TWO PRO'S VS NOOBS! - Minecraft BEDWARS with PrestonPlayz

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ladies and gentlemen everybody welcome yourself right now to the livestream Wall Street why you looking so down look up Bobby looking down now you're looking inside my brain I know get back here get out of here no oh my gosh and this time things are working they're not broken guys we're almost into the hot spot man I mean like wouldn't is everybody here get out for holiday break comment down below let us know I know it's coming up fairly soon school dude you know I like you know me yeah may may what the heck I know that's what I was saying like you already graduated don't make it don't make a wall street's making a weird ladies and gentlemen this is supposed to be noobs versus pros but I think it's really like one pro with the new vs. a bunch of news that's kind of what's going down no you are not ladies and gentlemen if you think Wall Street's the pro I don't know leave no don't even Lee nobody's gonna leave a like if they think you're the produce of the pro you are not the prop it can't even be true I can't even entertain the idea walls me that you'd be a pro like get out of here I mean are you even wearing a fire Merkel Street uh actually yes I'm wearing your hat are you wearing my hat I got I know we keep in our bag white tees whoa TVR fragging okay this man is T being off rag whitey ladies and gentlemen if you enjoyed the stream the spawn would like to see more bed Wars continue into the holiday season do not forget to a de la bonne down below and subscribe to our channels and let me also go ahead and just say Wall Street you're a big new back yes it new I'm pressing I've been thinking we shall like a Christmas tree decoration for our bed oh excuse me a for our bed defense with Christmas know a crib a war our like for our bed for all full what about Ashton or Wow Wall Street you didn't even think about me guys didn't even think about me I celebrate Christmas you don't love me is that what it is come on have you lost your love for me already dude I mean you found womb and are you found a new cactus didn't you if I do go did you wrap T&D does my man God does my man my man has got some tin tea he's going in hot handed dude remember the last time we did new versus bro guys last time I ever did a new vs. Pro and it got 5 million views on the okay he's coming no no put the green guy no but the green guy's okay oh sorry oh I'm sorry it's hard to chill okay what do you wait race a Wall Street where'd he go what I'm literally right no where did he go him yeah he was never on our bridge but no he was he ran back Wall Street wait this is a Babel emanated no they have one dude I was freaking out for a second man I was like where he had Oh yo watch her bad dude I'm gonna get I'm gonna get us enough emeralds so we can so we can get back over there some diamond you know Wall Street what do you think is your favorite bed topper I'm seeing quite a lot of men toppers right now I like this slime one it's so beautiful but yeah yeah have you seen it it looks so cool I have not seen I liked this lime one we just have a lame house oh my god Rica oh if I die this pink eye Wall Street where but loser eight emeralds but I'm too bad oh my god there's oh no Wall Street I died with Aidan doodie head sharpen one swords weren't good I actually am bad like we just lost our basically had a free defense right there protection oh my gosh and that just happened live on camera that wasn't very thing crop one I'm gonna get me some armor and I'm gonna get me some what yeah that gracious great let's go good dogie bet boss we don't forget you or a new I need a slot I gotta go get revenge I gotta go get revenge guys they'll give me some L on the chance I deserve that I deserve themselves I'd give me an L super chat actually I would take an L on the super chat you know what I mean oh no don't you dare deposit those emeralds no he deposited them it's okay I'm robbing them I'm robbing him blind I took some of their stuff destroy their home I took some of their stuff I robbed them but they conveyed I think he just deposited emeralds you're a monster you only won because you're sharp and sword you piece of garbage going blue we don't have a lot of Defense literally across the gap watch at which I was shot which I got people on our better what I mean we about to have some people on our bed dog I'm about to get I think it okay you just had a lot of emerald spawn that's a good thing alright if I can collect these will actually have the eight that we need we're about to have 10,000 viewers I'm not prepared to fail in front of 10,000 viewers the pink guy comes back again and gosh I'm not a dog to get sharpened swords bro right is saucin saucin saucin right now South Sudan my body I'm glossing I mean oh dude oh oh all grass whistles okay Oh Wall Street don't you die hey dude oh I got a pink eye or I'm I'm not oh I had two hearts Wall Street your aid too old too hard for a huge man Wall Street I had this was actually no I'll actually I will I will take the L for this on friend how do i do friend request toggle is there a way to toggle this Oh slash privacy yeah there we go I think I just did is coming over Oh somebody's shooting them what's them across oh gosh I'll see back up back up dude over here somebody watch me watch out watch out like nothing man they got nothing man this is so unfortunate no well see this is what we do now alright so we basically have to become like essentially the Mafia all right we have now become we become we become mop you know a mafia is not invisible we have to become absolute tanks right now oh let me see let me get maniac tanks I'm gonna go get some more diamonds I'm gonna get some is oh gosh 10,000 viewers thank you home watching the stream you know it's been a long time since we had 20,000 viewers it's a school night and later I saw that dude ignore ignore cool guys don't look at arrows they turn and run away Oh Oh shucks oh let's go back let's go boy oh boy oh don't wanna get stuck it's a tourist do these two guys were fighting and then like instantly they just swapped over to just target me I was like guys yeah please we can befriend we need to more done we could be friends know somebody actually super chatted an L why why it was for banter banter yo why doesn't my have 10,000 consum do work where's the booze over here dad no no I love you but you just missed a great time over here middle anyways oh yeah I miss a great done Wall Street this is how we're gonna prove that we are pros and everybody else's noobs all right we're gonna wait till the dragon spawns and we're just gonna win you won Game two Clemens or not present why the fudge would I bring you done then we could get the 400 just Judas Jim man my tails Tommy deal its aqua do Till's kind of scary that Beau and I can I got a little close to me I think it grazed my butt your butt great it grazed it I could feel it right there am i oh they're being all fan I don't please don't graze my butt don't do it mm-hmm oh I see Oh pinky oh dude I'm all straight I tried to warn you don't you died in the pink man okay okay Wall Street oh I got four take four there you go there you go dude take that oh my boy Benjamin was like super Chet and Brandon thank you guys oh here we go oh my god was a way to fill it back up Audrey back up you're low just run I got this man I was born a doctor who's fine that's fine that's fine it's fine ignore it ignore it dude they're gonna be the first people we're gonna kill just you wait and see man guess you're wait and see dude my hands are sweaty er than spaghetti er oh my gosh more diamonds what happened to my head oh oh oh knock upon it's all good it's all good we're all good I'm gonna go oh wait throws emeralds out as I was that guy is a dirty dirty go watch a Wall Street guy and you got you he threw his it rules out midair like that is what jerks do that is what jerks do do that we have a guy camping me with a bow and arrow and he's