Rainbow King Needs His Mumu! 😴 Snoozy Sleepover & More Full Episodes 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom

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okay on a scale of one to dark this is dark how are we gonna find our way I mean I don't have that cats can see in the dark thing it's always been a great disappointment to me I remember my mother once Bartleby oh sorry a snoozy sleepover [Music] you're a worthy opponent master pillow we will meet again who's ready for a yummy surprise Kitty naughty ninja cats are always ready for surprises popped peppy Peppers that's like my fourth favorite snack after of course fishy poof crackers fishy poof crackers with zesty cheese and limited edition extra light proof fishy poof crackers hold it popped peppy peppers juice balls and these straws uncheck oh [Music] thanks Little Helpers and check there everything's ready for the sleepover okay back to snacking oh bendy straws I feel like a princess you never know when a real princess might show up I'm here it wouldn't be a party without you I know where's frooky freaky kids is right here [Music] care for an ice cold Zuni juice yes please but would you happen to have a Bendy straw so thoughtful of you true hello party people so far so good everything's going just this planet now we're just waiting on the rainbow King oh welcome rainbow King huh your majesty a lovely lavender evening to you true and Bartleby I'm so excited about your sleepover I was just making sure I didn't forget anything important love my blankie or my pillow or uh hmm oh I did it hey if you need a toothbrush I got lots oh there's my tail cleaning brush I was looking for that works like a charm and I found my gum bubble chew hmm no Armstrong ew no thanks no it's not a toothbrush I've got one of those oh what could it be don't worry your majesty we've got everything you could possibly need inter planning is perfection personified what he said thank you rainbow King please come in okay well that's it he's here check next up party time [Music] ready ready [Music] [Laughter] uh-oh looks like we're down to our very last party plan oh delicious normal Berry pancake breakfast in the morning [Music] all right everybody let's get ready for bed [Music] oh [Music] good night everyone good night [Music] Indigo injustices I just remember what I forgot to remember my MooMoo I always have my movement with me at bedtime moo moo that's not on my list can you sleep without it well it has helped me sleep every night for the last three or four hundred million years I'm sure I'll be fine I'll just call Little Helpers until I fall asleep one two three four five six seven eight hundred four six million 406 wait I skipped one I'll start over one two rainbow King do you want me to get your MooMoo for you it's no problem goodness green the snow we'd have to go all the way to the Royal Greenhouse for my moo moo that is pretty far to go not to worry true I'll fall asleep soon okay if you need anything just ask good night rainbow King good night crew a blue bother I mustn't keep everyone awake I really don't like using sleeping spells I I can't remember why but maybe just this once Starry blue help me snooze I'm feeling snoozy already [Music] thank you [Music] what a lovely summer rain so refreshing Bartleby you're talking in your sleep again so are you huh what two look out what's going on frooky kids [Music] he's okay frooky snuggles you're safe with me now yes you are definitely didn't plan for this they're sleep floating fascinating I've read about it never thought I'd see it in person we should pull them down no don't touch him if you do you'll sleep float too can we wake them up guess not well we can't just let them float around bumping into things we need some rope or strings or butterfly nuts or strings or a super long straw good work Little Helpers wait where's the rainbow King he's there going out the window foreign [Music] [Music] sorry to wake you cumulo but we've gotta go save the rainbow King oh wait I forgot to get changed um do we need to get changed too nope keep your PJs on [Music] we're still having a sleepover I've just got to be ready for action good idea can you two take riselda and fruity back inside thanks Little Helpers [Music] the entire Metropolis is still floating fascinating yeah but Z everyone in Rainbow City will sleep float right out of town we need some wish help and quick wishing tree please cumulo [Music] B where are you I need your help uh true I'm right behind you oh right sorry okay we need something bright to find rainbow King and something to get the citizens down something sticky this is sticky um no thanks and we need something loud to wake everyone up if he wakes up too suddenly maybe everyone will fall down right I didn't think of that so uh pillows but everyone's still floating so we do need something sticky tape glue no hair gel uh Z we need wishes you're right we do need wishes but sit and have a sink [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well we don't know what will happen if we wake up the rainbow King suddenly the other sleep floaters might wake up too and then fall down so we'll have to bring everyone down safely first good thinking true and when everyone is down safely we'll gently wake up the king and he can break the spell the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready please share your wonderful wishes with me wishing tree with me tiny wishes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] true these wishes are incredible I can't wait to see what the Wikipedia says about their powers [Music] this is snuggly snuggly snuggly's a blanket wish that can go big enough for lots of people to take a nap on and if you sing a lullaby it'll act like a magnet to anyone who's asleep you'll be perfect for Gathering everyone and keeping them safe and sound your next wish is whoa globe low glow is a lightwish you're exactly what we need on a dark night and for your last wish pointy The Bouncing wish pointy is great at bouncing on its own [Music] yeah it's a cat thing it's what I do or you can jump onto it to bounce [Music] but I'm sure we'll think of something Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my past [Music] everybody we've gotta go save the rainbow King [Music] laughs you wishing tree [Music] oh wow watch out cumulo maybe it's just me but this is way too many sleep floaters I agree it's gonna be very hard to find the rainbow King in this mess