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[SKZ CODE] [DWAEKKI GYM] [Today's star is here] One, two, three! [All cameras are focused on him] [Feels awkward] [Time to start the show] Yes, this is the new... [Look over there] DWAEKKI Gym [Coach DWAEKKI] [This is DWAEKKI's gym] It hasn't been long since we opened but we already have a lot of new members [Seungmin is in charge of PR] Here, we have our PR rep [Running with the machine off] This way, please Hello! [The PR Team does not know how to stop] [He's so busy] It's Running Seungmin! [Opened a gym in his fifth year of debut] I finally achieved my dream since debut [There's already a crowd lined up] So good looking! [Years of exercise knowledge are here] - We got to set up our fitness gym - It seems real [Coach DWAEKKI wants to see the members] when are our members going to come? [Staring] [Please come now...] [You have to call us first!] Are you going to just stand there? [The members will only enter after call] Let's call for our members This way, please [Members enter with Coach DWAEKKI's call] - Coach, I can't work out today - Hello! [Very lazy today] I don't want to work out! [This one's very eager to work out] This is quite awkward [Even if it's awkward] [members at DWAEKKI GYM hug to say hi] [Satisfied] Wow, you work out! [Nervous] What? [That felt a bit light] [The hugs keep going] [That's a strong core] Wow! [Slightly nervous] [Coach DWAEKKI is impressed] You're all so strong! [Finally, my turn] Lee Know! [Some members have other intentions] - You can't touch my butt! - I can't? [They're usually reciprocated] How nice [Manual body check complete] - I heard you started working out again! - Yes, that's correct [Bang Chan wants to say hello again] We'll introduce ourselves now I'll take it from here [DWAEKKI is the king here / OK] Yes, okay [Panting] [Walk like a majestic DWAEKKI] [There are members behind you too!] - Excuse me, Coach Puppy? - Coach, come quickly! [He was almost left out] On two [How's this / Suggesting a squat intro] Hello, we are Stray Kids! [Nice / That was chosen fast] You have to squat while you say that [There is no "STEP OUT" today] While you say hello [What will the new opening sound like?] Start! [Gathering his energy] One, two! [They aren't in sync] - Step... - Hello, we are Stray Kids! [We aren't doing that! / Sorry] [First on DWAEKKI Gym's agenda: InBody] We're going to do an InBody check We'll go from our youngest member [Automatically repeating] Youngest member, yes! [PR Team employee volunteering to help] I'll help you! [Something's weird] Is there even anything to help with? [Shh / The only eager employee] This is our helper for today [Stepping onto the InBody device] Please hold onto this [This is why we need a good helper] and hold your breath for two minutes [Intense... / That's why this one is here] - How is that possible? - Here we go [Interested in his feet more] I.N has really pretty feet [Checking the InBody /Checking I.N's body] You can see his Achilles' heel really well [Fake helper / Real helper] Your armpits can't touch it [Starting the examination] [with the real helper's advice] [Everyone huddled to watch Jeong-in] - You can't breathe, Jeong-in - This is interesting You have to close your eyes [Opening them instead] [Their concentration didn't last long] [The free exercise begins] [A million and 21...] Your shirt is quite revealing today [Coach DWAEKKI makes an announcement] We're going to measure each member's... [My arm is here] arm circumference [Both measurements at the same time] But wait [DWAEKKI can multi-task here] [Revealing SKZ's arm measurements] 11.5 inches for Hyunjin [The next one is already ready] For Lee Know his arm is 13.8 inches in circumference [Next is paper thin boy Seungmin] Are you flexing? [The results seem unexpected] What's this? Why is your arm thicker than Hyunjin's? [Rice lover beat flour lover] Of course it is! [Buffering] Seungmin's arm is 12 inches [Flexing while waiting] Wow, his arm is something else [Currently in first place] HAN's arm is 14.2 inches [Next is the youngest member] I.N is showing skin! [Reacting without looking] [I.N is famous for having nice arms] I.N's famous for looking good in sleeveless shirts [Patting] Nice I.N's arm is 13.7 inches in circumference [Next is Felix, who has been working out] Felix's back has gotten a lot wider Felix's arm is 13 inches in circumference [Felix is measuring Chan's arm now] [1st / Bang Chan's arm is 15 inches] [But Changbin is still left] [Why DWAEKKI stopped measuring:] [He wanted to pump up his muscles] [Wow / He wants to beat everyone...] You pumped up your muscles! [Even his voice is cracking] Just a bit, just my triceps [That's impossible] Let's go for 20 inches! [What will Coach's arm circumference be?] [A whopping 17 inches] [Coach DWAEKKI's arm is 17 inches thick] [Seungmin's disappointed it wasn't 20] Only 17? [Everyone's InBody check is done too] [How are SKZ's InBody results?] [No. 1 / Revealing the results in order] - I.N was first, right? - Yes, that is correct [Can't take his eyes off the results] To begin this is not human [Has my identity been revealed...?] [He was definitely bread in his past life] Is it totally not human? [Suddenly shy] His muscle mass is quite good How can one's body fat be so low... His body fat is below average [Scratching his