kind of being a Google banger and I don't really like he's on he's on his bridge he's being a doodle I think we have a great guy going for us because we didn't Nick guys stream we didn't Nick yeah bad idea but it's okay we didn't want to Nick we don't want to make oh dude shotguns online wanna tell me yo dude should I get coming to you I go for the next upgrade add porch um I don't know dude I don't know give us give us prosecutor surprise I'm here on your progress bro I get a broad abroad think I can afford it okay good I'm actually gonna get a fireball or seven dude I just I'm gonna get a 500 maybe seven it was $5 I'm saying all right Bob all right I really want to target awkward just because it's so mean yeah they are mean they're means he actually hit me what nice nice my man wall this street is all right Wall Street I don't really want to break any beds except for Till's like I'm pretty much just feeling to kill whom yeah I say let's do it yeah okay okay okay oh I might well say I'm dead I'm dead what did you die what tame dog I'm getting literally damed on like that was Sophie as dude alright alright alright I'm in the do don't why I mean I was gonna have you you got to do what you got to do but it's okay I don't even upset that we died cuz we have what we have our boy coming in shotgun dude and I we haven't seen chocolate he's gonna come into the stream dude shotguns gonna play with us jackets coming in so I don't care that I died it's fine guys it was a rip for the good reason I was stuck at middle I was stuck at mid there was like they just was like a big guy coming at me and then this guy I'm yapping up I'd get over here Oh get him oh he's gonna be easy kill we were just getting rushed but like everybody this is you know this is and you know this is gonna happen to when we have shocking it because none of us are gonna well I died for you shotgun I died for you yeah how you do die I did I die for a shot again dude is this like the dream team stream is this the dream team we're the Walworth the what no of the wall the belly shot shot shot shot Preston wall brag wall Preston shot wait Preston shot Wally Preston shot wall oh there we go all right we're gonna heck no I'm not I can't wait guys like this is Wall Street [Laughter] I'm gonna gap up for sure and down even oh wait I definite why do I there's no dead oh dude Wall Street just died man just died it's great it's great another pickaxe I'm gonna get an axe what's going on guys I'm a boy gamer BG big thank you for this pond sir all right I'm yapping up alright yo and also mad dragon they give her the super chat Katy mccourt that you be the super chat likens Pro TV thingy of the super Chad somebody's I'm sure and Wall Street's dead and he's dead he's dead he's really dead he's literally dead you literally got stuck in a hole and died this is literally what no this is why we can't have nice things just hub this is why I had to call Shotgun guys I literally called shotgun and I was like dude we're gonna lose were you at stuck in a snowboard my mom just texted me hi mom she says people are leaving Preston stream to watch you oh not for long dude not for long I'm taking them all back well you ready to take them all back shotgun oh wait join the stream TV did you join the did you join the party yeah now Wall Street why the cute to see it doesn't think you all do looking up King boobs it's like not a mat that you last long on dude this is a matter you instantly dying oh we got this oh I'm feeling this guy no none of us are nadeshot oh okay but let's be real I don't think it's up to shot it can be classified as a nickname because like you always go oh my gosh Wall Street you built slower than I'm blaze fast as possible eggs and she's faster come on dude you go ahead come on take the wheel come on there we go there we go there we go yeah I hope you go for the free ride if we going for guys oh we gonna lose our bed we all lose our bed right away but it's worth a shot can build up build up got an iron sword one Nani what okay yo guys yellow is here yes here yes what is wrong with my lighting dude I don't know but they've got a lot of stuff how close is he I'm ready spit up you do it or not I got this oh shoot oh no oh no oh Shaka watch your butt I'm gonna be right this is not good this is not good and we have the chicken topper this is why we're gonna lose who have selected the chicken toppers I'd like to do yo yo I need cover boys I'm not ready yo yeah let's cover do you know he's getting gonna drop me in Tiana's he's gonna drop the MT is a speed bridging he doesn't matter he's a trihard is Bridget get out of here King women's locks to get back boy get out of here is going up here until I get out of here get out of here King no my heart oh dude we're about to lose you oh my gosh they're all coming this is bad oh my gosh we have like three separate teams on our bridge all right we're not losing this one streak all right that's it try I will get some wood get some wood he's on the base of his on the base guys oh my god I got three networks go get him go get up there get a manicure whoa whoa guys oh my god job oh it's all over it's all over that's called believe I'm great I got half HP it's literally taking seven years i if you need me I'm hiding in the bed I got a region I got a region oh my god [Laughter] look this watch if we ever gonna get to 20,000 views this dream we got a clutch it guys oh we can clutch this dream believe in us we're gonna clutch this just watch your armor you don't need armor you just say it's a dog I'm back to being full healed this is great oh yeah dude stop dying will you move your diet diet I think I'm running I don't like that yellow guy walls no I'm going straight through you going this is actually I'm out of here dude oh dude Wall Street just hide and I'll pop out no I'll get them oh dude you die sorry you died people he'll never find me you know they're watching the stream watchin the stream wise are you ready here and yellow like how and why look at this look broken our bed is already broken jaw jaw that's it we got it we gotta leave this I don't care dude I care now all I'm so dead no no daddy I'm dead I killed them though I kill them fudge this game man no Wall Street my rage quit I just don't rate up rage quit so much no we don't if you give them power we can't give them power oh we're not allowed to give them the power okay we need to just we need to man up all right and we need this guy on our team look at him pay pay look at him we need this guy we have to do is we have to do we have to win only do we have to win but there has to be a way okay we have to we have to think about this we need to use our gold use your goal like anybody has teamed on this one we're not playing like be good guys we're not playing like team no they're supposed to play like team members guys we're not playing like team members were playing like a bunch of pansies oh we need to play like teammates but he don't wish I got what I got would get out of here it's not would ya would you okay now you may be twice as hard they may get a break all of this you should have communicated with I would say I was why don't you go get diamond don't be useful and get Diamond you're just sitting here doing nothing go get them into something you piece of garbage go do something guys go with your life I know he's not gonna make it though I'm gonna kill him Oh God I got this dirt on the building god what did you do shocking you built above my head now you're dead I'm excited you made it there we go here we go here we go here we go what are you doing what are you doing what you doing well yeah look at it look at it Oh surely you help me what are you doing what are you doing here you're gonna die you dodge a baby I got there whoa what what is coming oh whatever we killed their bed no show showed our dominance 1ms two HP I'm not even kidding like he's literally I do baby I want to see how many games we can win here guys but I'm not I'm not really feeling so hot because I lost