여러분 모두 용의자입니다 (마피아 편)|[SKZ CODE] Ep.06

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As soon as they saw the guy insulted Felix in a review, everyone goes 'eh, maybe he deserved to die' lolol

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/okaemykae 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Chan is me playing mafia: “Maybe it’s Changbin. Or Han. Or IN. Or Felix. I think everyone else is Mafia” everyone is sus and no one is safe

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/its_tabby_kat7 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

"second suspect. yang doctor. euh, cute."

edit: the flashback at 6:06 LMFAOOO

edit 2: omg they referenced signal (my favorite kdrama) towards the end!

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/chenle 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

“Two jobs” 🤣 Lee Know is effortlessly funny. He cracked me up many times this ep.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/SecureFoundation4411 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I.N being from 빵빵 General Surgery; 빵 is bread, our little baby bread is all grown up and is a Doctor now.

Barista in Korean is 바리스타 (Konglish) so they made it 리스타 (방 ->Bang Chan) and I am not ashamed to say that made me chuckle.

Lee Know communicating with the dead owner's spirit was definitely my favorite part, especially how it made Han laugh! The others too but I'm caught up in the minsung moment

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/LoveofLearningKorean 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Not Lee Know casually standing on a €1k chair and use it as a booster to jump 😂

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/CypherSays 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Dang it's only been 5 minutes and changbin already can't catch a break 😂

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/okaemykae 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Why am I in love with Han's outfit so much, it really fits him and his acting also fits his assigned role so well.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Magician690 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Lee Know getting away for acussing everyone hahaha this is so funny. I never expected Lee Know going into a spiritual trance trying to communicate with the murderer owner, I couldn't stop laughing lol I really don't know who's the mafia, everybody have a reason and they act well AAAA I bet it's Bang Chan (there're two mafias, right?), he always acts well lololol