legs from shyness] How much is it? Our baby bread's body fat is 5.3 kilograms [Very thin / Low fat bread] When I was a baby I bet my body fat was about 5.3 kilograms before I could even talk - Sorry? - Were you born as body fat? [Male babies weigh 3.3 kg on average] [That would make him a super big baby] [Right / Young Changbin was quite chubby] That's right! [Correcting his words] Newborn babies are about three kg, right? That's right [Back to I.N's InBody results] But I.N... [I.N's body fat is about 8%] has to manage his weight [Body weight control? / Nervous] Why? [Not to lose, but to increase his weight] You're 6.7 kg below standard weight [More muscle, less body fat] I think you are in very good shape [That's a wrap for I.N's InBody results] And the overall balance is good too [Next up is Seungmin] - Seungmin was second, right? - Yes. Seungmin! [What is it, what is it?] It's all good You also have quite good muscle mass [That's a surprise] I don't know where the muscle is, but... [Here! / Here?] Breathing muscle [No wonder he kept breathing] In his diaphragm! That may be possible [Lucky, I should've breathed a bit more] Diaphragm muscle [Alchemist of Rice] I bet you there's about one kilogram of rice in here [Seungmin has a strong lower body] You have a strong lower body! Because your upper body strength is standard your lower body strength is strong and your muscle strength is standard [This puppy is muscular!] You have no body fat and you're overall looking good Next is Yongbok - Felix - Felix! [Coach is surprised at his muscle mass] Felix has a lot of muscle mass compared to his weight [Curious too / He gets to see right away] Oh, that's right Body made of muscle! [In other words, a strong body] - Really? - It's a good thing [Worried / 7.9% body fat] His body fat is the lowest right now [That's why his abs were so visible] That's why we could see his abs so well [Abdominals] That's why his abs are defined [Tip to increase body fat] If you just have a bowl of instant noodles in front of a computer your body fat will increase very quickly [Noted] I should make some instant noodles Who's next? [Next is King Jisung] - King Jisung - King Jisung King Jisung [His body fat is a bit more than expected] - His body fat is actually not bad - That's right I like this number [This all-rounder] [worked on both fat and muscle] I'm trying very hard to eat well [Hyunjin also likes these numbers] This makes for a very pretty body [We can't miss out on that] Oh my, why are you looking there? [Calming down] [They eat well, but they're still thin] - We all have to gain weight - It's quite nice [Next is Hyunjin] Next [OMG / Bang Chan is really surprised] [Let's see] His body fat... Wow! [Hyunjin's body fat is 7.6%!] Definitely lacking body fat here so weight increase is necessary You need to gain about 7.5 kilograms [Changing the subject] Mention my lower body, please [Hoping for a compliment] Your lower body strength is strong [Stuttering] - It's strong! - It says your muscles are strong [This is flour-based muscle] You were born with muscle! [Labeled muscular] - Born with muscle - He actually is though [Next is Lee Know] - Next! - Lee Know [Is there a problem?] This is weird This isn't right [Something's weird] It is... [Worried] What is it? [Nothing much / The paper printed wrong] It's not flipped [The paper is harder to read] - I'll try reading it well - I think you'll be okay This is body water [It is possible to read and analyze] So this 40.5 is for body water [Everyone's trying to read] [Lee Know's InBody results] The text went up [Person of interest is happy] This is weight, and this is muscle mass [Analysis done] Okay, check, check [Lee Know's InBody key point is] This balance is... [great body balance] just the best. [What a peculiar purpose] Everyone, I can die a natural death! - It is square. - I'm going to die healthy [And his body fat percentage is 14.3%] His muscle distribution is almost a square I love that [Changbin likes this body fat balance] I love that, Lee Know [His secret is boxing!] - Boxing! - Yes [After Lee Know is Chan...] Lee Know worked out with boxing [DWAEKKI is getting surprised a lot today] - This person is... - Who is it? Chan? - Wow, that's possible? - Chan is just... [His InBody score is 86!] - Everything's zero? - A development score of 86 is possible? [This HOT BODY does not disappoint] - I didn't know this was possible - Bang Chan? [Surprised at such a perfect score] That's just perfect [These rookies are jealous] - 86. - So jealous All of Bang Chan's fans are excited now, right? [Bang Chan's all quiet and shy] [Has lots of muscle, body fat is 9.2%] He has the best wannabe body [Nods] - So jealous - The best body That was Changbin's InBody [InBody results we want to steal] It's evident that the older members... have more muscle [Muscle strength go in order of age too] Hyunjin to Lee Know, then to Chan - I guess you work hard regularly - That's great Yes, I do enjoy this [That's right] Yes, you have to enjoy exercising! I always emphasize this [DWAEKKI's Philosophy on Exercise ON] You have to exercise regularly How can we do that? You have to have fun [No interest / Bored] Our motto is "working out has to be fun" [Let's clap and wrap up] [Wow] Changbin is great! I value fun [Naturally moving onto a flexibility test] so we're going to do