the first that's a really early knock back that's the new strat dude new strat man just go straight a knock-back stick I kind of dig it okay let me see I mean oh wow wow this is a weird map if you guys were play this yeah I've never put a them looks like it looks like it kind of looks like I don't know weird it's kind of like no one's gonna take our kills did something wrong he's coming to kill everything because it's a three summer yeah yeah I know the three players expense I was like why is it so expensive I see him I see him I see him go confused guys I'm going for yellow all right if I die I know just I died just don't oh dude red and I are teaming up against yellow this is great this is great content okay I'm gonna toss the red stars for regular yeah go go distract him red go you got this yeah oh no dude what are you out what are you a dude I'm over here killing a panda Oh what what cuz of God God you ever get like gritted in my grab you're just like that you're not a police lie across the map and I feel like at the time I fly and I die it's such a sad tragedy I don't want to fly and die man this is no I was using my air miles point he sees me but that's not oh yeah yellow is yellow savage guys no here's what we do why don't we just keep them alive you know I say we just be like savages and we just take over their generator and we don't kill them we just we've gone down you know I'm saying like let's just wait until oh there's a red guy at our base we're about to lose our base right now Wall Street come on look at that look at that that's the Preston call out oppressing they call that out we would have lost it just go ahead and show in my dominant so we do see Alpha Omega you guys don't I don't want to kill anybody all right guys keep him alive no we need to bomb them we need to form them yes we can okay have you ever played is it vanilla minecraft shotgun bill the farm and we're gonna build a farm with them how to farm milk um like Yorkie farm yeah I dunno come welcome like sheep a lot of she knows she is great oh it's higher oh I've heard that story before Sean I've also heard he's a cheater bros head over that like got $1,000 for you we're not even yellow we're green what are you talking about oh dude these guys are gonna be easy I swear a guy more expensive every single time I open that sting oh my gosh I just got the biggest haul nobody's taking any of these guys yet oh dude guys nobody touch any of the emerald so I just got 10 emeralds Oh yellow and our baby GG oh yeah two of them two of them well now if I die while he's Canon EOS iam if I die with these two numerals guys I'm gonna lose to an emerald no sir I have a lot of emeralds guys I'm not the lose ten emeralds oh this is not murdering this guy I'm not to lose 10m running around that's right I don't know round I don't want to lose guys lose Tim rules don't you lose 10ml about emeralds I'm yelling it oh I didn't need your help I survived alone the wilderness with ten emeralds in the sky I really know why because it was worrisome it was all the fudge and emeralds that's why and I'm a selfish team member and I'm gonna buy my own diamond gear but at least I'm honest okay yeah so let me just go ahead and do some of this there we go I'm gonna go ahead and go to team upgrades and I'm gonna wait that's not the right place let me go that's right oh that's what I'm talking about yeah oh man Wow guys oh there's two guys two boys two tanks Niners you have it oh my god so I got this oh they're all dead yeah funny accent like guys if you don't even like down below like is active I don't know ally make sure the super chat crazy warrior fan of you for the super chat and void thank you for the super chat I just muted up here for a second move these guys out of here I got one in a farts man anybody else struggling to keep hearts up in this game really struggling right now who's this guy dude you scared dude you're scared and I don't regret it right we're getting ourselves some protection you're welcome good good good good how do we get love team please wait a minute this way love team to you guys every start updating or just a red guy on our base by the way I know I wall street turn around oh where does he lose our bed well so you're literally like you gotta play with f5 on do you should play with f5 of course Oh always you need to have five to see people are chasing you but it's a game ball straight we all you'll get there but dude like it was only like 15 blocks behind you he was really close this guy on our freakin oh my gosh this is what I get for using my emeralds on myself dude Wall Street how much blood blocks you got shotgun I say we got it we got to do something like oh dude drop me blocks for a drop me blunts way we could build over here to red dude this is what it was supposed to be in the first place anyways remember it was supposed to be just you and me supposed to be theater without love birth oh he's gone dude this is the perfect time to attack this is like when the Russian gold guy that yeah do you want to go oh it's not at the yellow guy go go wait well he left he left go go shotgun a table a table a the bed's ready good what no no you shoot it dude we're taking over their faces our new base here I got okay boom do you have like a book aired for take that just cuz I love you dude cuz you my day one ninja that's why you been Joe since day well actually put my ninja since before well she's been my ninja first actually I did well she was my ninja first Wall Street yo I just fixed my sound apparently you were super quiet even though you're blasting my ears off over here well you were my I was saying that you were my day one ninja I thought shotgun was per sec yeah do you say man the shotgun Allred just fell off the map and died how would he kill these guys dude yeah do you have what do you have what you got you wanted misses oh you're going to god mode oh oh oh yeah I here we go oh good good good good good he's just you think it's he thinks it's me hey what's up mister panda yeah you like he died he does apparently Oh oh god oh god oh that was bad okay Oh beautiful I got I got half wait wait we got okay oh wait this is the you killed oh come again some I got some we're gonna kill one art I got am I gonna I got him I got a boxing match boxing match okay don't worry guys haha look we'll do a ones that you will will do a thing man once we hit 16 thousand viewers I'll get the kill alright it's just easy alright let's just wait here a second just two seconds alright I got my second indie pearl and I got you know Wall Street out or you don't I'll do this in your honor Wall Street I will I will what is this I don't know but I'm doing your honor I'm gonna doing your honor we're about to be at 16,000 viewers so I'm gonna do this your honor oh oh yeah oh yeah I see actually I gotta find out where is this guy at here let me see tracker shop tracker shop is it not really you would know dude as the world's biggest bed words trihard it's a 1v1 situation I could just jump off the map right now if we got light now I was doing I'm not even gonna do it I was gonna tip my viewers I was gonna tip my viewers like you oh I see him seemed badass thick cover he has this fixed no does he have a sick sick sick but is he prepared is he prepared to face the wrath that is known as Preston plays I don't think so ladies and gentlemen I only he's ready for this dude no dad I didn't want to win that way is shotgun shotgun you died we were having a great boxing but I could've left for the books of us dude why did you die we're having a box imagine legit box imagine you kill yourself oh no you teach it Nick no tennis wait tennis tennis tennis from factions our boy tennis now we'd never I was you never had so much money's dude this guy he's a man after my own dude tennis is legit I can't we play like give me all the gold I'm gonna put what around the head let me go no I hear you know there you go where's the gold there's the gold you'll put around the bed boom put around the bed if