Winning My First Minecraft CHAMPIONSHIP?! - MCC 15

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no it's alive yet oh but now we're live ladies and gentlemen my first ever mcc championship who's excited dude oh my gosh okay i'm really excited um i'm currently on the practice server right now and um what was i gonna say uh i totally forgot what i was gonna say for a second but we are with quig flip or f whip and then smallish beans on the blue bats team ladies and gentlemen look at this skin i need to get the person's name that made this off of um uh shoot off of twitter so i can shout them out but it's kind of cool obviously where the blue bats like i think i got a little tail down here too um anyways so i have literally just gotten off of a plane like literally just gotten off of a plane i flew back from la this morning at five in the morning made it an hour before the mcc tournament started and then now we're streaming i literally haven't eaten anything um i i have a very large energy drink here not sponsored wish i was and i am going to drink it because i want to do well for everybody watching the stream and i'm really freaking excited right now like this is some huge throwback memories to all of the uh minecraft monday tournaments and i think you guys all know the hashtag rustymemes right so we're playing against everybody right like i mean pretty sure like everybody from the dream s p's in here a lot of people's friends like it's gonna be a good time there's this guy look at him he's so beautiful he's got a six-pack he's got berries who doesn't love berries hmm oh my gosh again remember guys i have not streamed in a long time um i haven't practiced anything except for about five minutes of the ace race so this is my first time ever and uh i think the tournament starts officially in like 27 minutes or something like that so we're just gonna have a whole lot of fun all right like i don't want anybody to be here unless they're having a whole lot of fun if you ain't having a whole lot of fun then you gotta get the heck out of here i'm just gonna disconnect from the server real quick i know you guys can't see anything because i did not do a good thing and save the ip correctly so i want to make sure that i have that deleted oh man all right let me just do this imagine the first time preston's ever in here and then he leaks the ip you know probably wouldn't be a good look um people might be a little bit upsetting spaghetti with me all right so let me let me unmute i'm gonna say hi to the teammates all right all right it didn't unmute me that was kind of awkward i could fix this oh it's because i wasn't clicked on discord all right here we go here's will this work will this work hello hello hello maybe i did all this work for nothing whoa but i gotta eat it sandwich that voice is so good dang what's going on bro you got a god boy he's so handsome oh man oh dude i'm ready to flip people is it f or is it a whip whip what whatever works whatever works i feel like if i'm in trouble and you get angry at me i have to call you f whip but then if if i'm good i can call you flip there we go that works that works and now we know if you ever call him f whip [Laughter] so excited yeah proper name apparently he's like saying his full name like when your parents say your first and last name right they're angry oh okay so i love your little hat by the way i know i don't know why i got a hat no one else did but um i think it looks great i'm heading over to this hole in the wall nonsense if anyone wants to you know come over here you basically jump through the holes in the wall see i i don't know i've done this on roblox before okay i mean it can't be that much more difficult yeah roadblocks oh it's like the same thing yeah yeah same thing all right there's no unit collision oh that's nice that you get a little bit of jump based as well by the way oh dude you can jump over two blocks oh really okay so two blocks yeah yeah oh oh okay okay wow in the event it comes from all four sides oh wait no i'm gonna wait are you sure and get my stream started i'll be back here in a second okay bye dad sounds good and there's also a bit bigger and there's also fake walls in the action wait really wait how the heck do you do this one how do you do this one joe you jumped you could jump two blocks all right right sorry guys it's the plane it's the plane yeah yeah it's the plane the plane this one's hard like this one's hard to get first time oh she nailed it first time never mind all right here we go here we go nice damn you just suck i got it well quick if you touch the slime you get like launched eh yeah yeah there's a technique as well which is kind of glitchy but if you spam space if you feel like you're going to fall just spam it you might go into like a lighter mode and make it through or like really sorry oh oh okay so if you get caught by the wall just spam space and w and just like pray yeah you're joining at some unfortunate times i i i know i i i it's okay also this one here you can go through these small little gaps yeah you could ship you could shift on half slabs and make it by the way because there are some walls where you can only make it through the half slabs bro this is nutty spaghetti yeah wait till we get into the event it's a bit quicker is it really oh dude it speeds up gradually i i i just like the little sounds of the you know like they're like yeah it's kind of creepy dude yeah just wait till you hear it from every single direction and they're going really fast that's gonna be nuts oh i did not make that i don't know those ones that i feel like unfortunate time yeah oh gosh oh gosh oh god like this one is sometimes slightly harder though some of these walls than what you get in the event yeah a lot more double jumps in this all right much much better much better oh this should be an easy one oh look at i love this one you love that one easy one came on really late and then i was instantly running trying server guys i just have one rule we have to kill um uh what the the wisp yeah i have to kill wisp but pete's also in this oh wait so what wait what teams what are the teams uh is there any standoff teams i'll read them out for you if you want but does the teams are dream sapnap michael mchill and quackety oh red orange pizza hut green pearlescent moon and shovel oh yellow puns captain sparkles cpk jack manifold lime fruit berries solidarity gaming the orion sound and cara corvus filzer tommy in it fundy and connery's pants cyan wisps major and frost five up aqua chrissy krinios captain puffy near two blue bats us purple illumina in the littlewood fall symmetry red dog pig parrots yeah illuminati yeah oh no dude he's gonna speedrun our buns all right well we gotta be careful for mr illuminations illuminate fruit berries are the ones that uh those guys are scary i'm scary as well he's very good i'm just scared in general just oh gosh oh chad all right uh beautiful people of youtube sorry i haven't been talking again we could still you guys because i have yeah that's what i like to hear confidence only all right yeah you got to live your life with that confidence and the fire emojis that's how i live up my life oh you like backed into that one all right you're like back up girl yeah i was just showing off i've jumped straight off through the hole in there and sometimes it's so hard it's so hard sometimes when people are in front of you to see stuff yeah yeah i think that's diff in the event you can see your team but everyone else is just boots oh okay that'll be a little though i mean i don't know if it'll be a lot better but it'll be it'll be a little bit better the platform's also a bit bigger in the uh actual thing so it'll be a bit easier all right you know what like this one's not too bad i mean obviously coming at four sides is gonna be a little bit more of a i just jumped forward and died all right yeah i mean that's why we do like people would will call out which wall it's coming from because each wall has a different color oh so like one's purple one's green one's blue and one's yellow and like if you see the wall it's coming from one of the sides you say it this is gonna be nuts this is gonna and look at this we just have wilbur looking at us judging us why is he just judging here that's he's just tough to do that judging me he's just he's just he's just looking at it and he's you know anyone stopping there stop looking at me we'll board all right that's fine i do better under a pressure anyways i'll be back in the circle sounds good all right all right yeah man the speed honestly i feel like the slower cadence of the speed here is even more difficult yes uh yeah i find it more difficult when it's going slowly yeah the slowness is just it's strange i don't know i do like that you can jump two blocks that's uh that's a big help oh okay i'm gonna try to do a flawless little practice round here i think we're i think we're getting this guys are you excited for your first mcc dude i'm so excited i mean i feel like there's a lot of pressure i mean my first ever minecraft monday i won and so i feel like people are expecting similar um results yeah a lot of people have been uh hyping you up i've also had people constantly coming into my stream chat every single day asking where you are so uh yeah guys listen i was in los angeles for a week literally the week before uh feels bad man like feels good because i was really productive it feels bad because we didn't get to practice at all like because any time i go live people are like when's preston go to practice you're like well it'd be great if he could practice yeah i didn't know if i was able to say that you're in l.a so i just said you were on a trip i was on a trip in my favorite rocket ship there you go oh look at that little 360. do you get style points from this can you like oh oh you sadly do not no style points dude that is honestly this is offensive this is offensive um let's see okay there hello mr ram oh he's looking really fancy you look yeah he looks so fancy and pink he must be on like is it pink parrots is that the team he's on most likely a lot of people have like team skins i like it it's so cute let's see what's another one that we should potentially practice so that way we can be uh gamers right we want to make sure that we're doing a good job peter all right good jobs only well just uh just so you know it is 1.9 combat so it is like the clicking kind of weight combat just so you know that i like it i like it i like it i don't like it oh my goodness nope game come back to me come back to me there we go battle box if you want which is kind of what's battle box it's a 4v4 pvp game and there's every person on the team can choose one item there's a selection of four different items it depends on the map that's played but that can so each player gets a unique item and it's just a fight where you want to kill everyone and you can win via that and then you can also there's a nine by nine of wool in the middle and you need to break and replace all the wool with your color to win oh it's like a capture the flag vibe actually yeah or kind of more like hard point i guess where you kind of need to hold it i like it you're breaking and place it i'm trying to i'm quickly again trying the uh the ace race you know i want to make sure that i make my friends happy sorry i meant three by three not nine by nine um it's nine blocks i feel like on the ace race you can take a lot more shortcuts oh there are there are a ton of shortcuts yes i feel like it's just like jumping in the right area and then like you can literally just shortcut like 99 that's exactly what people do i feel like that's the only way to do it and if you don't you get slapper doodled all right all right all right what are we up to what are we doing i'm just explaining battle box right now so yeah battle box the best kind of the way to do it or like kind of the best way to do it i guess is you want to you want to try and kill everybody on the other team and then replace the wool because if you kill everyone you get a lot more points than just placing the wall oh really knife one has to be dead for all the will to be played so people will go for strategies where they'll just rush and try and put all the wool in the middle before you can stop them oh interesting okay that's nice we can we do want to try and get everyone first and then place the wool so yeah you can like quickly wipe them and then get it you get a lot of points yeah all right so go for the kos i can do that yeah if you want to come over to the battle box arena yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna test that hole in the wall and see how my game is doing like wise today battle box um oh there's some on the other side guys yeah so no one's here we could show you it real quick i'll go on the other team not good so also in battle box you get uh all equipment so like you can get they'll be different in the actual game in actual mcc but you'll get different bits of equipment and stuff like crossbows select which item you want and only one person can do each item oh um and then you see there in the middle there's that three by three of white wool yes so you get shears and i don't know shears break wool faster in minecraft i don't know if you know that some people don't oh but you could you wouldn't be surprised so what's this potion for it's just it's just there yeah you could wrap it up you could buy mr beans however so if you just run over it it'll grab it oh oh your teammates are outlined as well oh you guys are so freaking toast bro i'm gonna sorry all right i'm coming on over to where you guys are at people don't usually place the wool on the practice server but a good strat that um some people do sometimes is you send someone to the middle and you replace eight blocks with your color wool and just leave the last one open until you need to place it like yo dude right now yeah which which place are you guys i don't know just keep talking bro yeah [Laughter] i love it all right let's do another one that was fun so yeah you fight every team as well so it's like actual mcc server now yeah it was 15 minutes until the actual mcc what is the actual what does the crossbows do the crosstalk is just quick fire oh because you can load it and you can just keep it loaded on your hotbar it's not like a bow where you have to load it and shoot it immediately you can shoot it at any time oh okay all right that makes more sense so a lot of people when they have the crossbow they'll put it in their off hand load it is that i don't think there's any crossbow in this battle box though so i don't feel no i think canal does have a crossbow oh really i'll wait until my chat says hello there's mcc solidarity gaming oh this guy is getting his pickle slapped oh bro he just got is that is that how we clean up hi what's up give me a shirtless my chad is telling me this a battle box map does have a crossbow yeah oh it does come on preston how do you do this wait can you do that you're not going to touch me though i'm sorry i'm sorry mr small beans oh i was trying to freaking go i pulled out my bow that was good that was good another one oh my god this is like pretty good crack yeah i'm glad you at least know 1.9 combat there's a lot of people who just like who they'll panic and they'll just start spam clicking oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i've never done any pvp and i still spam click actually what damage does that bow do what the [ __ ] oh the crossbow smoking two shot if you hit quick enough okay you already have leather boots on so bows are actually really insanely good that takes just five hearts of damage and i was not anticipating that literally you can try to avoid sword combat and just shoot your bow at people so powerful should i pick the crossbow then well i'll um you guys mind can i take the crossbow because okay i'll get the healing potion then well i picked it for this but that's you'll always so you'll have a bow no matter what oh boys i can't believe i'm going to stop my stream so i'll be back in a little bit all right bye mr bean man i love you bye okay it's just weird just everybody's volumes over here all right here we go hey preston do you mind talking for a quick second yo yo what's stream saying they can't hear you hey hey hey how's everything going mr jon snow hopefully i'm not too quiet sorry i'm getting my booty kicked by mr small beans and he's he's angry at me i got him we won pogchamp right sweet we are the foggies of course everybody's like we can't hear precedent to do that why did there's always audio problems on my end and i'm like stop why is it always me no it's always someone's too quiet like it's that just always happens thankfully discord handles it pretty well i i've freaking invested in like a grand and into new audio equipment and i haven't bothered setting it up yet so you need to do that i was gonna do it this morning and i was like if it's not working by the time mcc is live i'm gonna be so mad it takes it takes so much time to get new equipment set up like that though yeah i know i know nothing about it and i just got like a studio rack with all that stuff too and so i'm just like i'm learning as i go and i know it's been forever like no blues oh what's rockets maybe next oh rocket is the best tuning into the stream right now oh man that sucks um first ever time in the mcc tournament we're about to get rocking and rolling here like 10 minutes on the actual tournament we're just playing in the yeah real quick just uh it's gonna be so fun it's gonna be so funny quick put your glasses i'm over here i'm over here no cuz look look flip look at me i do like how you have little ears over here though like is it a tail kind of i don't know or just they're just missing pants yeah i think my pants are it just looks like it's a little like riding up your butt a bit but yeah yeah oh little sleeve rolled up pant leg there we go yeah mm-hmm is that what that is okay i like it yeah well fashionable yeah good choice wait i just want to know why are my fingers black oh i think this was made for the slim arms oh cause i was like dude i've been i've been touching some oil okay here you want to jump into rocky yeah so if you just want to jump down here real quick okay you jump down so yeah you're right click oh i forgot that it's uh oh you only get three he's also an electric you also have an electrode to fly so rocket's beef isn't a game anymore but they're and to get to the other side it uses do you usually have a map on it no you you don't do that on the to get to the other side map and actual rock split yes but that hasn't been played in forever oh um but to get to the other side has a map that uses the mechanics of this it uses the rocket launcher so if you like have you ever played tf2 yeah yeah yeah like rocky yeah like rocket jumping you can rocket jump in that yeah uses that mechanic so to get used to like figuring out how to do that because oh that's so easy bro that's really easy yeah that's yeah you should just like bounce off walls and move yourself backwards so you can get really anything kind of parkour related boys i'm gonna excel at okay you never you just gotta make sure because some people it seems super basic but some people don't know it well i'm a gamer okay parkour for me is uh i'll be getting last oh yeah so i could do anything else i can do right parkour warriors will be good all right but i did beat technoblade in minecraft monday parkour all right that's my name of fame that's my that's my one claim to fame well luckily you're rusty preston so you know um okay do you guys want to join the actual server yeah we probably should get over there we got to go explore what these little burger things are and everything they got the ips and announcements on discord preston don't show it on stream yeah don't don't show it why don't you imagine why they don't want to have it on stream it'll be great for the event we get so many more players we can watch everybody like earlier