a flexibility game Hyunjin, please come forward Demonstration assistant! [Here he is] We're going to start like this [Flexibility Test Rule] [Each player puts a foot forward to play] Oh, rock, paper, scissors and the loser... [The winner steps back] puts his foot forward and the winner takes a step back [and the loser moves that much forward] It's like this [Coach DWAEKKI suggested this on the spot] We're going to do this in pairs but let's go in order of age too We'll make this a tournament to determine first place [This duo has good reactions] [Starting with the youngest member] We'll start with I.N then [DWAEKKI Gym Flexibility Competition] I.N v.s. Kim Seungmin [Whoever cannot go any further loses!] If you fall, you lose! [Round One Game Start] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Tied] [Seungmin wins] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Seungmin takes a step back] [and I.N takes a step forward] [Tied] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Seungmin wins] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Seungmin won, so he takes a step back] [The others are already impressed] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Seungmin wins again] [Something's weird] Isn't this just rock, paper, scissors? [Their fate depends on luck] That's right [I.N still seems comfortable] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [I.N finally won] [Seungmin has to split this much at once] [This one critical hit is important] It takes one go to turn the tables That's right [This is a piece of cake for Seungmin] [He got smaller] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [I.N won] Seungmin has long legs [It gets a bit difficult from here] Let's hold his ankle like this [Helping] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [I.N won again!] [He feels the pain] [Coach DWAEKKI is cheering him on] You can do it! [Sliding...] - My legs can't reach that far - You can do it! [Seungmin loses with a sting] I.N wins Round One! [How exciting! / Cute] [Next up are HAN and Felix] [Second flexibility challenge] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! Shoot! [HAN won / Things are going smoothly] Then I go forward Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [HAN wins again / Twice in a row] [Scissors / Paper] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [HAN wins for the third time in a row] - Yes! - Wait [Deja vu / Speaking from experience] If Felix wins now, you're going to win [Will he make a comeback like I.N did?] Rock, paper, scissors! Shoot! Shoot! [HAN wins for the fourth time / Helping] - Nice - Wait [Surprised / Wow, he's flexible] [Surprised at Yongbok's flexibility] He's so flexible! [Scissors / Paper] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [HAN wins for the fifth time] That's a win! [Nope, Felix can do more] [DWAEKKI approves] Wow, that's amazing! Nice, nice [Having fun watching / Focused] [Who will be the winner?] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [HAN wins again!] What? [Feeling the pain again] [This isn't a rock, paper, scissors test] [He's talented in this game!] [Having trouble / Flexibility limit...] You can split really well! [Now the distance is impossible to reach] - How does this work? - You're so flexible! - So flexible - Yongbok can split really well [But we're doing a flexibility test] Wait, but wouldn't that mean Yongbok actually won the game? [Shows flexibility but ends up losing?] Yongbok should be the winner [HAN wins without stretching one bit] But rules are rules [Ceremony] [This game is based on luck] HAN will go It's a walkover [Changbin's opponent knows it's his turn] I'm also quite flexible [Third flexibility challenge] [Changbin v.s. Hyunjin] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Starting with Hyunjin's win] [Who will the Goddess of Luck help now?] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! Shoot! [Hyunjin won for the second time] It's easy to keep losing here How did you not win once? [Making Felix feel the loss again] Sorry? [Happy / Hyunjin wins for a third time] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [This is not going well for Changbin] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! Shoot! [Hyunjin won for the fourth time] Why does he keep losing? [The game goes on] - Why does he keep losing? - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot [Changbin loses for the fifth time] What? [DWAEKKI members are helping now] That's done, that's done [Hyunjin loses] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Finally, a chance for a comeback!] [Hurrying] Hwang Hyunjin! [Beat Coach DWAEKKI] You can do it, Hyunjin! You can do it! [Here Hyunjin goes] [A big leap forward] His legs are really long! [Arrived] How are his legs so long? [Hyunjin's legs go on forever] Help him [I'll hold your leg for you] His legs are really long [Let's go!] [Consecutive losses are not new here] [Hehe] [Teasing] [How much more can you go?] [Hyunjin's having a very hard time] [And he gives up with a small cry] [Self-celebratory applause] Everyone [Coach DWAEKKI is more boastful now] - He really is flexible - It's that hard to become a trainer [DWAEKKI proved his luck and flexibility] You have to be lucky and flexible all together [Maybe not the flexible...] Don't you just have to be good at