Minecraft Among Us NEW Map Update! *wife sus*

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all right let's go baby welcome everybody we got among us in minecraft there was just a brand new update we've got all the maps now from among us inside of minecraft we're playing polis right now but we got polis i think it's skeld mirai hq probably pronounced that one wrong um but i'm so excited we also have a lot of awesome youtubers here this is gonna be so sick the map and we're just like re-changing it to make it more halloweeny so we'll let you know as soon as it's ready to go is uh anybody ready i'm ready uh is everyone on not right we got it we have a i'm live but i got quick standing in the corner wait captain ross is definite max is definitely i think they're all listening to the stream is anyone ready [Laughter] i'm just letting you guys know that if i'm the imposter i'm going to kill gizzy first what's up can someone hold my hand andrew uh no no we don't do no hand holding here i'm sorry i get double killed i ain't getting double killed all right listen listen who are we missing right now boys we missing uh ross we have ten the party hasn't started because i haven't pushed the button i'm i'm waiting for ross okay nine ten we have ten in the game yeah so we just [Laughter] one of us so do we do we just start without ross did he ignore our oh i live with him i could go ask him if you want but weird flex dude i'm alive he's alive okay let's oh my god guys first game of the stream we get imposter let's freaking go if we don't 10 million iq this first game i don't know but i'm very excited right now okay so if you guys haven't seen how this works it's basically among us but obviously it's in minecraft it's so well done i got to give credit to phoenix for making the map he did such a good job but it's also sigils and i so sigils is this man i believe i've also got to kill the big iq players first which would be probably max and some of the other players so i don't know how to sabotage oh that's how you sabotage that's right okay i know how to sabotage ladies and gentlemen oh my gosh yo if you guys are pumped for among us in minecraft do me a huge favor guys leave a like down below this is gonna be so much fun guys oh i'm so excited oh i'm so excited right now i'm gonna go for a kill do i oh oh who do i kill who do i kill right now okay i killed nobody okay i'm going it's gonna be too obvious if i kill ross right here it's gonna be a bad time i'm not gonna kill ross no no no no i've gotta find yo people are okay hello all right that was kind of fast boys it was real quick it wasn't really that fast that was right he was dead i guess dizzy but it wasn't me i know i said i would do it if i was the imposter but it wasn't me pretty soft dude oh that was so funny we're never gonna hear the end of it guys i hope it was worth it four gifts man ford gizzy just always gets it homie so he's different who found him never skipping yeah i'll skip i don't mind yeah i'm skipping wait wait can we at least know henry where you found the body um it was like so that that door behind biffle like right there right right there don't look at it oh right now oh it's like right here okay i know it's not ross and i because wait there's like four of us in specimen it was like rossi i was inspected also call me scan yeah i saw a green scan and i was with preston in uh specimen yeah no one's on my side right now well i mean what why what do we do do we need to be on your side did you do something that you needed for the lifestyle ready i didn't get it alone would you like to admit to murdering him [Laughter] all right i'll skip guys oh wait what why did you guys both wake up what okay [Music] all right well ladies and gentlemen everybody voted quick off i don't know if that was an intelligent decision i am going to go into the specimen room so i'm going to try to play this a little bit slow normally as the impostor i like to do things where i go kind of quick and to start chopping people down but i'm not going to do that all right maybe once we get up to 10 000 viewers i'll start chop chop chopping but i'm kind of taking it easy boys and girls hmm i need a good opportunity though i need a good opportunity you know what i mean like because i could cut the lights right now if we wanted to but it'd be kind of dangerous this is tough man there's just so many players there's literally players everywhere and i don't know where my where's my co-imposter my co-impostor is elsewhere do i want to go for a kill here at lights um what do you think stream who do you think who do you guys want me to kill first i'm kind of looking around i'm kind of looking for some people to take out i don't know though dude i don't know like i literally this is my first time ever getting impostor on this map and the tasks are being completed way too quick i probably should have gone for a kill much more soon everybody's saying kill bree you guys are so mean dude i love it all right i'll kill this person why not wait did my kill button get glitched no okay i didn't okay good i'm gonna go ahead and sabotage the lights lights have been sabotaged where's my kill button kill button kill button oh my god we're gonna lose all the tasks hold on just found a body inside of the specimen decontamination container oh okay because i just saw you go into a decontamination chamber yes that's where i found the body it seems like pressing your alibi matches no listen he found the dead body where he conveniently was walking into when i saw him last that's usually what happens when you find a dead body i wasn't looking for a dead body but brie you kind of got my vote right now chief i think i have a question for some tickets bro did i see you vent no honestly i'm just lost i don't know how to smell you you were just kind of looking you were looking at me i was looking at you there was a vent i was looking at the vent then i was looking at you so guys are having a moment i don't want to put bree under the bus but she usually is the slower imposter and this has been a very slow killing game for two imposters i say i say we we already got one of the imposters out it was obviously quick so i say actually what if we just sniped one of the imposters and that's why what if it was what it was it could have been gizzy or it could have been the biggest plot twist of the century i feel comfortable skipping i i i'm okay with it hi bri i'm watching you though thanks for confirming my alibi though appreciate that i guess you can continue to do that i wish we could vote him twice holy oh my gosh okay that was too funny guys we really got to make some progress though there's a lot of tasks being completed right now and i don't like it i've also never used the vins as imposter so i don't know how they work but i could try them i could try them i feel like that's one thing i'm missing right now is the impostor's like i'm not using the vince like i should be so kind of a big l on my part ladies and gentlemen kind of a big l on my part should be using the vents but i'm not okay come on who just opened the door for me hello all right oh my gosh another dead body bro trying to get tested okay who was at the asteroid task because that's where the body was huh you walked in and found a body again you got me i walked in and found the body twice i literally walked past specimen went through the decontamination room at dead body at asteroids was anybody there i was my wife like reactor thing you were yeah obviously i was there i mean i didn't report like at the beginning of the game i don't remember where i was you're not asking about the beginning of the game we're at not asteroids though like at the beginning of a task [Music] you just you apparently right when i'm sick and tired of you brie there's a lot of finger pointing occurring i almost i literally almost did i almost intentionally didn't report the body just so that my brain would be like yeah did you find your body over there telescopes i'm pretty sure i think it's preston it is one of these i know it wasn't breed because i was behind her like kind of in the admin building but all right that's all i needed to hear i don't know who are y'all voting we don't i i i'm skipping no i panic voted oh two people voted for bree and two people why why bro this is ridiculous guys this is ridiculous first of all i haven't even managed to land a singular killer right now i'm very disappointed but this is my co-murderer right here me and sigil is about to go big ladies and gentlemen we've we've got to go big and we got to go big quick because we don't got a lot of time you know what i'm saying so i'm looking around is there any events sigils and i have to get a big double kill here guys because literally every single task is about to be done here's what i do i'm going to sabotage we're going to sabotage uh reactor reactor okay there we go all right there's a kilt that that was needed that was needed hopefully bree doesn't come over here okay he's gotta kill oh don't kill free double kill double kill them you can double kill them oh my god you've gotta go what are you doing oh my gosh he's got to kill him he's got if he doesn't kill him it's bad things let's go down [Music] soon as you guys both walked out of that decontamination oh i knew my life was already okay so bro dude by the way i did not make a single kill until the last 10 seconds of the game and breeze calling me sucks so stop casting shades you didn't that's the best part is i was genuinely just standing in there like this is cool and then you're like are you about to event i did it even though we lost we all won quigg died so i kept winning no this is just someone such a skip that meant to vote me out oh no we plan to kill you around one no matter what happens it was inevitable we won that game by me just reporting the dead bodies that sigil killed that's how we won the game i was trying to figure out what you were doing because i kept being like oh am i i don't want to kill everybody like are you chilling like no i don't i didn't do it intentionally because i thought sigils i got your skin confused with biffle and so i was like this is my co-murderer i wonder one time you walked past me and i kind of like like crouched you and you kind of looked at me weird like what are you doing and i was like i mean oh my god that's great that's great it's so funny don't worry gizzy you'll play one day someday one day someday i died as well okay all right guys yo who's