Night of the Black Knives | Complete Elden Ring Lore Recap (pre Shadow of the Erdtree): Episode 7

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this video was made possible by cyber power PC UK it happened an age ago on a night of wintry fog the night of the black knives a night which served as the spark for the kindling that was the lands between a night which set the realm of Blaze with the vision a night whose ramifications persist to the present day where only the tarnished remain as the land's potential salvation the night of the black knives is Infamous but it is also highly mysterious to this day none can identify the true motivations behind the event nor even everyone who is involved as such it is even unclear when exactly the conspiracy occurred it happened during the golden age of the Earth tree long before the shattering of the Elden ring but what exactly is the golden age of the Earth tree might this mean the age of Plenty the metaphorically golden age the most Bountiful of times or could it suggest everything after The Crucible marking gold is the new age compared to the red tint of primordial gold however from the golden epit it is clear that Micha and melenia had already been born before the Fateful night which rules out the age of Plenty furthermore as a scholar it is unlikely rer would term any time after The Crucible as the Golden Age since this is such a broad period Instead This is a technical term one that warrants capitalization and marks a specific era thus this must denote the age of Radigan or in other words the age of the golden order the order that followed the age of the Earth tree indeed Ronnie is described as a demigod on this night further confirming this timeline since she and her siblings became demigods only after ran married America the siege of karia Mana surely came before the star Scourge conflict such that Ronnie could wield such power as shown in the grand library in the present day but it seems the Knight of black knives came after the star Scourge conflict in turn for it seems very strange that Ronnie should undertake This Night To slay her imperian flashh and then over the many intervening years do little of note especially since the shattering Ronnie's whereabouts since the shattering are a well-kept secret she has hasn't been seen even once unless Ron's fate had already been halted and restricted her from before the night of black knives which as previously established is something she remains ignorant of even in the present day thus this is the most likely time for the conspiracy and importantly it was only the one night where everything pertaining to the plot took place on the night of the black knives someone stole a fragment of Death From malth the Black Blade and imbued its power into the Assassins daggers these assassins on the night of the plot imbued their knives with the ruin of death and slew Godwin the golden however two demigods perished at the same time Rani was the first of the demigods whose flesh perished while Godwin perished in Soul alone so who organized the conspiracy the person who orchestrated the night of the black knives lunar princess Ronnie then the Assassins were all women rumored to be Newman who had close ties with America herself the Newman are said to have come from outside the lands between and are in fact of the same stock as Queen America herself so what exactly is this rumor that the women were Newman or that these known to be Newman women specifically had close ties with America the phrasing would imply the former since otherwise it would say they were all women Newman who were rumored to have close ties with America herself the technique behind the concealing veil of their armor is very similar to veils America makes use of which further hints at their shared Origins therefore it seems the rumor is that the women were Newman not that they specifically had close ties to America and it is only this suggestion that supports the theory that America was involved in the plot not only is this questionable evidence but everything America does following this event illustrates how devastated she was which is unlikely to be the case if she was part of the plot even if the outcome wasn't expected furthermore given amica's history and talent in obscuring the past is it not likely that her own people her past would have been obscured too and if that was the case the disregarded faction would surely not continue to stand by her and rise up at her command to conspire against the golden order but instead hold resentment against her and the golden order they say the Assassins who carried out the deed were SS of the Eternal City a group entirely of women arrayed in armor of silver under cloaks which fooled the eye silver Scions of the Eternal City could this be America's True origins or perhaps the rumor that these women were Newman was incorrect and these assassins were only that of the vengeful KNX that had been many years in the making America like the rest of the empire was caught off guard by the plot perhaps she was only informed of what transpired the following day what is certain is Ron's involvement not only did the black knife print reveal this but she outright admits it I stole a fragment of the Rune of death and used it to forge the gods slaying black knives through fearsome right the Assassins themselves made use of scale armor which is thematic given their rebellious snake like actions then there was Reichard it is unclear whether Reichard was involved in the plot served as a backup plan or something else entirely either way Reichard had already begun on his Blasphemous path and thus was trusted by Ronnie to not reveal her secret reard knew about this night even if he was not involved and on the night of the dire plot Ronnie rewarded pror rard with traces of the Rune of death only they know the purpose of this exchange and whether it was a reward for his actions that night for being trusted with her secret or perhaps even as a preparation for the future and rikard's blasphemous ambition finally might Mika have been involved somehow too he seems oddly emotional following Godwin's death specifically and has tied the assassins the black knife assassins clad in armor with a concealing Veil which muffles the sound of footsteps