rock, paper, scissors for this? [What he said] It's a rock, paper, scissors game, nothing else [The game's not over yet] Let's move on [4th challenge / Lee Know v.s. Bang Chan] Wow, our team's... [A special player introduction] butt-lover Lee Know And our team's best butt [A meeting of two butt-related artists] - Our team's best butt and butt lover - Both butt-related [He finds this funny] Our team's butts! [Flexibility plays no factor in this game] - This one's in charge of size - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Best butt wins] He was born with it [Tap] [Chan moves back, Lee Know steps forward] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Is Lee Know going to keep losing now?] This consecutive loss thing is real Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [It does seem so / Lee Know lost again] Huh? [Lee Know is cursed too! / He lost again] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Now he's on the verge of losing the game] What? [BUT he's still strong and stable!] So flexible [Will Lee Know make a comeback? / Go, go!] Lee Know can split completely [Lee Know did it] [A loud cry] I won! [This was easy for you] Bang Chan, just come [Here I go] Long legs [The elasticity is good too] Those pants are really nice [Stretching his legs in nice pants] [Their feet are touching again] [You have to stretch all the way] [Wobbling] [Disappointed at the wobbling] That wasn't very dramatic His legs are long, I'll give him that [Meanwhile, Bang Chan won] [Feels uneasy] It's a relief he has long legs - At least we go back and forth. - This round is the hardest to predict [Stretch] [Lee Know is really flexible] [The game goes on] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Lee Know lost] [Is that possible?] He's so flexible! [Nope, that's it for me] I don't think I can go any further [Stopping before it gets any more painful] [The winner and loser seem flipped again] Nice judgment, nice judgment [That was smart] He could sense the pain [Semi-finals Group One] [Youngest Member vs Leader] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! Shoot! [The youngest member wins] [The leader's getting nervous] Sorry [Rock / Scissors] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [I.N's second win / Safe] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Bang Chan won] [Baby I.N's first loss in a while] [They're still smiling] This is doable [But I.N kept losing afterwards] [Darn / Let's hold it...] [He can feel the pain already] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Bang Chan won] [Ouch!] I think I'm going to get a cramp! [At peace / The result of enduring pain] Are you okay? [Very worn out] That's a cramp Now it's time for me and HAN [Next up is 2RACHA] Changbin [Semi-finals Group One] DWAEKKI versus quokka Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Tied / HAN won] - Let's go, HAN - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [HAN steps back / I step forward] Let's go, Seo Changbin! [This time Changbin won] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Back to square one] Step back, please [HAN won this time] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Repeat] [And Changbin won again] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Something's weird] [They're not making much progress] It keeps going back and forth [HAN won] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [The game's not going to end] [What is this?] This is fate, you guys [It keeps going / Made for each other] - How long is this going to take? - Date, you two! [This is "meant to be", isn't it?] Date! [Changbin won a second time] [Oh, they're in a rut now] - Finally? - There's one step [Changbin won a third time] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! Let's go, HAN! [Fourth win for Changbin] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! Wait! [Cheers and screams all over] Come on, HAN [Time to see their flexibility now] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Changbin won / Luck betrayed HAN today] HAN is flexible too [Time to win with flexibility] [Insight] He's doing a middle split! Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [C-HAN he push through?] No! [Eyes following HAN's legs] You can do it! [Sliding / Starting to get impossible] You can do it! [We'll give you that for the effort] That was funny [HAN can't go any further] Rock, paper... [Changbin won] No, no, no! [HAN feeling the aftereffect / In pain] You can stretch really far, though [These two made the finals] Is this the final round? Everyone, see, in the end [Coach DWAEKKI saying the obvious] exercise is the most important You can win in various ways [He believes in exercising forever] - But those who regularly exercise stay - This is a mind game now [Yes yes, whatever you say] Just go on [Targeting Yongbok this time] If you work out hard enough your mind will be stable in games You got that, Yongbok? [Quite an elegant response] Shall we begin? [Exercise increases teasing too, it seems] You're not going to release anger on your keyboard now, right? [Starting the game after teasing Felix] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Swift] [It seemed like Changbin was to lose] [But Bang Chan kept losing afterwards] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [DWAEKKI getting more