[찾았다 스트레이 키즈 최신판] Ep.1 (Full Ver.) (ENG SUB)

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👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thank you so much!!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/beanasivakumar 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Han's face XD. This ep is hilarious. The way they tried to cheat that age filter, I cant....

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/nmt111 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
Last season, to be the God of varieties, Stray Kids homaged trendy variety shows and discovered their sense of humor Now, they're back as new Gods! God-like(?) Stray Kids' NEW Reality show! The rounds of the Best Gods! <God Edition> Begins now! (On a bright and fresh day of May) (At Han River Park where many people are working out in the morning..) (are a random trampoline..) (And questionable hangers..?) (From head to toe) (What's this suspicious hanger?) "Newest Phone" (Focus on this too!) (A moment later..Stray Kids arrived at the park) What is it x3 (A strange opening starts!) (Leader Bang checks the trampoline first thing) What is that?? (Felix heads straight to the hanger) Hey this is the newest phone! (Lee Know sees the newest phone first) (laughing) Changbin has something on his face (Not hitting) (He had something on his face..^^) (Unknowingly lost) What is that? x3 (What do the 8 clothing covers and the newest phone represent?) (What are we going to do..?) (Right then!) The phone's ringing! x2 (Newest phone rings loudly) Huh??? Really?? Really? (confused) Whaat?! Don't answer it! My mom told me not to answer unknown numbers! Don't answer it! x2 Decline!! (Defense22) (Loud voices) (Please answer the call...) (Answers out of curiosity) (Touch!) Can you hear me? -Yes! (Glinting eyes) (Where is he speaking from?) (What is it?) "Your backs are facing the camera - Can you go into the center?" (Members are obedient) Where's the center? Hey this is good~! This is great~ (Not the newest phone, but the phone strap♥) (Hip Lee Know puts it on~) (the trend) <Finding SKZ> is back with the God's Menu = <Finding SKZ God Edition>! (Let's listen carefully..) (Super focused) (Not Season 2... but God Edition?!) You guys all need to become the Best God! (..hm?) (Ha! - very childish) (God...?) (The fight of Best Gods) Members will have to fight 8 wars to choose their Gods The winner of each war will take charge of that war's God (Gods..) Zeus Poseidon Hera Hermes Ares x3 Harry Potter.. Haha sorry Hades x2 Thor! Thor is a god indeed.. (They've named a lot of gods..) (Not finished) Outfits for each God are prepared! (Hm?) No way.. (Ta-da~★) (God's outfits are in here..) Ahh!! I can't wait!! (innocent) I'm wearing a pretty outfit today.. (Pink for men :)) I feel uneasy...(uneasy feeling) All outfits will be revealed after the war ends! (Is it a relief?!) (Curious puppy) Now, the war to meet the gods begins! *Caution: Not being possessed* We're fighting now? What? Are we fighting against each other? Let's fight!!!! (A chaos is expected...) (A moment later) Is it the fight of the gods~?! I'm gonna take all the gods!!!! (Division crisis amongst Stray Kids?!) (An intense fight to take charge of the gods begins!) (Unpredictable, Beyond imagination) But what kind of God is this?? (Which Gods will they meet?!) (No blood and tears to get the gods!!) *No oldest and youngest either* (And,,,) (Protecting the idol) (The pandora box had to be opened) (※Caution: Your stomach may ache from laughing) (The ending of this war will be?) (War to acquire various gods STARTS) 1st War: To stay cross-legged the longest on the trampoline April fool's position? (No~ Cross-legged!) What kind of god is this? What's his name?? (More curious as they think about it..) (To speak of this war..) 1st War: Very simple rule Stay seated cross-legged the longest Before we start, let's say our chant! Our maknae, please lead (Too cute) Yes Sir~ Found it! Stray Kids~ Whew! I can feel I'm gonna become the god~ (Ok) 1st up! Seungmin come up! Ok~~!! Seungmin will be done in 1sec! Seungmin..in 5secs! no no 1sec! x3 Harsh people.. Start! Done! (Seungmin enters confidently) Kim Seungmin~ He seems confident (The identify of the 1st god is?) #Anyone_win #Random_anyways #No_one_knows_the_God's_identity (nervous) (1st War START!) (Receive our attacks!) Hand! x3 (His hands came apart already) (Our Seungmin is like a baby♥) (Really ended in 3secs) His hands came off! (Merciless judges) Done!!! x3 (Stop...Done no matter how hard he tries..) (Dejected) (sigh..It's not easy) He went like this as soon as he started! (Let's see how well you do) Seungmin who are you gonna pick? (Their rule: The person who played picks the next player) I.N come up! I'm scared..