having a good time so far watching the stream i hope everybody's having a fantastic time you guys are legends right now thank you to everybody who's watching the stream do me a favor leave a like if you haven't already hit that red subscribe button if you haven't as well so i'm gonna do something that's a little bit risky i don't recommend doing this all the time but after i do some of these tasks over here at the beginning i am then going to move on to a very scary area otherwise known as specimen so specimen is uh kind of a dangerous area for obvious reasons in fact i found a lot of bodies in this area last game um but i really want to go into the specimen area and see if we can do some big plays okay so yeah do we have any oh my gosh no okay we have one task oh downloading the data guys this is where you die literally when you download the data this is how you die oh i found potty and admin okay well um i know who the both imposters are oh no i was i was on cams one of them kills the body the other one offense the question is who is it i gotta know who is it who is it oh no without them [Music] who was it i'll let the i'll let them expose themselves first why are you looking at me you can go ahead and you can go ahead and you know speak up if you choose to no forever scout the body walked down the hallway and before vented behind him oh oh how could i know you were actually on camera's house okay why would i say okay so who we vote who we voting we can anybody see henry oh is and then i went towards o2 right there that was the fed that was the venue wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you voted you voting for sigils oh this is clearly 500 [Music] hi ladies and gentlemen dude i'm having so much fun you guys are absolute legends oh my goodness gracious so i've got i'm curious do you guys like watching the minecraft among us version like what we're playing right now or would you prefer to see the regular among us version also rohan crafter thank you so much for the super chat bro i don't know what 350 czar is but i appreciate it you are a legend in my heart oh my gosh why are people dropping like we know henry only has three so it can't be him i'm i literally watched this happen who do we think it is we think it's in right no no no no no no no no no i i know it's the jews because guys we can vote for sigils win the game and if it's if we don't win the game then vote me off sure i thought i voted in the first five seconds of the game he's literally throwing your head impossible listen i'm third and positive do you guys see the blue spark above our heads yeah that means that means you're voting that means you voted that's me okay such a fast game i was in the hallway of admin and i see i see biffle i'm like hey dude i was i was talking about guys because i hate getting crewmates like i'm in a third imposter this round so i'm going to pretend to be on this vent he just stands at me in the hole nothing happens so we just kind of look at each other sigils walks in kills me right in front of him and then we saw it all on camera can i be honest i didn't see piffle at all i just saw you i know i had no idea bissell was there people were sitting in the corner he just saw you killed just like oh nice hi guys big game here big game here so i really want to win again oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i can't do this task so in um you can't do the same task like in the minecraft among us version guys you can't do the same task as the other people so you got it you got to pick your own task i'm also trying to get some of this done over here brother yeah there we go we got a fast ass done ooh do i think it's quick or ross they are kind of over next to each other oh my god the lights just went down oh i'm gonna get murdered i think i'm about to get murdered no no no oh oh max i knew it boys what did i say oh mike it dude i literally called it i lit max and quigg are both the imposters they just did a double kill who was this wait no no so max quigg i think max killed me quake killed ross they did a double kill they did a double kill and they closed it off dude just so we dude i'm so mad right now please somebody needs dude i'm i'm very triggered right now i'm very very triggered this has gotten this got me mad this got me very mad right now quick is over here too looking so suspicious man like oh oh she got closed off hello hey what you doing quick quick what you doing bro oh my god dude quick is on a killing spree look at this so many people are three people this is ridiculous you know yeah you can't tell i don't want to throw this person under the bus but the last person i did see was gizzy what no mark kim thank you so much where did you see me stream can i just have a moment here somebody donated five dollars and said preston can you work on your weird laugh i don't know if i can fix my laugh is my laugh weird if it is i i'm okay with that because i can't change it but what hello no wait i just walked next to you i don't think uh quick abstains because he is also the murderer i'm gonna watch quick and now he plays so quick is gonna go over here oh oh i think people are suss of quick look at this quake's getting followed so there's a glitch in the minecraft version if quick oh my god oh my god max vented he's just nowhere near there nope so event what's your alibi did you guys i wasn't anywhere near there dude it was buy weapons last round you're pretty much hard accusing this round i was not crazy like lily afk the entire trust me vote [Music] [Laughter] there we go okay now i can talk with you stream i felt like i couldn't talk with you guys because i'm oh they got minced in let's go okay they did vote they finally voted off one of the imposters let's freaking go so if they voted off only one what is quick gonna do quick you little zombie man look at him look at me sitting there he's sitting there what's he gonna do he's gonna go in a specimen oh he fakes wait he just fake specimen why would you fake specimen oh wait can i still do tasks as a ghost oh shoot dude i didn't realize this whole time that i could still do tasks i thought that was only in the real version not uh not the minecraft version that's my b boys that's me my that's my b i'm kind of low-key letting the team down right now but i'm gonna make it up to everybody oh the lights just went down which means quick's about to make a kill or something bro you already know quick's about to make a big a big kill i'm making it up to my fellow i'll make it up to my people right now i can't believe that if quake wins this game i'm gonna be so upset at spaghetti oh somebody restored the lights though fix the wiring copy that captain oh okay i gotta hear what they're saying guys hold on hold on i gotta hear this i gotta hear this wait in that area i'm in electrical right now yeah yeah on the way on the way to electrical bodies oh wait where was it like outside of weapons in the middle like outside dude no it's quick i think it's quick was act communication also 15 donations thank you so much where the body was found therefore i think it's fake he must have killed the body and the lights were down walking to electrical just so much animation we just vote together all i said was that i saw you i never saw sigils i said that i saw you i never saw guilty that whole round too it's a good question i'm saying you saw me go into communications to do the ties you came out of communications what task did you brianna's message let me see if i don't know why you're hard accusing me i've just walked past communications when you walked in you genuinely have you have no reason i thought you had to do this to be fine i gotta figure out how to turn back on lights so the last like the first round i saw max vent and then this round i saw quigg by the body i'm back did you miss me yes good job let's go i don't know dude literally that was a dirty double kill boys you didn't have to do as dirty like that in your laboratory on the verge of tears the entire round was just worth it i knew it was quick i knew i said him and he motivated me i either die first or i get voted off so try to be detective knowing that it's max and quick and no one believing you it's so well you didn't really have that too hard evidence hey that was a close round that was closed i was talking quick clutches i tried i don't know all right let's go let's go baby let's go come on come on we might we might not be the imposter but that's okay yo say thank you so much for the 10 donation brother hope you guys are enjoying yourself in this stream appreciate everybody taking time to watch me you guys are the best i'm a scoop what hello oh i thought that task glitched uh scoop this up again okay two two of the same same tasks um four people congregating over here eh so i've got some tasks in specimen but dude you know if you go into specimen it's a dangerous time who's this okay biffle i think was doing the weapons task and he's innocent i believe oh my gosh why am i uploading the date this is where you die a stream this is where you die oh gizzy and henry so they killed people right outside of spawn wow yeah that's great yeah i because i i was trying to fix my audio real quick so i walk off the drop ship head over to the node and there's just a body there oh which node which you murdered oh man this is [Laughter] if i talk or if i don't talk brian is just gonna call me success regardless this is another gizzy situation also brilliant muted the entire game please thank you i mean maybe i should i saw people doing weapons so i know that dude's clear and then i headed up into what's it right next to weapons it's the communications o2 no wait you you saw him doing weapons or you saw a body standing at the weapons no i saw him doing weapons he's he's here he's not dead that was weapons yes i saw steve doing weapons yes oh i didn't see even weapons interesting but it was beautiful i'm just gonna go for my safe guess what a quick [Music] so we still know who it is stream don't cheat by the way don't stream watch i don't i don't want dude don't spoil guys no stream peeking but i do want to know who it is i need i need the stream's power to assist me here because y'all are the best most beautiful viewers in the whole entire planet and i love you guys please biffle i i said you were innocent please don't kill me please don't do it oh we just took damage please don't kill me pitfall if you're the impostor let me live bro let me live don't do it oh