Matt chooses VIOLENCE | Critical Role - Bells Hells ep 97

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hello everyone and welcome to tonight's episode of critical rle where a bunch of as nerd ass voice actors sit around and play Dungeons and Dragons beautiful gorgeous he looks over across this massive cluster and goes like all right let's see if I still got it in me it's been a minute he's going to move forward to the edge to there he's going to go ahead and begin to cast a spell you see like the the space in front of his hands begin to warp and pull in like there's either intense heat or intense gravity and as he pulls his hands together and claps them he shoots them outward and you watch this like bead of black kind of scatter out in the line as it does the ground beneath goes and you watch this all the nearby stone and rock just gets pulled into the center like gravity suddenly pulls it this massive gravity Fisher just tears across over there that's Dy that's Dy mancy might catch you f you make Constitution save throw me yep okay I do have advantage again smells another magical effects that's true you do six that's a fail all right so you take uh 36 points of force damage that's nasty oh my God fail oh fail he goes sorry get up dust myself off and he's just kind of bloodied and battered and I want him to just hover at eye level with him and I'm going to try I have to I'm going to cast uh lightning bolts at [ __ ] fifth level can I wa I'm going right after him yeah can we do a joint attack sure if you want to so is you kind of fly up you start casting the spell and you see image in like the glow on the energy and you both make eye contact from across the battlefield okay and I'm going to step up on the Rock in front of me okay there and I'm going to do the exact same thing as Dorian and hit him with a lightning bolt fifth level on the other side BS all right so both of you describe how these bolts interact with the creature I'm going to WR white as we C him on Yell aim for the head cuz or's in the body got it y four and a three it fails both of your s tag team but do we have to do a thing since it's a high level after this you do roll damage first roll damage first yeah level that's 10 D6 lightning damage from each of you 40 on the nose 40 lightning damage o what's that 42 oo is yours purple yeah mine's purple what color does purple and yellow make I don't know pretty so cool so your bowt is like kind of a bright yellowish white light yeah just like a literal like a literal lightning B yeah so you both wait the exact moment and the entire like like Cavern like shakes with the impact but these hitting both sides as they hit the creature and both strike through its body they both kind of mingle uh yeah and like the head and the Torso it shocks through it and both continue shooting out each side uh you both the power is immense and you both kind of almost Arc off to the side as you finish it like like a Ghostbusters beam kind of being pulled off and they both kind of like Splinter offing oh nice shooting there Tex as mine dissipates there's twinges of little bits of red light that kind of fizzle off of it cool uh it is it's looking it's looking looks a little hurt then go ahead and roll a D100 for me please for wild magic yeah it's like a D100 table and oh what what did I do on oh no what did I do you stand up those red lights around your your fingers that like glow begin to brighten and then curl up and then gather right in the middle of your chest and you're like what a fireball explodes Where You Are oh my God uh D is across just wincing waiting for it to happen to him's like make a dexterity saving throw for me okay I'm going to turn behind imag in I'm going to be like that was a good idea even though it hurt a little and I'm going to do something I haven't done new toys new toys I'm going to um do void puppet so you see uh you wouldn't I would uh ladna lets out like a a eardrum bursting Banshee scream that I am not going to do uh and you see like a spirit that's it we broken you see us just like puls from her body and goes screaming through these guys and going to go right there um as this screaming Spirit goes and then um which Spirit from lna's past does it appear as what Spirit my ped things things you know that have passed or things that you've killed that have passed who the spirit always appears as something that you've been connected to its Dem oh that's really cool that's really cool I think for this one you would see uh in its kind of ghostly ethereal form a noose around its neck that is like trailing behind it almost like a like a tail um and it looks like a like a a blonde maybe halfling a younger woman that was hung with ladna on the tree that day mhm okay all right so that's your bonus and I think I'm going to take uh I think you thought you were free with Mara on the other side of the table solid that's the big finally that was incredible this [ __ ] that's it's not that bad oh Jesus no anywhere except the bone right there on the right but we've got a minute while we've been investigating all of this while everybody's investigating this dorian's just so