~~ (2nd player: Maknae~) Who's attacking? (Go! Squirrel Ji Sung!) (Laid back) Hey will this even move? (I'm light but swift) (Total Weight: 150kg(???)) They're like herbivores! (amused) (Jumping) (Welcome to a mini zoo(?)) (Happy Puppy and Fennec Fox) It's like when Kkami is unleashed (Hyunjin's dog) (Mysterious fight of the animals, the result?) (Entertained) (Checks the time right away?) 1 bounce 2 bounce 3 bounce... Fell backwards Really ended in 3secs Again, ended in 3 secs Wow this is hard! (3rd Player: Hwang-vely) (Determined) Hyunjin! If I.N seems like he's gonna step on you Run away instantly! (I.N you know how I feel right?) Hyung~ (wide open) I might step on you~^^ (Savage determination by 3sec Maknae) (How long will Hyunjin endure their attack?!) (He starts off stable) (Hyunjin makes a resolution) (That he won't end in 3secs) (But no matter who sees it..his unstable eyes and risky posture..) (That's right) (He ended in 2secs..) (Hwang-Humiliation..) The attack was great! (Jumping) (Like fish in water) Am I last place?? You can appoint the next player Yong Bok♥ Who wants to attack with me! I'll do it~ (Excited last place & 3sec-cut attackers) (Mr. Yong Bok is entering) (Jump x3) (What's with his swift knee skills?) (Laughing) What is that? (Encore) (Yong Bok's talent show) He's so light (laughing hard) (The audience is laughing hard) (Why is he so cute?) (Happy) (Yong Bok is having fun~) (Yong Bok is finally seated) (And behind is a man who's waiting for his time..) (Jumps very high) ("I'll pass on last place to 'lix!") (Very strong turbulence from the start) Irresistible force1: Mouth Opening Irresistible force2: Falls on his head (What's going on x2) (Yong Bok's Time of Suffering) This is impossible!! (Very chill) (Hwang-vely organizes his hair) (Next up, Han) You can specially choose your attackers Seungmin & Yong Bok! (The weakest) (Weakest 1) (Weakest 2) I left the weakest 2 on purpose ('Feel'ix having too much energy..) (Jumping) (★Chick's talent show★) I feel so good~! (Members are also infected to happy virus) (Hasn't started yet) (Practice game) He's lasting a while! It hasn't started yet!!! (The weakest have high tension) It hasn't started!!! (Shouting) I'll last 1 minute! (Shall we start the war?) (Determined) (Holds out stable at start) He's stable! (Super focused audience) (But...!!) (A little later - Huh..?) (No change of facial expression until the last moment - professional) (Currently 1st place!) (Record of 7secs) (So much fun) (Why is this game so funny haha) (3 members are left!) (Who'll break Han's record of 7secs and become the 1st god?) (It's Lee Know's Time★) (Great start~) (But as soon as he seemed to be doing well) (Falls backwards) (Laughing hard) (Failed to take over 1st place by 1sec!) (Next up: Our Leader Bang★) (What is this to be so nervous..?) (I'll finish off Chan hyung in 2secs) (Firm) (Firm posture even when he's up in the air) (Fascinated) (What is he?) (Calm) He doesn't jump up much? (Stories of Leader Bang having his bum glued to the trampoline) (Are his hips heavy..?) (No signs of disorder) (With attacker Lee Know's fighting spirit) (Leader Bang falls apart late) He recorded 22.43 seconds! (Like that..everyone thought Leader Bang would become the 1st God) (Until he appeared...) Are you ready?! (Sweet(?) & brutal aura...) (Changbin was very different from other members) (Leader Bang jumped with all his might) (and Lee Know jumped as much as he could) What??? (Amazed) It's nothing~ (He didn't even move) (and enjoyed levitation(?) while calling his mom) (At this stage..poor jumpers..) (Like that..the 1st God was chosen..) It was fun! (Fun(?) 