Magnus BREAKS 2900 at World Blitz!

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the final major chess event of 2021 the world blitz championship being held once again in varsava in poland in warsaw uh it's a 21 round event in the open section and i believe the women's section is 17 rounds and it's all over two days three minutes with two seconds bonus and it's just an open it's a free fall it's a wild wild west out here i'm gonna take you through a bunch of the games and at the end we're gonna have a segment where we just look at the blunders because it's blitz i mean it's gonna be a lot of blunders so here we go kicking things off between magnus carlsen and siege of clementi uh i i that's how i pronounce his name i don't know it's probably pronounced slightly differently but this was a wild game uh and um this game was a sicilian which transposed to almost a french because magnus didn't play d4 he played c3 but now clementi played c d4 himself um and that's an interesting move so now now it's going to be very congested in the middle congested to the point that magnus just develops and and this pawn like right here he's like yeah yeah you could have it i don't need it you go ahead and probably uh his opponent was like i bro i don't care if you're the world champ like i'm a pawn up i mean i don't know the hell this is but or who you think you're playing games with but i have an extra pawn magnus is like that's great i'm magnus carlson uh probably what he says on dates too so like what's you know what are you into i'm magnus crossing oh okay h4 when you don't know what to do and you've sacked the pawn in the opening you might as well push the age pawn to go for the knight on g6 now this game gets real wild real fast we got pieces flying from the right from the left to the right we got the queen in the middle and now magnus is better because it's very difficult for black to defend the d41 and also to develop so he's trying to go for the development scheme magnus fakes out taking this pawn and backs up and now he's just gonna play on the structural deficiencies of the black position by playing h5 and bishop g5 and h6 obviously you gotta you gotta beat your opponent with the h pawn right so bishop takes h6 and the the congestion of this position is like i mean look at this you got the bishops i think this is you know this is a blizz game just by looking at this at the board right so here we have a very tense moment so magnus uh needs to decide does he come into f7 now or does he play king g2 rook h1 and go for this and he plays king g2 and he loses he loses on the spot you know why because black can play knight b4 and the point is that if you play bishop f7 which is the whole point to kind of attack this rook and play rook kitchen etc bishop c6 check and your bishop is hit and that's it like you lose it's that you got nothing right so that's a problem so he plays 97 instead he plays knight to e7 instead and now here comes bishop seven magnus carlsen does not look back he takes the rook gets the queen out of danger goes down to the c file goes to the e file the rooks are about to be activated and it's time to collect he forces his opponent to move the pawns forward because they're all bait now the d4 pawn falls the f4 pawn's being pushed and all the king has to do a sidestep and when the dust clears off the board magnus is just up a rook for a knight with many pawns left and on move 48 after surviving a little bit of a scare magnus carlson wins and with this game crosses 2900 blitz that's a pretty big rating it's a pretty big rating all right i've been 28 35 before myself i know it's a big rating i've been 28 35 in the online blitz and these 2 900 and over the board blitz however it was short-lived what he lost the very next game to very strong grand master bartoszko from poland who like the fans were going nuts because it's in poland he lost that game and then it went from bad to worse because he was looking to bounce back against vladimir putin and magnus like this is right after he lost right um he uh he he like he's just starts going on this initiative in the middle of the board he look at this knight look at everything magnus is doing he's just marching straight into his opponent's position right like boom boom boom knight jumping in locking the structure knight is going to be seven oh let's it's not too shabby of a counter play over here by the sieve but you know it's it's magnus doing magnus things the knight is on e7 like at any moment magnus might play for you know rook f5 rook h5 like this looks absolutely juicy but black is fast too like he he's got counter play you can't really underestimate right and now uncharacteristically uh magnus took his foot off the gas he actually he pumped the brakes he was like wait a minute i don't want to lose d4 so what does fit assay of do gets rid of the knight without even any any thought he's like all right that knight is way too strong and then and and then and then here comes uh act two of the entire plot twist of this game magnus begins bringing his king which makes sense it's the end game and federsev is still vibing on the queen side and magnus walks his king to jail like in the end game you're supposed to activate your king right