stoked from all the action that's just happened he's like recapping it for everybody it's like and my favorite part was when you did this and talking about how how good everyone did and while we're doing that I'll cast uh a motivational speech oh yeah and then when you did lightning and then when image into the lightning it was so cool at the same time I'd like to look into you I would appreciate that I'm I've got too many I don't knows these days trying to get rid of a few same I like him he's hot so as as you're getting close to the end of your short rest um another one of those like dog creatures with the eye tail looks it's like a scrawnier one that's kind of on its own seems to kind of follow up over in the area as well sniffing around and slowly begins to look nervously around and skitters down to where the body of the creature is kind of sniffs your massive kill goes back into the tent pulls another body out by a leg and as it begins to naw its foot as it goes watch and points above you and you see ever so faintly only because he points it out this like single strand well looks like a like a thread of silver or something just kind of descends and that's kind of it just heads straight down uh with your perception it's not a thread it's almost like an impossibly long piece of goo and reaches down and just like touches the top of the wolf creature and then pulls it up can you hear and up into the shadow you don't even see the source of you just hear oh oh that was from the ceiling that was from the ceiling pieces of it begin to like fall everyone saw a thread come down I know that it was snot and it got yanked the ceiling's more than 60 ft up from the tower yeah and you just get this you get the sense here and it kind of looks for the rest of you so there are many strange and natural things that call this place home some that were from a or others that have just found at home or Been Changed by the odd Magics here but we should be focusing on moving quietly and unen do any of the did any of the creatures seem to be attracted to like the lamp light coming from the tents uh I'm certain it are you asking me you're asking I was asking you m you still in the accent was sure they were following the sound and when they saw the light they then went to inspect what that is yeah Barbara please should get moving yeah what that what's up ttit squeaking through here real voice all along know big reveal [ __ ] of it made you've just been shape changed forward all this time smell that ass wow she got 18 18 wolf all right ass is my specialty you do definitely smell ass just so much of it this is a massive ass the god word it's boming A's a person wash your hair gush of wind but destroyed it um do you know how deep it goes I have not been to the bottom but he takes a coin from the inside of his robe and throws it it just disappears you have a very high perception go ahead and roll perception for me uh 27 27 it takes about 253 seconds before you hear the faint 25 30 breaking the surface of water very far water you know what that just reminded me of what when we lost fcgs coin in the tunnels of trar it's strange being here without them I wonder if they would have I don't know remembered anything felt something yeah you know when we finish this we have infinite free time we should go back and find that coin we should feels needlessly cruel that they're not here right now feel like most cruelty is needless this what makes it cruelty isn't it yeah yeah I'll [ __ ] put sorry letters I take up P hey what's the plan hey shut up why do you why do you have to say things when immediately summoned that being about sorry I think I'm pretty good staying quiet most of the time well you are you are I'm sorry I'm I'm under so much pressure I didn't mean to snap at you has Dorian met that day forgiven he has we have yes I think best of friends yes sweetie I adjust it back for him could use that to our ADV um uh I need you to go invisible K you got to yell it she goes invisible I can't he's his own he's his own Mouse voice inside voice whisper take it out I mean I'm pretty loud inside too but I I'm trying to keep it you have to understand I don't really have vocal cords it's just wind and bone making this so I got to push real hard to make anything I can't believe that this sound is just making me sad let her talk sad to push hard you know we can also remember we me and you can tell to communicate telepathically you hearing your head yeah oh no you want to do that instead we going starting now yes okay okay all right I'm going to need you to go into this tunnel do a little looky L it's real dark but you can see you can see what through Darkness I got you no worries let me know what you see cool Glides into the shadow you came in here with just one other person must have been one hell of another person dangerous you're not wrong but even we have our limitations and everything here is d dangerous in its own right to even get to this point we expended so many resources that we had to we had to decide to return it another time and when we were ready to delve further by then the Empire had already taken the entirety of