Can It Be Saved? Free Snow Blower,

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hey guys how's it going out yard sale and there's one up the road i haven't hit yet but on the way there was this on the side of the road for free looks fairly modern uh it doesn't has much use on it but it's definitely taken apart somebody had a a rough time looks like trying to either get to run or operate or whatever its issues are i don't know if it's blown up but again the price is right so i think we throw it in the truck we'll bring it home put it on the bench either found find out what happened to it or see if we can resurrect it and let it live once more so it's actually a couple months later this was sitting over in the corner but the threat of winter is now upon us so i think it'd be a good time to start figuring out if we could save this machine or at least figure out what happened to it so i i literally took it out of the truck parked it in the corner and know nothing more about it than what you guys saw when it was on the side of the road it doesn't look like it had very much use to it i see no rust on the outside of it at all it's really clean even on the inside the cutting edge got a little bit of a roll over to it that shows or not so it has had some use to it i wouldn't think it's not really an expensive one it's more of the lower end of snow blowers reason why i say it's got no electric start uh it's the smaller wheel smaller cut smaller engine it's running a plastic impeller instead of a metal one i don't know if that's a good thing or not i wouldn't think so so we got that the guts are sitting on the bench behind me that came with it this was removed from it plug's still in it my guess and this is just a guess and you're welcome to do the same is that it probably sat over a course of a winter and they went to go fire it up and it didn't run again that's just my guess let's see if we got any fuel in it and it's got gas in it doesn't smell terrible they may have dumped old gas on top of new it's got oil in it clean too be nice it was just a dirty car but maybe not so let me set up in a stand we'll start getting into it see what we can find and hopefully we can bring it back to life so that gas cap back on it's kind of odd that they have the shoot part removed too though so maybe he was having a problem throwing snow uh let's give her a couple of yanks and see if doesn't nothing feels weird it's got compression let's go pop off the belt cover see one screw's already missing is it just sitting there no let's go pop that belt cover off we got on this side gotta be some more hardware on somewhere actually there's a little tab you just pushing there we go let me go put you down yeah it's got a tab on this side too there we go the belts are still on it i don't see anything funky with that so you should have a lever that's for the auger and then for the drive will be down inside here i don't know what it uses for drive it might be a generally a snowblower uses a disc that has two different surfaces there right on it's kind of like an automatic transmission or cvt transmission all that looks pretty good though i don't see anything funky down inside there and this is it's kind of weird that you know that part was removed all right it's good to plug out of it and see if it's got any spark here's the goodies that were sitting on the bag over there with just a bunch of hardware got a sheer pin yeah i don't see anything broke what about that little retaining bracket that holds everything that's okay too one thing i noticed it doesn't have a belly pan jelly pin is what goes underneath it and it keeps the snow from packing up inside where the clutch is whether it's missing altogether or again it seems like a cheap machine i wonder if they just kind of omitted it that's kind of oily name in the games does it have spark i do not i forgot where there's a kill on this thing too so that was choke this was throttle and we got for [Applause] so you pull the key up to shut it off which is that and full throttle is that way should we get i have to move you over yo it's going to light me up oh yeah really good spark awesome what do you say we dribble a little bit of fuel down there real quick we'll give her a fire up make sure there's just no knocking noises there's a straight gas give her a little shower right down the center how many pulls do you think let's see the second second pull last ride i tried playing that game i think was about 50. [Laughter] you see and i want choke choke off [Applause] there you go how about one we're going one sounded okay i'm seeing issues with it i'm not worried about that little puff of smoke i guess can be a problem so my guess is the carb maybe the carb is real nasty they couldn't get it and or could have a drive system problem let's um that looks okay let's real quick we'll we'll set it up on the front of the argo take a quick look at the transmission gearbox and see if there's anything funky going on with that well there's something wrong with it this could be a boring video it should be able to stand right up on the auger there we go yeah i don't see any screw holes in the bottom so there was never a pan on there it doesn't have a it's got a regular gearbox unless there's unless it's inside there maybe it's only one speed and