Minecraft but YouTubers are WEAPONS!

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mr beast is the shootable arrow dream is an actual sword instead of just a stream so which youtuber is the most powerful weapon we're going to grab each one to figure out the secret now the question is what does the dream sword do oh we just got into pearls from cows and another dream sword also what wait so every time i hit a mob i'm getting ender pearls and basically every buff in minecraft this is incredible specific mobs in minecraft drop swords from other youtubers so if i keep killing cows i'm only gonna get dream swords but i need to collect them all this is basically pokemon get your head out poke my head obviously we have to go to the nether two youtuber swords are only dropped from piglens wisp and bad boy halo two handsome men who i absolutely adore oh we found a chicken oh this is perfect because chickens have a chance to drop the athmos sword please oh dropped ender pearls but no aphmau sword oh but there's plenty of chickens and look at that ladies and gentlemen the app mouth sword something just feels weird about holding these youtubers in my hands they look so weird all right the dream effects just cleared oh we just spawned a cat when you kill the chickens you just spawn cats that run around that's incredible oh if only we had some fish to tame the cats no cat don't run away in the water between you and i i'm not the biggest fan of cats i'm sorry hold on we just found a giant vein of iron right at the beginning oh wait can i spawn a cat with a zombie oh this is incredible i can have my own cat daycare i'm gonna become the crazy cat youtuber now i do need to scoop up this iron because we're gonna need it later for some of the youtube swords the fact that we have four ender pearls and we only have two of the youtuber swords that's kind of blowing my mind right now i'm getting way too excited cole okay i actually need this oh and what is that an abandoned mineshaft no way all right we've got so many inner pearls i'm gonna go oh god that was not oh this is a ravine and an abandoned mine shaft oh wow okay this could not have gone any better to be honest we have to find sheep and we have to find pigs that's how we're gonna get the next youtuber sword so i'm hoping we end up finding a mob spawner down here but the very least we can collect the cobwebs and then we can tame all the cats from the athmou sword okay yes yes perfect iron pickaxe let's go oh dude i feel so bad throwing out the stone tools i'm definitely not please recycle all right come on get this string yes okay the the youtuber swords work i wasn't sure if i was gonna be able to harvest string with the youtuber swords but one thing i always forget when beating the game is getting enough string to make a bow although i don't even know if we're gonna n what if there are youtuber bows oh my gosh that'd be insane we have sheep and pigs oh yes okay perfect oh nothing from that pig every single mob that we kill we get ender pearls this is insane we didn't get any youtuber sword from the pigs though sheep please give us better luck than the pigs come on yes oh we got it oh i'm so happy right now this ladies and gentlemen is the silver you guys know who silver is you gotta let me know down below in the comments so i'm gonna show you what this does the silver sword spawns lava on the target and then it nullifies into basically a cobblestone generator so you can make lava sources and water sources this is insane speaking of which hold on we gotta take better advantage of this i'm gonna put this down we saved just enough iron for the perfect amount of buckets that we need look at this i'm just gonna scoop up the water source and then i'm gonna hit another mob yes come here zombie perfect okay we gotta scoop up the lava before it turns into the yeah because look at this if you don't scoop up the lava fast enough it just turns into a cobblestone generator but we do have a problem pigs dropped two incredibly valuable youtubers swords skeppy and george not found and unfortunately the pigs did not manage to drop us any of their swords so we've gotta go on the hunt for another one i'm in love with the stream sword by the way hey you can speed run minecraft with a dream sword this is incredible oh technoboyd we have found you come here come on come on come on yes we got the george not found sword give us the skeppy sword pigs i swear i'm gonna be so mad he's gonna yell at me on twitter yes oh so let's start off with a skeppy sword let's see what this bad boy does alright skeppy sword oh no no so when you damage a mob they just spawn diamonds on the ground so you actually don't even want to kill the mob you want to let them lift for a little bit let them spawn as many diamonds as they can before killing them oh this is incredible okay wait hold on so this is what the skeppy sword does can we just imagine for a second what the george sword is going to do what is that what is that it's like a friendly spider no way does it attack us can we kill it oh no what have i done i have spawned friendly spiders that are now attacking each other for my love okay this might be one of my favorite swords we should probably eat some chicken and collect all of these diamonds 42 diamonds is what we managed to get okay this is uh it's a little bit ridiculous and i love it oh my gosh we are loaded for bear i need a name tag so i can name this guy i'm not going to spend a lot of time on