1st War ended) Fun~! Stray Kids is Fun~! (Winner's energetic reaction★) (Bok has lingering regrets) We're getting another call (Newest phone rings again) Block it as spam! Hello? (I.N answers cautiously...) The 1st God has been determined Ooooh The 1st God! is me! Seo Changbin (Congrats) The God of Weight MuShin MuShin Changbin (MuShin Dance) Changbin stayed cross-legged the longest! (Shall I meet the God now?) (Prepares in a reverent manner...) (Doesn't easily become disordered...) (A God with pure mentality?) (Hm? Which god is that?) Mr. Seo Changbin met the 1st God and became sane (laughing) ...Pardon? (Burst out in laughter) (God of Sanity flustered) You finally found it!! Your sanity! (shocked) (Wow..unable to speak) (Beyond imagination...) "God of Sanity" My sanity hasn't come back I finally found it!! God of Sanity (sigh..I feel like I was tricked) (Walks powerfully) Hyung you're lucky~! Wow I'm jealous~! Wow God of Sanity~ (The one who everyone envied) Thank you so much! (Really became sane as of now) Congrats~ (Newest phone rings when they're about to forget) Block it as spam! "We're unable to answer" We're shooting right now but he keeps calling! We're driving! (Is he sane?) (Answers anyway..) Hello? Now, we'll move to the next location Next location? already?? Do you see the bus in the left corner? (Here) ※Caution: Hard to see b/c it's small※ It's the God's Bus you guys will get on! (Variety Gods already preparing to run) Not a city bus God's Bus The 2nd God will be determined in order of boarding (About to get ready..but stops) (Let's see..) (Do I run? or not?) It might be good/bad (Changbin is fast at judging the situation) (Right x2) (Need to be cautious...) I didn't watch variety shows just once or twice!! I've been watching it for 22yrs! I think the middle will be the best! The middle is the best~ ok? I think this is random! Between the first and the last (What should I do..?) (Anyways! Start!) (Hyunjin sprints as fast as he can) (All the members follow him behind) The middle is the best~ (Then, Leader Bang catches up to Hyunjin with crazy speed) (The result of the 2nd war is?) (Catches up to tired Hyunjin easily) (Bang Chan takes 1st place!) (God of Sanity says he has something to say) (Receive stamps in order of arrival) (Stamp) (Everyone arrives, including Seungmin) What is it if we arrive in order? (The identity of the 2nd god is?) (Members got on the bus in order of arrival) (Everyone including Seungmin is on board) (Fresh) Hi Stay~♥ (Yong Bok came in 6th) (The doors of the God's Bus close) (and heads toward somewhere -★) Where are we going? Where are we headed? Where should we go~ Mister~ (Seungmin is worried because he came in last) (It's ok don't worry) I'm worried too Because I'm 1st! (God of Sanity and his friend are busy taking selfies) (The phone rings again) We're getting a call again~! We got a phone call! Guys! I'll block it as spam! Press decline first! Oh! Hello~ ^^ The 2nd God has been determined The 2nd God~! x2 (curious) The member who came in 8th in the race to the bus It's me! (Just happy) Running was meaningless (So what's the 2nd God~) The God who works hard for the members in the back (Working in the back? I think it's something good?) became 8-Proportioned God 8-Proportioned God.. (His sanity about to disappear) It's a good thing!!! (※Be cautious of pronunciation※ (It..it's good right?) "8-Proportioned God" (Seungmin is 8-Proportioned God★) Wait! Am I 2-Proportioned God if I'm 2nd? I'm 3-Proportioned God! Then what's 1-Proportioned God? (That's me) (Shining) At least I'm 4-Proportioned God~ (Satisfied) Let's choose Gods for one another ourselves I.N is very shy so ChoShin (Cautious God) No - I.N is cute, so GuiShin (Ghost) Let's do Han!! He's good at everything, so Yoon Jong Shin sunbaenim -Oh~~~ Do DanShin (short) since he likes sweets Oh DanShin? (goes over it again) Stay tuned for yours! (hehehe) Han is DanShin!★ Not DanShin as in short, but because you like sweets~ For someone to take you away, SaShin! (False God) Come here!!! I'm sorry x3 For Seungmin to only show good behavior, how about MangShin (Humiliation) (Saying anything that comes to their mind) What about Chan hyung? Leader! LeeShin! (Here!!) (*It's a game character*) (A moment later) (God of Leaders, will be shown properly) Hyunjin always greets politely so GupShin x2(Bowing) (laughing) GupShinx2 who bows well Felix is Yong Bok and he likes Boxing~ so be BokShin! (BokShin sounds good) (Suits his taste) Let's choose one for Lee Know! (What am I???) How about PukShin? (Comfy) (PukShin) (To avoid a catastrophe) (They need to refuge...!) (Who's the 3rd God that awaits?) (God's Bus arrived somewhere) (Which God will they meet this time!) I got a text "Members! Go into the Fishing Cafe on the left" (A Fishing Cafe...?) (They move to determine the 3rd