this Bas it wasn't safe to get close well the assembly has a tangled history with my partner and I and um don't bite who is this guy or woman or oh doesn't matter a very powerful practition of the magical Arts he is also um and he teaches on occasion inside check make an inside check this whisper brought to you by popcorn popcorn his name is Bren and he is um very intelligent I think he might have been the one to bring you here if he wasn't otherwise occupied did you check it for traps the door yeah where have we push on well let's check it for traps first no no yeah sure I give it trap check chick CH 11 11 no traps it's not trapped go to push you pushing the stone I'm going to step know cuz you're way you said that just push it I'll push it okay push the stone the door opens slightly nothing [ __ ] just feels like flat stone like flat stone yeah what does it mean why is there Square magic it's all magic square right here it's got starting to peek the head you glance in on the opposite side of the door is a matching piece of stone that has a faintly glowing glyph on it it looks like it's that stone is Enchanted in some way mhm and some of you pick it up too there's like a that smell that you found earlier it's getting stronger and stronger the further you push into it um now it's carrying like a metallic taste on your tongue this is less of a solid room but it looks like a waypoint there are tunnels to the right and left and across the way like a larger square like somewhat rounded Square chamber and this is where multiple like four different Halls can join um the floor is completely littered with more of these ancient corpses all in similar states of ancient Decay but that isn't what catches your attention through Pate though what catches your eyes through his eyes immediately are the many chains that hang from the ceiling in here dangling from the ruined Stone above black Jagged chains many ending in Wicked looking Hooks and on top many of these hooks are hanging bodies just still in the Loft feet inches sometimes feet above the ground different heights ancient bodies had take of an investigation check or perception your choice it's 22 I roll a 19 for him 22 the withered bodies on the ground are skeletal Beyond just the elements mummified remains and paper thin flesh acrossed those that still have it mummified in these moments of chaos and horror um the Bodies In These Chains are meaty they are recent oh my God okay they are full and many of them have on them familiar attire Vanguard attire Vanguard robes armor wearing emblems and symbols some hanging on it through the back some hanging on in the front kind of carved under the sternum hanging on the inside of the rib rib cage between um go go yeah is that your reaction you laugh blind in this hallway just for a this is dope um there's over a dozen bodies that hang in this room a dozen yeah K pante look up yeah he looks up the all just emerging from the stone they're not a fixed to anything it looks like but there's nothing hanging out on the ceiling yeah make another perception check and and real quick while he's we'll go with the one you spend the sun already he looks up he doesn't see anything in the ceiling Beyond just like you know there are elements of stone that are cracked through um and there's like maybe here and there like a bit of ceiling that has fallen and you can see like a dark Gap maybe a few inches wide that maybe precedes into the seventh floor above um but most of the chains are just emerging from the stone let's get in there oh well while he's investigating the bodies does any of it look familiar from the encampment we saw earlier with the like euphoric manic smile on any of their faces like the murder suicide that we saw I'd say a little over half of them carry a strange final grin across their [Laughter] face Domino laboratory techology technology is it just technology like if you're looking through his eyes get in there just get in there what do you know about white Stu we were just there I just saw the sitting room first he gave me a tour he thought you were all lame it's like roleplay masturbation all love my character gave my character everything cool for a second I thought you did you did no I'm not disagreeing I just find it amusing in a metatext we made out off the off screen anyway so he needed it yeah uh did it get like yanked up I think we're going to have to go in your connection to Pate is lost no got eaten up he just got eaten up it's on us we going now what CH what have you like what if you geometry or something I'm running for the [ __ ] watch your Christ godamn hallway sorry for protecting your [Music] ass all right watch your feet I think this is bad he got eaten or something okay we take off after Chad who I'm want to run all balls in the walls let's go I'm I'm going walk walk brisly I want him to set off a bunch of [ __ ] corpse before you the hanging head goes and you can now see the uh somewhat uh like Tangled Short blondish hair of this older man um kind of balding in the front um the eyes Peak up towards you and through you blood shot beneath and you can see like the blood trickling from