Sleepy Time! 😴 Snoozy Sleepover & More Full Episodes πŸ’€πŸŒˆ True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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[Music] a snoozy sleepover prepare for the PA of [Music] Doom you're a worthy opponent master pillow we will meet again who's ready for a yummy surprise kitty nty ninja cats are always ready for surprises Tada popped p Peppers that's like my fourth favorite snack after of course fishy poof crackers fishy poof crackers with zesty cheese and limited edition extra light poof fishy poof crackers hold it popped peppy Peppers check suoni juice balls check bendy straws [Laughter] [Music] uncheck thanks Little Helpers and check there everything's ready for the sleepover okay back to snacking oh bendy straws I feel like a princess you never know when a real princess might show up I'm here for Zelda it wouldn't be a party without you I know where's frie fry kin is right here [Music] care for an ice cold Zoni juice yes please but would you happen to have a Bendy straw so thoughtful of you true hello party people so far so good everything's going just as plann now we're just waiting on the rainbow King that must be him now welcome rainbow King huh your magesty a lovely lavender evening to you true and Bartleby I'm so excited about your sleepover I was just making sure I didn't forget anything important like my blankie or my pillow or uh oh hey if you need a toothbrush I got lots oh there's my tail cleaning brush I was looking for that works like a charm and I found my gum bubble chew you want some ew no thanks no it's not a toothbrush I've got one of those oh what could it be don't worry your majesty we've got everything you could possibly need purple P Simmons true your particular predisposition to planning is perfection personified what he said thank you rainbow King please come in Rainbow King well that's it everybody's here check next up party [Music] time hello ready ready best sleepover ever y uh-oh looks like we're down to our very last party plan a a delicious numl Berry pancake breakfast in the [Music] morning all right everybody let's get ready for [Music] [Laughter] bed good night everyone good night [Music] Indigo injustices I just remember what I forgot to remember my moomo I always have my moomo with me at bedtime moomo that's not on my list can you sleep without it well it has helped me sleep every night for the last 3 or 400 million years but I'm sure I'll be fine I'll just count Little Helpers and I fall asleep 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 64 6,46 wait I skipped one I'll start over 1 2 rainbow King do you want me to get your MooMoo for you you it's no problem goodness greenness no we'd have to go all the way to the Royal Greenhouse for my MooMoo that is pretty far to go not to worry TR I'll fall asleep soon okay if you need anything just ask good night rainbow King good night true oh blue bother I mustn't keep everyone awake I really don't like using sleeping spells I but I can't remember why but maybe just this once Starry blo help me snooze I'm feeling snoozy [Music] already [Music] what a lovely summer rain so refreshing blebe you're talking in your sleep again so are you frie you're flying huh what Drew look out what's going on Fry kins frie frie Wes come [Music] down it's okay frugie snuggles you're safe with me now yes you are I definitely didn't plan for this they're sleep floating fascinating I've read about it I never thought I'd see it in person we should pull them down no don't touch him if you do you'll sleep float too can we wake them [Music] up guess not well we can't just let them float around bumping into things we need some rope or string or butterfly net or string or a super long straw or Str good work Little Helpers wait where's the rainbow King he's there going out the window rainbow wake up wake up wake up wake up we need to catch up to him and wake him up oh cumula sorry to wake you cumo but we've got to go save the rainbow King oh wait I forgot to get changed um do we need to get changed too nope keep your PJs on we're still having a sleepover I've just got to be ready for action good idea can you two take gisala and frie back inside thanks Little [Music] Helpers [Music] the entire Metropolis is sleep floating fascinating yeah but Z everyone in Rainbow City will sleep float right out of town we need some wish help and quick to the wishing tree please [Music] [Applause] cumulo Z where are you I need your help uh true I'm right behind you oh right sorry okay we need something bright to find rainbow King and something to get the citizens down something sticky this is sticky um no thanks and we need something loud to wake everyone up if he wakes up too suddenly maybe everyone will fall down right I didn't think of that so uh pillows but everyone's still floating so we do need something sticky tape glue no hair gel Z we need wishes you're right we do need wishes let sit and have a [Music] think okay true how can the wishing tree help you well we don't know what will happen if we wake up the rainbow King suddenly the other sleep floaters might wake up too and then fall down so we'll have to bring everyone down safely first good thinking true and when everyone is down safely we'll gently wake up the king and he can break the spell the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with meing tree share with me your wishes 1 2 three smugly finge please share with me magic power for you and [Music] [Applause] [Music] me mag in [Music] Wishing true these wishes are incredible I can't wait to see what the wish aedus says about their [Music] powers this is snuggly snuggly snugly a blanket wish that can go big enough for lots of people to take a nap on and if you sing a lolie it'll act like a magnet to anyone who's asleep you'll be perfect for Gathering everyone and keeping them safe and sound your next wish is W glow W glow W glow is a light wish you're exactly what we need on a dark night and for your last wish poy The Bouncing wish poy poy poy is great at bouncing on its [Music] own yeah it's a cat thing it's what I do or you can jump onto it to bounce extra high I'm not sure how a bouncing wish can help but I'm sure we'll think of something Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my [Music] pack come on everybody we've got to go save the rainbow King [Music] thank you wishing [Music] tree W wa watch out cumulo maybe it's just me but this is way too many sleep floaters I agree it's going to be very hard to find the rainbow King in this mess I have an idea take us down to the park please cumulo time for my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up snugly wish come true ready snugly snugly oh Z you said singing a lullabi makes snuggly a magnet for anyone who's asleep right that's right well let's get [Music] humming [Music] it's working and look here comes the rainbow [Music] King uh-oh rainbow King put snuggly to sleep snugly is losing its power [Music] rainbow King he need to do something or he'll float away with everyone that would not be good I can barely see him now huh who could be calling at this hour rainbow King M he must have pocket bubbled me wake up rainbow King wake up please it's no use oh rainbow King if only you could tell us what's wrong oh M even just a clue mooo two-word phrase you know that points Us in the right direction MooMoo yeah like that MooMoo that's what's wrong rainbow King always has his MooMoo at bedtime and he can't settle down without it that's why he's sleep floating we've been doing it all wrong instead of waking him up we need to help him a good night's sleep of course more sleep is the answer to our sleep problem yeah I knew that yeah all we have to do is get rainbow King his MooMoo cumulo come on blebe what go go cumo to the Rainbow [Music] Castle okay on a scale of one to dark this is dark how are we going to find our way I mean I don't have that cat's can see in the dark thing it's always been a great disappointment to me I remember my mother once ble oh sorry time for my second [Music] wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up W Glo wish come true you're up wogo rainbow King said his moomoo in the Royal Greenhouse this way here's the greenhouse H maybe the mumu is some kind of plant but there's got to be millions of them how are we going to know which one is which fortunately every plant is clearly