boastful] See? My theories are all evidence-based Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Everyone's on Bang Chan's side now] Bang Chan, win this round! [We only have you to rely on...] Take him down a peg or two! [But DWAEKKI kept winning] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! You have to beat him even if it takes for you to split fully! [As you wish, my brothers] [Wobbling] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Bang Chan lost again] [Very comfortable] [Save Bang Chan T.T] [Let's work together?] Let's extend it for him! [Aww / Such heartwarming teamwork] We'll help [Changbin's surprised at this 1:3 match] [Starting the game again like that] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! [Finally, Bang Chan won!] [The game may be a mess] [But everyone is having fun] [Happy] [It's almost in the bag] [Come if you dare] [Changbin is going on a long journey...] There is no way you can make that [Unbelievable flexibility] [Protecting his ankles / And his behind] [Everyone's helping Changbin, who won!] [He can't believe this distance...] [At least he has his mates behind him] It's okay, it's okay, we'll help you out It's possible! You can do it! [Bang Chan is making an attempt slowly] You can't move [Manual extension / Very sly] [Bang Chan declared his loss] This isn't going to work [Good game, good game] [DWAEKKI is the final winner] I guess trainers really are something different [This is my ground] - Coach DWAEKKI! - He turned the house down [His popularity increased again now] Coach DWAEKKI! [Feeling the win] DWAEKKI! DWAEKKI! [After effect of doing splits?] [Everyone's back together] - So we're done with the Flexibility Test - This is fun [Now it's time to strengthen our core!] and we're going to move on to basics, like our core [Today's core workout consists of planks] I love doing planks Right, Changbin's really good at planks [Chang-plank] He's Chang-plank Of course, apparently after a minute, there's not that much of an effect to it [DWAEKKI's opinion / Easy peasy] - One should plank at least two minutes - Three minutes is... Even 40 seconds is hard for me [DWAEKKI Gym 2nd test: One minute planks] Okay, then let's start with one minute planks I'll give you a demonstration first [He seems like a real fitness trainer] [Getting ready] - That's our Coach DWAEKKI! - Coach [Yongbok's gotten all polite] explain the posture for us, please [Plank Tip by DWAEKKI Gym] - Put your head and feet far apart - Far? And you can put your hands together like this But only if they are apart can you strengthen your rotator cuffs as well In this stance, keep your body level try to stretch your neck forward and look about 45 degrees downwards. That's the basic gist of it Normally people raise their lower body like this - That's right - Because that makes it less tiring But you have to level your body and make sure your ab muscles are tight [Time for everyone to try / Comfortable] - Are we starting with the youngest again? - Youngest members start again? - We're going to time one minute - Okay It's been so long since we did this [One minute countdown START!] Lower your body a little [Coach DWAEKKI helping with posture] - Seungmin is still quite level though - Please come just a bit forward [Detailed] Wow, very straight [Seungmin actually has perfect posture] - Seungmin... - Is this a competition? - has really good posture! - He's really good at this [Almost picture perfect posture] Just adjust your shoulders and elbows a tiny bit more Yes, this is it! [He trained his core with vocal practice] Singing requires a lot of core strength [Good puppy] - That's great! - That's right, core strength is key Seungmin is just... Perfect [Coach DWAEKKI is satisfied] His posture is amazing right now Do you love planks? I bet he practices singing like this [If you want, I'll sing for you] [SKZ's vocal line all have strong cores] I.N looks good too [Plank lover +1] Try pushing them a little. [They still seem very relaxed] They're all good one minute's a piece of cake [Coach DWAEKKI impressed at their skills] This is great I think they can all advance to the upper level [Clear enunciation] No! No [Worn out at the sound of upper level] I'm tired now [One minute plank done] Okay, done Done! [Addicted to the game] Then who won? [It's just pure exercise from now] This is just a test, not a game [A-ha! / Thought it was a competition] - Oh, it's a test. - It's just a test? [So not everyone's going to go] Let's just have two more members go [HAN's just trying to get out of it] Let's go with the older members now, then! [And he takes the bait] Then we have SKZ's best core - B.C. - Lee Know [The other is SKZ's best muscles] And next is above average muscle strength [Oh, me] - Bang Chan - Bang Chan [1st and 2nd in InBody scores] Since you two have the highest InBody scores, let's put you together [Lee Know's trying to lower standards] But Coach, my joints are cracking all over is this healthy? [Poor young man...] - Your joints crack when you move? - Yes [Solution] Eat a lot of beef cartilage [Seungmin has a story to tell about that] But Changbin, you don't eat beef cartilage [Beef on beef cartilage soup...?] No, I only found it tasty recently [Suddenly making a public announcement] Back then, I couldn't eat it at all [A sad story related to beef cartilage] - His mother