the nose and the mouth as it looks up the tongue kind of lulling and then slack jaw it glares at you as it kind of like Glides back about a foot and starts just like looking at all sides of the room kind of following in your sent and has his hands up ready to cast whatever is needed what is the creature that did this to you he just called himself dominox that was a dumb question I kind of wanted more details The Whisper The Whisper what the whisperers in our head that didn't count as another question the The Whisper The Whispers In do you have any clues how to avoid or defeat him no we were told to hold the chamber and then Rosen lifted me on this hook and I let out which way did ludis go less I did not see less where are the chambers that you were searching in all through these Halls [ __ ] last yeah you guys got anything El what does d what does dominox do like what does he do to you all Whispers what is it what the Domo I don't know if he knows he just said the whispers in our head we know he a fiend we know Whispers in our head we know it probably has some sort of antimagic situation did you touch the chains I don't know I'm curious if the chains are a problem or which Passage would be the best to [Music] take did you do anything to cause the chains to find you I think they started with the engine room the engine room my question sucked y'all well we already questions were great the answers just sucked he you're your guy with the little Mark on your hand was he a devil or demon that was a devil guy right hey that was a he was fancy Dev both us at the same time Ser I can try to reach out I try to reach out should I reach out should I reach out to to I don't trust that kid well no but and we're in a very precarious place I don't know to get a little well yeah that's up to maybe just give like a little like cuz the thing is if we wait it take him a little bit too long that's true um she's got a like a devil Prince guy that has the H for she's got a boyfriend of course who who who whoa whoo whoo um um um okay yeah yeah I don't know how to ship's passing in the night he Sur Vibe I'm just going to try something okay sure um I just go to where like the kiss was on the hand yeah um hello and I'll kiss the kiss you kiss the kiss yeah as you kiss the kiss the finger a lights and Flame and the symbol Burns its way into the top of your finger doesn't hurt you but the rest of you see there like glowing kind of lamp light from outside of her hand I try to just like hide it she like hides it and it's just getting brighter and brighter [ __ ] sorry well what is that hello hello as you pull it up you watch as a a spark like a small flame spark of like kind of like arcs out from the finger and as it hits middle of the air it tears open into this like 3ot oval of Burning Flame and you watch as a heavy foot steps out and you see this this terrifying looking humanoid with deep red skin a massive kind of Mane of like dark gray long hair and a bushy beard yellow eyes massive horns kind of armored shoulders clutching on the back a two-handed sword that is sheathed it kind of clops through the tail falling behind oh my God he you got here so fast I thought it was going to take way longer than it i' come when you called wow the P begins oh that's right it came with a thing what do you require do you remember what the pack as it goes someone would someone like to explain what the hell is going on literally she she has a pack it's a pack it's just it's just I don't really understand it but we we'll figure it out he can help us out Esson Fern collects a lot of pets and boyfriends mhm ton Doran ton the the literal devil creature kind of looks to each of you and gives a nod to S it looks back to you do you know anything about dominox dominox not a name that's been uttered in a long time oh he knows we just heard it about 2 minutes ago about [ __ ] crack it open there have been a number of grand demons through history Grand demons one of our great enemies in ancient time great enemies we wanted to feel his ruin andana blades but he was not seen through the Calamity Wow We Fear he was lost not seen through the wood Calamity caless who's here look around look around look look behind you I think he's been taking up presidence here yeah smell that [ __ ] weird ass chains sybl on people's chests br's Whispers oh oh oh oh oh look ruin in this air tonight if you said you you Devils have like a long standing Grudge do you have any Bros you can call up it might be now now is a great time there is a bit going on no no we're grateful for you for you we're grateful for you yeah we're not under valy in your presence here M many are preparing for the coming attacks on the red moon of Destruction our great Prince does not want such things to befall our heals the great Prince so I will be with you for a time until I am called away but to bring back the head of a grand demon is quite the task and you see for a second like that like Hunter's Joy kind of shift into reality and that confidence becomes calculation there are a few types of of demons beneath the Lords the Grands are dangerous and the grand demon of loathing has quite