Greatest Moments in MCC History

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Minecraft Championship is the most popular Minecraft tournament in the world having a peak viewership of 862,5kg yeah they're on their way dude you need to keep crouching keep crouching don't stop crouching okay they're coming run run run run run run run they just drink a fire resistance I think they can see crouching so don't Crouch got arrows so they're shooting this is not a dead end you're F oh oh techno blade oh Tech kill you fools you fools you messed with the wrong Man 1 V3 one V3 good it's good it's good B sh B shot B shot B shot one more one one V3 and I burned to death but I'm a hero in the same event Pizza Hut became the first ever player to win all three rounds a hole in the wall and to this day it's the only time it's ever happened you're doing very good dude's made built for this game [Music] mode very good green there we go go back to back to back bro three I would love nothing more three get it repeat [Music] repeat green repeat think I did it for you man an MCC 6 piz became the first ever player to be parkour [Music] Warrior slime look a bit further back than it was [Music] before that's a good job there we go all right [Music] holy [Music] [ __ ] [Music] yes my heart is throbbing out of my chest right now I feel sick and nauseous and I don't my hands are going numb my hands are going [Music] numb black lives matter baby that's what we're talking about in MCC 7 techno came up with a genius strategy for build Mark which forced the organizers to revamp the game for future events all right oh my God okay here we go guys you know what to do I've got my shopping list boys chat goodbye everyone in the chat saying no it's buildmart we're going to lose little do they know we are going to break buildmart records right now okay I have [Music] prepared uh okay good gold got to go all right is about to be I I got it I got it I got it okay okay okay uh uh have any Co left any get points build I time first go place in buildmart chat do you believe this so the other day Wilbur was like Hey you know you spend a lot of time going back and forth between builds wouldn't it be better if you just got like a bunch of every block and then just made all the builds in a row and I was like that that's viable but the problem is there's too many blocks I was thinking we can make this even dumber so last night I spent 6 hours reviewing the VOD of every build Mart that has ever been played and identified the 26 possible builds that we have to make noted every material needed for all of those builds organized them by section and then had everyone get every item you would need I did not get a lot of sleep yesterday this is what it takes to win build Mar the most UN multiplied Team Coins in a single game is 2,880 done by MCC 99's Blue bats in survival games and they won this game by such a large margin that they went from third place overall to first place and 4,000 coins ahead of second nice get me got that I'm going to shoot s SP with flame shot him gotot him again him kill shot him too nice George is one hit dead nice Ren you hit him up Dave oh Dave cobwebbed me he's on me help yeah dead I don't have a sword okay back up H if you're getting fir I'm backing up I'm backing up I'm running backin Kevin's won it Kevin's won it he's dead hit him again he's he's low H got him make sure you're eating yeah make sure you're healing I'm going to get a crit here I'm going to get another one dead let's go this way this way might's alone he doesn't even know I'm here H him dead nice is right in front of us and meths it's just a team of two I'm going to push mefs here get him shot on him got a shot on him kill him nice I don't know where oh there he is he in he's in he's in the lava with fire shoot into the lava shot him shot him again he's low nice big fight right here yeah I see I'm holding up my crossbow I'm going in I'm missing on me let's go good stuff yeah shoot into the group I guess one hit one back up one dead down Tommy Tommy down Tommy got him let's go baby look at that lead yes look that [Music] domination another one of technoblade's iconic plays happened in mcc1 sky battle tenno's coming tenno's coming Ten's on his way literally just yep yep yep yep help te down down down down down oh him kill him he's running he's running just go just go oh no oh do it do it no you're the last one I just fell I I made a dumb move the right behind us now start doing our tunnel behind you T behind you quick behind you it's quick oh no he he healed got him nice nice nice nice nice oh he he didn't get the kill oh my gosh TNT te R into me te you got time you've got time get puffy Puffy's so low maybe start building to the middle oh the Border no oh this is the end dreamone what a fool what a fool yo you're insane see you later morons right on you right on you right on you uh solidarity you can need to drop on we need to drop drop on him 41 can he do it can he the vault is coming in above you very very slowly I'll tell you when it's going skyb oh he's too high he's too high I think he can do this it's going to be lethal in three two that was later idiots 200 IQ later I'll see you all on the other side oh my God this game is amazing that was incredible dude I I almost did a on V4 they only had one guy left oh my God an mcc1 sky battle dream got the most unmultiplied individual coins in a single game ever team and they're they're getting if you can get sm major out right there that would be big because then you nice behind us nice watch out creeper I'm dead who knocked me off nice okay good uh they're running away [Music] now oh what the [Music] heck watch out behind you behind you fin okay behind he's on five pods okay turn he's still behind you Cy oh behind did you dream there's a person nice oh this is big right in front behind you guys dropping creepers jump down snap jump down we need to Tower to M you to above you top above you you got him you got him nice Tommy's dead Tommy's dead Tommy's dead he's so low Focus W okay you guys got this got this let's go let's go let's go I don't have armor except we should have gotten the island we should try and knock him off if we can do it do it do it do it oh that that's not how it