Winter is Coming #1|[SKZ CODE] Ep.01

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[SKZ CODE] [This show was filmed in accordance with government guidelines for control and prevention of infectious diseases.] We're picking the king, right? Who makes noise in front of the King? [The throne is already taken] Calm down, people. Let's torture him. [Torture?] What was that? [SKZ is a mess from the beginning] - Did you see it? - Can't I be the king? You failed! This throne is customized for me! (Clearing the situation) How about we introduce ourselves? - Ok! - What introduction? I am ground introduce yourself~ I am Hanratheon! - You? - I'm Greyleeknow. I'm Christark. I'm Ta... Tarikara? [He's a forgetful weasel] (Immersion failed) I've never watched the Game of Throne. Targarhyun. Targarhyun. Targarhyun. I'm Felly. - What? - Felly? I don't know. I don't know! - Changbin! - I'm Seortell! Seortell~ White tongue? (Korean pun) Isn't that too dirty? Hey, guys... Seortell! I'm Minnister. Ministop? (Convenience store franchise chain) I want a cup noodle. Supersize. Tell me what you want. Supersized cup noodle, please. I want Jin Ramen Mild. I'm Icell. - What? - Icell? - You are Irell. - Irell? We don't even know the names. I'm the only sane one! These are not our names, but family names, right? Yes, name of the family. [SKZ doesn't know the Game of Thrones] For example, you are someone of Targarhyun. Then, I'm Grey-Leeknow? That's right, Grey-Leeknow! Grey-Leeknow! Get it, Grey-Leeknow!! This could be a billiard cue, or... A club to beat you up! That was scary. We are here to become the king! We are going to play games to take the throne. All, please take this competition seriously. And I'll be the referee. [1st quest: Physical strength] [The first virtue for the king: principle] [The first virtue for the king: principle] Man of principle! You don't have it, and that's why you have no basis. You and your basis! [Take the flag of principle and come back down] [The person with shortest record wins the throne] [Others can interrupt after 3 seconds] Changbin, you should start. Changbin wants to go first. Our Prince pig rabbit of Seortell! / Pig prince~ Prince pig of Seortell! We can't block him from coming down for good, can we? We can, we can. Ready~ [Prince pig rabbit gets ready] Go! [Please don't misunderstand, they're standing on a sledding slope] 2, 1, Go! [We're going too] [Let's get the Prince pig rabbit] Why is it so far? [Quite a distance] [Got the flag of principle] (Comes down to the side trying to avoid the members) Why is no one blocking him? I'm sorry, sorry! [Attack begins~] [Changbin arrived] He must have fallen on the mic. - I think I got it. - What? Frostbite? Hemorrhoids. [He means it's as painful] [Please don't misunderstand] [Prince pig rabbit of Seortell: 42.33 sec] He failed. [Pick the next player] Prince pig rabbit will choose! Don't avoid my eyes. [Principle Vs. Basis] I choose puppy. [Nice] Puppy of Minnister! [Puppy standby] 1, 2, 3, go! [Seungmin, go!] 1, 2, 3, go! [Charge] He will be back. Why is he so slow? [Running hard but the speed difference if obvious] He's so slow! Get him! Block him! Block him! [Calm super powerful puppy] [Attack!] Headshot, anyone? Where is it? [Seungmin arrived] - Done. - What is his record? [Minnister Puppy: 44.22 sec] So slow... If you look at yourself from behind, No! Don't! - I choose quokka. - No! I'm so afraid. - What is your plan? - Plan? Let me try first (Korean pun) Try and plan? [Deeply moved by his rhyme] Plans don't mean anything! Until you try with your principles! [Never ending ceremony] [HAN, Go!] 1, 2, 3! How come he is so quick? He's already there! [Quokka is quick] Quokka is coming down [Chick Felix's Full striking power] [But quokka can run fast] He's so fast Into the circle! Which circle is it? Draw another circle! [Hyunjin and Changbin drew another circle to confuse him] [HAN arrived] Go away! [Hanratheon Quokka 34:43 sec] That's too quick! The next player is [There is a clear target] No, no, make him the last one. Ah, ok, ok. Why? What for? [He doesn't know he will get exhausted first] - I.N! - No, I don't want to! Let's go with us! It's better to do it early. I.N is the next one! I'll be the strong bread, strong bread! No, let's try strong flour! Oh please... Let me talk. [They're playing amongst themselves already] Oops, sorry. 