Bored Compilation - Episode 271 - 280

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right thank you all for coming yeah I mean you said it was mandatory as you know sales have been down this quarter yeah well I think it's the economy so I thought I would take it upon myself to devise an incentive program to increase sales oh like rewards for making sales yeah something like that oh all right run us through it it's quite simple really the more sales you get in a day the less you get punished so punished yeah so say uh you get less than 10 sales in a day that puts you here tier one this is not where you want to be quite frankly tier one is the worst place you could be and that will give you a punch in the face what at 10 sales a day that puts you in tier two congratulations no punch in the face for you instead you get a firm slap on the cheek 20 sales a day that puts you in tier three congratulations you get a slap on the wrist these aren't incentives these are just threats of physical abuse no no no you didn't actually let me finish line can I finish it's okay if I actually finished my presentation yeah because what I was gonna say is that at tier four you unlock just verbal abuse okay run this is insane can you shut the [ __ ] up Helen you've got a weird shaped head what that one's a freebie Ron this is crazy yeah I was wondering 50 sellers might be too easy do you think I should up it to a hundred no I mean you can't beat us up just to make sales what is wrong with this I thought you guys would be excited about some motivation see look look at Adam he gets it guys I'm almost at 10 sales Adam it's almost closing and maybe if you took the incentive seriously like Adam you'd make the upper tears too because if not it looks like you're gonna get a punch in the face uh okay uh Ron this sounds great this all sounds well and good um can I ask you a quick question sure ask away um how many sales do you have today well I mean I've been busy making uh this oh so none then none well technically no yeah all right okay and what um wow what tier would that put you in oh and look at that we've just closed yep serum this is absolutely ridiculous oh guys I did it I got 10 Nails yes tattoo baby congratulations buddy [Music] how many sales did you guys get right uh that is all yours and here is your receipt oh no I'm all good thanks what I don't need a receipt uh not an option sorry not an option here you go oh no no I don't I don't want to receipt but it is your receipt but I didn't ask for it the only reason that I printed it is because you bought something well maybe you should have asked me if I wanted a receipt before you printed it or maybe if you didn't want a receipt you shouldn't have bought something that's absurd I want the product I just don't want the receipt I'm legally required to give you the receipt yeah and you're legally required to take the receipt no I'm not yes you are no I'm not yes you are no I'm not yes you are no yes no just take the [ __ ] receipt make me fine if you don't take the receipt you can't have the product Oh my God fine see wasn't that hard was it oh what's up that's how it is is it that's how it is okay okay do this yeah [Music] what the [ __ ] well I want a refund sure have you got a receipt you [ __ ] okay [Music] there you go man have a wonderful day oh my God I hate these customers they suck hello sir how can I help oh I can't understand that returns sure thing uh how one second I've been [ __ ] off forever yeah one seat is good sort of it's going on what nothing why I just heard yelling uh no no I wasn't Young Alan you piece of [ __ ] you [ __ ] loser ah you're using the noise canceling headphones to block out all audio yeah yeah cool no that is how they work yeah I know Ellen you [ __ ] loser he doesn't quite understand how people like big works couldn't hear you right let's get this refund sorted for you you piece of [ __ ] my name is a customer I want a refund blah blah blah big turn it because I have no idea what I'm doing with my life that should be all done for you the money should be in your account when you go thanks have a wonderful day you piece of [ __ ] I'll handle Ron shut up Alan hi there uh sorry what what are what are these oh these are noise canceling headphones they cancel all noise oh wow really uh do you think I could have a go I've actually got a spare up here down here wants it there you go oh great okay check them on blah blah blah I don't blah blah blah you got you can't hear me you you idiots you're both idiots can't hear me don't know I can't did you hear me did you say something amazing right wow incredible look I can say whatever I want my name is Alan I'm a piece of [ __ ] I'm a little [ __ ] I'm a little [ __ ] boy I dropped your pain last week and you didn't even know because you want a red shirt peasant so I can say whatever I want you can say whatever I watch you can't hear me you're an idiot you're alone nobody like a society you're a stupid piece of [ __ ] I think someone's gonna die crap [ __ ] you you piece of [ __ ] you could say whatever I want I feel so free I have a fetish for kitchen appliances yes kitchen appliances once a month oh oh wait I just thought of something oh I think I just shut myself wow wow those are so cold pretty crazy right okay great I'll I'll take a bit sure thing and something really stinks foreign [Applause] [Music] hey guys what's up can you come up here do you guys know what this is a sheet under the sheet Adam no did I no I don't know yeah I've never seen this before thank you so much to work what's that that's a cool arcade machine Allen found you should never go oh uh yeah okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] God that's enough that's enough they run back to work back to work that's enough that's enough that's enough all right [Music] [Music] there we go see that's how I got on C because what you weren't doing you weren't using the special yeah when the boss comes right you've got to use the special [Music] [Music] all right [Music] okay we're heading out for the night owl and