i don't see it yet uh i don't know i can grab it if you need it or might be in like server info i think there might be an info chat is there an info check i do these burgers are amazing they look so i have not been on mcc in so long this whole spawn is so different what is this chicken statue i love it oh is this it this has got to be it right here yeah oh oh it's about to get spoishy up here oh look at that it's on a team wait i'm not on a team uh uh oh oh yeah preston isn't oh they might have put your ig something else uh and someone said preston wow i always forgot i were we're three man in this sorry bud preston hasn't joined the server yet i'm on the server i don't think people know you're actually tv and you probably think it's preston plays i own okay fun fact i bought that minecraft name and then i i i lost a password like eight years ago oh my god well at least nobody else can be best employees do you have like the transaction id or anything like do you have that oh i gotta go find that dude you know nobody's got time to dig up the graves we'll get molly to do it how do you get the board molly dig up all your rank your bank record oh give me a burger yes gloria thank you hey that's the first few times i even saw your minecraft skin i was like who is this guy on our team i think i did i was like chatting with joel a few days ago and he was like no no that's preston's account i was like okay yeah you're like who does all right sorry guys she gave me originally like a uh plant burger and i was like i need the meat there we go it's real that's a real burger right there wait is there anything else other than burglars oh look at the buttons with spatulas how does one get a spatula i don't know this is so cute guys i'm like so excited for this event i know i've missed so many super chats and i i really really do apologize first time streaming a long time ashley again thank you for the 200s mod thank you for the 10 bucks ashley thank you for the 50 can she get a shout out her name is actually charlie charlie thank you aisha thank you for the five sergio thank you for the five um i want everybody to do me a huge solid okay charge me up by going ahead and putting some fire emojis in the chat all right i need all the energy that we can get for this event right like you gotta leave a like you gotta subscribe and you gotta do the emojis come out i want to see fire emojis all the time um and like maybe is there blue fire emojis because if there were that'd be sick since we're the blue bat team but i'm so excited oh i'm so excited stream i miss you guys i really miss streaming with you guys i wish i could tell you all while i was in la i'll be able to tell you guys soon but i was there for like a week it was awesome um literally like i said just got off the plane hopped in an uber walked into the office started setting up my stream and then boom um first time ever playing mcc barely touched any of the practice stuff all right i don't want to be i'm not like using excuses but just know preston's a little rusty okay he he big rusty but we're gonna have so much fun dude so it doesn't really freaking matter anyways like i'm just here for a good time i just want you guys to enjoy yourselves while you're watching feel free to share the stream all right get some more hype i'd love to get us like 15 20 000 people watching i think that'd be so much fun um especially if you start dominating the old competition or reno which i think we're gonna do pretty good i think we're gonna go far you know what i mean like big goal for me is like top five um top three would be fantastic and then obviously getting the w would be huge but so here's the thing somebody said go full screen if i go full screen whenever i try to click on the chat it minimizes my game so it's better that i'm not in full screen until i'm in the actual game again so i'm kind of waiting until we're like in the actual game if that makes any sense i'm so excited yeah somebody was like tommy dude there's like all of your favorite minecraft youtubers basically play in mcc i mean like we've got jack manifold dream um i hope i said ltm he's an admin on the server captain sparkles i mean dude you literally have so many amazing people in this tournament it's gonna be so fun like i hope i continue to do more and more oh 10 you're asking what i'm drinking i'm drinking a bang all right not the healthiest for you would not you know but like preston's got to get his energy in also i have a high tolerance to caffeine so for me it's healthy all right i i've got a great tolerance for caffeine baba thank you for the five bucks as your fire merch is the best thank you i'm actually wearing some right now i got the glow in the dark this one my favorite suit it like glows in the dark but like it still looks sick even if it's not glowing in the dark um it's pretty meta i really really like it um okay let me get back to my team real quick guys and see what they're saying hold on hello it's not working what's not working am i a team oh if you go in there you can see like past winners and who's done the most or whatever like that let me see so you can see quick on a lot a lot of little plot wow he is a god tier yeah so he would be quick to carry us but he only got fourth place last time so i think he needs to set it up holy moly dude and then you look over here and oh most most total eliminations quick you're almost at 300. you got to get at least 16 kills today okay wow wow oh preston you should full screen your minecraft i know but dude but then whenever i click off of it it doesn't it will minimize if it's full screen see look at that boom look at that i'm trying to make everybody happy and it's hard life is so difficult why is this list just quigg pete and h-bomb and then randomly a few other people here you go over already what are you doing i need to go and see what this is i want to say the front thing of like the top five average coins pete most coins earn pete most event wins h-bomb most eliminations would want to invent pete and then you you know what's funny i used to have these two but pete stole them from me last mc really i had i'm literally second for these i had the most eliminations and everything i i just forever forever i'm down where am i where am i did i drop down to the lower level now oh i got moved downstairs you got to be kidding me i'm only yo guys this is a huge throwback all right i used to film with pete all the time does anybody remember when i used to film with pete like pete and i were homies oh my gosh oh my gosh i miss you oh i'm what miss you oh dude pete and i go way back man peanut used to film videos like 11 years ago seriously like a long long long long time ago um why is outlook okay what is happening oh yeah i can see i'm not minimized um yo charlie again thank you so much i'm so glad i'm your favorite youtuber i really appreciate you cameron thank you for the five dollars this isn't the best youtuber in the world no but hey listen for you i'm gonna try to be i'm gonna try to be top ten today nothing less okay dad okay so pete's giving the pressure right now we apparently have to come in top ten um a little bit spicy dude a little bit spicy if i'm gonna be honest look at all these people over here wait how did dream get the spatula yo boys how did they get the spectacles uh go to the burger stand and rob them uh do you have to listen to them for a spatula oh no no no i'm stealing it i'm stealing it how do you get the spatula i'm in the burger joint how do you get this i just i just said give me spatula i'm sticking dude i'm just jacking stuff i'm jacking stuff but you're actually opening up the chest yeah i'm just trying to steal stuff here take this one take the fries take fries yum yum oh you got taco oh i love it i got a taco oh check that out i'm more of a taco guy than burger guy so this works out perfect yeah i love tacos tacos they have burgers i called them fries stand creepily right over joel's shoulder dude you're just gonna stand right over here should we get all the blue bats to take over the grill hi joel hi joel how do they get the spatula one spatula here just right click it up here right click it i d dude i keep right clicking it right click all over okay i definitely know joel is tapped out right now i've got five spatulas never mind yeah you're pressing come here i got one i got five i got five no no but come over here hold on i'm gonna show you something okay let me dual wield these oh i am the fry cook ready to make some krabby patties okay come here right click this sign oh i like that no you sit in these chairs oh you can't sit in the chairs what kind of event is this they put chairs all over the place and you can't sit on them dude there's some people here they move the knock screw button where is that now how are you getting tacos my guy there's a taco truck taco truck outside of the hall of fame wait really how am i missing the boys i can't be missing these tacos i'm going who's who's running the taco truck is he running a clean ship hello i don't know hope please thank you so in case you don't notice the the food places are like kind of play on words of the actual games so burgers but fast there's a game called bingo but fast and then uh tgt tacos is to get you tacos okay that's fair that's fair i i appreciate that i appreciate the puns knock screw does go over the top i will give them that they they always go over the top they do they go over the top but they ran out of sauces oh russell okay so i forgot to tell you but uh my channel was reminding me in the game to get to the other side at the end there's a giant pit it's filled with people you need to punch someone to count your you're you're completing it wait wait yeah timer doesn't there's a pit full of npcs and you need to punch one what game is this to get to the other side what game that's well we'll remind you when we're actually playing it but hello guys and then they yeah then they lose like 10 places makes sense all right now i understand how you doing joel how's that i'm good whip are you ready to win flip i am i am yes very much did you notice me whispering sweet sweet things in your ear about your car warranty where did you get the spatula pressing oh here dude i got a lot i stole a lot bro here come here come here oh give me one give me as the og cod boys here i gotta give my respect oh you got everything you got a full meal yeah but dude they're out of sauce at the taco truck no i love the spatula it's very cool our whole team's here we're good yo guys it's just about to start the event i think we're like a few minutes behind but dude this is gonna be a blast everybody yo oh i'm so stoked man i can't believe this we almost have 10 000 people watching us so we're not even to the actual live event yet thank you to everybody who has tuned in so far you are all amazing i love you guys so much let me shout out like five random people real quick we got ayesha nathan's exploration station i love the name evan hoots ali hussain uh florin dang it it went too fast and then we've also got oh my gosh i can't even gravity snake and finally samantha turner let's go baby oh this is going to be a biggen this is going to be a big and biggen um all right yeah i'm excited dude i'm so excited hey i just want to say by the way to everybody who's watching like do not feel pressured at all to super chat or become a member of the stream you only do that if you want to i'm just happy people are hanging out watching me play minecraft that is literally more than enough and literally everything i could ever want and ask for so if you guys just want to keep tuning into the stream man that means so much to me and i want to continue to you know chat with you guys as much as i possibly can in between the the rounds and when we can actually commentate with each other uh again i'm still getting used to streaming so like i really don't want to end up talking over one of the uh teammates we have that's kind of my biggest fear is like what if i like talk to you guys and i forget to mute and then everybody's like you know like yo preston what the heck are you doing but look at this man we have 39 out of 40 people um someone got locked out of their house what what who got locked out of their house got locked out of their house i'm gonna text him i can't believe he's man apparently he's loading minecraft now but apparently he got locked out of his house for a bit yo how do you manage that i guess like one of those turn locks where it locked behind you as you walk out the door and forget your keys it's kind of a wisp move to be completely honest with you he's like in this video i get locked out of my house can i get my keys back before with 17 minutes remaining until the start of mcc so if i'm not there now i will be replaced also lovely jably make sure you subscribe leave a like change your mind later i love whiz uh he's such a little infant dude dang i love these statues boys like i i gotta admit though the blue bats uh clicked yes i think i did that's fine yes i'm the weakest i am the weakest link guys i got 300 milligrams of caffeine let's go yo i had 200 pog jam oh poggers we're doing the burger taco shuffle over here at spawn oh man hey the question is boys what kind of uh what kind of boar gourds do you like just cheeseburger i don't like what you mean i mean dude there's a lot of places to get burgers from all right what the heck is going on here uh burger and taco shop guys are pretty solid oh i'm joined in oh five guys so good oh there we go super expensive is also really good oh shake shack spin the spatula it's a minute and a half boys it's starting to minute oh we're doing it we're doing it oh my god everybody no turn it back now i'm gonna start my recording on obs hi quick excited youtube quick here subscribe everybody i might actually record as well just in case we get some dope clips did you guys know that only 50 of people are subscribed to my channel fifty percent joel it's more like ten percent make sure you all subscribe it's free and you do 100 definitely will want to change your mind guys guys imagine not having 100k plus subscribers am i right i just want a plaque i just want a plaque that's all right i'll juice you baby oh fireworks look at these lasers whoa oh i'm looking at the ground and there's a whole show going on up here oh dance baby drop your pants wait what whoa okay sorry i got into it they added more lasers bt he says b2 it's disney look at that gg's knock screw gg holy cow that's amazing that's really nice is there an elevator we need to know if there's another there's stairs there's stairs i'm going with that where did we go oh i didn't make it anywhere i think elevator opens up the second round usually right what are we getting first uh that's a great question so i still use the game you call it just whatever sounds good to you you're you're taking the call we're throwing all of the chickens where you call it okay hold on no no no no quick quick well we want to knock out the games where we're stacked first because yeah yeah how do we know it's his first one let him pick let him pick oh what's the first pcc please i don't know what to pick there's so much pressure bro i mean we got joel and i over here so bit build big sales at build mart we can we can do that one so what is this all nine games that are being chosen right now or is it just one there's gonna be one more introduction you get to throw eggs basically into here and chickens appear and whichever segment it lands in at the bottom is what game we get so yeah yeah so you why is there oh uh we got a hole in the wall preston which one is to throw our chickens in don't throw it yet by the way wait a little bit because they move because they're chickens and they're stupid yeah like was just instantly wasted their chicken in there that was silly okay well when do we throw the chicken uh in a second what do you want to throw what do you want to play oh yeah i don't know i didn't stop holding the game okay i'm gone no way you [Laughter] oh no the chickens are just running all over the place boys uh what's it gonna be i think it's i think it's parkour tag oh my god actually that's my worst game so you know let's get it done with first get out of the way that's my probably my best game it might be 50 50. barcode they upped it from uh flip you don't have to hunt if you don't want to because they upped it to boar hunts per person okay so how does this work boys i quite like hunting so it's just park i don't want to hunt i don't want anything so it's so there's uh one hunter from the other team you get to choose who it is and then there's three runners on our team so you guys basically just want to run while the other person tries to hunt you so try to run around the map as possible and not to get tagged and yeah and the person on our team who's hunting wants to try and tag everybody on the other team interesting okay okay oh yeah it's just running away from people basically so we get more points if we tag everybody on the other team first and then we also but even if we tag everyone first the game is still going on okay so we'll also get survive as long as you can if you're a runner yeah we'll get more people we need everything our team is still alive um every team plays so we cycle through every single team oh really there's so yeah there's nine games oh so we play every team once okay we play every team once if you guys want like i've never been the hunter but like parkour is my forte if you want to hunt go for it yeah i don't mind i quite like hunting i would prefer to not hunt because i know i'm terrible you can only be the hunter four times okay well i'll be at the they'll make me it the first time then i can watch beans you said you want to be hunter uh you quick you can go first if you want so it's all happening at once so three of us are going to be at one version of the map running and then the other person's going to be yeah in another so the honey team and then their hunter is with our team gotcha okay guys yeah and if you want you know whoever hunter is you probably want to mute everything against pink faces uh i'll go against this team because it's rambo and topples and you can kind of get the gist of the game yeah so we're running and this is the map okay we're just running and we're running against these handsome people yeah yeah yeah we just run around like crazy down below and what do you guys think of runner vision what is that yeah use this every time you see the hunter boys how do we how do we know who the hunter is right so i'm going to use it now it's there you can see that he's on there he's on the right side on the right side he's on the right oh i fell down oh he's counting boys he's coming he can see us through walls and everything like that by the way i see him he's coming he's coming he's coming where is he oh he's right booty take that booty go go go go don't get too down low though i'm gonna yeah ladders ladders nice i like the ladders oh i got it i got it i'm gonna use the finish he's behind you he's fallen you could just stay up next time say hi say hi there we go good job man good job please hey we're in first place yeah really good well played guys nice nice that was hype boys okay that was so nice cyan all right so i'll probably early to die so i'll just call out where this is do you want to hunt this round so you can figure it out well just so you can see what the hunt honestly it might be better if i'm uh not the runner since like i'll go because we need to decide sorry there's one second left you should be the hunter next round just so you can see what the hunter sees and everything just so you can understand more where's the oh he's coming over to me yeah he kind of fell a little bit oh he's right behind me he's right behind me getting the heck out of here boys he's on the other side of the map right now try not to stay too grouped up it's best to be kind of split oh he's um he's probably in trouble here yeah i messed up oh god yeah i kind of messed up i was too