labeled all right let's go look for the MooMoo plant okay MooMoo plant uh MooMoo plant H well I mean it's not this one Drew wait for me not this one it's not this one either or this one maybe it's that viny one over there nope not over here where is it h guys look is that the rainbow King he's floating way too far we need to find that MooMoo fast but we've just looked everywhere and there's nothing nothing but this giant flower pot this must be it true Shine the Light over here it's the mumu plant the fruit of the mumu plant gives off a soft glow and a gentle hum that is helpful for sleeping so where's the fruit way up there now I understand why the wishing tree gave me poy here's Z can you hold wow it's time for my third wish [Music] Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up poy wish come true okay poy let's bounce poy ready let's bounce bounce bounce go boy go higher Drew higher it's just Out Of Reach [Music] how are we going to get it through I've got an idea bleby I need some kitty Natty help I see where you're going with this true let's try this again [Music] poy ready set okay ble be it's ninja [Music] time wait I'm a cat nice work bartlebee I'm very proud of myself thanks for your help poyy you too wow Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my [Music] pack okay let's bring the rainbow King his MooMoo come on [Music] cumulo there he is this will be tricky if rainbow King touches me and makes me sleep float it's up to you two to save the Rainbow Kingdom no pressure rainbow King I have your [Music] MooMoo [Music] mooo the rainbow King is in sleep floating anymore his Muma must have broken the spell and look it's working all the sleep floaters are floating back home to their [Music] beds we did it woohoo y we did it thanks snuggly you were super helpful tuck yourself back in the pack [Music] now let's go home I'm sleepy sleepy but we're just getting started we just saved this whole town let's celebrate phew what a night my sleepover didn't exactly go as planned yeah but you saved the kingdom true you're my my hero and don't forget we still have num Berry pancakes to enjoy in the morning you're right this was a pretty good sleepover after [Music] all true true Wy Wy what hey that smells like mberry pancakes we made them just for you thanks for saving everyone in Rainbow City and you you remembered how much I love bendy straws oh thank you true for bringing my moomo a thanks everyone that is so good ble you got to try [Music] some best pancakes so delicious the N ey tree looks like we're officially ready for camp out Yeti style almost officially ready nope too hard too soft too leafy Ah that's just right maybe too good a job H I think this catnap needs a Yeti wakeup call oh Ur hi hi bye wo last stop y Village Oh look The campers are here [Music] hi everyone welcome to camp out Yeti style you excited to learn all about the yeti tradition oh is that a Yeti tradition it is having fun is a yeti specialty so is recycling your sleeping bags are made entirely out of fallen leaves and when you wake up in the morning you've got a nice healthy breakfast [Music] great well that Yeti tradition looks like a lot of fun I want to try that sure everybody grab a Yeti buddy and have fun this is so much [Music] [Applause] fun thanks for the delivery [Music] urg Yeti dinner is [Music] a everything looks good enough to eat that was delicious thank you uh now uh what should I do with my plate is there garbage yetis don't believe in garbage they reuse everything including the plates which are edible oh okay oh you know this tastes pretty good for a plate huh I was right everything is good enough to eat now that we've seen some Yeti Traditions do you think they'd like to learn some of ours definitely what were you thinking well when we camp out we like to gather around do some dancing and roast numble Berry marshmallows and the best part is we do it at night oh the yeti only like daylight they never go out after dark never ever oh message received guess we'll only have to collect half the num berries now would you like some help getting ready for night time Come on B got didn't you deserve PL now that's Hospitality oh be can I ask you why you don't go out at night time you're scared of the dark hey me too that's why I always carry a security blanket and a security snack and a security best friend oh always so what do you do to feel safe when it gets dark wo is this a n ey fruit I've never seen one before so pretty oh the yetis have been using the nine eyes for thousands of years it helps them feel safe at night n [Music] n it's too bad the yetis can't join us at our camp out yeah well I heard they don't like being outside when it's dark well maybe they need some lights like those ones up there hey that gives me an [Music] idea look how bright we made it now the yetis can join us for camp out y I'll call them oh yees ye we found some nice lights for [Applause] you oh can you hear how how excited they are nailed it oh and here they come now to thank us I'm not sure those are happy howls maybe it's too bright for them that's probably it I'll be right back is everyone okay we heard howls unhappy howls don't worry true I'll turn off those bright nigh night lights no yetis are scared of the dark and they need those n eyes to feel safe oh I feel terrible it's not your fault you didn't know but those yetis won't be able to go night night without their nine eyes let's just turn those nine eyes back on there must be a switch or something we can't turn them back on we have to get new ones from the nigh tree what about these little lights couldn't they work instead those lights are nice but they're too small and not nearly bright enough no the only thing we can do is get more n eyes a great plan um we'll wait till morning and leave when it's sunny right I don't think the yetis can last that long in the dark bee where is the nigh tree deep in the never ending Forest H how deep oh so really deep can you show us the way don't be scared don't worry we'll be fine we'll stick together and I'll go get some wish [Music] helpo we'll be back before you know it till then stay together yeah there safety in numbers unless you're a fishy poof cracker to the wishing tree please [Music] cumulo thanks cumulo back in a minute Z the camp of night is ruined true bleby is everything all right I heard howls no everything is not all right those are Yeti howls why are the yetis howling because they're scared of the dark not that there's anything wrong with that that's right and the citizens accidentally put up their n ey lights and now everyone is upset they put out their nigh ey lights but the yetis have been using those for thousands of years we know first things first let's sit and have a [Music] think okay true how can the wishing tree help you well we need to find the nine ey tree so we can bring back more n eyes to the yeti Village but Snick too scared of the dark to show us the way so we need to wait to light our path through the forest and keep snck and blebe calm the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with [Music] me wishing tree sh with metin [Music] wish magic power in the wishing [Music] dree true these wishes are incredible I can't wait to see what the wishop beia says about their [Music] powers first up we have glow hi again wogo I could never forget your bright [Music] personality as you know w is a light wish it can illuminate any space no matter how dark it is even say I don't know the never ending forest at night dark don't worry bee well glow can brighten any path next we have bumbers Sho bumbers shoot has fantastic parachute Powers bumbers Sho can Flo you down to the ground safely from any height that'll come in handy if we get stuck somewhere really high uhhuh Bard are we planning on getting stuck somewhere really high and finally we have gravidity gravidity is super sticky and stretchy it can help you grab things from far away that's amazing I'm not sure how we'll use your power gravid didy but if you like Adventure stick with us grab Zoo zipzap wishes in my [Music] pack let's go find the the N ey tree oh no we don't have any wishes to help the yetis oh I have an idea be right back okay we'll meet you on T Milo bring snacks okay o is that the snack bag no snacks just ingredients for a glow potion to help the yeti stay calm until you get back great idea let's go hi hi yies this is my friend Z