God) ※Filmed safely through temperature checks and sanitization Where is this~ (Enters Fishing Cafe to meet the 3rd God) (Welcome~ It's your first time at a Fishing Cafe right?) (Surprised) (Amazed) (What is this place??) (Eyes widened) (So surprised that he slipped..) (Felix~ Relax~) Oh that's why I'm wearing shorts! (Not fishing inside the water) Hello~! (Fishing Class before the war begins) (Beginner fisher Hwang-vely) I've never done it before (excited) -Oh really? Do we take the fish? (Puppy wanting sushi) (No takeouts) (And the strangest) (Leader Bang,,,) (Will they be able to catch any fish?) (Fishing Training began) (Fishing TIP) -Place close the tip of the rod on the horizon -Look at the light of the float -Pull the rod when the float goes down (To the owner's great class) (Focused) (Super focused) (The training is now done!) (The real fight awaits) (Will the members be able to catch fish?) (The God to be determined at this fishing cafe is?) (Amidst the dark room) (The 3rd War begins) (Excited) Shh~! The fish will go away! x2 (Fishing starts!) (Putting the bait on the needle) (Focused) (Serious) Han, am I doing it right? (Falls off) (This is hard) Will this work? Roll it like me~ (New method! Rolling the bait) (Copies him) (Lee Know is the first to throw the bait) (Straightens the float perfectly) (He just has to wait for the bite (Should it go in or not) (No reactions yet) (The float went in!) (Will he succeed?) (He quickly pulled up the rod) (but a false bite..) (Not easy...) (Felix & Han start fishing) (The float moves as soon as he puts it in) (Does he succeed so easily?) Ohoh!! (He caught it already?) (Splash x2) (He really caught it!) Done~! He caught it already?! (Unbelievable even after seeing it) (I'm the King of Fishing) (Felix! Caught it!) I caught it~! (Yong Bok's 1st Fish★) Thank you! (Keeps his fish with the help of a staff) (Confused by his unknown talent) (Congrats! 6th Key Felix caught a carp!) (Hehe will I be the 3rd God?) Woaah! (God of Sanity also succeeds?) (None) (Tricked!) (Hahaha) Hyung! You're causing a lot of attention He's fishing with his mouth! (Embarrassed) Just watching them eat makes me full! (Try in a sane manner..) (The King of Fishing throws his rod again) (About to go in the water..) (Full of feel) (Skill: Shaking the bait) I caught it! x2 (Felix caught another one) How are you so good? (Jealous 222) He catches every time he throws it! (Heavy) (It's so big it's hard to pull) (Almost like a professional fisher) It's so big! (Members, are you guys watching?) (Puppy Seungmin tries late) (Careful x2) (Throws the bait his own style) (Silently and peacefully.. success!) Come here! x3 (Laid back) It's really small! (Trivial but definite happiness) Stay still~ Stay still! x3 (What kind of fish did he catch?) (Both caught carps) Are there only carps?? (Very serious person..) (Biting starts) I caught it! (Hyunjin caught it too?) (He caught a fish..but..) It's so gross!!! Mom ㅠㅠㅠㅠ!!! Don't pull it up! -What do I do then!!? (Prince scared of fish) (screaming in fear) (Fish must be more scared at Hyunjin's scream) (Hyunjin succeeds after difficulty★) (Almost cried) I'm sorry x3 I caught another one! (Eventually fishing in a comfortable manner) (Cranky) (hehe so fun~) (Hwang Hyunjin, hidden King of Fishing) (Members keep catching fish) (Most of them keep succeeding..) (Is it usually this easy..) (The most common species: Carp) (The monitor has no time to rest) It gets caught so easily (Is it fine to be like this?) They have a strong appetite~ This is why people fish! The feeling of catching the fish is fun (While the members in love with fishing) (2 people who aren't having fun) (No fun) (Blanking out) (He's sane...) Now!! (but why does he keep failing..?) (Fruitless) (He looks like a professional) (Si-lent) (Another guy who has no success) (Caught it himself..and lost it himself..) (Frustrated) Why can't I catch any ㅠㅠ (Sad) I wanna feel the feeling of catching a fish Horseback riding??? No, the feeling! (judge-free ears) (Will they be able to catch at least one...) Freeze! How will the 3rd God be determined? By the number of fish caught?! Catching the silk carp? Catching a mirror carp? (Thinking) I think catching carps won't matter I caught another one -oh I missed it.. (Hanging) I caught the ceiling! You caught a large fish★ (The one who caught the ceiling is the 3rd God??) I just caught one but I lifted too