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/hombrx 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
[A murder occurred in a peaceful town of SKZ] [Based on the evidences left at the crime scene] [Mafia is the murderer] [There are 8 suspects at the crime scene] [Who among them is the mafia?] Mafia committed a murder in SKZSKZ Cafe. All of you here are now suspects. I'm a suspect! No! Why am I a suspect? [Government guidelines for disease control and prevention were followed during the filming] First suspect is Dr. Kim. He's a dentist at Geunbon Dental Clinic on second floor. He drinks a cup of coffee from SKZSKZ Cafe every morning. Second suspect is Dr. Yang. So cute. He's a doctor at BbangBbang General Surgery, which is on the second floor of SKZSKZ Cafe. He goes to the same gym as Owner Cho Third suspect is Barista Bang. He has been working at SKZSKZ Cafe for 3 years. He's a main barista of the cafe. Fourth suspect is Chef Lee. He runs Sunshine Dessert, located next to the cafe. He's very amiable and is nicknamed 'Lee Building's Angel' Fifth suspect is Unemployed Lee. Why won't you get a job? He's always killing time at SKZSKZ Cafe, but he's actually the building owner. I'm jealous Sixth suspect is Teacher Hyun. He's a teacher at Kkomabyul Kindergarten, where Owner Cho's daughter goes to. Seventh suspect is Idol HAN. He's a member of the global idol group, 「SoKZ」. Actually, SKZ is the best. He visited SKZSKZ Cafe for the first time today. Eighth suspect is Seo Detective . He's a great detective. He's a very righteous person. He went to the same school, Jutdae University, as Owner Cho Live by your principles~ [This is a complete fiction with no relation to actual persons or events] I saw it, it was the detective! [Suspects are all confused] -I saw it! -What's going on? [(Scared)] Please don't kill me! I'm not a suspect. Don't speak to me like that! What's going on. Owner of SKZSKZ Cafe, Owner Cho was murdered by the mafia. Investigate Owner Cho! Owner Cho is dead? Suspects must remain here for 3 days and capture the mafia. If you fail to capture the mafia, you will suffer the punishment set by the mafia. First day begins. Please introduce yourselves and start investigating. -Okay~ -Imposter! Let's eat first! [(Has a good reason)] Let's eat this jelly first. [So distracting] [Detective Seo leads the group] Let's all be quiet! Quiet! I'm a detective from the police department... Wait! [(Chewy)] [Uses his registration card as ID] Detective Seo. [(Finds fault in the picture)] [Innocents believe] Wait, the picture looks different! It's identical! [Proves himself to be a detective / Leads the investigation] Anyways, the victim of today's crime is my friend. [(New information)] He's my friend. Owner Cho? [Detective Seo and Owner Cho are friends] We went to the same university together. [(Honest)] We weren't very close back then. But, until now.. That's why you killed him! You two are not close! No! No! We still kept in touch until now! -Psychopath! -Imposter! No! [Think about it, guys] And also, I'm a detective. I can't be mafia. [Detective / He can be trusted] How can I do such a thing? Two job! [Detective by day, mafia by night] [(Grunt)] Anyways, I'm going to find the truth for my friend. [(Charismatic)] [Good detective, but he stuttered] I want you to introduce yourselves. [(Introduction?)] Okay, then! I am ground~ [Having fun with the introduction] Let's introduce ourselves! I'm a detective! You need to be like 'I am a cool detective~' You are no fun! [They're bashing the detective] He's no fun at all. [They're bashing the detective] -This is what happens when you're a detective for too long! -You can't catch criminals like that! You're out! [Detective won] I'm a detective. I'm handsome. I'm Chef Lee! Cookie Brownie. I'm unemployed! I have a lot of money. I'm a dentist! I'm getting my braces. I'm a doctor! I.N I'm Barista Bang. I don't like coffee! I'm a kindergarten teacher! Hwang Hyunjin. I'm Idol HAN World star. Imposter! Imposter! [(Confident)] [He's lying! / Suspicious] He's a mafia! You guys don't know me? [Free concert? / Unemployed Lee was upset