he's here to help um hello true I didn't realize there'd be such a big crowd I'm used to potioning in front of small groups you'll do great Z Pro tip maybe don't go overboard with the science talk but not all my talk is science talk well good luck with that Snick are you ready to show us the way to the N ey tree [Music] [Music] by don't be scared I'm here to bring you radiant energy uh I mean I I'm here to bring you [Music] illumination I'm here to bring you light [Music] observe stick if you're saying this is a gloomy dark and spooky shadowy Forest I'm right with you it is getting pretty dark out here but I've got just the thing it's time for my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up W Glo wish come true hi wow can you light up this Gloomy forest for us this um gloomy dark spooky Shadow so many scary words Forest see much better all right okay you know uh things are looking up I can see the ground I can see the trees I can see my fishy poof crackers oh can we stop for a quick snack breakr sure be how about a little rest [Music] wow one for Snick and one for true and one for the giant scary plant [Music] creature don't be scared it's just this cute little flower Shadow see okay it's gone thank goodness everybody relax don't do that shadow thing again KR not all Shadows are scary be some are fun here you shine wow on my hands hey it's me I'm famous rainbow King delightful daffodil I'm so pleased you like my shadow puppet show you're so good at making us not scared true I couldn't do it without my lovely assistant wow wow oh sorry I know it's in here somewhere nope not that yes haen from Rainbow King's favorite flower and Celestial [Music] particles I mean star [Applause] sprinkles a good scientist always knows when to check on his [Music] experiment thank [Music] you nice try Forest you that might sound like a huge waterfall but I'm sure it's just a huge waterfall okay I do not remember a waterfall being here we've never been here before be no yeah that's why I don't remember it snake is the n ey tree down there yeah she said all we have to do is follow the river how we supposed to get down there easy we're going to jump I was afraid you'd say that bleby we're going to have to be brave the yetis are depending on us to bring the n i light back to the Village time for my second wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up bumber Sho wish come true hi bumbers Sho can you help us float down safely from here bumbers well glow you sit on my shoulder okay bumbers shoot we need you to get as big as you can uh-huh okay everyone one two three [Music] jump yay we did it good job bumbero bu now back in the [Music] pack okay gang we're on the lookout for a giant glow-in-the-dark tree come on [Music] next is something I call lightning in a bottle First We Take frozen rain pellets add a tough of storm cloud a sprinkling of negative electrons and [Music] shake for me in front of a big crowd is kind of great I don't know why I was so worried voila lightning in a [Applause] [Music] bottle hey Snick my paws are getting kind of tired is that N Night Tree close by laa laa well I guess that's the N ey tree oh W thanks for your help W glow wow now back in the pack uh true why is the Nite tree so dark I don't know let's go take a closer look stick says the N ey tree is all lit up during the day then why do you think it looks so different at night oh oh it's sleeping of course it's all dark even nine ey trees go to bed so how do we wake it up the N [Music] Dance It's Working [Music] ble wow so beautiful look at all those n but true they're so high up how are we going to get them down it's time for my third wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up grab a Dy wish come true grab a diddy hi grab a diddy I need your super sticky power to help us catch all those n eyes uh let's get grabbing grab didy [Music] [Applause] [Music] grab way to grab grabit [Music] Diddy thanks for your help grab a diddy grab a diddy now back in the [Music] pack we're sorry to wake you n i tree but my friends and I were visiting the yetis and we uh somebody threw water on the N Night Lights and they just went out wasn't me just saying anyway the yetis are a little Afraid of the Dark not that there's anything wrong with that is it okay if we borrow some of your n eyes mhm oh thank you n i tree thanks we better get back to Yeti Village sweet dreams n ey tree [Music] I'm sorry all my potions are destroyed there's nothing else I can do to bring you light hey there's some light those look like n lights hey it's true ble be and snck hi we're back hi everybody now we have enough nine eyes to light the entire Yeti Village and I wasn't afraid of the dark or my shadow well maybe a little I just want to say how truly sorry we really are it's just that we got so caught up in the yeti traditions we didn't realize we were causing any harm well isn't there anything we can do to help the yetis now [Music] my [Music] Lord n n n n [Music] n night queens of the day and night oo I'm so excited to meet the day queen and the night Queen making the sunrise each day and the moon rise each night is such an amazing incredible wonderful amazing did I already say amazing important job it's amazing all right sun comes up and I'm wide awake moon comes up and I'm the castle looks golden gorgeous oh thank you for your help true and Bartle me you're welcome rainow King and your timing couldn't be better here comes the day Queen [Music] now wow uh true you okay true true warmest greetings rainbow king and you must be true and bleby it's wonderful to finally meet you you know me she knows me it's delightful to see you again your majesty and your sister the night Queen should be here any minute rainbow King why do the Queens only visit at sunrise and sunset the day Queen's power comes from her brightness sple me it fades at night so if she's away from Sunshine too long she won't have the energy to lift the sun each day just as the night Queen must stay in darkness to lift the moon so my sister and I can only be together at dawn and dusk oh it's so sad I get to see my best friend all the time a oh and speaking of Here [Music] Comes the night Queen night Queen how glorious that you're here day Queen seeing you is always the best part of my evening thank you for inviting me rainbow King you're welcome ah you must be true and bleby I've heard so much about you you've heard of me too I W oh and here we go again night Queen it's midnight marvelous to have you visit and what a beautiful moonrise you've made though the day Queen's Sunset is marvelous as well oh thank you your majesty nothing beats a perfect sunet oh dear sister surely you must agree the moonrise is more spectacular I'm afraid I must disagree with you sister a sunset is the most beautiful what do you think true yes which one do you think is best h I um well they're both great if only that were so but clearly my time is the best daytime is the best time the shimmering sun in the bright blue sky night time simply can't compare you really shouldn't even try night time is is the best time a soft Cool Breeze in the moon glow daytime simply can come compare tonight it's just so so taking the colors and gaze at the flowers marel at rainbows after soft summer showers rela in when dreams take flight count all the stars that twinkle so bright daytime is the best time night time is the best the Blue Sky the night Stars the Sun the moon oh my this is perfect crazy sky is perfect don't you see we can finally be together all the time I just have to stay on my side well I stay on my side this is the best thing that's ever happened everyone please excuse us I must finally convince my sister that daytime is the best time I'm afraid that's impossible because night time is the best time goodbye this is most unusual most unusual indeed maybe it'll be fine daytime and night time at the same time more like crazy time a little but it's okay I [Music] think please please go to sleep I can't believe that worked so tired oh yeah nothing can stop us now see you get the energy from the Sun or nice calming Moonlight whenever you uh-oh looks like one of the buses fell asleep on the night side and the ones on the day side can't can't pass what come on bleby excuse me bus it's time to wake up tickle tickle come on TI good one be excuse me bus but could you please pull over so the other buses can get by oh I get it [Applause] oh oh true I need your help in happy farming Valley sure thing farmer monster I'm on my way oh cumo [Music] us come on [Music] bleby moner what's wrong I know it's not too much Sunshine Plants love Sunshine they sure do all this sun was wonderful at first my berry crop grew bigger and juicier than ever oh giant Berry where have you been all my life but now that's too much son my berries dry out just like that all that PL delicious juiciness gone okay maybe this half day half night thing isn't working out we can't leave the sky like this let's go explain the problem to the Queens they'll understand right I still can't believe you're here be strong true good day true and good night I was just telling day how lovely the night stars are but they can't compare with the shimmering sun isn't that right true right thanks be your majesties both day and night are amazing in everything but could you please put the sky back the way it was please oh true but that would mean I couldn't be with my sister huh the Sun and the Moon we'll stay where they are until we decide to change them which we won't ever what now true I think we're going to need some help to the wishing tree please [Music] [Applause] [Music] cumo oh oh yeah hi Z what are you doing greetings TR bobi look at the wishes half of them just fell asleep and the other half are full of energy I don't know what's wrong that's why we're here Z the day queen and the night Queen stuck the Sun and Moon together now it's daytime and nighttime all the time most unusual and I need some wish help to get the sky back to normal wa that is a problem come let's sit and have a think about [Music] this how can the wishing tree help well I need a wish that can make the night side brighter and the day side darker but even better would be a wish that can unstick the Sun and Moon completely the wish and tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready fing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me please share your wonderful wishes with me please share your wonderful wishes with meing Tre share with me tiny wishes 1 2 3 [Music] Tre magic for you and magic power in the wishing tree those are some fantastic wishes true let's see what theopedia says about [Music] your first wish is flecto now this is a wish you can really reflect on I don't get it moving on fleeto is a mirror wish that can show your reflection it can also bounce light in any direction wow hello new handsome that means flatto could bounce Sunshine from the day side of the Kingdom onto the night side to make it more like daytime there that will really brighten things up your second wish is zeppo it's a blimp wish zeppo can take in a lot of air and fly way up in the sky big and floaty wish h maybe I could use zeppo to pull the sun and moon apart your third wish is shumi it's a protection wish it opens like an umbrella but can bathe you in sunlight while it's stormy and dark around you or cover you in deep shade if you want out of the sun H I'm not sure how that wish can help me unstick the sun and moon but I'll think of something you always do true thank you Z and thank you wish and creat for sharing your wishes with [Music] me okay bye Z good luck TR and [Music] blebe okay bleby let's shed some light on Rainbow City flecto it's time to reflect Zip Zap zoo I Choose You w a flecto wish come true hi flecto are you ready to bounce some sunbeams wooo great let's [Music] go the sunlight's working but our beam isn't big enough Flo can you get bigger so I can bounce more light down to the night side H morning baby oh it was good while it lasted all right back to work that's it we covered all of rainbow City great work [Music] flecto uhoh Flo won't have the energy to last forever I don't know about you true but neither will I oh [Music] no pH thanks Flo Z true I have bad news I've made a model of the Sun and the Moon and by my calculations if they're not separated soon they'll smoosh together into one big simoon with no sunlight or Moonlight at all we have to fix this it's time time to see if zeppo can separate the Sun and the Moon oh I hope it works true good luck this time we're going to do it hey we're falling wait wait probably just a dream it's not a dream BBY cumulo fell asleep wake up cumo we have to steer cumulo to the day side so he wakes up lean with me be [Applause] pH good work humo come [Applause] on time for some wish [Music] power Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up zepo wish come true hi zeppo the Sun and Moon are stuck together can you help me fix it great I'm going to guide you between them then you get really big and push them apart okay okay zlo ready now [Music] push is it working I only see wish tummy it's a nice tummy let's give zeppo a helping [Music] push oh no catch [Music] that got are you okay zlo thanks for trying but the Sun and Moon are just too big to be pushed apart you should should get some [Music] rest true how goes the wish work have you separated the Sun and the Moon not yet whatever you're trying next to we have to hurry or some Moon there's only one thing we can do now we have to get the Queens to help us didn't we already try that we did but we have to try harder thanks [Music] e thank you both for meeting me I know you love being together and I love having you both together but we have to fix the sky your highnesses what's the problem yes we're having a wonderful time but it's affecting the rest of the Kingdom if you only could see both sides you'd know but I can't possibly travel to the night side I'll lose my glow and I certainly can't travel to the day side I'll lose my darkness lose your glow lose your Darkness I have a wish that can stop both those things from happening Al you should be the protection wish to guard you from each other's time of day then I can take both of you anywhere in the Kingdom to see what's going on well I don't know H you've both said your time of day is the best but how will you know know for sure unless you see both sides for yourselves huh well when you put it that way how could we say no great come on out [Music] shumy Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up Shy wish comes true hi shy we need to get over to the day side of the Kingdom can you protect the night Queen for me oh my fantastic [Music] cumo hi cumo first stop is Happy farming [Music] Valley my word is it always so dry here no happy farming Valley is usually green and Lush but oh my glorious sunlight is drying it out you always tell me how people are so happy during the [Music] day but I don't see that sister neither do I it's terrible look be they're seeing the problem for themselves now so right you're doing great shumy now can you protect the day Queen and go to the night side how marvelous Sunshine at night would you look at that what's everyone doing on the ground are they sick oh no they're just sleeping but they should be doing that at home in their beds sister you always tell me how quiet and magical and enchanting the night time is but uh I don't see any of that here neither do I it's not right it's working true oh don't fall asleep on me huh right cumulo back to the day side please thanks cumo and thank you shumy we see the problem now true too much night is too much for anybody and too much day isn't good either it's time to make things right ready ready the day is bright the night is calm Sun Moon to where you [Music] belong another beautiful sunset thank you Queens daytime is a great time the shimmering sun in the bright blue sky we run and Skip and jump and play it's a fun adventure time of day night time is a great time a soft Cool Breeze the moon to Glow get comfy Ki back it's quiet time we wind things down and clear our minds Tak in the colors and gaze at the flowers Marvel at rainbows after soft summer showers relaxing and calm it's when dreams take flight count all the stars that twinkle so bright daytime is a great time is a great time blue sky the night Stars the Sun the moon they're both the best time I like us both being the best me too true you did it what is that it's a face bubble you've never used one before no I think we found another way for you to see each other more here we go your majesties no matter where you are you can talk to each other by face bubble oh now I'll be able to see you in the night time and I'll be able to see you in the daytime hugs this is the greatest day and night [Music] ever we'll call you soon bye for now bye day queen bye night queen bye bye woo woo Sky [Music] bloves z a little early to be watching the sky don't you think the Lantern Festival hasn't even started yet it won't be long now though o I can't wait to see our glow lanterns fill the sky with light with light ah well you're about to see something else fly by that's just as amazing look Sky blops wow I've never seen them up close before they only fly past here once a year when they migrate migrate when it gets too warm they head home to the chili North W woo woo ooh I want to talk to them too woo w w w w w I think they heard us yeah chatting is not my thing I'm more the strong silent type who always keeps us cool you know B um blobs biggy blobs Sky biggies this this thing look look look look they even have a cute blubby baby a hi baby with your big blubby baby mouth a whole kitty could fit in there I don't see any Wings they must fly with their tails yes they're very graceful Flyers it's Landing that they're not so great [Music] at ninja cat hide ninja cat hide can't see not not wanting to be seen shivering with dear aren't they wonderful blebe blebe where'd you go right here to we should really be going to that non Sky blob Festival thingy remember that we were going to go to the Lantern Festival I almost forgot okay let's go want to come with us Z thanks Drew I'm good I can see the sky blubs and the Lantern Festival from right here it's the best view in the Kingdom okay see have fun got to go bye and you blubs have a safe migration North [Music] thanks K let's get this party [Applause] started so we let these babies go and the music ends right yeah okay time to move with the groove this cat ain't got Hooves woohoo meow that kitty can dance B look what something's wrong with the sky [Music] gloves ninja cat hi hey I have a great idea let's watch the festival from under here in case you know it rains no bleby true the sky blobs have turned around what's going on I think the music from the Lantern Festival is scaring them that must be it because they're not going to the chil north now they're heading towards the steamy South steamy and warm sounds perfect not for the sky blobs they only like cold weather hot weather won't be good for them at all we have to turn them around can you stop them until we get there I'll do my best ulo sorry we're missing the lantern launch B but we have to help yep it's what we do time to hop aboard why aren't I hopping aboard yeah legs weren't moving for some reason to the sky blobs [Music] please woo we woo woo Z what are you doing trying to calm down the herd of Sky blobs [Music] W I don't think it's working what did he say to them what did you say to [Music] them I need to work at my sky blob call we easy little blub it's [Music] okay oh [Music] no they're so freaked out right now we're going to need some wish help to calm them down and turn them around to the wishing tree C oh right oopsies thanks everyone okay yes did I forget to um did I forget to mention that the sky blobs get upset easily yes but we know now okay there you go little wish buddy if I can just calm the sky blobs down I can get them flying to the chil north again but how that will be a challenge let's sit and have a think about [Music] this how will you get the sky blobs to fly to the chilly North First the poor things are so jumpy and startled by unexpected things I need to make them feel safe again like how you feel when you're with people you care about warm and lovey The Way You Make Me Feel yeah yeah btoe exactly I wish could help us do that and if they're still spooked then I'll need another wish that can lead them to the chilly North the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with [Music] me please share your wonderful wishes with me please share your wonderful wishes with me wishing tree share with me tiny wishes 1 2 3 wishing tree please share me magic power for [Music] you magic in the wishing tree what fantastic wishes let's see what theopedia says about [Music] them your first wish is ah tiway it's a musical wish that plays music so sweet and enchanting that everyone loves it and wants to follow it that's great tis way can help get the sky blubs to follow us too for your second wish you have by how sweet it's a togetherness wish it gives you that warm cozy feeling like when you're with somebody you care about I don't know what's come over me true but I love you more than ever a togetherness wish is perfect it'll help the sky blubs see me as family and let me lead them to the chilly North and your third wish is defle very interesting it's a shield wish that can deflect anything that bumps into it can you deflect a sky blob falling out of the sky just I was asking for a friend a shield wish is cool but I'm not sure how it will help us lead the sky blobs home you'll put the wish to good use like you always do true thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with [Music] [Applause] me any questions just face bubble me I know a lot about Sky blob we will come on be let's get our flying friends to the chilly [Music] North oh no look how far they've flown already they're almost at the steamy South you can feel the steamy heat all the way over here that steamy warmth is awful just awful [Music] yeah poor baby Sky blob she's really scared a she totally is quick cumulo we have to get ahead of them fast so we can turn them around and I have just a wish to make them feel warm and lovey then I could lead them away all together now Side by Zip Zap zoo I Choose You wake up side by wish come [Music] true Hi Side by we need the sky blobs to feel like I'm part of their family so they'll feel safe enough to follow me can you whoa Side by no wait Side by I want them to follow me not bleby what's happening I'm tingly all over even my tingles are tingling uh what's with all this Sky blobbing ble be they're attracted to you to me you mean like I'm their mama no no no no no you're supposed to be their mama you are uh Side by can we try this again M well thanks anyway I'm sorry be Side by only only has the wish power to do that once a the baby Sky blob really loves you now a tell her to stop I can't even the baby's mama wants you to be her mama yeah well I'm not ready to play mama I don't even was my own Paws before dinner until sideb wishow wears off you are there Mama but don't worry you can calm them down I can what get down [Music] blebe hey thanks little blobster soft squishy good wo okay keep it together me Sky blobs if we're going to do this you got to you got to listen to your mama okay and your mama needs some space w thanks guys it worked they listened to me see you're a natural now let's lead them home right home um Sky blobs turn around please the chil north is that way got to listen to your mother me come on little pubbies we're leaving the steamy self behind nice work Mama be thanks true it's all in a day work this trip will be a breeze huh what was stopping be help oh we're going to happy farming Valley whether we like it or [Music] not W boy that was terrifying at least I didn't get squished oh no are you okay be I'm okay clouds are as light as well clouds bring it in B I got you huh to why are you slobbering on me so this is why they landed in happy farming Valley it's snack time yes it is and I like their style be you like Tangy tum tums mhm huh I think they want to be f F by someone else someone named Mama wa but their mouths are huge what if I fall in fall in fall in it's okay they won't eat you are you sure pretty sure pretty sure oh don't be scared they love you remember and if anything happens I'm right here to help okay um here's Sky blob get your Tangy tum tum from your mom mom with the yum yums oh well can't say we didn't try maybe they'll feed themselves now maybe H maybe I see we're having trouble feeding the sky blobs they won't eat the tanky tum tums ah try holding the fruit in your mouth mean like [Music] this wao are you okay be so much floppiness but it didn't eat you right no she didn't that's my super Brave Kitty come on we'll need more Tangy tum tums to fill those big Bobby bellies I can do this I can do this I can do this it's feeding [Music] [Music] time [Music] nice baby feeding Mama be thanks hey fun fact Sky blob tongues feel like slobbery sandpaper okay little blob let's get you and your family home chilly North here we come uhoh what now are you