soon (Serious) (Then, the float moves softly) Ah~ it bit! It finally bit the bait! Come in~! Hello♥ (What kind of fish did Han catch?) (Quickly checks the species) I caught a mirror carp! A shark??? Mirror carp! (Weird guy who looks for a shark at a fishing cafe) (Explosion of happiness with the 1st mirror carp) (Excited) (Aren't I the 3rd God for catching a mirror carp?) (Excited Han) Baby mirror carp~ duduru dudu Han! you're very unique! (very) unique Han Guys~ let's eat food~! (They're learning the beauty of waiting) (Fishing is patience..) (Then!) (Finally..the God of Sanity?) It ate and left (failed again) Please don't eat and leave! Then will they eat and wait? You were like Takeshi from Doraemon! (Making fun of Bin) (Maknae joins) (Psh..) I give up! (God of Sanity gives up) (What about I.N who also didn't catch any?) I caught it! (Finally caught one??) (Heart-attacking smile) What is it x3! It's so big Come here~! (Maknae surprised at his 1st fish) Do you need help? No I'm good :) Got one~! (sounds of panic) (It escaped?) (Fish escaped) No! x3 (I tried so hard..) (Fortunately the fish is still on the rod) (He tries to scoop it out again) (Rebels) (Gives up being handsome) (Finally caught one!★) This is huge! Oops! x2 Calming down the fish (First fish is precious♥) (Great job our maknae~) (I.N NICE) How can we leave? Really - how? (Members forgot about the existence of the God) (They need to acquire the 3rd God!) (Is the God hiding here?) (How can they become the 3rd God?) (30mins into fishing) (Let's go as far as we can) (focused) It ate and fled again Why~ do you only eat the bait and leave Only shows signs of biting and leaves~ Are you happy? That you ate and fled Are you happy? That you ate and fled~ (Do you wanna be Yoon Jong Shin?) (Dumbfounded) Why are the lyrics like that? (Han Jisung / Dreams of becoming Yoon Jong Shin) (Suddenly everyone's acting) A bait to #7 A bait to #8 Stop - are you eating the bait? (Han Jisung / Dreams of being the God of Acting) -I wanna catch a monkfish- (laughing) (Explosion of acting skills) (Han has multiple talents!) (Acting hard) and..caught it!!! I caught it!! The intro and the ending are perfect! (Fan of Han Jisung) I can't catch any fish now! It's a crucian carp? I caught a crucian carp!!! I caught a crucian carp! (Did he really catch a crucian carp?) (Not just a carp?) (Yes - a crucian carp indeed) The 3rd God has been determined as soon as as the Crucian Carp was caught (The 3rd God has been determined?) (Hm...?) (No way.... I doubt it) (shaking) Mr. Han Jisung who successfully caught a Crucian Carp (feeling unlucky) knows how to enjoy the current He has become the God of Crucian Carps! (BoongShin) (※Careful pronunciation※) (Hahahaha Good thing I didn't catch it!) (Aghast) (He had to become BoongShin..out of all things) (I'm the God of Crucian Carps) It's a joke right? Is it really a crucian carp? "God of Crucian Carps" I thought I caught a baby carp but it was a crucian carp... (at first) I was happy because I caught something different Yeah..I feel good (Han didn't become Yoon Jong Shin or the God of Acting) (but became the God of Crucian Carps) I think it's a perfect God for you Yeah! I feel very happy right now! (His face is on fire...?) I've never felt this great before! Thank you! (Feels unfair for some reason) Let's move to the next location to determine the 4th God Let's go~★ (Which God awaits them!?) (On their way to meet the next god) Hey! Are you sane (God of Sanity)? Are you sane? 222 (God of Sanity) (Yes I am) What - what is it?! x2 -I'm getting a call again (Shall I answer?) Yes! Go ahead! (Charismatic) Can you guys all hear me? The war for the 4th God will start right away (In the bus?) (Right now???) In here?? x2 The war to determine the 4th God is <Determining how Old I look> "Determining how old I look?!" <Determining How Old I Look> Use an app that determines your age through your face (Eureka) It's EoreuShin!! (Elderly God) Oh~~!! Elderly God!! It's EoreuShin (Elderly) They hung up x3! I'm sure it's the Elderly God We caught them~ Let's start with the person holding the phone Me then? (1st Player: Hyunjin) (Hwangsual with handsome visuals) (Handsomeness) (Bursts in laughter) (Born in 2000, 21yrs old) (As cutely as possible) (The age of Hwang-vely's face?) (26! 