1, 2, 3, go! [Go!] Cute... Go! He's gone far. [Running diligently] [Take it easy] [The chase begins] [1st tackle] [2nd tackle] [3rd tackle] Get out of the way! Done! [Irell: 37.31 sec] I can feel that I got older... so tired! How come this is so exhausting? - Who's next? - Hyunjin! [Targarhyun] You know what? - I was the victim of Lee Know's teamkill. - What are you talking about? Teamkill? I was picking up some snow, and he threw a rock to me. (dramatizing) So my back is in bad condition. If I run slowly, that's why. [Hyunjin, go!] 3, 2, 1, go! Get him! [Learned their own skills since it's the 5th round of the Principle game] This is the best spot. I'm so tired. [Hyunjin knows nothing and runs hard] [But he's fast] [We can just wait here] [Quick reflexes] [Getting excited from running] Come over here. [SKZ tower collapes] [Targarhyun: 32.67 sec] Amazing record! It's nothing, guys. [This is unlike Hyunjin] [Oh well, that IS our Hyunjin~] - Lee Know hasn't done it. - Lee Know, it's your turn~ - Ok, Grey-leeknow. - Yes, Grey-leeknow. Fighting! - Greyleeknow! - Fighting! Go! 3, 2, He's not even running. No need to chase! Have a good trip! Just throw snow Let's block him by holding hands together [empty] (So loud) Why do you have to go? (Let's just sprinkle snow) We are too scared to go. [The one and only follower] Falls down while scaring him for nothing It hurts! [Excited puppy on a sled] [I.N lied down fearlessly] (Satisfied hip-hunter) Oh Lee Know! - What is his record? - Like 3 mins? [Lee Know: 1 min 2 sec] When he came down, he was so aggressive. I thought, I could get killed if I dared to block him. He could've pinned the flag on the way. Please choose the next player. Choose Felix! I agree. A 25-year-old should be the last runner. - Ok. - Yongbok, let's go! Felly will run. [Felix, ready] Let me know when you're ready. Go! [Felix, go!] 3, 2, 1, go! Let's go! [So quick] Tired SKZ waiting for Felix in distance Bring it on! [Almost flying] Block him! [Falls down for a bit] [Gets back up right away] Get him! Block! [The final gateway] Record? [Felly Yongbok: 30.88 sec] 30 sec? - Really? - Are you serious? - He was so fast! [Ace breaks the record] - Q: Will someone turn things around? - No way. Leader's record will be 20s. [Lastly Bang Chan's turn] I dare to say 18 seconds. Our leader won't go over 10 sec. [Pressure strategy] Chan's grown old. He goes to bed so early these days. He's 25, and... He sleeps 20 hours a day. I needed that. Ok, so now... This is Tony Stark of Christark. [What a random choice of character] [Bang Chan, go!] Hey, where are you going? [Run!] [Lies down early as expected] Anyone want to ride sleds with me? [Everybody's tired and slow] Let's sprinkle water on him! [That looks crazy fast] But he's too fast! Hey, get him! [Finaly doing something] No, no, no! - Is the flag in? - Yes. It felt like less than 10 seconds. - When did he arrive? - I felt it. I was collecting some snow and someone passed. [Tony Stark of Christark: 23.76] He's still got it. Did you say 23 seconds? I am 23! I'm still 23! Time to swear allegiance to the King. You need to kneel on one knee. This is kneeling, right? [Resisting to the utmost] On one knee? [New ways of kneeling] [This is not going to be easy] Tony Stark of Christark took the throne. I have a question. You must have made some pledges, right? Pledges? The king always fulfills his pledge! What I heard is that the king will buy a bucket of fried chicken for each and everyone! If he fails to keep the promise, this is not a nation! I want ramen noodles! I don't wanna be the King. Hey, I could've made it under 20 secs as well! - Anyways, congratulations! - Congrats! - Long live King Christark! - Long live King Christark! There is another game to go through to take the throne. I think I can just take it away. [2nd Quest: Sled with water] [King's second virtue: composure] [Ride a sled with a 2 liter beaker full of water.] That's sounds impossible. [The one who got the most water intact will be the King.] [Christark will choose the order] I'll choose the order to play. It will be different, this time. - Last time, Changbin played the first. - He did. So this time, Changbin will play the first. [The official starter of SKZ] Hey, I wanna be the King, too. - I'll be back soon. - Ok~ - No need~ Anyone want to ride a sled with me? [Break time waiting for Changbin] I will~ - Hey Hyunjin, I'll play with you. - Take this. So exciting~ This is impossible! Hey, is that 1 liter? That's a lot of water. I'm coming! [All laughing] [Sled keep moving sideways] He still got lots of water. He's not going to lose it at this point, is he? [Precious water protected by his arm muscles] - Did you lose any? - How much left? [Changbin: 1 liter] This doesn't make sense at all! It actually does. [He looks exhausted] They give you full 2 liters in the 2 liter beaker. Because they can't fill 3 liters? Who wants to go next? I want to! HAN