I have an idea take us down to the park please foreign [Music] [Music] makes snugly a magnet for anyone who's asleep right that's right well let's get humming [Music] no no no [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] it's working and look here comes the rainbow King [Music] oh rainbow King puts snuggly to sleep snuggly is losing its power thank you [Music] okay you need to do something or he'll float away with everyone that would not be good I can barely huh [Music] he must have pocket bubbled me wake up rainbow King we akness no use no rainbow King if only you could tell us what's wrong oh Mama it's even just a clue word phrase you know that points Us in the right direction yeah like that that's what's wrong rainbow King always has his moo moo at bedtime and he can't settle down without it that's why he's sleep floating we've been doing it all wrong instead of waking him up we need to help him have a good night's sleep of course more sleep is the answer to our sleep problem I knew that yeah all we have to have to go come on Bartleby go go cumulo to the Rainbow Castle [Music] foreign to dark this is dark how are we gonna find our way I mean I don't have that cats can see in the dark thing it's always been a great disappointment to me I remember my mother once Bartleby oh sorry time for my second wish [Music] Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up logo wish come true Europe will glow rainbow King said his mumus in the Royal Greenhouse this way here's the greenhouse hmm maybe the MooMoo is some kind of plant but there's got to be millions of them how are we gonna know which one is which fortunately every plant is clearly labeled all right let's go look for the MooMoo plant okay Muma plant um plant hmm well I mean it's not this one two wait for me not this one it's not this one either or this one maybe it's that Vimy one over there nope not over here where is it [Applause] guys look is that the rainbow King it's floating way too far too far we need to find that moo moo fast now we've just looked everywhere and there's nothing nothing but this giant flower pot Shine the Light over here what plant the fruit of the Momo plant gives off a soft glow and a gentle hump that is helpful for sleeping so where's the fruit way up there now I understand why the wishing tree gave me pointy here's e can you hold woglow it's time for my third wish [Music] wish come true okay pointy let's bounce foreign [Music] how are we gonna get it true I've got an idea Bartleby I need some kitty Natty help I see where you're going with this true let's try this again pointy Ready Set okay [Music] oh wait I'm a cat nice work Bartleby I'm very proud of myself thanks for your help pointy you too will glow wishes [Music] and bring the rainbow King his moo moo come on cumulo [Music] there is this will be tricky if rainbow King touches me and makes me sleep float it's up to you too to save the Rainbow Kingdom no pressure rainbow King I have your moments [Music] the rainbow King isn't sleep floating anymore his Muma must have broken the spell and luck [Music] all the sleep floaters are floating back home to their beds [Music] thanks snuggly you were super helpful tuck yourself back in the pack now [Music] let's go home I'm sleepy sleepy but we're just getting started we just saved this whole town let's celebrate phew what a night my sleepover didn't exactly go as planned yeah but you saved the kingdom true you're my hero and don't forget you're right this was a pretty good sleepover after all [Music] true true what hey that smells like a mulberry pancakes we made them just for you thanks for saving everyone in Rainbow City and you you remembered how much I love bendy straws oh thank you true for bringing my moo moo [Music] you gotta try some [Music] best pancakes [Music] the Big Green [Music] ah can I please okay can I please please please please please please look okay okay Open Your Eyes true that is the most I mean it's just so how did you okay I have no idea what this is what is it it's my invention for the maker Shaker Expo I call it the I Heart You bubblegram It's magnificent I love it watch this wait for it wow are those sugar glitter swirls [Music] a heart for me even better a heart you can eat you sure know the weight of my heart true they're gonna win the sunshine ribbon for sure thanks bee winning would be nice but I'm just excited to see what everyone else has made true I just heard about this maker Shaker whatever thingy you need to help me win this Sunshine ribbon Griselda you can win it without my help you always make cool stuff like your giant grispot no no true or maybe a mini crispot something less Stompy Chris Bots are so passe I've been trying to come up with an idea but the Christmas are being so loud carving my wall of me foreign well it didn't quite capture my I don't know what do it again talk later true [Music] green crystals gross I only work with pink ugh bouncy green crystals now that I can work with I need you too okay I need you to make me an invention a thousand silver salutations welcome to the maker Shaker Expo The Winner Takes home the spectacular Sunshine ribbon now don't forget to vote for your favorite invention oh that means me too little inventions true this is remarkable what is it this is my I hurt you Bubba oh how does it work allow me to show you foreign [Music] I bubble heart you too now shall we see what everyone else has come up with yes let's go Mellow Yellow a soothing Rock fun look how the water comes up right through the Rocks hi everybody hi Mila what's your invention have you ever thought that when high five just isn't enough always but you'll love this presenting the high five hat for when you're feeling undefined spring-loaded high five one two three four five that's five times the fun who wants to try bubbly zazuni juice a juice bubbler I have to see how this works oh this will be fine I just pushed the button here the bubbles Bubble Up and then come out here tickles purple pardons Cheers Cheers excuse you [Laughter] why hello little helpers what did you make very impressive I've got my own personal cleaning machine that's also very impressive beat let's go check it you get a bouncy bling bling and you get a bouncy bling bling and do you get a bouncy bling bling [Music] [Applause] thanks Griselda wow they're so flowy excuse me would you please sign my bling bling of course [Music] bouncy bling blings invented by Yours Truly princess Griselda