Winch FAILED and the Bin FELL!

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you guys remember these hoppers oh he did what  was it last spring yeah been a little while well   i need green bins on top of them and so we're  gonna get that done because we did these two   two years ago worked out really good  they need ladders but we're gonna get   that eventually but we do have some green  bins around this farm that are not very big   the floors are old and cracked and uh they would  sure do well on a hopper bottom so that's the   plan so we're gonna take two of these bins that  are hanging out right over here and we're gonna   lift them up and put them on top of those  hoppers we gotta add a couple rings to them   we gotta take a door off there's a bunch of things  we gotta do at home and we only have a couple days   of nice weather because well you know this country  it gets windy really easy and we had some really   bad wind yesterday and it's coming again next  week so we got a couple days to get this done   leg arms is really optimistic he wants to get  this done so i'm gonna help him we'll get it done i know what better place to store your your  crane than uh on top of an old cultivator hey   it works but we're gonna take it back to the  other farm yard we keep it here for storage   take it back to their farm yard get hooked up to  the bud gotta get the winch on it there's a lot   of things to do to get it operational but first  thing is uh picking it up so let's chain it up so you're probably wondering why do we call  this bob's big bud bin boom that's cause my   dad's name is robert or as everybody calls him bob  and that was his design and we helped him build it   and that is a bin moving crane that goes in the  back of a big bud so what better way to call than   bob's big bud bin boom for a big bud we've  lifted see what nine bins over there 10 11.   at least 11 bins with this thing we're gonna add  two more to that in the next day or two farmer   engineering i know a lot of engineers out there  looking to feel like but hey it's still working all right now for the big bud we use a series  one it's uh it's a fun big bud i think it's   got a special place in our hearts because grandpa  bought that thing brand new from big bud way back   in the day it was one of the first big buds ever  built and uh still makes a lot of work happen   around this farm if you guys haven't seen we did  do a restoration on this big bud i think it was   one of the first videos i put up on youtube  actually it's an oldie and well we've learned   a thing or two since then like painting as you  can see the original paint coming off decals   and a lot of other stuff i think there'll  be a day we'll go through this tractor again   and do another makeover on it because it  needs it but for now i think it can still move so this custom dash is 100 well custom built by  us and we are not at that higher rpm right now   there we go anyways this is my shifters right  here and that's crazy used to have a shifter   in the middle of floor right here it  was really a pain so we rigged up a   cable system and you've got your gears here  that's six eight four reverse seven five so   with this uh 13 614 transmission i'm gonna put her  in a low because we want to go as slow as we can   i just put the clutch in pull it back it's  in gear let the clutch out slowly here we go there we go we're free oh yeah this is a fun  track to run if i told you earlier though   as i said i need some tlc to this  thing maybe that guy will do it originally this bud had a 250 horsepower i  think it was a 250 works hn cummins and then   they upgraded it to an hm 350 and that ran for a  lot of years and then in 2011 2012 we upgraded to   an n14 cummins rated at 425 horsepower but i we  kind of think the end is not running as strong   as it should be yeah we had some water in the fuel  tanks we didn't know about it might have hurt the   injectors the injection pump we'd really like to  have a red top in this thing and have it tuned up   to about that 475 500 horse so when the day comes  we might do that if we can find an engine but for   now it does a pretty good job it does a good job  now this tractor weighs about 40 000 pounds which   isn't really a lot considering some of the  non-articulated tractors today can get about   that much well actually more so but in its day in  1960s early 70s this was a big tractor and uh you   know if you fill the tires full of water you can  probably get it up to that 50 000 pound range but   i just don't know if we're gonna use this  thing for that kind of field work anymore you know this is a pretty  rigged modified fabricated crane   but for how often we use it we don't need to  modify it anymore it'll be fine it'll work it's   a little bit of a hassle hooking up to the bud but  once you get it on there it's good so he's gonna   back up line it up and then we'll have to take the  loader lift this up or we might use the case here   i don't know which one gonna use um and then we  can back it underneath pin it and then once it's   pinned we'll lift this up and then hook up all  the cables and uh yeah get a couple other