that's what he does except now his king is in prison it literally has no moves it has no moves at all it's completely paralyzed and fedesav just finds c3 to crack open the queen side and just comes to collect i mean the king is it's it's mate basically you gotta sack the rook your bishop is hanging you take on d5 but now i got rook d2 i got two best pawns and magnus has to resign a couple moves later because the c pawn is promoting so he loses two games in a row magnus had an insane day i think in his first 11 rounds out of 12 he had no draws he had eight wins and three losses so he lost a few games he lost sochiko he lost to feriseev and he also met but we can't just show you games of magnus carlsen which is why i dedicated five and a half minutes of this recap to him and now let's move on to some big boys this is a game between polish legend and the hometown hero besides sochiko uh youngstav duda this was a crazy game i'm actually gonna show you the whole game i've been jumping into positions but this one got really wild off the bat it's an english mechanism variation you got pawns just standing around like c3f6 not the most important thing in the world players are developing the queen's under attack and now the queen's under attack and both both sides castle okay great so now what knight to e5 point is that if you take it i take the bishop i win your knight because it's check okay so we can't do that let's defend our knight knight takes f3 h4 nice move very nice move the point is that the knight can't move because obviously the queen would be taken and i'm just going to take back on f3 so you know and then i'm going to attack you except if on the absolute lunatic takes on g5 oppa and sags the queen for three pieces now who's better i don't know i don't know they're g4 i don't i don't know who's better if you watch this game with an eval bar you know who's better i'm not gonna tell you who's better we got rook g1 coming maybe a checkmate rookie eight all the pieces nice and cozy g5 and lavon's like yo i got a mad nice knight on e4 mad nice for those of you that aren't aware and can't handle context clues means my knight is really good mad is a new york expression a popular expression in big cities at least in america to indicate that something is very and nice in this case means you know very powerful bishop takes a two little vocab lesson for you from the mean streets of new york city bishop d6 attacks the rook and uh yeah i mean lavon just comes back look at this he won this whole game just by having the knight it didn't even have to do anything speak softly and carry a big stick and that knight definitely has a big stick shout out to uh wow that could have been phrased better now queen two f3 bishop d5 it finally moves and rook f8 and i mean yeah i mean levon sacks a queen for some pieces and wins a beautiful game and lavonne is in first place that's why i showed one of his games because he has 10 out of 12. like what he does and he's violating the dress code this dude is a gangster the feed i dress code for this tournament is to wear dark colors this dude was wearing a white shirt with a giant eagle on it no no tuxedo nothing no suit just a white shirt i'm like yo i love this guy 10 out of 12 uh levon in first place uh after the first day we obviously have nine more rounds tomorrow next game i would like to show you jumping into the game between bassem amin and martin kravsev if you haven't heard of either of these guys that's okay before today i actually didn't know much about martin kraft i really didn't i know about bassem i'm in because he is the african champion he's also a doctor yeah like oh you know how many of those bozos in the world rap and blitz championships would be unemployed if it wasn't for chess this dude is a doctor no disrespect to any of my uh to any of my gm's who are like not good at anything else than chess but i'm not gonna name names because i don't know all of them but this dude is a beast blossom i mean and he's crushing this tournament and kravzy was also having a very good day very strong ukrainian gym i just haven't heard of the guy that it's not disrespectful there's a lot of players in this tournament i'm like oh wow you know that's why i love to see it so very interesting positional idea here from bassem i mean he goes for light squared bishop versus dark squared bishop battle not always a draw especially if there's more pieces involved and he starts walking his king over he starts bringing his knight we saw the same maneuver by magnus and folks if you just want a useful piece of advice if there's a uh bishop about to come and collect the deaths of your position do not put all your pawns on the same color square as that bishop uh unless you're forced and that's what amina is doing here he forces this really bad concession by black to bring all the pawns to him delivered on a silver platter he orders room service bishop takes you notice he doesn't do this he doesn't do this opposite color bishops could be a problem so instead he invites an endgame of knight vs bishop with this imbalance and he just brings back and he trades because he's gonna collect the next pawn and the rest of this game is honestly just him winning um he is winning but he advances