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This game looked fun but I dont think it made a great video :s

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
I'm gonna go for a 10 I'm gonna increase to a difficult to return drop shot so that what have I got to be 15 15 that's what I thought might happen you want 15 15 hello everyone who remembers on show of the weekend when Ellen gave me a little quiz involving a homemade D&D style tennis match you all do we asked if any of you could come up with your own one sheet tennis RPGs and it turns out that absolutely loads of you at this point I'm going to hand over to our resident Dungeons & Dragons DM and tabletop master umpire Johnny key adeney that's why he's so high basically I looked through all of the entrants and some of them were absolutely amazing in fact all of them were amazing but I picked this one it's called Wimble dungeons partly because it's got a great pun in the name but also it's just got a brilliant escalation mechanic that I think really well mimics tennis so here's how Wimble dungeons by Jonathan I hope I said that surname correctly is played thank you Jonathan yeah so players effectively have four options for shots they select which type of shot they will play with more difficult shots requiring a higher roll to succeed so basically when you serve you send a ball with a difficulty threshold into the other players half and when returning a shot players must beat the difficulty threshold for their opponent shot added to the shot they have selected this will all make sense in a minute but the four shots are this you can hit it straight which has a difficulty threshold of three you can give it topspin which is a five slice which is an eight and a drop shot is 10 so when serving the player can decide how risky to play their serve which is basically how fast how close to the net how hard they're hitting it so they pick a number between 5 and 10 and that's our starting value so if for example Luke were to serve the ball at Ellen and he hit it for a six oh like a bit of welly the book like he would have to roll a d20 which is represented on this here laptop and if he beats a six then it ends up in Ellen's half of the court Ellen then selects what shot she's going to play let's say you were going to do topspin you would then add five for the top spin onto six from the serve that gives you 11 that's the difficulty check if Ellen rolls over that the ball goes back and Luke has to add a number on top of that so it all escalates very very quickly there's an advanced rule which we are going to play because it sounds really fun if anyone rolls above a 15 even if they miss the point because if you fail the roll obviously you missed the ball you'll get a pointer power a critical success gives you two points of power and these can be used either to make your shot five points easier or someone else's shot five points harder so there's a bit of management involved there does that all make sense I think it does okay all right amazingly I think my brains actually understood it yeah I should roll off to decide who is going to serve both of you roll a d20 okay whoever the digital twenty whoever rolls higher will be serving twelve I'd like to see you beat that so you fall over on your way to the server okay it goes in your organs and so it's standard tennis scoring the only difference to the service rules is that unlike regular tennis you're not given a second serve so don't screw it up okay so we're going to play a set which means we play it's the first person to get to six games is that right yeah but you've got to be two games ahead so if we both get to five someone has to get seven okay so I'm gonna serve first then okay all right so is power level between five and ten five and ten start slow start with five see if I beat it 90 so that's a PowerPoint - Luke I've noted that down cool everyone's freaking out mm-hmm so that's a five a gallon you need to decide what shot you're gonna play on the return I'm gonna also keep it simple justice plane hit back plane hit back all right that's gonna give you a difficulty threshold of eight it's very civilized game and tennis so far oh you have missed it is 15 love to Luke 15 love okay Wow somebody check this dice this is Google's random number generator it cannot be faulted presumably let's ramp things up a little bit let's go difficulty of eight eight all right whoop 18 right so that's another power point I'm gonna cap your power points at two apiece okay because the the power creep would be massive sure that the rule adjustment there hope Jonathan's all right with that cool so eight is the one to beat what's your return shot topspin yeah good shout that's what I do 8 plus 5 is 13 15 would be great I'm here and Ellen gets the power she doesn't cause I'll be above bell 15 okay fortunately so I've called a beat 15 okay well I'm gonna use one of my powerpoints to lower that down to 10 and I'm gonna go a nice simple straight shot mm-hmm which is three so I've got to beat 13 right right 1200 know 15 or dawn okay here we go starting with seven okay seven yeah 15 I'm gonna do it's nice no he's all right fifteen to be thirteen oh no my hubris I like to though false bond way okay here we go I'll start with a power of ten this time hello because I'm not taking prisoners anymore you've seen the last of fun Luke 12 oh okay all right there's you a simple hit back all right so it's 13 18 11 cool house 40 15 game point because running away with this game let's finish this let's let's bring things in with a power of eight okay sixteen well it's power point in the bank I mean I was not saying on your side but now I'm actually partial that's why I'm in this high chair I'm because you're closer to God I'm going to say yes and it might be true okay the empire is closer to do it they can see the home no religious yeah this is so old-fashioned it must be a religious closer to heaven of course you've got a great view from heaven yeah I'm gonna drop them okay yeah think so I've got to get 20 bases here except I'm gonna use a PowerPoint to drop it down to 15 this feels like a waste of a