specimen's a bad place to be oh my god the lights are going down too yo i'm kind of i'm kind of scared right now why why is bitful following me like this i have done nothing sus oh no i'm uploading the data i like how everybody always says it's brie somebody said it's quick i mean wouldn't put it past him oh my gosh christina with the 100 donation christina thank you so much oh my goodness okay what why why um because so when the lights went off i went down to admin and i heard someone walking the way that i heard the walking there was a body and i ran to like find out who it was and i saw biffle running out of admin wait before can i get you can i get your wait can i get biffles alibi because i know something that i can't mention until i get the alibi okay so i i went into uh dk rotated to come with the mr preston and one other that was me it was green yeah so but quake is saying that you went all the way back up did you go back up to admin i went i went back the way we came and then i went outside and then the body was deported it's quick was next to green and i and specimen and all three of us nobody else was an admin besides biffle it's not mad i don't know quick you got my vote homie it's not breathing i'm voting do you think it's preston though because you usually have suss why i don't i i i don't think i appreciate this okay i just wanted to double check i've been convinced i appreciate it i appreciate it i promise it's quick i don't oh yeah wait okay so no there i i'm 99 sure it was quick if it's not we're lost but i don't know who the other imposter would be though that's the one scary thing stream i'm a little worried right now i just ran into a a non-usable area but i'm a little bit okay gizzy's dead ross henry quigg we already knew that ah dude is it bree i don't know i don't think it's brie i think brianna's innocent guys i don't know though i don't know like it's so difficult nobody knew has died so that's i guess that's a good sign kind of a good sign this person though hasn't done a lot of sabotages what's going on over here i didn't like what i just saw i mean it could be biffle i just don't think it is biffle man i think bitful's clean i think the dude's fit right i think the dude's i'm gonna do med base so people know it's not me oh my god thank you so much for clearing my name i didn't do anything why do you say my name like biffle got voted out anyways i got killed for that i enjoyed our moment together this is just what a moment man all right can we just talk about recessing me quick sus and bitful and then like i'm sorry [Music] guys this is crazy also just got to say a big shout out to ttv for the 20 man appreciate you man he said he's in the military so thank you so much for supporting our country bro you rock also we had like a person with a japanese name i believe or is that kanji i don't know it's chinese or japanese they donated thank you so much hope you guys know by the way you do not have to donate like listen if you super chat you're cool if you don't super chat you also cool i'm just glad everybody's watching okay that's all that matters to me all right i i swear if you guys do hit the subscribe button though there's a higher chance of me becoming the imposter there actually isn't but it does make me feel better so please inflate my ego is anybody dead hold on a check oh my gosh somebody's already dead ross is dead i might call an emergency meeting because ross is dead i think that might be the play hold on emergency meeting hello hello okay listen wait emergency meeting two people are dead i'm on vitals okay i checked vitals only ross was dead and then the time it took for me to go from vitals to the emergency beat uh button sigils died how does anybody know either of them i don't know it's just around the corner ten blocks it's not that long okay yeah okay uh i was with green on camps um yep uh but we don't know where the bodies were but they weren't yeah when you report the body it deletes the bodies so we don't know what the body's like oh yeah but does anybody anybody see this yeah did anyone see ross or andrew i didn't no no no i i don't think they didn't come right side though because i would i would just send them pass by this isn't good right this isn't good i mean left left side of the map yeah right side left side or right side facing from where pull up the map the left side of the map that's why i meant okay by the way david thank you for the five dollar super chat appreciate you yeah no bright side when you come out the jump [ __ ] left side on the map all right you haven't said anything the entire time it's good it wasn't oh that's sketch wait what is gay strat again no i'm here i said i was on the left side with green was it was he was he yeah he did pass by that but did anybody see gizzy and i never i never saw ross or andrew and then the bodies have been deleted i don't know like what else you want me to tell you who sound different preston where were you before you checked um vitals huh right next to the key card task next to vital so so were you doing this kickass task are you a huge crap i was on vitals are we phone quick we needed to get somebody off bro stream this is not good viewers you guys are beautiful but i need you guys to help me out here also patrick thanks for the five bucks bro who do we think it is right now oh my god wait hold on hold on i just saw henry and green go in this room somebody i think somebody's gonna be dead in here i gotta check this out oh i'm scared though okay everybody's in here that's good nobody died nobody died which is a good sign yet can i get this task hello is this task broken we got a broken desk there's a lot of us in here man you know like two of the imposters are in here as well oh no oh my gosh dude stream i don't like where this oh wait wait what wait i found the dead body where was it okay where was it that's pretty wild actually now that you know every single one of you were everything yeah where was the buddy everyone can account everyone butt right yeah one of you that wasn't on the right side of the map by the way okay before later we were literally all there how long literally like half the game half the game yeah that you're worth that i think it must be biffle then yeah wait a second you said that you said that wasn't it why are you not voting sketchy wait are we oh we're voting [Music] this is tough bro i i just i don't know if that it might not have been biffle because biffle i don't know man somebody could have vented i know i think bree's clear bree's fine like i'm i'm pretty i'm pretty gucci with brewee i don't think she oh but henry though henry is a little and he might try to go kill my wife legit i'm kind of watching oh dude he paused there for a second oh i don't know bro if he goes to the i think he's gonna kill me here i think he's literally gonna kill me while i'm on the stabilizer i gotta do it though i gotta do it oh no no no green don't turn away green don't guys i think gizzy might also be i don't know i'm just not feeling i'm not feeling henry right now bro i don't know what to do i don't know nobody it's so hard in minecraft playing among us in minecraft is so dadgum difficult it's so i don't know i just i literally have no idea i want to make accusations but i can't cause i just don't know oh i'm dead oh i'm dead hey got a idea there we go let's go oh my god for the win wait what just happens we got a double kill we got double kills i knew it was dude guess he was so much who killed the person that was on the other side of the map then vintage who did that okay that must have been quick right [Music] i'm all right where can i can i go fake one over here yeah i can baby oh i could also totally just oh okay um yes all right yeah i think it's either gizzy or quick [Music] if you're gonna kill me kill max right after i was just mad about the last round no i just think it would be funny i am mad about the last one yelling kelly's like a little meeting who called the meeting well that's one way to clear up with somebody okay so gizzy's my imposter bro guys we need to play this intelligently i need to make sure nobody sees me doing anything dumb all right oh i can technically vent do you guys want to see me i kind of want to vent but i also kind of don't want to vent i also don't know when my kill is up oh lights are down this is a good moment guys oh let's go baby it's got an easy ko right there i'm feeling good i'm feeling good oh um two people oh was it death is it max is dead max relatively awkward oh it wasn't andrew was dead too who was on the south side of the map just southern side by communications all that area i think i would okay that's that's why i was suspended on the right side of me the drop ship wait is this a double kill here i don't know where i am apparently okay other than that yeah i think i want to clear ross because meet him with specimen pretty much the whole time okay well i have one question for you i'm waiting for you to stab me in the back and you have a question for me let's hear it guilty why did you stare a note that was literally glowing right in front of you and they just walked to the right of it and just because i saw you going to it so i was like i was behind no i saw you i saw you i have all your back for your head do you have no i don't did you not see me turning around i saw you i was like all right he's going to do this task and i'm going to go somewhere around huge and i went up i went to the lab and then i was about to go into specimen i mean i don't know how you sent him i don't know it's 100 him i mean gizzy because he wasn't left so he couldn't have got the body down that that that's what i'm gonna say was watching me do the uh the weather notes so it couldn't have been either probably whoever you already voted for it's probably this this quiet boy over here it's quiet guys what do you want well the body was doing it not where the body was found the south of the key card tasks near the nodes but not in the nodes chief that's us thanks guys all right that was character i was kind of close boys take a wig i feel like if i gotta take somebody out like i think we can play this slow guys so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna build up a nice reputation all right we're gonna build up a beautiful reputation with our man over here the green man i think that's what we should do how do i do this okay lights restored cool but i want to build up a reputation so i'm build up a reputation with my