thirsty itchy need a belly rub what what I think she's just saying thank you Mama oh W you're welcome blebe we're getting close to the festival uhoh Bingo bango's still playing the Lantern Festival is still going on oh no oh no oh no Sky blobs cover your ears pluck them good darling it stopped oh good and if the music's done that means ready 3 2 1 lanterns away oh look at that everyone's launching their glow [Music] lanterns Lantern's scary Lantern's very bad little skyops now the lanterns are scaring the blobs stay away from my babies lanterns away from my children huh what happened I forgot the lanterns did that when they land or hit something they pop with the funny sound that way they don't leave any mess anywhere well there's just way too many lanterns we've got to get rid of them all before my sky blobs go the wrong way again but if we pop all the lanterns we'll ruin the Lantern Festival what a we do let's think about this okay let's think if we could make a path for the sky blobs to fly through then we wouldn't have to pop all the lanterns just some of them yeah yeah great idea we'll use defle my shield wish he can clear a path by popping lanterns away right on let's do [Music] it Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up de wish come true get behind me everyone okay cumulo let's pop some GL lanterns it's okay Mama's best friend is taking care of those scary bad lanterns Sky blobs it's okay just listen to your mama and follow me to the chilly North the sky is looking clear it's time to skip the drama we've got somewhere we ought to be better listen to your mama I'm the head of this family here's what we're going to do we'll fly high up just like the wind and go [Music] w great job defle nothing to worry about here Sky blobs now back in the [Music] pack we did it yeah we showed those lanterns who's boss now nothing's going to stop my sky blobs from getting home to the chilly North are those storm clouds n my babies do not not like those a mama can tell these things let's land until they pass good stop this is bad the storm clouds are moving in from above and below so they're all around us not yet they're not it's clear flying through pointy Rock Canyon but it won't be clear for long we have to go now I don't know true Z said the blubs scare easily and those pointy rocks look pretty scary and that Thunder scary too we have to think of some way to calm them down I've got it I'll have tis way play some relaxing music that should keep the sky blobs calm and distracted tis way I need you Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up his way F come true hi tisw we need some music to help us lead our friends through pointy Rock [Music] Canyon yeah that's a little too mow you have to hurry be okay okay we need music that'll get their fins a flapping so they'll follow us forward faster fin Flappy music coming right upo sky blubs sayy you are the best baby blob and all the rest sound off W woo Club call wo woo wooy wooy woo woo woo wooy woo woo woo woo wooy wooy W woo wooy wo almost there we're nearly through there's only one thing left to do fly through [Music] W woo yeah the chilly North we're here now I know why they call it the chil north we help the sky blobs get home tury T any blub yicky bitless sandpaper tongue please I'm so proud of you be you were a great mama oh thanks Drew well side by's wishow will wear off soon though then the sky blobs won't see me as their mama anymore bleby side by's wishow doesn't last this long it were off ages ago it did so the sky blobs love me for being me yep just like I do bleby mhm uh-oh what is it baby what I didn't have a Tangy tum tum fruit that time I think that one was just a kiss a mama is so happy now Cosmic sneeze 3 2 1 come out bleby come out wherever you [Music] are with my ninja kitty hiding skills true will never find me whatuh Little Helpers knock it off you're giving away my hidey spot w wow I guess my ninja Landing skills are better than my ninja hiding skills huh what was that sounds like someone's got a really bad cold what huh let waa our house was not orange and blue before I wonder what's going on let's see if anyone else's house is changing color wow W each time we hear that sneeze something changes color amazing be you'd better take a look at yourself you're look get a little green huh what do you think Drew does it bring out the color of my eyes true your hair it's pink and almost as fabulous as mine thanks be it looks like the sneezes are coming from the Rainbow Castle oh [Music] no rainbow King true ble me oh my greenness I'm so happy you're here your greenness check out my greenness I see what you mean I'm so sorry it seems I've caught a nasty case of the wugi boogies wugi boogies yes they make me very Sneezy and as you may have noticed tend to confound my colors I'll say everything changes color when you sneeze but it'll be okay right Purple Pumpkins no from what I've read if I don't remedy my wugi boogies soon the color changes will spread and stay that way forever forever there has to be some way to stop it your highness according to Legend the only cure is to be tickled by the feather of a hotar bird it's a magical bird that ises high at top M tippy tippy top but it's so Steep and cold and snowy no one's ever made it all the way up well we will because we're going to get you that feather true you mustn't it's far too dangerous you're our friend rainbow King when a friend is in need we do whatever we can to help isn't she the greatest I mean isn't she come on bleby wait before you leave yes and please dress warbly oh cumulo bring us to mount tippy tippy top please CH and fast we'll fly straight to the mountain top and get the feather oh no cumulo got a bad case of bicycle r the air is too cold up here for clouds cumo is freezing hold on B easy cumo we're going to be okay there the sunlight will warm you right back up [Music] again you know this mountain isn't as high as I thought it's way higher it's too steep deep and cold and snowy to climb on her own now we need some wish help to the wishing tree [Music] cumulo thanks hello true I need some ingredients please [Music] wishes that soup smells um different it's for the king it won't heal him but it should help him rest until we find a cure for his wug Gala wuni watch L his cold [Music] sip I knew you'd like it so how can the wishing tree help you we have to climb Mount tippy tippy top what that mountain is gigantic I don't think that's a good idea it's the only way to get a hotar feather to tickle the king and get rid of his wugi boogies along with my soup your climb will be a challenge let's have a think about this so how will you get up there well it's really Steep and snowy and cold it's fur freezing cold we'll need a wish to help us with the climb and a wish to help us with the cold the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with [Music] me please share your wonderful wishes with me please share your wonderful wishes with me wishing tree share with me tiny wishes 1 2 three [Music] wishing magic power in the wishing [Music] tree an amazing group of wishes let's see what the wishop media says about [Music] them your first wish is floo it's a floating wish it can float anything or anyone inside its bubble that'll be great great for getting us over those tricky spots now for wish number two ah yes warmal it can heat up anything like the delicious soup I made for the king yes warmo can melt the snow and the ice that's blocking our way so we can get to the top of the mountain yeah best use for melting snow not so much for heating soup and lastly you have blabby ooh this wish is exciting it's a communication wish blah blah blah it can help you understand what someone is saying no matter what language they speak hey how you doing TR and be amazing I'm just not sure how a talking wish can help us get the feather for the king maybe I'm just a Blobby mouth but I say you'll figure it out thanks Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing these wishes with me good luck you two back to Mount tippy tippy top please [Music] cumo perfect spot Chula thanks and look there's a path no need for wishes yet we're off to a great start let's find that [Music] feather they're nice and cozy your highness how about some homemade soup oh thank you well well that's different oh Z what's that behind you [Music] huh I didn't see anything oh sipped all your soup