Griselda can you show me how your machine works works I have no idea how it works details are so not my thing details are exactly my thing okay let's see now first the grismos carry the green crystals up the ladder and put them into the hopper then it seems like the crystals get all smooshed up into a green goo right and that Gringo gets rolled up into a ball which comes out the front what was that [Music] rain water spews into the river huh this doesn't look quite right I don't think this is normal we should go ask Griselda hold up did you know that I'm the best inventor yes smiley face now what did you want me to sign actually B and I were just at the back of your machine and it looks like you were saying how cool the back of my machine is well actually there's green polka dots on these bling blings I don't normally go for green but these dots are two adorbs winky face so are we gonna tell her about the green water thingy I don't know B griselda's really enjoying this I don't want to ruin it for her come on let's go see who's going to win the sunshine ribbon yeah maybe green water is good for the river I am delighted to announce the best invention of the maker Shaker Expo [Music] the winner of the sunshine ribbon is please please please please please please please please please please please [Music] congratulations Griselda I knew you could do it I'd like to thank everyone who helped me but since I did it all myself I'll just thank me where did you get the idea for these bouncing bling blings the fantastically fun and so pretty I based them mostly on myself [Music] never seen this before or this is [Music] hey you look like a bouncy bling bling but you look like a bouncy bling bling got your number what was that [Music] those bouncy bling blings are really big those aren't bling blanks those are people they're flexing pistachio this water is green rainbow King are you okay oh I'm fine just a little wet and round bouncy okay what is going on people are turning into bouncy bling blings come again it happened to the rainbow king after he was splashed by that Green River water griselda's machine stop this before everyone turns into bling blings then let's ask Griselda to turn off the machine hey Brazil we can't why not she's having such a fun time with this also she doesn't know how the machine works so telling her wouldn't help smiley face so how do we stop the water well we know how the Machine Works we can fix it here grab on why put a tourney thing on here if it one ten oh we've got to stop this we need some wish help oh cumulo to the wishing tree please [Music] see we have a huge um true Bartleby have you seen these bouncy bling blings aren't they fun they are fun but people are turning into them wow that's super fun but you seem worried explain please griselda's machine is turning all the water green and some people got splashed by it and then they became polka dotted and it gets worse they inflated and then they started bouncing and bouncing and bouncing just like the bouncy bling blings wandering wormles let's sit and have a sink [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well griselda's really proud of her invention so we need a way to stop the green water without having to tell her right and I'm sure you can with some wish help we also need a way to unborn the Boeing citizens they'll keep bouncing forever if we don't get them back to normal a wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] to hear your wonderful wishes with me [Applause] please [Music] three [Music] [Applause] wishes are spectacular true let's see what the Wikipedia says about them stop is Tai Tai this wish can tie itself into all sorts of nuts great Ty Ty you can help tie up our Loose Ends oh Bumbershoot has fantastic parachute powers bomber suit can fly you down to the ground safely from any height Bumbershoot you could help catch the bouncing citizens aha I'm not sure this is one of my favorite wishes cubicley great to see you again cubically cubicle has a jiggly gelatinous body that can absorb anything into it hmm I don't know how cubically can help stop the green water or the boying citizens but I'm sure we can put your GUI Center to good use Zip Zap wishes in my pack thank you see you later now let's put a stop to this green water time for my first wish [Music] come true [Music] I need you to give the pipe a big hug s [Music] yes bye bye green water where's a high five hat when you need one hey [Music] hi wouldn't it be bouncy too yeah how's everyone doing modern science fail jiggly I'm tired didn't go insomnia it's ruining my Royal half hang in there we're going to okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] never get tired of that cumulo time for my second wish [Music] hi Bumbershoot I need your help to catch and hold down those boinky citizens are you sure this is gonna work only one way to find out roll over cumulo [Music] okay Bumbershoot now it worked everyone stopped bouncing oh great thank you for unboxing us true I couldn't have done it without bomber shoot you were super helpful now tug yourself back in [Music] okay now stay put if you move you'll start bouncing again um true I think taita is about to untie oh no okay it's finally time to tell Griselda to turn her machine off my tummy is all jiggly bubbly is a Zuni juice to calm your belly storm hmm that just might settle it excuse me just said less jiggly make that twenty percent what's your name here you go puppy face next [Music] a lineup funny ears you can't hear us we need to get past this crowd sounds like a job for a stealth Kitty naughty Master follow me almost there so how many fishy poop crackers for me and the friend to get to see the princess next [Music] we've got to tell Griselda no matter what it takes even if it means standing in line [Music] Griselda what's your name it's me here you go it's me I need to tell you something I need to tell you something what a unique name Griselda it's me true your machine is turning people into bouncy bling blings what ow no way how could my machine turn people into bling blings allow me to when the green crystals ran through the machine bouncing bling blings weren't the only thing that came out green water gushed out of the back and into the river turning it green the green water ran through the city and any citizens that touched it blew up like bling blings they started bouncing higher and higher and higher and higher so we had to jump off cumulo to catch them with