man the green oh oh hold on listen let me let me let me see this is awkward that i'm reporting it twice in a row it was uh-huh outside the office the office like right like like literally right next to them so when we when we spawned yeah like right like literally where is it like that hallway what's the kill cool down then it's 28 seconds we said that at the beginning remember that that was a fast 28 seconds i'm pretty sure i heard two people interesting you might have heard green and i because green and i were turning lights on i don't know with them at lights doing yeah what's up hey man how you doing so where were you going i was breaking clear in asteroids i didn't see you at all that's right kind of close to the office i didn't see it wait i didn't see your ass no no no no i had two alibis for the first death and the second death so well there's usually two killers i mean it doesn't mean you killed one of them you don't really have an alibi i i don't because i was in a task doing a task and gizzy where were you just double checking i wanna get everyone's alibis i was walking up to lab to laugh that one yeah over there um okay wait ross did you say ross you were with that i went left that way were you with us yeah i was that i was that electrical with you guys okay i saw him there that's on there i feel that kind of starts with before like finding the body styles how many times we gotta report someone else right we have the blood head yeah no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] [Music] green like i said guys i'm trying to build up the alibis okay i want to build up the the big boy alibis lights are down oh my gosh i'd even have to kill as i walked anybody those doors dude you like walked past him in an admin is not hysterical he's the imposter remember that i'm right on my notepad i'm just enjoying where preston was just quiet the whole time i was like hold up hey listen listen i literally didn't even get the kill so i mean i might even clap out there's no reason for me this is so much fun oh my i love this guys this is so much fun like i'm seriously having such a fun time i know i'm still kind of a noob imposter in minecraft okay it's just you know like i get imposters so little of the time that i don't want to be like i don't want to mess it up does that make sense because i just don't get it often so i want to win when i become the imposter but i should honestly play more crazy you know i should do more crazy how do you turn this on there we go uh but yeah so i literally like all the time i want to play aggressive as the imposter but i just i never get it i've been impostor twice in like two and a half hours do you guys realize how ridiculous that is like that's actually absurd oh did i just see gizzy kill somebody no okay i literally thought i just saw gizzy kill somebody and i was like what where's the oh dude i don't like going over here for these tasks i mean this is a really fun task but it's also really scary calms are down as well i knew it dude i knew it i knew it this is what i get for doing tasks preston's a good boy and i get eliminated i just finished simon says you're so lucky i just walked into the water wheel uh like the boiler room we didn't and there there was just body on it didn't i just saw preston and i'm pretty sure i saw like on the left side was ross green and brie i there was a bunch of us at an electrical that's what i am pretty sure you killed me guys on the left side phil why i wasn't on the left side like the beginning but i saw henry for a little bit i was an admin stream you guys have been amazing so far by the way i hope you guys have been enjoying it if you guys are new to the stream if you want to keep sticking around you guys hit that subscribe button leave a like on the stream i'm going to keep this bad boy public so if anybody wants to come back to it feel free um but this is so much fun if you guys want to we can switch the map so if you guys want to see us play a different map other than polis we can definitely switch it up we've got scale we've got all the maps from among us but in minecraft so there's anything that you guys want to see in particular like super down i know it's crazy we're almost at 30 000 people watching i'm honestly like flabbergasted because this is this is crazy um so i just want to say thank you everybody's been watching you guys rock seriously i uh i'm having a blast right now this is so much fun i'm also trying to set my hotkey though so that way whenever i do the thing in discord then you guys don't have to hear me hold on how do i do this i'm being a pleb right now guys hold on i want to do a random action i think that's why i want to set it as i got into random action hello how do i do this okay maybe i do maybe i can't no there it is hotkey switch let me do the hotkey switch there it is okay this one is is definite boom and it's definite okay that should be good hopefully that works i'm gonna i'm gonna try it out hey it does work let's go baby it wasn't green but yeah he's dead he's dead oh oh wait is it working okay so uh i just fixed calm and yeah quick watched me do okay well it was working [Music] so wait did they vote green off did they vote green enough while we were muted because i do not remember when did green die or was he not the imposter was i killed by oh was ross the killer am i in my smooth brain and ross killed me that might have been what happened i might be a smooth brain and ross killed me or something like that also we just had some new super chats jeremiah thank you so much brooks thank you so much shout out to brooks and matthew thank you so much for the super chat he's thinking about starting a youtube channel got any advice for me right now great game to start playing is among us it's super popular it's super fun um and you really can't go wrong with it to be honest like i'm having a blast playing it so i feel like you can't go wrong playing among us i have a question though for the audience would you guys rather see among us in real life or in real life would you rather see the minecraft version of among us on the channel or the regular version of among us both of them are incredibly fun and i'm super game to do either or but i was curious to see what you guys think because seriously it's like it's so much fun doing both of them so i don't i don't mind either way i can literally do both of them until the cows go home you know what i'm saying bro a lot of people are saying the original i wish i could run a vote like i can't run a vote but everybody's asking to do the regular one so i'm super game to do the regular one if you guys want to see that more bro i will do the regular one no questions asked seriously because it's so much fun so like why not also do we know the imposters are do we know have i seen anybody do anything sus i don't think i have i feel like i haven't seen anything happen this game like nobody's died so it's interesting a lot of you guys would rather see the regular among us in the minecraft version which is really cool i mean because i'm super game for that well i mean let me uh let me do some of this oh get some of this oh yeah put this bone in here oh it's lagging so is it lagging don't lag for me bro what dude why are these chests so the chests are so slow i'm trying to do these tasks as fast as i can yeah so if you guys want to see the regular among us we can't do that today but in the future super good to know because like obviously the regular among us is even easier lucas thanks for the five dollars definitely more real life among us on the way bro i'm sure you saw that video on the real live channel that one was a blast but i will definitely be doing um some regular mangas here on the channel then since you guys are super keen to see that oh the lights are down over the lights oh who did it who did it i want to hear them what are they saying okay you were there there was me ross and quake there's a lot of uh i'm not sure where the body was there's a lot going on here guys ross and i would leave in lab again nobody knows where the body is you have a lot of nonsense that's going on i know i'm saying that they're horrible and i don't know they're all assuming and i didn't say really it was right at the entrance to uh decontamination at the top right and i saw bree come through tv says ptc cold war i'd love to do cold impressions what task were you doing i just said it had like the pink little concrete where you flick the levers i have to think about everything i just has been in every single area as every each body has been fouled she couldn't kill her i feel like she had an ample opportunity to kill me that's not an excuse for us now you're the imposter well i mean it could be both of them i voted brie i've had a birthday henry okay okay i'm voting breathing no oh it was like that was her wait was breathing impossible i don't know they voted off the wifey ladies and gentlemen the wifey has been voted off does that mean it was brianna we don't know maybe it was maybe it was not stream we don't know [Applause] [Music] do you guys this one's here too i didn't even know that this map was available it should be oh wait there's a new map yeah i think it has all the maps now i guess you mean maybe it doesn't oh i know it's in development oh i don't know mirrors mirrors in it but you have to do oh we might have to go back to the old you know phoenix wait do we do we have to push this button maybe the the reset oh wait no work there we go i think you just had to be closer to it all right let's go baby dad got it what am i always yeah innocent why am i why do i do why do i always got to be in here boys i told you guys if you subscribe there's a better chance of me not being interested i want to be the imposter for the homies jeremiah thank you for the ten dollars again i want to be the imposter for y'all but the game says no the game says no preston you are not allowed to be the imposter we don't want you to have fun you're too good at the game you're too handsome and you're too modest and that's what's happening right now man all right that's what's happening it's quite the sad thing oh what's going on over here med bay little med bay action oh oh do i want to do the med base scan yeah nah i don't wanna do the med base can nah i'm not gonna do the med base can too spooky for me man uh wait oh my god what's happening with the tasks why are the tasks being completed so quickly is there some did we mess up on some i feel like we