Witch Sesh | 4-Sided Dive | Episode 22: Discussing Up To C3E90

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Good evening, and welcome to 4-Sided Dive. I'm Laura Bailey, your 22nd tavern keeper and tonight it's witches night, right ladies? Woo! Oh! Also, Liam is here. I'm sorry. Now, before we get into some big juicy lore dumps-- Oh, god. We have a couple of announcements we need to get through. You see, on the last 4-Sided Dive, we had an unfortunate continuity error in the intro, I'm sorry, after Sam Riegel heroically rebooted the bits, we showed the Tower of Inquiry reassembling itself on its own. But then moments later you could plainly see the tower was still broken behind him. We weren't gonna call attention to it, but our legal department is requiring us to make the following clarifications. First, the Tower of Inquiry did not magically reassemble itself when Sam reactivated the bits. The truth is, the tower of blocks does not possess the ability to magically reassemble itself, so we were forced to fake it in post, sorry. (laughing) Our lawyer/Good Boy also wants us to clarify the following. We are no longer rolling for position of host on camera. The decision of who hosts 4-Sided Dive is now decided via slap fight. (laughing) Woo! (claps) Let's go. Dani Carr is not actually sliding into a complex array of secret tunnels and corridors laden throughout the studio. The truth is, we don't know how she's doing it. Our production assistants have conducted many searches, but to no avail. Sam Riegel does single handedly write every single word of 4-Sided Dive. He writes the outline, he writes the prompter read, he painstakingly oversees the editing process to make sure all of his text is intact because this is his favorite show. Yeah, that's true. Oh, wow. And finally, Broomy is actually not a sentient googly-eyed broomstick. He is, I know, he's just a normal googly-eyed broomstick that we puppeteered. Creepy plastic Santa was also a puppet. That Reddit theory turned out to be entirely correct. Moppo, however, is actually very real. And since we cannot find his body, we cannot legally say that he is dead. Now that that's all out of the way, be sure to stick around for more 4-Sided Dive. No, for More-Sided Dive because tonight we are competing in the party game Gauntlet sponsored by Ravensburger. Ravensburger. We will be playing Strike,-- Strike! --Piñata Blast and That's Not a Hat. And whoever does the best gets a prooze. Hey, a prooze? Did I say prooze? No, that's a typo, that should say prize. My god, someone call Sam. This is ridiculous. Welcome to 4-Sided Dive. Let's do a fucking shoe. (laughing) (upbeat music) Welcome back. Let's begin the night with our open discussion segment. What the fuck is up with that? What the fuck is up with that? Ashley: What the fuck? Here's our menu of topics tonight. Moon City. Ooh. Moon City. Should I just go through all the topics? Yeah, why not? To start. Advance the whole way from top to bottom? Yeah. I like that. I'm just gonna name the bullet points here and then we can come back. Yeah. Moon City. These are what's on the menu tonight. Great. You could get Rebel Squadron. Oh. Our daily special is two mission teams. Mm-hmm. Cool. And the dessert for tonight is Daggerheart. Ooh. Okay, so... Liam: Omar's excited. Wait, I do like what that says. Discuss topics on the menu. Or don't, I'm not your mom. I'm not your mom. (laughing) Liam: Is he falling asleep? Is that what's happening? I think so. Tuckered. My beautifuls. It's also, I wonder, Kyle, is it bad that he's blocking the sponsorship? (laughing) Oh yeah, there we go. Just put it in front of him. That's good. Is this the Internet's best dog show? There we go. Yes. There we go. Oh, he's a good boy. Oh. Here we go, look, now we can see. It's not the best- It's okay. Indoor sleepheads. It's okay. There we go. Liam: You like Ravensburger, don't ya? Are you coming for Sam's job? You're the new sponsor dog. He's like, I don't know about this. Yeah. I feel trapped. (laughing) You just stay, good boy. All right, Moon City, Kreviris. Marisha: It's pretty cool. See, now I know how it's spelled 'cause I see it on the paper. I know. I thought the exact same thing. Ashley: Yep, that's not what I did. Laura: I didn't know how to spell it, I guess. I write everything phonetically. I do too, but-- So you can say it. So I can say it-- Do you know how to spell it? I don't recognize it when I see it then later. Laura: Oh, right. Ashley: Yeah, I'm like what's this place? Have you been spelling it with a K or a C? I think I did a K. Yeah, I did a K. I also just hear Jack Black's voice going, "Get out of the crevice," every time it's said. Yeah. Did we, had we gotten to Kreviris on the last 4-Sided Dive? Did we go to Kreviris in the last 4-Sided? No. No. We hadn't yet? No. Oh gosh. We hadn't gotten to Kreviris yet, but you did get- Hi, Dani. On the outskirts. Hi. Hi, baby. Hi, baby. (smooching) (laughing) Sam's wine okay? (laughing) How do you guys feel about Kreviris? Right. Yes, what a cool place. It's really cool. Yeah? I particularly like going underground of Kreviris. I do too. I really liked, I mean, I think this is old, but I really like seeing like the elven ruins. Oh, before we got there. Before we got there. I did too. Fold in. Like what city was that originally. I know, so fucking cool. Yeah, like obviously we imagined Martian landscapes and the stars, but Matt has found ways to keep it shocking and surprising. Yeah. Which includes ruins wadded up like a paper ball and thrown into the sky and then this underground, I couldn't stop thinking of, was it, what's the David Attenborough narrated show? Was it "Planet Earth" where they, or maybe I'm thinking of some other nature show where they found this massive ant hill underground and they filled it with concrete. Yeah, and it was like, it was five- It was like New York City under the ground, so they filled it with concrete and let it dry. Sorry, ants. I know, I know. They already left. They cleaned-- I saw that. Had they? Yes, they had already. They had already left for a farm in upstate New York. (laughing) And then they cleared away all the dirt around it and it was just endless tunnels. Like it looked like something out of a Cyberpunk metropolis. Yeah. And that's a little bit what I imagine as we spelunk through their city. Yeah, it's really awesome. I love like, I don't know, it kind of feels like an M.C. Escher painting in my head head. With the (swooshing). With all the, yeah, with everything all, and then it all being kind of like an approximation of what, well, now I'm jumping to Kreviris, but it being like an approximation of all these different cultures from what they've seen in their dreams. Yeah. It's fucking cool. Yeah, and like-- Such a cool concept too. And the glass tower with everything built around the glass tower. Yeah. Like, and then in that model there were multiple glass towers coming out. Does that mean there's a city at every junction point like that? I don't know. I have no idea. It's so... We're not gonna have time to know, we're not gonna know. I know. It's so far-- Maybe the glass spikes are like Predathos trying to get out. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's interesting. The spikes? Spikies, spikies. I pictured it as like his brain that was like his soul or his brain flowing outward-- Yeah. Because it was so organic the way like branches came out of it. It reminded me of like nerve endings spreading. Marisha: 100%. That's a great interpretation, but that might work too. Might just have gigantic Godzilla spikes on her back, his back, it's back, whatever it is. I still don't think Pedathos is a thing. You don't think it's a person? I don't know why. A god? Liam: Just a mini mall down there? I think Predathos is-- Ice skating rink. --something else. Okay. But it feels like it talks though. I know. I know. I don't know. I have no basis for this, or does it, it doesn't even make sense, but I still, I'm like, there's something, what is it? Laura: Something that's not reacting. There's something else in there and that's not... So wait, do you think it is something, but it's not what it is, or it's all like a construct of our, of the world's collective imagination? Yes. Okay. (laughing) Matt doesn't typically like to subvert our expectations. No, never. So that's probably what it's described as. Yeah. Yeah. Look at the trust game, straightforward. He doesn't like to subvert our expectations. Maybe that's why-- Yeah, he's pretty safe. I'm feeling that way 'cause he sometimes, yeah, he'll do the little reach around action. (laughing) We're talking about the show, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. (laughing) Talking about the show, obviously. What are you thinking, Liam? My god, how dare you. He's behind this chair right now. Oh my gosh. You just see a hand come out. Thanks, Matt. This is saying all the knowledge gained at Moon City! Exclamation point. Look, I know it was-- I have more questions than anything else. I do, I do too. I know it was risky for us to split the party, but I'm so glad we did. Oh my, yeah, me too. Because we got so much more info. Yes. By doing the two-pronged approach. Yeah, we would've just seen one side of the elephant if we'd only gone to one place. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. We got to see so much. We got to see so much. Is your dad alive still? I don't know. I don't know. 'Cause what, with that whole-- Gloamglut. Gloamglut or Gloamglot. Why are you so cute? I know, the way he's looking, he's like. Are you a Gloamglut? Are you falling asleep? It's specifically when we say-- At the center of Ruidus, is they're just a massive crested-over Corgi? Oh. What if Predathos is a Corgi? Oh my goodness. With crystal dog harness. That would be so cute. I mean it's like, it's something that was created to-- Thank you for all those. --control them. Predathos? Yeah. Or, I know don't, I don't know, well. Yeah, I don't know, I mean, the best we know is that Predathos came and slurped up two gods and the other gods weren't having it, so they smashed them into an Exandrian sandwich and probably took some people along for the ride, and those people, the different peoples that went up became who we now are meeting. Reilorans? Yeah. Well, then if you remember, 'cause I was like, oh, we know information 'cause they were like, we're, well, after a certain amount of generations, we kind of don't know where we came from and we kind of forgot. And Laudna was like, we kind of have information on that when we were talking to Rashinna and I was like, do you want me to tell you? And she was like, maybe later. Yeah. Maybe some other time. And I was like okay. They don't wanna know. Maybe you don't wanna know. Yeah, I mean it might, it would throw your whole system out of whack to find out like everything that you've known since birth is not the truth. Yes. Yeah. Right? And the fact that they were, they were like, oh, we wanna, 'cause like the big thing that they, they wanna go to Exandria, they wanna go to the promised land, but what they don't know or like what it seems like they don't know is that theoretically, they were from Exandria. Like they started there and it got like ripped away from them. Yeah, they got ripped away, or maybe they're made of pure thought, but I think they were ripped away from Exandria. Yeah, and also, I mean, it's been how many years? They said the-- 3 1/2. --Hive Mind is like 500 years, thereabouts. Yeah, but-- But that's how old Chet is. Right, it's much older. The moment of ripping, that was back way before age of Arcana Calamity. This is driving Dani crazy. Hi, Dani. Am I getting it wrong? No, you're doing great. It's way earlier? Way way earlier. I was just coming up to vibe because I felt like maybe I could help. It's also up a super cold in the basement. Because to me, I thought, what if, what if the Hive Mind were the OG like wizards, powerful people that thought that they could release Predathos? Those ones that were originally like, let's take down the gods. And when they got ripped up, they just kept-- That idea. That idea and they had formed a connection with Predathos so that's why they are what they are. But yeah, we know-- But then they were saying there was a before time. It was before then. Yes. It's the before 'cause the calamity was like 900-ish-- Calamity, so y'all are in 843 PD because the calamity was 900 years ago-ish. Yeah. And it lasted centuries. Yes. And then there was also centuries probably before then, which is when Ruidus was shot into the sky, because Ruidus was shot into the sky at the end of the founding because it was at that point where, it was before the schism happened where the gods became prime deities and betrayer gods. Right. If that makes sense. So Ruidus is a manmade moon. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, if we lifted up-- They chunked off-- Middle America. Not all, the whole of it. Not like pieces of it were-- No, like-- The whole thing. The whole thing was ripped out of Exandria. They peeled a scab off the globe and balled it up and that's why there's ruins from Exandria in it because it took stuff along with it. Okay. And what we know is, well, Bells Hells doesn't know, but we as people who follow Exandrian lore, elves were first. So the gods kind of very much creationism, gods created man in their image kind of a thing. The gods created elves first. Elves-- And then dwarves. Dwarves, then humans. Yeah. And then everybody else kind of came after that. They were the first three that were created. And this is, of course, as Matt likes to remind us, this is the founding myth. This is what everybody believes happened. This is what you're told. But that-- Right, 'cause that could, 'cause even if it, 'cause, yeah, if it's the founding myth is that elves came first, that seems very superiority-driven. Yes, it does. Yeah. So, but-- And if elves are the oldest, then they would be able to tell everyone. Right. Whatever, yeah, they write the history, right? So, but-- Matt always likes to go against those ideas and concepts. Which is what a big thing that is being explored this campaign is I've now, I've set up this world, and now I'm going to tell you that everything I've told you is wrong. Yeah. Yeah. So that has been the theme of this one is what do you do when faced with everything you know could be wrong? Yes. So. Yes. We do know Exandria is about 6,000 years old, like Earth is. Kill me, my god. What's he doing? Oh no. He rolled over and fluffed up. He just needed-- Oh, he's in heaven now. Pillow. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. You're being so cute. Liam: That's it, this is the rest of the show. Ashley: This is a chocolate chip. You guys, what about the Rebel Squadron? The volition? They're cool. They're kind of, I mean, I liked Gaz. I like Gaz. Even though Gaz might be dead. He can't be. I think he is, I think my mom killed him. I think so too. She exploded. We tried to tell them. But it is so we had such a short amount of time with them. I know, it's rough. They already has such a plan and we came in last minute. It's a big mess. It's a big mess. A real big mess. Yeah. It's not donezo, like we could pull it out of the fire, but it's in the fire right now. Yeah, we definitely needed to get in good with them though so that our crew on Exandria could have a backup army here. Yeah. They do seem a little, I don't know. I don't know, we didn't have that much time, but what's her name was-- Rashinna. Rashinna. Oh, yeah. They seem seem a little very like Rashinna George. Yeah, yes. (laughing) They seem a little-- She's a really big deal. She's... (laughing) One time she punched me in the face. And I liked it. I liked it. And I liked it. Yeah, I don't know, they seem very like, kinda like they got horse blinders, so narrow-focused on their cause that I don't know if they're thinking outside of the shit. The thing that I think about a lot is, is who of all the different factions and parties on the Volition and the Hive Mind and Ludinus and the all of the recruits they got, like who knows the most of all those people? Who's playing who? Is Ludinus? Does he have the whole thing figured out more than these Ruidian psychics? It's the ultimate recharge. The center of the planet. Or do they both think they've got the upper hand and they both only have a piece? Is Predathos just... Playing everybody. Twiddling his thumbs, going, "Come on and let me out," and he's lying to everybody. It seems a little like the idea that I got with the Volition is they're very focused on like fighting the Weave and- Laura: Don't care about Predathos. Marisha: And don't care about any of that. Predathos is just whatever. And it felt like we were trying to tell them, "You don't understand, there's this whole other layer to this scheme that's been going on." They don't need to know it though. Yeah. If we can help the Volition take down the Weave Mind, then that's Ludinus' stronghold on Ruidus, right? That's because that's who he's working with. So if we take down the Hive Mind-- They don't need it. Weave Mind. Yeah, being all-- It's chaos. And then that's-- The the civilians can rise up and do whatever they want and Ludinus won't have any. That's interesting. I also feel like there was an element with the Volition and Rashinna. I'm taking off my shoes. I know, I want to do the same thing. I know, I got so jealous when you did it. How do I put this into words? That they're almost used to people coming in and being like, I know what the problem is. Or, here. Here's something. And they're like, we've been here longer than you. Shush, shush, shush, shush. We know what's going on here. Yeah. No, that's interesting. Also, Ira going to town with those explosives, way over the top. Yeah. I mean, it's good, though. If he can bring down everything, awesome. He's in revenge mode. He just is chaos, revenge. He doesn't really care what happens. I think you're right. He's just having fun. Ashley: I think he's just having fun. I mean, really. What if he can just escape back to the Fey land whenever he wants? And let it all burn? He's just like, I'm just hanging out here because it's different, it's something fun. He's just going to pull some blocks out of the Jenga tower and then bounce out. Yeah. See what happens. Yeah, he's a cat on the table, slowly pushing glasses off the edge. Pushing things off. Oh, I jumped ahead. I jumped ahead from that to two mission teams. That's okay. It's jazz I'm following this strictly. It's jazz, baby. You're doing great, Laura. Jazz is chaos. Jazz is chaos. Two mission teams. We divided up. I thought-- Divided. Divided up. --FCG was going to die. I did too. And Ashton. They got close to death. Matt was very kind to let them do the hole on the ground, with the blast coming at them. Yes, he was. He likes creative ideas. Laura: Yes, and it was a creative idea. If you can try to sell him on a creative idea, he'll be like, this is a game. I'll make you roll for a really high DC. This is a game that you're all trying to have fun playing, so I will, A+ for creativity. Because they took half damage, and it took FCG down to two hit points, right? 100 and something, wasn't it? The full? That's half damage! Yeah, because if it had done full-- Marisha: It would have just died. But also, if it doubles your full health, don't you just die die die? You get no saves. If you have 50 hit points and you get knocked down below negative 50, you die, straight-up. Yeah, so he could've just been... (croaks) That would've been riveting. Died died. Metal shards. We would never split the party again. Ever. Yes, we would. Yeah, we would. Because we're in a terrible situation now, but that's where... I don't know about them, but that's where we want them to be. That's where the fun is. The problems, that's the fun. The danger is the fun. The danger. I really didn't think, though, as soon as we thought about how we divided our teams, I was like, oh no. Yep. What were we thinking? But I think it worked out, actually, really well. I think it worked out, but it was both... Well, you had FCG, and sometimes Fearne can do healing. Yes. So you had all the healing. Well, I guess you can now, too. Can you heal? No. Am I making that up? You're making it up. Laudna can heal a teeny bit. I can do a little bit. I can allow people to roll-- It was enough. It was just enough. I can allow people to roll their hit dice, their short rest hit dice. Oh, yeah yeah yeah. If you want to. That's all I got. But yeah, I do think it was the right call to split the party. Beyond the fact that we got a lot more information this way, if we were all in that fucking tunnel? Half of us would've died. For sure. And if we'd all been climbing the window, FCG and Fearne, you would've had a real hard time. Yeah. We would've been so busted. Ashley: That wouldn't have been great. I thought it was more fun, too. It was more harrowing. You know you don't have the whole squad with you, so it felt like there was a way bigger chance of things going wrong, and things did. Yeah, and I liked how Matt jumped back and forth. Yeah, it was fun. He was like, was it engaging? Because we'll drive home, and he'll be like-- Still, nine years in? Did you guys have fun? You guys have fun in my game? He does. Yes! I think that was the most fun game we've had in a really long time. I loved it. I had so much fun. Even though you would stop playing, we were still so engaged in what the other people were doing. It was so fun to watch. Just like Omar. He's so engaged. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my gosh. He's so happy right now. Oh my goodness. Does he ever talk in his sleep? Yeah, he'll sometimes do (barking) these little barks, and his little paws, where you can tell he's chasing something. I've got to get a dog, you guys. I've got to get another dog. You've got to get a doggo. It's time. Marisha: Ronin needs a brother or a sister. So, he's been asking for a pug, a King Charles Spaniel, or, what was the last one? I can't remember. But then yesterday he goes, Mom, I decided I don't want a King Charles Spaniel. I was like, oh, what dog do you want instead? He was like, no, I want a lizard. What? I know. Well, that fits. He was like, there's a girl in my class that had a lizard, and she was hugging it, and now I want... I didn't know you could have lizards. I want a lizard. I was like, I don't want a lizard! I'm surprised, with his love of dinosaurs, I would've thought he would've been on that for ages. But I was like, you can't teach lizards tricks, baby. Just because nobody has before. Maybe somebody's taught a lizard tricks. I know, I wonder if they have. I'm sure there's movie lizards that have to learn tricks. There's got to be. Little smart lizards. Omar, will you play with Sprigg soon? Will you do a play date with Sprigg at the beach? Do you want a baby lizard to go on your back? It's been a bit. I think it was when they went to the beach, right? A lot of times, when he hears his name, he perks up. He's too sleepy now. Omar, want to see Sprigg? Oh gosh. Yeah, he wants to see you. You love Sprigg, don't you? So wait, how are we going to escape the moon? Space shuttle. Are we going to go... Because we've got to get out fast, right? How are we going to escape the Volition right now? Laura: What do you mean? We're not in trouble with the Volition. Aren't we? No, why would we be? You don't think, "Did she know?" is a problem for us? No. No. No? I don't. Marisha: Oh, if the Volition finds out we-- Because if anything, it's going to prove she