for a different reason] World star needs to perform in front of the suspects! Take off your sunglasses. -Okay, I will! -Show us your eyes! [Do you not know me?] Show us your eyes! [I'm going to go blind! / World star shines too brightly] [Can't focus / Doctor Yang is having a hard time accepting his role] Actually, it turn out I'm a big fan. Idol HAN! Idol HAN! [Finally met his idol] We finally met! Are you the guy that kept sending me letters? [He has a fan everywhere / Real superstar] -Yes! I'm a big fan! -Oh, you're a fan? Yes, it turns out I am. Yes, right. I think you're panicking. What? [Why did they come to this cafe?] Why did you guys come here? [(Maybe..?)] Yeah, right~! I recently uploaded a music to a music site. I uploaded the music! [These two... are suspicious] [Met for the first time / Talking about something only they know about] [(He forgot the background story)] We got into a fight, but came out of it friends. That's why we're here. Oh, you two were going to meet each other here? That's right! [They made a plan to commit a murder?] So you guys murdered him! That's why you guys are here! [(People are easily convinced)] -There's more than one mafia! -What does this mean? [There's more than one?] There are two mafias! Hear me out. [Why are you guys friends?] I'll explain. Okay. [They met online] We were chatting at an internet forum. [They decided to meet each other] He wanted to meet me in person. He's the one who chose this cafe for the meeting. -It was weird. -Who? -This guy? -This guy! [Why did he chose this cafe?] You! Take off your sunglasses! -That not it. -Let me see your eyes! Show us your eyes! [(Gaze)] Put it back on! So nice~ I just like cafes. I was walking on the street, and just wanted to get away from the sun~ So I came in here. Then Barista Bang handed me a latte. [(That's right)] So I said, I want Americano~ [World star communicated through music] I like~ Americano~ [(Agrees)] You are a world star. How are you two related? We're married.. oh, no we're not. [Flash of memory from past life] Darling! Sorry! I shouldn't have said it. [They met for the first time friend] We're just online friends. -Online friends. -Friends. [Okay] Alright, online friends! Who wants to speak next? [Chef Lee confesses willingly?] I'm Chef Lee. I just wanted to Kill Owner Cho? [You can be framed in seconds] No, that's not it! You cut Owner Cho like a bread? [Why would you say that!?] [(So gross)] -Hear me out! -That's too grotesque. First, we didn't have a good relationship. We didn't talk to each other. [Chef Lee and Owner Cho had a bad relationship?] You didn't have a good relationship? I sell desserts [(Thinking)] in the same building. Owner Cho [They are competing rivals] runs a cafe. So you are rivals? That's why you killed him? [Detective Seo is curious] How was your sales? [(Wait, detective)] I'm not finished yet. Go ahead, sorry. [Chef Lee and Owner Cho were rivals] I didn't do anything, but he hated me anyways. Oh, then you liked Owner Cho? I hated him, of course. Romantic music~ But I never expressed that feeling. [Teacher Hyun is suspicious of Chef Lee] -You just killed him then? -I never did that. [Chef Lee is the most promising suspect] You have the right to remain silent. [(Sloppy)] Anything you say.. wait, how do you take this out? [Suspicious] -Are you a noob? -Wait, is he a real detective? [Chef Lee isn't finished] I heard that Owner Cho is dead. I'm close to Unemployed Lee. Why? [Unemployed Lee set up the dessert shop for him] Because he rented this building to me. [Unemployed, but he owns the building] -In the same building.. -I own this building! You own this building? [(Applaud) / (Applaud)] [Capitalistic society] [(Grin) / (Protect him)] Don't listen to that! x4 [Detective Seo is fixed on the next target] Why are you looking at me like that? [(Innocent)] [Dr. Kim has been quiet so far] You have eyes of a murderer. Why? [Myang] Are you hiding something? [Forcing a confession] [(Coercive)] What is a dentist doing here? Oh, I run a dental clinic upstairs. -In this building? -Dr. Kim! I work with Dr. Yang.. Wait! He runs a general surgery! -What