made it, but I barely ate it - That's not polite [How could you do that?] How? Why? I still feel very bad about it [Planning/Composition by HAN] Send her a video message [Idea by Lee Know / Music by Bang Chan] Here we go [Blocking the social conversations] One minute Start! [Bang Chan caught his eye] Chan, please lower your lower body [Presence] My lower body isn't raised [This kind of talk makes them giggle] my butt is just big Okay, fine [This is all butt] It's just big [Chan is back to proper posture / Slap] Good [Lee Know has the epitome of a good plank] Coach, I'm tired - Lee Know is looking good - Lee Know's posture is good [Parrot] Lee Know's posture is good [No wonder he has great internal balance] [Shy when receiving compliments] I'm tired, though [Best Core and Core God] Core God! Core God versus Best Core [Is Lee Know giving up? / Comfortable...] - Wait! - No! [Doesn't push the limit] What are you doing? [Self-induced sweet break over] What are you doing? [One minute is so long!] Get up! [The break made it more tiring] - Good - This is tiring [Let's take another break then] [Bang Chan is still going / Again?] Oh, this is bad [This is the lower level's future] This one's definitely in the lower level [I give up] [What do we need a good core for?] I'm so tired [Bang Chan also finished after a minute] I'm tired as well [We'll take this into account] Okay, everyone, good work [Next is jump training] This time is resilience through jump rope! Resilience You have to train this to prevent injury [Hyunjin is demonstrating] - Resilience! - This is good cardio Hyunjin has good rhythm so I think he'd be good at this [Special order] Can you jump in a Moombahton beat? [Order confirmed] Can you do 30 doubles at once? [They speak, Hyunjin does] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight [There is a limit, though] nine, ten [Wow, so good] 11, 12 13, 14, 15 [It wasn't 30, but he did 15 on the spot] - 16... - Nice [HAN finds doubles interesting] How do you jump a double? Even 10 is hard [Yongbok's summary] You were like a rabbit just now [Hop hop] [Encore by the rabbit] [Me?] HAN, do you know how to jump rope? [Confident] Yes, I know the basics Can you do 50 in one go? [Why are you underestimating me?] Of course! [Proving it right away / Bump] [Something seems off] [What is happening...?] [He is jumping over rope... / Struggling] I mean, he is jumping rope [Trip / Hop / Crash] [HAN just didn't want to admit he was bad] [Giving up right away] If he does 100, we have to give it to him [Shocked] Wow, seriously? [I've never seen jump rope like that!] It's literally jump over rope [Coach DWAEKKI steps in] You have to take light steps [It's even hard to follow] It's kind of like this [One can talk] Since it's the year of the rabbit... [Save your joints] [This is bad posture for knees and ankles] This will strain your knees [I'll try again] And ankles [Trying again as per Coach's advice] - It's like this - That's right [Now he can't even jump over] - Are you serious? - No, I can do it [It seems Changbin thought HAN was joking] - Wait, be serious - Just wait a second It's been a long time since I did this [It may be his first...] - You're serious, right? - I can do it [Zero jumps] I can do it [HAN can't even make one jump...?] [Finding an excuse on purpose] My pants are too wide [Blaming his pants] It's because of the pants [This is shocking to DWAEKKI Gym] This is actually quite shocking [Going to give up the cool for his honor] No, I can do this [Sloppy] Wait, I used to be good at this Just the basic jump [Fidgeting] [Stepping off beat right away] [Poor HAN leaving embarrassing moments] I give up! I give up! [No one wanted to believe this] It hurts that you weren't joking [Parody of HAN's jumps] [Embarrassed] [I.N has a bad feeling about this...] [Next up is Yongbok] [Coach DWAEKKI trying to agitate him] You can't say you did Taekwondo if you can't jump rope [Felix is really determined now] [This is Taekwondo-trained jump rope] [But he failed to do a double / Shocked] Oh, it's been too long [Something's weird here too...] Something's weird - Better than me, though - He jumps weirdly [I find myself weird too] This is too strange Wait, Felix's Taekwondo skills... [Practice ON / His honor is in jeopardy] have to be re-assessed now [Finally, someone who can really jump] Lee Know used to box [Comfortable] Of course, the boxing experience... [Light] brings out this ease [Jumping with one foot, doubles] [Cross jumps are possible too] [Coach DWAEKKI is also at peace now] Yes, you can jump like this too [What is Hyunjin trying to say?] [Crossed Troubles / Crossed Doubles] Crossed Doubles Troubles... wait [Corrections should not be made] Crossed Troubles? [Forgot his words] What? [This part is not getting any easier] - Crossed Doubles - Doubles [Seungmin, with a serious face, is next] [Quite stable skills] Doubles? [He jumps very high] - He jumps like a puppy - Very cute [I'll jump cuter now] [Pets are allowed at DWAEKKI Gym / Bark!] [Here's a peculiar point] [He jumps doubles in a cute way too] I've never seen someone jump doubles with their feet kicking back Cute [Bang Chan joins in] Nice [Trying out doubles for the first time] Doubles [It's his first time, but he succeeded] Why is the rope so short? [Amazed] You don't know this [That's how some prefer it] but it