had no idea. If she'd had any idea, it would've been from me. She didn't. But they could be like, you reached out to her, told her. Yeah, did you tip her off? Yeah, yeah. The-- Ashley: Before we went. But she was like, did she know? Which means, we didn't tell her. No, we didn't tell her anything. Wait, what did you say? You were like-- These people talk to each other in dreams. Everyone on the planet communicates in dreams. Laura: For all they know-- She technically didn't tip her off. I didn't. You said to run. Who cares about technically? If anything, it looked like I was threatening her. It's just what it appears to be. Laura: We're not in trouble with the Volition. If Lilana went, I knew you were coming! Laura: Plus, we got their person back. And Emperor executes all of them, they're going to ask questions. They are asking questions. We told them straight-up, she's way more powerful than you realize. I love that confidence. Yes. Yes, of course. That's how we have to play it. But I think that they're on high alert. Well, we got their prisoner back, so. And we blew up their shit. Please pitch it to them just like that. I will. What do you think they were doing in there? What do you mean? To the prisoners. Oh, were they going to turn her into something else? They're all super into bioengineering, and then it seems like the Reilorans have a little eugenics situation going on. It's messed up. A little Captain America super-soldier program. Pretty sure they're a little racist and have their superiority-- Stratas of society, yeah. Yeah, the thought eaters and the mystics are the highest-- Order. Even the hulks are looked down upon by comparison. Yes. Yeah, because if Aeor, whatever was taken up there, they were still doing that. Was it Aeor? No, because Aeor crashed onto Exandria. Yes, not Aeor. So it would've been another-- No, we ran into freaky, crazy lab experiments in Aeor. The big baby monster. Yes, we did. (gasps) The big baby monster! That was in Aeor. That whole area. And y'all found the Aeor tech in Ruidus. Yes. Oh, right. So they are for sure linked in some way. Ashley: They are for sure linked. But they did not make Ruidus out of Aeor. Halas had a lab with oogity-boogity stuff. Think about it. The Happy Fun Ball. Aeor was surrounded by water. What if back then, it wasn't a water continent? What if it was just a giant piece of land, and everything got taken up except for that one little chunk? Aeor was a flying city. Ashley: Wait, say again what you mean? And it crashed. Yeah. Aeor was a flying city. It crashed. Yeah. In the Calamity. Into the ground. Okay. Never mind, then. What if it was like, the area that Aeor was? Shut up, Laura. The sky? Wait, no. No. I don't hate where you're going with this, because... I like this. There's something to it. I don't know what it is, but there's something to it. What is more likely... Hang on. I got this, Dani, I got this. Okay. Hang on! These are the deep lore cuts they're tuning in for. What's probably more likely is one or two things, or both. A, Ludinus is bringing Aeor tech to Ruidus. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That tracks. Or two, they also maybe have harvested some Aeor tech via dreams? Oh, maybe they've been seeing dreams that... No. Yeah, right? Right? Dani, come back now. Help. Dani, help us again. I've been told the timeline. I don't hate that idea. You guys were explicitly told that they have seen Ludinus bringing strange devices across the bridge. Okay, so it was Ludinus. That the dreamers have been bringing things across the bridge that are very strange. Like little magical Cerberus engines that we don't understand completely yet. Yes. So Ludinus has been going to Aeor, potentially. Yes? Maybe. I mean, the Cerberus Assembly back in the Mighty Nein-- That's right, they were there. Dani: --were super obsessed with Aeor. Oh my gosh. The Cerberus Assembly? Do we think that Luda-- That's right. --had a way to get to the moon-- Luda! --before the Bloody Bridge? Ashley: Luda! Or no? Because we found a back door, but-- I don't think he would've gone that hard to get it if-- Liam: I don't either. I don't either. Also, the implication is that he's been waiting for hundreds of years-- Right. --for this to all line up and do this. How convenient it had a backdoor entrance that whole time. It's been two, three weeks? What a loser. I can't wait to rub it in his face that we found the backdoor entrance easy peasy lemon squeezy, and he'd been trying for hundreds of years. Yeah, to suck the moon down. I thought you meant Matt. I was like, you know Matt put that there for us, right? Wait. But though, but though-- You know he created it. Matt's so dumb. We found this entrance. He put it right there. Wait, remind me. The water portal that was in Aeor. Did we go through that? We went through it. Wait, there was no water portal in Aeor. What are you talking about? What am I talking about? The water portal was in that little swamp town that we found. Liam: Some elven ruins, you're talking about? No no no, it was in that swamp town. I'm so sorry, I'm talking about in Mighty Nein. There was a water portal in Mighty Nein too? Uh-huh. What? Yeah, there was. Was there? Walk me through your process. Okay, it was the time we were in... I feel like it was around the time when we were going down into all the different levels. Dani: Oh yes, in Rumblecusp. No, not Rumblecusp. The portal to the Astral Sea in Aeor? Yes, the portal to the Astral Sea in Aeor. Laura: Oh, it was the Astral Sea. That's what I was thinking of. Oh yes, that did open another portal into the Water Plane, and that is how y'all got... Yes, so what they had was specifically a device that could open portals in different... What are you doing? Nothing, I just realized my mouth was hanging open. We're just making silly faces at each other. And I was trying to close my mouth. My immediate anxiety brain was like, are y'all making fun of me? No, I realized I was listening to you like this. No, Dani, you know 10 times more than any of us do. I had TV watching face listening to you and I was trying to correct it. No, you're perfect. So that thing can just open up a portal anywhere? You have to have the key. That's why y'all had to get a key to Cognouza and everything. Okay, okay, okay. But they had a device, essentially, that as long as you had the right passcode, essentially, you could open a portal to any of the different realms. Because we were chasing them through portals. Yes, so he opened a portal to the Water Plane-- What a cool idea. I don't remember it at all. --so that y'all would get screwed. Yeah, I vaguely remember it. It's been some time. I was like, is there a portal connection? No, there's not. Mighty Nein was four years ago now. You're great. Thank you. It's so long ago. I know. That we were finishing that, how wild is that? It's just so long. There's so much that we have of a game, it's hard to remember it all. Are you okay? She did it on purpose, I saw. Okay. It was a leap. Oh my gosh. Don't scare me. We were in a meeting, and Rachel, our marketing lead, she was like, when did you guys start Bells Hells again? And I was like, oh, fall of last year. And someone else was like, no, Marisha. It's been three years. And I was like... Is it weird that Bells Hells still feels new? Time is a flat circle. It does. It kind of does. Yeah, it does. It does. It's weird. It doesn't make sense. Look at this. How did I get to be on the show with the best members of Critical Role? I won't say which two it is. Clearly Omar. And Dani's the other. Aw, you guys. I'm not a member. Member by proxy. That's me, proxy bitch. Proxy witch. Hell yeah. Proxy witch! No, you're a witch. I am in my full witch outfit. Yes, you are. I wore witch for the witches. Hell yeah. And Liam. And also, Liam is here. Who is calling Imogen? That's my mom, right? It's your mom. There's no doubt. (gasps) No, we don't know that. No, because it's lavender hair up above. That's what he said? It was my mom. Yeah, he said it was lavender hair, so it's got to be my mom. Why are you having a face? I don't know. I wonder if it's Rashinna. Did she know? (gasps) That's what I'm saying. Rashinna was the one that said, did she know? We don't know. That's what I'm saying. It's not confirmed. I just assumed it was my mom that said, did she know? Why would Rashinna say, did she know? Because, would I know? Back it up. Did I know that-- Oh, did Lilian know? Liliana? Liliana know? Yes. Yes, witches. The she wasn't Imogen. It was-- I thought-- They walk in there-- Oh no! --and Liliana fucking slaughtered them. Laura: Now I understand why you were saying that! So now Rashinna was like, what the fuck? Did she know? Yes, did Liliana get a warning? Maybe I should ask that other person who looks just like Liliana. We don't know, though. Oh no, I really-- Marisha: Because you could interpret it the other way. You could interpret it a lot of ways. She's like, did she know that they were coming for me? Of course we don't, but be ready for that version of it. Okay, okay. Okay, but wait, wait, wait. At the end of the game, did we clarify if it was... We didn't clarify who it was that was talking? No, he left it open. Oh god, okay. Well, we're going to find out. We're going to find out so soon. And the thing is, you didn't specifically say, hey, something's happening tomorrow. Oh my god. You're like, you should run at some point in your life, soon. If Liliana killed everybody and then she's saying, did she know? Oh no. Oh god, that's why the Volition hates us. What are we going to do? We've got to run. We've got to get off the moon. We got their prisoner back. We could convince them. Like you said. Got the prisoner back. It's possible we could convince them. And then we blew up the digging rig. Yes. You're really good at talking to people. Yes. Yes, you are. So it's possible to navigate, but that could go south. Laura: I need somebody to give me advantage. But also... (trilling) Wait, wait. We sat there and we told Gaz and Rashinna, she was going to fuck your shit up. We are doing so much gesticulating today. We told her that. I'm freaking out. Wait, say that again? We told them, you don't want to fuck with Liliana. She is hyper-powerful. Yeah, which is a card we could play, for sure. We told you. We could work that angle. We said you're going to come in here and get fucking rolled. Oh no, what? No, you're good, I just wanted to contribute to the conversation because I think it's really interesting. Every time Dani pops up, we're like-- I have something to say. --Oh no what did we do? No, it's just because yeah, fully, that's totally a way that you could play it, but also, if you've warned somebody that oh, they're really powerful, and then she fucks your shit up, I can totally see sole survivor of that going, what the fuck did she know? Because then it feels like y'all were gently warning them because you knew that she was going to come at y'all with big guns. Right. Dani: I don't know, I don't know. It's going to come down to persuasion. I could definitely understand-- Otohan has almost destroyed us two times now. Yeah, she murdered me. Right? Yeah. Yeah, she did kill us. I did a die. I did a death. Yeah, she murdered me. Dani: She murdered all three of you. Yeah, me too. Yeah. Oh yeah, she killed us all. She killed three people. It was just for a bit. She did a murder. She did? You. Me. And we brought you back so you could bring-- I died too. Yeah, that's right. You brought me back because I'm so fun. That's right. Okay. You're one of the best members. (gasps) I figured it was. She's one of them? Fuck! Yeah, it's me. It's me. Slap fight, Marisha. (laughing) Give the people what they want. Let's talk about "Daggerheart." (cheering) Oh my goodness. Woohoo, "Daggerheart!" The Menagerie! The Menagerie. Oh, how fun was that? That was so much fun. So fun. Which is funny 'cause we had fully decided another name before we started playing and then-- Well, we still kept it. We did. We just made a tiered system of titles. We can make a few more tiers too. What was it? We're The Menagerie of the Grymm... The GrymmWardens. The GrymmWardens. The GrymmWardens. The GrymmWardens of Lochspire was the name of the world. The land. The land, yeah. I will die for Oppy. Oh, oh. I will. Don't. No, I will. We can... God, these characters were fun. Good name. Good visual description. So great. Did you do Oppy Betaheart, so it would be like open beta? Yeah. Yeah. 