managed to steal a fragment of death from Malik this was possible because Malik had only sealed the Rune of death within his blade this is why the blade is now a sad shadow of its former glory the Assassins seem to have literally broken off some of the weapon to take its power later when malth realized what had happened he bound the blade within his own fles such that none might ever rob death again however he never forgave himself for his mistake that night and continue to suffer in guilt to the present day a ritual was performed on the oddly misshapen blade and imbued it with the power of the stolen Rune of death weapons whose Ash of war is curiously similar to the blade of callings golden Flames the kindling maidens PRI weapon the one who walks alongside flame shall one day meet the road of destined death then the Assassins traveled to the capital lendelle itself where they slew Godwin the golden the hero of the war against the dragons and Sion of the golden bow became first of the Dead among the demigods the exact circumstance here is particularly curious for two demigods perished at the same time this would be a highly difficult ordeal unless Ronnie was with the group yet electo was the ring leader and to add to the Curiosity Godwin this Mighty Hero Of War seems to have been very passive for the ceremony the pose depicted in this artwork surely would have woken Godwin if he had been asleep unless he was also forced to sleep or perhaps Godwin was in fact part of the plot nevertheless in a ritual killing both Godwin and Rony were slain and died in Soul and body respectively I stole the Rune of death slew mine own imperian flesh casting it away Ronnie later hid her body on the Divine Tower accessed by the Karan study hall and it seems the carians or some of them were aware of R's conspiracy oh Celestial Globe transmit posterity the wisdom of the Moon stars and obscure forever the transgressions of the princess thus was the tower inverted and the path to the imperian body that bore the half whe wound of the centipede evidence of Ron's involvement in the plot was hidden from the world though in the present day Ronnie is happy to disclose such information she clearly wanted the body Out Of Reach for it was no small feat to transport her corpse there and yet despite how smoothly Godwin and Rony were slain something must have happened for the Assassins were noticed before they managed to escape during their flight from the Royal Capital te the daughter of the black knife ring leader electo was killed protecting her mother curiously electo in the present day is locked in an Ever jail in the Moonlight altar a hint perhaps at a betrayal by Rani to cover up her footsteps nonetheless it was morgot who whether whether he spotted The Intruders himself or not took responsibility to chase down the Assassins perhaps the rest of the royal leaders were either unaware or absent morgot sent the knight's Cavalry after them but the damage was done morgot having finally been entrusted to live above ground had failed but his faith in the Ury only strengthened and he made plans for a new technique to defend against the assassins in the future furnished on behalf of the Earth tree and the grace given Lord such that a knight of black knives will never come again the devastation from the death of Godwin was only the beginning though forgotten in the present day there were other demigods who were also slain the Rune of death was stolen and the demigods began to fall starting with Godwin the golden the morum is where the bodies of soless demigods are lay to rest it is certainly interesting that all the demigods who were slain seem to have lost their souls except Rani there are seven melum scattered across the lands between which suggests seven other demigods fell that night perhaps there was even an eighth the soulless King but most impactful of all later the Rune of death spread across the lands between sprouting in the form of death rout after the night of the plant death rout appeared in the lands between and those who live in death soon follow those who live in death will continue to rise again this is the grotesque fate of those who come into contact with death route these Souls have committed no offense they have every right to life only they happen to touch upon a floor in the order the golden order had once taken total control over the cycles of life but after the night of black knives the population was able to resist returning to the Earth tree and due to this fault in the golden order's artificial Cycles they simply persisted even in death naturally the golden order has no mercy for those who trespass Beyond life's bounds and soon established the hunters of those who live in death whose role is to Stamp Out defiled reason all for the Perfection of the golden order bespoke incantations were developed specifically for fighting these beings to ensure they do not revive or to alleviate death blight build up then there was the Usher of death Rosas who shows the path to the catacombs throughout the lands between and is depicted on this ritual axe the ash of War for this weapon is called roses's summons but when used it is clear this is the same as the tiia summons indeed with the tibia Mariners guiding the dead what need was there for Roses as well unless roses arose after the culture of the tibia Mariners indeed it is likely that roses never truly existed and served as an artificial character for the golden order to ensure the Dead return to the roots of the earth tree and like much of amica's past this was achieved simply by rebranding and repurposing a previous civilization culture roses was likely created during the earthree Age since the statues in Hero's Graves depict the corresponding sigil however it would also make sense thematically for R Us to have come about when the Rune of death was sealed and the Ury was made the focal point of the cycles of Life all by this time at the latest when those who live in death arose and needed further guidance it is difficult to discern what state of control Godwin retained throughout this all whether he was simply a vessel through which such power channeled or otherwise Godwin the golden became the prince of death his friend the ancient dragon for water sax was not happy with