works oh that's exactly how it works that that's the only way it works that is the only way works he's going all in he's going all in let's go oh my God wait watch out guys out guys Border's closing move I need health you guys have health fruit's coming in whoa what the fruit how'd he get me watch watch the Tommy Aro watch the Tommy Arrow I don't care about get out GG let's go goed again I'm back GG look at that look at that what holy you guys are let's go also in mcc1 technoblade had a record-breaking Ace race don't jump let's do [Music] this yep yeah mine just fell straight through oh my God my speed thing didn't go until like late no I keep getting hit by pearlescent Moon technoblade has a huge lead I'm in second and he's like a mile in front of [Music] me almost missed that what that was good this is the one shortcut I'm trying out this time why techno is like so far ahead yeah I can't catch up with him what mine cart I can't [Music] saved come on people in the way oh that's Su missed it my go just doesn't let me techno's Got Me by 10 seconds Jesus techno trying to like focus on my jumps and he's just staring at me believe in me CH this the wrong way [Music] oops hey sapnap that was not want to take me all the way back oh there we go that's what you like to see Chad this must be how it feels to be Pizza Hut this must be how Pizza H feels the hell number one baby so much I I cannot try another oh my God the top five fastest [Laughter] laps and finally an mcc1 dream was the last person to beat parkour Warrior before it was destroyed wait Chang it oh oh shoot the stupid Leaf dude that leaf there always gets me oh no I'm just take your time Carl oh they changed where you jump in from here this makes it weird oh so weird no I failed the last jump I hate these jumps all right for sure which this part yeah well it's hard to get used to that I'm shaking I'm shaking I'm scared so much I can't get through this like slime thee okay okay I did it I did [Music] it why can't I get through [Music] did I cond do [Music] Dre go [Music] [Music] nice finally oh my god oh one more jump one more I think he's still it I think he's done it oh he oh I think he do it he do it he's going to do it my God easy for my God easy for he's the chain [Music] pipes dang it's fine dream's going to fall here he's going to fall it's going to be fine oh [Music] no what let's go that was hard go that was hard that was hard oh oh it's blowing up the whole thing's blowing up oh no epic landlord no he's mad that I beat it no oh we got back to Second got back to second time for one we're time for one it's exactly it's exactly my go the odds of that in MCC 15 the red rabbits were in fourth place and over 2,000 coins behind first with only one game left luckily the game they were hoping for was chosen survival games they dominated this game taking them from fourth to First and making them 3,000 coins ahead of second no it's four 5 six no it's six it's just it's let's go let's go we just need to live live as far far as we possibly can do not engage teams unless we absolutely need to I'm about to kill all right I'm right behind you [ __ ] he is he's at half I got him he's nice they're going down I hit him are we not engaging oh kill kill F kill that's easy nice yeah engage here engage here engage here engage here over here on green I'm not near you I'm not near you okay I'm I'm behind you I'm behind you I'm behind you I'm on your I'm on your six I'm on your six oh nice [Music] clean up we won we [ __ ] did it we [ __ ] did it [ __ ] last one last one's [ __ ] let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go toss me toss me the arrow the arrow the arrow just end it dude just end it just [ __ ] let's go let's go fing go fing go MCC 17 green had an amazing play in sky battle getting himself first place individual for the game and in the same event green had an amazing 1v3 in the last round of Dodge bolt to get himself his first win yeah 30 seconds left this will be about the time when the roof comes in you might have to go for some try oh no no no no no no no no could I just fell F Oh no I got hit off okay what did I do no no no oh no I got hit off oh that was unfortunate what did I do Brien you got to load it you must you dropped the TNT apparently what good shot why do they do this to me pressure why me nice shot good try good try I thought I could get them both really quick one miss stop it stop it take time take time I just want to say before whatever happens happens this is uh it's been a blast it's been a real blast beautiful oh my goodness oh please no I I don't even know what I'm doing be regular you got two two two hits you have two [Music] arrows it oh come off it I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm fine one miss two oh I nearly fell off the edge I nearly fell off the edge take your time breathe yes yes oh my God [Music] mly in MCC 19 the celan candy canes were in fourth place and 4,000 coins behind first with one game left and like other great finales it came down to survival games civilian destroyed this game getting nearly 8,000 multiply coins bringing them up to Second just barely missing out on First and though they didn't end up winning the event this moment was still amazing just push straight oh when it goes away just go yeah go kill one kill one wait air landed it landed it landed go back in damage five inant damage keep breaking it we should have it there you go Sparkles is low look out for that a Sparkles is dead oh it's right here think is it faster if we break it together I'm going to damage Jack no he's one HP one H got him I'm out of arrows as well check his body for arrows there was a chest plate I snagged okay get stay in this house stay in this house wait who's fighting who's fighting people get out of there I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out okay need a lot of TT what they're hiding in a bathroom I did not mean to do that my bad just shot us I killed I killed if anyone has arrows let me i k two let's go let's get out of here let's get out of here yeah go go go go go go okay we should back we should back back back I'm backing I'm backing I'm backing Green's pretty low actually I'm on half right now get them get them get orange and pink