i guess it's a fairly simple setup [Music] pin is good well i say we just go forward with trying to get it running and we'll see what happens as far as uh the transmission you know possibly there's something wrong [Music] we would have to push we go station stand we're gonna go push that lever and we'll try turning the wheels and we'll see if that has an output going across yeah this is definitely an inexpensive machine that's for sure yeah i think we're good you guys turn okay let's go tear into that carburetor look at that float bowl popped on i wonder if they had a kid like me and they he took it apart on him when he was wasn't looking the guy just like shook his head so i'm buying a new one i didn't like that machine anyway and it's even gets a little smaller this should just be a drain and the other one will take the ball off let's see we get out of it for fuel yeah it's pretty yellow yeah i don't see any water in it the water will be sitting more towards the bottom too though you'll see usually you see a little bubble be floating around in there that just looks like old gas to me let's go get the both rest the way off you think in our area power equipment we're in the northeast i'm in the northeast doesn't get used for about six months out of the year so if they don't get you know properly drained with fuel every time they go to come out for that season they're all uh the carbs usually get gummed up and some water did come out very little just i'll show you in a second that bowl is pretty clean though yeah it's kind of perplexing me a little because it sat over there i know two months now two or three months on top of it you can see that the see where the drain is on the side of the bowl and then where the bottom of the bowl is so the difference in between that water always goes to the bottom anyway so that drain doesn't really do much for you because the water will get trapped and now you can see it a little gray looking blob in there that's water if i let it sit for a while more of it will join the puddle get a little bit bigger and that water is heavier and kind of thicker than the gas and there's a little tiny jet up on the side it can never really suck that up they're not very good a bigger engine is not a problem the jet the whole the jet is bigger but this small stuff really seems to have a problem let's go take a little mirror let's go probe underneath there we'll take a peek at what that jet looks like see this will work for us it actually doesn't look bad looks pretty clean i'm gonna go shoot some compressed in there compressed in there compressed air up in there and we'll give that a shot what we'll do is we'll turn i got the gas line pinched off open that up we'll let that run a little bit see if we get some clearer gas coming out if not we'll just put some fresh stuff in it let's go pop the vice grips off should flow yeah and that's the float i'm guessing it's full should shut the fuel off i really think my guess right now is they ran it kind of out of gas and then backfilled it with fuel but the fuel that was in a carburetor was no good that looks really clean maybe during the summer time he was doing like a little maintenance and he put new gas in and yanked on a bunch of times and tried starting it but that does not look bad at all compared to the stuff we took out sure hope you find something wrong with it i know that sounds dumb but this is gonna be what boring got time it so i'm going to go pop that float bowl back on we'll turn the gas on we'll give her a couple yanks if the fire is up on the carb you leave the choke off see if i go with the choke off i think we are all set actually we can hit the primer a couple of times that might be an issue let it run a little bit [Music] [Applause] remember i said about a little bit of smoke that won't be an issue and we might have found why they threw it away uh let's go first of all i'm going to go turn on the fan and open the door and kind of clean her out a little bit and let's go look into what is going on with that hey guys airing out a little bit careful what i wish for right there's like there's nothing wrong with it let's go make sure that it's not over for the oil that's that's hard to say i mean it's so clean you can't even tell where it is it looks like it's wonderful if anything the other thing too is somebody put the machine they put it on its side the muffler will fill up with oil and the cause to do that the other thing i'm thinking of too is possibly got a blown head gasket i don't know if i've really seen that on snowblowers usually it's on like lawn mowers and riding tractors the engines are air cooled this is the fan that comes in and mice will build a nest up inside there the airflow won't be going across and then it takes the it overheats and takes out the head gasket and definitely a lot of just raw oil sitting around the muffler maybe we'll fire it up again we'll let it run a little bit and see what it does see if it settles down at all the other thing too there's a breather coming from the valve cover and if it gets a blown head gasket it pressurizes the i want to call it the crankcase and blow by normally it's just sucked back through the carburetor but if it gets overwhelmingly large it can sometimes push oil through that breather so real quick let's go