kind of a doctor are you? -How can you work together? [That's not it / They run separate clinics on a same floor] Same floor! That's all I'm saying. [Chef Lee has something to say?] Wait, I think I remember something. Owner Cho went to the dental clinic before he died. He went to the dentist? I heard that he took out a wrong tooth. [Shocked] [Dr. Kim is the mafia? / Horrible story] You took out a wrong tooth? This is a rumor. [(Spreading rumor)] This wasn't in the script. [Took out a wrong tooth? / Famous urban legend] I saw this on a TV show! Dentist who took out a wrong tooth was the murderer. Hell is Stranger? Yes, right! Hell is Stranger? Hey, doctor! Your clothes are very stylish. [Dr. Yang has a lot of interest in fashion] I like cloths. [(Grab)] Wait, maybe if I take this off. [What's up with flashy cloths?] Look, he's a mafia! [Mafia works two jobs] -Two job? -No. I'm just a surgeon. [His OOTD is flashy by chance] I just have a lot of interest in fashion. [Doctor, I'm hurt / Consulting the doctor] I have a lot of pain near my ankle... what's wrong with me? You just have short legs..! [(Oops, I said it out loud)] [He's a great doctor / 208% trustworthy] He's a doctor alright! He's a doctor. He knows everything about human body! [Next target is Barista Bang] What's up with you? I'm the barista of Old guy! Old guy! SKZSKZ Cafe. [Long time employee] I've worked here for 60 years. You hate coffee. How did you become a barista? I don't like it myself, but I enjoy giving it to other people.. [(Stop lying)] You're not giving it to them, you're selling it. -Right. -You take money from them. [Suspicious barista] His alibi doesn't make sense. He's selling coffee! [He sells coffee for money? / Everything's suspicious] -I take money. -You sure do. Actually, Owner Cho was going to open a second store and give it to me. [(Second store of my rival?)] Wait! [Barista Bang was going to own the second store] Maybe he got greedy and wanted the first store as well? He killed Owner Cho because of greed! [Barista Bang is the mafia?] Because Owner Cho is dead, there's no more second store. [Does Barista Bang on the cafe now?] So this cafe is yours now. -No, it isn't. -No. x3 It's mine. x2 [Unemployed Lee owns the cafe?] [(His logic)] I own the building! [It's mine!] Me! Cafe's mine! Let's make that clear. [First night] It's nighttime. Please move to the voting station one by one. Vote for the mafia. You can keep discussing as you vote. [Voting] [Idol HAN votes Dr. Yang] I think it's I.N I.N... the surgeon. I don't have a good reason for voting him. [(Chooses his fan for no reason)] But let's just go ahead and do it. I trust my instinct. [Suspects are waiting for their turn] [Chef Lee has a suspicious looking bottle] -What is that? -It's vitamin. Why does a chef need vitamins? Maybe you poisoned Owner Cho? Wait! [Is it vitamin for real?] It's vitamin. [Whatever / They're eating Chef Lee's brownie] So good! Is it good? [(So delicious)] [Vote's finished / Idol Han greets them] Sorry x2 I can't shake your hands. x2 Camera's over there. I look so foolish~ He's so cool. [(Jump)] I'm going! [(Muggle)] Who is he? [(My Idol)] He's Idol HAN. Idol HAN? My man~! I choose [Teacher Hyun chooses Barista Bang] I think it's Chan. I think he wanted this cafe for himself. [(Angry)] [(Unemployed Lee?) / (Dr. Kim?)] I think it's either Lee Know or Seungmin. [(Teaching Hyun?)] Or maybe it's Hyunjin. [(Detective Seo?)] Or perhaps Changbin. [(Idol HAN?) / (Dr. Yang)] Or maybe it's HAN or I.N [(Chef Lee?)] Or perhaps Felix. [He showcases his leadership by suspecting everyone] I think everyone else is mafia. I'm suspicious of many people, but Dr. Kim.. [Barista Bang votes for Dr. Kim] I think he's acting weird. I vote Seungmin. Okay! I believe [Dr. Yang votes for Chef Lee] it's Felix. They didn't like each other. That's why he killed Owner Cho I think mafia is Yongbok. I'm suspicious of that pill bottle. [Suspicious] He voted too quickly. -What? The camera... -It's you! -You just need to say who you voted. Why would it take long? -It's you, right? Did you say why you voted for someone? I did say the