this but i really want to make a fishing rod oh yes i just want to see if we can get a few pieces of fish so we can tame the cats from the athmou sword um hey buddy you got to do your job come on what are you doing what are you looking at my george spider is fixated on this zombie come on dude you gotta come over here i need help this way so you come around here often i don't know why there's just sea turtles chilling next to me hi turtle i'm sorry i really gotta do this for just like one second i'm sorry come here i'm gonna tame you i'm trying to get dude okay fish come on you ate all my fish this is why i hate cats i'm sorry they're obnoxious the last overworld sword we haven't got yet is the danny bionic sword oh man i'm loving the luck we have right now what does this do hold on man i'm about to experiment on a chicken that sounds really weird come here chicken i need to run a little bit of an experiment on you oh oh what was that that is like a massive explosion okay so clearly we're gonna need to test this one out in the nether because these mobs in the overworld don't have enough help i have never made a nether portal doing this but we're gonna try it and see if it works oh this is gonna be really weird all right i need you to stay right where you are okay i think i'm doing this right all right listen it's been a little bit all right so we're gonna put the lava down here make the first okay i need you this is where things get a little brutal i've got so many swords in my inventory it's so hard to keep track all right i need to smack you i gotta smack you no no no no no there we go take this put this one down oh this is just weird okay put this one down nice oh zombie perfect all right then we're gonna use this again this is the weirdest way to get love i just made obsidian i didn't even mean to do that this is definitely the worst way to make another portal but i kind of love it why are you attacking me you're i'm your i'm literally your master all right so i know we got a little bit of a problem right now we technically don't have a piece of gold armor so the pig ones are gonna be very hostile but i don't really care oh this is a phenomenal spawn though remember we have to find piglens we need piglets once we get those two swords we are getting out of the nether and going straight to the end oh this is exactly what we've been waiting for all right i want to test out the bionic sword again boom oh it makes them fly up into the sky are they stuck up there oh then they explode what all right the bionic sword is way cooler than what i gave him credit for i think we found the piglets ladies and gentlemen yes all right i just want to be a little bit careful about not falling into the hole over here give me the sword come on come on yes we got the bad boy halo sword finally and the piglens are jumping in the lava to celebrate bad boy halo sword show me what you are made of let's see what this bad boy does hey i was making a dad joke all right come on batboy halo don't let us down oh whoa whoa whoa i almost just died excuse me all right so i don't know if you saw that but it looked like it spawned a wither flower and then exploded on me alright this is a little bit more dangerous of a sword than i think i had realized oh great i'm in the lava all right i'm just gonna hit you with a dream sword and i'm gonna be fine all right i'm not gonna die all right i'm fine all right just took a little bit of damage that was embarrassing remember though we've collected every single youtuber sword except for the wisp sword and we have to get it from one of these pig ones we just have to be careful man i don't know if i want to even use the bad boy halo sword until we go to the interact like the ender dragon because it's just exploding on me dealing copious amounts of damage yes we finally did it after clearing out nearly the entire bastion the no oh my god you almost stole my wisp sword i would have literally lost my mind okay there's only one way to test the wisp sword and that's on blazes oh a terrible fortress yes i have okay i've got really high hopes for the wisp sword i love wisps content oh oh this is actually incredible that is terrifyingly amazing i'm just gonna like sit back oh okay so it doesn't work very well on the fast mobs this actually might not work too well in the blazes i wispor do you work on the blazes kind of actually with this blaze spawner i think it works perfectly because they have nowhere to escape to yep i'm a savage i'm just gonna cook my beef cook my pork chops and kill my blazes boom baby we got enough to go to the end okay so you better tell me right now there better be a fortress close by or i'm gonna lose it tell me the stronghold is right beneath us we found it jackpot ladies and gentlemen hey yes all right it's what's connected to an abandoned mine shaft what is it with all the abandoned mine shafts recently i literally have no idea where i am oh my no come on wait a second yes oh that took so long to find i've never i've literally never experienced this was the longest time it's ever taken for me to find this like this was god bless america i'm so confident in these overpowered youtuber swords i'm gonna give us a five minutes time limit i think we can do it oh come on buddy i feel like it's also disingenuous for us not to name the ender dragon so i'm gonna name this one steve so if we only have five minutes we're gonna have to speed run this oh man i'm just gonna get on top of the first