Bumbershoot which was super scary Sammy ran to tell you to turn off the machine but the grismo said no and we said please and then Christmas said no and we said pretty please and then they said no so we waited in line until it was our turn to see you and we said this down ah nice job b um what's happening [Music] I'm I'm so good daddy baloney what's happening to me [Applause] she's way bouncier than the others [Music] After That Bouncy boingy princess she's headed straight for boys Lagoon [Music] we need a way to catch her so something with the jiggly gooey Center sounds yummy it really does doesn't it [Music] my third wish [Music] comes true is going to land here any second we need you to catch her [Music] no no this way right with you drew okay here [Music] it worked yes nice work too bigly now let's get Griselda back to the Expo we still need to unborn everyone [Music] what princesses are rarely polka Dotty and never inflated and absolutely never green don't worry Griselda we just need to figure out how to unborn the boinginess wow you're not boingy anymore no a bubbly's a Zuni burp did the trick excuse me oh I can do that trick yeah oh excuse me firmer monster juice ball me please one juice ball coming at you what's up why aren't you burping are you kidding burping is very um princessly but if you don't burp you'll stay like that forever I will do many things but I will never pardon me well I will be doing that ever again [Music] thanks cubicley you too Ty Ty you were both super helpful Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my pack [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you you're welcome Griselda Oh and about my machine I'm sorry it caused all that trouble I'm sorry too Griselda I should have told you about the green water in the first place I really will miss all that selfie taking and autograph signing if only there was a way to fix the green water problem hold on I have an idea it worked the little helper's cleaning machine did the trick you're a genius true thanks Bartleby it sure is nice to have everything back to normal next everything back to normal face big Mossy mess okay Bartleby if you were the rainbow King where would you want to set up my neighbors and Zips party so many choices um let's see um here Bartleby what this is the perfect spot it's where all the snack action is [Music] wow getting ready for a juice party with the King sure is making me then it's time for a sip of sweet sweet suzuni juice nectar of the Gods after you excuse me oops sorry was that the last one gave me a great idea you want to use a straw like a pretend mustache no silly we can get some freshly squeezed the Zuni juice for the rainbow King and I know just where to get it nibbles and sips nibbles and sips no cribbles or scrubbles we'll slurp and we'll gobble each come and eat strip of those nibbles and sips rainbow guard I'm feeling nibbly and silly what time does true's party start [Music] EPM lavender luck that gives me plenty of time to get ready rainbow God please polish my scepter for me while I practice by nibbling and sipping and there's a Sunni Moss Island these islands are so beautiful [Music] hi farmer Mosser we're having a nibbles and sips party for the rainbow King today and we were wondering if we could have some fresh squeeze the Zuni juice wow how did you know that's why everyone comes to zazuni mass Island it's like he can read minds I am very impressed by this farmer zingy goodness of zazuni juice comes from the zazuni mass we grow right here in our Fields ah this is so whoa soft suzuni Moss so cozy so very softy soft [Music] on this island because it grows so fast watch that is fast now I'll show you how this mask gets Juiced Bartleby come on you silly sleepy head huh what oh I'm right just one more second wow okay okay I really have to stop now and here we have our zazuni juicer wow that juicer is humongous the zazuni mass is scooped up and then dropped into the juicer it squishes and stretches the mask and then twists it to squeeze all the juice out amazing is it suzumi juice yet almost almost and that is freshly squeezed Zuni juice enjoy perfect take as many as you like for you nibble and you just ship a thing wow thanks farmer monster anytime bye bye now huh I don't belong there Moss [Music] I'll be right with you I should probably give this back to Farmer Mosser sir farmer monster [Music] oh well I guess I'll just have to hold on to this very soft piece of moss super soft soft Moss of ultimate softness wow wow so soft all settled ah you bet yeah [Music] we're home that was a long ride that could really use a nap come on Bartleby the king's gonna be here any minute I definitely [Applause] okay Moss you just stay here until I can come back and nap on you I'll take you back home later sleep tight one last thing can you help me set the table please no you sure can you take the nibbles in I'll take the sips whoa is everything okay um yes I I um just see a spot that needs cleaning but I'm on it [Music] scores going crazy how's it coming with the sips good so far so good any second now it sure has taken you a long time to put out three juice balls well I like things to be just so all done hold on whoa what's all this a funny story remember all that Moss we saw at the Moss Farm today well I actually sort of brought a didn't even need bit of it home with me yes I did that teeny tiny well it was teeny tiny when I got it but it's not so teeny tiny now all right farmer monster told us that the moss grows really really fast remember uh oh I think I slept through that part did I mention how wonderfully soft that Moss was a few times but on the bright side now the whole house can be my bed I'm always just seconds away from a full-on nap anywhere anytime Anytime Anyplace everywhere every time every place I can sleep or have a snooze on a lamp or on some boots on a table or a door on the fridge or on the floor Toadstool table that's for me the list is endless can't you see let it spread I'll have a bed of musty softness for my head anywhere Anytime Anyplace everywhere every time every place you are so soft that was a great zombie but look how much monster while you were singing it'll be hard to have a nibbles and sips party when my house is so Mossy no problem we'll get rid of it I grew back that's just what happened at the farm okay new plan let's have the party outside we'll tidy up the Moss later great thinking we can keep the Moss from spreading by closing