right next to us we should get them they're all low they're all low over here oh there's to our left he to our left good every good I just I took a kill I took a kill I took a kill this P yeah push this guy in the border right here be careful air drop air drop air oh yeah in the Border in the Border fight the people screw the air drop TNT's here T here I got the air drop I got the air drop I got the air drop I got the air drop nice okay everyone go everyone go I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm I'm I'm I was in Border in TNT you're just going to have to win you're just going to have to win the fights they're hiding in the middle he's four right one more nice nice nice quick 17 he's 17 I kill Pun It's just y on him it's just y him nice nice again just shoot him again yes second that's second we did it we did it I think we did it one of the greatest achievements in MCC is winning five Canon events as an individual player and when done that player gets a special real life coin and the first ever player to achieve this was hbomb in mcc2 thanks to an amazing showdown between five up and false cemetry no has the other one Epic one I can't in get grab the arrow the Ste oh she got it she got it she got it no no get it got it oh my God what's going on she got it she got [Music] it go go go that was so good was happening that was amazing was that oh God that's so stressful that's so stressful oh God I was so greedy the first five time winner you guys won for the first time too let's go first time winners one five time winner oh my god let's go leading up to MCC 22 Captain Sparkles had competed in every single event without winning once he had gone to the finals three times in MCC 2 3 and 15 but unfortunately got SWAT in all three and his team plays third seven different times just missing out on dodgeball and giving him what's known as the Captain's Curse thanks watch out they both have arrows they both have arrows no dang it dang it dang it dang it rip good try guys good try third place yeah we we lost by less than 400 yeah if only I had have that stupid stupid F 100 we 100 away wow they made the scoring so low for this I am so cursed we got third by like aund something was just 300 no oh my is what what oh my god let's go you going to let him have fun damn it oh no good job team hey we we broke the [Music] curse so close youve got to be kidding me what a finish though guys what a finish third place third place third third thir if it's third I will scream are you kidding [Music] me okay I've got this I've got this nice we're in we're in let's go oh he came first by 30 points that's the first time I've ever gotten first in points I think I mean you might as well get it you might as well get it Arena shrink Arena shrink careful got one nice shot Nice Shot Sam aing nice close close close no worries no worries believe in the me that believes in you aing at you Tommy damn it he close close let's go for the arrow nice let's go let's go but it sound cool if I did nice yeah let's go keep moving boys oh no keep moving boys oh no OE I don't want to talk about nice nice nice good good good good don't fall Tommy the Ed why would I fall why would I do that I don't want to don't want to okay that's fine that's fine that's fine oh my God no oh my God he's trying he's making me stressed got yes Nice Shot D Nice Shot job towards middle God dang it okay got him nice shot Nice Shot got him nice guys huge shot I Arrow got him let's go my God make it happen Nice Shot dude should I just go for both Captain needs it you want to take it D the win get the win man let's go let's go you be beautiful man let go oh it's that thing that people do when they win oh my God what is this what is this in MCC 30 the green geckos were the first ever team to open and Bank all four vaults in sands of time uh puzzle uh front right like right side lower I see you yep Vault path is immediately uh down below our spawn okay I'm going there right now uh and we have uh 80 seconds on the clock I'm filling it in I have 120 seconds but I have uh see what's dropping the ground [Music] where all right I'll just leave it right here in front I found red Vault it's right behind you all right I'm just going to go find more sand we have uh wait where did you put that s uh it's it's right in front usually I don't I found the gold key inside of the Gold Path nice nice nice I have then you know what to do I do know what to do I'm not going to die I'm not going to die Michael your comms are incredible I need you to know that you know you're doing an incredible job seriously you are doing an amazing job thank you I'm not I'm not great at at doing everything else but this is the one thing I feel okay with I only have two sand on me I have 90 I have 90 seconds with 12 with 12 sand so 80 Seconds understand this like L parkour the sides of this have you done all the levers yes I've done what uh I got exploded I know where I am though I'm filling it up completely awesome if you have more sand Dr I do I I found I found Green Key I found Green Key did we just get all vaults cuz I have to get my sand my stuff back yeah I have oh my God just it's it's the multiplier the multiplier just looks weird it's early game I've only found 280 coins so I mean let's go let's go in let's go in let's go in let go in okay we first first a row oh my that's my fourth first place in a row let's go after parkour Warrior was destroyed in mcc1 the organizers created a new version of the game for MCC 26 and onward in MCC 32 purpled became the first player to have a perfect run completing all 15 bonus paths as well as the hard [Music] ending I'm so bad at this I'm so stupid Oh my God nice nice I'm the worst at this what why can't I do [Music] this I'm here with someone yeah I'll go back that's [Music] okay oh that was too fast all five dude [Music] niceo there we go they the no no dude nice yay not [Music] bad just just come just uh finish it finish [Music] it oh damn okay where do I go oh I see did you go straight yes let's go you did it yes let's [ __ ] go yes
Channel: Hyjaxz
Views: 179,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tu4qB_L9PI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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