take the end of the air cleaner off and we'll take a look we'll see if there's a bunch of oil up inside here if we see oil up inside here then we definitely know that was it was part of the issue or somebody left the snow blower on its side and this area filled up with oil and it kind of went down into the carburetor let's go find out i'm glad at least you found something that sounds gonna be a boring video people just basically drain a little bit of gas out and fire it up [Music] i gotta get a tool for getting the hose off i know it looks pretty wet let me see that it definitely looks like oil's been sitting right inside the carb that's looking pretty dry uh guys probably asking yourself why is there no air cleaner snowblowers do not use air cleaners because they're used in such a clean environment there's really no dust and the water that they would suck up would definitely cause a problem with getting the air cleaner choked off so they don't bother around they just run the water right through whatever mist gets kicked up in the air yeah it's got some i wouldn't say it's terrible but there is definitely oil what about in the tube itself yeah all right i'm gonna go put the hardware back on the carb we'll fire it back up with that off of there let's try it again put the key back in it running on the choke right now hunting a lot too [Music] let it run it's a little function test on it [Music] i gotta put a clay up on it looks all right rowley let's go try the gearbox go through a lot of hunting it won't idle so it doesn't have an idle circuit that's probably a part of what is causing it to run like crap so i think a few things were going on i think one was somebody kind of put it on its side and all the oil ran to the side of it and caused that smoking issue why that's why they threw it out i do not know but it's also running lean and lean means not enough gas that's what that hunting is on this carburetor i've said this before the so there's a main circuit which is like when you're on the rpms and you're up there that's the main circuit and then it has an idle circuit and when i put it to idle which was that right there it kind of shoot idle as you just sat there and just chugged right along instead it died right out so there's no fuel coming from the idle circuit and the idle circuit is also part of the main it's not like you come off of idle it's not doing anything it's kind of like a mix so say like 10 from the idle circuit and 90 is from the main circuit well if this 10 percent is blocked off and you're only getting the 90 uh from the main there's still too much air it makes it run too lean so i have a feeling that's what's going on we have no idle circuit so let's get that carburetor off of there kind of was suspected with being a fuel issue that smoke was fun though i thought we're gonna get into taking cylinder head off but maybe maybe not let's get the carb off of there and see if we can fix it okay who is the engineer [Laughter] really sometimes i tell you this doesn't quite take things into consideration right i'm gonna take the bowl off i should have enough room after i get the bowl off yeah no water in it so it looks good sometimes water will do that to you too water can actually almost mimic that a little bit you got enough to get it now come on it's like right there there we go all right let's go pop over on the bench take a peek at her get over on the bench it is it's got to be one of the cleanest carbs i've ever taken apart that actually had an issue let's get the float off of it and needle's fine the main we know the main is working it could probably be a little bit dirty that's the one that's going to be right up in the center here we'll pull that out in a second but what i wanted to show is the idle part of it which is so this plastic screw right here is your idle speed and you can see at idle that tab on the throttle plate will go up against there and you turn this in and out for your idle speed underneath there right here is the idle circ part of the idle circuit and it's kind of i'm going to call it the jet there's a passage underneath here that my guess is what is clogged and also it looks like it had an adjustment right here and that is uh broken off the tabs broken off so you can't do anything with it a lot of times what you have is like a a funky screwdriver to keep people out of the idea is they don't want people messing with them for missions i i have a tendency to disagree with it in the fact that first of all they went with ethanol fuel ethanol fuel causes the carbs to come up when the carbs gum up people have a tendency to try to keep them running to keep so the carbon runs up it runs lean meaning enough fuel so the way to overcome that is you take your choke and you click your choke on a little bit and you start running it with the choke and it when you cut off the air supply the air is coming in through here you're sucking up more fuel from the center well that's much more non-emission friendly probably the best way to put it then actually just having it so where you can mix it and then as things get a little a slightly contaminated you can kind of tweak them in and out and get them to run a little bit better but i guess that's the way government runs right all right so we want to fix this let's go with the main