low where's the little oh he's on he's on us just he's in the middle on the center he's right in center quake he's going towards you yep he's up above he's right he's chasing quick he's on those littles he's on me he's on me now yeah he's below preston quick you're fine okay cool he's stuck on a ladder all right he's down way low on the ground quick he's right in front of you he's right in front of me i'm looking for him nice we shouldn't play this first this might be our best game i'll be i'll just get out first and you two just stay alive the whole time it would be amazing okay uh you're right you go hunt this time all right all right so i go in the red box yeah yeah press the button okay here you guys okay so yellow let's click all right okay and just you could spam click so sometimes you'll just get really far ahead so just spam left click yeah you can you just literally need to tap him you don't have to do any damage okay cool yeah do you know which way he's going oh he's going to the left this is so intimidating i don't know where he is right now he's a little he's outside far side oh i fell down i messed up i'm gonna use the thing because oh i've fallen i'm gonna go for the top guy actually he's always over by me oh captain sparkles come here he's low he's low oh he's on me i hear him he's up quick he's on quick oh that's real good if he's chasing captain he's captain captain's down captain's down he's still chasing this good job chasing you quick wait where's this wait where the [ __ ] am i what oh they're in the middle are you there oh i fall in oh no oh he jumped out he's chasing after you joel okay no he's on me he's on me he's on you let's run do you only got 10 seconds he's right behind you oh you five five seconds five seconds keep going yeah we can win after you three no we can win here he's low all right i got your good boys nice job nice job oh so close to surviving one oh i almost did it dang it dude that's hard if you don't know the map bro being the hunter is tough yeah yeah um orange ocelots who's uh who's shelby yeah you you all keep rocking i don't i don't think i'll i won't be able to get all of these he's hunting this and pete's good at parkour oh pete oh i'm oh no he's going for you straight away 100 he's got a little bit of a vendetta and i love it all right pete's coming towards you coming both you boys both of you he's on your boy oh i might get tucked in he fell he fell okay he's he's on you he's on you beans beans he's right behind you do not nice nice i'm keeping it nice okay he's still on your beans he's still on you oh you got me you got me shoot all right i'll check out now he's here he's in the middle right in the middle preston he's above you whip oh he's just falling oh my gosh that was actually incredible you go tomorrow pearl oh no no no i haven't gotten all right oh he just all right uh he's on the other side of the map at the moment he's uh if you could live for a second i'm coming above you now i got the last one okay i've got he's nice nice nice keep running he's behind you for if like full on sprinting catching every too high block to get the little jumpy jumps in it's still catching me oh that unless we got all done first yeah we did we've doing well we're doing real well yeah this is very you know what's serious i'm taking my apple watch off my bracelets right depending on who the next team is let's see who we choose because all right green green uh yeah if someone else wants green is tommy connor phil's uh fundy uh yeah quick you can take red because it's happening all sapped up to be honest god i have my heart rate from playing minecraft has not been this high it's not good is it oh dude i'm getting too old for this oh i'll go left you go right how about that okay well he's going over he's going he's going to you he's chasing he's chasing yep keep us updated then he's behind you both buying you both still up high still up high he's in the middle he's in the middle press and careful quick turn around quick turn around he's that close okay there we go he's really good he's quickly he's right above you he's coming down right towards you oh i messed up i thought he i thought he couldn't get out that side i didn't think he was that close either frick that was good that was good phil those aren't green oh that's the guy's recounts how do you speak i don't know days got away hey you got everybody else though second yeah okay well it's third wow yeah we're still third let's still third yeah let's keep it up boys only the first game so don't yeah yeah too much all right so how it goes president is the games later on give more points so if we mess up this one and you win like the final game it's like four times the amount of points yeah house is a big one so yeah these games don't we get through too much i mean it's nice to get a little start but don't need a super stress okay oh i felt like an idiot all right he's right behind you yeah yeah i i i keep going that way and i keep missing that same jump i don't know why he's right he's right behind you quick he's right behind you he's chasing oh my god how did he reach well he's he's coming across our side he's right behind you oh he's about he fell he fell he's low he's low he's low he's coming up louder he's right behind you below he's the layer below hello yeah he dropped he felt that he's coming up he's on the same level now far side he got all three he's still behind you just keep running just keep running he's behind you he's in that tube you just got out of he's trying to cut you off a bit he's trying to cut you off he's going to get you off he's going off going forward nice good turd good job oh well president got him first there's no worries yeah that was good that was that was good i'm getting better at the hunting now that i understand a little bit more of the uh map layout you can always try and like cut those corners just for like the hit on it too yeah oh that was so sick bro let's go a second boys let's go come on all right okay this is this is uh do you want to go do you want to just do the last two maybe yeah i'll just do the last two yeah this is the last two no it's not we have three rounds we got three around seven eight nine person's going oh god so eric can have him i mean that's fine honestly like i love the hunting i love the hunt yeah so sylvie's hunting is she is she good yeah she's pretty good uh is she i don't think so she was ruining me at uh battle box earlier she might have gone better the last time i played [Music] i cut that bad corner bad corner not good on my part just make sure to try to use your ender pearl as much as possible oh yeah i'm using it quick below quick look quick joel you're totally fine i found a bad spot she's coming after you i'm so silent right now i fell in a bad spot well i'm pressing you can get him you got space you got space okay cool right below your she's down okay she's down she's got another floor nice preston let's go it's nice 10 seconds guys 12 seconds just keep choosing both okay i'll just play these last two rounds of hunter okay yeah yeah i'm always going to get tagged it's just it's all good that's what it is guys we're so close to being first you'll make up for it in build mart my claim to fame all right who's hunting us please don't be fruit berries oh it's ollie yes he's looking for me first oh if you don't know ollie was the groomsman at my wedding so we know each other quite well that's totally good for me first i think preston should be able to outrun ollie honestly all right he's low he's joel he's coming for you he's up ladder right now yeah i'm going to the right messed up yeah all right i'm gonna i got this bro corner he's far corner he's cutting crosstalk cutting across middle you got this he fell down he fell down he fell down he's right next to right next to you right next to you behind you exactly keep running keep running he fell he fell you got this you got this let's go baby vintage pressing he's rusty hey come on he's right there he's right there she got this 15 seconds he's below you come on good job quick have you got this preston you have 10 seconds yeah yeah these little shoes just keep going dude well done nice good stuff nice let's go i taunted had a good jump on me there but i managed to catch back up to him this is second place this is the dreams team who's gonna go who's gonna who's hunting for it looks like dreams interesting okay i think they one i think they put their best yeah that's probably why you can do he's going to the right i just saw him go to the right below yep i see him he's on us where oh he's uh he's on the vents on the vents just keep going i think he's going is he coming for me i don't see him to be honest oh he got me he got me he he okay joel run i'm trying to look for him trying to look for him keep going keep keep running keep running he's ten blocks away quick holy he's close behind you keep going keep going nice you guys got this only 15 more seconds keep it going keep going just keep going he's cutting you off he's cutting you off see how we did points wise though pressing top five question mark question mark quick probably top five how do you see how you guys have killed it we'll see after we'll see right here basically man that was great job guys top five hey you know what i'm the support player it's fun obviously i'll take that we win those we win those i gotta go look at the top ten that's most important right now i need a screenshot of myself up there and then i can see i know i'm just going to the big shot i want it to dream oh we are taking this screenshot right now oh for better than drinking the screenshots can we just can we just take that here for a second i wonder if a dream the man is so proud i'll get a screenshot hey you know what it's the only time it's ever going to happen i i have to i have to live that up god i appreciate the little things that was amazing in these games i feel like so i'm not sure what that shows but yeah good fun thank you for all the blue hearts i see them they're helping they're pushing me along all the blueberries baby so much go the elevator is open by the way come in here there's an easter egg every mcc when this elevator is full it breaks and it will just there's an easter egg oh let's go i'm gonna go into the airstream good look at bats woohoo let's go thank you guys very very cool burgers showing us how the food's made that's so sick it's just it's tofu everybody's like please make sure to sign the nda please sign your non-disclosure oh my god wow this is dude that was that was sick what a cool little easter egg huh yeah yeah they do one of those everything emily heather thank you so much for those support thank you emily thank you brother when his parents are supported so badly all right guys it's getting it's about to get ready we're about to get back to the decision dome ladies and gentlemen this is where we decide the second game of the tournament all right let's get it baby what are we gonna choose we heard you talking about your blue bat supported everything you know what my chat is literally like full of bats and blue hearts i literally was like man i really don't want to end up not muting and embarrassing myself blue hearts emote i don't think twitch has a blue wait what was the dunk wait what was that dunk uh red got dunked so they can't vote oh random people random teams will get random items i think we see a battle box or hold on yeah let's do battle box i think oh what up my chicken chicken oh what about sky battle let's get that maybe i like oh it seems like a guy oh oh never mind anymore oh oh it's gonna be airplane oh get it out get it out oh get the chicken chicken let's go battle box oh i'm so excited right now so yeah i'm gonna take the crossbow my worst two games of all time let's get them out of the way oh good exactly let's do hey again if you guys want to support the stream show it by leaving the blue emoji and the fire emoji at the same time because we're team blue bats i know normally it would be like just fire but this time we're going to allow some blue to bleed in a little bit it's exciting yeah exactly all right try and use the bow so you who's getting crossbow quick i'll get the healing potion again okay if there is one then i'm not sure what the do we know what the things are i think we'll find out when we get down same as the lava map there was a knockback sword wasn't there oh wait there's a baby that's kind of spicy i feel like i can do better damage with my bow though oh that was the director okay that's when we played in mcc eight that was a knockback sword i remember my chances said there's a knockback story i don't think they changed the items i think it's just i think it's the items we'll see in a second i guess we have time to select when we're in there so be careful about being in the water by the way here because it's very easy you can just get both shots oh yeah you get stuck and you're done skadoodles yeah but yeah so this one has two underpassages and then the big bridge on top in the middle we gotta be careful about who controls that because you can just walk like i remember people did well last time when there was a not that sword they just took control of that and watched time to give five shout outs to the five random people let's get a baby honestly give me the sword all right i'll tell you the boost then i'm more of a pvp boy can you use the wall to block up or no it's got seam no you can't you can't place it unless it's in the middle yeah okay coffee what are we doing we go splitting i think we just go for kills right i'm going left i'm gonna go right [Music] get that potion first get a couple of people over here right i'm taking some damage oh i got this below i got scuttle yeah i got all right all right that was good that was good good on them i tried to rush and break one because they were trying to fill in the center and that was powerful we need we need to secure middle okay yeah yeah next time we made a mistake everybody outside maybe and then just went up to the middle maybe yeah man i got uh i got sauced on that one yes same cheese still come back that was just first round okay yeah we got this we got time we got time we gotta like if we can man like we gotta single out some people with our bows yeah as soon as somebody's like oh cara is a really good shot with a bow and so is fruit just the only reason i like splitting up is that we can get the instant damage pods why don't we do this one we just do why don't we just do three people on the left or i guess we can do two and two yeah because that's all right you come with me here you go for the pop press and i'll try and bow then all right i'm going got it i got i only got hit twice bruce hit once i hit him once hit him once joel i've watch out i got another one he's watching [Music] did you see i hit all three of them with my harming potion though i did yeah in the beginning and then she ran to the other side and i was like no let me get this kill now okay so maybe we should keep doing that again because those yeah that would seem to work if they're just i think that rush up that rush up control the middle if we can get them because that's very powerful i think hey chase bradshaw with the five dollars from the irl channel guys chase is one of the best tv people around next what pink pink wilbur the blocker damage potions hey man it's better than being the guy he doesn't need help he's that good he just he doesn't need the health well no no instant damage oh yeah no no he just he just lost a few hearts so yeah yeah i was like i'll swallow it all right i'm gonna go right we're going deep i'm going left this is uh i'm at three hearts i hitch i've lit they're a lot of them are low all right good good good good okay just keep quick you're almost dead you're almost done dude yeah oh shoot got blasted boys that potion was tough yo uh oh god i think joel you're spam clicking why don't you get that guy you think it once there you go nice step out tap it oh god oh i'm very low oh yeah i got will pretty low as well that's unfortunate yeah i tried placing the wall and then maybe we needed to walk through the start so i couldn't help him man rabbits got the point skadoodles huh oh that's right yeah that's a good team we just got such a big advantage though we can't we can't lose it yeah here's what you do maybe we should stack maybe we should sack a side boys maybe yeah about this let me go solo on the right side and then i'm just going to hold them off the bow and then the three of you guys can go left something along those lines if you guys aren't if you guys uh want keep the wool and you're off hand so yeah yeah yeah you could just break in place at the same time orange oranges uh they haven't won yet so this is pete if we get pete out and pearl out that's pretty much a win shovel and green are good but they're okay i'm going to go right side we should all rush right side okay are we having pressed and running solo yeah i'm running so long twice i've hit a lot of them i missed my potion they're they're low they're low dude i hit one twice say one shovel sit three times okay shovels down our green's down green's down i'm going in i'm out of arrows whoa wait what it did hit all right yeah damaging all the weird nice boys that was that was that was i've not got a single kill yet just be like shooting arrows hitting people that was good we just gotta we just gotta keep up with them i was like after you all rushed in i was like they're gonna win it's a three on one and if they don't win i can't win that fight myself so i'm just gonna get older let's go baby yo stream goes left we all go right yeah that worked out really good actually because i can hardly care about it all false here i think all kinds of false and alumni are going to be trying to kind of stay back when you do that because i think they get distracted on one of the two people and then the other people can just get them because obviously if you get pegged by all their arrows you're going to just be so low on health yeah but i'm goaded hit illumina already hit one as well oh oh i got hit with the crossbow they're up on the bridge they're up on the bridge paul's got one false got two false nice nice hit martin i hit martin martin's super low yeah he fell in the way i'm super i'm super oh no where'd they get me from oh rents yeah out of arrows man at least i got the other two i eliminated two before i died so that should be good points for us yeah yeah yeah yeah dang it use the bone more yeah maybe i should to switch the cross or the bow more okay oh that was so sad dude all right i didn't see wren come around to the side and oh i was just sitting there how old is this charge on the practice server oh yeah i did i did crossbar so that makes sense that's why i'm going left again feel so slow okay all right i didn't hit him once he didn't get the potion though either oh he hit me with the crossbow sad yo try and grab the oh no chris got the potion he's throwing he's on me he missed got silly twice got silly twice she's running up mid she's running up there oh i got one but uh on the left is someone oh god that'd be super low super low yep i'm in the water one shot sylvie oh no no no no no no she's not going to do this one more morning dude i am panicking got 20 seconds i'm terrible about easy okay let's move on that i got some i saw someone hit something i'm like somebody's not one shot what's she at all right we're not i don't think anyone's won every game yet because look read of even when you've got 500 points yeah we're top three yeah i mean we had a rough few starts but like we're kind of getting it we can catch up we can catch up this is also an early game so you know like even if we're placing kind of like low it's not a huge deal oh i did this this is good man this is good yeah okay okay same strap boys it's working out well they're two right three right one left preston's only one guy there's there's so many on my side let's get this let's get this potion we gotta get this potion nice