one and then oh i think that was a perfect pearl oh all right don't ask questions we're just gonna take advantage of this oh no no no not dragonfire oh god the dragon breath all the dragon breath stop steve don't be like this thanks steve we love you okay steve no more mr nice guy all right come on so can we use this out of curiosity what if we hit this ah so if we use the dream sword to hit the in crystals we don't get the buff sad but i wonder do we even need to break these i want to see do we even need to break the in crystals i've been breaking the in crystals but with the dream sword and all the other swords we might have enough damage that we don't even have to break them especially if we hit enderman first all right so steve's not coming down so i'm gonna break a couple of steve you're ruining the vibe buddy i get a little bit more health for the dude the dream sword is so amazing for this i think we actually might still be able to do this within the time limit oh is he coming down he's coming down all right boom come on come on come on come on come on yep yep right here right here come on come on oh it's not enough damage i'm gonna try to use some of the other swords i'm spamming everything we got i'm spamming everything oh my gosh it wasn't enough all right you know what steve i gotta give you some credit you're a little bit tougher of an inner dragon than i expected but my pearl throws are on point today look at that oh oh steve what are you gonna do you're out of end crystals buddy so by the way we do not want to use the bionic sword made the ender dragon go back up we i'm sorry bionic i can't use you anymore like the scene from toy story when andy's got to get rid of his toys sad i'm going to make a few spider friends oh here we go this is it come on oh we can do this come on man oh just not enough damage he's so fast oh he's coming back in round two round two no no no no no no come on come on come on come on come on oh we're getting low all right come on yes whisk whisk chomp him oh the chompers can't reach the ender dragon it's like so close oh my god he's just barely getting away every time we may have gone past the time limit i have no idea but this is where we can end it right here the best sword unfortunately like i'm glad the best sword is the dream sword to beat the ender dragon but i really wanted to use every single one of them let's see if we can finish him off with the bad boy halo sword and there we go i've turned youtubers into arrows and i have three objectives survive an entire raid using only the youtuber arrows find and destroy an entire fortress with all mobs inside and when we get to the end we have to take on not one but five ender dragons oh and all this has to be done in hardcore mode the first youtuber arrow that we need is from this little guy a pig pig i need you to drop me the bionic arrow please can you just do me that favor thank you look how sick this arrow is i'm also trying to beat the entire game using only the youtuber arrows the only reason you will see me make an axe is so that i can basically collect my crafting table and that's it or you know harvest wood we found an outpost we're not ready to take on this outpost but if we can get the bad omen effect and then find a village we're going to be sitting kind of pretty oh let's just relax listen boys we'll be back all right let's i'm not ready to get the bad omen effect just yet i'm gonna need a little bit more time okay listen i made a wooden sword because i'm only using it to collect cobwebs that's it yes yes finally all right so you just have to put the youtuber arrow in your offhand right now what does it do what oh that's what it does oh this is fantastic oh this is sick look at this you get raw stone no way wait is it okay i'm gonna see this just work on diamonds this is sick these arrows break obsidian i have an idea all right we already have seven pieces of obsidian let's just get obsidian for a nether portal so i think you can use the youtube ray arrows to get other youtuber arrows that is definitely an half mount arrow oh it's so beautiful what does it do what does it do what does it oh it spawned a cat oh it spawned multiple cats oh and the cats are killing each other oh but wait hold on they drop more string which we're gonna need so i think if i do i punch it and then the cats attack it i'm like the founding titan of attack on titan homa i can have i can summon an army of cats this is terrifying all right cats get up get in this so stupid you can't attack me with my invincible cat army i think the cats are like half the time they're like killing each other but they're doing a pretty good job all right all right so i i need to make a shield all right that's that's our big problem right now we don't have a shield there he is that's the one that gives us the bad element that's the woman he's dead yes oh oh oh my god oh dear that was terrifying oh i thought i was a goner we can actually do our first objective of the video the first challenge of the video was to survive a raid using only the youtuber arrows and we can finally do that now that we have the bad omen effect to get the mr beast arrow we actually have to kill zombies or creepers and thankfully there's quite a few of them nearby oh my goodness look at the hold on just look at those oh there's so many of them hold on we're going back to the halfmount arrow ladies and gentlemen attack my cats get them go cats go okay you can probably see it in the