I hope it helps oh uh yes I can feel it working already hey I'm the same color as my [Music] soup thanks true are you thinking what I'm [Applause] thinking that is a really icy Hill ahead don't worry be we have a wish that can help we float over it come on floo time to Bubble Up Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up FL wish come true hi floo we need you to Bubble us up and Float us over that icy Hill to the other side ready to float [Music] ooh uh true do things get smaller when they get cold I I guess they do but on the bright side more Kitty cuddle time right true did you grow a mustache no it's your tail and it's tickling my nose my whiskers are caught under your boot here floto pop us out thanks [Music] floto you know what else is called on Mount tippy tippy top me me too let's fix that warming hug this book of sneeze cures should help ease your discomfort zire first apply warming cream to help clear the sinuses not sure this is next cover the patient's head in a warm woolly hat I I I I I don't think then oh playing soft music helps patients relax it's working youie booie what Chie booie what's going on out there what youi watchi Chie Chie flying photons the whole City's gone crazy with color what [Music] boie are you okay B a little sore but at least it didn't start an avalanche can we just pretend I didn't say that there's no time to waste we'll have to melt our way through Zip Zap zoo I Choose You Wake upmo wish come true let's warm things up waro [Music] so warm so toasty just a bit more there thanks warmo uh true it's gotten really slippery again I guess melting the Avalanche that fast made the path icy sing no we went three steps forward and 100 steps back then we'd better start climbing just watch out for the slippery Parts this time oh I will I [Music] will I'm a kitty catle oh gotcha upside down CLE sorry be true the rainbow King is getting worse the entire kingdom is changing colors watchie please hurry come on bleby we have to get to the top fast I'll say stripes and polka dots um who's that I don't know and I don't want to find out it's a snow elfling wait come back your hug was keeping me warm thanks warmo can I keep you forever and ever can I hi I'm true and this is my best friend bleby could you please take us to the top of Mount tippy tippy topadd what's he trying to tell us to go home with we are so not going home snow elfling the rainbow King has the wugi boogies to help him get well we have to find a special feather from a hinari bird who lives at the top of the mountain why won't he let us pass I don't get it I don't know be we can't understand what he's saying true I I got this speaking louder won't help no but we have a wish that [Music] can Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up Blobby wish come true hi blabby can you translate what the snow elfling is saying so we can understand him blah blah blah okay really don't take the path it's the long way up to the Mountaintop it's working oh I did not know that back this way is a secret passage through the mountain it's warm and it's safe and what was that it has a great shortcut to the top easy peasy Mountain squeezy I added the last part thank you so much snow elfing lead the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] please waa we made it we made it tastes like Z soup but way better ble ble we ble we [Music] look it's beautiful oh that's so nice oh hotar bir we need your help to cure the rainbow King your magical feather is the only way we can and we only need one please I would like to help you but I'm afraid that I cannot huh why I only shed my feathers when it's summertime summer it's not even close to Summer up here let's think about this bee warm up is still active right oh yeah my fur has never been toastier then we can use this warm glow to help us if the hotar bird only sheds its feathers when it feels warmer maybe we can melt the ice so it feels like summer then she'll give us a feather that's it oh yeah feather weather true that's an awesome [Music] idea D go oh boy it's working oo ah hey where are you going we still need the feather that was our last chance to cure the rainbow [Music] King thank you for warming me up again I hope the king feels much better we did it thank you waro and Blobby this feather's going to a tickle party true ble be the king is getting worse his sneezes are draining all the color from Rainbow City ah hurry as quick as we can see portal be lookie oh no helpie oh e oh no there won't be any color left at all if we don't get back to the king fast we need cumulo oh wait he can't fly this High I know what we have to do we need to slide down [Music] an ice sled for sliding perfect thank you snow elfling ready to rock it down the steepest mountain ever sounds terrifying let's do [Music] this [Applause] aome [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh-oh all right thanks buddy Rainbow City with no color me with no color the only thing left with color is you rainbow King watchie Boogie you're fading too one more sneeze and you'll be [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] gray true Z look it's working the colors are coming back spark Ling sapphires I feel so much better I'm cured thank you true no Climer has ever made it up Mount tippy tippy top the steepest snowiest coldest peak in the Kingdom well done when a friend's in need we do everything we can to help them sire like climb the highest mountain ever if you want to rename a true in bleby Mountain we wouldn't mind ation soup bleby huh I thought only the wugi boogies made things change color okay I take that back a very big [Applause] mystery hi yes who is it somebody sounds hungry my No Berries I got it I got it no I got [Music] it true I found one thanks bleby [Music] found another pie pen your highness oh that's great news it means more nber pies for Yeti spring Yeti spring yes the yetis will be waking up from their winter sleep they'll be very hungry and they love num berries can't get bought off head there finally oh another p crust is ready special delivery numl berries Bartleby can you please go get the NL berries berries right away your highness right away your highness thank you the numble berries are here and now they're not the basket is empty empty I don't get get it the basket was full and then all of a sudden poof it was empty ooh look at that oh well at least there's one little Berry left hi there little Berry oh you smell good delicious petrifying purple someone has taken my num berries we have a mystery on our hands don't worry rainbow King we'll find your missing berries we'll track them down because Detective true and detective bleby are on the case we are oh yeah I mean we are Splendid best of luck [Music] detectives detectives that's us [Music] detectives yeah true what are detectives they solve Mysteries by finding Clues and following them we just need to find our first clue [Music] cloo H what's this let me see num berry juice our first clue a big wet clue too don't you think those are footprints be H whoever took the Numel berries must have dropped some and then stepped on them leaving giant Berry Footprints when they ran away we've solved the mystery this is great can I have the first num Berry handful not quite be because where are the berries I oh oh yeah let's keep following the [Music] [Music] footprints [Music] no more Footprints true well then we better split up and look for more [Music] clues another clue a purple puddle that could be from numble berries oh just a nice pow puddle uh-huh okay and uh when was the last time you ate a NL Berry hm admit you love nber berries don't you you uh why are you shouting am I sorry okay the buses might be able to answer you if you don't [Music] shout look more Berry Footprints wow I am great at this detective stuff hi there did you see the passenger who left those berry Footprints no I can't see who gets on I keep my eyes on the road but I did hear some big squishy footsteps on my last trip a clue do you remember anything else um oh that passenger kept saying Yum Yum Yum another clue could you please take us where that passenger went sure I'm going that way now hop [Music] [Music] on thanks you're welcome good luck baskets I love baskets look I'm in one now I'm in another one and this one's better ooh is this one better or is this one better than this one look a glue a numl berry do you think these baskets