i shot tommy once tommy's hit got connor got connor tommy's low tommy's super low hey be careful we got tommy in the middle tommy in the middle i got one he's one shot he's one shot he jumped in the water i'm going for him fills his life it's just funny it's just funny nice i don't have any more i get the wall get the wall wait do you want the elimination do we want the elimination well we want the alum there we go got it nice good job if we want you could just fill in all the wool and just leave one block open yeah yeah that's what it's doing so that way if like if we need to like rush and just get it down we can win oh nice two more rounds two more rounds it's funny i just texted tommy yesterday and i was like hey take it easy i mean if you see me and i kill him sad all right we're against red this time this is this is the big boy this is a very good team cyan go oh dang it look at scott up there yeah nick he's played this map before hasn't he all right let's get it baby let's get it come on come on come on gamers gamers yeah we got this take that left side we got we got a couple over here okay i've pinged one once got one dream got one dream he's one low he's low he's had zero health he's had zero health okay got him gotcha and i'll never forgive him but that's besides the point that was a good shot though baby we took him out of this this is not your point a dream people were like saying guys you should be scared of dream we beat dream team in both games oh true yeah this is this is gonna be this is the last round we're against yellow this whole thing is smack talk we don't know that's the whole thing is literally nothing but a bunch of smells beating you you have to smack talk saying you're winning oh dude even if you're on the rule bottom of the barrel you gotta do it all right left side again we're going to take i'm taking a larry taking a larry okay i got it dude they're being they're being someone help me jack manifold there's like a one shot of rooney one on the tree on the tree on the tree i'm going i'm going underneath potion i can't get out of the water okay sparkles on me captain sparkles like me i need help boys yo they're trying to play i don't know cat sparkles like one shot yo yo um [Music] oh my gosh did orange not win a game oh i feel no repeat disconnected for a game or two oh no oh that's bad that's sad they get something to come back they lost them two games that was wild i know it's because you still like killing quackity oh we're a second right now not bad it's not good not bad not bad all right all right we're only and only a few hundred point dude cyan who's on something yeah yeah because they just won that game oh the same time last place first place we would have beaten them in that first round frick that's okay it's all good it's all good yo thanks for the five bucks to bring back free the facility that's a little bit of a throwback bro um love it though okay let's give another five round of shout outs guys let's go yo e-man thanks for being in the stream orlando thanks for being the stream shayden chloe and we got a neil sharma let's go what's up preset all right we got some mods in here too i'm loving this i saw chase in here earlier we got the gamers up in here huh this is kind of exciting i mean we're at the you know we're second place right now not by too much so things are going really good um the only thing that's beating us sign creepers we're actually low-key goaded on the sticks if i'm gonna be completely honest with you so i think if we can keep this pace up we're gonna take at least top three if not first place like that's kind of the goal right that's a big part of the goal and faith says will you please keep on streaming i would love to keep streaming a few times a week i do miss connecting with you guys i feel like if you don't stream you don't get to talk to like your audience as much and like videos are really cool but it's like not the same if that makes any sense like you can't lively communicate with people through youtube comments like you can still respond but i don't know it's kind of like twitter versus like being like live live right colton donates five bucks do you have a roomba i have like a yidi it's like uh like a knockoff roomba i think it works it works well it gets the job done hold on guys before we do the decision dome i actually have to pee and i have like no time so hold on it's fine right makes sense i'm second right now i thought it would have gone knocked down more who's ahead of me now i'm 16th i'll take 16th my goal is always top 20. if i get top 20 i'm happy president what are you right now on the right side of your screen it says okay i got ignored what's up i was saying depressed i was asking what place season oh he's third okay sick oh snap have to beat me right now okay all right what do we want to go for this time i i'm pretty good at holding the wall i'll tell you what happened now sky basketball yeah i i just sky battle is the only one on here i'm scared of everything else i can i can hold well in the second half we are gonna get survival games okay oh god hopefully he comes back oh no preston preston please respect christmas yeah what are we going for oh there you go okay what game uh do you want to do sky battle maybe are we trying to get sands of time oh it seems like you're fighting oh oh oh oh they dunk this ball through my egg so or die i hate this because you can't see what's going on oh it's just i want to know what's going on at this point i just want it i've got no idea it looks like i could be sky battle it could be guys i know what we've been missing what's up i found it what oh god what does he have what is going on i put my head on my microphone sky battle okay okay pretty good this game all right quick um oh i will die okay so wait what are we doing we're doing sky basketball the thing is you get wool right and that's unlimited you can use that as much as you want and there's iron blocks on like all the islands yeah much love let's see if i can live beyond messing up of the cobblestone generator let's see who we spawn next here to decide what we're going to do i reckon this is a very good so around the last four minutes oh green dunk dust yeah there's a border which comes in it comes in quite quickly as well oh okay it's hunger games it's hunger games get to the center game survive as long as you can kills are huge if you can get people knocked off with like an arrow shot or a snowball or something yeah you get creeper t i'm going to immediately rush the side island okay i can go craft the i can go to the island behind us i know there's that island behind us typically right no no there's no island no there's no one behind us that was sky bat or sky block i'm gonna rush i'm probably gonna steal the iron from that side island and just make myself stuff by the way so don't bother making me anything here i'm gonna try and get geared because i know that's what techno does and he does really well in this i'm gonna try to get myself i'll take this item behind the scene i'll make some eye on the legs let's get a game rosie go away i'm gonna get some bloops hello blooks how are you doing i got a lava bucket i got sticks i'll leave the sticks i need blocks and you've got unlimited work yeah oh sorry all right i've got some lava bucket i guess they're on the side island right now legs yep yep pressing go up that way take these [ __ ] you mean to go right or where go towards quick go towards quick okay okay i got two iron left over uh here someone wants a bow and take some arrows i'll give you a half i'll take it yeah oh we got green on the left go go go go go go go go go they're in the middle they're on that island quick they're on that island right now actually watch out they're coming through watch out i got a lava bucket if you want to if you want to hurry up here hold on i'm going up here real quick to get this chest all right they're kind of backing off they backed off they go up maybe or they're fighting they're fighting pig up after this i got the lava oh my god look at the lava that lava hit him so tough tnt on you tnt on you i back up no i blew me up i can get past it man oh my god what's happening what what's happening awesome okay i gotta kill amc oh no watch out that's all dang it watch out and then it blew up another one that launched towards us dude that lava did so much damage to oh do you get any kills with it i dealt 20 i i dude i have to i don't only kills matter yeah you could any damage you've got ant frost and is that it i dealt 23 hearts of damage to the tub yeah i know i'm just trying to stay safe right now trying to get that building up they're going up purple pandas have been eliminated okay i look fast oh yeah green and orange are on top right now uh red oh green's got everybody the border is right on the edge of the crown though so you might have to move in here soon oh this is just someone if someone's fighting over here orange and orange oh they're going down oh shovel's not careful quick careful yeah let me show that oh what is happening sapnap comes in get dream pieces above you pizza right above you he's already gonna be eliminated just but there's three of a red's actually there sap nets coming out above you if you have a shot for him i don't have any arrows no watch out they got they got arrows over all the green is up there yeah oh you're so close you got in those the border is right behind you is it really oh yeah it is there's also a height border though they're gonna get hit by that yeah it's coming down above them they're going to come down you're in a bad position maybe just back off oh wait you stay with by the body here bald is right next to you it's about to take you he brought his only bars on you watch the other side the other snaps i think might be trying to do something above you he's going to probably ride oh my gosh dude this is wild oh this is crazy oh my god yeah don't try not to rush too many people like that off the street because we can get a ton of kills at the end like if we could take high ground you get tnt and we could just absolutely just bomb them gotcha yeah i just got the lava bucket down and then all sudden there was like tnt everywhere and i placed like one buck they dropped tnt i dropped some tnt i don't know where any of that tnt went but it did a lot of damage i'll come with you because i think if we both can bridge here's i'll i'll take the tnt there's still a lava bucket in there oh whispers here oh they're all here any help finding help they're all here we need to back up back up back up back up back up there's a lot on them there's a lot of oh sorry i thought you were putting i was putting it out does it just mean you i don't know yeah it's just you too this long i could go out that would be amazing i choked sky battle oh dang it guys that was bad that was bad guys i apologize first time right now our beginnings are kind of rough guys pink elizabeth has been pretty good bro like i uh just get it in the middle and then came straight here yeah so for those of you guys to know i literally like got on a plane this morning at 5 00 a.m landed got an uber came here started streaming immediately so it's been a good day i'm just i'm exhausted i've been out of town for the entire week in california so i'm ready to get back home to my bed but i could not miss out on an opportunity to be in mcc or to stream for all the beautiful people who are watching right now like that was not enough you think i was going to miss that not no chance um i got pretty high hopes though for mr beans over here i think he's the last man alive he's actually doing a really good job about keeping us in our points up so the green guardians though they're still alive and it's kind of a problem because they're racking up so many points i really want the red team to eliminate them that's the dreams team that would be big we got yellow team kind of sitting up here and kind of chilling oh but red and yellow are going to go for each oh i don't think yellow is going to survive this one no sparkles gets cut off from everybody he's going to die dreams trying to hunt oh yeah see peeky is so dead he's got six hearts oh he's not gonna make it oh maybe he does he go oh dude he's just doing the gauntlet oh but tappel's gonna sneak that kill off from him oh but red rabbits take the lead whoa oh my gosh okay this is kind of chaotic guys yeah i couldn't see them from my point of view sort of thing that was good hey two kills is better than surviving yeah i got scott as well i got a few kills there in the start i don't i got a bunch of kills with that lava in the start what's the strategy boy that was that was good oh they go fast dinner island start what's so good about the center guys somebody's in the center i'm just i've struggled these last two around the sky though for some reason what's so good in the center guys like what is there just like potions and stuff yeah there's diamonds there's potions there's oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait do you guys just above the island has so much good stuff there is a chest above the island i don't know what's in it though i'm gonna grab that lava bucket this round at the start there's two lava buckets i'm going to grab one okay there's a grab one take one i'll take one you should take that okay decided that last round i didn't get i only got to use at the end we just have to get back fat little creepers you guys want to just really quickly build that side island and then try to go up up here like yeah kind of what they did yeah probably best you can because survival is so much in there but i agree we definitely need the lava buckets so that way because i think that's a big value oh they need to work oh they can't go down they don't have anything to go down oh oh they got cobwebs big brain oh that was small there's pearls in the middle oh whoa super good skywars players so that makes sense okay we can do this boys all right quick get that get some stuff out there i'll take a bucket i'm trying to see which side do i want to go i don't okay i'm going to go i mean purple oh yeah i guess i could go for purple yeah actually this illumina but [Music] i'm gonna go right i'll do the iron again oh sorry let me give you these legs for it before you run off yep wait i didn't get one of the iron blocks someone else must have got i know it's there no all dirty here all right oh that's that's not good take those aluminum watch out preston yep oh god once the zero hearts over there one said zero hearts over there yeah wait why is it a little bit on me nice okay he's backing up he's back up he's backing up yo go go go oh watch out they are shooting from above yeah flip you're sneaking just let you know okay yeah i know i know i think they're random errors okay oh i can't get up what the heck you guys want to go for this tnt creeper in this chest i have some okay cool i'll take those let's go up we're up we're up yep oh no no no no what the heck how'd that lava get in here oh i got near you somehow nice nice oh flip's about to die you know we have to build up yeah creep is going to go you guys got to go in mid we got a guy below us too um slow bridge is going up marginal pressure not more okay i'm up careful phil's shooting at you you got two people watching from both sides watch behind us boys watch behind us yeah we're good i got six arrows i probably should put these okay you got pink to the side from you guys oh my gosh they're building walls you guys might want to get some walls set up for arrows you got cranios coming from behind potentially i see him i see him he's gonna oh he pulled in he pulled in where is he did he come near us oh he's below he's below you got you got tommy and all them behind you you got green behind you guys behind or sorry to you were all looking one way oh to your right to the right you got a green dot i just think that means psycho yeah yeah what happens if i touch the world did you die immediately no damage it doesn't damage quickly though okay yeah let's get out or you're down in does anyone have any water or anything in case we need to get down no no we have compliments i have cobwebs they're fine we got green fighting on the right side yeah you got creepers oh no they're going towards tommy i shot him once yo somebody's close to us who is this oh my where did they come from oh dude dude i don't know they ran around dang yeah they seemed to come out he must have ran through the border because how did he get over there yeah they're popping this game they're going to do well hey not bad guys not bad that was our best round yeah he's freaking um he's down there that's a good funny question guys keep it up would you i would not go for them that's what's happening oh my goodness gracious we do not want the pink hair to get any more points he's dead oh there he goes oh man yeah but i think i did pretty good on that round so i'm happy with that yeah i choked that real hard all right i also did i don't think i'm top 10 anymore boys that tv was funny oh players right now dream oh actually i'm not that wow i actually wasn't that far away from talking i did trash holy crap i guess i did this is i've never even played this outside of mcc i really need to figure this type of game bridge all right fed it's not bad though i feel like we've done our weakest games oh wow there's only three of that one yep yeah oh man okay what did we get placed down to boys 25th now all right we got some work to do no we're third what no i'm 25th how do you know is that based off of your event coins i'm seven event coins is your your current number of calls if you hold tab you if you hold tab you can see what place we're in as well yeah we're we're 13. only about like 700 uh 700 yeah yeah yeah yeah we got over half the games left to be fair it's good that we're knocking out a lot of the pvp games because that is the fact that most of the pvp games are gone already is kind of bad for dream and snap nap because that's like their best thing yeah yeah they that the reds should drop off in how much they're winning like really same with pink pink is really good at those types of games too yeah like really i think we're going to do good in build mart i think the team that will challenge us the most in build mart will be purple no yeah purple oh yeah scott's pretty good it's been so much fun because you guys want to join yourself unfortunately they've got a couple of new people though so maybe not all right let's shout out some people guys let's go let's go let's go yo big shout out to adam's kids yeah okay we gotta give a shout out to oliver saunders i love the person's name chase your fire daniel park let's go baby sheesh that's right preset we give him we're giving him the she shirt right now right we're just warming up yes wesley this is my first ever mcc super fun i'm having an absolute blast right now hope you guys are having a fun time watching because i'm enjoying this it's so good it's so freaking good man oh okay hold on i think we're about to get to the the decision dome preston you've been watching me since you were in elementary now you're a junior in high school xavier let's freaking go man thanks for the long-term support homie cost until the day that's like 150 wait how much is that no the 250 each that's 125 oh my goodness i kind of wouldn't mind holding the wall yeah i wouldn't mind it it's for an mcc coin 125 bucks for an mcc it's true they're priceless true yeah ollie offered i think 30 or 50 and i was like sorry i'd rather get a coin and some subs are we going for hole i think yeah so after you throw makes you back up so the others can throw yeah otherwise chickens glitch i i just aim at that thing up above yeah some people do that that's probably a good idea so it falls slowly you get more time dude everybody wants to do the hole in the wall huh yeah it's about ten for holding the ball everyone agrees oh dude i think everybody wants to you guys i love that mob mentality i was like yeah sure oh a lime chicken over in sans what are you