'Cause well since we were riffing at the table and then even sort of going through and rewatching our session zero to see what I had said, make sure I get everything down. You had so much. I know, prepared Already. 'Cause you were sitting there and there was just 10 minutes where you're just writing, and then I was like, "Oh, she's got a whole story already." I was just making all that shit up. It was so much. I had nothing. We were rolliesing for our freaking... Yeah. And then afterwards I thought about it, we should have just both been ribbets 'cause we could've been just regular sisters then. Then maybe we could've. No, it's funnier this way. (laughing) But then I think, yeah, no, I know. But I just love the fungril. I love the fungril. The fungril's great. So cute. And what if Sweetpea, maybe Sweetpea was a ribbet and then turned into... Oh, like what if my whole family was actually ribbets? Marisha: Yeah, I don't know. I hadn't thought about that, actually. We're making up new backstory as we go. I thought ribbet came to us as a little tad pole. Swam up into our village. Marisha: It's so cute too, though. "Help me." (laughing) I understand, it could work. I don't know. It could work, it could work. I have ideas. I have ideas for a backstory. But it was also so much of just like, "Well, we'll see what happens." We'll just put this out and show a session zero and then play the game, and I was like, "Wait, but this is fun." "Oh, we get to go at it again, right?" I just love the session zero of a "Daggerheart" game is so fun. Yeah, character creation is awesome. The reception... I think I slept so good that night. (laughs) Dude, yes. Yes. There is so much leading up to it and you're like... It's just whenever you put anything out into the world, and especially because we have so many creatives on board who have been pushing their whole life. Ashley: Pouring their hearts out. Yes, their whole life essence into it. And you're just like, "Please, I hope people like it. Please, people like it." Menagerie aside, the one shot aside, I'm so proud of everyone who's worked on it in every respect from top to bottom, because people have been at it for a long time behind the scenes. We've known about this for ages and there's all that opening night buildup to like, "We're going to show it to the world and to..." It's scary, it's scary to put... It doesn't matter how long we do this, whenever you take something new and put yourself out there and in this case, dozens and dozens of people putting themselves out there. It's scary. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It was good, yeah, I'm stoked. I already want to make other... I just want to make a slew of characters. Me too. I know. With every class, with every species. What are we calling them? We're seeing feedback of people being like, "I've already made 15 characters." Laura: I mean, yeah. Marisha: Which is awesome. I'm just doing Irish Monkeys. (laughing) Laura: Only Irish monkeys? (Irish gibberish) I like to pick an accent and work backwards from there. I usually take a lot longer to come up with a voice. I don't know, I feel like when we create characters for our core campaigns, post Vex, because when we all did our originals, I think we just kind of like... Liam: That was a whim. Yeah, which is I think what made the Menagerie so fun 'cause it turned out to be like... It was a whim character again. Like, "Oh yeah, we're not going to actually play with this probably, but..." Marisha: Yeah, and then you're like... "Oh shit, I really like this really fast character that I created, I want to dive and find out everything about them." Yeah. Yeah, because we were like, "Let's just do this one, we'll see how it goes." And then in the one shot, and it felt like a war room press moment where a young man in a flat cap runs in he is like, "We got the results, everybody loves it!" And I was like, "Aw fuck. Oh God." But Matt left it so open it begged to be played. We got to play that again. I know! Yeah. Also the night before on our decade-old text thread, we're like, " I guess we should probably come up with a name for these guys, because people might like them I guess, right?" Just in case. Just in case. Yeah. Yeah. But I mean it's a bug and a monkey, and a mushroom and a frog so we'll see. Laura: Yeah, that's probably... (laughs) It doesn't make any sense. Think about how long we took to come up with Bells Hells. (laughing) I know. We were just like, "I don't know." So many lists. Yeah, so many lists. Iterations, yeah. Only lists. So that's funny that we were just right before the game. "We're The Menagerie." Another thing that I saw people being like, "I really like 'Daggerheart' because the game calls for a session zero. And I wonder what it would've been like if Bells Hells had done a session zero." And I'm like, "We did." If you all remember, me and you came in together. FCG and Ashton came in together. Obviously the Crown Keepers came in together. We did a whole mini series. Which is why we wanted something like that in "Daggerheart" is because that's something that we already do and like doing and... Yeah, it's kind of codifying what we've just been doing. What we already do. 'Cause so much of what "Daggerheart" was meant to be was us all kind of collectively putting what we want to see out of a tabletop RPG into a game, so... The stuff we gravitate towards. Marisha: Correct, and here's the tools to do it. Bells Hells characters, did we do it at the studio? Our session zeros or did we do it at our houses? We did it at our house, and remember me and you were at your house and then I think Sam and Taliesin did theirs here at the studio. We kind of broke up into pairs. I still remember vividly, my Caleb and Nott session zero. Yeah, I remember our Beau, Jester and Fjord one. Marisha: Beau, Jester and Fjord came in together. So much fun, yeah. Walked through a field of grass and gnolls popped out and went really badly for me. Yeah, because in our session zero we met... Session zero. Did you do it? I did for Mighty Nein but I can't remember. As Yasha? Did you do a solo one as Yasha? Fuck if I know. (laughing) Probably. Yeah. You were still in New York. Yeah. You were right on the Blindspot cusp at that time. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, even with that dog, he's so sleepy. Is there cellophane by his right foot? It is, it looks like... What happened, buddy? Oh, it probably came from the blocks. Oh, it's a sticker. It's a little sticker. Oh, he just moved his tootser in. Should I move to the next section? (laughing) It's a Tower of Inquiry. (laughing) It's time for a question from the Tower of Inquiry. According to legend, when someone pulls a block from the tower and reads its number aloud, a bespeckled lady will read you a question. Bespeckled? Are you bespeckled today? I don't have bespeckles today. Well, shit. And if for whatever reason the tower should fall, there will be terrible consequences for the person responsible. Liam! Is it a good brick or bad brick? All right. I'm not to brick at all. Okay. Are you a good witch or a bad witch? Or a bad witch? Oh, I'm not a witch at all. (humming) That's easy. Easy peasy middle. Oh, happy St. Patrick's Day. That is 14. 14. 14. 14. All righty. From Knight of Rohan. Nice. Yeah. "If Bell's Hells met The Menagerie, which members would they get along with the most?" Oh my gosh. If Bells Hells-- We would get along with Zerxus, I bet. Oh my goodness. That's Travis' character, right? No, Kexon, Kexon. Marisha: Yeah. Zerxus was Luis' Calamity character. Oh. (laughing) What's yours? Xarlow. Xarlow. I feel like Fearne would fall in love with Bunnie. Yeah! Oh my gosh. I feel like it'd be like, "What girl? All of it, yes, yes, yes." "Just working it." Working it, just into it. Both fawns fawning over each other. Yes. I also feel like Fearne would love Sweetpea (gasps) because give me a break. Yeah. Oh my gosh, but you'd try to catch her and like... Be like, "Just one small bite." "You just hang out in my pocket." "Could I just have a small bite? Just a little nibblet off the top." You'd see endless fencing with Orym and a turtle. Oh my gosh, yes. Yes. That's great, yeah. I think Laudna would be obsessed with Oppy. Yeah. Who wouldn't be obsessed? You have to meet Pâté. And then go stay in the birdhouse. Grab them and shove them in with all your other puppets. I would. "You're coming with me!" "Oh, well all right." "Oh, okay." (laughing) "Oh." Still figuring out the voice. Just a tongue. Yeah. One of my favorite moments was you were just hanging from a tree. You described how you were slowly sliding down. Oh, it was so good. Oh yeah. Just a slimy Oppy. Readjust. I forgot about that. "Shit, I'm so slimy." (laughing) Ashley, speaking of slimy. Yeah? Go... Okay. (laughing) Speaking of your slimy face. Oppy getting the staff, getting your staff going... (puffing) (laughing) Oh, sorry. Sorry, Omar. Omar was like, "Why, I was napping?" What do I want to do? Do I want to do a tough one? Yeah. So sleepy. Do it, do it, do it. (gasps) Laura: Oh my gosh, if you knocked it over that fast. Did you see that wiggle? That made me scared! Oh no. 39. 39. Oh, he's ready. He's done, I was bothering him 39. Oh, buddy. Do you want to come sit in my lap? "No, get me down, mama." Here he comes. I don't like it. Oh doi. Stepping away, stepping away, stepping away. From Frangus_, "Matt has alluded to an underwater society on Exandria before with possibly more hidden. What would be your dream hidden society to visit in a campaign?" In any campaign? In a campaign. (laughing) A campaign, in one of our campaigns? No. Or any campaign? Well, just because we were talking about "Daggerheart" and Lochspire, we've got to figure out what this chaos dog is about, tied to the mountain. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. It's not really a hidden location. That's some dumb shit Sam said. But it's so good. Sabubi, I would like to get a look at Sabubi. At Sabubi. Sabubi. After the seep. (laughing) I want to go to the underwater mermaid world. I do too. So bad. There are probably even more creatures and things that are in the world that we could... Right? Also add to, because what if you want to be a mermaid? Yeah. In Daggerheart, but I guess you could only be in the water. I don't know how that would work. Maybe it'd be like "Splash." You come out of the water, you grow some legs. No, that's not "Splash," "Splash" kept a fin, didn't she? That's a old movie. That's "H2O." She had legs in "Splash." Did she ever get legs? Was that Daryl Hannah? Daryl Hannah, yeah. Oh, I love that movie. Yeah, she got... Once she dried out. Yeah, she would get legs, but then if she got any water on her, she would have the fin again. Because I just very vividly remember Darryl Hannah huddling under a tunnel while it rained. It was very intense for me as a little girl who loved mermaids. So pretty, their orange tail. Did you guys ever watch "H2O?" What is "H2O?" Halloween? Isn't it a mermaid thing? What? Hold on. Dani: I don't know that one, sorry, goodbye. Oh, I would have you pull, Marisha, but there's an Omar in your lap. So thank you, Knight of Rohan and Frangus_. If you have a question for our Tower of Inquiry, you can enter it at critrole.com/tower. It's, what? No, go ahead. No, I was just going to move on to the next block. I'm "Johnny Comelately" with my answer to that question, and it's not exactly the right answers, but there's things in Exandria. Tell us about "H2O." (laughing) Yeah, this is what's important, Liam, so be quiet. Yep. (laughing) I'm kidding. This is "H2O." Oh wait, no, that was an addition. "Just Add Water." Laura: What? That's a clothing store. Which is kind of a weird thing to say. Just Add Water, isn't that the bathing suit store? Marisha: Bathing suits, yeah. "Aquamarine," not "H2O." "H2O" was the sequel. "Aquamarine" with Emma Roberts. Dani: Yes, I have seen "Aquamarine." And JoJo. What? JoJo Siwa? (laughs) And Sara Paxton, yeah. What? No, really? Yes. It's so good. It was a Disney Channel It can't be that long ago if JoJo... Not that long ago, but like... JoJo Siwa? Who else is in "Aquamarine?" No, not JoJo Siwa. (laughing) JoJo... Dani: I don't think, I don't remember. I watched it a really long time ago, I was like 17 or something. Okay. I don't remember. I'm really old now, guys, I don't know who I am. Who am I? Where am I? Wait, what did you want to say? What were you going to say? (laughing) Exandria. The chaos. I think I'd like to see where the Chained Oblivion lives. His spoopy dimension. All the bad ones, all the scary ones. Scary ones. Creepies. And I'd like to see more. I would like to somehow have us go back to the Folding Halls of Halas and continue to explore. There was so much more to explore, but it was also so dangerous to explore. Yes. That's my Roman empire. I think about the Folding Halls of Halas a lot. It's just a great idea. What all was there. I know. And the Shattered Teeth, I feel like we have barely scratched the surface. Well we have, we've only been to what, two islands? Yeah, and there's 50. And barely. Or 40 or something. Laura: Yeah, they're always shifting. I know. My Roman Empire is the Roman Empire. I'm such a himbo, you guys. I think about the Roman Empire. I literally actually think about it a lot. How often in a week? Like literally probably once a day. Laura: Really? But also I watch so many history docs. You do, you watch a lot of documentaries. I do, I love history docs. If Everybody has not seen "Alexander The Great," it's a great doc. It's a series where they have acting in it, which is kind of a little weird. But then they also have the... Like "Unsolved Mysteries?" Like "Unsolved Mysteries?" "Unsolved Mysteries" is the shit! And it's back, baby. Is it really? Yeah, they're doing new episodes on Netflix. Are they going to bring back "Forensic Files?" JoJo is the "You're just a little too late." (singing) I don't know what you're talking about. "Little Too Late?" No. This episode is wild. (laughing) It really got my ADHD on display right now. (laughing) ADHD. (laughing) It's time to slide into Deep Dive. Dani, wherever you are. Can we get those tankard questions? Oh shit! Oh my goodness. Yeah, okay. (laughing) So once she brings in the tankards, we're going to go around. Yeah, coming. No, take your time! They're coming. It's no rush. We're going to go around the circle and take turns pulling some questions. Liam: Here you go. If you haven't watched this show before, that's how it works. There's questions in these. Thanks. You're welcome. Ashley, you're going to go first. (yelling) This is just the most beautiful. I love it. Getting so much use out of that crash pad. (chuckling) Okay. Ooh, please give us an interesting and unknown fact about Oppy of the Menagerie. Oh, cute! Okay, so still sort of working with some stuff with Oppy. I have an idea that I still have to talk to Matt about. I kind of talked to you about. You told me about it. Oh, you can't, no, you can't say it, it's just too much. Just in case. But I do have an idea, but also maybe something that I can put out there. The way I am hoping, I feel like Oppy's staff, little cigarillo, the little vape. I feel like I want to eventually find out who that belonged to and who just threw it away in the river because it is magical. "Don't litter!" Yeah. (laughing) "Hey, quit it, litter bug." I feel like, I mean it is magical. Right. So it had to have belonged to somebody. What if Oppy's just that magic and he just doesn't know it. Yeah. You know, it's one of those things, is it the staff, or is it Oppy? Smoke. Ashley: Yeah. That they just threw it off when he or she was finished with it. "I'm all good." You know. I don't know, I feel like, trying to figure out the backstory with the cigarillo. That's not really, I really didn't give anything interesting like that. Marisha: We've only played these characters once. It might take a minute. Yeah, I think that's pretty good. But there is some stuff I'm toying around with that I'm very excited about. Laura: Yeah. Liam. Okay. Okay, what's this one? This one says, oh, "Please give us one interesting and unknown fact about Xarlo of the Menagerie!" I think Xarlo, we haven't had a chance to flesh this out yet, but I think that he likes to place dogs with new owners. I think that he gets attached, acutely attached to dogs for a certain amount of time, but he can't keep all the dogs, so he helps place them with families, so I think by the time we get back to Xarlo, he might not have those dogs, he might have a different dog. He fosters dogs out? He's a foster dad? I think he's kind of a den mother, I see Xarlo as probably cooking for this group, and putting Band-Aids on their scuffed knees, and making sure everyone's okay. That was also one of those things that I just tossed out, and I was like "Why do you still have those dogs?" And you just yes and-ed me like a pro, and then the dogs were with us. It's in. That you just stole some dogs. "Marisha, why did Laudna choose to sacrifice the Willmaster to Delilah, and why is she keeping this from Bells Hells?" Why haven't you told us? What do you know? (roars) I don't know. I don't know! I don't know. You were possessed in the moment by Delilah? Yeah, I think... Because like... (sobs) Because Imogen was like "Are you lying to me?" And like Laudna is full, and then Travis is also being like "This bitch be lying," but I think Laudna in her head is like, she is not. She doesn't really know what's going on, she's not trying to hide it, maybe she's a little in denial. I might be a little in denial. So I think she's like "What? I didn't do anything." Because I think she's just not sure, but she does know that she's like "Well, if Delilah, this bitch, has the opportunity to make me more powerful for the fight ahead, then I wanna like..." You know. And I've been talking to Matt, and I was like "I don't know what's going on," and he was like "Mm..." But he did say, he was like "I will say you're close to..." Ashley: The edge. The edge of like-- I'm on the edge. Oh my gosh. So... Me as Marisha, I wanna see what happens. I wanna see what happens, 'cause I wanna be more powerful. You need a gem just like FCG, we gotta know when you're gonna go off. You're gonna go full Ghostbusters on us before we leave the moon? I don't know. No, not before we leave the moon. But you've gotten cool powerful stuff, you've gotten cool power stuff, you've gotten cool powerful stuff, and so Laudna's kinda like... You got some cool powerful stuff. Yeah, but like new stuff. New boosts that aren't like leveling up. Like outside stuffs. Yeah. Yeah. I want stuff. Ashley: Yeah. Time to get some stuffs. Yeah. Ashley: We got stuffs. I barely have any stuffs. Pssh, you have so much stuffs! "Barely any stuffs." But I got some magics 'cause I have no magics. Do you not think my brain isn't going into Caleb mode under the surface the entire time, going like "I used to be able to pull the sky down and fold reality on itself." Now I'm like- Now I gotta stick it with the pointy end. We watched you do like 80 backflips. You can action surge, just like move move move, move move move move. You do like 25 things a turn it feels like. How's he doing all this? I'm enjoying it, but I miss the, what's that? Nothing. I just miss the reality bending. I miss bending reality to my will. (chuckling) This is for both of us. Oh! "What has it been like for Fearne and Imogen to experience being Ruidusborn on Ruidus itself?" The flares. The flares. Flares have been pretty cool. The floaties and the... Yeah. And also that ability that we're gonna lose as soon as we get off the moon, where we can share sorcery points and spells. Only at the moon. We haven't even used it yet! We didn't? Didn't we do it one time? Liam: You better do it. Don't fritter it away. I think you gave, no, we keep forgetting to use it! I will try not to forget next time we play. I also just wanna suck it out of somebody else. Oh, that's right, because you can do that, right? You can like... Maybe. Maybe it'll come down to it, I don't know. I mean, it's really... Yeah, it's cool. I mean, I feel like we haven't fully seen... I just still have so many questions. Yeah. You know, Matt has gotten really good at crafting names now, so that we can't twist them, but "Thought Eater" really flew under his radar. (laughter) I just got that, so, flew under my radar as well. And now it will never go away. Yeah, but I don't think that the sharing of spells and stuff like that is for the Reilorans, I don't think you can do it with the Reilorans, I think it has to be like other, yeah. 'Cause when we like open up our minds, we don't connect to Reilorans, we only connect to people from Exandria. What's that mean? So you're a Ruidusborn, so you've got these powers, you're obviously a very focused dose of Ruidus stuff, whatever that is, so are you just sharing the same stuff that the Reilorans have? Or is it like maybe, is it like part of Predathos-- Difference between-- I think, I don't know, I don't know. Like, did Predathos send, is that how he's getting, like gods can send miracles basically, or blessings through the Divine Gate, still, right? Is that the way Predathos is getting himself or herself through is... Well Predathos is in a mini gate, too, we've kind of hypothesized, right? Yeah. But the flares, is that the only way that he's, when he sends energy out like that, so is part of his energy, or soul, like within the Ruidusborn? Gosh. Yeah, is that like the interchange of faith between god and faithful, except close proximity? Also, 'cause you just said something... Refresh me, did we get a little pronoun drop on Predathos? Didn't someone say "she"? I feel like somebody said "she." And we were all like "Oh." Liam: Yeah, I think somebody did. What if Predathos is like the mother of the gods? I mean... Yeah. Mama bear? Mama bear. And the gods like outgrew her and didn't want it anymore. Shamed her and outcast her and painted her to be awful, and a god eater, and a witch. That's what happens to parents. Oh, don't say that. I'm gonna go to the next question! Maybe she didn't eat them, maybe she reverse birthed them! Ooh, I mean she's a god, who knows? Isn't that in American Gods? Oh, really? They can suck 'em back in? Did the biggest Kegel you ever saw? It's a thing. I was gonna add to that, but why would I do that? Liam: Get back in there! Okay. "Fearne saw Sorrowlord Zathuda, but didn't get a chance to talk to him. Does she wish she had? How does she feel about Ira saying that Zathuda was disappointed with her?" Okay. Me, Ashley, I wish I had a chance to talk to him, just because I want to get to know more, and see what that's about. I think as Fearne, and also being disguised, I had enough sort of... I think with Fearne it was like "I know I need to shut the fuck up in this situation, or I'm gonna fuck everything up." So... What a growth for Fearne. I know! So, I was just