you don't put around the bed I'm gonna come in there I'm gonna flick your ear do it so I can everyone hug it frags huh everyone don't get frags that's great guys who's this frags guy your shotgun when you gonna show me how to speed bill dude hey I wished it right now bro no no I don't this is basically a speed building how much speed relay how much how much does it really help jogging it helps it like I feel like you're not really good at it okay watch this give me an animal give me an animal first give me that I'm on a sphere here we go ladies and gentlemen speed world famous speed build Bridger and there we go everybody's telling me to turn somebody turn up somebody go what the are you doing you building backwards that's not a bridge well you're dead oh you I would say so all my friends are dead I did I said hey there's a guy and he's coming he's gonna kill you man you died like that's really just such a tragedy really Wall Street um can I have it in yellow oh yeah all right thank you Oh yo dude over can we go to as we got diamond store laughter all right I think we need to go to our diamond side I'm gonna send off bread guys we need to go to our diamond side right this Oh are these diamonds bro don't know it stop open the diamond you're just rolling red away from it nice we need to build bridges there's not enough bridges going on right now are you guys bowling people without me yeah you dropped as they dropped a stone sword I picked it up I got a spare stone sword Joshua no you got to what is going on with middle why are there so many doodle bangers this girl's got an iron sword oh come here come here star skies oh no he's gonna get there first but it's okay we have wood he's always gonna you savage got him I got him defense no don't just take the last hit you dirty dirty dirty man you literally took the last disgusting you disgust me and so just because I don't know what to do with them I've never I mean do you have how many do you have - oh I've never been this rigid before as you guys we're going for the long haul gamer I'm you want this game to last a while yeah we all know we're making this game last shot confine you can do things on your own turf and on your own Reds coming oh we have a guy big accident oh we need to back up we need to run and well streets about to die I will see come to me come to me come to me Oh No I'm trapped if I lose a Wall Street Wall Street go back up I'm not letting it happen I know I didn't realize you had a gavel Wall Street this is all your fault that was the Preston call-out yeah dude America man I mean okay to be fair if you are at the bed I'm building the bridge and I have only one direction I can look in I would I turn around and there's already crap Wall Street sucks and he needs to know it I have to bully a mad come on if you think you're gonna get it takes a lot of bullying off of you shotgun you shot I got now I got two people to boy this is great stream I've never had so many opportunities in my life and the pack I was always bullied maybe that's why boy now I was always bullied in the pack and my turn John guys you know why guys I feel like we could just do something crazy do it oh but like what what is jump on it it's crazy that is not crazy maybe what I don't know if I want to jump off the edge I feel like greens and a fireball don't do it green okay okay guys come on let's think about this right now let's use our brains thing is we don't have to protect our bed yeah the good thing is I had gold silver hey triggered oh it's fine guys he's not gonna do much guys we have to think about this i from a logical standpoint I say we just stay at MIT and just hold her down all right do it we hold her down mid is gonna be our babe you know what I mean Oh tennis tennis the Menace over here Oh tennis you are a minister yeah this is that this is all y'all about to die over here boys just kidding I got you oh my god you scared me yeah this is the tennis man there is no man greater what are you doing what watch that you guys got blue people behind you you got a blue person you got a blue person here you like you got green just like that over there Oh guys we gotta go for blue you got no don't kill my tennis man I love tennis don't kill tennis oh he's such a great man dude oh gosh this guy just expired and I hit him like a little one tab all right here we go shotgun just this is for you shadi this is for you I don't know what I'm about to do but I hope it's gonna be cool I didn't make you proud Wall Street I did and I appreciate the fact that you let me know that I made you proud because otherwise I'd feel well I feel like a piece of crap I mean who doesn't want their dad to let them know that you made them proud I think you had that little backwards Wall Street but I love you I am your father no I am your father I've seen your text messages I Wall Street my you're my Wall Street I'm gonna need you to come help me here in a second all right they're all over all right your dad's gonna need me I'm already gonna be coming over that's gonna need some that's all right Oh dad's going in your dad's going in dad's going in Papa's here Oh pop is oh my gosh I'm being to be one on the base Papa's over here he's all alone Papa's gonna need some help here soon guys Papa get some help guys pop is being 3v1 and he killed all three of them and I'm still guys popping his help all right break their bed oh boy this problem Wow I tied to one sexy OHP once literally as HP with zero shotgun where are you yo can and they give her the new sponsor Katie thank you for the super chat animator thank you for the super chat this is why we unsub unsub unsub 2-shot guys yeah dude I love this super chat unsub 2-shot my favorite time dude not a better come at a better time yes dude he's still at 9h Pole he's Doggett if you were there go for it I was followed I'm gonna cry just kill them shotgun or you go come on come on come on come on there we go there we go there we go finish them off shotgun oh come on come on come on kill this guy Timothy Tiger he's got a he's got a plot yeah and this is what we call a janitor ladies and gentlemen that is a talking if you didn't clutch that I was gonna fly over to what do you get love again urugay where do you live I forgot you live dude do what you say slovenia slovakia dude guys just go ahead and drop a like on the stream if you're watching right now if you hate shotgun as much as me leave a like oh it's a good time man look there's there's a time for love and as I look at the challenge it's a time thing yay and I thought you saw another okay there's there's there's there's a time for death right now alright and now is the time for death alright so if you would like to see if 50 ways to kill a shotgun race video go ahead and comment down below [Music] we double with you sir shotgun race and it was our video I wish man I was dude one of these days we'll have an actual challenge and loser will have to delete the channel fo real and then what the contact YouTube we get back I'm shotgun what are you doing you already built lopsided oh you are such a piece of garbage you like I let's see your speed bridge I mean blue 40 there you go there you go wow wow did you just jumped it even build back to it you said we need the roads who's taking ya blues here do they dig they cave just not fun blues here do you wanna go killer bass always got a nice sword is this always distracted he's distracted shocking turn around you got me turn around shotgun turned you are such a piece of my gosh oh he's starting around now business teammate stirring around I got him I got him Go Go Go diesel bugs dead oh well you get them all I got news I'm trying to take all the credit [Laughter] okay so I'm like the responsible just a little more important first I'm the responsible uncle all right uncle's always get emeralds for their children always hot and dads always do diamonds dads do you have to buy a diamond ring yeah I'm saying yeah what do you add dude I'm watching everybody - 30 years he's doing