all the doors and windows [Music] quickly close the door problem solved now we can have our nibbles and sips party outside yep that Moss isn't going uh-oh our little Moss problem is now a big moss problem and we're going to need some help to stop it some wish help cumulo hi Camilo please take us to the wishing tree [Music] thank you foreign [Music] what are you doing we're practicing balancing [Music] thanks wishes we will work on this more later what can I help you with true I'm hosting a nibbles and sips juice party for the King today but I have a big zazuni moss problem and it seems to be getting bigger some quasars is it ever Moss is spreading all over Rainbow City all right let's stop and have a think [Music] looks like the Moss is a big problem what were you thinking true well Bartleby brought some Moss back from Happy farming Valley and it's growing really fast but it's so soft I need some wishes to help me stop the Moss from growing and spreading everywhere the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I got my three wishes from the wishing crazy can you show me what their powers are I certainly can [Music] let us see ah yes here it is whoosh is the name of your windy wish it has respiration super capacity that means he sucks in and blows out really strongly I think there's gonna be a lot of moss to blow away what's next where is Chelsea is a wish that can freeze things in ice perfect I could freeze the Moss to stop it from growing yeah we'll make mossicles Your Last Wish is twisty it can twist things in all sorts of different ways I have no idea how twisty will slow down the Moss I'll think of something thank you Z and thank you thank you shankri for sharing your wishes with me [Music] bye Splendid work rainbow card my scepter is as shiny as a star now I'm ready to go to true's house for the nibbles and sips party [Applause] [Music] a wall of moss I don't think it's moth season I can't get through it can you try Papa petunias what a predicament oh no it's getting worse if we don't stomp this fast the Rainbow Kingdom will turn into the zazuni Moss Kingdom [Music] terrible thing that's a Sunni Moss Kingdom would be Bartleby you've seen what's going on around here right I know I'm just gonna miss it so much oh Bartleby time to get this Mossy problem under control [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you ready to huff and puff and blow the Moss away foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow you have the suction power of a super vacuum great job whoosh now for the inside the inside too Bartleby okay [Music] after you [Music] now let's clean up the rest of the neighborhood [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there all cleaned up I think you mean excuse me bye bye Moss I'll never forget how soft you were so very soft I'll get you something just as soft to sleep on promise paw promise okay but I don't think you'll find anything softer than super comfy soft suzumi it already reached the Rainbow Castle can you hold any more Moss thanks for helping Moosh I'll be back to get you after you digest and get smaller again but right now it's time for some freezing action cumulo we have to hurry to stop this Moss [Music] and get ready Bartleby it's about to get icy huh good thing I have built-in mittens oh [Applause] do you really think Chelsea can freeze all this we have to try time to freeze some Moss [Music] it's working the mall stopped growing let's keep going [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Chelsea did it everything's frozen and now the Rainbow Castle Ready Aim you did it Chelsea great job I thought I wasn't going to make it to your nibbles and sips party today we had a bit of a zazuni moss problem your majesty but we stopped it from growing once we get it all shoveled up it's nibbles and sips for all yay and look the weather couldn't be better for it all warm and sunny warm and sunny I've got a soggy sinking feeling about this true no [Music] what what oh I should have left that piece of mosh back on zazuni Moss Island I'm sorry true I did this it's all my fault it's okay Bartleby we'll get things back to normal with my last wish Twisty The Twist wish how can twisting stop the monster Mossing how that wish does is twist twist twist feel like we've seen twisting like this before but where I twisted dough into pretzels yesterday for lunch they were delicious yum oh wow really good and I twisted a balloon into a balloon Mouse for you this morning I love that balloon Mouse um well it lasted and the juicer we saw at Monster's Farm it had a funnel that Twisted the Moss and made the juice wait a minute Bartleby that's it twisting turns as Zuni Moss into zazumi juice the Moss is gone and only juice is left sounds like a great plan if anyone can get rid of this Moss it's you true thanks rainbow King ready be always except for when I'm napping but I'm not so yes is it do I choose you wake up twisting wish come true okay twisty let's twisty twist the Moss and make it go away [Music] [Applause] Rodeo rainbows that's great thanks Drew my pleasure your majesty Wow Let's goby people [Music] follow me over here [Music] just a little more wow that reminds me of a giant juice ball there's two years and chillzy really helped clean up that Moss but twisty made enough to Zuni juice for the whole Rainbow Kingdom love that suzuni juice and it's great with fishy poof crackers cherry jubilee true these nibbles and sips are superb thank you dear highness and best of all there's no Moss left in the rainbow kingdom here here Bartleby I haven't forgotten my paw promise I knew you wouldn't I got you a new pillow to nap on that's just as soft as Moss ah thanks true but there's no way a pillow could be as soft as [Music] where's cumulo [Music] perfect day for flying you're right true I love feeling the wind in my fur personally Bartleby I love the feeling of wind in my face [Applause] I think it's time for our Fantastical free-falling Loop and scoop let's do this foreign [Applause] [Music] you're right Rainbow City does look extra pretty today cumulo wow this is spectacular wouldn't it be great if everyone in Rainbow City could see the view from up here well that reminds me I'm working on a special surprise for everyone in Rainbow City you made a giant fishy poof cracker ah thanks true although you know if I ate the giant fishy poof cracker by myself I would beat the world record and then there wouldn't be enough left for the rest of the