like "I'm not gonna meddle, we're gonna go with this mission, and I'm not gonna just be like, you know, throw a little chaos bit in the middle of it." I was impressed during that whole demolition, like... I was a good girl. You were! You weren't like really, you weren't pushing the buttons that I feel like you normally would've. No, because I was just like, it's... We need to not fuck this up. We need to not fuck this up, and, I think it's also, there's so many other lives that we're almost responsible for right now. So it's like, this isn't a time for fun time Fearne, it's like "Okay, we're getting down to business here, because it's like, this isn't just funsies." Like, going around and meeting all the people in Ruidous, in all the different towns, it's like, "Oh, so many people are affected by what's happened and kind of what our lives are in Exandria, and kind of how not great some of their lives are." That's such a huge thing for Fearne. I mean, you know, we get there. Ira saying Zathuda was disappointed, I actually thought that was really funny. And I feel like... Oh that's right, he was being a little dick. He was being a little bitchy, but I think that Fearne understands that type of behavior, because they're both fey, and they're both used to just that kind of like... Jabbing and pushing buttons? Yeah. So I think... Yeah, at least that's how I'm feeling about it right now. We'll see. We'll see. Unless, yeah, I think it's just like a "Ha ha ha, that's funny." I love that you didn't give him anything back on that, it was just like "Whatever you're after is not happening right now." Yeah, I was just like "What are we supposed to do? What's the mission here? Like don't be all fey with me." Take the stage for a second, I'm gonna get some water. Go get water! Clear your throat. Enjoy the dive. Oh no! Bye. Save yourself. What if I ask... What if I just start answering Liam's questions? He was holding in a cough, his little eyes were watering. I know. Don't you hate that when you're like "I gotta suck it in." Second that door closes he's gonna be like (imitates hacking). Marisha: Yeah, we'll hear it. Uh-huh? (laughter) Poor Liam. "How does Laudna feel about Liliana? Does she see any hope for her or does she want Imogen to let her go?" I don't think that Laudna wants Imogen to let her go... But... I don't know, I mean I kinda said it in the game, I think it's hard for Laudna because she's like "But bitch, you left." Right. Like, "You left, and then you haven't really, I don't know, you could be... Even just a little bit more clear with some of your answers, like you owe that to your daughter that you just kind of abandoned." But also, Marisha gets it, and is like, "Who knows what happened, and she might be trying to make choices to protect Imogen out of love, and clearly there's still love and concern there, and is trying to throw up these walls and these boundaries." You know, I think there are so many instances of that in real life, where parents have to be the bad guy in order to protect their kids, and to keep them from getting involved in shit that maybe they got sucked into, so I think I get it, but it is, I mean it's a complicated relationship. It is. It is. It would be so much easier if it was cut and dry and she was bad. Marisha: Yeah. You know? I don't think she is. Laura: But I don't think she is. Marisha: No, I don't think she is, no. But I hate just writing her off and being like "Welp, if we have to let her die, then we gotta let her die." 'Cause in my heart, in my brain, I still feel like we can save her. It still feels, I dunno, still feels like there's an opportunity, and the thing that I do think, I might have mentioned this, that I do actually, I'm like "Mm, there's some interesting points there with her being like 'I need to be here because I am keeping Ludinus from flying off the handle even more than what he already is.'" And so you're like... But then it's like those are excuses, too. How much more would you be able to stop him if you left, and fought him? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But maybe she sees how powerful he is from the inside and knows it's just like us warning the Volition, right? "You don't understand what you're up against, you will be wiped out if you try to go against Liliana." They still went. She's warning us, "You don't know what you're up against, he will wipe you out." And we're still fucking going. Going anyway, yeah. Laura: We're single-minded. It could be right, it could also be all the thousand little lies she tells herself to keep her worldview in one piece. Laura: Totally. But she's probably right. I mean, it does feel like those people, we've mentioned this in-game, it does feel like those people who get sucked into cults, and at a certain point, the pull is strong, and I think you have to reach a point where you feel like you're past the point of return, so you're just like... "This is just life now." Marisha: Yeah. Can't, "I don't know how to get out." Do you damn, do you cast that light on all your past decisions and choices or do you go all-in with your chips and justify everything, so that you don't look backward and go... "What the fuck was it all for?" Wasted. It's like, what are you supposed to do when everybody feels like they're right? What is...? That's something I wonder about with what releasing Predathos means, like I've decided Orym's viewpoint is, there's no way... Their opening gambit was murdering people with no cause, so that's his viewpoint on it, and he knows everything that happened with Vox Machina, and that sort of uncontrollable destruction that comes with the kind of stuff that's going on. There's another layer going on. "Laura, this isn't a question. Happy belated April Fools' Day. Go pull another block from the Tower of Inquiry." And then I unfolded it. "Hi Laura, this is Kyle. Disregard the above non-question. It was Max's idea and it was terrible." (laughter) Wait, is there a third one? No, he just folded it up so that I would see it. Disregard, disregard. (indistinct) there's more, yeah. Oh, no, there is more? Oh my god, "This is Max Schapiro again. Disregard the above order from Kyle. You must pull another block. Do not listen to Kyle, do not believe his lies." "Hi Laura, Kyle again. Disregard that order to disregard my order for you to disregard. Max Schapiro has been fired. April Fools' Day is a fake holiday, apologies for the inconvenience. Please tear up this piece of paper and continue on as if you never read any of it." Oops. "Sincerest apologies." I can't rip it. "April Fools is a fake holiday" is my favorite addendum. I like that Kyle's like "No, there's more, keep reading." (laughter) "What does Imogen think," well, "of the Volition and their desire," well, "and their desire to assassinate Liliana?" We kinda covered this. "Does she regret not going with them or is she glad she stayed away?" I'm still struggling. I'm still struggling, I feel like... (sighs) I can't tell you how much I struggled in-game to not send a message to Liliana while we were going after... Everona? Evoroa? Yeah, Evororororoa. Yeah, I wanted to send her, so annoying. We are so annoying. So annoying. What are you talking about? I've never been accused of being annoying on the show. (laughter) Yeah, that's right, I read your comments! (laughter) Still here! Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Yeah, I don't, fuck. I don't know. Yes you do. Like if I'd have sent her a warning, if I'd have gone, would I have saved everybody's life in that moment? If I had gone, would I have saved Gaz's life, and kept Liliana from exploding? If you wouldn't have gone, I still feel like you would've been at risk of pissing somebody off. One side or the other. 100%. Yeah. I think if-- Oh, God. But I think that's one of those situations that you would not know what you do until you were in it. In it, yeah. If I had gone, would the whole group have come with me? Yes. You all would've come with me? I mean, well, I probably would have. Yeah. If you had gone on that mission-- To the dark side? Would we still have split the party? No, I mean, we were trying to get in good with the Volition. Yeah. So we really just needed to do right by one. I mean, Orym would've followed you there. I think Orym understands how delicate and important a piece to this whole puzzle is. And I think Orym believes that Mom still has love for her daughter there. And that it could be reached, but knows how thorny a path that is. Fuck. Yeah, and if we had gone to her, there's no way the Volition would trust us ever. We would've lost that time. Oh, yeah. That was an instant deal breaker. Yeah. Laura: And we need the Volition. We need the Volition. But if I'd gone, would we have been able to get Lillian on our side? I don't think so. I wonder what the plan was for Matt if you had have gone. I know, he-- Or what that part of the mission would've been like, if that would've changed a lot of things. I'm sure he-- Oh God, I wish I would know. I know. I wish we could Sliding Doors it and be like, well, what if we did that one? What would've happened? We tried it in rehearsals. We decided that wasn't the best. So we did the rewrite. Marisha: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it just didn't-- Oh, God. Back to the writers. Now I'm so in my head about, I didn't even realize it was Rashinna that-- Me neither, actually Might not be. Liam: Yeah, it might not be. We don't know. God, but it probably was. That makes so much more sense. But Dani, didn't he say purple hair floating around? It's definitely Liliana in the sky. Liliana in the sky. She exploded. Liliana screamed. Yeah, Liliana killed a mess of people and Supermaned into the air. And then Rashinna went, how did she know we were coming? Or Liliana. Or Liliana. And there's this psychic flare that we heard in both our heads. Yes. Matt said that was Liliana, the scream. Your hands are so cold. Are they? Yeah. Yeah. Warm me up, beebee. It could have been your mom saying, did my daughter know that people were coming to kill me? So both are kind of-- Easily could have been that, yeah. I was presenting another theory. And Matt's a little stinker and didn't say who it was. That little stinker. (laughs) Yeah, no, the scream that you heard was definitely Liliana. She's in the sky. Yeah. And then you heard another voice, but it's not been clear yet which voice it was. If I had, 'cause I asked Matt, do I see the music call? When we were on our way and he said no. If I'd have seen it-- You might've gone. I might've split. I might've left our group. Oh! Branching timelines. And then it was destroyed, right? They said that it was- Yeah, now it's-- Busted out of the shield. Busted out of the top. Who all died? Did she just blow up in a flare of psychic energy? Like when we were- Liam: She did a little Zathkira nuke. Yeah, and all of the new recruits are also dead. Did she just (exclaims) everything? Marisha: I don't know. (screams) Next question. You missed one. Oh. Oh, that's right. It's true, you did. Okay. Sometimes I pay attention. You be the host. Nah. (laughs) Orym apologized to Imogen after she spoke to her mother. Where is Orym's head regarding the assassination attempt and Imogen's effort to reach out to Liliana? I think I just answered that question. I think that he thinks that there's a one in 20 chance that Imogen could get through to her mom and knows how important it would be for her. But that's such a personal choice. I don't know. I think depends on what's going on around us. I think he would back that decision and go along. You might have to change plans in the moment as things go south. But he wants that for her 'cause he had a real happy childhood and great parents and wishes that his friend had that as well. Which okay, I wanna talk