this and fought long and hard against the death within its companion alas victory was never achieved and its only reward was corruption it seems that the Act of Killing Godwin in Soul alone set in motion that which could not be stopped without a complete overhaul of the order of the land itself thus this quote of America was most likely as a result of seeing the effects the floor of the golden order had on her firstborn child and Beyond I declare mine intent to search the depths of the golden order through understanding of the proper way our faith our Grace is increased those Blissful early days of blind belief are long past my comrades why must you falter marero was finally driven to move on from blind belief and research and question the state of the world World questioning the golden order itself heresy a dangerous place for her fellows but one that began Amica on a path to understanding Amica questioned the golden order persecuted Moro and malth repented but some embraced this era more actively some soldiers sought to continue to serve their fallen soulless demigods and became mosum Knights these soldiers followed their master into death by severing their own heads from their bodies and though this was a form of fighting death just like those being persecuted this seemed to be sanctioned by the golden order LOL sacrificed her life so that in death she could continue to protect to soless demigod until their Revival earning her the hero's honor of Earth tree burial these Knights Drew power from the eclipsed Sun drained of color which is the protective star of soulless demigods it aids the melum Knights by keeping destined death at Bay however in contrast it also seems that the eclipse is able to Grant life to soulless bones so perhaps the role of the eclipse isn't protection against something in particular but from any external influence whatever the case Mika refused to accept Godwin's death and sought to imbue Godwin with a soul once more but with no success Lord Micha forgive me the sun has not been swallowed your comrade remains soulless Mika like Rony had his plans fail due to the hold radan held on the stars and though Micha likely researched every option he could find no solution at least for now but the cracks across the lands between had begun to form and with time the unity the land once saw began to fracture little by little in fact it is likely that the first outright Warfare against the capital occurred before the shattering the First Defense of Lal a sovereign Alliance rots from within traces yet remain of bloody conspiracy conspiracy is hardly the word for after the shattering broke out where the Empire splintered and the demigods each vied for power the Mad taped of their new found strength triggered the shattering the subtlety of a conspiracy and the slow disintegration of a sovereign Alliance couldn't have taken place after the outbreak of the war of the shattering and instead stood as one of the first major events that illustrates the instability of the realm furthermore godoy's thematic links to godric suggests he too had a cowardly nature and sought external measures to grow in strength thus this had to be after the black knife conspiracy such that the capital and golden order was vulnerable indeed with America questioning the order itself after the KN of black knives there was no Sovereign holding the alliance together this Alliance on the surface held six seats godric the golden the twin prodigies Micha and Melania General ran pror Reichard and Luna princess Ronnie whose smaller sized seat toin to micholas illustrates how r escaped notice during the prior plot and was likely seen as simply another demigod victim who had to resort to using a doll for a body but there was also morot godfy and then Marg remained below the capital the alliance rotting from within certainly describes this group well for every single demigod other than Redan and morot had already begun to act counter to the golden order in some manner despite this marking the first realized War Warfare between demigods there is little that references it perhaps this is because the capital warded off the feeble Rebellion with ease after the first offense of landelle Kristoff earned the hero's honor of urry burial for the feat of capturing God Frey the grafted a lowly Knight capturing a demigod illustrates the sad state of the attack his reward for the ceremony of an nury burial further dates this battle as pre shattering where such societal order likely fell by the wayside godfroy was imprisoned as punishment and placed in the golden lineage ever jail outside the capital his appearance therefore dates the grotesque Act of grafting this early too though it is unclear when godric began grafting in turn or whether they both began grafting at the same time their similarities may suggest that godric was involved in the siege of Lander traces yet remain of bloody conspiracy does suggest that the whole conspiracy was not found out so perhaps scric managed to separate himself from the failed coup in time and buy a few more years in his home bathed in Rays of gold related to the ever jails are these mysterious Stone beings in the present day there is no reference to them and thus it is difficult to place them in history they appear to have a strong connection to the ever jails often appearing outside them but it is unclear what relation there is for they do not protect the ever jails nor do they power them since the ever jails remain strong whether or not these creatures are alive furthermore they are found in some locations unrelated to ever jails they possess power over gravity but a little like the ancient dragons they do not seem to abide by the normal Rules of Nature many simply explode however though the stone beings seem ancient in appearance the ever jail seem to be a more recent development all with ties to the Ury Affairs in some manner or another at any rate these Stone creatures and the ever jails were created and developed by this point at the latest this is likely the latest time melan could have been born one of the most enigmatic characters the tarnished meat in the present day despite her traveling alongside them for most of their Journey a character who has strong opinions surrounding the flame of frenzy one who