Judge Lake] Yeah. Does that mean you stop providing? -Does that mean-- -[Judge Lake] Oh, no. -That's not what we're saying. -Exactly. That means get another job. That means you go work harder. -[Judge Lake] Yeah, honey. -That means you cut some grass. That means you paint a house, you build something, you fix a car. You provide for your children. You make sure them kids have morals instilled in them. Right. And that was... That was beautiful. But-- [Allen] I'm sorry, but I'm just angry because I have seven babies that I put my life on the line for. -[Judge Lake] Do you take care of all of them completely... -Yes. Yes. ...with absolutely no public assistance -from any of the mothers? -[Allen] Yes, I do! -[Beckley] No, he don't. -Yes, I do. -I get no assistance. -He tried to get me put off... -[Allen] I get assistance from my fiancee. -[Judge Lake] Okay. That's what I thought. No, really, y'all need help. This is sad for me. You do. It's okay to need that. And I need both of y'all to stop raging against one other because you're gonna bring it to the children. -It's her and them. -[Judge Lake] And it is. But that's why Dr. Jeff is here. And please take advantage of it. Please talk to him. We don't want these babies standing up somewhere screaming and yelling at the top of their lungs because that's all they ever saw both their mom and dad do. All right, I wish you all the very best. Come on, let's do this. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,533,676
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: X8qxqvLvygo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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