you're good to lock up [Music] okay [Music] we've still got 15 minutes before we start work I'm gonna plug it oh yeah I can feel it in my fingers oh what how long did he play for last night um I just I was just thinking we might just have a have a little bit of fun on the on the iPhone machine okay just don't beat my high score oh my God hang on oh my god seriously yes how did I just play your score [Music] foreign [Music] you know if you were a princess in a castle I'd rescue you from what what am I being rescued from Castle sounds like a pretty nice place to live why would I need to be rescued from a castle uh oh wow loneliness oh no I couldn't be me I don't get lonely okay well I will save you from a dragon then that way a tyrant no magical play I'm listening elaborate yeah it's a it's bad bad plague and it ravages the lens it would be doing that yeah yeah yeah and it and it and it accepts the magic from from the the the jewel the jewel of of protection oh [ __ ] is that bad yeah that's bad how gone because of we can support them and once the portals weaken that means the dark lord can come through and Avengers lost love well he can't be stopped what no [Music] he can't be stopped oh [ __ ] plot twist yeah yeah he can be stopped but only by the chosen one who's the chosen one for that we need context the room was cursed cursed for thousands thousands of years and you watched his love bang to death and the adventure for the dark crazy thousands of years ago the second Dark Lord but not as dark as the first time and they thought they need defeated him until it was foretold that each of the great families one child to the castle in the night until their child was instilled with the power of the chosen one hold on a minute I'm in a castle you are so am I the chosen one canonically yeah that uh attracts so if I'm the all-powerful chosen one that I don't really need to be rescued from a castle then do I no you know you're probably powerful enough without me well foreign [Music] what can you take me inside this box please what I need you to take me in this box please why would I tape you inside of this box Ron oh I don't know mate maybe read the sign I'm off to Hawaii mate oh my God Ron you understand this is not how the world works right you can't just pick yourself inside of a box and go anywhere you want in the world just just buy a plane ticket like a normal person oh a plane ticket oh okay why on Earth would I spend thousands of dollars on a plane ticket when I can spend just 50 bucks on shipping mate think about it okay Ron how are you gonna breathe man all right how am I going to breathe oh maybe I've thought about that and I got breathing holes what are you gonna eat oh what am I gonna eat uh maybe I've got a muesli bar what are you gonna drink oh my God I've got a pretty big bottle of water Where Are You Gonna poop Ryan oh I don't know I've let's do it Hawaii okay all right is it taped up all taped up are you sure is it completely taped up yeah it's good to go everyone right are the shelves that need stocking yeah goodbye okay [Music] good luck away here I come you've got to come see this Ron thinks he can send himself to Hawaii in a cardboard box where is he now he's out back come check it out okay it's gonna be so funny where's the Box it was here just a moment to go hey Ellie did you see where a massive cardboard box just went just a couple of minutes ago oh yeah just went out for shipping [Music] so Rowan's dead right oh yeah I assume so yeah I'm pretty sure he would have starved to death in a shipping container by now wait does that make me manager what what so why would that make you manage it definitely makes me manager I haven't been here the longer so I deliver from Hawaii okay whoa what's up peasants run where were you where was I oh Antarctica I was in Hawaii where do you think I was 100 bucks round trip baby [Music] Oh Ellen can you grab that oh yeah oh right oh hello oh it's so nice to see you just here to give you this seriously yeah I'm like a Lannister dude I always pay my debts oh thanks David I really needed this it's all good bro bro I'm your best friend okay and I always got your bag where did you get all the money from have you got a new job oh no no I got a I got a sugar daddy now you you've got a sugar daddy yeah so I've been messaging this guy online right and he's just been giving me cash and he's been giving me like dresses jewelry even gonna be a PS5 too oh so you're catfishing yeah that's the word look I even got this profile here look it makes me look like a sexy lady that that's Jennifer Lawrence yeah a sexy lady so you're catfishing him as Academy award-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence yes yes and actually I am going on my first date right now and I'm gonna meet him very soon yeah going on a date with him here in the store we're not having the date in the store but I'm just meeting him here actually let me get ready ah there we go um David I I don't think that's going to fool him you're just wearing a mask of Jennifer Lawrence look Adam I feel like you're not understanding what's going on right love makes us do crazy things okay love makes us travel thousands of miles it makes us swim the for the tiniest people but the main thing is love makes us okay so it's not what's up here it's what's in here Jennifer Rowan oh my God is that you I can't believe I'm finally meeting you Jennifer you don't really look like your photos oh really really [Music] you look even more beautiful really of course [Music] you're long blonde hair your beautiful eyes of course you did I'm wrong I just shut the [ __ ] up at him yeah I'm sorry for interrupting it's just that well Jennifer Adam you're just jealous of my famous actress Academy award-winning bikini model girlfriend Jennifer Lawrence I knew yeah yeah that's that's it yeah yeah so just just get back to work okay okay because I'm gonna be out for the rest of the afternoon so don't pick anything up oh my God I never thought we'd actually meet in person to be honest I was I was worried that we'd never meet at all