distance but there's multiple mr beast arrows on the ground let's get them you also just gotta love the description of the arrow it is never enough it's literally mr b slogan you know what we survived enough they can have the totem of a dying we survived at least three waves now i really want to show you what the mr beast arrow does but there's only one way to get rid of this many cats it's not pretty but it had to be done okay it did the few of you remaining can stay with me you're strong you survived except for you the more important thing is the mr beast arrow all right and the second objective which is to destroy an entire fortress in the nether and every mob inside of it that mr bisero has to be overpowered if you shoot a block with it it duplicates and it even works on mobs look at this this is ridiculous all right mr beast arrows and we can duplicate the diamonds it also duplicates the bedrock so we need to be a little bit careful but this is insane there is one more youtuber arrow that's in the oval world and it's actually my arrow and the only way to get it is from killing skeletons there it is i saw it no no that one dropped it i'm like 900 oh i see it on the ground ladies and gentlemen finally i made it into one of our videos i'm not going to say my arrow is one of the best ones anything you shoot turns into a completely random block i mean look at this we just got ancient debris now i've got to duplicate this with the mr beast arrow make a diamond pickaxe and then get the ancient debris this is these arrows are hurting my brain my brain is actually being hurt because look now we can duplicate the ancient debris and you can just you can on it you can just keep on going wait so we got a block of iron and now we put the mr beast arrow duplicate that iron block duplicate this gold block and now we can make an anvil i never thought this would happen a block of netherrite that is now duplicatable because of the mr beast arrow there is nothing in life that you will ever see that is quite as beautiful as this alright again don't forget the objectives okay we have to completely wipe out another fortress with all the mobs inside of it and get the steppy youtuber arrow from hoglands somewhere inside of here we'll find it oh yes oh i almost just killed myself but it worked there's actually three youtuber arrows in the nether skippy's which is from hoglands george not found which is from a gas and then the dream arrow from zombie pigmen you know how the press scenario turns blocks into random ones what if the prestanero turns mobs into random mobs there's only one way to find out it works look at so many mobs one of you is gonna turn again oh i didn't mean to do this but this works out well i need this guest okay so far we're not having a whole lot of luck yes all right we got what we asked for we yes okay now we use the mr beast arrow we want to duplicate the hoglands oh why did i do that all right i don't like the cats but i do need some help killing these hoglands there we go yay come on one of you is gonna give me is that a scapiero give us your arrows hogwarts come on come on come on is it in there it is ah the power of thunder whatever this means all right so i'm pretty sure when you shoot mobs with the skeppy arrow you get op drops so let's see if we can demonstrate it on the blazers so shooting the blazes not only gives us blaze rods but he gave us a protection ford helmet all right enderman oh look at those ender pearls zombie pikmin drop and portal frames wait you gotta get here you know we're going with this a lot a lot we gotta do this okay we're gonna duplicate the blazes but then we switch over to the skeppy arrow you shoot them and that's how we get the blaze rods oh we got the dream arrow yes i don't even mean to okay we're getting eyes of ender and then portal frames i don't even know what's happening anymore okay here's the deal we duplicate this one we duplicate this one and we pr and we pray it works all right but we're going to come back to this okay we can't do this yet we still have to destroy the nether fortress entirely we've pretty much destroyed every mob in the nether fortress so far we're missing the george not found arrow which we got to get from a gas turn this guy into a gas that's a dolphin that's a that's a golem yes all right hold on we gotta duplicate it we gotta duplicate it no oh but it doesn't matter the arrow has been dropped by the gas what the george arrow does you shoot it you can do this it's pretty cool except you don't want to suffocate the objective was to level this entire fortress all right i think that this fortress is pretty much completely leveled which also lets me show off the dream arrow okay so why is the dream error so cool let me show you something right look at this boom you teleport to the arrow and you can start like mid air if you wanted to look at this you can just right click and then do that we have to defeat five ender dragons which means we're gonna have to shoot the inner dragon with the mr beast arrow to duplicate him okay i'm ready i oh man i'm not ready come here ender dragon let me duplicate you i never thought i'd say that i don't really want to duplicate him to be honest and he's been duplicated is there fi i can't dump there's four or if there's five i'm gonna consider four to be enough that's fine you know what four is good bro this is gonna i don't know if we're gonna survive i'm gonna be completely honest with everybody i don't know if