5yrs older than his actual age) Why am I 26yrs old? It's ok he'll get 46yrs old (Cute face-★) (Chu-♥) (Are you sane??? (God of Sanity)) (Shouldn't have looked..) (Rather not see it) (Transformed into cutie Changbin!) (Born in 1999, 22yrs old) (Age of Binsual's face?) (15???!!!) 15?! No way! (Changbin got 7yrs younger than his actual age!) 15yrs old!!!! (Confused) I'm 15yrs old, Changbin~! (God of Crucian Carps challenges!) (Han's pose that surprised everyone?) (Same tactics as the God of Sanity) *Caution: Eyes crossed* (Pout his lips a little, chu~♥) (Born in 2000, 21yrs old) (The age of Crucian Carps God is...24!) 24! (Did fairly well but didn't win the God of Sanity) (Next up is Maknae) (Born in 2001, 20yrs old) (He's the youngest so he'll get a young age..) (Confidently..Challenge!) (Am I pretty?!) (Hm???) (Frozen) I got 33yrs old! (Hyungs are shouting in happiness) (God of Crucian Carps laughing widely) (The oldest Bang Chan likes it the most) Wow I got 33yrs old...!! (shocked) (13yrs older than his actual age - currently the oldest, I.N) (Actual age: 21) (Face age: 16) (Shiny) (Actual age: 21) (Face age: 29) (Cute puppy) (Actual age: 23) (Face age: 19) (Like a statue) 19!!!! (Isn't he a little too happy?) (Current Face Ages) I.N: 33, Hyunjin: 26, Changbin: 15 Han: 24, Lee Know: 19, Felix: 16, Seungmin: 29 (Only the oldest Leader Bang is left) (The result of the real oldest(?) Leader Bang's face age is?) The real elderly! (Gathering energy through an unknown language) (Poses) (tensed up) (At a handsome angle) (He took it!) (Super curious) (What is this to be so curious about?) (The age of Bang Chan's face is?) I'll take it~ (Actual age: 24) (Unable to speak...) Wow he's a grandfather 43yrs old! (The 33yr old maknae is the most excited) You can't fool your age (killing him twice) (Making fun of him) You can't fool your age (Do I look that old...?) (Hopeless) Our leader was a true elderly It can be so..it's ok (patting) The 4th God has been determined The member who got the oldest face age from the app is (It's me) Face age time machine that went beyond age Bang Chan has become EoreuShin (Elderly God) It was as expected (4th God "EoreuShin" is determined) Hi I'm the EoreuShin -It suits him perfectly How can he get 33yrs old haha "EoreuShin" (Elderly God) (The God's title suits Leader Bang perfectly) (Grumpy) Quiet! I'm the Elderly God Shhh! But is becoming a God a good thing? I'm not sure..but they said it's better the more God titles you have (Unable to predict the War of the Gods) Oh so we can be multiple gods? -Yeah You can be multiple gods Or you can not be a God at all (0 titles) It's good that I have at least one God title (God of Crucian Carps) The name is a little funny but.. I wanna do the face age app again (Hyunjin takes it again in a cuter pose) (It's me, Hwang-vely) (Hwang Hyunjin / 24 this time) -Still looks old- (Elderly God tries again too!) I think this checks for your cheek fat (Puts air in his cheeks - cutely) I see Chan hyung making that pose for the 1st time! (Throwing up) I feel sick! (The result of his retrial?) Still 37yrs old! 37!! (laughing) (Everyone laughing hard) (The app is very exact(?)) (Today's lesson: "You can't fool your age") (But the Elderly God) (Tried again until he got a lower age..) (The final destination of the God's Bus?) (Members arrived at the JYP building) (What kind of God awaits them here?) What is it? x2 What are our phones doing here? Are we parodying the movie "Intimate Strangers" or something? (Member's phones are laid out in a row) What? I got a text? Ok everyone! Choose your phones and go on ****Rider~ (game) Enjoy your free time~ (No way they'd give us free time..) (Why are our phones here..?) (When they're curious what the staff has up on their sleeves..) (They hear the signal from the staff..) -Ah surprised (Answering) Hello? (Can't hear) Mumbling (Can't hear the phone) (Communication Error) (God of Crucian Carps looks at something) (Glance) Wait a min! I'll go listen (Walking powerfully) (The staff called in a small voice in case it'd be too loud) (pretend nothing happened) Please tell us the directions Members, instantly, Use the delivery app to order food! (※No discussion allowed) (As soon as they're told) (Nice) I can do it right away (Members all take their phones very fast) (Such a joyful war!) (Hand shakes in excitement) (Only a moment to choose the menu!) Heyyy!! I'll take lobster x4 Hey do you guys wanna eat chili shrimp? (Expensive menus...!) Then I'll order dessert~ Then I'll order