the queenside pawns everything on the right side of the board has stayed intact right it's just nothing it can't do anything to his position the pawns just march and black's not resigning because it's blitz you never know what's gonna happen um and uh actually does get some counter play admittedly does get some counter play because then blitz anything can happen but amin wins this game by actually breaking through on the right side while black is stuck here with this terrible knight notice how he's advanced now on the right side of the board i did say it stayed still until it had to move and he wins the game in beautiful fashion by combining two sides of the board marching up the board and you want to know something this guy rated like 26 70 blitz he's 2700 in classical but i don't think his blitz rating is all that high is in clear second nine and a half out of 12 out of nowhere he won like six out of his last seven games unbelievable run so i wanted to showcase him he's an absolute monster uh and we're gonna see what happens tomorrow the thing is there's nine more games so even though you're in second place at the end of day one you might lose four to start day two you ain't making it into my recaps not that that's like a crowning accomplishment for any gm but anyway let's jump over to the ladies side we didn't talk about them uh in the final day of action yesterday because costing you just mowed everybody down in the world rapid but there are some super names here hampi konoru vaishali from india um shuvalva obviously cost new guniana gariachina and bibisara uh asubaiva i hope i'm pronouncing that correctly from kazakhstan uh playing against costume this is like round five uh and costume decides here that while her young opponent is talented kostanuk is going for the she's going for the throat h4 the idea being you want to go kabam splat queen h5 etc rook d3 rook g3 so how is the young talented i am from kazakhstan going to deal with this by playing on the complete opposite side of the board with knight to a5 the intention being you want to play knight to b3 queen e4 threatens mate g6 stops it knight to d2 b5 black's like you want to attack me i ain't scared let's go h5 juliana pena style versus amanda nunes this should be seven three moves on the queen side to deal with an attack on the king side why most principle way to strike back against the flank attack is in the center and when you go one side and come back toward the middle that's what's going to happen right so hg hg queen g4 oh oh my goodness knight to e3 she hangs no no no no rook takes d3 and now that i've removed a major major part of your attack yet you've left some pieces behind costume a little bit too aggressive 93 is a beautiful counter shot and after rook f1 i mean white still has some hopes but it's going to be really difficult because you can't move okay you know what are you gonna go knight b1 i mean come on let's be serious right so b force tries to kick the night out and the knight says yeah sure but my rook is still here none of your pieces can take care of my rook none of them you try to play 94 another night jump bam hits on b4 bishop rook collide in the center of the board i mean beautiful defense and uh she just plays very calmly i mean i'm very loudly announcing it but she played very calmly and ends the game like this if king h1 doesn't really matter knight d3 knight f2 beautiful game it's actually the only game i believe that cost nuke has lost in the world blitz she has seven out of nine bibisata has eight out of nine after the first nine rounds only person she lost to was valentia valentino very strong russian gm uh yeah but i mean she's just murdering this event uh but again tomorrow we have eight more games for them so uh we are going to continue with our coverage on the men's side uh parham aksubu versus maxim vashila granth this one a london system chef's kiss it has my blessing um but parham early on says you know what to hell with normal london's i'm gonna play h4 it's blitz like what are you gonna do this is this is blitz right so queen c7 he attacks the knight the knight is defended the knight jumps to the middle we have a trade we have a trade this way now the knight comes back he's like hi i want this bishop so okay by all means uh f6 and now h5 is a fascinating move bahram's idea is that if mvl takes on e5 he is going to triple his pawns which is major trash that is that is so bad that's not the tower of power that's i don't know what the hell that is so mvl obviously doesn't do that and now we have h6 so same thing that magnus did h4h5 h6 um g6 right um but the thing about this pawn is that it's useful in many end games this pawn might be weak and the king just lacks breathing room if i can launch a successful attack over there i'm going to be very happy so queen to c2 bishop c6 long castles b5 king b1 a5 like instant replay boom boom boom and black's like okay kabam kabam kabam however it would have been better if right here mvl went you know what at some point perham actually could attack me and lock this door if he locked that door before going on the march sometimes the best thing to do about the center is to lock it shut the door lock it then you can go on your attack why because if