here yellow this island this is the greatest thing since sliced bread man oh why not building you more you quit look at how I missed this island let me see oh wow you know shotgun you over here oh yeah here yeah I'm over here like that I'll be - I'm alone oh I'm 1v2 in yellow over here right you're not over your oh wait wrong man dude I'm killing yellow like it's hot right now manly I'm so hot I'm alright I like that I like that nice job shotty yo Shaunie where'd you go you leave me your minted one beats all gonna die off so Devin yo i dead I did like a little oh he's blue he took all my emeralds he took all my emeralds and ran I was saving this up so I could be salvaged again oh my daddy got it man where'd my diamonds no I tell you where's the loss of green room I finally jump nobody took your stupid fudging diamonds Wall Street right don't make you fight all right let's say we got it we have to kill yellow guys these guys are giving me a disease I gotta go where you guys out of the disease I don't know a disease and disease that's probably cigarettes from yellow bro I'm here dude I'm shopping and flopping in water oh yeah what are you were you coming I'm over here yeah I've been one two three with a bunch of you oh dude I just oh god okay I died I got two of them where are you yo cabinet you for this sponsor brandy thank you for the super chat thank you for all the laughs thank you for still poor cat and Junia another new sponsor thank you you guys need some help can I interest you in some hail yeah I'm I'm not hard to be viewed when I'm dead garbage hey you coming or what take like ten years back nice try yeah yeah let's go kill the Sheep let's go kill the Sheep big dude yellow there's sheep look at those sheep people other people of the Sheep we gotta kill away hoppity Oh yo come to me dude I got this what are you doing we don't even have any pickaxes how are we gonna do this I got you go go go go oh god he's got spawn protection I can't do any damage guys did all we told you I we needed yeah we don't need you do guys we're winning games too fast like this is this doesn't normally happen hundred you gave us but you're at two and a half minutes on this white are you serious when how we play bad words I mean the stream knows it we play bad words for the long game we were like to go renault type easier that's why why everybody gets try hards hi there we go easy why quick I feel like I should not have oh hello everyone I'm an innocent player who loves everything hypixel wait what I enjoy long walks on the beach and playing high pixel every time I like to watch cat videos on YouTube yes let's be friends instead of fighting okay what about yes oh you could say yes every see oh oh yeah how did they ban the word you knew in the wood I know here take the gold I got what I got wood okay oh yeah I'm taking that good I hope you guys know that I'm gonna win this game I hope you know I'm not being a dad anymore why why because last round I did nothing but dad stop well I mean you're gonna be a dad soon aren't you so yeah well I wasn't supposed to let that secret out yeah well yeah so shocked I didn't know Wall Street he's married I'm married with 20 Craig's he's pregnant Wall Street is pregnant guys that's why he's even eating so much and I know he's got some kind of crazy mood swings and I was love what do you mean do if he's not seeing pregnant woman my mom made a live goat whenever she's pregnant with me probably probably three live goats maybe 17 I don't know I love this guy's name chicken cream chicken King's a girl plural get out your date oh wow Shawn wow you are a disease you are a disease oh my gosh why are you putting really shocked nobody does oh my god how bad are you sorry guys I got this I got this oh no oh no dude I'm busy I'm busy yeah they don't know empty dude this is the greatest thing since sliced bread I'm pie the other Island oh I'm on their Island I'm never leaving light up guys already have you died aspiration oh we lost what we got where did you come from Kelvin okay since Creedy screaming hold on dude I got this don't pretty distracting keep distracting you distracted you distract harder distract distract harder oh no I gotta kill a yellow guy Rhett oh my gosh why yellow guy no he's coming back oh [Music] I'm so angry a toaster if shot loses this round face reveal the face of all it is already honest chance Nichkhun what I can I'm never Nichkhun never how dare you I'm never naked I knew I was gonna happen dude I know it's gonna happen gosh dang it I'm just gosh dang it man it's all I'm gonna say just gosh dang it is it a boy oh yeah savage boss ass is your boy a girl or a guy oh yes it's a dolphin it was born a dolphin and not just any kind of dolphin but one of the ones I can live on air and the shot shot knows it matingcall already the doc would you like that Evan say that yeah please weapon you demonstrate the mating call of the wild whale demonstrate the wild mail call of the wild west my baby aren't you best man at wall street's well you're supposed to be my best man yeah I called vivica baby Isis cool it's kosher boats kosher I'm telling you it's definitely kosher oh my gosh slapping some yellows well you guys Adams up Jack I just did some slapping oh about the slap their bed now I watch this watch this Wall Street look at this and watch it are you gonna block him yeah well I'm waiting for shots dead and shots plug him dead I got one one file killing me two final kills give me that third one come on oh we go we go give me give me more garbage all right I got I got two of that moves worth it we're shotgun go shop next shotgun you are so bad like you're just so bad like did you ever just think about yourself oh he was it was okay whatever dude whatever man bunch of bad doctor turds matrix hit boys oh shoot that matrix it did not work oh wow well here press him a slap shop over here yo you guys would I actually do something TV enormous you try to say you trying to say we try to say about dad's Wall Street uh they're awesome because I am one guy's I am having blog what you see there's a guy in our base and I can't actually defend it because I keep getting teleported back oh that's just unfortunate that's just what what um um I'm here what I can't do damage to him this game is broken I had like the block glitch thing it's like I literally couldn't no way I would hit him and see the particles it is just wouldn't even do damage okay I I'm a proud owner of a knock-back spit I feel like somebody is hacking really huh yep shocking somebody's hacking kiss your butt goodbye dude kiss your butt goodbye I don't know Oh slap shotgun that's a great idea next time I'm gonna slap him yeah first time I ever see shotgun record myself give him a nice slap I'm not talking about like one of the lugs laughs I'm talking about like a boom boom slap go King Koopas bad guys King noob is back on 3d wanting red and actually doing pretty good I get some eyes you know give me some assistance boy I'm here yeah right a little bit late there we go I got one oh I'm gonna come steal all shots final kills I don't need help you help us with squads oh wow oh wow wow Barnard you still like you everybody still always back up dude back up okay I got this boys I think I got one maybe you guys just take all the last pills bad dude like a million like I'm in the county I'm probably 30 yeah how many I've got eight emeralds nope I know I need props for that shotgun no problem he's not nice dude ain't like thanks bro you got a rip in chat please that was do they all up their bed I'm just gonna look up to us cheese dude how their beds just sitting here don't kill them if you kill them it's gonna be bad oh why you're a dumb-dumb oh he doesn't see me no he is actually the king noob spawn didn't turn around his buddies respawn you there with a vengeance oh I got the king noob yes oh I got two of us we got one more we got one more yeah you wanna go bro you wanna go destroy your lol 369 hit that like button just in here man come back please come