will be the last player. The next player is puppy! The order seems to be the same. - It is different. - How? - It was Seungmin before, and now it's puppy. - Oh, I see. [no~ It was puppy then and puppy now] Hey, I'm the only one who's done this. - Would you like some tips? - No, thanks. There was nothing to learn, really. That is true. My tip was that. Don't do like I did. Would you like to work out? [Suddenly realizes the importance of exercising] Don't do anything you don't do usually. I do 250 push-ups even on holidays! - Should I show it off now? - Go ahead. - Take your shirt off! - No! This is heavier than you think. It actually looks heavy. Oh that's what makes you uncomfortable? Me saying 'heavier than you think'? - I apologize. - That's alright. I don't want you to take it the wrong way. Oh, that's coming! - That... - Hey, That Kim! - Looks cool! - Hey, That! Come here, hurry, That! Hey, just fold it up. [Everyone moved at Felix's rhyme] He's pouring water out? [Seungmin starts with emptying some water] He wants to start small and keep them all! I don't think that would work. He just doesn't want to get wet. [Go!] He's coming! Getting wet~ - He's pretty good! - He's doing well! [Looks quite stable] He's all wet! Still, good work! You must be freezing. I protected most of it! [Seungmin: 1.2 liter] Let's move on. HAN wanted to play so so much, So not him, and I choose Lee Know. Play well~ [Lee know goes for a sleigh ride] Lee Know, come down~ He poured some water out. - Go! - Here I come! [Cute lee makes a cat noise] No water leak! [Audience is happy] [He thinks he's funny too] He's being punished. Make sure you melt it! [Picking up some ice while sitting] This really hurts. Is he refilling? Very smart. You'll be the winner! It's filled up! [Arrives proudly] Take the ice out, please. He looks so sad. [Lee Know: 0.9 liter] - You can eliminate him. - But still he made us laugh. We need to set up some punishment for losers. You are the winner in my heart! Thank you. [Such a high maintenance guy] I want to play next! I.N, you want to play? In that case, you must play next. [The king discriminates...?] Hey, King! I'll be back soon. I.N, fighting~ I miss you already~ - So cute! - All water is gone. He's got wet as well. Still got lots! Not bad! Don't grab the camera. I.N, get it together. - He's so wet. - He's wrecked. - The helmet is too big for me. - Can you see at all? [I.N: 1.4 liter] - Next! - Me! There are volunteers. Hanratell, Hanratello, and... Felly. Let's play rock-paper-scissors! Game of the throne, rock-paper-scissors! HAN won! Then, Felly will play! [I knew it!] Really? The winner would feel good. Can you hear me? He can't. It's too bright. I can't see anything. Fighting~ [Felix, go!] You're going to come, right? You can win if you come down like that. [Guess Felix really wanted to be the king] [Accelerating] Goodbye. - He's keeping all the water. - All the water! [Legs work like a brake] That's really good! [Strategic slow driver] He's smart. [Felix: 1.8 liter] He's a genius! [Comes back confidently] - You started with 2 liters, right? - Yes. Moving on! To Hyunjin! Targarhyun! [HAN came to his own little sled park] I'm coming~ - Targarhyun~ - Targarhyun~ [Unbelievable speed] [Weasel on a snowfield] I'm no longer at the bottom! Love it! Popcorn, please~ I can't see~ Shouldn't I get another chance? No way~ [Hyunjin: 0 liter] It's full of his heart. The moment I couldn't see, I lost everything. You still can't see. Oh my, he's soaked. Oh my god. - He is the hermit crab. - Would you do it for us? [He does it if he's told to do so] [A wet hermit crab] Now, the next player is, me! I can't stand it anymore! Is he going to hurt himself? I'm worried about him! Think about your health! Consider your age! [The first sled for Chan!] You really enjoyed the sled. You were amazing! Give me a chance! Wait! A round of the earth? Before I die, oh no, I shouldn't do this!
Channel: Stray Kids
Views: 9,075,161
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Keywords: Stray Kids, 스트레이 키즈, SKZ, 스키즈, 방찬, BANG CHAN, 리노, 이민호, LEE KNOW, MINHO, LEEMINHO, 창빈, 서창빈, CHANGBIN, SEOCHANGBIN, 현진, 황현진, HYUNJIN, HWANGHYUNJIN, 한, 한지성, HAN, JISUNG, HANJISUNG, 필릭스, FELIX, 승민, 김승민, SEUNGMIN, KIMSEUNGMIN, 아이엔, 정인, I.N, YANGJEONGIN, JEONGIN, stray kids reality, stray kids 리얼리티, 스트레이 키즈 리얼리티, 스트레이키즈 자컨, 스키즈 자컨, stray kids skz code, 스키즈코드, 스트레이키즈 눈싸움, 스트레이 키즈 스키장, 스키즈 스키장, skz reality, 왕좌의 게임, Winter is coming, 왕좌의 게임 패러디, 스키즈코드 왕좌의 게임, SKZCODE Game of Thrones, SKZCODE, 스키즈 리얼리티, 스트레이키즈 리얼리티
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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