might have messed up on the task because this is going down in the dms very quickly all right oh shoot shoot shoot uh five six oh my god bruh if i get killed again while doing a task i'm a little upper engine i'm literally so bad right now yeah i was fixing shields i'm kidding if you already voted for it you you won't leave me alone i noticed every time you've already voted for him he won't stop following me i think the tasks oh my goodness max is never wrong so like i'm down i'm kidding i didn't vote every time man you killed everybody [Music] and nobody was down there and then i went and fixed the first lights and then cafeteria what do we do like i think and then what do we do when we're dead we sit here we just wait after that breathe so many awesome people in the chat by the way thank you guys so much for watching did you norma what's up last time i thought ellie says it's brie i would not be surprised do we have any solid evidence right now then randy i read the chat all the time bro i can't read the chat [Music] yeah thanks boys thanks boys [Music] all right but we still have to do this we have to be a good ghost we got we got to get our tasks done guys i can't i'm so sad dawg keep dying every time everybody keep killing me are you i'm getting bullied i think also i don't think we reset the tasks because like look at um look at how fast we're doing these eh we're shields shields is uh oh my guy is the shields oh this is shields no wait wait this one henry's one of them he's going to kill ross hunter said well he walks past ross what kind of big brain iq is this man's trying to do wait a second he just what he is an admin just record a dead body who does that feel to kill that person what'd he do i just passed by ross uh down no ideals and then i had to task up an admin and the body was just there i think it was why would he do that listen we can make this all go away all right if it will stop harassing stream you guys saw what i just saw right yeah no no no no no no also royals thank you for the donation natalie thank you for the donation this is from my son trace shout out to you trace engine thing but what happened i can't really vouch for you this is weird bro this is a reactor i mean that's fine i went up i just got one of those faces i just got one of those faces man look at my face i don't know over your eyes thing yes that's [Music] a lot of people are assessing the old way yo life according thank you for the super chat lucas jeremiah and then you should never really vote going big guys we also have done so many i did because max would have wanted all right literally this game's over i've got a task in the lower engine room which is it's way oh is this it right here i could end the game i can end the game i can end the game wait where's lower engine room oh it's gonna be this one right right oh my gosh am i am i wait is this yes oh that is so fast yo i think i don't think so i think uh i am always i think it's because the tasks didn't get reset once we changed the maps yeah so yeah there we go when you said that i like i looked up and i was like wait how are they halfway done with their tasks all right all that's right let's get out of his game okay all right ladies and gentlemen it is time it is doggers i told you standing would get me the impostor what did i say i'm standing i got the impasta i'm gonna go pretend i'm gonna go build my alibi that's what you do when you're in the embassy you gotta build a little bit of that i'll buy do i wanna do a task in here can't do a task in here okay hello henry honestly killing henry would be great there we go just killed henry how do i use this vent okay do i want to go here how do i use it oh i'm a dirty man i'm a dirty man i just vented i gotta kill him then i vented all right i'm gonna stick with biffle build up my uh my little repertoire here what's up handsome hello people hello beautiful how you doing all right let's go away now i'm trying to build up my my smooth brainness who wait who's my imposter friend oh it's ross that's right eh faking the task faking the task boys you wait for it oh oh who done it hold there was a body near weapons ooh weapons yeah um i mean there's there's three apparently there's three oh so it's that it's that doorway okay i always get so turned around yeah he was dead so preston's still alive and i find that suspicious yeah i can vouch honestly you sound like my wife you sound like my wife thank you for asking because i was really wanting to give you the lowdown we saw each other i believe in communications then we moseyed on to storage and then a body was reported everyone's saying you're sass preston i'm not going to vote preston don't you gonna vote i blessed what happened what did you do no but i'm trusting them wait are you actually voting me i'm skipping i'm skipping max can't be honest i think it's a little suspicious that your goggles clearly don't touch your face who forgives you okay dude people gotta stop voting for gizzy guys i'm going big brain for everybody in the stream don't tell brianna in her stream that i'm the imposter though boys if you do that i'm gonna get kind of salty faking the task faking the task building an alibi building an alibi wait for it wait for it wait for it done then you can move on all right i'm gonna do it again do it again hello faking faking faking waiting waiting done okay who's this over here we got biffle that was close because myth sam was right behind me i might have to kill biffle guys i used him for my alibi should i kill him i will kill him i'm just gonna do it just for fun why not boys let's go ahead and do it just for funs let's fake a task dude ping ping pots are so fun dude you have no idea it's so much fun all right what's going on over here we got bree hi bree breeze over here just big champ big chilling who's my imposter oh yeah it's ross hello um so max we were i was just about to get to the lights max yeah what's up were you in weapons because the body was on the exit hallway no i was at the table was anybody in your weapons i was in navigation and i've been there for quite some time oh i got to see what navigation is again okay that's near near weapons i was in storage i just got to electrical from a low i went through the upper lower engine like that side and it just made it to electrical and it was called well i know it's not i know it's somebody off i know it's it's not max because no we never voted anybody off so there's still two no we would have lost oh right no i'm quiet yeah wait am i mute no i i just said right yeah it's gotta be four okay okay i thought i was muted i was like i know max is clear because i saw him walk up through storage and then the lights turned off and then i walked into the corner i saw i saw max actually do the med scan thank you ross wait can you but can you fake med scan if you're imposter i mean i know it's not math you might yeah i don't i mean i was the only one on there so like i don't i wasn't a steve if that makes sense i'm actually not sure how it works with this game i know like in regular it would be easy clear regardless it's not max i saw bree and storage too vote yourself just in case you want to come clean you come clean the christian way [Laughter] i so if you two can actually vouch for each other either you two or i think it's raw sabrina i've seen nobody ever never ever never oh wait hey yeah so full disclosure i threw that game so hard ross killed quigg right in front of me and i said he let him go with it i looked it quick i looked at max i'm like i'm going for it i just killed quinn and we were just like it's cool yeah why did you guys vote brilliantly what did she do because i saw nobody it was either the two people vouching for each other or i it was either gonna be if ross was gonna throw me under the bus i was gonna sell him out but since he vouched for me i was like all right we're cool i was like wig is the one that scanned too i was so close man i was like pointing at them because i had med base scan i almost threw myself under the bus because i was like max you saw that body why didn't you report it and i was like oh wait wait a second because i didn't because the lights are off i literally saw no one in the whole game i had zero influence that was a good game don't leave me with president everyone that was such a sick game okay stream how was that that was a good one eh i thought that was actually a really fun game do i want to go into med bay i'm just like i'm a big chill over here the cat oh is he faking the task though i don't know i don't know oh my gosh why do i please don't kill me i've died i think every time doing this long task literally every single time i get clapped while doing this task stream it's just not a good time it's not a good time i'm not even i'm going to go to admin i feel like admin's a much safer place to be oh it's this one though fruit loops no it's another long one dad gum it okay hold on we got some new donors guys oh we had some new donors and then the stream chat made them go away lucas thank you so much for the 20 bucks lucas you rock i know every time i minimize to read the chat it uh it does unfortunately uh minimize my game so if you guys see when that's happening it's super annoying but it happens i'm not doing it intentionally okay two wait i just get two admin tasks in a row these admin tasks are so quick oh no but the lights are down stop stop somebody stream reassure me tell me i'm beautiful stream tell me i'm beautiful because i'm about to be murdered we've got one more task in cafe though hello cafe cafe cafe whoa yo dead body at the cafe literally at the emergency report like he was going to call an emergency meeting oh oh wait wait wait wait who was about to call the emergency meeting i don't know no no the threat no listen i i have suss of two people uh the first one i think the other person's gonna have suss on me as well is sigils but the other person i think is bree because i don't know let me explain why because i was watching your movement and you kind of stuttered your steps and then all of a sudden the lights go out and you were holding something i'm gonna be honest with you max walked up you were creeping behind a corner looking towards this cafeteria yes i was schedule's going to test for that that that is true i came around the corner almost ran into max i screamed very very manly deep scream just in case anyone was wondering it was working and then max just moon walked away from me and then i defeated