we're gonna be surviving this i don't even know what areas use one more i think that's the last one right there come on boom oh there's one more so i'm still not used to these arrows look at this you can use this to parkour it's oh this is a very dangerous life we're living right now my guy that's right okay using this guy stop it right now cats come on there we go all right there is still one youtube arrow that we have not gotten and it is from the enderman but it is only from enderman in the end all right let's go and specify that the last and final arrow is none other than the wisp arrow i do you guys already know i love whispers content all right he's a beautiful british man uh we might actually have to punch the enderman if i'm being completely honest here get him cats and there it is oh i am so excited for this you have no idea all right so the whisperer is pretty much the greatest thing invented since sliced toast when you shoot this arrow it spawns an infinite funnel of tnt that's right uh we might need to back up a little bit so we might be able to use this to beat the ender dragons but it also might kill us yep okay we're gonna put on blast protection and the feather falling because the damage from this tnt is astronomical oh that was one arrow by the way one arrow oh we gotta get okay we're gonna die we have to go up we have to go up we're literally gonna die all right so we got a safe spot over here the thing is like so this get the arrow technically it straight hits it with lightning i don't know how much damage it deals though okay we gotta turn at least one of them into a random mob we don't even know if the press scenario works on the dragons we gotta test it out i don't think it works i'm pretty sure i've hit this inner dragon multiple times i think we can only rely on the whisper at this point oh i'm so nervous this is a bad eye this is a real bad idea i have to get dude if i don't get high i'm gonna die i'm gonna die if i don't get up oh i think it's actually working it's hitting some of the dragons that one took some massive damage oh that's the wrong arrow that's the wrong arrow this is good the dragons are falling they're flying low oh that one just got bought by a million tnt we don't need a miracle to survive this video man we're back to the scapular we're trying to get some cheeky shots in on the dragons one dragon has died to the tnt oh i think another one just died you can hear the sound effects what is happening down there that's an alive dragon he's he's got to die he's got to die he's almost dead he's a one shot two more inner dragons remain ladies and gentlemen oh they're not getting hit by the west tnt i'm going to spawn so much on this platform and it's either going to kill us or help us win the game the end is hidden kind of different right now too if i'm being honest with you it's tough man the wisp tnt just isn't reaching some of these dragons i'm hoping that the witch t like ricochets up into the dragon and hits them there we go there we go we just gotta keep building the dirt up i've got an idea this is probably one of my most dangerous ideas yet we're either gonna beat the game right here or we're gonna die i think you all know where i'm going with this i really hope you do we're gonna have to be so fast on this we're gonna shoot the whispero exactly where we are there we go now we gotta use the dream arrow we gotta get out of here oh he's he just landed into the d and d and maybe it is working we should be okay this is the last dragon i know i said it was gonna be five it was four please don't judge me oh my dude we're playing a dangerous game it's like he keeps getting further away this is it i don't think we can rely on the whisper anymore we might be able to finish him off with the whisper one of us is about to die it's either gonna be him or it's gonna be us and i think it's gonna be him the boaster ability is literally out it's shooting like a d and d cannon we might need to use this totem oh we gotta use the totem oh yeah oh my god oh thank god we had this oh we might die hold on dream arrow dream arrow i don't know if it's gonna even matter at this point come on come on okay we're fine if he just goes underneath that how did he not get hit by any of the faucet tnt this might be the world's luckiest inner dragon i've never seen something like this there's no way he's gonna survive if you land in that well you or you know you're dead yes what if minecraft youtubers were shield and one of those youtuber shields had incredibly overpowered abilities like being able to dig straight down by shooting a laser these shields are so overpowered i just survived with half a heart and we found diamonds as i was saying these shields are so overpowered i'm confident that we can use one of the shields to literally one shot the ender dragon in the end what but before we do all of that we have to collect as many youtuber shields as possible and we already have six diamonds which is insane some of these youtuber shields have ridiculously overpowered abilities i mean if this wasn't overpowered enough they continue to get even more crazy than this so the thing we're looking for right now is the silver ingot boom there's the silver ingots and all these youtubers shields are so easy to make so literally like you're making a regular shield pop this bad boy in this is the silver shield oh i'm gonna try it on the zombie hello zombie oh i think i know what the shield does i think it turns