back come back oh no he no respond to us you're a joker guys I think we lost a good a good chocobo oh I slashed nicked just in time what you can't even guess what yes well makes you feel any better guys if you're watching the stream right now do with a solid hit that like button down below okay I appreciate that you know I'm saying hey homie pressing a person can we get some amens in the giant other people things like yeah what no did Joe Couto did shock and mute oh well I watched a video okay okay guys Joe goose it'll come back everyone this one yeah yes we Oakland this so we gotta win this one we have to one this one you don't know Joe I'm Jake hey dude I want to play with Joe go so bad alright let's go for the win hurry hurry I'm going for the wood again we're going for the win guys going for the win we need the Chocobo we go for quick quick hash tag pound the choker bro Doka bro you got a pound that choke oh man pounding pounding dude hard yeah and we're low I don't know you ha get green this guy who say that red always has got to be them bangers of the noodles you know wow these guys have even started building yet these guys are bead bracelet action guys built some bring some bring some building supplies and we can wrap this up real fast yeah I got dude it's so hot my office I got some air on okay because I'm here you're not actually here though you're like four offices away I can come over all right guys we did a hundred thousand views on the stream oh much love guys much love alright alright 100,000 views you can see how many how many playbacks you've had on your stream alright dude we got red over here and Red's got a big thing okay good I say yeah they are let's just go for them let's do a trade right there alright build a staircase shock and I don't have any blocks oh you piece of crap going straight alright there we go let's go we're taking there but you're taking their bed oh are you gonna die no let's go let's go Johnny you got this we're about to lose our bed we go Johnny go for it I got him I got him he's dead go go go go go go go yes perfect timing he lost his buddy okay we got a window guys we got away memory was a trade it was a tradie even trades baby even trades okay not the best of traits not the worst of traits probably the worst of trades they're not probably the best yeah see how easy that was it wasn't work hashtag not a shag worth though and some and some things you know sky based dude iris I was I respect this I respect and respect that way dude Lucille has four bad guys oh no guys blue still has their bed oh did you do that righteous Valley a dynamic at sounds kind of cute oh whoa get this guy out of here yo yo wall you cover me come on my button cover my butt yes are you built are you going I got this way I'm going into this all right Oh Shi they're gonna see me all right around you know I don't know help me out okay he's coming for me oh shoot oh no guys I only have like 20 seconds I just died thank you guys I'm here on the base I'm here guys I'm here please I got oh yeah son of a gun where's yet oh it's mine is my dude b14 joke oh man we won for shoka hashtag wins for the chica bro yeah yeah I feel like the choko bro is not replying to us oh happy like you just threw one you know fancy said that he left jogo bro do you hear us who's got a pet turtle seems Bowser I want a pet turtle he's got a pet turtle named browser Bowser browser browser browser woot woot look at this little pandas pandas ugly wow I can't write it I don't know this is I feel like pandas aren't meant to be this fat or look like this but that's okay don't you want to race to the top of the hyperfine with our grappling hook you want it no no no that's what we got to do that's what we gotta do hold on stop the shot come here come here shadi holy what's up where's wally and shadi all right dude I think we gotta do the parkour challenge oh let's go here we go here we go I got checkpoint one checkpoint timer all right checkpoint number two I'm going oh shoot would you go from here oh shoot I'd even oh I fell that's a booty I didn't know where to go dude I didn't know again I got checkpoint - wait wait wait so if I got checkpoint you can already start from here no no oh fudge did I lose oh my god it's like I didn't know where to go okay that's just not even my problem and it's time so I'm trying to be fast okay I this is it this is it no wall street I mean whose video do be banned from parkour yours your bad dragon I think we seven seconds 47 hi here we go here we go now that I know where to go a game we won really fast for you Cho go so that your poop would leave your body don't ask questions well yo where do you go in the next checkpoint okay faster become hold your hand oh dude are you serious I got a restart it again I got a restart alright I'll start with you I got this last restart okay Oh chug are you online oh no minecraft minecraft' wait which version to launch here one eight minutes oh fudge okay hon I got this joke oh we got to bring back down the Joker bruh please no you little rat dude just a little probably Wall Street what definitely doctor dude I just fought and died on this parkour I'm not the rage equipment repress the police of a please I'm about to beat it right here right now guys if I do this with somebody super chat $10,000 I know tempting very tempting I dude it's already done it ran it's going Forge cyber monday extended into cyber Tuesday cuz Preston was coffee the coffee receipts the coffee too expensive dude cyber Tuesday bro what am i doing right now I'm gonna high pixel dude party invite we call any other shoot I gotta win this well here we go here we go here we go for your boy Oh would you get a seven-foot 47.5 18 I've been and that's my $10,000 super shot right there from shoga the bogey-bogey thank you chugga oh dear Lord all right okay please make everyone pick no oh this is weird dude Yugi Peter Frank's kid just invited me has you to bring it's so fun or is there a guy here without it you were just dude no well yeah Wall Street if you don't have it I think you can do it if you have I never ring I have slash Nick because hypixel loves me and I I messaged them about how discouraging it was watching this name is look at this bromance over there I don't know with everyone oh really yeah guys I'm gonna win the game I win the game wait then why don't we just all stand on here again Oh guys guys guys guys I think I found the world's cringy as minecraft names I'm his snowy girl and I'm her snowy boy Oh then we kill them Melanie and I'm them and their love must die like jogo you don't understand alright they just they can't be allowed to live alright yeah their love is too strong thus it shall be killed Preston's response is just yeah okay Bridget over here easy speed Bridget all I'm yellow over here at their sign oh my gosh I'm actually dying at those usernames yeah I am I gotta get some building materials yellow you're almost Oh yellows the people right all right guys we go oh shoot I got I got to blow on us give me that sauce me that sauce may I give you a Captain Jack oh yeah Oh Oh guys guys guys guys guys guys we got this we got to survive that stuff in the u.s. shotgun so nobody really fudging cares you can't not play right now dude Oh bridge built over here you guys leave a bridge built over here so I gotta go kill his snow a boy and girl alone I broke it if you go to mid you can go to the Diamonds bottom dear why would you break it why did you do that I'm gonna kill this boy girl thing I killed the snowy boy I kept killing the snowy couple snowy couples will die oh my god I died I died no wow I was really scared I once peed my pants I thought we were supposed to kill the snowy people I died I killed their bed nobody give I died because I walked right back because I was paying attention the snowy girl boys you shall go ignore the blue we have to kill snowy wait she has good turkey dude his name is turkey man Oh on your base cream so he's gonna gobble you know peppermint oh oh oh my