jokbal - let's all share (They discuss how to order the menu) They said not to discuss! (Sang-ie = "Top") We didn't discuss! Then we can do the bottom (Top bottom(?) x3) (Cuteness overload) (He takes on the joke like this) (Up and down) (The God of this war is..) BaeShin? The God of Delivery? Or maybe it's simply whichever one comes first? (Let's see..) I think it'll be related to "Shin" Spicy "Shin"...?! (eyes widened) The one who ordered the most spicy food?! I ordered sushi..what do I do? Putting as much wasabi as I can..!! I'm gonna order fish cake soup too~ Mine comes in 50 minutes! I'm waiting for the order to be received Done~!! (Finished ordering) (Looking around) But... (Hyunjin found something) Why is our choreography teacher here? (confused) (Choreography teacher has been sitting from before) I don't know hahaha (I wonder) Is he evaluating us? (He's probably here for a reason..) We'll get a call again right? I'll just call first They're fidgeting with the phone (Done figuring out the repertoire) (Correct ^^ We were getting ready to call) We got a call! (as expected) We'll start the 6th War before the food comes (Then what about the 5th God..?) That's that, and we're doing the next one first (The 5th God continues after the food is delivered!) Ah ok got it The war for the 6th God is Random Play Dance (Please be nice teacher~♥) (shooting aegyo) That's why our choreography teacher is here He's here to evaluate us! (Laughing handsome guy) (Hahahahaha) Ohhh!! (Realizes once he became sane^^) (Ah..dear God...!) I wonder what songs will be played!? GOT7 hyungs'.. TWICE sunbaenim? Miss A sunbaenim? Wonder Girls sunbaenim? DAY6 sunbaenim? (True "My Day") If it's DAY6 sunbaenim's song..haha (Multi-talented Han appears again) god sunbaenim? Rain sunbaenim? (a.k.a. B-Dragon) (god here) (Rain here) You gotta do 1GANG per day! (hahahaha GANG♥) (List of JYP's dance songs) (JYP has a number of great dance songs..) (Which song will be played?!) (Random Play Dance) Listen to the songs of JYP artists that are played and dance to it I'm nervous (More nervous because it's of artists of the same office) (Tension at its max!) It's chilly The crucian carp comes flying to my chest But don't worry Because I'm the God of Crucian Carps (In a tense atmosphere where the choreography teacher is watching..) (The 1st song to be played is?!) (Not paused) (The 1st song is played) What is this? (I think I've heard it before..) Isn't it 'How to Avoid the Sun'? <How to Avoid the Sun> (2003) (Currently hot, B-Dragon's Mega-hit song) (The flowing wave is the key choreograph) (Paused(?) scene is back) (Maknae moves) Go up! x2 (I.N knows it?) (Expression of his eyes is sad) I don't know the dance..! (Did everything he knows) What's the dance?? (Knows the expression of eyes but not the choreo..ㅠㅠ) Wiped out... (I know the song but..) Can't we do this for Rain sunbaenim? (Did you guys do 3GANG per day?) (This is GANG swag-) (We respect you Rain sunbaenim) (Me too~) (What do we do) Give me some points please..! (Will this do..?) Please give me some points..! (Yup nope) When was this song released? A while ago? (How to Avoid the Sun (2003)) I was 4yrs old when it came out.. I was 5! (shy) I was 3! (hehehe) (Generation gap forgives them for not knowing) (The 2nd song is?) (The beat makes them dance automatically) (Everyone seems to know the song) Wow~~ Ah~~ this! (I know it) (God of Sanity seems to know it too) (<My House> (2015) (The secret pulling hand gesture is the key choreograph) (and also the sexy hip wave~) (Shall we go to my house?) (Singing together) (Synchronized) Teacher~ Let's go to my house! (God of Sanity's 1st appeal: Appealing to the teacher♥) (Missed the beat) (God of Sanity's 2nd appeal: Copy Chan hyung! ★) (shy x2) (Dancing King) (Elderly God is warmed up) (Knows the choreo of <My House> exactly) (Our awesome leader) (Got into it late) (but OK until now!) (Elderly God is pretty good) He's scoring us! (serious - watching with sharp eyes) (3rd song is GOT7's <Hard Carry>) (The disciplined and large moves are eye-catching) (Quick and dynamic choreo is the point) (Everyone knows this right?) (Doesn't seem confident) Hard Carry~! WOH! (Perfectly synchronized) (Only he's frozen) (AWESOME!) (Hard Carry is me~) (Says he's never done it but is good) (Elderly God hard carries this time too) (Just..a party for everyone except Lee Know) (Dancing Statue is confused..) I'm