hostile mobs into familiars that fight alongside you let's try it right here oh look at this we can use this shield to build an entire army if you thought this shield only shot lasers you are severely mistaken yep and you can do this in any direction you want in order to get one of the best materials to make the shield that is going to help us one shot the ender dragon we have to go raid i forget the name okay i honestly i genuinely forget the name but it's at the top oh i really hope i don't die oh i really hope i don't die all right we got this we got this we got this we got this oh my if we miss this water bucket it's all over we're not gonna miss it though we're not gonna miss it what did i say all right we didn't have to deal with killing any of the pillagers boom this is it baby the preston ingot we had to include myself as one of the youtuber shields in this video i thought it'd be fantastic oh man all right are there even oh there are villagers oh there is definitely a lot of pillagers see this is the greatest thing about all these shields because now i'm i'm getting out of here i do i don't want to be anywhere near these pillagers like no offense guys oh and there's a lava pool to go to the nether oh this is going to be so easy boom we're in now the cool thing about this one is like notice this damage absorbed the more damage you absorb with the shield the more damage that you can reflect so if we fully charge this throughout the rest of the video we can one shot the inner dragon and that's our big goal today in fact i don't know why i went away from the pillagers because we might be able to charge it on them oh this is gonna be dangerous all right how much damage do we charge all right we have charged 17 damage oh okay this is perfect well while we're charging the shield if you could do me a huge paper and like the video you can always change your mind later of course hopefully you don't we're actually almost charged look at the bottom left you can see it it's like a fourth of the way charge now obviously if you want to see this one shot the ender dragon you've got to stick around until the end because i'm gonna charge this bad boy up save it in the inventory and just wait i'm gonna wait i don't want to waste it okay i mean we could use it to kill a wither which would be pretty sick i'm not gonna do that though all right come on come on just a few more shots who would have thought pillow juice would be so useful oh i love him look at him just a bunch of gray villagers i am backing away i think we're almost fully charged i'm i'm taking a leave of absence we are currently at 297 of 301 okay a couple more shots all right that's enough that's enough we're at oh 295 out of 301 all right we're saving this that's a lot of damage we're getting we're gonna we're gonna get away from these guys real quick oh we don't have a water bucket that could have been so bad all right we're putting this one up here okay because we want to save this one for as long as possible the next youtuber shield we have to make is the skeppy shield and it's oh we gotta get we gotta get creepers i mean we got a few more creepers that we maybe have wanted i don't think we want this many creepers oh yeah that's a lot of creep but we got the ingot i mean we almost died but we got the inga ladies and gentlemen that's what matters oh come on skeppy shield oh my gosh it's beautiful it's literally like glistening and made out of like just diamond oh it's so pretty just like scappy all right so i'm a little bit like i'm concerned anytime we have a new youtuber shield like you just assume that something bad's gonna be happening what does it do hello hello i have an idea i found an enderman i'm a little bit scared all right but i i think this is one of those shields where you got oh please all right we gotta look at him he's not angry wow i'm like looking oh he's in case angry now oh look at this oh oh we just got nine inner pearls and wait hold on i didn't even mean to get this we just got dreams in good unintentionally okay i'm saving that one i was trying to get this one later in the video basically i think the skeptic shield makes mobs drop their items i don't know i don't think it works i mean it kind of works with creepers i mean there's some gunpowder on the ground i gotta try like okay we gotta test it out in the zombie what is she doing oh yeah look at that party dropping like rotten flesh and carrots all right we don't really need any of those so i think we get like oh wait look at all these arrows i don't know how we're taking damage but look at these arrows man oh this is fantastic okay 38 arrows and 51 bones that's ridiculous that is more bones than a man will ever need comment down below if you know how many bones are in a human body i think it's like 216 or something oh the spider oh i was looking for this this is where we get the next youtuber's shield ingredient if you're not gonna come down we're gonna come to you all right remember you brought this on yourself spider you could have fallen down that's what it's not my fault and there it is oh we already had one what are these dead fish what is that why are there that fish right okay i'm not even gonna ask questions oh man okay what is that i'm still i'm excited for this one this is my wife if you guys didn't know brianna plays you got her beautiful i like how it's like her entire character on the shield don't forget we still have the press to play shield we're going to be using