town so I guess you really didn't think this thing through true actually I'm making something way better than that it's [Applause] [Music] true I love it what is it it's my fantastically fabulous body float oh I get it it's a boat that floats yup way up in the sky I'm building it so everyone can see the Rainbow Kingdom the way we see it just like when we fly with you cumulo I just need to finish a few last details need some help it's okay I got this oh great well I've got something I gotta finish too hello fishy poof crackers oh this is good it's okay I got this it's okay I got this whoa oh I got it [Music] it's okay I got it it's okay I got this [Music] it's okay [Music] now that takes care of that 101 ways to eat a fishy poof cracker that's a world record you know nailed it so oh what do you think well I think I could have gone for 102 but uh why not I'm going for 102. be right back okay but don't take too long we're ready to launch hi Drew hi Mila Bucky is that your body flow can we ride it can we you bet you'll be our very first passengers well [Applause] so how did this body go floaty it's easy first I need to spin the left balancer [Applause] then the right balancer [Applause] and then I just need to lift the lifter to get you way up high and that's when I put on the safety brake so the body float doesn't fly away oh okay well let's go for a ride come on Rocky prepare for liftoff left balancer go this is a little tight it's okay cumulo I can do it myself I'm gonna need my spanner though just apply a little pressure oh there we go that's good now for the right balancer go [Music] oh Bartleby just in time watch this lifting the lifter now your booty float is really floaty true yep just as I planned I've never seen a body float like this before but as far as boaty floats go yours is the body floatiest thanks Bartleby [Music] oh look at it go hmm that's a little higher than I thought it would go yeah and it keeps going Higher and Higher and Higher and Higher and Higher and Higher and Higher and it's [Music] [Applause] me [Music] grab the Rope I got it I got it what's the opposite of got it don't got it [Music] at all you installed the get back down button right true actually no Bartleby I didn't so how are we gonna bring Mila and Rocky back down we just need cumulo to fly up there and get them [Music] oh cute hello oh that's weird cumulo always shows up when you call we'd better go look for her loves me have you seen cumulo yo uh white fluffy Cloud about um this big a white fluffy Cloud about that big you say well there's something in the bushes that matches that description yeah that could be cumulo I guess thanks for your help come on Bartleby kilo why are you hiding the money hi guys well it sure sounds like they're having a lot of fun out there we still need to get the body float down in case something goes wrong Milan Rocky are in trouble and we need to get up to the boaty float can you flies up there cumulo [Music] The Cameo gets smaller did we get bigger something's different maybe you can't fly us up there after all [Music] don't go she's really getting small and she's raining I've never seen her do that before neither have I but lucky for you you've got those awesome yellow boots this is serious Bartleby we need wish help to the wishing tree but how are we gonna get there without cumulo they're not going to like this bee we're going to have to use our feet Drew that's hilarious you're funny wait you're serious ready B on your mark get set go hey wait for me [Applause] [Music] we should have taken the bus I don't think the bus goes to the wishing tree yeah we should talk to the rainbow King about that now we just have to make our way to the top should be easy we made it not quite Bartleby hey we're here uh this has got to be the top just a little bit further now ah we did it Bartleby I'm proud of us okay oh thanks Joey V we need wish help true Bartleby what happened my body flow flew away with Mila and Rocky on it and cumulon started raining and and shrinking and then cumula ran away but we found her and then we couldn't fit on her and then she tipped over and we had to walk here and I can hardly breathe ah good idea okay let's sit and have a sink [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you first we need to get meal on Rocky safely back to the ground they're stuck on the boaty float but the problem is I can't get it back down without cumulo what happened to cumulo cumulo shrank super small as small as us and she ran away so we need to find cumulo and bring Mila Rocky and my body float back to safety the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] share your wonderful wishes with me [Applause] [Music] tiny wishes [Music] magic power in a wishing tree wait till you see what the wish appease is about their powers [Music] your shop is floto Florida amazing it's a bubble wish that can float you as high up as you need to go perfect we need to go as high as the body float please this is zoomy a telescope wish zoomy can help you see Tiny objects that are far away like tiny little cumulo welcome aboard zoomy it's easy to see you'll be a huge help zoomy I've been waiting for this one this is squashy one of the rarest wishes of all squash is so small I think we might need Zuni to see it squash it ah squash is so cute it's your wish power to look adorable yes can and Minnie but also Mighty don't be fooled by its eyes now we're full through the process of which Moses squashy can soak up lots of water and then squeeze it back out to its porous epidermis in other words squashy can squish yes exactly just remember to shout squashy squish I'm sure all you wishes will be a big help I can't wait to see you in action Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my pack good luck true thanks Z come on Bartleby let's go find cumulo foreign [Music] oh no no I think hey they disappeared they're stuck in that cloud we better get up there before something goes wrong time for my first wish [Applause] [Music] come true photo we need to get up to the Bodhi float bubble us up photo [Music] oh these clouds look the same to me which one are Mila and Rocky hiding in I bet they've gotta be around here somewhere [Music] oh flying way too fast now only cumulo can fly that fast floto thanks for your help but we need to get back down now we've gotta find cumulo [Music] thanks for the ride Flo time to pop back into my pack [Music] okay this is the last place we saw cumulo when she was