was on purpose [There's our to-be upper level member] It's interesting how you caught onto that [Last up is I.N] It's I.N's turn now Yay, I.N! [We're so proud] I was proud of him when he could walk but jumping rope? [Taken aback / Scoffing] - I.N! - It's nothing [An unexpected baby talent show] It was amazing when he could walk and look, now he can jump rope too! [Speaking in dialect / HAN is excited] Apparently there is a genius in Busan [Clapping in sync] Ah, look at our child jump! [Can't tell if this is fangirling or not] Our puppy can jump! [Time to separate members into levels] Everyone's basic stamina is amazing I was actually surprised with your planks [Everyone thought Seungmin had no muscle] I thought Seungmin had no muscle [Seungmin seemed lanky, but...] and that he had no core strength at all... [He just didn't know the technique] I just didn't know the technique Yes, so when watching you, I was extremely surprised [Discovered a new plank genius] - You could plank for three minutes - Seungmin has a strong core [That's me, everyone] It's cute how we think he can do this [He does seem like he could] - But for now, Seungmin is a beginner - He's like a puppy Hyunjin is also a beginner And Lee Know... [It’s me] Beginner [Happy he got what he wanted] - Next, Felix - Yes You are working out consistently [Yongbok is the only one who seems sad] but you’re also a Beginner for now [Wow, then who’s Advanced...?] Next HAN is in the upper, the Advanced level [He may not seem like it but he works out] Because I know how much he exercises I.N is also in the Advanced level [Our baby is in the Advanced level!] Good, I.N! [How proud we are] Let’s go, I.N! [Of course / That is not my place] And... [He’s happy now] Bang Chan [No surprises, he’s in the Advanced level] - His strength is on another level - He has a really high score so we’ll put Chan in the Advanced level too - Thank you - Superhuman, superhuman [Time for in-depth training] Everyone, now that we divided you into levels [DWAEKKI Gym is open to children] we're take a short break [Surprised / Time for real exercise] and start exercising for real [The Beginners already look tired] It's time for class, everyone - Beginners! - Yes [I can't believe I have to work out...] We are going to begin with squats today [Coach DWAEKKI's demonstration] I'll give you a demonstration [Squat Tip by DWAEKKI Gym] Stand with your legs at about shoulder width and it's better if your toes are slightly faced outwards - Inwards? - Outwards In this position [Thinking / This is an awkward stance] [We couldn't really explain this...] You have to push your hips back And after that you have to think your hips are going to go straight down [It is wrong to lean forward] So if you go down like this it's not good posture for a squat [The proper squat is with the body up] Don't do this, and raise your upper body [Checking the Beginners' squat posture] This isn't exactly good posture either [Nervous] Is this correct? [Is this right?] [How will gym rat Lee Know squat?] Legs at shoulder width [How will gym rat Lee Know squat?] and bend your knees down 45 degrees [Sliding down] [Lee Know wants Coach's attention] Coach? [Meanwhile, Coach DWAEKKI is busy] Are you sure you feel it in your thighs? [Squats strengthen thigh and hip muscles] Yes, thighs and here The knees are supposed to go out, right? Yes, they can pop out And these knees... [The knees and toes should move equally] [That's the only way the knees won't hurt] have to follow your toes You can't go like this Okay This is going to strain your knees [Coach, what about me?] Coach! Your posture is great, though Try squatting [Lee Know is already perfect] Perfect Thank you [Then help me, Coach!] Coach, could you help me? Sure, Yongbok You look fine right now [Very detailed posture fixes] Just a little bit more Push my hips back a little more? Yes, push your hips back and then move straight down [I'm tired!] [Felix fixed his problem right away] Your knees spread too widely Use the ends of your toes Follow along the ends of your toes - I don't know if this is correct. - You look fine right now [Felix mastered the squat now] - Great - Okay, nice [Seungmin waited for Felix's turn to end] I didn't squat that much, but I'm already sweating Changbin, I'll try again Okay, one more time, then [Changbin, how is my squat?] [Analysis done] You pushed your hips back, right? [Fixing Seungmin's center of gravity] You have to drop down vertically [Fourth on the list] You can't go down like this [That may be prone to injury] - You'd hurt your back if you had weights - Go straight down from here? That's right [Coach DWAEKKI helping first-handedly] Like this [Oh] [Very detailed coaching to help members] Drop down like this, that's right [Seungmin feels the weight shift now] - My heels are really... - That's right, your weight shifts, right? [Last is Hyunjin] I think my back gets folded when I try this... is that right? [Back folding does not sound good] What exactly does that feel like? [Seems hard to explain] When we push our hips back... [Coach DWAEKKI knows everything] Yes, it's nice to make an arch Your hips are pushed back, but you shouldn't go this way Is this correct? Like this [Hyunjin's about to fall back] You're about to fall [Hyunjin, try holding it] - You have to hold this position. - How can one do