were full of them well they were but then they weren't we were supposed to deliver them but the berries just disappeared so now we have to send them back up to bunch of muncha Island bleby I wonder if the berry Bandit emptied these baskets is this could this be another clue if you don't mind we'll catch a ride up with this empty basket sure thing my TR and blebe um how are we going to get back up there I oh yeah wo wo Munch Munch Island look at [Music] that not again what's wrong farmer mosa true the numble berries they're gone I just came back from Barry Island and our whole crop just poof disappeared the whole crop well almost all of it there's one more basket left not again no they really are all gone what are the yetis going to eat now they're going to eat mberry pies because we're detectives and we're going to find them true we're all out of Clues we're a little Clueless H then we better get some wish help so we can catch the berry Bandit [Music] C hi cumulo to the wishing tree [Music] please f f [Music] yeah thanks uh Z oh hey Trum what are you doing Z I'm searching for heid a camouflage wish it Blends in anywhere so you can't see it now I can't see it we'll help you look for [Music] it Drew where did you go that was fun hidy thanks thanks true so what brings you here today a berry Bandit all the berries in the kingdom are gone and it's Yeti spring what that's awful it is so bleby and I are detectives following the clue like squishy berry juice Footprints we're trying to find the berry Bandit but we ran out of Clues come sit let's have a think how do detectives usually find Clues well they look listen and sniff oh B Be I need a wish that will help me hear better and one that will help me smell better the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready fing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with [Music] me please share your wonderful wishes with me please share your wonderful wishes with me wishing tree share with me tiny wishes 1 2 3 [Music] wishing mag for [Music] you magic power in the wishing tree [Music] what a fun group of wishes let's see what the wishop pedia says about their [Music] powers your first wish is snor it can sniff out smells that are barely even smelly I snor I'm sure snor can sniff out some new cloes for us who Kira is a hearing wish it can pick up sounds from really far away and amplify them back to you maybe we can hear the sounds the berry Bandit makes and follow them to find him and your third wish is grower it can make any plant you find in nature grow larger [Music] great thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me go get some Clues and catch that very Bandit back to bunam munch Island [Applause] cumulo thanks cumo what wishes glow you stubbed your toe no I said thanks cumulo it's loud here isn't it let's see if herea can hear any clues over all this noise Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up cuia wish come true hear anything here you I love saying that [Music] that was definitely Amplified try another sound not this time we're still not hearing any sound Clues can you try again uhhuh that's it that's it yum yum yum that's the eating sound we heard kiria let's go find that sound [Applause] [Music] hi you go that way I'll go this way I'm going that way I mean this [Music] [Music] way I can hear you Berry Bandit a Yeti after him wow this place is amazing hey Dre can I have my next birthday party here ble be are you chasing or playing here is's picked up a Sound clue let's [Music] go yeah [Music] which way did the berry Bandit go you don't hear it at all now they stopped making noises thanks for all your help [Music] [Applause] [Music] herea a basket wait up bleby aren't empty baskets great true be that's it the basket is empty because the berry Bandit ate all the berries that's why hi up couldn't hear it anymore and if this basket was on the conveyor belt that must mean the berry bandit has gone back down to what the ground wow see I am a good detective I told you I told everybody look the berry Footprints again let's f follow those Footprints footprint footprint footprint footprint a no more Footprints detectives never give up we look listen and sniff we sniff Clues out too okay so I'm not a dog with a great sniffer thankfully I'm a cat with great looks you're welcome did you smell anything actually actually I do smell a faint scend of num Berry but it's not quite smelly enough for me to tell which way the smell went we have a wish that can help us with that snor get ready Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up snor wish come true the tickles snor can you sniffle the sniffs from the Berry and then follow that smell wow snor is a super [Music] sniffler the berry Bandit caught you Berry handed so where are the rest of the berries and why did you take them from everyone uh blebe true please I'm questioning suspect in a non- shouty way I might add this isn't the berry bandit look at the size of its feet they're way smaller than the ones we saw before but it it it's eating berries this little cutie probably just found some spilled berries and stop to eat them a cutesy cute cuteness okay it didn't steal the berries but it probably saw who did you're right right did you see a berry eating creature with big feet come this way or that way um could you maybe just point to where it went thanks snor can you sniffle any Berry smell that way and we're back on the clue Trail enjoy your Berry cutie huh did we take a wrong turn instead of a right turn or a left turn we must have all that's here is a big wall of rock there's that sound [Music] again hi lots of Yetis eating lots of num berries and now we found our berry Bandits what are we going to do Drew excuse me yetis but those berries well they don't all belong to you yeah maybe we should go uh-oh num n n I'm a ninja cat not a humbleberry taking things without asking isn't good the rainbow King and fmer moner are pretty upset about the missing berries rainbow King Miss rainbow King you miss the rainbow King you speak yeti-ish oh that's the craziest thing I've ever heard I do speak a little yeti-ish hello uh did I mention that I'm a ninja cat I am not a baby Yeti thank you very much put me oh boy rainbow King come in are you there true I'm so happy to hear from you did you find my num berries yes but I think you should come to the Yeti's cave right away I'm on my way thank you oh my Yeti friends must have woken up early so early that you're galberry pies weren't ready for them yet and without those pies the poor things must have been so hungry well done detectives true and Bartleby you solved the mystery yeah yeah they feel bad yeah they feel bad about eating all the berries in the Kingdom oh and me too I feel bad too don't worry my big furry friends we understand now thank you but what if the yetis wake up early next spring what if there aren't any pies or num berries won't they sneak around and take them again sapphire blue true that is a problem any ideas I have one a big [Music] one uh mama yeti baby needs his berries yetis you're going to go from Berry eaters to Berry Farmers we're going to teach you how to grow your own Nal berries oh that's a great [Applause] [Music] idea this could take a while time to use my last [Music] wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up groer wish come [Music] true Gro let's turn that Sprout into a bush a bush with n berries [Music] wow woohoo way to go [Music] groer wo you're welcome now just grow some more bushes and you'll always have n berries ready for Yeti spring and what's better than n berries nber p [Music] great job rainbow King you know there's six of us right are you hungry again B
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 97,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, cartoons for kids, cartoon, cartoons, for kids, rainbow, true and the rainbow kingdom full episode, true cartoon, true and bartleby, true and the rainbow kingdom grizelda, grizelda, bartleby, rainbow king, zee, true and the rainbow kingdom zee, true and the rainbow kingdom episodes, true song, true in the rainbow kingdom, kids cartoon, netflix jr, guru studio, true, rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom
Id: mfLP3z_dGFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 8sec (7928 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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