reason. [No hesitation] -What did you say? -Yongbok. I was suspicious of the pill bottle. I would've explained. Seungmin. He looks like mafia. [He was the fastest voter] [Searching] What are you doing x3 What are you doing! [Suspects were reading Detective Seo's note] [Mine!!!] Wait, hang on! How much did you read? I don't know who the mafia is. But I'm suspicious of Hyunjin and Seungmin. I'm going to vote Seungmin. [Detective Seo looks excited] You're mafia, aren't you? I think Seungmin could be the mafia. I think Seungmin's the mafia. [Relaxed] But I wanted to have fun. I'm going to vote for Bang Chan. He wants the cafe for himself. The vote's over. Please sleep until the next morning. [Brags] I can sleep anywhere, thanks to my undercover experience. [Has a point] You shouldn't be sleeping when you're undercover. -That's right. -That's right. [Goodnight] [The night has passed] It's 2nd day's morning. [World star's wake-up song] Good morning! He sings so well. You chose Dr. Kim as mafia. [What?] -Dr. Kim. -Really? [Can't believe it] I didn't pick you. Detective Seo, please cuff Dr. Kim. The cuff can be removed after one day. [Teacher Hyun can dance] And now we will dance to Criminal. [Dr. Kim will be locked up for one day because he was chosen as mafia] [Congrats / Detective Seo uses his cuff for the first time] [Trying] Man... Is this your first time catching a criminal? [Hey! You're hurting me!] It hurts! x5 [Sorry] Are you okay? x2 So cool. [I think I'm so cool] Using my cuff. Don't do it! [Cuff's not strong enough. Warning him not to run away] Don't you dare run. We will investigate the crime scene now. Wait, wait x2 Yongbok was going to explain his pill bottle. Go ahead. [Time to clear his name / What's up with the pill bottle?] -Yes, right. -Let's hear your explanation. Okay, let's talk about this. In short, I ate too much sweet stuff like cookies and brownies. [Taking vitamins for health!?] So I took some vitamins. [Unemployed Lee understands] [Suddenly?] Yongbok wouldn't poison anybody. [Dr. Kim's sure that Chef Lee's the mafia] -He poisoned Owner Cho -Hang on. [Unemployed Lee's watching] My brother used to live in Australia. [They're true brothers] Right, Yongbok Lee. [Blinks] So I gave him a dessert shop here so he can make a living. But Owner Cho kept harassing my brother... [Chef Lee's listening] [Unemployed Lee is so unnatural] and Mr. Kang... and... [He really is reading from the script] was so angry. -He was so angry. -He was an angry man. -Why did he do that? -Let's not get involved. We didn't want to get involved, so we let it go. [Talking about himself in third person] It turns out he didn't pay rent for a whole year. So I'm pretty mad at him right now. [Okay] So you two have grudge against Owner Cho I have something to confess. [Confession Assistant] Actually, I used to take care of... That's not what I mean. I'm a kindergarten teacher. [Suspects willingly reveal their own stories] I used to take care of Owner Cho's daughter. [Revealed that himself] [New information] [Barista Bang already knew about this] I knew about that. I was so surprised to hear the Owner Cho's dead. [Suspicious] -Why? -I'm just saying. [Revealing their own stories] Oh, you know what? Dr. Yang... Why are you revealing that now? We're investigating the scene. [Just wanted to show off] To my shining Idol Han. [Let's look for evidence] Okay, let's look for evidence now. -Wait, what's that? -What? It's a knife! [Teacher Hyun has a knife??] -It's not a knife. -Where x3 It's not a knife. [Idol Han protects Teacher Hyun?] It's not a knife. It's an eyebrow shaper. It's for my eyebrow. Why would a kindergarten teacher carry a knife? I'm a kindergarten teacher. -Be quiet. -I need to peel apples for my kids. [Reasonable] That's why, to peel apples. [Confession continues] -I have something to confess. -Confess? To whom? [Is it... me?] [Waiting for his confession] [Confession Assistant] Flower x3 Wait, why do you have a flower? [Surprised] What is this! [Barista Bang is suspicious] -What are you doing! -Hey, you! You're hiding something from us. [Suspicious actions] I'm looking for an