doing tommy no oh it's going to be close actually it might be awesome that's a mega that counts as 10. right oh gosh i have no idea i'm i think it's fine i'm actually the lime chicken oh no i've never played this is the new and improved sense of time how are we doing this who wants to do the sand because i don't see it i can't stand it okay quickly and stuff and you gotta collect coins okay and whatever kind you get whoever gets the most coins if you die or you don't make it if you don't leave the dungeon before the time comes up all your coins do not count yeah so what you'll get given some carpet place the carpet where you've been if you go for like if you find like a junction place the carpet which way you've got something so precedent this nether portal if you walk into that you're done you're ending okay and then if you get sand we need to put sand in the middle timer yeah our ground ends when that timer runs out so yeah everybody's going to point yeah so i'll work on this middle room y'all just start going out if you die you can resurrect um you just lose your inventory yeah you lose so you lose your kindness what's the goal of it i'm just here to collect sand and coins cut as many coins as you can and then we have to make it don't do things which you think you can't do like which is too dangerous obviously you're going to fail you lose all your coins and you want to keep your coins and bank them at the end so i think by running out the portal there's a lot of pressure but yeah is this just leave the middle room to leave leave middle room to me let me let me do the middle whip said he's gonna do it quick i got i got middle all right so basically just go out and get caught i'll try and get the blue key down yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah whip see santa you dig it with your shovel you find it like on the ground preston watch out for uh crack to sand or cracked blocks because yeah because they have gold there are some tunnels no no no but there's also some parts in the tunnel where you can fall like it will break underneath you oh okay okay so don't don't stay yeah there can be fake floors too so you'll kind of see it'll look like a carpet like yeah don't collect any sand in this main room whip will get it all is who's going to stay in the middle and look after the timer every sand that we turn into the timer in the middle gives us 10 seconds so oh and there's a lot of sand around us too yeah yeah so let's get all this i'll go let's get all this we'll just go we go straight into a tunnel basically okay all right basically collect money and collect keys oh oh no pete struggling but still glowing i feel bad oh god are they are they not gonna pause no he's back he's back he's back he's back um what is all this stuff on the ground oh yeah you just go down different ways go down to the different tunnels i got the center whatever tunnel you go down place carpet whatever tunnel okay there's a red vault down here please place carpets all right should i kill the mobs or ignore it uh if you want to you can run behind ignore them so run by them okay i have the you can kill them and you can get coins okay i have a kind of ish parkour challenge which i have to be very i got a rusty key what do i do with the rusty key uh there's rusty doors that you'll be open able to open up in some of the paths you'll see oh there's a little thing for two sand over here i'm gonna throw it in can you not break the mob spawners oh you can okay cool you can and drop coins oh my god i've got about 15 zombies on me bro this these there we go these skeletors do a lot of damage right guys okay well that's it yeah oh that's two samples how do i shoot this i see a target above me but i can't shoot it you might need some arrows i have 17 if you come back to middle i can give them to you what should i do about that guys i found the blue vault i've got oh key is under the middle blue vault he's always red blocks in the wall that means that there's that the red vault's that way joel has the key right or yeah yeah i've got the green i've got the green oh shoot okay i'm in the red vault tunnel at the moment wait that's not blue but wait i got these bags bro i didn't find a vault it's just uh okay you just found okay well i have the blue vault key all right there is less sand in the middle than there used to be um so there's a lot less sand in the middle shoot i'm not go i found the red vault key but it's a it's a puzzle to get it oh really yeah yeah there's a lot more puzzles and stuff in here now shoot there's a little there should be a lectern there should be a lectern there is but it doesn't give me anything whatever get me out of here oh i thought it was i'm in the middle of the timer right now timer's going to be full no i'm putting on this side it's just next to your hair there's no page two seven oh seven what do the pages mean there we go seven okay and what is this one this is crazy man this is i don't know what's happening it's a dead end okay so you don't want to be how do you know if you found a rusty vault uh they're just everywhere those things oh i found the green vault i've got the key wait get it baby get it i'm so confused all right we've got the green vault guys nice nice nice nice nice void this is void oh i need this okay it's just these layers now anymore stand anywhere oh it's crazy sand in there no hmm what's this why is my sand in there flower oh flower did you lose your coins if you died too yeah okay i opened i got this yeah you can go pick them back up but you found red vault right yeah yeah it was right under spawn under spawn where i'm facing oh oh wait apparently blue vault's upstairs i can get both i get two vaults okay what's this wrong oh my god this is stressful yeah this map's a lot harder oh my god i don't know where the hell is this red vault at i was above where you got red key i'm trying this is frustrating you got your spies on it hey you follow the place apparently and it should lead you to the red that's what it says oh okay apparently blue i know where the blue is i'm at the blue near it okay i'm coming to blue i'm coming to blue right now then because i have blue okay i'll fight the zombies for you because there's a lot all right timers timer's full again timer's full again nice good job are you actually at the vault by the way joel uh not yet but i'm right next to the room i'm pretty sure oh you need a rusty key if you've got one of those 11 i have 11 rusty keys if you need any company yeah you do it dude what does this do now it should be through that door i'm hoping oh you get items uh we need another rusty key oh i haven't got anything i'm coming i'm coming back to spawn i got 11. i got 11. come on there's also sand over here i'll go get a rusty key if you give me the sand quick i'll take it back if you want to clear that up to this point i just need to actually get the sand as the issue okay i'll just run back and get the keys wait give the blue vault or the red ball key to someone so someone who can get it i don't know where the right ball i made i made a bad mistake give it to me give it to me i did i thought i threw it i made a mistake i made a mistake i made a mistake oh that's so much oh this is a maze do you want to come get the rusty key then quick uh yeah yeah i can come get it just leave it at the front all right wait for me the key here here you need rusty keys yeah just give a couple oh my god there's doors more tunnels down here uh quick i'm leaving it at the entrance a rusty key for you okay wait did that drop yeah there you go i'm just grabbing sand right i'm gonna go for the red vault preston are you in here right now no i'm not in the red vault i'm uh i'm just i'm still in dungeon areas okay you're close though to me i think i know which way it was there's a bunch of doors in here i'm like oh yeah i see i see a little think i go this way there was a door i couldn't go through just know that yes here all right let's see where this loots oh what is this they're everywhere oh my god yes i'm running back for the rusty key cracked blocked okay i'll get the crack block i found the red i just wanna i'm trying to get this vault first chad i'm sure i'm so lost i love it all right i've got the i mean the red vault it's opened nice nice nice nice nice let's have a look for sound i'm gonna need some more sand if y'all can start dropping this one right here oh please don't kill me oh i'm dead i'm dead brick oh no gotta go go get him out quick go get them out okay there yeah actually throw that stand at me i'll go get all right boys okay now i gotta remember how to get back there oh boy i'm coming preston just make sure you can get out of here i've seen it's blew it oh my god i was told go go go if you follow the bits where it's blue no apparently apparently that's not where blue vault is i'm being told blue vault's at spawn apparently apparently red spot where's the where's the portal okay there it is i know is it here was that the first no it wasn't this tunnel i don't know where blue is i'm sorry just it should be the bits with the blue one they said they said the things lead to the colors no that was no that wasn't in the announcement video yeah yeah this isn't the vault uh dude your chat is lying to you i'm probably gonna die again boys is like i'll help you present to get your coins back how many kinds did you have or pretty good i mean sorry boys get them out these guys with crossbows do a lot of damage uh thank you you're good i only got two sand left on me so i'm trying to scrounge the rest of the stuff right now oh that's tricky nuts oh my chat's stupid bro they were telling me that's where the vault was the entire time oh yeah that's pretty much where i was mister is that your beans yeah yeah i'm coming to help i think these are yours yeah we really gotta get more sand we gotta work on getting more sand right now i'm done with everything here in the middle so yeah i'll bring you seven sand can i just throw it on the ground or do i have to bring it to you yeah where are you at where you're at right right here beneath the uh the portal yeah just that's i got it i got it you leave it there nice okay beans come with you brother did anybody go underneath in the middle yet no i did yeah i did so you go along here i'll go back and i'll go somewhere else because okay let me get this one uh right which hasn't been gone done yet have you pulled all these leaves up here for it yeah i've done almost all of them you can try those guys i haven't done the little like that little ladder thing right next to you i haven't done that yet well i need anybody i got you where are you at where you at uh same thing where i dropped the stand off yeah i got you i'm coming thank you handsome yeah you do this dude the sound joel do you have sand on you no i've got none sorry okay i only have one more so we're getting into content we're struggling right now right now i'm getting more i just got one more trying to see if i could find some more real quick i missed my iron sword this is a sad boy moment oh i missed okay where the heck is geez these little iron bar things are rough okay i'm just trying to get more sand so i can bring it back i have one stand right now i mean i could bring it back but i feel like you need more than one side oh my god what the heck is that okay i got like four cents i'm gonna bring back to your foot okay try another cracked block oh my god hmm i don't really want oh i found some sand all right bringing a stand back same where are you guys out where are you guys at hold on i'm coming down there i'm coming back right now there's some crap oh some santa pit this is wild boys like this is this is really fun but like i don't know i don't know what that is it's stressful in it after quick stand i don't have any more i've got two i'm working my way oh i got okay we want to open this chest behind you can you get this to sand and there's a lot of coins behind it i'm throwing on nice all right boys uh if we we're out of sand so what is this yeah guys we really gotta get rob saying we gotta we gotta grab sand or we gotta start moving towards the exit oh i found a little bit more sand we can probably exit soon we're doing all right i know but this is a game i spent a lot of vaults open yeah i just i want to find this blue vault oh wait did you find it no that's not it oh i got one more sand up here okay oh two more okay we got i got two more sand nope four more i think three more three more oh my gosh what then all right we got 90 seconds on the clock right now okay they're i got no sand someone's been down there yo i found a gold volkey oh oh snap where's the gold phone parkour i don't know but i'm gonna bring back six sand right now and i'm gonna try and do it yeah quick okay i'll start running that could be big let's uh let's have a look at the gold vault because we could get a lot from that it should have gold on the walls right i'm running back right now i guess i'll follow you i don't know where else to go you got to go oh i guess yeah there's some explored tunnels on this one tunnel i've been down if you want to go down those because i'll do that right now quick yep um how'd you get up here man okay right here right here we go go boys go uh not the vindicators frick them right how long we got left we i'm coming back with six and i'm coming back with six sand if i can find my way out of this dang thing i hope you can or else we are screwed yeah he's back okay all right i think we should exit guys we're gonna be outside now really i guess yeah like i got six it's literally on the bottom one and that's going to give it up all right let's go back okay i guess i shouldn't go just happened oh my god i barely got that in there did you find the gold tunnel no but i i have to go back yeah get out preston if you can i am everybody come back to the front we just gotta exit this we've done what we can guys we're all good we're all good i know i'm running back as fast as i can 50 seconds oh god hopefully i can make it in time preston where are you oh i'm waiting for quick don't worry just just come just come back don't wait for quick don't wait for a quick just come back we got 40 seconds 40 seconds you need to leave you need you guys need to get through the portal i'll be the last one to go through just after that 30 seconds all right i remember okay i'm here right here i can make it all right i'm gonna go out i banked big roll nice okay all right 20 seconds we'll see how we did it's gonna you did not make it out so you probably didn't think oh and that's green guardians huge i'm just really sad that we had so many vault keys yeah i don't know how that like i swear the blue vault was meant to be down there [Music] oh really that's good good good yeah interesting dang that was hard dude i did not yeah we got everything in the center there so apparently oh did nobody find more than one vote no that's team's opening purple pandas yeah i was gonna say i thought purple and red opened a few rabbits also there's a decent bit of teams like oh yeah wait we've got two i can only see of course we did two yeah i got two oh i didn't know that i thought we only got one okay no i got red and green i'm pretty sure man oh that was really fun though the pva was we opened two vaults i'm looking in chat right now it's tense so basically you're at spawn putting more sand in like the middle thing so we have more time yeah all right yeah yeah i was doing that the whole time really close we weren't even that far from first but we weren't going to zero man oh wow 400 point gap it was 900 we're getting up there i i feel bad for pete but i also feel bad for his team yeah so unfortunately i feel like i know they practice and stuff oh that sucks cause i mean that's gotta suck like that yeah they're gonna be so demotive oh i feel so bad man that stuff i had people from his chat come over to my channel be like bring it home for pete hey bring it over dude that sucks dude oh my gosh i feel bad that dude internet i know the struggle of internet problems during mcc it happened so much bro winners pause somebody's saying in chat let's go no literally though like um hey sixteenth again i'll take that we take previous mcc's before i switched isps i would laugh all right guys we're eight so right here this is how we're doing personally um i'm eighth out of the 40 players not bad we are pretty close though we're closing the gap on first and second we were like 800 coins behind now we're only like 400 coins behind so like we're really we're close man um and cyan creepers were number one and they fell down to four so feeling pretty confident if i do say so myself this is some we're looking good boys we're looking good it's gonna be nice and spicy let's give some shout outs all right who in here wants to shout out come on there's so many beautiful people in here we gotta give it out baby we gotta yo red panda i love the name also you gave me some motivation there red panda love you handsome zachary come on zachary's plug in the merchandise we gotta give a little shout out tell zachary come on dude taylor give a shout out taylor let's go taylor i like this guy's name creeper enderman i love that youtube name preston you're the best thanks so much anthem and we gotta give a shout out to preset class for being a great mod of the stream come on everybody give a little clap also shout out to magnolia's sister violets let's go guys um hi all right stream i'll be right back all right i'm gonna go while we're lays in here on the beach um we've gotta oh we've actually got a five minute break right now so i can pretty much talk to you guys for a very long time which is pretty amazing because i actually like to have a lot of time where we get a little chat little mono amano so that must mean we're halfway through the games if we're on a break is that what that means uh naomi it's your birthday happy birthday so i haven't eaten anything today so i might really quick look into our kitchen i wish i could like take my camera off and then show you guys like like take you guys around um but i can't sadly so i think i'm gonna look and see if i've got any munchies like i just need like a protein bar or or something along those lines and i will feel so much better man i'll feel so much better because i literally haven't eaten anything in like almost 24 hours you should try to record room sometime in a video or stream it's free oh thank you squid for the game choice man have to look into that and see what it is um so yeah again this is mcc 15 the 15th championship the winner gets the mid the coin it's pretty sick we got all kinds of people in this um currently third place so we're not doing too bad uh but now uh give me give me a second okay let me um let me brb again i need to look for some food all right i'm gonna look for some food real quick don't go anywhere all right take this opportunity to go get some food yourself and go get some water all right so stay hydrated i drink this whole thing so i probably should get some more water in my body we're going to have a little bit of chair pov but don't worry i got a special guest in the chair for you to keep you accompanied it's very original all right there you go boom chair pov hey all right hey don't go anywhere that's right you don't go anywhere i'll be back peace yeah i'm back okay so apparently h bomb is now subbing for people yeah yeah h just jumped in for pete and now i'm a little bit more scared of orange you know what i feel bad they won't win but they might knock they might knock some of the top ranked people down i feel kind of bad because at the start of this i was like oh i need to do better than pete so i can get like because he stole a lot of my records and if i do better than him this mcc he's just been docking him haven't you get like two of them back and it's like well shoot now now it's like i feel bad because he can't even defend those things because i'm playing he's not able to mm-hmm that's that's a bummer thing about that board though is like if you miss an