you go on an attack like mvl does in this game with b5 a5 and the door is not locked in the center and you can play pawn takes f6 bad things might be coming to you because your opponent might have opportunities if rook f6 this might still happen bad structure here very very bad but this happens and now bahram says who is attacking who my dear maxime also give me back my teammate you bastard he didn't actually say that because alegreza went from iran to france that's the joke did you understand that fantastic let's keep going h6 g6 queen g6 ladies and gentlemen of the jury that is not made but it's close the queen covers but there's knight rook but black is winning with good defense knight g5 rookie eight good move gotta gotta bring the rook rook h4 and then this rook is coming h7 is coming rook f4 is coming um and mvl here fulfills the prophecy of putting five pawns like this i know we have eight in the beginning of the game but that's pretty cool you don't see that very often wasn't even the best move um at this point i think queen e7 was slightly inaccurate but it's it's blitz it doesn't matter we're just here for fun and now white is really struggling to find moves excuse me rook hwan is coming apparently the engine here just says to make a random rook move literally it's like just make a random rook move for your own good uh he plays knight h7 which loses on the spot to check and he resigns it's over it's over because after this this you i mean it's forced that you have to do that and then it's mate or you lose your queen shocking i mean knight h7 knight f7 is crazy that's but again he didn't really have that many moves so parham flips the script completely in this game and uh and wins and wins with knight f7 it's crazy wins on the spot and perham ladies and gentlemen is in third place not from this game but this was one of his many victories so you got levon with 10. bassem i mean with nine and a half and you have uh nine points for bahamut sulu and then a massive group of people with eight and a half points including both these guys hikaru nakamura versus java here sindaraf uh by the way you replace one guy from uzbekistan no director of with another guy java kirsten darva also super strong player uh he was in first place for the first like a handful of rounds um and uh this is uh this was a wild game this was like maybe around 10 11. uh it was a benoni and then it benoni king's indian and uh yeah here sacked this rook so this sacrifice is pretty common i don't know if in this exact position but basically white has this clump and like really struggles to move this bishop anywhere but the rook is worth more than a bishop but black obviously gets good dark square fighting chances hikaru tries to trade off light squared bishops very interesting transfer hero of the rook and for a while hikaru was just you know very steadily and slowly improving his position notice he's just kind of slowly moving forward um this is not a fork there were covers but you still go knight c4 and rook b3 and you're expanding make some trades obviously good for you when you're up material um but your hero has a good blockade right he's got like everything nicely blockaded so what's white gonna do well let's let hikaru show us b4 step one you have to break on the queen side right so the queen side now it's a very there's a very big gamble here but jeff here completely sacking the c pawn to try to make sure this rook stays in jail not gonna really happen because a few moves later white is just gonna play v5 so that rook is gonna get broken out the problem in this position for black is black has made every useful move imaginable the bishop is perfect the queen's fine the rook's fine and has no more moves it's only white who is playing so beautiful technique here by hikaru guarding his king and just expanding on the queen side right queen b1 queen f1 queen b1 b7 falls that's it he is in the clear but not so fast these dudes from uzbekistan are not to be underestimated queen comes to e3 and there's looming problems for instance if you play a6 kabam and hikaru gets posterized and ends up on a highlight a real knockout of just getting you know mated it was made it in six or two it doesn't really matter so hikaru has got to be very careful so what does he do rook hate king g5 let me get rid of this rook all right i can't let this guy play with the rook queen c2 no more problems king goes back to g6 who said normal problems i still have an h-bond i mean this dude is fighting with every last breath of air that he has and he survives hikaru plays a7 here and i suppose had something in mind like this or to take and play like that but all of a sudden we have checking queen a7 white has no pass pawn anymore and it's from plus five to equality now we have queen to d1 attacking the pawn black has to come and defend it very hard to do black has to go here and if check to go back to h6 so this is not a check and then if queen takes g4 you have checking it to draw if the king tries to run out this way like i probably yeah you can't you just block the escape path so that's so hard to do sindarov after queen d1 has to come forward and then bait rook f5 and then back up that's impossible so what does he do instead he gives a check