that? [There is a reason to my coaching] Try following me, even if this may be a bit funny [Back to the awkward posture] From here, try pushing your hips back like this Again [What are they doing?] Right along your pelvis - Coach, you're making me uncomfortable - Just like that [Stop with the pelvis talk!] Like this [DWAEKKI keeps going though] - You have to squat in a straight line - Like this? [Hyunjin has perfect posture now] - Is this right? - Yes, that is good! [Checking Hyunjin's posture] How is that? Where do you feel it? [Feeling the burns in the right places] Here, and my hips - His hips are really strong right now. - That's right [Successfully fixed Hyunjin's posture] - Is this correct? - This right now is good Very clean [Every member is getting worn out] - Wow, that's tiring - Great [Time for the BOSU Ball squat for balance] We're going to make this a little harder [BOSU Balls] and try squats while standing on this [He didn't even see] I'm excited! [It's actually DWAEKKI's first time too] - Squats on that? - I don't know how to do it either It's my first time, but I'll try it [Finding his balance first] [Oh, this is what it feels like] This isn't bad! [Finding his balance] [Is that even possible...?] [That seems difficult] Wow... [Getting off after one squat] This is not easy! [Big steps / Beginners will only try once] I'm going to ask you to try going down just once [Seungmin attempts almost right away] [Shaking] [He got on the BOSU Ball with help] [Surprisingly stable now] Wow! [Seungmin's core muscles at it again] His core was good just now [Seungmin has great lower body muscle too] Seungmin's leg balance is exactly the same, look Really? [Caught both his balance and his cuteness] This is really good - He's very centered - Keep that upper body up [Pushing back his center of gravity] [Seungmin's good alone too] Yes, so you can bend straight down - Great, this is great balance - That's amazing One more time [I'm good, right / Cute!] [Seungmin did that perfectly] - Pass, pass - That was two squats [Next up is Hyunjin] Hyunjin is up next [Lee Know is cheering him on] Let's go, Hyunjin! [Lee Know's coming] You can't push forward, Lee Know [Hyunjin doesn't trust him] I'll hold you Okay [Hyunjin doesn't need any help] Wow, good, good [In the zone] I remember doing this in pilates Wow, nice [Hyunjin trained his balance with dance] Wow, dance really helped you here Then let's do about 50 - 50 squats? - One! [Hyunjin's actually trying] [DWAEKKI even has that trainer voice] Two! [Should we train him, Coach?] Let's add some weights, Coach [Getting reminded of pilates] - Three! - Oh, this is just like pilates [Taking a stroll with the ball] Four! [Giving up with 46 left] - I'm tired, though - Okay then, next [Next up is Yongbok] I'll do my best [He seems quite stable] [Very energetic / Going to watch] [Everyone doing his own thing] Good [Everyone focus! / Felix is great at this] Felix has the best posture thus far Wow, nice [Congratulations on your posture, Yongbok] [He's trying even harder now] Nice, nice! [There's something to look forward to] Okay, you work on your butt now Sorry? [What is Lee Know saying?] Nice [Let's do this / Changbin is wrapping up] That was the best. Okay then... [What is it?] [Seungmin knows what's going on] Let Lee Know try as well [I didn't go... / Embarrassed] [Hurrying things up from embarrassment] Oh, Lee Know didn't go, come on! [Easy peasy] [Lots of worrying even though he's fine] Is nobody thinking to hold me? [Coach DWAEKKI doesn't know what to do] I was going to but you had already gone up [Happy / Tired] I'm happy now [This is nothing to Core God Lee Know] [Shall we add weights right away?] We'll add some weight in now [He looks like] [he heard something he shouldn't have] [Self-ending before it gets too tiring] Done! [Heavy / This member is running away] Good work, sir [Why DWAEKKI taught the Beginners squats] I taught you how to squat because it's a very important exercise That's right - And it's good to do without equipment - That's right, that's right [DWAEKKI wanted to show needed workouts] There is no substitute exercise for squats Squats are just that unique [More advanced exercises / Squats] Nice, nice [Bench press] One, two [Deadlift] [And the Beginners aren't done too] Can you feel the contraction? [DWAEKKI Gym helps members be friends!] Let's not do this type of content now [DWAEKKI Gym helps provide exercise kits] - That's a strap! - Thank you, Coach DWAEKKI [STAY's exercise thoughts will be heard!] Help us, Coach DWAEKKI How do you make right-angle shoulders? For right-angular shaped shoulders...
Channel: Stray Kids
Views: 4,108,651
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Keywords: Stray Kids, 스트레이 키즈, SKZ, 스키즈, 방찬, BANG CHAN, 리노, 이민호, LEE KNOW, MINHO, LEEMINHO, 창빈, 서창빈, CHANGBIN, SEOCHANGBIN, 현진, 황현진, HYUNJIN, HWANGHYUNJIN, 한, 지성, 한지성, HAN, JISUNG, HANJISUNG, 필릭스, FELIX, 승민, 김승민, SEUNGMIN, KIMSEUNGMIN, 아이엔, 양정인, I.N, YANGJEONGIN, JEONGIN, 스키즈 자체콘텐츠, 스키즈 자컨, 슼즈코드, skz code, 스키즈 리얼리티, 스트레이키즈 리얼리티, 스트레이키즈 예능, 스키즈 예능, stray kids reality, skz reality, stray kids exercise, skz exercise, stray kids workout, skz workout, stray kids gym, 스키즈 운동, 스키즈 헬스, 스키즈 PT, 스키즈 피티, 스트레이키즈 헬스, 돼끼 PT
Id: dO-_I1duiiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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