mcc or you don't get selected for it your chance of ever being on that board is pretty minimal yeah well i'm just talking about like the like the coin ones because me and pete were kind of like oh yeah i do really like playing against him and he's uh uh let's see what do we got here all right boom look at that atkins protein bars for the keto boy mr preston um oh dude i'm so excited right now look at that 15 grams of protein look at that boom four grams of carbs shout out to adkins for for giving me the gamer fuel listen man i'm just trying to like stay hydrated okay i'm trying to stay hydrated all right come on guys come on man come on yeah yeah i gotta get that protein sonic i gotta get that pro protein um by the way for any of you guys who don't follow me on socials you guys totally should press it on twitter pressing plays on instagram you know what i'm saying hit that little subscribe button if you ain't subscribed we're doing pretty good i should have titled the stream wonders palm oh dude look at that look at that oh oh wow that is hard okay not as good as i thought it was gonna be maybe i should have just kept fasting well you know you win some and you lose some baby all right wow that one bite took a long time to chew okay well at least we have some food in us all right i know i'm talking through my mouth full i'm hungry okay i gotta get my protein in for uh pete now by the way oh okay dude i said orange is gonna be real good now so he can jump through the holes in the hole in the wall or he could jump through the wall sorry that's all good though it's all good my chats are too soon quick too soon yo what the heck is happening over here it's uh voted twitter voted oh and by the way these are like actual so what they do is they have a thing on their discord where you can actually submit your skin to be in the event so like these aren't just random skins these are actually people who submitted to be like have their skin in there oh it now shows the votes about 42 000 votes well and it's a hole in the wall yep yep we're doing it boys don't worry it's all fine just heads up on this one it's a circle ring they come from all four sides you can fall down the center if it's a slab you can crouch and walk over it uh you do have jump boost so keep that in mind when you're jumping through things because sometimes there's a too high gap you just gotta time it um but there's usually for the first half just play f5 and there's always a space you can just stand in pretty much for like an easy jump i mean uh and everybody else will disappear so you'll just see feet you won't see anything we have a fur all right let's go baby let's do this yeah jessica thank you for being here i had too much caffeine and now i got the nerves and now i'm just like how much did you have i'm just jakey i have no idea all right i've been drinking those like celsius things i love those pre-workouts oh my god they're so good but they're so hard to find they're always out of stock it's uh 200 milligrams oh yeah that's not too bad i drink one of those on stream days and i'm like whoa let's go i can't drink those because i drank two in a day once and then i didn't sleep the entire yeah yeah you got to work out after you got to do something like physical activity afterwards otherwise you're just dead there's no hope yeah and uh flip luckily i mean there's a vitamin shop near me that sells them in bulk so like i was able to get like the boxes of them nice i may or may not dm the guy who does all the pr and he sent me like crates yeah you're a freaking instagram story about it all right here we go boys call them out it's coming from our screen say colors because i'm terrible with north and same why is it what do you call it coordinates i guess uh all right baby all right it could only come from the left or right preston by the way it can't come from behind you it's green again by the way so it can't come from behind you yeah it can only come from the left and right or forwards still green still green okay yep the middle thing will shrink it will shrink it'll get smaller and smaller it's going to see it's gonna purple purple purple purple purple again double purple which one is it yeah it shrinks from the middle out now by the way just you know yellow or green green green green green green hello preston yeah there could be fake ones too there would be fake out walls uh purple i think uh purple purple purple you gotta jump this one nice uh yellow yellow yellow yellow it says lull back quick oh no it doesn't almost says lol oh man this is intense i blew blue speed speed up speed up yellow yellow again yeah if you get stuck s key super quick and i'll get you unstuck oh blue blue blue there we go oh my gosh dude no i swear i jumped i swear i jumped bro i swear it i jumped green green green it's just you quick boys i'm sorry i let the boys down yeah i like the blue green double green okay we still got three more boys in here we should be okay i think so anyways blue blue oh god there's only one uh no just quick is left oh my gosh no i didn't make it oh no i got a lot of people i got a lot so much faster than on the practice server he did you did great well there are too many people that kept winning it i guess i just didn't jump i just didn't jump fast enough or something so my bad oh he's still in there oh i was all olly oh yeah yeah it's just died undy your keyboard hurry yeah it's died one sec i've got spare hurry you got 12 seconds my guy can they pause okay they pause he's getting oh my gosh dude how does your keyboard just die in the middle are you buying dude i don't know he's buying the wally world ones apparently don't go to wally world cup it's a wireless keyboard oh guys we're in ninth ninth oh out of ten i was like wait i'm playing this one so if you need to steal lizzie's keyboard he could take lizzie's keyboard i think he said he has a spare take to steal somebody's keyboard steal dreams oh my god so you guys are playing in f5 mode huh mm-hmm i swear lizzie's one sec yeah he's getting he's ready to hurry you have two minutes you got two minutes wow this is this is some pressure bro it's a suppressor this guy said he's grabbing lizzie's oh my god oh what the heck i can't believe i died on that one i'm sorry boy joel like what kind of keyboards is joel buying like we're all etsy bedazzled ones every mcc his keyboards die man i am terrible with walter oh he spilled water on it joel oh my god jelly you got a minute on my back on behalf of bloom wait for wait for joel to type in the message he's back sorry lizzy thank you for saving joel thanks lizzy this is the tradition it just started going weird what's going on why can't i not click off this joel what kind of keyboards are you buying that's a breakdown again update unplug and replug your orion spot oh oh um all right boys that just means we need to win we gotta do it we might have to do this without you joel cause they said they'll give you two minutes oh no where is it what is it which one is it now what are these can we get some rip joel's keyboard in the chat please i think we're uh not i think we're i think we're struggling right now all right died his team is in first place stop the kj you got to root for me i'm stunned come on don't don't root for dream root for us come on why is it doing that man that's so annoying that you can't false close it oh god they're saying is everybody they're gonna go without you they're gonna go without us wait are we back we might be back oh i hope you're back i'm back come back he's back you can read it okay sorry about that all right five seconds so joel how do you keep breaking keyboards i don't know okay purple purple control stop using wish this is so cool i i've got to get my least favorite game mode for movement and i've got get used to yellow yellow yellow hey it's hey joel it's not the first time i'm i was excited to show my cat to the stream and i've dropped water you need one of those unstoppable cops i'm gonna say that's right please give me your address i'm buying you one oh gosh i'm using lizzie's because my spare is broken keyboard broke purple guys the one i spilled water on no no careful preston yeah green green green green all right we're back though new keyboard knew me believe it i'm sweating so much yellow sorry oh watch it yellow again ah all right you guys got this mutual point do you guys want me to call it out from up top uh if you want to yeah blue blue if like someone isn't looking the right way just let us know or anything like that uh green green green green green nice green again i always try to pay most attention always trying to pay attention to the side closest to you okay you got to go on the edge no i'm not going to make that this one got me last time no oh i made it yes nice dude it's great nice nice nice oh it's just huge this is huge okay green green green someone should jump through the middle blue yes blue there you go blue blue blue blue yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow oh my god i got it nice nice nice fake wall bruh oh my gosh she scared the hell out of me but i think i was jumping off again oh my god okay band stabbed right back in this game everyone else is so close then look at red we're in eighth but we're like yeah 300 points off everyone else okay okay maybe we're not as cracked at this game as we thought right maybe i suck at this game it's my least favorite one yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow double yellow you're just getting used just totally show off on the next one just a different arm rest and everything like my hand feels weird yeah i know that yellow yellow again yellow again again oh my gosh bro i gotta i gotta play uh first person big shout out purple i like to switch between them um oh geez really personal preference like whatever works best for you for aim it's going to be first president you guys call yeah yellow yellow again w double yellow yellow again quadruple nah they didn't want to give us the quad oh maybe they did easy which where'd you go oh it's just oh it's just don't be nervous oh i nearly double jumped off because i thought i'd probably not made it but it's me inside oh yellow yellow yellow it's purple purple yeah yellow yellow oh no it's a fake oh boys dude that that's what got me on that last round yellow again president that's literally what got me last round i'm playing first person mode you all got to start calling this is just ask me to third person yellow again i was the last one to die so i got a bunch of bubbles i'm in i'm in okay good job good luck oh no we'll try and hold a purple yeah call for me call for me yeah hey it's still good dude that was uh that was a doozy and a half man dreams and lives yeah i got i jumped a little early i jumped a little earlier yes okay good i wanna be that guy but we don't need red getting any more points yeah no they're fine they're they're doing okay they're doing it i mean i really don't want oh two people won all right we're not far away from like the top if you look at the scores it's like dang our previous games will be fine yeah we're like a few points away from 600 behind pink was right ahead of us and we're 500 behind them right now so whatever that multiplies to it might be a big distance but we can we can make it up we can make it up we still gotta have i think it's the distance boys we can go the distance i gotta god sapnap dude oh oh look at me yo nina thank you so much let's go for it thank you for the five dollars you're so sweet thank you there was 700 and then we're like 400. this is the last round all right well actually less than a thousand get it right man okay right right we're like we got a good distance between us and purple though so that's good yeah we're doing so good we just keep maintaining like third places like that was some game that like dad you guys didn't even like and it was preston's first time playing and that's one of the harder games so yeah that one is uh that was an interesting one boys oh no i dropped i'm on the 11th now too oh i'm 17th oh no game is so close yeah this uh this mcc has been really close so far this has been so fun yeah oh very good shot i'm painting yeah joel you need to just not you need a sippy cup i need to not have water on the street no water lizzie if you're in my chat still please buy joel a sippy cup today he he needs one of those baby cups that you give to a baby so that way they don't make a mess out of everything the mcc keyboard case i don't oh yeah lizzy can't chat guys i'm trying okay the wall was not kind to me by far that was the worst game i performed definitely writer thank you for the 14 super chat canadian brother that was definitely the worst that we've had so far um but that's okay because if that means you see me at my worst you got to see me at my best something like that oh man yo darker gas game shout out p-dog been watching forever thank you so much bro nick hill thank you so much for the uh super chat says team pack mcc-16 bro that'd be so sick could you imagine it'd be so fun to have like vic myself maybe like me i think like vic myself mitch and rob that'd be like a good pack group in my opinion i hope everybody's gonna stick around until the end man you never know what's gonna happen bro you know we might be able we might be clutching this out for the boys all right we might we might big clutch this out for the boys you have no idea not maddie thank you for the five dollars maddie appreciate the support oh man all right dude get ready guys this is when uh the tater tots are about to get crunched we're on the sixth game there are three games i believe left so we still have a huge chance to get first place we're not out of the running we can do this oh and it's survival games oh made survival games staying way away okay okay new map ah bro i haven't played survival games in so long oh wait someone wait someone on our team got a fox launcher what does that mean throw it at survival games throw the phone oh the fox yeah it'll eat it'll eat everything oh okay people throw hopefully it goes after survival games because i think that'd be funny if we didn't play that what are we going what are we voting for i'm doing an ace race i threw an ace race race i'll launch this fox in a second oh everybody wants ace race everybody wants the race of the agent holy cow oh no did you see a glitch look at him he's munching the chickens oh no it's bleached oh no oh well it's still going to be ice cream chicken with the leaves wait uh it's still it's right anymore all right let's go baby all right we gotta we gotta win this now sid just brought me uh a starbucks pump it up pump it right a rock that's what bree does me every time it's so cringe i love it what did you get from starbucks tell us the order dude i've been loving the matcha green teas that they have oh you like grass i understand [Laughter] all right who's ready coffee is a good one oh man yeah don't worry it's it's got a it's got a cup it's got a top on it don't worry about it i can't spill it oh yeah people in my chat are like he better not spill it no spilling i'm drinking water so far on the little sprint pads the yellow ones with the arrows don't jump across them you'll lose your buff uh use the red and the orange ones are like super jumps and then yeah there's electro parts and there's um parts with the trident on the yellow pad though are you okay know don't jump on yellow just jump onto it but then sprint just right here you can jump on it but if you have speed anything above speed two and sprint jumping is actually slower right if you don't have it yeah if you don't have it you can sprint jump and you're happy don't fly oh dang man so these are the points now first place 400. oh we need them wow that's like dropping off now that's a oh wait oh wait the new bonus oh bonus which bay is best quick is it the exact same what which way is best or is it the exact same i think it's the exact same all right we're just running forward here straight forward in the middle i'm running go right now right you got to go left or right upstairs well i guess there's a jump boost there i don't know how good that is oh everyone's doing that skip that was in the video i'm stupid wait how can you do that now oh i didn't grab a boost i didn't grab a boost though it's fine i can catch up bro this is intense i'm not gonna lie yeah there's a lot of people us the trident will glitch oh my god the trident's glitching out on me boys come on man bro why is no okay there we go i just got to get my distance on people dang it damn sorry you heard nothing bro oh my gosh dude this freaking trident i need to make some pizzas cool oh no i tried in what i didn't need to try to this is so tough bro on yes you love to see it oh you can go forward no that's not good nice oh i messed up we're going we're going to do the shortcuts yeah i'm doing it same thing i got it oh shoot i'm at the land thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh go go go go go yes oh god come on dude this is so pumped captain sparkles get out of here you can't talk to the captain i'll put it back here i can't i just did it all the way back here oh no freaking lucky man yeah i have no idea how what what what what i'm doing come on come on come on yes oh i need to i need to copy people otherwise i don't know where to go frick that's the wrong way it just sent me back like three places i went from 26th to 40th no and lucky man okay nice nice nice nice nice oh no i messed it up i messed up the checkpoint so you go from here i didn't get it either oh my goodness gracious dude it's so high you don't know where to go you don't know where to go just follow the arrows just next to dream oh my gosh oh that was smart of her fast she big brained me okay that's fine that water is one the next lap boys it only gets easier from here on out yeah i probably should have looked at that shortcut and study that a little bit better huh come on nice nice nice nice i got lice oh oh look at these pockets i did the shortcut dude these oh everyone's going to use this shortcut i gotten launched out of the water for my trident oh my god i hate these tridents dude they're so leggy this is going so poorly dude i'm just gonna we're just gonna take it slow oh my god what position you quick i'm tenth i'm struggling uh looking keep going keep going you got this yeah go quickly oh my gosh who's that coming past me the quirkiness scott cross it's scott oh focus i think i missed a checkpoint the first time and it just totally messed me up somehow no i feel i feel that you in now i have a 36 now what the you can do keep keep going you go let me go i'm going i'm racing with shelby right now like 30th it ain't looking pretty boys all right don't worry i feel like i'm being laughed right now and i hate it i did the shortcut yes nice wait you did the one at the end yeah pop off quick pop off my guy i'm in fifth now oh i keep missing it man i actually got it i'm in 13 for that moment or 12th wait ninth hey don't sweat it don't sweat it tony don't sweat it oh gosh yeah you got to be really careful where do you jump huh um man this is so much harder than it looks too it's it's hard dude it's rough rough dubba no just listen to me please big knife big dive big dive boys big dive nice all right we go dip and then we go oh okay all right better i'm right behind calum go dude go i can't believe i'm in 30th oh god come on how many people use the shortcut there's got to be a tremendous amount of people cut that's got to be the big the big moment for a lot of people nice get him get him get his get him buddy get him oh please please please okay you can do this nice get out of here orion no i always messed that one up man i'm like oh my god i think i'm going to watch third at this point really yeah i'm guaranteed third all right yo you must have skipped a load of places with that yeah you had quake you did some skipper doodles there we go nice good job koi good job illumina and puns beat me i'm not too mad about that no jasel definitely was a minute 39 