casts an incantation unlike any others and one who wields the blade of calling dagger given to one who set out on a journey to fulfill her Duty long ago the power of its former owner the kindling Maiden is still apparent I was born at the foot of the earth tree where mother gave me my purpose I have to ascertain for myself the reason for which I live burned and bodyless thus though melanina could have AR Rison many years earlier her relation to the ER tree Empire suggests she couldn't have been born after the ER tre's decline during the shattering and as previously established though she later gains a glow mind power she arose specifically post ER tree where the Glide Queen existed well before Dragon communion had become established to the point that there were now Dragons Who devoted themselves towards enacting Revenge upon those who would defile them so exes Dragon communion Revenger did not forget his hatred even as he succumbed to the Scarlet rot at the end of the shattering finally Marica came to a conclusion though there can currently be no certainty as to its exact nature the result was regret she no longer believed in everything she had created she saw the rampant flaws in the world she had form during her reign as Queen after doing away with faith and genuinely examining the world she sought to rectify her mistakes the world was not lost yet however America no longer had complete autonomy she shared her body with another one who was even more pivotal in the establishment of the golden order one whose Faith would never falter and should she act against the golden order one who would fight against her while Mara and radan were each immensely powerful if they were to compete against the the others will as gods they would be evenly matched and end up almost powerless perhaps for this reason perhaps for any number of reasons Amica hatched a plan that would require only one Act One Moment One strike such that even if she remained unable to do much of significance afterwards the damage could not be undone it was a ruthless plan but what choice did she have to her loved one she warned them as best she could without revealing her true intentions hear me demig Gods my children beloved make of thyselves that which he desire be it a lord be it a God but should ye fail to become art at all you will be forsaken amounting only to sacrifices and so Amica broke the Elden ring and the order entire and immediately her other half fought to oppose her Queen Marica shattered the Elden ring and Radigan attempted to repair it however the power of the shattered Elden ring was not lost but dispersed across the land when the Elden ring was shattered these seeds flew from the earth tree scattering across the various lands as if life itself knew knew that the end had come Runar settled throughout the realm and infamously maricus Offspring demigods all claimed the shards of the Elden ring this is a very mysterious event for it seems that every demigod was bestowed one great Rune including many that are unseen in the present day either discarded hidden taken or likely lost and each great room was either an innate power of demigods already or quickly adapted to their new found owner the power they provided therefore reflected their assigned demigods it is curious that for example godfy did not claim a great Rune but godric Ronnie or RAR did perhaps this suggests that there was a conscious active process at play perhaps by America herself that chose the recipients based on current knowledge importantly there was a substantial period between the KN of black knives and the Elden ring being broken it happened during the Golden Age of the ER tree long before the shattering of the Elden ring Marica was thorough in her investigation of the golden order the breaking of the Elden ring was the ultimate betrayal of everything America's life including her loyal o Shadow bound Beast who still suffered guilt from the black knife plot even then she betrayed him ARA why would thou Gull me why [ __ ] marica's trespass demanded a heavy sentence but even in shackles she remains a God and the Visions vessel perhaps Mar was Irreplaceable or perhaps it was her Union with rigan but Marica was never seen outside the Earth tree again the Earth tre's entrance itself was sealed with vines that a pattern just like radigan's Elden Rune perhaps an adaptation from what he learned at Ral lucaria Wrath of gold was discovered when the Elden ring was shattered and it was feared as a sign of the earth tre's wrath a golden adaptation of noble present once a sign of the God's Wrath the land was in disarray with no one to guide them some stay true to the Earth tree even though the Elden ring is shattered and the Earth tree has dulled from its former Radiance Earnest Faith continues to hold the answers but most saw this as a new opportunity and none more so than those who had gained the most power of all the demigods the Mad taint of their Newfound strength triggered the shattering a war from which no Lord arose a war leading to abandonment by the greater will these demigods sought to realize their own new orders and this time the Sovereign Alliance truly broke and the tree Empire that had unified the land for so many years splintered as the most brutal war in [Music] history began thank you for joining for this episode on the timeline of Elden ring for more consider supporting the channel and get early access to upcoming releases you can also have your own theories featured in video format on the channel or even get access to new La before bed videos ad free for less than a dollar your support makes content like this possible so thank you [Music]
Channel: Hawkshaw
Views: 16,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden Ring, Lore, Dark Souls, Hawkshaw, Hackshaw, Vaati, Gloam, Dragons, Queen, Marika, Radon, Ranni, Radahn, Demigod, Godwyn, Erdtree, Outer Gods, Greater Will, Colour, Prepare to Cry, Secrets, Vaatividya, Radagon, Ancient, History, Timeline, Blasphemy, Rya, Boggart, Prawns, Snail, Summon, Godskin, Eyed, Melina, Volcano, Manor, Leyndell, Farum, Azula, Maliketh, Gurranq, Crucible, Godfrey, Two Fingers, Elden Beast, Shadow, DLC
Id: Vi5kJG-sLSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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