evidence. [Coming back to Idol Han's flower] -Hey, you. -Why do you have a flower? I can't say. Watering a dying flower. [Giga HAN reacts quickly] [World star reaction] [Unemployed Lee found a witness?] [Things are getting even more confusing] I found a witness. A witness! It's this guy. [They're going along with it] It's CCTV! -This guy... -Let's watch the CCTV. [Coming back] -So why do you have a flower? -To mourn Owner Cho [Making it up] It's to mourn Owner Cho How did you know Owner Cho would die today? -How did you know? -Why did you buy a flower today? [Detective Seo is so upset] [Flower was just a prop] He died today. How did you buy a flower already? We can end it all right now. He can put this on. What x2 -To find the truth... -I know this. [Muggle doesn't know Harry Potter] [Dr. Kim is bored] [I'm still here] -Wait, speak up. -Hang on. [Wants to do a body search] He may have an evidence on him. I only have my wallet and a floss. He has a registration card. You have so much money! I'm going to confiscate it. [Smack] What? Hang on, everyone. Let's discuss this. [Everyone likes Unemployed Lee's item] -Okay x2 -Very good. [Drunk Confession] [Unavoidable choice to catch the mafia] We can find the mafia with this, for sure. It's a great way to get the truth out of someone. That's quite expensive. I have something to say about alcohol. [Didn't know] -As you know, I always worked alone. -Didn't know that. Owne kept firing people. [Why?] -Why? Because I was too good. -He fired them? [Incomplete sentence] He cut them off. Cut off their arms and legs? Cut off the Owner? [Barista Bang is being cornered] -Wait. -Owne... He mutilated the Owner. [Talking about the hard times] I always had to work late into the night. It was so hard. [He saw a drunk person?] But yesterday, I saw a drunk guy. Reenactment. [Reenactment to explain what he saw] He came in and threw away his water. But when I looked in closer Was it Owner Cho? No, it was Dr. Kim. [Dr. Kim was drunk yesterday!??] It was Dr. Kim. You murderer! [Quick] Dr. Kim! [Detective Seo investigates further] What happened last night? -He was drunk last night. -He was drunk. -He came into the cafe. -He came in. And he threw away his water and left... [What happened to Dr. Kim?] Owner Cho wanted to borrow some money. -What? -He wanted me to lend him some money. -Someone said Owner Cho didn't pay his rent, right? -Me? For a year. -Owner Cho didn't pay his rent. -Okay, now. [Owner Cho didn't pay rent, and tried to borrow money from Dr. Kim!?] Owner Cho didn't have any money. That's why he wanted to borrow money from me. [Detective Seo is surprised?] -Wait. -I was annoyed. -Annoyed? -He kept threatening me. I wanted to find out if he could be trusted. I knew that he was close with Owner Cho [Dr. Kim looked into Owner Cho?] So I asked him about Owner Cho [Teacher Hyun raises his hand to ask a question] I have something to say. I went to the cafe first. Then some doctor offered to buy me cutlet. [Me] That was me. So I went with him. I wanted some cutlet. Then he took me to a dentist. -And there... -He took out a wrong tooth? No. I received scaling and a mouth wash. Give me the mouth wash. It's an evidence. Wait, he gave you a mouth wash. -It could be acid. -First time... [Straight to the point] Do you brush your teeth often? [Explaining the situation] Owner Cho kept threatening me. So I asked Teacher Hyun to find out if he could be trusted with my money. [Unfair] Right, he tole me he'd buy me cutlet, but didn't. Owner Cho kept borrowing money from me, too. [Owner Cho borrowed money from Detective Seo?] But I never got my money back. [Another confession] There's one more. Owner Cho kept taking my money. He took your money? He was going to invest it and give back 10 times the money. -10 times? -That's a lie. [You believe that?] I fell for that lie. So I gave him everything I had. -That was 1.5 million KRW -1.5 million KRW I gave him everything. I never got it back, and he avoided my calls. So you killed him? Time out x3 Detective, I have a question. What's up with that laptop... To watch Netflix. There's that. -It's so fun. -So fun. I