that at the end to defeat the ender dragon in one shot and then we still have the dreaming good so we're going to save that but what does the brienne i got to know what my wife shield does i feel like i should know this i mean she's my wife all right again you right click it nothing happened oh my oh that was awful oh wait i did i thought i did nothing because you're like sitting here right clicking the whole time right and then you let go you get i don't know why you get fire resistance and resistance for a split second that was terrifying so some of the shields i think brianna i don't remember i think her shield also has an ability that only works in the nether now if we're gonna get there as fast as possible we've got to use this we can literally just mine obsidian oh this is so easy if only vanilla minecraft was this easy man i would just like this is so good oh hello what well hello there diamonds i didn't even expect oh this is it this is it right here all right get that little flint and steel action if you're enjoying the videos and you haven't already please go and hit that subscribe button the small percentage of you are subscribed which means more of you can subscribe all right i'm done selling out for now um whoa whoa what oh my gosh this is like at disney world when there's the blue milk at the star wars land what am i what is this blue oar oh it mines very like butter oh it's whisper i should have known just from looking at it that it was whisper this looks fantastic i just wanted it all right but we're not going to eat it but i am going to make it into a shield all right tony bologna that's what's going to happen here what do you think always i smelt it too oh frick you're right you're right preston you're getting a little bit ahead of yourself honestly this is not a bad spawn because we have the bionic shield we can basically get around things as quickly as possible so i'm not too worried oh give me this wisp ingot man oh this oh dude it's so cute oh oh my this is this might be the world's most adorable shield it is actually so quiet don't give me a heart attack like the brianna shield all right at face value i don't know what it does i wonder i just want to see can i use this to kill this guy oh why is it wait wait oh this is insane okay i didn't realize we could use it like this oh oh all right so i've journeyed a little bit further away we have found some zombie pigmen i want to see if the wisp shield uh okay i didn't mean to do that but i've noticed something with the brianna's shield so if you hold the right click it like acts as a black hole and just sucks mobs in for example you see these zombie pigmen look at this look at this this is insane it like it does damage and then you let go and it strikes them with lightning it's awesome i don't even need a diamond axe all right but as cool as the brianna shield is i like i have no idea i got we got to find out what the whisper shield does all right i'm going to block this mob [Music] oh i think it gives knock back oh that's sick i love this wait wait one all right piglet piglet oh dude he literally got boosted to a different country those simple things in minecraft are often the most satisfying i don't know why all right so you remember how we have that uh what shield is the skeppy shield all right skeppy well these guys oh look at all the gold being dropped by and it kills them too so i'm assuming okay well buddy i really should make some iron gear i probably will hear i'll make some iron gear here soon i know what is that oh what wait wait there's more to the wisp shield wait can you just duplic you can just duplicate items wait wait it throws him on what oh my gosh it's like a pokeball wait hold on hold on you're telling me i get his way can i is this real life is this dude this is literally no what but dude doesn't deal damage oh it does you can look what oh okay this was a terrible idea okay hindsight not the best idea i've ever had also not the best idea i've ever had but okay we made it we're good we're good i think this is a good time to make the dream shield you've all been waiting long enough i mean now that we can duplicate items it doesn't really matter right like i mean we can literally do whatever the heck we want wait a second hold on why am i so small brain look at this duplicate the diamonds oh yeah dude you know where this is going duplicate the diamond blocks look at these pigments trying to kill me look at these sore losers man hey listen you lost fair and square buds all right don't be don't be getting mad at me oh i turned i think i turned the crafting table into a diamond block oops all right please break it down now y'all put it in here wham bam with the thank you ma'am full diamond gear i'm just gonna i almost threw away the extra diamonds that was that was that would have been a bad idea all right okay see now we're finally loaded okay so all we have to do now we just gotta find a fortress now i promise you all would make the dream shield let's oh gosh you gotta harvest it are you kidding me we will see we'll survive we'll survive i like it but i don't like it you take so much suffocation damage oh my gosh this is so pretty oh look at okay i feel like it doesn't look fully like dream it's like if dream was a rectangle i mean it's got it it's kind of cute though again no idea what it does here we go oh they're levitating wait they're they're wait a sec oh something's up oh what is it what are you doing whoa whoa definitely