about that for two seconds. Because most tabletop characters, at least that I make, parents are dead or they're an orphan. (laughs) I have a greater destiny! Who am I? What made you decide I'm gonna have a happy family? I'm gonna have a happy life. Well, he doesn't know his biological father. Ashley: Fair. But he still had a very, very happy life. I wanted to do the opposite of things I'd done before. We decided together that mom was gone. And we all know what happened with Caleb's parents. (laughs) What. What? (laughs) They got a timeshare in Florida and are great. Um. For Caleb and for Orym, there are things that I either wanted to explore or things that I needed in my life at the time. And Orym both, I wanted aspects of of him that I really loved and felt love for and felt really happy. And I wanted to think about a family that everyone loved each other. And then he's also, everything is so hard, but he doesn't ultimately lose his heart or his intention to do right and do good and is not letting the world scrape him down to nothing. And I'm doing that because I feel like I need that to set that example for myself 'cause 2024 is so fucking crazy. What do you mean? (laughs) Yeah. Should I pick one? Yeah! We do three rounds. We've done two rounds. Done two. Okay, there's two questions. Let me see what we got since this is the last one. Make sure I didn't already answer it. Oh no, there's-- Have you answered two already? Yeah, I did. Okay. Okay. Answer this one because I have questions about it. What was it like for Fearne to work with Ira? How does she feel about him and why does she think he saved her with the Wall of Force? So Dani and I were discussing this because part of me, it's like, oh, he saved her. But the other part is we're serving her up on a platter. Yeah. Yeah, dude. Nothing happened, but it was very questionable, which everything Ira does is. I think he was saving her. I don't know. I think Ira saved her. I think he's very interested in you and I don't think it's-- He doesn't like the Sorrowlord. Why would he give you to him? Oh, that's a good point. Unless he's in with the Sorrowlord. But why did he save her? Because he loves Nana Morri. He wants, yeah. I think it's-- He doesn't want Nana Morri on his bad side. Ashley: He doesn't want Nana Morri on his bad side 'cause if Nana Morri is on your bad side-- Or is it because you're super cool, but you don't know it yet? He might just genuinely-- That's probably why. See, with the talk that I had with him with the disappointed stuff and that kind of stuff. I take that as a weird way of I like you. Marisha: Yeah. Because we can both poke at each other. Dani: He was negging you. Yes, exactly. It was full negging. Yes. He wanted told you to be like, well, no. What do you mean? Yeah. I was like, don't be a bitch. Let's just talk this out. Um. Interesting, let me think about that. He doesn't like the Sorrowlord. Say again? Your hair is very fey-- It's a little out of control. I was, we were looking at-- You've got like Artagan-- I know, those wings. I cut the bangs and they're-- Did you cut 'em yourself? Good job. Well-- You look good. Bethany cut it. And then I was like... And then I'm gonna go in. (laughs) And then you're like, uh-oh. Uh-oh. (laughs) It's getting worse. (laughs) It's just when they get to that and I feel like I'm just gonna fly away. Or it's like the nun cap, the Sally Field. (laughs) (exclaims) Wait, we went around three times? Marisha: No, that was the start of three, so one more. Oh, 'cause I started. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I made you start. What's this one say? This one says, why has Orym pushed Imogen forward as the leader of Bells Hells? Why did Orym choose Imogen? Because you knew I had good stats for negotiating. Liam: No, because I-- (laughs) You have the highest. That's not why. You go. That's not why because, well, partially it's 'cause I know that you are very clever, but also he does look at you as the leader. Yeah, you kind of are though. He does. Yeah. Marsha: So much of all the-- You're really good in those situations And so much of all this Ruidus and what we're doing, I feel like you're so centered at it too. Yeah, Orym can step up as needed. But I think that it only comes in bursts and he sees you as while you're troubled, you are intelligent and are able to read people really well. And so-- Not according to those rolls. Yeah. I'm not talking about the dice and the stats. I'm talking about the role play. So why not? Why shouldn't the little guy push her forward? Why shouldn't she be the leader? Plus Orym is the only other real potential candidate. Maybe Chet. But Chet is a wild card. Yeah, Chet is a wild card. If he wasn't so unpredictable, he'd be great. Yeah. Fearne also unpredictable. Ashton unpredictable. Well, also Ashton is real bad at talking to people. Laura: He's terrible. And they step up all the time to talk to people. Marisha: I know. Roll really bad. Yeah. Which is great on Taliesin's part. I love that aspect of really wanting to be the speaker, thinking that you're gonna figure out a way to do it. And just every time just not working. Ashley: He knows what his stats are. Yeah, oh, yeah. He knows it's a negative two when he rolls for it. Funny for the character. Yeah. Yeah. Just because you're bad at talking doesn't mean-- I feel like that's a weird tabletop RPG misnomer of if your stats are bad, then why try it? You're the best at this, so you do that. You don't know your stats are bad. Marisha: Yeah. That's boring. That's boring. Yeah. I think just you in general, you're so good at negotiations, getting into those situations and all the campaigns and being like, I know how to talk to the person in charge. Marisha: Vex remains. Vex remains. Haggle, bitch. Haggle. Haggle! Liam: Not role playing. (laughs) No. That's what Matt always looks at me when I try to get things done. He is like, no. (laughs) Not falling for it. (laughs) This is also the woman in your Signal Boost episode way back when where you were like, here's how you haggle at thrift stores. It's a flea market. The flea market. That's right! It is a flea market culture thing. Laura: Yeah, yeah. They were very good tips. She is really good at it. Going to flea markets with you, I always get so, I feel like we've talked about this before, but I always get so nervous. I'm like, take my money, whatever you want. I will give you the money as it says because I feel terrible and I'll maybe give you more because I'm a people pleaser. And you'll be like, that's all I have. No. This is what I have. I would never go this isn't worth this, ever. No, you don't do that. Ever, ever. You don't insult. No. It's just I really like this, but all I have is this much. They wanna make a deal too. You wanna get out? You wanna get this shit out there. I hate it. Don't come for me people that sell at flea markets. I'm sorry. No, no. You're really nice about it. You're not an asshole about it. Everybody makes a deal. Yeah! Like you said, flea market culture. Laura and Marisha. Oh. Oh. How are Imogen and Laudna feeling after their discussion about their relationship? (laughs) It's complicated. I love it. Yeah. Are you lying? I love it too. Yeah, yeah. Are you lying to me? Woo, that was stressful. Yeah. I didn't know. I didn't know where it was gonna go. I thought maybe you were gonna be like, let's just not right now. Let's just call it quitsies because it could have gone both ways in that conversation. I still feel like it's tenuous. Yeah, but we also haven't had any chance to talk. And also Laudna has this dumb ass idea that she's holding Imogen back, which is so stupid. Hey, how many great relationships have ended in insecurities and other persons feeling like they're a burden? Laudna definitely struggles with feeling like a burden just in general. And a literal, I mean, I've said this before too. Said this to you, I'm a literal dead end, you know? So it's hard. And at a certain point, you're either gonna get past that or you're not. Right. Will she grow: Will you believe in yourself? I know. Yeah. She's starting to believe. (laughs) I don't know. I don't think Imogen sees it that way. Yeah. Yeah. Clearly, which is great. It was very, I was like, she loves me. She really does love me. It was very sweet. But yeah, I don't know. It's good, it's good. It's juicy character shit. Laura: Yeah. Liam: Thanks to Delilah. Oh my God! Don't mind me. Delilah stuff is gonna have to come to a head. It 100% will. Yeah, and I don't know what it's gonna turn into. I know, I know. (laughs) We keep saying villain arc, you know? Yeah. And I mean, I don't know which one of us is gonna be the first. Is gonna go first. Yeah. Can we un-undead you somehow? I know, that's what I keep thinking. There's gotta be a way. What if? I don't think it's a dead end. Yeah. If we don't, how long do you go on, forever? Is this your third character who goes on forever? I kind of think so. Well, I think they have a similar timeless body situation. Wait, does Beauregard live forever? Yeah, Beau is-- Well, for a long, long, long, long time. But she keeps it tight. (laughs) Yeah, Beau has... Beau's going to outlive Yasha. It's not an age thing. She just looks hot for years. She just looks hot for years. She still has human years, but she basically stops aging. Lucky bitch. I know, I know. But she still might die when she's 90, but she's just going to look really hot. Give me that hair. Are you gonna cast a spell? No, I'm gonna Gattaca it. Remember in Gattaca? Marisha: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. (laughs) You've never seen the movie Gattaca? It's so good! Gattaca. Oh! I'm gonna eat it. Liam, you-- (exclaims) Gross! 'Dis a Marisha hair. (laughs) Also if we kill Delilah, Laudna, unless we find a way to break that connection in a way that is outside of-- Yes. If you kill Delilah, then you kill Laudna. Yeah. I'm pretty certain. But the only reason that y'all know that y'all believe that if you kill Delilah, you kill Laudna is from whom? Delilah? That's true. Maybe she's lying. She's lying! Yeah, she could be lying. You had power before Delilah and she acts like all your power comes from her. Yeah. Do you know? I don't. You don't. I genuinely don't. I have no idea. Oh my God. Do you know, buddy? Laura: There's more questions. Are you a corglock? You're a multiclassing Corgi warlock. What was going through Imogen's mind as she attempted to reach her mother in the dream? How does she feel knowing her mother survived the assassination? I kind of talked about this a little bit too. Marisha: Draw another one. I have one left. Please, oh. Please give us an interesting and unknown fact about Sweetpea. Yeah! Sweetpea! Sweetpea. Hold on, let me think. Um. Okay, you guys, I feel like Travis has been trying on my glasses at home because these used to fit me and now they are so wide that if I lean forward-- Liam: Why would you? I feel like mine do that too over time- Really? They're so loose! Well these are fairly new, but, I mean... It's annoying. I'm waiting for your phone to start ringing. I need one of those old lady things where it, like... The little chains? Yeah. Marisha: Those are cute. Those are cute. We should bring those back. A fact about Sweetpea, I don't know what we've said in-game, I can't remember. Liam: What's her dark secret? Her dark secret. She's actually 50 years old. (laughs) That true? No, I don't know. I mean, for a Fungril, that could be nothing. Oh, no, I can't say that. 