j out of it and then i do not have that letter d looking set up in the center there i'll come up with something maybe even just a big screwdriver we'll be able to turn this out so we can get the bottom the other one out that's why a lot of the small engine stuff is going to uh fuel injection now bikes too so the way this sucks up the fuel is through that little hole right there sometimes the older ones it was much lower and the idea is when that water is sitting in that carburetor like that it won't pick it up it'll actually kind of give a little bit of space for that to happen there we go there's the jet in the emulsion tube that looks really clean and i'm looking through that for the daylight that looks really clean too and of course the compressor decides to kick on so hold on one second all right where were we so we're gonna try to get that out of there there's about two or three threads i'm gonna set it up anyway once i get it running i'll just run that out until i get a good idle and this isn't threaded it should just pull straight up and it would be that little port down there that is clogged i'm gonna go look underneath the light real quick and sometimes you could shine a light behind them but this style is different because it only goes it's not going through straight through the center it's going through these holes and up out of there so that may be clogged and also what i'm thinking now i wonder if the oil contaminated that like how thick the oil is may have clogged it and it couldn't get anything through that port because again it's just so tiny and this carb is really clean yeah my guess right now is that they went and maybe tipped it on its side or stored it on its side in the garage is my guess so i'm gonna go blow out all these passages and we'll put it back together and we'll see what we get one thing i do want to kind of add though so say if you have your typical uh your typical tecumseh eight horse 24 inch cut which is the i'd say 70 of the snow blowers out there run that engine and if you're trying to run it and you have it's safe at idles but you still have to go run the choke on a click or two for it to actually kind of run halfway decent it's running a little too lean and what you would do is there's an orifice inside there that's that meters how much fuel goes in you want to open that up here they make little drill bits for it uh for jets and a lot of people also use like um uh not piano wire like guitar string wire and things like that that can kind of go fit down inside there we're not going to go do that yet because we want to go see what caused the problem so just by cleaning it we'll see if it goes away i can't really get that one that adjustment out of there if we have to we'll take it we'll take a little cutting wheel we'll put a slice across it and then we'll be able to take it out like a screw but um i want to see if it'll come back first before we do that it's more of um exploratory why this thing was thrown out let me get to cleaning all the other ones that you can kind of see through and then we blew air through this one but i'm going to try taking some carb clean it it may splatter all around but what i'm trying to see if i get it coming out of this passage watch your eyes yeah i can literally see it bubbling up through there so i know that passage is open just a good way to test it again that that just pops down inside there and then the other one holds it in place i think you get the idea how it goes back together right there's really not that much to it a couple of threads pass just to hold the throttle from going all the way closed we'll give her a little extra i got one screwdriver but the sides ground down on it i'm just going to blow through the fuel intake make sure it shuts off i'm going to let it hang down choke there and i could blow through it all right i'm gonna go wipe my fingerprints off of that get that wiggled up back in there and then put the float ball on it we'll try it again see what we get uh if it doesn't work then we're gonna do some modifications all right let's go try it again that should be full throttle let's give her a couple of primer i should have probably talked about how that primer works i will in a minute see if it fixes it [Music] you have to give it a second to warm up the operating temperature let's see if it'll idle now now it'll idle [Music] the idle circuit's working i want to say with the oil give it a pot let it warm up much better [Music] a little bit of a load on it [Music] that's got it i don't know if this has to cut off or not all the way down sometimes there's a ground that'll ground it out to shut it off i'm gonna bring that idol up just a little bit yeah right about there [Music] that sounds good so i'll choke it in with my fingers a little [Music] [Music] i see how it runs pretty decent when i give it a little bit of choke it kind of calms down it stops doing that bouncing a little bit that's what i was talking about with a running lean let's go take the carb back apart again one more time we're gonna go take that main jet we're just gonna open it up just a little bit get it a little bit richer it's just off a little and i think we can probably just get the runs a little nicer than that's probably how i was running from the factory too and like i said what