gosh that does not count dude I can't believe you just lost this no a boy and girl bro give me the part of the team snowy don't you know great eSports organization on minecraft look at this beaver bros skins so kawaii that's a walrus no beaver that's a cotton ball wrist his name is beaver bros i don't think his name's walrus bros question you dude really teaching you over there in the UK oh my bra guys is this this is a throwback like the first bed wars map ever oh yeah oh yeah memories let's go through this show by saying preston yeah and my book using your shout to proclaim the name of the best minecraft in the world is definite not always dude I'm the most humble minecrafter as well yeah sore pressure does MINECRAFT alright give me that emerald you guys ready to where you got that I'm right dude is name is beaver bro we have to kill beaver bro we have to kill oh no dreams coming over oh fudge we're about to get a mile a day but oh my guys no here he comes hello there's monsters survive I won't he's dead you're welcome Wow Wow oh there boy dead well yeah yeah - Wow all that is holy and you didn't give me one you are a piece of sandwich meat yeah guys I got a level up claim your reward in the lobby what does that mean dude it's all Joker bro something iPhone popular cheese down the choke Oh bro maybe don't you come with popular you were like me I don't know man guys I think we need to pound the choker bro lose nothing beautiful we get a pamphlet Joker bro super sad guys thanks much left Burma duty I am the dead I'm the team yeah well I'm the guy I'm the guy who brings the Purell everyone's like hey man I can't touch something I'm not sure what it was but oh there's an invisible guy here I just killed him accidentally it was a green guy invisible and I killed him I didn't mean to oh wow after changing can't confirm oh you got it yes all this abuse ok say man I'm just a jerk don't worry guys I got this I was invisible and I'm gonna keep dream if I was a snake no they fudged her such strong arts oh I found one I got him he was coming back with emeralds also sad I'm an orange oh I got another green he's gonna die come here green bean always always dead shotgun I'm slowly chipping away at all your do I got another one that's already know a lot of our bed behind even looking behind them wow that was such a beautiful tail you know no Washee please don't help him Wall Street it's a trap Oh doesn't do anything that I just got a double kill thank you no I hate them all Reds coming over and he's not going to notice me again I'm just mid patrolling just wrecking everybody's lives all right come on come on you little piece of turd sandwich go all right what's up with blue guys what's the sitrep Joe could you get a pickup but what's that pickaxe no well you got to pick out what's that oh I'll go pick guys guys we're gonna need a lot of TNT to break through blue and then we got red guys right now they're being a bunch of beans they're on our base okay we got red beans okay one and killed themselves I'll go and kill the other one cuz why not and he's got no knock-back on okay he's got anti Kb how is he not hurting me I think he's got my legitimate have anti Kb there's a guy on earth Preston Kong killing the voice instant I can be no I was on his mind I was on his side killing him all right that's it I'm guys I got TNT I'll kill us both because of him he didn't even worth the death probably not Wall Street I'm gonna be honest no it wasn't wasn't worth the life of a beautiful wall beautiful I'm doing amorous you're going extinct their biceps right team is destroying our stuff question mark that's not a question mark that's a statement exclamation point things I'm just going ahead and running back I'm just running fast blue because I'm a savage they've no idea here have a sharpness to ooh hey hey gooster oh but me gusta harder Oh me gustas you oh shoot here comes red blue and red go ahead oh dude I love doing this red it's just like this is like top 10 anime betrayals I feel like we stopped in anime betrayals Breaston dude I just I just take them and I sandwich them great it's actually really fun dude you just you just go and visit you just see the little sneaky D key and they're dead mmm some sneaky D key wow that was read I read that was holy holy I read come here do easy kills to easy kills Bru to come or bed I do I took out ages ago why bro thank you for these free kills you blessed me Preston you're welcome arigato Bieber bro Bieber get out alive Myron I did I did a beaver bro didn't last very long he's dead hiccup you see hiccup cuz I don't know actually it's a great great wonder of the science some of the science community will question that they don't understand georgette commander way what I might have thrown a fireball at the bridge like the guy was on oh no no no no Reds mine yeah it should be good to go oh dude off I see you you piece of garbage such a piece of garbage I hate you so much I'm the dad of the team I know what I'm supposed to do I did yeah I like that I mean you're so dead I'm going to you're dead I'm gonna kill that okay come come no no no I gotta kill this diapers oh my god how do the team upgrades well I'll be like permanent what are you gonna buy my merch have you said you got lost somewhere that sounds like exactly what some I would say that got something and then once the lie about it dress I'm gonna remember when you took me to the merch warehouse and gave me all that merch yeah I never got it so quality you just want more see you and what I would wear it you don't me take back okay making a new goal I want us to win in under three minutes from when the games it's your neck of waifu alright let's go guys we have three minutes stop watching stop there we go it's three minutes long all right five minutes start it started we have five minutes okay dude fudge you protect our no dude though we going for the win we're going for the 5-minute win all right TMT Chuck us up building up so high blue and gold oh yeah I mean - Gold - perfect I go go go go go go all right carry on your legacy dude thank you all right I'm in I'm in a man well actually I'm protective yeah the Eagles in the nest Eagle has killing other you guys kill another here comes yellow watch out oh okay he killed himself I'm going in he's got TMT kind of scared the other guys got TMT okay I'm going in I killed him no no one in it okay kill them I need some backup come on haven't done one in five minutes I got no backup we will take a separate team how about that oh yeah one before is a little bit different you know I mean I don't know well pressing you scare of a challenge come on I'm not the end of a challenge I'm scared of a good time I could blow up mine blew up I'm scared of a good time not a challenge to be won and guys we just got to go and we got a slayin filet is like like a team of chick-fil-a members this team of chick-fil-a members is hurt Oh God yellows coming yellows coming yeah let's coming he's got tMT's buildup oh I got him you piece of crap get out of here he's dead he had tea and tea and everything dude he was coming for you pala tute it's fine uh in stone just ah protect against tea and tea anymore Cho go oh no that's not what it's kind of protect against your eyes just for athletics yellow is being slapped so hard around school about you school man I woke I think we will win this game in five minutes whether you like it or not I will make you my daddy school midterms of the biggest tryout I'm gonna - matter of two and half minutes left oh goodness a well we got red over here man that knocked back wait a minute I was going back over yes guys Abed died if we could still make this work no oh we just lost our bed we're just lost for bed school midterms no no we just try to win all right guys I'm not all midterms easy kill jeez well um you know technically you get still one in five minutes even if you lose your bed yeah dude these kids have to them have the same skins on oh he's on he's on a pirate flag guys he's above me oh