what oh come on oh my god i need this all right are you free oh no there's a whole bunch of you just stuck in this pool dude try to get me up there what's going on come on there you go flip nice there we go i got i got oh no i'm stuck in the trident glitch i got 50. you got this i can't see anything boys no no no jump oh joe you finished yeah i got 15th it's not bad hey that's not bad good stuff bro that's really freaking good preston and flippa right next to each other you guys are nearing the end i think are you guys ready for second lap last slap okay okay i'm not that bad you're probably like what position are you open oh it's tough bro it's tough that's all good being quick got their top ten top twenty apparently oh dream i was dude i was literally fine i was kicking butt i was 26 and then i got reset to 40th i guess i think james did you see that stream jack that from trouble i just jacked that oh my gosh 36. you finished you finished i literally just like i'm really hot oh that was good that was good nuts i did not realize like that's is everyone doing who's not done connor right is that the only person i wonder if i have the fastest laptop because i managed to do that skip okay so can you teach are we doing this one again or no no that's it for now okay a few more games left two more games after this right i was like i need to learn that skip because like my best lap was two minutes fifteen minutes that's not bad that's not bad yeah it's not bad at all no but like you're one thirty nine foot quick oh i might i can do the elytra skip and i'm not blaming well i did i made it to both of them in that run that's why yeah i just did one now those skips are so big holy cow dude dude this especially the one where you go through the start you skip the entire beginning area that's right how did you do that i mean guys we're we're going to get fourth no matter what in this so that's not bad that's not bad that's not bad wait who's the head who's number one right now purple and yellow yellow is because it's callum and puns they they both popped off no but in the actual leaderboard who's oh i i forgot i think or and someone else i forgot who it was is it green i think it's green and they came quite a lot lower but yo dude okay illumina's big number one all right this is definitely not regular parkour something i'm a little bit new to uh and apparently there were some skipper doodles that we did not know about it was on a need to know basis and apparently i did not need to know a little disappointed but you know it's okay it's okay we're we're gonna get it next time we're gonna get a next time uh dang it man yo drew thanks for the support homie nothing but love bro nothing but love about 3.5 million subscribers aren't watching i know edgar what's going on huh oh man that was tough i really wanted to get like top 10 but i just don't think i understand the mechanics of this map enough uh but we'll get it next time don't worry next mcc we will absolutely crush it okay am i doing the next mcc dude i hope i can if i get invited i really really want to it's like so much fun dude life's too short not to be positive man miro says love that you're positive you gotta do it dude you gotta do it man how's everybody doing today give me let me know how you're doing by putting an emoji just one in the chat maybe two maybe two but i kind of want to know how you're doing by that just that that one emoji shirley been watching for five years thank you so much shirley you rock any longtime viewers i got nothing but mad respect for obviously you know i love the new people too but you know when you got some ogs in here you can't help but feel love for them like preset class has been around for like four years five years like it's pretty dope man it's pretty dope all right so fourth place not not ideal um quick did get third which is pretty good but purple and yellow i don't think purple pandas were very high in the rankings so i think that's okay wow yeah look at that timing i did not do very good quick beat me by a minute what six a minute 17 or something like that um oh my gosh okay we went from third to fifth but not by much i mean seriously we're really not that far behind like look at how close everybody's teams are so we might be in fifth but we're 150 coins behind red um and like in total like a little bit over a thousand coins to beat pink parrots as long as pink parrots don't do well in this next one and we do decent i think we can honestly make a huge comeback here i really do also faith thanks for the five bucks appreciate you faith i think we could do this it just depends on what the next like last few games are so because that's a tough thing man like i haven't played like what is tg suave right like i gotta figure out what these next couple of games are and then like survival games i feel like i could do decent on i feel like survival games i could i could slap but big sales at build mart i don't even know what to do with that hey mr whipple's is that is that really rob if it is i gave him a gaming moderator rob i love you rob we were talking about we need to do a pack mcc next it should be you me vic and like like mitch or something like that like that'd be so much fun you've been a fan since elementary school not maddie you are a legend i can't believe you've been a fan for that long that's crazy thank you maddie well technically not maddie oh guys guess who texted me kenny texted me and he goes oh let me let me let me get rid of this he goes uh this is you better win this hole in the oh my gosh stop it kenny goes you better win this i just keep watching you lose the whole the hole in the wall was our our slip-up moment right like that's definitely the slip-up moment mystery 675 five boxes i'm watching you all at work that's how committed i am yo miss 3675 you're a legend goddess of chickens thank you for believing in me i like to think i kind of believe in myself too i'm one of your favorite keyboards your teammate should have a waterproof keyboard i know right spills water on it not very poggies okay we're gonna meet real quick guys we're gonna see what uh what the team wants to root for second to last second and last base this is such a close mcc holy cow i think it's in for sure but like it's anybody's game pretty much between we can we need to try and get build battle and even cyan could come back all right so you guys what is big sales of big mart it's built battle bart it's kind of like where you have to run through a mall and go collect all your materials should we go survival games what do you guys want to do i think goldman would be better for our team yeah yeah what's our game tg you start one side of the map and you have to get over to the other and you can like it's a bunch of mini races yeah oh false is trying to get things out of survival games good job no i missed my chicken oh much look at that fox literally eating a piece of the wall oh my chicken's falling all the way down oh i think it's gonna be that might boost us to top two i think we get both as our last game i think i'm not the best at this one i'm my ninth place are you really oh dude i used to be there preston this is the one where you have to hit the fan in the pit remember everybody you have to just when you get down there it's going to start with terror even if you think it's a player just still swing just swing at anybody okay at the end all right all i've learned about this one is follow green and you can get top once you've reached the other side you'll need to place a live fan this is like the course this first one pressing is all elytra you're just going straight but there's lots of stuff in the way so just try and like not hit anything because if you hit anything you basically just lose momentum and if you're at the ground you're out you've got to start from the start again there's also there's also six rods of this they're all different maps yeah this is the only electrolyte okay we can do this hey hey we can do this that rotates because yeah and then there's also the rocket split version but then there's also that one where you've like build up an electro over yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no no i'm feeling this guys i'm feeling this thank you for the five thank you for the five dollars missed your fan games i've been hanging with kenny and twitter you got my to check my mail apparently faith but faith have a great rest of your day though appreciate you pretty sick all right here we go here we go here we go on the right by the way at the start preston yeah there's some glass so be careful of the glass it's gray and it's horrible be careful of it that's what i'm going to say you might hit into it jump straight down yeah you're turning it off activate you need to activate your light just spam spacebar oh boy are you guys playing in uh third person uh [Music] how do you know where to go with their arrows it's just straight it's just straight [Music] oh boy oh boy oh boy oh no oh boy i did not practice this tunnel at all oh i can't see there's someone inside me oh no oh we're trying to catch him we're trying to go trying to go come on come on yeah i might whoa all right cool cool i got ten oh my god i haven't even done it if the entire team finishes before the other teams so i managed to i hit something and i didn't die but it just slowed me down but i just kept yeah yeah i did that and i swear i was very early i hit a stupid leaf so i just dipped down and restarted my momentum hey dude this this is good though if pink parrots like oh this is what we need this is what we need hey that was a big value jesus guys that was big value good that's a good first win good first round preston really that's probably the hardest one to come back never played yeah that was my first time on this map too i've never done it was that nice i like this guy like a lightning claw he's got that he's got the president on his face oh no this one is get across yeah yeah you kind of it's probably easier to follow someone on this one so can you you can also hit people you can hit people and knock them off and they can do the same to you okay so what's the strategy just build yeah you want to burn berries that's possible yeah fruit berries just really good at this all right i don't even know how to do any of this you gotta hear you freaking the root sandstormers all right i'm going to gosh there's just so much mess going over here get out of here jack manifold go fold some mayonnaise all right i'm going in i'm going in and he's saying this person this person wants me you want me you want me yellow that's right stay away from me oh i don't know how to speed bridge oh i shouldn't have done that that was a bad move on my part okay i got fourth i got fourth that wasn't that nice all right that's fine that's fine thanks buddy thanks buddy i got tenth oh nice you got this guys come on just jump just jump you might as well reset really i don't know if it's worth i don't know if it's worth bridging all the way up frick okay i don't know it might have been i'm like big big big bad now but now you have a full bridge over is the thing yeah you're clear on that all the way up and i think you got it just bridge just bridge from there that's best yeah build up oh wait there's okay there's three seconds left you got it for if you got this you got this person nice guys good job yeah that's good that's good you did well okay pink parrots oh oh my god bro pink bear it's my guy yeah they got first individual on that one for the whole team wait did they get first overall just went all the way up and it's just going across the top that is such a good idea my boy dang pink parrots all right pinkies i i knocked quackity off i can't believe that oh this one's another cross one oh let's go straight it's a short map all right go straight baby yep get ready oh my gosh this is so intense bro get it get it get it get it all right that's perfect okay all right let's just keep all right i'm gonna go i'm going low i'm going low the hell screw you why would you hit me i got tenth again nope my mouse is working no no i got 19. someone hit me off on my damn bridge nice con flip uh aqua just got first team what did i get i think dream hit me off god damn you paid him into it i was trying to get him in the middle oh yeah i couldn't stop him at that point i was just trying to wait did i figure it out oh my god we're still second we're still doing well oh what did it say i finished it's not saying god my mouth my mouse work in a place block so i i was so close okay okay we're bringing the best screen second we're doing pretty good yeah we're not that far away from first we can still yeah and like give it first and there are holes on the far side of this big water wall so you have to go up and then you have to float downwards and go through a hole there's gonna be ice yeah if you hit the ice you're just dead i know baby fix it so you're not dead anymore it's obviously there's a catch yeah it catches you and you can go back up oh the track trident trident say hey hey i'm hitting everybody bro behave trident who hit me i'm definitely hitting people and it's not intentional oh god i'm on the i go okay oh there we destroyed that one good job boys oh man i know this is fun the trident's just really hard yeah it's because you like hit people and it bounces you back and yeah i hate if they could stop if they could figure out some way to fix that my frustration of mcc would be so much lower because of how minecraft's made there's no way there's yeah there's no way unless it's like we've got nice oh wait oh really really that like literally the only way is they would have to hide every single player that would be because of how minecraft works everybody be in their own little thing no who just missed that off oh and sadly they can't even make it just hide the people around you because of how fast you move with the trident the server can't keep up with it and it would you would still hit people ah poor run oh wait did he not finish come on let's go guys let's go no no fall damage jumping can get you super far oh you don't get that be prepared for people to jump on top of you and knock you that's it's a very common here let's go baby to the bottom all right thanks for the kill scott i win oh thanks for the boost oh no oh i just got i got the perfect boost by somebody and then i i wasted it no god damn it i got funny and nobody i i hate when people just hit each other i wish we could all just go people could just agree on going god bless america yes all right come on get him all right sixth place six minutes no i just fell off i did something go boys go go go go go go go go go we got eleven i'm not gonna finish guys i'm like well i will finish just a bit slow joel joel if you finish right now we can get it i don't think our whole team's finished yet there's cyan first okay that's okay science far behind yeah well they're in third now but you know oh yeah joel get a joke get a joke come back come back up come back somebody punched me at the beginning yeah i got punched off right i was really ahead i feel like if you're ahead in this one it screws you over because like i was right at the front and this one's kind of like punching me i'm trying to bridge like and everything and like someone just hits you off and it's like bro just let me bridge it we can both get good places i got the big boost and i was so close oh i i'm very happy that i did get fundy there though he was hitting me like crazy beautiful battle i knocked him off and i went on to win i feel like we're you have to bounce yourself off those targets that are hanging on the wall okay it's such a weird map [Music] why are people rocking in here stop it i just fell already i messed up oh come on oh i just saved myself no i've probably as well so guys it's gonna be horrible now oh god like one time no one finished this like teams no tv oh my god you gotta wait for those rocks oh my god dang it didn't affect other players in this like it only affects your rockets only affect you oh my god i found them oh no oh wait i didn't know no ah frick oh my god somebody keeps rocking on top of me he keeps knocking me back downwards oh this is so bad this one sucks dude no come on i got ninth nice dude that was hard dude that was hard yeah this map is the worst uh that was that was really hard my least favorite no i heard all right why does this get revealed i'm using the bathroom boys okay oh i'm so close i'm not gonna make it though oh am i no i don't think she just we are second by a decent bit though yeah shelby and i literally killed each other quick we just neither shelby or i would move to the side so we just kept knocking each other down and neither of us finished yeah oh that's frustrating dude well i wish like the rockets only affect the player who shot them but yeah i hate that is to make it more difficult i feel like this is the one where most people don't finish all right if we get bills not now guys last game yeah well we were saying oh yeah we are second overall yeah let's go we get built now let's get try let's try and get build map all right how would you do how would you we're second right now we are second we're second in the tournament yep yeah yeah we just need to make it in so we need to get set can we need to keep this position oh my god it's probably going to be survival games or drop drop praise crazy i don't know but drop it for please build mart let's go great build mart guys second place in the first ever mcc tournament we are doing a great job it's thanks to everybody or survival games pretty much right this is insane you guys are literally giving me so much motivation you guys rock tom ken thank you so much eliza thank you i love the face elijah you missed the egg wars dude i love that gorez man but there's too many hackers it sucks now but it's so fun though it's so fun i'm the best in the world okay maybe not quite but you know i'm working my way up there working my way up there let's get some fire emojis eh just not too many because you'll get blocked for spam but just like a couple all right like a couple of fire emojis not maddie with another super chat says we can win let's go maddie so how it works is that the top two teams actually go into a head-to-head for the championship so if we're in the top two that's good um we don't have to be number one in order to go to like the finals this is pretty much like the semifinals and if we can be top two we'll go to the finals against probably the pink parrots maybe maybe red or yellow it just depends right on how we perform in this last one but i do hope it's survival games because i i just never played the build mart game and so i don't literally have no idea how that one works you know so i'm a little bit like you know is that one going to be good i don't know but i love these fire emojis guys hey it looks like if you do any more than like five fire emojis it gets blocked for spam so just do like less than five i want you guys to get like timed out by the automatic timer on youtube chat you know what i'm saying all right let's go guys this is a big moment this is decision let me know do you guys want to do survival games or build mart let me know in the comments i'm really thinking survival games though we're doing one of their own one survival gold mark guys billboard build not build build mart i am trash a building oh my egg who dropped i didn't know you could actually drop the egg a spamming keyboard who's pvp oh throw them i'm gonna still wait just in case is this sticky oh somebody's shooting yeah sticky does not wherever you go phil come on build that looks possible at the moment oh there's a lot of eggs going for survival games oh they've gone over it all right survivors no it's survival games okay survival games we just need to live until the very end it's hunger games look at the fox hold up it's not cool do something you're useless kill the chickens don't take battles off the start we gotta run and just get loot because if you stay alive till the