crying hey look two bubbles these must be Cloud tears Bartleby cumulo must have gone this way let's go [Music] the trail stops here [Music] where are you I don't think we'll ever find her we've looked everywhere don't cry true you'll find a way you always do oh well thanks bee but I'm not crying a raindrop cumulo must be close I don't know where she must have shrunk down so small that we can't see her but maybe there's a way we can find her time for my second wish [Music] wake up wake up which comes true zoomy can you help us find cumulo she's somewhere up in this tree let's expand on that what do you see true I see anything nothing yet just a lot of leaves [Music] you are thanks zoomy I've got it from here please [Music] I'm glad you're safe but please don't hide cumulo I need you I know I didn't ask for your help but the body floats just sometimes I think I can do things all by myself that's how I am but I was wrong I'm sorry Chino I always need your help yeah me too we missed you cumulo come on Camilo that's it I can't get the booty float down and save Milan Rocky without you [Music] Rocky do you want to go even faster dude [Music] [Music] we need to get you big again cumulo and quick what's the plan true I have one wish left squashy how is Squish power gonna help cumulo I think I might have an idea but we're going to have to find some water [Music] are you ready cumulo it's time for my third wish Zip Zap zoo I Choose You squashy squish come true okay squashy let's get Squishy with it farting you [Music] whoa that's a lot of Water squashy Squishy [Music] okay squashy now come over here to where cumulo is that's it nice and easy okay squash [Music] squash [Music] cumulo it's so good to have you back to normal you look better than ever thanks for your help squashy [Music] oh [Music] that does not look safe [Applause] that's it come on cumulo we've got no time to lose [Music] hey I want to try that don't get me wrong I'm still having a lot of fun but my arms are getting tired I wanna be that when I grow up okay baby it's time to stop [Music] hi Mila hey Rocky how's it going great I think we're done with the voting float now though stay with them [Music] Rocky I need you to let go let's go [Music] yes wow clouds are really super fluffy thanks drew that was a really fun ride you're welcome kill yourself yay thanks keep me alone let's hear it for the best cloud in the sky yay [Applause] [Music] I'm okay thanks again keep you low come on Rocky let's go practice our parkour thanks quinoa you were amazing laughs yeah great job cumulo well true it looks like we saved the day again except um the body float is broken can you fix it true I can with the help from someone special [Music] foreign spanner please [Music] single file please enjoy the ride keep your hands within the balloon rails at all times next okay yeah sorry Little Helpers but you've got to be at least this call to ride well played [Music] how does it look at you almost ready B just need to do one last thing okay cumulo you've got this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] way to go cumulo [Music] [Applause] Yeti sitting [Music] [Applause] next stop Yeti Village are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet Myrtle Beach we just left but I can't blame you for being excited I can't wait to babysit the yeti triplets me too yeah three Yeti babies equals three times the fun which is why I packed all my toys I just didn't know if they'd be into squeaky toys balls the silly faces I'm sure the yeti babies will love your toys thanks for mix from the Bartleby and thank you Griselda for coming along to help oh it's no problem after all I am a pro when it comes to babies look I brought my how to raise a freaky book written by the most fabulous writer I know me a whole chapter on baby talk I'm fluent listen is Widow baby Bridle be excited to see the yeti wedies oh she's good yeah are a baby experts I raced rookie all by myself and he turned out perfectly babysitting is going to be easy right well we just have to remember though not to actually sit on the babies okay Grizz no baby sitting [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] we are so ready to babysit your fuzzy little triplets I've got my freaky training book and I brought all my toys hi stick baby babies [Music] they're almost cute enough to be princesses oh okay the babies just had their nap I made some normal berries and now they're ready for play did someone say playtime nope not that not that nope nope yes yes what should we play fetch Chaser tail round and round smother Bartleby with kisses frooky can play that for hours [Music] you don't know you want Sunset we'll make sure they're in bed by then all right cuties who's ready for some true tickets I am correction I had grok [Music] nobody touches the crown oh [Music] okay Croc that's a good girl Uncle Barnaby's arms are getting a little tired I'm just gonna put you down for a second Okay who wants to go for a kitty back ride huh what [Music] there you are you silly girl whoa [Music] we the ninja catch bee [Music] I think we should take these little bundles of fun outside where things are less Breaky who wants to go for a little carriage ride wait we need toys my frooky shmookums never leaves home without his favorite chew toy B what do you have well let's see I got the squeaky mousy no yarn ball any takers tough crowd let's see [Music] [Applause] I know you can't go wrong with that tin foil ball [Music] all right you just wanted to go to the playground Okay who wants to push from Uncle Bartleby after he has a rest no stay I've got to face bubble this ready say I'm a cutie come down here the only thing cuter than a princess is a princess with the yeti baby [Music] come on babies let's be careful you have to come down because I can't find the page for what to do and proving climbs too high [Music] okay that was fun and you know what else is fun a nice walk by the river ah you're right drew that sounds way less jumpy and crashy see isn't this fun [Music] she wants to sniff around the tree frukey loves sniffing trees oh yeah oh uh uh you grock but we should put that down now okay wait I meant put it back wards good boy flu now should Rock how to play nice with trees uh oh that tree is heading for the bridge [Music] uh true that's a lot of water we better go find those triplets and see what they're up to I'm sure there's something about all of this in my how to train your fruity book foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we need wish help [Applause] [Music] thanks cumulo will you be okay keeping an eye on the triplets totally I'm in control as always great we'll be right back to the wishing tree please foreign [Music] hey Bartleby how did the babysitting go we've got a big problem the yeti triplets went rolling off in their carriage and then we found them but then they started pulling out trees we forgot clogged in the whole Yeti Villages flooded and griselda's just floating there and the babies are definitely not sleeping and ergon stick will be home any minute now come on [Music] battle is a big problem and have a think [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well the triplets are safe so first we need to stop the flood in Yeti Village good idea you should tackle the biggest problem first there's so much water that everything's floating yeah and running on logs is way harder than it looks it is the triplets make it look so easy they're impossible to catch so we need a way to round them up [Music] the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll see [Music] [Music] I have a good feeling about these wishes now let's see what the Wikipedia says about their powers [Music] has Mighty grabbing power he can grab onto anything and lift even the heaviest objects perfect grapplow you can help us unblock the river oh your next wish is hugsy oh yeah this is a fun one hugsy loves wrapping anyone in super tight hugs who doesn't love Hogs hugs hugsy you can help us round up the triplets and last but definitely not least we have twisty a super strong wish twisty great to see you again this one is a force of nature twisty can twist up anything even a strong tornado that's incredible I'm just not sure how twisting could help with a flood or baby yetis but I can't wait to figure it out wishes in my pack [Music] let's go fix Yeti Village you're welcome good luck [Music] good job watching the babies Griselda oh no problem you know I always knew I was a great babysitter but now I know I'm a fantastic carrot sitter too time for some wish power true you got it kinyo take us to the bridge please [Music] time for my first wish [Music] come true see that bridge over there oh there's a big tree that's stuck underneath can you grab on to it and pull it out oh great what okay Grappler get into position hey ho now [Music] [Applause] hey look the water's going down [Music] mmm I just kissed the ground see you buddy Grappler that was really impressive up Grandpa [Applause] I'm okay cutest plumber ever now tuck yourself in now to round up those babies and get them home Before Sunset where are those cute Yeti babies anyway ha ha ha that didn't really answer my question which way did they go you're kung fu for swinging over there [Music] okay but where's grok came from over there okay okay don't worry babies Uncle Bartleby will get you down I'm true how is Uncle Bartleby gonna get them down [Applause] will give them something a baby's love hugs time for my second wish zip [Music] to you wake up hugsy wish come true okay hugsy these little yetis need your super Huggy power oh yeah I love that now's your chance hugsy it's cuddle o'clock [Music] thank you [Music] nice squeezing hugsy you can let go now [Music] and now to buckle you in to make sure you stay put that okay here comes the Earth okay hugsy time for round two [Music] that was fun wasn't it that's two babies down and one to go hope your snuggle Supply is high hugsy no need true huxy can sit this one out my book has a whole chapter on what to do when your frooky's off his leash come here floof you'll be a good baby Yeti [Music] frukey offer truth is a reward [Music] I've got some yummy Snacky wackies [Music] gotcha [Music] come on hugsy go true [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice cats true thanks true [Music] you're all such good yetis yes you are yes you are thanks for everything hugsy now tuck yourself in well that's that now let's get these Yeti babies home in bed sleepy already see I knew babysitting was going to be easy yeah it's a good thing you brought your boogers Zelda I'm bringing your toys was a great idea too Bartleby we're a pretty good babysitting team oh what a wonderful Sunset I love the way it feels on my face huh Sunset and oh look there's ergen Snick returning from their big day out we're getting sick I really hope they don't see that big pile of trees over there it's messy pile of trees oh no we can't leave the yeti Village like this cleaning up trees is not in my babysitting book Griselda borrow me you need to get those Yeti babies back in bed before Oregon Snick at home but true who's gonna clean up that mess I'll take care of those trees okay true we're on it it's time for my third wish [Music] wake up twisty wish come true [Music] hi twisty we need your help and fast you see all those trees over there we need to clean them up before mama and papa Yeti get home I know you can twist up a tiny tornado to lift them they're getting closer we'd better hurry up twist twisty [Music] [Applause] thank you okay twist Twisted let's put those trees down [Music] twisty let's go join Bartleby and Griselda I'm sure they have the triplets snug in their beds by now foreign [Music] [Music] great job twisty thank you so much for your help [Music] oh [Music] shh [Applause] [Music] oh thanks for the fun day you sure kept us on our toes I hope you two had a lovely time we had such a fun day with your little triplets oh boy they sure do know how to play and good thing I was here because absolutely nothing went wrong here's my card got some thing for us oh you shouldn't have it was our pleasure love is Frozen says Sunni juice balls thank you so much to the best babysitting team ever [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 1,256,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, cartoons for kids, cartoon, cartoons, for kids, rainbow, true and the rainbow kingdom full episode, true cartoon, true and bartleby, true and the rainbow kingdom grizelda, grizelda, bartleby, rainbow king, zee, true and the rainbow kingdom zee, true and the rainbow kingdom episodes, true song, true in the rainbow kingdom, kids cartoon, netflix jr, guru studio, true, rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom
Id: DAGBiu0YjbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 21sec (6621 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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