the little crowds in the corner and i crowded the corner because i was watching to see if ross would die and and you walked across the thing and then when i turned around that's where you started your steps bree and then i went to go fix the i was fixing the lights with green he can attest for that wait when did you leave ross max because you were with him at the start of the round it's quick the moment i left it was when i i ran into sigil first oh okay why do you think it's me preston i can just tell i can just tell what quick said you're young you're inexperienced you're 17 you're impressionable i think it's you oh that sounds like a good review real quick i'm not a good reason i think preston's been alive for too long so i voted preston it's math i think it's president but i didn't have a chance to explain myself i'll never point out but the only time person talks people making me people don't already use bro i'm not saying anyone ever talks i'm sick and tired of this guys sick and tired of this he usually doesn't talk i'm i'm getting i'm getting sussed and i literally did nothing i still believe it's quigly all right i still think that the quigly quiggly man why is this not working all right whatever it's quick anyways doesn't matter i oh hello wait where's cams guys um cams i believe isn't it up here to the left yeah yeah i think it's up here left let me see if i get these tasks real quick okay i got one oh no no no no no not now bro okay quick restoring the lights boy gizzy boy gizzy dude every time i see gizzy i want to say glizzy oy glizzy what you doing over there boy gizzy oi watch it down mate kind of dude i don't know man i don't know we're about to complete the task though i got none of medbay henwy can you please leave me alone all right so we got a couple in storage we have one in weapons i'd rather get the ones in store oh okay oh dead body in the middle of storage room right next to admin so i just passed max i think it's i think it's sigils because we were both in lower engine and we were doing tasks each but then as i walked past the electrical turn the light back on and i walked back to it the task that he was doing suddenly was available again hmm wait wait wait wait oh oh wait and your assistant thank you exactly just make sure sigil sizzles i have a question for you yeah what's your question on the run before this one um you came from from this table there because you were walking straight past med bay at the end of the round stream by the way i love you guys you guys have been killing it thanks so much for watching guys i think it's schedules those streams came from weapons that's where he so max straight across this but max watched me walk the whole way through that's what he was saying we have to bring him up behind him sigils name your last two tasks uh i had the refueling thingy down in lower engine and then i was doing uh the whoa there's no refuel tasks in the minecraft one i have not done it anyway it's the same watercolors oh okay i think it's the colder one okay say that again no it's sigils because i walked fast and i walked back in flow engine and i just did that task who are we all voting for i'm really good about it y'all gonna lose oh we didn't lose which means there's only one imposter left could be gizzy wait no wait i'm dumb never mind there's six people left oh my gosh wait we're gonna win yo like loki we're gonna win this game because we have some sheer manpower as the crew members like i don't think oh my god oh my god quick i just saw gizzy kill henry no no it was quick i just literally just killed henry let me explain it listen you never talked this much this is the most talkative you've been and it's you accuse me all right listen here's the puberty boy all right we got two levers doing the trash shoots gizzy i almost said blizzy he walks away all right but listen quick stops turns the lights off kills my boy gizzy is walking away and then i report the body because going's on top and then he goes oh yes you didn't even report it preston i did wrong yeah because because i was on top of it trying to report it and he reported it you schmuck i think yeah i was i was look at the tasks you know he has to make a move quickly so quick kills the light it's preston kills it read who do you think it is because these this is like an accusation triangle right here it's eva quigle preston and i'm pretty sure it's quick at this point i just know it's not me quick the reason why i think it's used because you're so quick to blame me when like i didn't even like i did my task then i walked away then suddenly the body's dead and you're calling it and then you was blaming me like that's a very imposter thing to do well i just saw two people there it was closer to you i walked away i saw you oh my fudging why'd you vote for gizzy all right guys i have to do we have to do the last task and admin to win the game if we can do this task in admin we'll win the game doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter let's go baby oh my god it's glitched no no it's the longest task guys it's preston okay wait how did it listen okay thank you how did you guys just win i don't know why did we go just completed yeah i'll make it more that the if you fake a task it resets right after i had no idea it's pretty fun so if you take a task eventually you have to i think you have too many long tests by the way it's freaking out on the side rage quite guys why would i rage quit i think he crashed i actually know i actually go i have to go rage quitting oh really quitting about this we'll we could do one impossible every one too are we getting stick to two it's up to you guys uh how many people do we have i can't count nine you have nine nine two ten and then we lost one quick i know you're young but you can do easy math i didn't know we already did [Music] or do you guys want to do two because we could do one with like a 10 second cool cool down i think i think i think a long task is still bugged out though i think yeah long past is still like free i think eleven's the max so yeah i got all right so super duper off topic i bought some googly eyes for my chair and they're too big yes i apparently six inch eyes are two-bit they don't fit my chair what wait why do you need googly eyes for your ch don't ask that question yeah wait henry why don't you have googly eyes for your chair man god bless killed then oh that's it let's kill boys ross if you don't want it i'll take them this one i think i'm gonna stick them to my wall straight into my chair because they're we need better luck guys we need better luck i've only been the imposter twice maybe three times i'm getting a little sick and tired of it as well i want to be the imposter more i can't believe quake tried to throw me under the bus so tough that last one like what what did i do what did i do i didn't oh not the asteroids task boys this is a bad task to have this one takes so dadgum long it's like 20 seconds i don't know it's too long not a big fan of this oh my gosh and the lights are down i'm dead i'm dead somebody going kill okay well stop biffle oh max why you scare me like that i'm going to admin don't people don't normally kill people and oh who was it happening body was an admin who was there who was there you you yeah well obviously i know [Music] always does that though no i've learned to say first of all i don't always do that i just happen to do it hey biffle on the other hand he was also trying to get in the vein i was pretending now i will not say if he actually went in or not but that's for you to decide i feel like he went in before where were you i was let's go to navigation before where was that no no [Music] you schmuck when the lights are down you can still see people also saying you're not you ain't helping your case bro because if the body was in admin and then you went past me in weapons while the lights were off little sus little sus ayo rosh you saw me metscan right yeah no no i saw henry med skin so i'm playing for the rest of the game ladies and gentlemen okay henry ross and brie are clear for this guy either max green biffle or uh preston wait where were you quigg yeah right behind you when you walked out of med bay are you sure you were back that means i think it's i would have seen you wait you were in there yeah i know i wasn't in it i told you when you went out like i was literally right behind you ross all right i'm gonna vote for myself because i think i'm sauce all right all right biffle i'm watching you bro no i'm watching you yeah dude it's it's beautiful boys stream you guys have gotta admit it's it's the biffle wiffle and the lights are still down eh i don't like this i'm going in the lights because like i think that's i think i think it's the lights how do i do this is it just all these do i just flick all of them okay ah oh quickly hey quigley don't do it man all right i'm gonna do these tasks even though i'm probably gonna what is that it okay that's it i'm doing these tasks even though i'm probably gonna die but i'm pretty sure it's biffle pretty sure man dead body and electrical wait wait wait i was in electrical so somebody played directly behind me did anybody see anybody going into there you i i was about to head in there but i was in the store i only made it someone else was in an engine room with us henry at one point every action what was that yeah in reactor who would came out of the room we walked into reactor and saw two steves i don't know what's going on alex i was in electrical huh someone else was in reactor with us but they're not saying who it is wait wait we reacted with the murder of before i think we might have been muted green is muted okay yeah were you in were you in uh i haven't played the body reactor yeah i was i wasn't i wasn't react i was trying to find the task and reactor also breeze for like 10 years okay i haven't moved that's pretty sus no movement i think i've known him for 10 years i'm pretty sure you'd be dead that's suspicious i will literally buy you a hundred million in scratch-off cards but i guarantee you it's biffle and brie i think those are the two murderers guarantee i thought we had one do we have one or two it's still on two it's still on two oh okay okay oh that is definitely preston yeah definitely preston yeah that's for the person you guys can vote me off that's fine but did you see anybody coming behind an electrical because i was in there then was i mean there's a there's a nest so somebody couldn't