very end it is so good yeah the map points you get do you get a lot of points just for surviving yes yes kills are prime for sure but you can get a bit off surviving too yeah but you're surviving so much more than five kills oh i'll catch up to you guys this has been fantastic it's a new map if you're a new viewer that's good people let me know by just putting out one in the chat and if you're an og viewer put a two i'm just curious you know i'm curious yeah so you guys you guys run out i'm going to loot a chest at the start there's actually quite a bit of old people in here okay and yeah i think that's more important because you guys will get more stuff i'm only confident in the middle because i know i can loot a chest faster than most people here yep okay oh this is going to be good boys coins every time another player dies and you're still alive hundred for eliminations hundred for surviving yeah so we just we're just not going to cornucopia why don't you guys grab those two chests next to the yellow and i can go to the one that's like with the flag wait i can't see okay yeah yeah yeah there's two chests on a little hill you're going for those yeah yeah the one on this one yeah they're a little bit bigger with us this way so be careful who is yeah okay i get this chest boys i might not be able to make it to those that i want to go to maybe i can i got some armor for people i got a chest plate for someone i got i got i've got an axe and a golden apple i got iron axe i got some cakes i got a crossbow but i have no arrows press and press and take that press press take it try not to split up oh here joe take this wait i've got some legs someone take i need legs here's the chest piece anybody need yeah quick throwing on you okay iron chest piece on you yo so who uh pressing have those legs wait take this oh that's flip one second i didn't get legs i think it legs quick who got the legs over here more chests over here you guys want to go this way yeah hold on go over to preston because uh actually no we probably stay away from it i got a bunch of cobwebs i got a bunch of cobwebs and stuff okay fruitbreakers they don't get any legs impression take this take this leg's right there thank you oh i i need i need your fingers got the legs i'll take it okay loads of arrows i got a bunch here's here's pumpkin pie you got the legs yeah yeah yeah i've got them oh yeah they're sorry there take them sorry thank you leather chest piece ooh arrows does anyone need a sword i need you i need a chest piece oh hell no there's leather at least leather on the thing yeah i got a bunch of cakes and uh tnt and stuff so i would love if we could have two people in full iron we need to look for full i've got another yeah i need a helmet where are you at uh i've seen this laurie over here you're really far from us i'm checking this boat i'm checking this boat yo guys let's turn over flips do you want to swap armor uh yeah what do you need uh i need chess players you need so you need chess piece all right yeah i'll get you a thorn's street the bard is coming in soon yeah i'm coming up stop stop coming over here we need to all be close we can't yeah yeah i just i was looking for teams and i didn't see anybody so i was like all right i can get this here quick uh trade trade trade question where are you okay take this take golden apple uh here flip do you want to push on farming yeah i got i got three you know we gotta take it okay i got this one here that's where people try i could take an iron sword okay i haven't stolen one right now the farmer's crossbow what i don't know if it's that i think it's just the name i'm gonna guess are you guys gonna keep moving the car you're right right here team right here okay oh yeah maybe you squeeze them it's uh green well let's see let's not go too no no no no no no no that's right don't want to be cleaned up that's the worst part is getting cleaned up in this game should we try to get height can we build or like parkour and trees you can't build hey uh cyan's following us science following us okay we got wrong they say do we gotta stay together yeah can we get like on top of a mountain maybe oh i guess you don't want the highest quarter and thirty order and thirty chest hair oh whatever mind let's just keep going let's keep going they're not following us anymore it doesn't look like right here two boys there's a person to our left ollie's to our left hey we're being paul we're being followed we're being followed quick run just run up the street just run up the street we can't fight anyone right now but they don't they're only free i know but still i don't want to fight because they're shooting they're shooting they're shooting yes they're already being followed i don't want to be cleaned what do you guys want to go up to yep yep yep all right border shrinking oh they're they're following they're shooting me i know oh they stayed they said they let up they load up oh red team's over here too right let's go to the right forest let's go and let's go all right let's get up high boys yeah should we sneak should we like sneak should we death dot and sneak like runescape oh that'd not be a terrible idea then people can't see where we are yeah you guys want to we could find just oh air block our air drop air drop five blocks i think we should fall down that's already looted by okay it's already looted by amp frost hey there's an iron chest plate on the ground right here right here [Music] yeah follow me follow me joel i have a do you need a just general are you got leather we are being sandwiched we were being sandwiched keep following me just keep following me yeah i'll get into arizona just keep running let those teams collide when chasing us ollie's down and they're getting close boys they're getting close yeah just gotta keep going keep running keep going got one on one it fills up yeah man yeah you got some they got some good accuracy keep running keep running yeah just keep running don't fight you're gonna waste their arrows anyways quick and i are pretty far ahead of you guys they are they are following they going for a bow shot oh my gosh behind where are we going quick i'm just following you man i'm just trying straight i'm just gonna trying to run them smack that down i think i think they're leaving us okay they're looting joel right now oh we got a team in front we should shift we should shift in this house or something more uh all right over here iron axe i don't want an axe when we place the put the tnt down does it just explode this door the gate yeah it does yo watch out there's people coming to this house they might come in here damage them sandwich them and frost might come in here because they don't know we're in here right now oh yeah get ready wait for them they're inside they're inside they're inside right they're coming i don't know we're in here we can jump up get him get him there get him he said frost is one shot he's dead nice job nice drive are you kidding me two potions oh my god you guys got this it's just you me man i'm taking my oh watch out behind us who we got hey do you need any iron you got full iron yeah i'm good yo by the way two instant damage pots yeah watch out for the iron purse you can shift yeah yeah you got these two guys coming bogeys i'm gonna drink this with this potion okay i think he's looking like something they know you're in there it's wisp he's just sitting on the outside they're waiting for you to come in you guys have lava but you can place lava by the way so all my body there was a lava bucket i don't know i got it i got i picked it up i picked it up and but two instant damage pots will instantly kill a full iron person they're coming in that's what five pup did to me oh watch out scott is on okay i'm just making sure no we can't shoot over the dang bodies they're blocking shots all right whispers getting rushed by yellow well they might be running away we have the high ground boys oh yellow's coming yeah just just hide just highlighted hide don't yeah just stay shifted my heart rate man my heart right they're coming in sparkles and all them worst comes [Music] i got it okay let's go let's go uh they're coming to this team they're trying to cut you off back in back in well no no you need to get out of there yeah let's go follow me cyan just run just try and stay alive just run uh just keep running keep swimming keep swimming just keeps right behind me you might be able to get away if you keep running i'm one shot range on a bow right now all right just keep you go they they're they're chasing they're just keep running just keep running up and chase press and just run yeah then you can get away oh there's a whole team up here [Music] yeah we gotta keep my heaviest range of full teams go under the bridge go the other way go the other way yeah no no no go oh i'm down i'm done no you're getting cut off preston you're being cut off oh wait that's up to mid okay oh yeah i was trying to throw our team all right you can fight whatever price come on buddy buddy leave me alone it's oh you got three on you nice just keep going they're [ __ ] each other you're good you're safe you're safe nobody's falling nobody's falling they stopped okay you got five people to your to that right of that mountain right up the hill you got yo there's eight people around you right now you just need to stay alive oh wait oh you're coming up oh okay oh yeah go go go that way oh everywhere now oh nice he's nice good good good good yo heel you eat eat something eat eat on your toes above your doubles right above your lucky man and look here boys are well despised that was pretty good oh my gosh red rabbits are just dominating the final yeah yellow is right behind us they were third and then i think we're going to be cleared maybe yeah we're not making it do you do this i think it might be far for something oh well we did pretty well still crescent not bad for your first time ah dang it dude if i could have just been better at hole in the wall i think i think we would have been in the lead my bad boys all right sorry no worries i'm just so upset about those potions i know i know you forget how much damage like harming potions do i know but it's the fact that i'm pretty sure he also basically killed himself with them this is amazing off even more wow what a what a psycho fest right now man dude you're doing pretty well there look at the point yeah oh tommy's tommy's trying everything getting him all right he's gonna clean up red team's gonna clean up get him green kill dream again oh my gosh dude so many points oh nothing i've ever seen dream lose this game i don't think i've ever seen this game green killed him wow that's true yeah get knocked out the top 10 as well because my points are terrible yeah i might be knocked off dude i'm going to be low now i'm definitely not top then that that's your friend oh fourth boys fourth place oh that's a big drop two we were within 500 points of them yeah yeah wow being lucky knocked out as well wait where did captain sparkles come what team was he yellow yeah that's they're not dating where am i oh captain sparkles is in the finals oh man this is gonna be so hype the final duel [Music] to get into the top 10. god i'm not happy if i had lasted like 10 more seconds oh my god dude if i just didn't get by those pots i think we wasn't first of all we were pink was in first we were in second going into that game and neither was the top two anymore so rival games just determined it oh i feel like survival games is searched like a 50 50 of whether we're going to do well or not yeah yeah it's just that survival games for me is like the most that i'm just like i can't do it yeah travel games you just know certain people are gonna do well and it's yeah it's a boot there's like 10 people who it's a big boost for them all right so we're all green yeah i finished 12th i think we got to go yellow you got 12 preston nice what points did you get what is how many 2 236 oh you're 10 behind me and i got 11. oh this would be pretty close up though oh i can't wait to watch this it's gonna be so fun oh dodgeball best of five yep oh this is good i love this game this is a good game oh this is gonna be so good man yo noah fought you just sub thank you so much for subbing my handsome man appreciate you hey hope you guys enjoyed the stream so far we got fourth place first mcc tournament we were aiming for top five wow that is a joke not bad for no sleep and just getting off the plane and coming straight to the office and getting the stream done i'm happy with how it came out to be honest like i i think it i think it came out to be a pretty good situation if i'm gonna be honest with you all right come on that sapnap dream team is so insanely powerful especially they were not doing that great until that though they were like sick for something because they're a pvp team and survival games winning is why they won yeah it was built these rankings would have been so different with billboard it built now it is what it is and so pink i reckon so is this really just like two like snowballs at each other is that it arrows yeah arrows both bows and arrows there's one there's two arrows in total and after you shoot the other side gets the arrow right you get you get your merch on if you want to support a team by the way they don't do the banners anymore oh that's hilarious yo you little think from fingers do you really where's that head if you look back here the support munch it's around the back of where the teams are placed oh that's sick come on yellow captain sparkles has played every event by the way preston and never would so this would be so hype he's gotta be here he's been in third in almost every event he's taken he's played consistency they're looking they're looking they're looking oh that was very off a single person rooting for red by the way apart from one one admin two people one of them dream is true nice everybody this is too funny come on captain come on captain i'm liking this look at this he's getting close let's go captain i mean they really need to get dream out and then sap nap and then what oh no no oh oh sabnab gets both the arrows they let dream take them both last time oh he missed it that's one oh this is intense dude this is intense stream have you ever seen something this intense for the finale this is crazy i really want the yellow team to win by the way i want fresh in case you don't know nice there we go two on three boys let's come on come on you can do it bud come on there we go i mean could he just strong arm over here and just hold him and not let him get the arrows he can get an arrow well yeah i guess yeah he could i mean dude because if he steps on that oh no dream's got two that's not good i've been nervous guys i'm not even playing if dream is just one they have a chance oh no oh come on clutch it oh my god only silvie cheering that was crazy it's literally only sylvia i could see you with a red that's that's everybody wants everyone oh wilbur changed go go go yeah go come on everybody wants captain to finally get his win if they can just get like a nice limb at the beginning this would be so big yeah come on puns i think you can take this puns you play valorent we know you got it in you aim is not that good today yeah well they're giving them a tap oh my god oh no oh that's rough buttons as well they got both errors come on jack that practice server oh oh no come on callum come on come on how many times have you practiced this we know you've played this a million times this is too much for my little heart you think it's bad watching when you are in here it is the worst it is i bet it is horrible well joel had even worse he was going against his wife yeah it's true you really didn't sleep after no i slept on the stove after that one oh come backable it's come backable it is that's a miss come on check manifold hi jack with a big comeback come on yeah believe has to hit one here he has to come on come on boy yes nice good hit go to hit don't get tricked oh no all they're getting oh they're live these before against me never mind not today come on boys it's a 2-0 lead boys i think we got to switch teams come on i feel like the last event was a reverse sweep i feel like they've been lots of reverse sweep i gotta switch teams no you no glory [Laughter] we stick with yellow till the end go dream i don't know depending if they land the first shot again i might also have to switch listen if i'm bad i might be bad luck for the red team okay that's true come on come on you yackers oh my gosh dude it's just dancing at this point i'm nervous for them yeah i'm not even like we got the arrows super safe now because yellow well you gotta i feel like you can't really wait forever because they're just dreams gonna aim and watch well i mean they want to try and have both errors though they want the advantage oh no no he sucks he really really really i do this is just it puns a shot yeah puns needs to be come on puns hear the sharp puns come on jack oh jack no oh here we go there we go two arrows to the red team now they just got if they get a dream out they got a chance but if he's in here oh nice nice that's a that's amazing they're all groovy he's going just that's not all yeah frank i think they have an order wait for the arrow okay jack yeah they're watching are they giving it taking both i know no jack's got one he just walked across the line come on jack come on come on get dream hit him come on calum the reverse oh no no oh no that's that's dunzo this will be better than oh my clutch if he pulls it off he might just get shot here he keeps going across the line oh look at yellow well done red gg geez red rabbits oh man oh poor captain sparkles man another lost first time with these guys so i don't think the dream team should team anymore definitely not dude the title games is it oh dream team should not be able to play survival games this is what we're seeing so they weren't doing that hot and then survival games came up and uh that was good ggs i'll go wrap it up with my chat i love you boys it was a good game stream that was nothing but an emotional roller coaster the entire way through um we were first place after the first game second place after the second game i think we basically stayed in top three almost the entire time until the last survival games and i actually did really good in the survival games i got over a thousand points for the team uh but we just lost too many people early on it was a little bit unfortunate but it was so much fun okay this will definitely not be my last mcc i just want to say a big thank you to all the new viewers everybody who subbed left a like on the stream i'll most likely keep the bot up if you guys want to keep watching and yeah look out for mcc 16 who knows what team i'm going to be on who knows what the team name is going to be maybe we'll get the yellow yaks we don't even know but we did come in at 12th as well which i feel like for our first event is not bad i was wanting a top 10 personal and then a top five team so we got the top top four team and then 12th place on event coin so we will eventually make that come back like shaq i promise you we'll make it happen but your boy p dog hasn't slept all day took a flight needs to get some food skadoodles in them so yeah guys that was a blast everybody who tuned in you know i ain't got nothing but love for everybody uh make sure you guys go join the discord too preston go follow me on twitter preston and then prestonplays on the instagram and i will see you guys in the next video or live stream god bless and see you all next time oh that was fun
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 5,320,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new, preston, prestonplayz, preston playz, minecraft prison, minecraft but, mcc, mcc 15, dream, tommyinnit, quackity, technoblade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 53sec (11753 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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