and he runs away the problem with running away is you're gonna lose that g4 pawn at some point and now you're lost again so his counter play was actually extremely creative but now hikaru kind of saves the king in the corner notice how everything in this game was played on the light squares because how powerful black sacrifice was rook takes e3 early on so very impressive positional game tons of counter play but uh sindad of unable to prevail ultimately and hikaru had a very interesting day he won a game drew twice or like or or or one two and drew once and then at some point he drew like six games in a row um and people were like the hell is going on but then he woke up and my man won three of his last four and was beating griez in the last game of the day and would have been tied for third but he is eight and a half so does magnus carlsen uh so does a guy named denise geary and a lot of players have uh eight and a half points but we're going to see i mean we're going to see what happens tomorrow but so far levan naranjan is winning the event with 10 points but again it's gonna be crazy tomorrow because everybody still has to play everybody now i saved the fun segment for last if you made it this far time for your top five blunders of the day oh poor clementi i didn't even realize that clementi is going to be featured twice uh clementi here is playing felix blueberger um i'm assuming that's how you pronounce it and he's been torturing his opponent for a while with rook knight and bishop versus queen either white wins this or it's a draw if you lose this with with white you should quit chess um so he plays rook to g7 king h5 and at this point he has to go here and here um he probably can also just play knight f7 so like knight e4 uh knight f6 or g5 like if ruchi five is a mate so at this point black would need to play queen e3 rogue g5 quick g5 and the g5 and the game's over like knight f7 black resigns instead in this position clementine plays bishop here the only thing he has to be careful of of in this position which he's been dealing with for a long time is checks the bishop covers the check so he blunders a perpetual and by the way if you're wondering why the guy's not taking the knight well he could but then you have to play this position so it's not a force draw um so instead of doing that uh yeah clementi 124 moves he was torturing his opponent he got the winning position right in front of him he played bishop f6 blunder the perpetual happens next uh the game between vaishali and gunana from the lady side uh this one was a london opening not super important it was one of like mainline london's and uh vaishali did this interesting idea where you can take on d6 and uh voice crack by the way and then and then pressure the c5 pawn so she kind of just puts all her pieces on the queen side to take c5 very interesting idea black's principled response here is to strike back in the center with the move e6 e5 guyana though really didn't like this she didn't like what was happening she did not strike back in the center instead playing knight c8 now obviously the point of knight c8 is that you want to meet cb6 with knight b6 it's an interesting idea and then you maybe want to get rolling with the pawns the problem is that white doesn't actually have to take you so guniana makes a voluntary retreat assuming that her opponent is going to take her opponent just doesn't take until a5 and now there's a big difference because these knights are a lot less stable when the pawn has been moved up right so now knight d4 with the intention of trading probably more pieces than one although if you do it like this there is knight c4 so maybe not knight takes d4 maybe cd4 and something like this just be a pawn up right but we have uh this knight d4 and here it gets from bad to worse so quinya plays a slight inaccuracy now guniana plays rook c8 which loses a piece because after knight c6 queen c6 you have this and you attack the queen and the bishop so that was a threat and if you play knight c6 and you try to throw in the in-between move uh there is check there is the check so you get checked the queen's guarding uh and after king h8 white is just a piece up like white could take on f3 or white can take the rook it's actually even better to take the rook maybe kunya calculated this in rookie eight maybe that's what she looked at but still very good for white and here the cherry on top after knight ch he takes on e2 and hangs made in one i don't know if this was like a way of resigning i don't know i wasn't there i wasn't there next game this one is between mikhail kabalyer and anish giri so right here it's been a wild game but the players begin simplifying so the queens come off the board uh the rooks begin to come off the board and okay we're headed for a draw two rooks and upon two rooks and a pawn not so fast not so fast so rookie three rookie three what is black trying to do promote a pawn what is white trying to do uh either stop that or you gotta pawn on your own right so king c2 king f5 rookie eight all right rookie eight is fine i mean you can also probably play king c3 and push your own pawn but he plays rookie eight for two reasons distance is good uh right and like trying to pressure the pawn