it's a lost cause what people do is they just they click a little bit of the choke on it they try running it like that and it just causes it to the emissions to actually be worse than if it was just a little bit more uh in tune all the old carburetors were adjustable you just had a needle on the bottom and you just kind of tweaked into it you got that right window plus the weather kind of changes it a little bit too in your altitude but um we're at sea level pretty much right here so it's about the best you're going to get as far as lean let's back apart again and here's that little means that i was talking about these are drill index sets this is a larger one and this one goes down even much finer so i'm gonna go take the smallest one here first of all and see if that'll even fit through there without forcing it if that one fits no problem so we're going to be able to go up and find one that doesn't fit watch it jam it into my finger they got numbers on them and sometimes it's written on the jet too you can actually see a number on them that's a 76 and i'm going to find one that just makes and then we're gonna go to the next one that one is seems like it's just about there we're getting close that one's got no number on it okay so just keeps going right i'm sure i put him back with the number up so i can see it okay so 67 doesn't make it i'm gonna zoom in and try to find the one that does just make it we're close that one just doesn't make it i think 69 was the one that went through yeah so 69 makes it we're just going to open it up just a little bit with 68. you don't want to go too far there is a fix you can fix them other than getting a new jet you can go and solder them up and then re-drill it again it's not that picky even if it's not a straight line it's not some people tell you it's got to be you know dead center it doesn't you're metering how much fuel goes up in the center of the hole whether it's jagged or or not you get the right amount of fuel going through that's it and i think you need to see me struggle with this case right so i'm going to go put that back and blow air through it we'll put it back in and see if that made any kind of improvement without changing anything else oh and while i have it off so when the football is on there kind of a sealed chamber it is vented there is a vent to the float ball other than the needle and seat but when you hit that little button on the side when i was hitting the primer button that shoots an air pulse down here it kind of pressurizes the float ball it gives a little bit more pressure into the flow pole and it causes fuel just raw fuel to shoot right up the center of this this assembly that's in here it just gives a quick little shot of fuel it literally just puts raw fuel up inside the center of the car and then it just gets drawn in just for a little bit of a quick start that's how that works if your gasket's gone on the bottom some other issues can kind of cause it too but that's what it's there for all right so you've been getting improvement on it this time let's give her a couple of primer shots full throttle [Music] i'm gonna warm up a minute [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna let it warm up a second i'm gonna turn the fan on i'll bring you right back and we'll see if you have to run without the choke on [Music] [Music] [Music] you can even hear it sounds better i went too far i went against i went to the stop where the ground is let me fire it back up again and we'll bring it down to an island rev it up again it's off choke now and it's running much better [Music] so i think i'm going to go one more size up you can still see when i put the choke on it's running a little bit better when you go too far you'll hear it it'll it'll start doing that popping kind of sound and that's too much fuel it's running too rich so i'm going to go one more size up and we'll try one more time yeah which kind of leave it alone from there let's play it again [Music] just run a second [Music] [Music] we're gonna take that for the win i don't want to go any much more than that because i don't feel like soldering it up and doing a back step on it but the guys got it as far as that's concerned uh we can give a little bit of love to the rest of the machine though the tires are flat i think they have tubes in them hopefully they hold there we'll start chasing some of that little little stuff and we get to shoot all that kind of stuff back on it too hopefully those valve stems are good too it looks like they probably used it uh it was like this before we played with it on the bench you can see how the the valve stem is kind of cocked on an angle so the rim was trying to drive and the tire was staying still where they dragged it with the tires and it caused the stem to go kind of at an angle so i'm going to try to probably take the rest of the air out just any air in it and then try to get that tire to walk back a little bit that stem straight out hopefully it's not torn [Music] [Music] they don't get much 510 psi i'm probably over already right now i'm gonna let them set up a little bit see if they stay hard the other thing has many hours in at all maybe one or two seasons just gonna take a quick look at those belts i'm just looking for cracking and i'm also looking for tension on it so