no he's on fire flag yeah formal Tian's for going with TNT oh here I'm gonna drop some gold in the chest oh yeah oh yeah we have a lot of people above us you know we got a lot of people on there fighting oh when I'm felonies I heard you're not slash Nick I just leave oh I'm so Wow literally just naked wife who just dropped my wife my wife just slap shot me - really - I not anymore she's not worse you that's all the more reason she's dumb you know I just dumb yeah it was dumb he just watched me a hoop he was like yeah like that's just that's okay press and helps help us the best of us were dude I was trying to go kill the green I was trying to kill the yellow that had one heart left and I was like I got this I didn't have it though did not have ha ha ha behind you house ever heard I was possible I was trying to win guys oh those guys coming back get Bristow why oh goodness why you like this but we got a record o things right here [Laughter] oh no if Chris the pros above you guys about oh oh yeah guys y'all lost her bed yellow lost their bed kill them now I'm alive yo Chris yeah oh yeah oh yeah I'm coming I'm coming nice oh there's the time ring hi guys we are we won we're doing ease to it that's Tiffany mop you could 3-minute dude that was a great game man that's a great game that's great alright where are we going I'm following you shadi I don't know I might leave you in a sec hi homie oh oh oh oh oh you just got slapped just just tttd no no oh let me just see school midterms die so we can cry in a jet I need to see him die no it'll make me happy midterms okay I'll show you guys ax T hodkin Brooke yeah I think that other guy was acting that was not surprising so annoying bro you don't like it act on dude why not good I just I just like I'm tae cave you know killer I love I love I love getting hacked con boo people are leaving Preston screams watch me blow Wall Street nobody does that you know the funny thing is it's like when people I nice unlike me then it's like last time I told Nathan about how I texted somebody and he was just like this is a power play I mean win this game guys that was a poor demonstration of skills by me primarily I mean y'all know if you want to go dude no you're the I mean I'm not like playing shotgun is like his stupid speed building I mean is like I would warn you but I don't know I kind of want read behind you to kill you [Laughter] oh I just shifted off the edge right right right bruiser Terry where's the Terry med whop this bridge you guys I don't really know Wall Street now we're having a discussion and I got I don't know it's only 9:00 p.m. and it sells it's 9:00 p.m. but it was like it's a memory like I feel like I'm dead already [Laughter] chocolates go let's go go to media let's go kill red come on come on we're good okay make your hole oh we got this we got this I tell you if he's jumping he's not he's bad he's bad oh dude our protection it's called the Chocobo protection that was for that that was the joke of over nation man we lost it I love it hydron oh hello bring your Tom look all you have to do is just believe dude I'm uh I'm against Alvin shotguns it's against my religion all right it's really nothing against you just shotguns Wow guns oh I think if I'd be my longest grad work stream ever my longest yeah boy ever I think my brains been in fact if my lack of sleep I don't know what happened anymore all right guys here we go watch it get someone get coach with TNT what's up guys it's me choke oh there's some gold in this chest by the way there's only dude I killed the guy I got gold yeah here we go I want it back I just feel so tired I feel like tired I definitely feel fired something happen to me trapped olive green I'm going for their bed I'm gonna break it in a million fadjen pieces oh I'm eight don't do it green guy you're garbage no dude I just I just caught the biggest there we go hot and catching some males right now guys go in read I read Oh hurts there we go all right no competition for most final kills hey I'm just gonna beat you guys break it and I'll steal it in yeah I don't even go I just don't go for Amaral's on these ones man dude this guy's still try to nuke our base Megan the cat like seven years I'm not even kidding seven years oh my gosh boom oh my god that's why I didn't die right there really close green guy on her face I know I gotta go I'm a doctor I got him I got a fence got a nice joke oh don't be bad dude this is like a living defense oh it's multi-tiered Oh what just happened so scared what's dear Oh with Oh Megan Megan you are a dirty rat tell Megan I know and she's good that's like a likert she keeps trying to kill me oh my good because I'm just a little rat hello hi blue hi blue dadgummit Megan Megan I'm Kevin for you i blue from here alright this is it I don't mind if you come over here blue oh I'm okay yeah I do bottom I mind oh man cancer my fireball them some item in the fireball yes always come again Oh Megan killed me again I hate Megan how does she do this she I am I have a disease Megan I'm so angry at you make Megan all right dude Megan just leave me alone Megan won't leave me alone yeah what okay Megan you gotta watch out Preston he's gonna be a married man you know dude you're new but you're the new volley be quiet you're noob but you are also a nub Megan's gonna kill us all Megan's gonna kill us all I'm scared I've got a diamond sword I don't want Omegas going for a base she's blowing it up Megan you heard out then Megan died oh she died exactly I just know a shotgun let me give you a wall that a cig bridge Wow okay I like it sick okay I read what are you at shotgun you know this kid in teams yeah thank you oh are you doing I think you guys that be killed or Fred oh dude you didn't see their chests like forty diamonds in it grandma yeah no Wolfie yeah when you die when they die like their chests that's definite oh I should spin for luck yeah oh by the way kids I'm home I'm a just 14 I mean I don't like this Megan Hagen how do you do like the fireball jump you throw it Donnie jump at the same time does it work yeah I did it with water she that she was that Oh Oh No got him killed oh shoot oh shoot that was a lot of TNT will you fix that yep thank you there's this guy guys oh I was about to get a Ducati wait shotgun I'm invisible right Ali Olin just like it um oh hey wait I'm gonna do my - you think boom oh this guy's making goes invisible or not so I'm just gonna keep on hitting do this kill her if you even if you curse off you kill her she's that I just you didn't kill that guy stop stop no I just had I had a pretty bad moment I had a bad moment okay many of there's a zebra I want to kill Megan all I want to do is kill Megan I killed one red a Megan Mike where's Megan I found Megan Megan you are mine Megan mine dude Megan you are my kill Megan how many finals Oh 17 oh yeah how would you get seven oh wow Barack's you're tired yeah I'm good like an hour and 45 oh I've died alright guys thanks for watching the stream to random guest popped in by the way yeah yeah Wally huh shotgun think you appreciate it guys so you can you can leave and subscribe to my youtube channel what do you mean unsubscribe use your back unbox therapy alright guys have a great one I'm exhausted and joko sucks
Channel: Preston
Views: 7,531,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TWO PRO'S VS NOOBS! - Minecraft BEDWARS with PrestonPlayz, bed wars, bedwars, bedwarz, child friendly, custom minecraft map, fire nation, kid appropriate, kid friendly, mine craft, minecraf, minecraft, minecraft bed wars, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, minecraft troll, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, modded minecraft, no swearing, noswearing, pg, preston, preston custom minecraft, preston minecraft, preston minecraft mod, preston mod, preston mods, prestonplayz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 3sec (6003 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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