yeah there is a vent no but i was doing the electrical tasks can we hear the noise you wouldn't have been able to hear the noise if you weren't paying attention i can typically i think it's present oh all right well they voted off an innocent player that sucks but that is how it is ladies and gentlemen among us i don't know why did i get why like dude why am i the person like i don't understand i don't i don't understand why would i be the suspicious one when i literally i just don't i don't get it i literally don't fudge and get it man i'm playing with a bunch of smooth brain players and they don't know what the fudge is going on and so they're voting me up i hope they lose i'm gonna be a good person and i'm still gonna get my stupid tasks done but they don't deserve me all right i'm a teammate that they don't deserve like literally bree killed literally brie kills quigg right with me in electrical and i report the body and then i get sucked like tell me where the logic is on that guys tell me with a lot but epic sarah thank you so much for the five dollar super chat you rock also i saw super chat from waffle who is an absolute legend and who's been around for a super long time waffle i didn't get a shout shot but thank you what'd your message say i've been watching you before the tv and our channel had a million subs you inspired me epic sarah thank you so much that's a long time ago tv and our channel's been around for a long time guys while they discuss this i'm going to use the bathroom i have to use the bathroom oh i was gonna hit the button and say i can vouch it's not biffle because he couldn't fit in the vent oh yeah you're the last person i saw with before who reported the body the body was an electrical i reported the body yeah i mean yeah i'm stay i was standing at the table waiting for the lights to come on so i could make that joke which means you were with him no i wasn't oh exactly i i left you wait hold on hold on everybody hold up every hold up yes it's max was the last person with before he was down in shows i went from shields i did a show stash real quick in the dark then i went over to turn lights on because i was like dang it's been a while lights aren't turned on the one person i saw running across away from lights was brie and max was the last person i saw with before so i think okay so so so henry also tell them what what was i recently doing with biffle this is you're shifting on top of the fence exactly why would i kill my vent buddy uh i don't know why would you not stay with your van buddy that's the more important question well he ran away so i went to the i i don't know where he went obviously you do because you found the body i was standing at the table waiting for someone to fix the light so i could hit the button and say i could vouch for biffle he couldn't fit in the vent well if if it's a hundred percent batteries because she was literally running from lights i was not running i think [Music] i was in navin02 and no one was around me did they vote bri off no oh oh that's a big l boys that's a big al you smooth brain crew members on p-dog when i'm an innocent boy schmucks man just got a bunch of schmucks everywhere give me this task i'll do this task because i'm a good person that's the only reason i'm doing these tasks oh mike let's go how dare you accuse me of killing my event buddy i thought you guys were going to vote i just said right behind prestige why did i get voted off oh my bruh triggered trigger trigger triggered very very triggered sorry guys i can't help it just a trigger boy right now like why i just don't get it i just don't get it i'm still i'm gonna be salty about that until the pigs come home boys also five dollar canadian chat from dylan says i love your videos dylan thank you so much bro still mad though still mad also ross is afk don't like this oh is green legit because that would be a fast i think green's okay oh max though i don't know i think max and sigils are bad people bro ah dude stay away from me max max you stay away from me bro max you stay away from me we're getting tasked oh my god dad i'm dead they uh electrical and i was before that i was getting scanned in front of quick yeah safe okay before safe uh quake are you ever sure you were in med bay with before i'm in a reactor was i started the round okay okay um all right so this is the last this is the last time i'm gonna do this joke but i was trying to get into the event with sigils and preston the joke is dead now so i'm not going to do it anymore just like them breathe breathe where is it for you i'm sorry where were you why does this keep happening through the cafeteria also hardcore thank you so much pounds i'm a member of the channel from uk it's 1 am here thank you so much sarah again appreciate you interesting because jayden i'm sorry i missed it thank you so much we ran past each other and the body wasn't shields do i not guys i need to keep this map open constantly so here yeah where's she feeling happy birthday on the bottom right wait why did you stay people keep clapping me because the lights were off i'm wearing fire merch i don't know i might have just not seen you because lights were off i was also a steve i was in a job i wanted to be the impossible i didn't see anyone in there but i don't if i could be imposter one more time i would be so happy so happy of course i can't though oh my gosh look at all these sorry guys okay this is getting ridiculous a lot of people say fake the hiccups i don't i don't think there's any redeeming qualities about hiccups in general so faking them would make no sense but i do know that ross is one of the imposters i was kind of suss of him at the beginning as well didn't really like his movements very suspicious is there oh my gosh it's so hard to find tasks dude oh the lights are down somebody's getting a kill i'm not gonna finish this task in time i gotta speed place these buckets boys come on come on give me these pockets come on let's go let's go let's go oh no oh my goodness wow dude i immediately knew no the moment i killed biff i was like oh no oh god oh breathe throw me under the bus i saw it that was gold max that was cold yeah because i was killing him why did so many people vote to skip when free said they saw them i'm moving us back we're going back to polis [Music] we back can we back to poland okay it is bunch of sorry event buddy back wins [Laughter] oh my god ladies and gentlemen we got pasta we got pasta with the pitfall i'm trying not to be too loud so when i get impossible i have to be quiet because brees will be right next to me so i'm trying to be kind of quiet all right here we go it sounds weird when you guys say it okay i just got a dirty kill on max that was revenge for him killing me last game dirty revenge don't even feel bad at all boys what's up biffle this is my co-murder how long okay that's a long fake task all right i'm gonna go i'm gonna go with biffle see if we can find anything on the horizon actually i'm not i'm not old lights are down he's going for a kill lights are down he's going for a big kill you already know there's no vince on this side of the map too eh like the vents are so far away i'm gonna see if i can get a kill over here though there's a vent really close by and it's a big whoa wait i can kill oh i just killed somebody through the wall i just killed somebody through the wall let's go look at this i just killed that person through the wall bro i'm so big i was about to fill out the water bottles oh no i saw a dead carcass he was safe max is dead and i can't vote quick i'm i feel broken well i think we know who it is um can i just say listen uh what that's a strat you know it's not me it sounds too legitimate guys i think he might be an innocent boy something about it i don't know i think you're fine i do this for a living don't worry about it it's the cutest song though what was that at the beginning at the beginning of that song everybody at the beginning dude what that was that was good though that was good i forgot to mute it so i found the body in storage yeah back to back to business back to business at hand trying to go to the office wound up in storage and uh that's that's where i found dead someone max was anybody was anybody even on that side of the map miffle and i were in space i mean i mean i i was the first like to go to on the lights early we were there early but i was over in lights fixtures yeah biffle was at lights with me yeah um i too was at light i was the first one to be in there yeah yeah yeah it was me green and before at lights preston what you said you were with biffle you weren't with biffle yeah we were in specimen then i went laboratory but then he cut through admin i'm skipping i'm skipping i don't even remember where i was all right that was very awkward that was very awkward i'm an innocent boy oh i don't really know what uh what was really going down there in the dms boys but okay a little bit a little bit of nonsense going in over there all right so biffle and i are still the imposters ladies and gentlemen there are like six people remaining we need to clap people quickly if we're going to win i also don't know if i want to come over here because there's a dead body over here so this might be a bad idea so i'm going to do is i'm going to vent that's a smarter play do i see anybody though in this area is there anybody over here okay weapons is clear hello ross hello ross i'm just gonna kill ross just why not that might have been a big mistake though boys no i don't think so i think i made the right play i think i made the right play right there oh well hello hello who died well this is a world free choice quick dive before green tonight right um i was down at the uh o2 area yeah also the same world war ii so it's one of those actually there's two of those three right let me tell you where where was the body yeah where was the body uh the body was at the door to weapons weapons and o2 is where and how you guys o2 was like on that left side like depending on how you go somebody could have come from there i like how it will come i like how they go those people are established over there on the outside of the table because we were o2 and then the bodies right there weapons okay [Music] exterior which is like the farthest away you can be from weapons that's awesome yeah i passed you over there and then i went down and found the body green where were you before you came through the lower doors i i came through the