things you wanna use the skid steer  to lift this or is this yeah i'll go get it we put those sea log style tracks on this case  deer i was doing the research the time and i read   that they were supposed to have been really good  on ride quality i kind of don't know about that   sure seems like it still bounces around pretty  hard that's just probably the reality of tracks   but i kind of wonder now if i wish i would have  put just the really small lug tracks on this thing so all right the boss big blood video  is pinned at the bottom two large pins   we got the actual winch cable ran all  the way out with a weight on the ends so   when we pick it up we don't have to worry  about trying to use the scissors let's get   up there to put the cable on so now we gotta  do the fun part should be the loader and lift   this thing slowly tilting it up to the angle  we want leg arm's got these cables the main   ones and he's gonna attach to the frame of  the tractor spot so let's get to lifting   how do i get the flagpole up there now oh  i should have thought of that sooner man no i'm not gonna climb it so now i've got the butt in place this is going  to be the tire we're going to use the pull from   the top we've actually never done that with  a bin this big before done with smaller bins   but this isn't a lot bigger than the ones we've  done so we think it'll work otherwise for some   of the larger bins we actually have brackets we  attach to the walls they have cables that go to   the center to the top see all that old rust  up there from small grain that was in this   nasty anyways we gotta start taking stuff  apart so leg arms said we're gonna keep this   bottom ring in the concrete so we're gonna put  those other bins on top of here so we're gonna   go through and take every one of these out start  breaking the seam apart and then get ready to lift all right we're running out of daylight  sure gets dark this time of the year   quick winch is tight we gotta switch to low  it's on high right now it takes like two seconds   so we'll figure that out but we left a couple  bolts still nuts tight got to punch all the   other bolts out that i took nuts off of scott got  the door all apart so we're not far from lifting   this thing but we'll do it tomorrow we have more  time so we'll see you guys then guess what guys   we got wiggles here what do you say wiggly  waxter is that right brad brad okay you know   we're calling whatever you want anyways we asked  this guy could he come over and help us out moving   these bins because we kind of need a third  person since uh my dad is kind of on vacation   and not wanting to work so but the requirements  where he had to have ten fingers oh snap probably   two thumbs i've got it like i've got like nine and  three quarters right now nine and three quarters   yeah well your thumb is functional it's functional  yeah it's just the tip the tips a little bit it   doesn't hurt near a pad i mean you can use it  now i can open doors yeah all we know is somehow   it got pushed through the paperwork and he's  qualified we're certified he's good he's good letting the big bud warm up and uh while it's  doing that i'll explain a little something   so we're leaving this bottom sheet in the concrete  we're taking everything above the bin over to   add a ring to it to put it on the hopper then  we're gonna do the same thing to this one as   well then what we'll do is we'll take those two  small bins over there and put them down on here   now there's a reason why we're taking these two  and not those other two over there these two   have thicker gauge sheets all the way up those  other two over there have a lot thinner gauge   so we're going to put those ones on here leave  the bottom ring so we can just bolt them right up   take these thicker gauge ones put them over  there and the ring that we add we're adding   sifters so that it doesn't curl and work  that bottom ring now we've already taken out   all of these bolts well not taking them  out yet completely but we removed the   nuts and then we'll just pound them out and we  should be able to lift it up and take it away i think we got all the bolts out around the  whole thing now he's gonna get some tension on it   and uh we're gonna keep kind of lifting a  little bit and prying around the edges so   we get the seam to pop out and at  some point in time it's just gonna   go funk and it's gonna rock back and forth  theoretically let's hope that's what happens so we're adding the ring that we  salvaged from this bin right here   to this bin to make it tall enough because this is the top ring of  the old bin which had the lid on it   this is towards the bottom that's drilling  the holes and putting your bolts in while they're doing that brad's and wiggles sorry  sorry he's inside tightening up all the bolts we   put through and uh i'm going to go through figure  out how i want to do the stiffeners to stiffen up   the sidewall because basically what's going on is  this is 18 gauge right here well that's a 20 gauge   sheet technically we probably could get  away with with such a small bin this is   not putting stiffeners in but if you put peas