a mythology why would it be here now I I don't I don't know somebody said uh as soon as they Disturbed the ancient rooms they're they're digging up old Tech if you haven't heard of him since the Calamity maybe the aorin had actually sealed him away in when they started busting over room magic is Hy the world over so maybe exra Hy I'm going to Mage hand again to the to the to the Rune on the chest just so he can get a look at [Applause] it look fact d is Sigel that is the caring of gifting those who offer in their final moments what he desires their Oblivion kind of holds the blade strong under his grip I do not know where we are as F him in [Music] Happ hello uh essic strange companion to these strangers um yes ancient city of aor um magocracy destroyed during the Calamity um you see many of the ancient bodies here from those individuals and these on the hooks fresher um where do I go from there and kind of like floats back a little bit a little overwhelmed and kind of looking over towards still like looking at you like what the [ __ ] did you just do I'll go over to the first door on the right look for any sort of uh lettering and also check it for traps okay Eng roll investigation check 21 21 uh the door is not locked it is closed and is not trapped could you make a wisdom saving th for me please 17 17 chenny you turn to look at the group maybe we like go around like this and you don't see them in the room oh [ __ ] you see dozens of children children that step towards you and reveal the bloody claw marks across their body their throats their eyes one steps up what have you done have you forgotten the terrible things you've done chenney another child comes in the other corner you don't even remember you're the bad wolf you're the big bad wolf another one you made us Toys you filled us with joy and we filled your belly and you told no one a little girl comes up and grabs your hand you think you're not a monster now how many did you kill how many more will join us still what what the [ __ ] they just all slowly step towards you uh I I just start backing up like putting my back against the wall and just moving where you guys is okay you guys do we hear this he doing you hear him saying yeah that's what I mean that's what I mean he's freaking out by a door yeah going cile what's up Chad can you hear me can you hear us Chad they're nowhere to be found lost stupid and it breaks I don't know if this works I have an I have okay I'm Dreaming I'm Dreaming can I turn around to the door that I was just checking for traps and I'll push the door open okay you go to turn towards the door to push it open and there's this little four-year-old girl with two like pigtails that are kind of tied in the center her and you see this horrible claw across her face with the eyes missing and she holds this Tiny broken wooden toy of Immaculate craftsmanship and she goes why and you see flashes of midforest hunger blood lust a scream and a swipe and you're back did you do that he didn't do he did that no he didn't mean there were times where periods of time that you lost when you were first infected like you were feral you don't remember much about that time you look at her and stop before that door and step back and you feel one of the other kids and you turn and look and you see this young little elf boy kind of looking at you with this like this pity his throat just missing just this a mess you see leaping over a fence post in a dense forest you grab a sheep and tear into it you see a little kid holding out a lantern go Mom I heard something and you lunge back there in front you recognize him no no no no no no no no no no no this no [ __ ] how how many how many kids are in this [ __ ] room right now you see about 13 of [Music] them guys guys there there there's kids I'm going to I'm going to try to I don't know if it'll work cast calm emotions on him okay it it it can suppress any effect causing a Target to be Charmed or frightened I don't know if that'll work okay uh make a wisdom and check the disadvantage for me please or or okay you you calm a minute your breath kind of comes to and you look down the kids and they're coming up to you they're not aggressive they're just sorrowful they look at you sad they look at you confused you kind of look down at another young Dwarven child that goes why I didn't I didn't do this this wasn't me this isn't real this isn't real I I didn't I don't remember any of this you glance past the faces and see moments of each of them being pulled down pulled apart grabbed crushed oh these moments and you were there you look up at your hands and around you and the chains are gone just dark trees a deep dense forest that surrounds you and the children you see the blood on your claws I'm resting my hand on his shoulder in in the room chat you wed you walked that far feel this blade begin to dig into your shoulder Chad what do you do a blade yeah I swipe at it okay make an attack roll for me 28 28 yeah natur on armst strike right yeah you swipe back and Sh roll claw damage as chetney just rakes you across the like CH the neck with the armor catches some of it but some of it also