yeah same here and spin the bikinis a little sexy [Music] of course of course um uh here we go pack that I want more like like buy whatever you want [Music] to be honest you know the stress of running the store no one seems to get it no one understands but not like you do and I can't believe you came from Hollywood and you saw something thank you hey Ellie can you check if all the razor products are in stock uh yep you can do cool that shits don't go huh thanks that shit's dingo okay oh Adam did you manage to fix that internet issue oh yeah it was just the router so I reset it I'll sweat that shit's dinga that [ __ ] is dingo uh oh don't go nice that's just good oh Adam just checking is that keyboard working it's working out fine oh nice that shits didn't go nice doesn't it sit up working properly yeah oh nice that shit's dingo yeah thanks for that yeah Friday it's fine yeah that shit's dingo but yeah yeah no no no sweet that shit's dingo [Music] oh yeah that's right that's right oh that [ __ ] didn't go dingo that shit's dang go [Music] oh uh Ellen is your Internet working [Music] yeah oh nice that [ __ ] Stinger oh my God Ron why do you keep saying that so much that shit's dingo I don't know it's a catchphrase I mean there's a catchphrase that you made up huh you got it don't you think that's kind of lame uh I think it's super dingo not run that's definitely a very lame uh no that's what they say about all trendsetters so Ryan you are not a trendsetter I actually am a trendsetter because this shit's dingo what's going on with Rowan I don't know he's just trying to force this stupid catchphrase oh hey Adam did you end up processing those returns oh yeah I did it this morning oh that shit's dingo Hey sir how can I help hey um yes I'm having some problems with my PC I called earlier oh yeah that was me uh what was the problem again uh I was kind of hoping I could just um show you do you have somewhere I could set it up uh to be honest it's probably best if you just tell me leave the PC with us and I will run some Diagnostics ah I do think it'll be easier if I show you it's kind of hard to explain um okay yeah sure no you know what uh follow me out back and take a look thanks yeah come on I'll set it up cool thanks man so what's the issue oh it won't happen yet you need to load it all the way up okay and well if you could just uh insert your password yeah okay so just um load up steam there if you could just tell me what I'm looking for that would be really good oh sorry um before I forget you need to plug in the game controller really yeah it just always happens when I had the game controller in uh okay um okay okay great I'll load up Alden ring for you oh Elden ring oh okay it must be a graphical issue what's your GPU oh it's not a not a graphical issue it's really hard to explain sorry okay can you try and explain it uh I got a showing this bit of Italian I think okay um well I mean we're on the main menu now so oh great um so just continue game cool so you see that fog wall yeah just go through it what am I looking there it is the boss the boss is impossible to be like a house this picture looks like second phrase It's like a weird kind of like fire blood kind of thing and like I told you I don't know how to describe it I think I think you're absolutely right this guy's a [ __ ] nightmare it took me ages to beat give the shackle yeah you can get it from the Subterranean shining grounds yeah right I messed up my first playthrough too okay we need to walk to Lindell I'm right behind you it's stripping it's what it was metaphor oh stand there [Music] we got a Christmas tree I can get your hands off it's not for you it's for Santa what do you mean Santa I don't know how I could be any more clear Ellie it's for Santa to put my presents under what I happen to have been a very very good boy this year and so I'm expecting to get some pretty good presents and if I don't I don't know what I'll do Ron you don't actually still believe what was that hmm nothing yeah where are the Christmas lights Ellen why does Roman still believe in Santa it's probably because Santa brings us presents every year Ellie okay Ellie look you cannot tell wrong the truth all right that is ridiculous he's a fully grown man why not [Music] some really [ __ ] bad [ __ ] Ellie so what are you gonna do Santa's gonna get to work [Music] foreign [Music] see you later Alan we're out for the night can't wait to see what you give me tomorrow Santa if you're listening I love you [Music] oh my God bro we've got so many presents from Santa oh you look tired yeah that'll be because I am oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God a little for a second oh my God you're so lucky oh my God that is so dingo oh my God it's so amazing everyone now do it do it do it do it do it oh my God I hope I got I hope I got good ones because I have been such a good boy like I don't know what I do if I get balanced okay what do we got oh oh my God sucks I needed socks how to turn to know that's amazing what else [Music] deodorant I need a deodorant how do you know um okay uh Adam you can open that one oh my God thank you so much there's enough for you I guess I've just been such a good boy this year that there's enough presence for everyone like you're welcome have yourself Merry Christmas Merry Christmas guys [Music] good thanks for watching everybody what a great schedule to like and um comment and subscribe and share it to your friends and family who are you guys talking to it at home time it's it is actually home time I'm very excited real quiet come back again
Channel: Viva La Dirt League
Views: 691,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NPC Man, PUBG Logic, pubg real life, pubg, pubg logic supercut, pubg movie, pubg parody, Viva La Dirt League, vldl, epic npc man, pubg mobile, pubg skits, viva la dirt league pubg, pubg funny, pubg live action, vldl pubg, gaming, online gaming, gamer, playtech, bored, game logic
Id: entCnGpnnJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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