not what i expected am i disappointed absolutely not i don't even know what's happening why is there protection four in this pickaxe so here's what happens you block a mob and then it like turns into like a pinata and you get like op loop like jump potions oh my gosh this bow is goated no power just kidding 64 golden apples that is abnormal and i think this works look at this we got cake i love cake all right we've got we've gotta find a fortress now dude i want to find a fortress so bad you just gotta ask can you shout wait so with the slow falling potion we got i think we can use the bonk shield that's it it's hit the bomb oh yeah oh this is this is how you play minecraft if you play minecraft like this are you even really playing minecraft i feel like i can hear the blazes oh my gosh there they are oh look at these little red pickles all right oh that's only one oh no why'd i kill him oh wait that's a youtuber ring it hold on hold on oh i just remembered we can just duplicate the blaze rods by putting the wisp shield on right am i crazy no i'm not crazy hey look hey you want to become a pinata become a pinata this is so good oh all right listen let's not get too crazy now so we've got the sunday ingot one of my favorite youtubers i've clapped with him a whole bunch amazing guy all right beautiful in every way shape and form my inventory management is becoming a mess before we make this sunday shield we gotta use the witch shirt we gotta duplicate these blaze rods all right i mean we don't even never mind we have 24 eyes of ender what what what do i know never mind we don't need to duplicate those but i will take this chest plate in the name of jesus and i will take these nether right legs because they look fancy and i will definitely take these not champ why are there notch applesauce okay whatever maybe it's like the better mob that you hit with the dream shield like that i i can't explain it at this point all right it's just oh dude i can't wait to see what the sunny shield does i mean don't remember hey you can't go anywhere all right we still haven't used the preston shield so don't leave anywhere oh this we have so many shields i i can't keep track of my inventory oh this is beautiful again what does it do oh i i can't right click all right so i'm i'm trying to fit like am i crazy no no see the other shields work it's not shielding why is it on my head um okay what you gotta be kidding me you i could safely retire from youtube it's just i think it just makes you fly and then like it's pushing mobs away from me uh what okay i just pressed a key on my keyboard oh my no no oh this is too much destruction man wait and then if you combine this with the brianna shield which absorbs the mobs this is something else man i'm literally the god of this minecraft world now nobody can defeat me i'm i'm literally undefeatable and i look gorgeous while doing it at the same time oh this is so nice look at this because you just come wait wait all right give me your gas tears give me your gas tears oh look at the gunpowder he dropped we don't even need these items i'm just i'm literally just doing this to bully the gas but look at this i love the fact that we can literally just like fly around the overworld and uh and like okay i think i found i think the fortress is like directly like look at this i'm just flying and then shooting lasers through the ground and there it is the stronghold ladies and gentlemen yo we can literally just float our way through the stronghold and find the portal this is so like this is oh oh did i find it oh did we break a frame oh dude i don't know if the lasers can break the frame but i'm like i'm not willing to test it let me let me tell you that much right there tony baloney oh i thought we did break it i was like it's not spawning uh okay like yeah we're here i'm literally gonna make my entire inventory nothing but youtuber shields pretty much i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna eat this god apple now we do have to charge the shield because we're missing six damage so i gotta take i gotta i gotta take this off as much as i love this sunday thing i gotta take it off just momentarily okay all right let's uh let's anger one of these guys getting very angry and the shield is i don't know how to use it though like we're fully charged 301 out of 301. i remember like the biggest objective of this entire video was to kill the ender dragon with one blast i don't know how we're gonna do that all right here we go let's get close aim how do you shoot it i don't know how to shoot it i don't know i'm just gonna i'm gonna keep maybe we gotta like sneak is this working okay something's happening something is happening my shield is it's it's having an attack all right come on come on ender dragon come on in i don't know if i need to be close to him i don't know what's happening right now i'm just praying to god that he dies all right come on yes oh my gosh that was sick one shot the ender dragon he lost a little bit of health but still managed to one shot him with the preston shield oh you've got to subscribe to the channel if you want to see more videos like this let me know down below in the comments what you thought follow me on twitter and instagram and have a blessed day i'll see all you beautiful people next time
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 5,743,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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