kind of goes across the meat of your uh shoulder eight eight points of damage uh I'm going to shove him up against the stone wall and try to press up against him and yell chadney the kids begin to swarm you and push you up against one of the trees they're leaping onto you why why why why they're like climbing up your chest and looking in your face with their vacant eyes their vacant sockets it's okay I can make it right I I can I can make it right I didn't do any of that you open your eyes and it's Oram holding you against the wall you're in the shattered space of the room he's down he he he's down pockety come on do you see did you see the kids did you see the kids it's just it's just us Chad spinning around spinning around take a second take a second breathe breathe children just the dangling bodies oh god there were there were children opened up Torn Apart they they were talking to me like I had done it but I don't remember then I saw it like I had take a minute think about it think about where we are think about what we're dealing with chat oh God think about it what was it is in my head it was so real it was so real underneath the numerous chains that are wrapped over the armored torso of the nearest one that you've noticed the skeletal body like the faint wisps of white hair that cling to like the barely skin covered skull the sunken sockets it's kind of reminisent to the face of that woman from the uh scary stories to tell in the dark image just like on the side and with a resting over the head you go ahead and Trigger the charm a second time and the finger bone spins once more and it locks into place as it does the same kind of like Coal Energy sifts through and you hear the chain begin to as the body shifts just slightly towards you and the head kind of looks up in your way the sucking sound of air into no lungs magically held for some sort of speech what do you ask dominox has been released how is he [Music] captured the opinion of service what is the opinion of service y an epistle Soul anchor okay developed to contain Shadow Magics it keeps him Shackled to the engine and he returns to it when slain by the engine's extraction process holy [ __ ] they were using him to power the [ __ ] engine wow Mega demon as an engine where is the room this engine an anchor one of the skeletal hands like reaches up from the chains it's having a hard attemp first from the weight of him before the arm kind of points to the door opposite that you almost pushed through how do you turn the engine on engine should be on the seals should be kept the seil those remain he should be harmless so we need to reinstate those seals seals got turned off when magic got wonky just a rod of plutonium in my microwave uh [ __ ] AG your arcan man do you know of any weaknesses he has demons when slain return to the abyss when killed in the abyss they are killed forever but the pinion is of the abyss and to it he'll Return to Forever run the engine what is dominox attracted to dominox feeds on insecurity oh God we're [ __ ] I will go talk to him and F covered I got this covered I for one welcome our new demonic Master it introduces the suffering of self-loathing oh [ __ ] until you present yourself to Oblivion great and he feeds oh no Dorian roll been saving 16 16 Grand demon n n grandon as they're as they're having this conversation and you're like sitting at the edge of the hallway after following the chains and looking around and throwing in you know information as you can you go and go towards like kind of the the center left side of the chamber um where no one has really gone to yet and you look up at one of the bodies on the hook and you see the uh beyond the the kind of soiled pants the dangling arm of blue skin yeah you see the open travel robe and the hook that pierces the sternum of a familiar strong torso and you see their dangling from it eyes lifeless and still the body of your brother Cyrus as the eyes sh shift to me [Music] yours you never let me fix my own mistakes instead pulling me into yours into your chaos look where it put me look what you did to me brother that's we're going to end tonight oh come on [ __ ] man oh my Gody we're going demon cry until we play again oh my God I fig that'll be a good place to pick up our live show at the Greek right wait deal with demon [ __ ] at the Greek playing oh oh yeah oh my gosh wow no next next session is the great G so we'll pick up on that beat and where you are and what's around you and what all this might mean and what's the ludus of it all here at the Greek Theater
Channel: CritRole Clips
Views: 16,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, dungeons and dragons, bells hells, matt mercer, matthew mercer, marisha ray, laura bailey, travis willingham, sam riegel, liam obrien, ashley johnson, taliesin jaffe, orym, laudna, chetney, imogen, fearne, ashton, fcg, fresh cut grass, chetney pockopea, imogen temult, fearne calloway, ashton greymore, orym of the air ashari, critroleclips, critrole clips, dorian storm, robbie daymond
Id: aV523rKXAjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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