thought maybe there'd be evidence in that laptop. It's password locked. [Unemployed Lee's laptop] Building owner knows the password. It's me. Hang on. It's either 0000 or 1234. My brother has a YouTube channel. Owner Cho once left a negative comment. That's right x3 [Chef Lee's YouTube Channel] Look, over here x2 Your thumbnail sucks. Desserts look bad. [Upset] That was Owner Cho [Everybody hates Owner Cho] [Everyone's upset] Owner Cho is so... -We're all feeling the same thing, right? -Yes. [There's no need to catch the mafia] -Goodbye. -Well done, guys. Crime solved. [Looking for evidence] What is Barista Bang doing? [Barista Bang is looking for evidence] I'm look for evidence. I wanted to ask you something. [Studying Dr. Kim's registration card] It says you were born in 1990. September 22nd. How come your registration card was issued on March 25th, 2018? -He doesn't know. -It was re-issued x2 Why was it re-issued? [Identity theft?] You stole someone's ID, didn't you? People I love were born on March 25th, 2018. -So I re-issued my registration card then. -They were born then? [Didn't know that... / Nothing to say] -I wanted to live a new life. -That's a good idea. [Taloola] March 25th is the best day ever. [Eager] You, evidence... [Running!?] [My fan, Dr. Yang..!] Dr. Yang. Dr. Yang. Why do you have a red pen? Are you receiving Red Pen Tutor? [Suspicious] -Red pen. -My tutor is from Gumon. -Wait, wait. -Why? Why are you here? [Detective Seo's presence itself is suspicious] -No reason for him to be here. -Why would a detective come to a cafe? -I told you. -Detectives can come to a cafe. [Maybe?] -I told you. -Were you looking for a restroom? This morning, I found a walkie-talkie on a street. -I found it. -You found a walkie-talkie? [Static noise from walkie-talkie?] Then I heard something. It was like this. [Reenactment] Who is this? [Detective Lee from 1 year in the future predicted today's murder?] Detective Lee told me that Owner Cho would die one year later. So I was worried. He wouldn't pay me back. So I was worried. That's when I found the murder scene. Doesn't make any sense. [Sense of duty] I need to catch the mafia. -Really? -That's why I'm still here, to catch the mafia. But how can we trust you? We talked about that already. -Sorry. -Wait x2. Let me talk with Owner Cho. He's dead. [Spirit Whisperer] Time out x3 [Detective Seo is trying to make sense of all this] Wait, wait. Let's talk about this. Owner Cho was a big guy. He's over 180cm tall. He's tall and big. He's 182cm tall. [What?] [Not paying attention] That's too high for 182cm [Adjusts] 180cm is like this high. -This is 180cm. -Right. [Agreed upon height] [Avoided danger] This is 180cm. I told you. I lent money to Owner Cho He borrowed money, but never gave it back. [IOU / Evidence that Owner Cho borrowed money] [If he can't pay back the money] He told me he'd give this cafe to me. I never received my money, so I visited this cafe often. [Detective Seo's story continues] I was a good detective who received many awards. [They were jealous of Detective Seo] But higher-ups didn't like me, I guess. [It's a serious matter] So they framed me. They gave me an impossible case. A hit-and-run. -Hit-and-run? -Hit-and-run? Hit-and-run. [What's the truth behind the hit-and-run?] Wait. So I got kicked out of the hospital. I will work until 2021 for 5,000 KRW per hour. You were in it with the mafia?
Channel: Stray Kids
Views: 3,553,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stray Kids, 스트레이 키즈, SKZ, 스키즈, 방찬, BANG CHAN, 리노, 이민호, LEE KNOW, MINHO, LEEMINHO, 창빈, 서창빈, CHANGBIN, SEOCHANGBIN, 현진, 황현진, HYUNJIN, HWANGHYUNJIN, 한, 한지성, HAN, JISUNG, HANJISUNG, 필릭스, FELIX, 승민, 김승민, SEUNGMIN, KIMSEUNGMIN, 아이엔, 정인, I.N, YANGJEONGIN, JEONGIN, stray kids reality, stray kids 리얼리티, 스트레이 키즈 리얼리티, 스트레이키즈 자컨, 스키즈 자컨, stray kids skz code, 스키즈코드, skz reality, 슼즈코드, 스트레이 키즈 마피아 게임, 스키즈 마피아 게임, 스키즈 마피아, Stray Kids mafia game, SKZ mafia game, 김닥터, 양닥터, 방리스타, 이셰프, 리백수, 현선생님, 한돌, 서형사, 스키즈 추리, 스트레이 키즈 추리, 스키즈 추리 예능
Id: Q3NVapnl6ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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