lower doors i like went directly to like the o2 boiler room area yeah no but where were you before the lower doors [Music] he saw me see get the body going like towards the o2 direction like that lower doors away from weapons away from communication i don't think it was green no no no no no like boiler room like that lower oh okay yeah yeah i went down there because there's like a there's a task i love to do down there because it's i can cheese it really fast but i already got taken you were looking at me from that direction while i found the body i saw you see me right as i reported it i don't know i think there might be 300 iq in this oh he got a vote though oh dude we are playing out of our mind right now as the ambassador okay we have been we've been getting some big plays ladies and gentlemen i don't think biffle's eliminated one person i think it's just been me hello dad what's wrong with you why are you backing up like that okay little sus oh the lights are down this would be a great moment to kill bree i'm going to kill bree oh shoot oh damn [Applause] preston you could use it that sounds so sus in the beginning i got all the kills okay what do you want from me i carried you on my back while i was in the decontamination room and quick was in med based i was like i was like cool title thumbnail let's go boys oh my goodness and someone killed him and i'd do it again easy thumbnail first link let's go i got this he's got a very strong back by the way yeah that was my bad though we weren't specimen but i didn't know that you went all the way back to the lights oh i i just got so far away the person was staring at me at the end and he was about to murder me and it was the scariest thing in my life well i was but then i was like hey breathe you were staring me down and then brie was there okay oh my god dude that guys that game was sick that was a hype game you checked you checked i wish i wish i wish i like why do i not get to be the imposter more i feel like when we play as imposter i don't i get voted off more as a crew member for trying to do good things then i do get voted off for being the imposter and doing bad things all right also we just had a lot of super chats come through while i was playing guys anthony thank you so much doggo and doge dylan thank you again sakai thank you char trotti thank you so much oh god please let me get these lights up lickety-split come on come on how do you get the lights up how do you get the lights up how do you is it these i don't know how to oh it's the levers over here oh i'm big smooth brain ladies and gentlemen whoa whoa whoa whoa did ross just vent oh would we have heard that i don't know i really want to catch somebody in the act though is it myth and max and biffle maybe okay sigils is right here wait it might be max is max gonna kill no there's too many people nearby so some people are heading up to me right now though so i'm gonna leave because this is sketch oh my god not again not again i gotta turn these on for the boys for the boys for the boys okay restored the lights did somebody die over here though in this corridor that's the question um i'd just like to say that it's max um what why so so in between boiler room and weapons if everybody pulls up that map in their little hand there in between room and weapons in the bottom left there is a uh weather node down in between those two right i was behind that weather node doing the uh doing the tusk and i finished it i pop out from behind it and i see max run straight over this dead body and go into uh boiling room so i was just in the boiler room and i didn't see max though yeah i don't know anywhere near there were after lights it was afterlights and he literally at the very end that was like that happened in the last two seconds i didn't see anything what are you talking about i mean i literally saw max run over a dead body so i'm not sure like what else i can already say i kind of gave you guys this detailed explanation as i could and how long did it because i just saw i not to be i saw you in o2 and i finished this and then i saw you go in and then you went out and i'm assuming did the weather node but the weather i came out and max literally just entered that i'm not sure if you would have seen him because he didn't even get through the door before i reported the body i did not because i was alone in there like i didn't see him in there are you in the actual boiler room or where well did he like enter in the room it could be max because i was on cams then the lights cut then i fixed the lights i come back and the bodies reported and it was near where he was on the cams which was o2 okay there's a lot of time yeah there's [Music] oh that's right if you get voted off on this one um so i'm also pretty suspicious of brie cause did you guys just see what she just did right there did you see how she just paused i think brie is also the impasta as well i'm not going to report her but i want to witness her murdering somebody that's all i want to do i'm literally just going to see if i can oh like she's trying to fake a task oh she's going to kill me frick no she's not oh i don't even think bree knows that you can vent does bree know that you can vent oh i lost her where'd she go oh man okay how did i lose my 5-2 blonde wife oh there she is there's [ __ ] look at her look at her oh my god she's so bad at faking tasks i love it i know it's her bro where did she go wait did she go into cams how was she so fast in minecraft okay so biffle would have seen it oh she might be right here oh my god there she is she's right behind me she's literally right behind me please don't do it i'm going back in the spaceship do you think she's gonna follow me here i don't think she's gonna follow me it's definitely bree though guys like one million percent i think it's brie oh look at this look dude everybody's suspicious of her too is she gonna kill quick right here oh she could totally kill quick she should she should kill quick i'm not gonna report it i want brie to kill somebody so i can literally like yo character thank you for the 300 homie that's insane charani thank you so much that was very very generous of you appreciate the super chat a bunch okay i don't want bri to kill me so i want bri to kill quigg i'm going to try to go away don't kill me kill quick go kill quick kill quick break kill quigg i'm literally not doing tasks intentionally so i can witness you murdering somebody she gonna murder somebody over here maybe i should just oh wait i'm gonna see if she's gonna go for ross oh my god she's gonna kill ross or quake here roster quick is dead one bajillion percent bruh so it wasn't max i was literally trying dude i wish i was trying oh man where's bobby dude who died um we got one possible the max was correct i think it was i'm trying to think because i where was it i came out of weapons and because the lights are off i don't know if it was next to communications or like the office i i kind of got like turned around oh i don't i know it i don't think it's because i've been alone with him a bunch and uh he hasn't done anything i think it might be his whole time like i've been just looking around corners trying to catch somebody president you're still meeting by that oh wait is he dead yeah president is dead he's dead oh that i'm pretty sure that's the body i found was preston oh i'm pretty sure i do not remember all the way to specimen to then come back here so i literally have been in north and now i'm the bottom of south found my way there and here i am you're dead dead it was i mean i feel i did because it was kind of south side because it was by i came out of weapons and it was like around there mm-hmm i can't i think i saw anywhere else it's it i think he's been brilliant for a while i went to uh waitress that kills recent because that kill wasn't there when i walked in wait i saw president who was on the southern part of the map so it's not really towards lab because if it was breezy i think it's only biffle guys i have a feeling but i can't announce who i'm voting off but how's that gonna work then if we also i don't think it's i really don't think it's ross i don't know i'm sorry i'm sorry you got my vote now i have med base scanned i've been trying to get someone to follow me oh my god okay they voted out the wrong person it's pitfall oh my now oh no it's biffle dude it's a bit full look at this bree don't follow biffle if you fall what do you what do you if you follow biffle you go and die what is she doing she going in the water okay brie going in the water hey tony i don't know what brianna's doing right now she's not making a lot of sense she's going in directions and i don't understand exactly what's going on all i know is that i knew it bro it was bad [Applause] we were right i got it you got him off the bed [Music] i was about to say that and then i voted i literally thought i was lost i thought it was great i was watching breathe the whole time i was waiting for her to murder my face i saw him i saw him pressing like cornering he was like he was crashing around the corner and you're just like you came up behind him he was so i could stand and nobody went with me beautiful does your back hurt oh it's it's sore it's okay i mean i did plenty of times this time my pants were all right stream breen i got a dinner reservation so we gotta go to dinner also somebody just donated again you are a living legend um thank you so very much guys i hope you enjoyed the stream um if you want to see more mangas obviously we're going to keep doing it isabel thank you for the five dollars tarati thank you for the 50 the last 50 left in your bank hope that's not true because that's way too generous of you big shout out to everybody watch the stream hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to hit that subscribe button leave a like all that good juicy stuff like that next time we'll come back with an among the stream of the actual game instead of it minecraft so you guys rock appreciate you guys again hope you guys have a fantastic weekend i'll see you guys and gals next time peace out everybody that was so much
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 5,997,144
Rating: 4.8761373 out of 5
Keywords: among us, minecraft, among, us, minecraft among us, update, new, map
Id: C0ml_rxrbHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 27sec (6867 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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