or  any other kind of crop in it what's gonna happen   is it's gonna start putting pressure  on it and then it'll it could curl   the bottom ring and the bin could fall over  and just a bad day so we don't want to do that   if we add the stiffeners we won't have a problem  we've done it before in a small bin like this   um it'll work out fine but we're doing a 20 gauge  to an 18 gauge all right let's bring this off that's merle that's brad's new puppy he's helping us today so that's the old door used  to be and as you can see it's no longer there   and leg arms is inside and he is not getting out  of there unless we decide we want to lift the bin   off and let him out need some more bolts the old  stuff the old square nuts and uh fortunately got a   door right here to go through that's convenient  all right where are we let's see here um yeah he's adorable pretty awesome guys let's  move this bad boy let's put it on top of a hopper   what do you think wiggles ready all  right we're ready let's move this beast um the bin fell a couple feet when he was  backing up the winch failed it's lifted 11 bins and it's time this is a 12th bin nine  over there two here oh no more well anyways   with that said it's done a few bins in this  time i've never had this happen and the low   range failed on the hydraulic winch and it fell  and the bin is okay it did curl part on one side   a little bit but we just put  those stiffeners in there and so   we're kind of dead in the water we need a winch  so i don't know when we're gonna get a winch to   get this fixed to get going but it's probably not  gonna happen the next day or two unfortunately we'll be able to bend that up pretty easy  it's not a big deal and uh it's because   we got a new winch anyways and this bin is  not going anywhere and it gets windy here   we back the butt up with the crane up against  the bin and we'll leave the tractor here and he   bent the edge of the bin he's like you're good  you're good you're good you're gonna stop stop   i put the clutch in the tractor didn't stop  it kept rolling anyways so the weight of that   is against the bin which hopefully will keep  it in place until we get the winch replaced   token back up again lifted put it on there  all right and brad gets to go home hunting   because i guess we don't need them now bummer  tomorrow have been a nice day to do the second   band we really hope we get these two done  and now we're not gonna but that's life   fortunately that winch failed there when uh  no one was around it than when we're lifting   and putting on here and we're all around  it because that would have been bad so   no i'm thankful failed there and it's really weird  why it failed i i don't know the low range in it   it started popping he was driving backwards and  he lifted a little bit and then also started   popping and cracking and then it would hit  the ground that's twelve thousand pound winch   and that bin does not weigh twelve thousand  if it weighs about five thousand pounds   maybe six at most five thousand pounds so we're  not like overloading the winch by any means   just fail they'll fail sometimes i guess we're gonna find out what's wrong with  this thing so it locks it in but how do you   how do you just take disengage this thing  well those gears feel fine not gears splines   oh wait a minute wait a minute there's our  problem right here this shaft's all tore out   see that oh oh yeah right there it's all  torque look at that i just gotta get one   of these where do you order one of these at  it looks almost like a um extension mm-hmm   there you go see tore it all out can you pop  it this way amazing something tells me they   didn't design this way to lift green bins you  also have a mouthful of seeds i'm a chick monk   now due to the fact that we can't lift the bin and  this winch here i am not going to try to fix it um   you're probably thinking well you could you  could fix it i'm sure i could make it work   but the issue is this is a hardened steel okay  when you weld on hardened steel it crystallize   sometimes your welds won't well bond very  well with the hardened steel so as you do   that if you put much stress on it you'll break  and shatter and bad things will happen with   all that weight of the bin on that winch it's not  worth it's just not safe let's put it that way to   try to make this thing work so we ordered a new  one it'll be here maybe in about a week or so   so i have to put that on hold  and it's a shame too because   that day was such beautiful weather the next  day was gorgeous we could have moved those two   bins maybe even three if we really got ambitious  but things happened so that being said all right   i guess we got other things we can do i might  end up straightening up the shop a little   bit or straightening up outside a little bit i  don't know i haven't decided what i want to do   you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 309,547
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Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: -SThouS2_DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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