okay fantastic h3 now rook had self-explanatory king g4 now what does white have to do in this position probably push his pawn and the king right he's not he's not gonna make it here in time you just gotta you gotta go for something like this king c3 king g3 b4 h2 king c4 kg2 king c5 right like something like this and the only thing you need to make sure that you don't accidentally do uh is after like something like this get blocked that is how you lose this game pawn king rook like this you get blocked that's it you're you're screwed so kabalyero does neither of those things he plays king d3 he he doesn't help himself push the b-pawn and he decides to come this way but he's just he gets cut off so he just he just loses this he just loses immediately it happens that's why yeah i mean it's bliss i mean he he just won king square it's kind of instructive it's you know it's good and then sometimes you for example i'm gonna give you a little bonus lesson here for hanging around um there's positions like for example h2 let's say you play uh rook h2 king h2 like king c4 there there's all sorts of end games where this king gets back and your king has to be on the kind of the correct side of the pawn so something like i mean here you can just push but like king c5 your king is shouldering this king away so it's important your king walks up with your king like king c6 king e5 b6 check and then here you don't go in front of your pawn you actually you you you shoulder the king you're like ah back up right you can't come closer something like that okay now you know now one more game for you uh two more games actually sorry gree shook versus uh rasmus vane he was crushing in this event he was having an absolutely outstanding day um and uh he uh in this position started actually getting some counter play grecia gambled the pawn in the center now here comes a 504 very passive position for black uh but here grieschuk played rook b7 the point of rook b7 is that like this is just crushing because if you take my queen i make a new one and if you don't take my queen i take yours as a rasmus swan i was like that's very clever alexander i'm just gonna play knight to e7 and not take you at all the best move here was to guard his knight in the middle because greece shook set up something so disgusting knight to e7 loses on the spawn to ship a7 which is a double attack and if rook b7 cb7 the same problem oops and if you take i would take with check first and then i would take the rook nasty move and grisha just won himself a horse no you know i would pay money for a grease shook on a horse photo shot a photo shoot that was a that was a beautiful one and the final blunder of the day because maybe you clicked off maybe maybe people got the results they're like i don't want to be in this recap anymore if you made it 28 minutes i appreciate you very much final game of the day is the game between alexander prietke and magnus carlson magnus was on a bit of a downturn this was i believe after he lost to ferisaev very close like right in that area a complex game but very strong russian gm uncorked this savage move bishop h6 is a beautiful move point is that if you play king takes there is check and i win back the bishop and if you play pawn takes then obviously i'm gonna play rook takes f6 and uh even though magnus is very temporarily up upon queen f4 queen h4 rook f1 and there is just very very simple rook takes bishop did i say up upon i meant a bishop and queen g6 rookie for rookie for queen g6 wins on the spot magnus blunders i mean now it it it's just rookie four rookie four rookie four queen g6 here and you take and you are one pawn up with mate to come um and and predk just doesn't he just plays here so what does magnus do he takes with check step one and then he just plays rook d8 and there is no attack mate is completely covered and that's it and so queen h4 and it gets from bad to worse because pretka hangs a queen hangs check and it discovered i mean it's just a complete disaster just just rookie four queen g6 wins and predk goes from winning to losing to like asap losing on the spot and then it brings me to the end of the recap for the first day of the world rapid and blitz first of two let me know if you enjoyed um let me know if you like this blonder segment let me let me know if you like the format uh you could also let me know if you hated it i i don't care folks appreciate you all very much i will see you all tomorrow for the final day of top top-level chess of this year world rapid uh sorry world blitz champion will be crowned tomorrow on both the open side and the women's
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 439,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess openings, world rapid chess championship, world rapid championship, world rapid chess championship 2021, world rapid and blitz, world rapid and blitz championship, world rapid and blitz championships, world rapid and blitz 2021, world rapid and blitz championships 2021, world rapid and blitz championship 2021, world blitz chess, world blitz championship, world blitz championship 2021, world blitz championship 2021 chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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