sure I did this too..? (Everyone hard carried this one - except Lee Know) I almost danced the "Performance Song" choreo I kept dancing this(?) (I'll do well next time) (Lingering) (Just listening to the prelude..it's a familiar melody) Isn't this "Inside the Elevator"? ("Elevator" (O)) (Bin & Han perform a wonderful couple dance) (Power dance) I can only do this! x2 (Elevator (1996)) (Just doing this(?) completes "Elevator") (Unconventional couple dance is the point!) Just keep doing this until the song ends! Keep doing it!! (hahaha right right) (Elderly God tired from laughing too much) Sorry guys I can't do it (Exits shyly..after doing everything★) Han is really trying hard~ Points for my enthusiasm..ok?? (Ok ok) (GOT7 "If You Do" dance time) (Dancing machine Bang Chan) (Risky Han x2) (These fancy steps belong to?) (The God of Sanity!) (trying hard) (I.N knows the choreography exactly) (Yong Bok on left and Seungmin on right also dance well) (But I.N dances till the end!) (Maknae explodes with greatness) ("TWICE <fancy>" Taken over girl group dance as well) (Stray Kids are good at all kinds of dances) (cute) (Perfectly pulls of "2PM <Heartbeat>") (Stay, are you watching?) (15yr old(?) cutie Bin's So Hot) (What do we do with his charms?!) (Random Play Dance - The end!) (Evaluation Time) (Determined through choreographer's fair evaluation) (Scoreboard) (Changbin has 1 more "A" than I.N) (Bonus points for effort > correct) (Ringing) We were talking but they're suddenly calling haha (laughing) They know the system! (Please pretend like you don't know..) Jarvis! Tell us the future! (Congrats - upgraded to Jarvis) The 6th God is... there was a tie! (A tie?) So we'll have a rematch It hurts my pride! A tie? (Who said it was you?) The two members who'll have a rematch? Bang Chang & Changbin! (Battle between Elderly God vs. God of Sanity) (Through the audience's energetic cheer) (Who will acquire 2 God titles?) Battle of the Gods (God of Sanity vs. Elderly God) (JYP <Who's your mama?>) (Ok let's go) (Freestyle) (Traditional) (Sexy) (Boss, are you watching?) (Perfect choreo) (I do whatever I want~) (not sane) (Too funny) (Fun to watch) (Same song, different vibes) (Did you see it?) (Elderly God's perfect performance till finish) and God of Sanity's sexy dance decorate the finish) I'm sad (Shy / embarrassed) (The choreographer's final decision is?) (Ringing) (Is it finally the announcement..) The 6th God has been chosen (Heart beating) The member who danced to the most number of songs (nervous) (What is this to be so nerve wracking) has become JYPShin (=straw shoes) (Better not to be) (The 6th God's name is JYPShin...?) (Ok we got the God's identity..) (So who?) Congrats JYPShin... So who is it?? (Curious Han) (Hahaha what...) Do you give us Straw Shoes? So who's the JYPShin? ("Finding SKZ" Breaking News: Jarvis is infected by a virus) (God of Sanity came insane) No~!!! Jarvis~ Noooo!!! (Great fuss) He needs to be repaired... (Tell us the God before you leave..) Tell us the answer! (Who became the JYPShin?) (Will the traditional Elderly God win) (or freestyle God of Sanity take victory?) (Everyone's tensed up) (Next Week) (Food gets delivered) (What kind of God is the 5th God?) This is not the end! (Absurd(?) wars to become the God continue!) Members are split up(?) self-criticism and blame are abundant (Aacck!) Chaos! (Reveal of the final War!) (Face protection) It's really too burdensome! (Body protection) (Where are we headed now...) Can't loosen the tension for one minute! (The outfits for each God are??) (Mouth wide open) (Did you think it was finished? >0<) The last chance to steal the God you want! Scene Stealer: God's Sports Day Begins! (One who tries to steal vs. One who tries to protect) (The final God the members meet will be?!)
Channel: M2
Views: 7,163,520
Rating: 4.9844279 out of 5
Keywords: 엠넷, Mnet, 엠투, M2, MPD, 엠피디, Kpop, K-Pop, K팝, 아이돌, 한국, 라이브, Live, Dance, 댄스, 안무, 스트레이키즈, 찾았다 스트레이키즈, 찾았스, Stray Kids, Finding SKZ, 스키즈 리얼리티, 아이돌 리얼리티, 스트레이키즈 리얼리티, 방찬, 리노, 창빈, 현진, 한, 필릭스, 승민, 아이엔, JYP 아이돌, JYP 엔터테인먼트, 찾았스2, 찾았다스트레이키즈최신판, 찾았스최신판, mnet, BANG CHAN, LEE KNOW, CHANGBIN, HYUNJIN, HAN, FELIX, SEUNGMIN, I.N, 예능, FindingSKZ2, FindingSKZGodedition, mnet 예능
Id: 6L33mx8yVkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 36sec (3096 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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