'Cause I have something, but I don't wanna give it away already. I know, it's hard 'cause they're still pretty new. It's one game! Only one game, so it's like I don't wanna give anything away. Any design inspo? Ashley: Ooh, yeah. I was inspired by, I wish I knew what the style of clothing was called. It's like that, the really loose-fitting adorable clothes that you see a lot in Japan. You know? Where everything's really flowy and I always dream of dressing like that anyway, all the time. You should. Why not? You would rock that. You would rock that. But there was something you did kinda similar for Jester, for a live show, right? Marisha: Yes. You kinda... Kinda, I'm kind of like I just love that style, so I keep going back to it, but my original original inspiration for Jester was also that, it just didn't end up there. But, do you guys remember that picture that I sent to you of that sheep herder? Who was walking, and he was in these really flowy clothes? Yes. You were like "This is an inspo for a vibe." That's what I'm thinking, and she ended up nothing like that, but yeah, so that's kind of what I was thinking. Character creation, guys. I love the little eyelet with the ribbon through the eyelet. Yeah. It started out like, I think what I described in session zero was just like flowy, pretty, high waist sort of thing, but then as soon as I started looking at clothes, I was like "Ooh! I like this kind of dark academia thing as well." So I gave her an oversized cardigan, and I wish I would've given her glasses! I just like big glasses. Maybe she can get some in the... If I went back now, I would give her glasses. Aw. We can add that. Laura: Yeah, why not? What'd you guys have for inspo, for Menagerie? Menagerie? I mean, I... Like did you think about it pre-session zero, or were you like "Let's just see what happens at the table?" So I had spun up kind of a different, not the same version of Bunnie for another just behind closed doors play test that we did, we were in- We did earlier versions of our characters. And I was like "That's cool, I might do a spin on this," 'cause it was a bard character, and I'd wanted to do, I've had this idea for a dancer bard for a decade, for forever, back when we were still playing Pathfinder. Oh, shit. What? Yeah, and I've always wanted to do it, and it just never made sense. So it was like "Okay, cool." And Daggerheart has the flexibility to make it feel more what I wanted it to be. So I was like "Cool, I wanna do that." 'Cause that has been rattling around in the back of my brain, but then design-wise, of course a lot of the classic burlesque dancers, but then, I pulled a ton of images from Sin City. Oh, yes! And so it was very much, I sent over Shaun Ellis, who did our art for that, three stills from Sin City, 'cause like, remember Jessica Alba in that movie? She's so fucking hot! Ugh. Yes, I do remember. She had a little bit more of the cowgirl thing going on, she had like the fringe. Does a striptease routine when they walk in there? Marisha: Yeah, she's got the rope, and... That movie, so good. It's good. So anyhow. I did an Irish accent. Which I love, I've been begging you for so long to do an Irish character. I wanted to do something that was just a lot more relaxed and happy go lucky, and I've been wanting to do a stint with Irish, and I thought it was my time to play the healer, I know it's our own new game system, but I've always had it in my mind that I would play a rogue and a wizard and a fighter and a healer. Now it's time for the healer. And I just like this feckin' accent, so. So great. Such a good feckin' accent. You and Laura are both really good at Irish. Oh, no, I'm really not. You are, yes you are! You are. What I think is that you maybe weren't a few years ago, but in the past it has gelled real well. Really? Well if we come back to Darrington Brigade, I'll actually be able to talk. Farriwen Breeze. Farriwen Breeze. And also, when you say you're not good at it, that is still two miles above where most people can do accents, so you're your own worst critic. Farriwen also kinda had that flowy vibes, but once again you ended up walking it back a little bit, I feel like. I know. I need to stop walking it back. 'Cause I just wanna go. This is it, this is it. Ashley: This is the moment. Daggerheart is our moment to just follow our hearts. Our dagger hearts! You guys! (disapproving hums) Send us on. It's time for another pull from the Tower of Inquiry! You don't get to get away because you have Omar in your lap. Give him to me, give him to me! Laura: Put that doggo aside and you can pull. Gimme this cake. Laura: I feel guilty, I feel so guilty. Ashley: That's a good slice of cake. He's fine. Yeah, buddy. You've got so many hairs on you. They're not even Omar hairs. What are they, then? Laura: They're Marisha hairs. I had other clothes to look nice, but then I was like "Eh." I went to Kyle and I'm like "Should I change back into my nice clothes?" And he was like "Why would you do that?" I was like "Yeah, that's fair." Liam: Oh, the buddy boo. Oh, the buddy boo! Ooh, this one got a little tight. Wow, that block felt like it just kept going. 28! 28, let's see here. Detetetedoo, datatetetetetedoo. What does it say? Oh, this is from Vlerremuis. All right. "Is there anyone, NPC or creature, that you encountered during the game that you wish you'd had a chance to talk to instead of fight?" Oh. Oh. Who did we...? Huh. I guess I'm curious. I mean I don't know about fighting, but I wish we could've spent more time with Ropey. (laughter) I feel like he needs to be around all the time. My boy. My boy. My boy. I mean, your dad. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Would be nice not to fight with him, and just have a chat. Yeah. To really see what his personality is like, because... What if we're super similar? What if you get along so well? What if I'm like "Shit, he's really cool"? Yeah, that's hard to top. Your dad. Ropey? Ropey, yeah. (laughter) Complicated parental figure, or animated rope? Ashley: Yeah. Nanana, I'm gonna pull one, because I like pulling them. (grunts) Omar, I love you. Okay. You're so good at Jenga. I don't know, what if this is my moment? I don't think it is. It is already leaning a little bit, too, she picks ones that are crazy. 32! Okie-dokie, 32. A classic. Love this question. From Sanzle. From Sazzle, excuse me, Sazzle. Sazzle. "What cantrip would you most like to have IRL?" Classic, classic question. There's so many. Is invisibility a cantrip? No. I know that. I was just checking to see if you guys did. Mending is great. Ooh. Mending is tough to beat. I mean... Mage Hand, so I can get the remote when the dog's on my lap. When you're already in bed and you're like "I didn't turn off the stupid lights!" Fuck! Yeah. That, or, Prestidigitation. To just clean shit up? To just, yeah, and like- It cleans like five square feet. Is it five square feet or one square foot? Something, I don't know. Might be just one square foot, but regardless, you can just pududoo, pududoo, it's a cantrip, you can do it endlessly. Yeah. I wonder if Mage Hand would be better, though, than Prestidigitation. That is so all-purpose, there's so much you can do with it, so much. Heh, gross. Liam: You guys have made that joke already. Well, yeah. Yeah, man, I feel like Mage Hand. Marisha: Are you looking at the cantrips? Yeah, I am. Yeah, 'cause what are you gonna pick, Create Water? I mean, that's really nice. I mean, Create Water would be cool. That would be great. It would be really useful for other people. When we're in the water wars, Create Water would be great. Druid Craft, I'd like. Now that I know that I can just make endless strawberries. Yeah, that's cool. Hang on, cantrips... You can make food? Maybe that's better than being able to give a reach around. Omar, do you want a strawberry? I mean, it's hard. It's hard to pick. It's hard to pick the reach around. Ashley. Yeah, I think, oh. Yeah, what? I was like "I answered it" but I can... You haven't lived until you've been in a room with five people with Mage Hand. (laughter) "Who is that?" Hello. Laura: Ooh, it is leaning. Yeah. Laura: Pick a good one. Pick a questionable one, Ashley. Only one hand! Oh. (giggling) This was bad. It's a bad one, I know I already touched it, so I'm gonna take it, but... Laura: I love this game. Oh, you pulled from the same side as me? Yeah. Ruh-roh. Oh, wow. Woo! Marisha: Got a little jiggy there at the end. 37. Reader: 37? Ashley: Please don't fall, please don't fall, please don't fall, please don't fall. It's stable. I don't want consequences in my life anymore. Girl, mood. (laughter) Yes. From ashleyedwardscomedy on Instagram, "Do you feel the characters you personally have played would made it out of an escape room together? I.e. for Ashley, it would be Fearne, Yasha, and Pike. Would they work as a team?" Oh, like all of your characters together. I think it's funny, I think this question is hilarious, I love this. Yes, it's a great question. Man, I would say if it was just Imogen and Vex, but Jester would fuck everything up. Marisha: Yeah, she would. Yeah, she would. I have the best trio. I've got keen mind, Orym's perception, Vax's ability to manipulate any kind of-- Yeah, you win. You would definitely win. I think with Beau, Keyleth and Laudna... Beau would be one of those people you hate going to escape rooms with, because she'd just be like "Move, I got it. Just don't touch anything, I," and would just single handedly solve everything, and I don't think Keyleth or Laudna have the confidence or the gumption to fight it, so they'd just be like "Okay, yeah." But then they'd still get out 'cause Beau is... Beau would get 'em out. It would just be a bad time. Laudna would just be bringing puzzle pieces to life. Yeah, just in a corner. Which is nice. I feel like Fearne, Yasha and Pike would not get past the first room. They wouldn't. Nah, y'all would fuck it up just as much as Jester would. Fearne would be stealing the pieces to solve the problems. Yasha wouldn't understand why they're having to, what the whole idea of it is. "I cannot fit through this door." "Why are we trying to escape? Why are we willingly walking in here, and then we have to get closed in and then we have to escape, I don't understand." "Can I just break the door open?" "That's not how it works." "That's not how it works." I feel like Pike would just get irritated with the two of them, and Fearne would just be like, not paying attention. There would be a disaster. Fearne would be breaking clues that are not supposed to be moved. You would be resealing the puzzles that the other two unsealed behind their backs. Yes, just somehow trying to make. "Vintage pearls." "Put the prop down, Fearne." Wrong knife. Wrong knife! Wrong knife. Thank you, Vierremuls. Did I say that right? Vierremuls, Sazzle, and Ashley Edwards. And if you have an evergreen fan question for our Tower of Inquiry, you can enter it at critroles.com/tower. Critrole.com/tower. And that just about does it for this portion of "4-Sided Dive." Oh, that means we're done for our podcast listeners or those watching this as a VOD, we bid you adieu. But before you go, we got some announcements. In case you didn't notice, we're trying something new with the C block. From now on, we'll be streaming with the C block intact, as usual. But the following day, it'll get clipped out of the VOD, and uploaded as its own video, and we're calling that "More-Sided Dive." Marisha: "More-Sided Dive." And this month, we'll all be competing in party game gauntlets sponsored by Ravensburger, where we'll be playing That's Not a Hat, Strike, and Piñata Blast. Stick around for "More-Sided Dive." Bye. Bye! (dramatic music)
Channel: Critical Role
Views: 217,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, crit role, 4 sided dive, bells hells, campaign 3, 4SD, Liam O'Brien, Marisha Ray, Laura Bailey, Ashley Johnson, Dani Carr
Id: nGzL0iuu6vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 52sec (6292 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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