this one of course is not going to have any tension on it until you pull the lever and that's the one that's running your auger and it has a a lever that does so and i pull the lever up top so it's touching right there and then all that is spring so all that is preload on there and it's more than enough somewhere on that cable will have a spring it's down below and you see even in the crack there if you can see it they're spraying right down in there so that just kind of maintains tension on it sometimes you'll have an adjustment yeah that one does where you can slide it if the belt starts getting a little worn you can adjust the idler pulley on it and the other one is tension all the time it's already preloaded which seems pretty good and again that's inside the gearbox with the lever and we already looked at that i said we throw the shoot we can put this cover on and we'll go look at putting that shoot on there i don't know why they took that apart uh one guess oh that's what i wanted to talk about one thing i was guessing on is maybe they didn't have much storage space because the handles were loose so some i wonder if somebody had the handles folded over and they kind of like shoved it in the corner maybe even put it on its side maybe that's why all the oil got in there it's kind of weird that like even this side is loose too people do it with lawn mowers also yeah it's not good for the cables did seem like it's really large house that it was at but that's my guess is it was folded up pushed in the corner maybe underneath the workbench or something somebody folded it uh tucked it maybe even back on its side or up on its front in the oil got up inside here and contaminated it he brought it out maybe fired it up and tried getting it running and it was smoking like a pig and he just said that's it i'm done i'm getting a bigger machine and toss this one to the curb and maybe that's why this is off also just to make a little bit more room a little tinier package where it's not sticking out pop like that all right i'm gonna get some covers on and then we'll put that on everything went back together pretty good i'm gonna put a little bit of oil in it because i think we're a tad low i wonder why and ah there they are i got a couple bolts left over like where do they go right there why would they take those out though what was the point of of doing that all right explained i hate when you have extra hardware it looks pretty good though it's a plain machine it's no electric start no speed control no reverse it's just gassing you these are good for like doing your sidewalks you don't have a ton of snow or you don't get that much snow this is something that you would use or if the person is how do i put this uh physically challenged we'll go with that so you're a smaller person or elderly or something some of the big machines are really hard to muscle around i think this would probably be fairly easy you would think would have electric start though for you know that part of it too but i think she's good to go gonna go throw these back in uh depending on what surface it would get used on i would drop the shoes down so if you're on a good clean pavement you're gonna let the scraper on the bottom go right down to the pavement but if you have a little bit of gravel or uneven surfaces or your pavements falling apart you're going to take these and drop them down and leave about about a half inch behind b it worked out pretty good i'm going to go throw those in [Applause] i think that's got it she's a winner not a great machine like i said is very minimalist of a snowblower but again hey for it's on the side of the road for free and not needing much love i'm happy with it it's probably worth not better if i'd sell an open market 150 bucks maybe yeah it's clean i think so i got maybe one or two seasons on it too bad i didn't need a blown head gasket i would have fun to tear into but i don't get to choose what their ailments are right we just kind of drag them home and see what they got what it takes to fix them again i don't know quite why all that plastic was taken off of it i can see trying to get to the carburetor maybe to fix something more for the smoke but why the the shooting everything was starting to get taken off that i don't know so you are welcome to leave your thoughts let me know you think happened to it what the problem was or you know why they did what they did it's all speculation right all right guys with that i'm going to sign off thank you all for hanging out with me wrenching i got some other big projects i'm working on i kind of want to wait till they're more filmed and done instead of filming one and not having it quite done because parts are an issue so something i would think that is going to come in a couple days takes two weeks to come in and i don't want to put a video up and then not have the following one for it parts and pieces are poking around there's a little bit of something on the floor as a teaser and there's some really big stuff coming too with that i'll sign off and you can even guess on what those are if you like all right guys i'm done i'll see you take care
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 682,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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