PowerPoint because it's such a hard shot to make this game is good nice one Jonathan okay all right so I've got to be 15 but I've actually got I've got to add at least three oh yes I've got to be 18 so I take five off that which is twelve twelve thirteen so but so we'll go for the easiest shot can I use to PowerPoint someone go okay so 13 so I gotta beat 1619 Wow Wow she's still on two points might as well pop my racket down saunter over to the bed use your PowerPoint take it down to 14 but then you're looking at 17 yeah I'm just gonna go Stan or more love I'm gonna go through normal I'm gonna try game to Luke okay but Ellen now it's your serve between five and ten gonna go for five nice easy once you're too kind if we were playing this on Eurogamer I'm doing ten I'm gonna bump it I'm going to slice okay so I need to be very 18 if you want to slice if you want topspin that'd be something I'm committed now okay here's your slice dear oh dear okay I'm gonna go for a 7/10 again I'm gonna put some top spin on this one 12 put a little mustard on it why not you want 12 here's your 12 go for 9/16 powerpoints I think I'm gonna do I'm gonna use my power point to increase but it's a wasted power point if I don't get over 9 yeah you want 9 easier nice shot though I mean you wouldn't okay game point lost a power point and it's game point I'm gonna go for a 10 pezzi good all right so it's a ten to beat I really can't lose this or I lose the games I'm gonna use my other PowerPoint to take it down to five yeah but then I'm gonna increase to a difficult to return drop shot so that what have I got to beat 15 15 that's what I thought might happen you want 15 [Laughter] random number generator indeed so it's one game apiece Luke has no power points now Ellen has two power points it's Luke serve again all right here we go let's start off with a power of six for this serve 20 again Oh does he get to power points because it's 20 no he does good job I spent them all yeah comes screaming out a hush falls over the crowd paramedics open their cases and readiness is bound to be a fate all tennis injury when you try to return this there's darf various and yet it's only cover a speed of six spin okay so that makes it 11 wait that was close serve of seven fifteen nice nice nice okay I'm gonna do another topspin okay 12440 that's love okay right let's finish this quick let's go for power of ten thirteen I'm gonna use one of my powerpoints yeah and I'm gonna go for another topspin hey hey nope 10800 game point game point okay let's wrap this up quickly let's start low five power of five sixteen I'm gonna I'm gonna drop shot oh boy well that's game that was brutal go for the drop shot and your tennis racket off in the crowd Cliff Richard is now unconscious in the context of this game Cliff Richard is now canonically unconscious we'll update you one clips you can spend the PowerPoint - okay eight eight all right - - oh wow it's gonna be now 720 hello it's he you're up to two power points again I'm gonna go for a topspin cake which adds five so that is 12 to be ten gosh 1500 on it I'm gonna go for a nine 13 so let's add a topspin again it's five teams in total 14 14 to beat let's make it's nice at the last minute I adjust to a slice which means I have to be 77 it's fine I'm not worried you want 17 is 17 go for 5 thank you it's very kind 16 hey way to go go well further caste okay well in that case I'm gonna go for a nice easy return straight shot which means I've got to beat eight right yep eight eleven yes I'm gonna use a PowerPoint to make Ellen's five trickier yeah you've got base 13 to be no use my feet no one's sure okay so looking to 311 a rally building up here 1911 okay well aren't well and I'm going to just put an ordinary 3 on that to beat so all I have to beat is a mere 14 which feels really possible even though I know in my head that statistically I'm unlikely to get it but I don't really feel like I'm going to easy what one more interesting seems unlikely all right I confidently square up I make eye contact with you as if to say you just better watch it yes this one's coming in hot but unfortunately I'm they say I contact for too long and the ball hits me square in the Achilles hamstring it's at a bit of the body fine it wounds me forever and I'm down and I'm rolling around on the floor and I wet myself okay okay okay I know not my crowd so that's game point Luke if I follow that correctly is incapacitated so what okay I'm gonna go for 712 all right I'm gonna add just a normal straight shot onto that because I have to play a safe and defensively at the snow it's ten now is 1019 nice very good such a power point [Music] i-17 so I've got to beat 22 I've got to get 20 right oh sorry 39 plus 18 18 so I've got an 18 but then you've got another job everyone so yes effectively you need to roll the crit whatever I need to roll the 20 well I feel like the only reasonable thing to do if I got to power points you have well then I better use one come on to drop it down to 15 and then I'll add a straight shot obviously so that all I have to beat it's a mere with it was 13 so if you had a straight shot I mean we've gotta meet 16 so yeah I've got to be 16 that's doable that's easy game - Ellen - Ellen two games apiece two games apiece okay but it's my serve again right yes it is I'm gonna start with a shot of power level 8 11 easy I'm going to hit back with topspin that's 513 five oh cool all right let's start with power of five okay eighteen very nice it's not just the best Microsoft product but also what I just scored in tennis and yes I'm including the Xbox and I'm gonna try a slice nice nice nice and eight thirteen twelve ah sometimes thirty love 30 love all right come on in coming in just with another 519 okay well PowerPoint to go go okay I'm gonna go for a normal just normal hit so I just need to get Nate mm-hmm one Wow all right game point okay well I'm gonna I'm gonna rush this cuz I can feel like blood in the water let's go five again eight to be eight eleven okay okay alright so I've got eight to beat but I'm going to add I'm going to drop that down - so it's just a three to beat I'm gonna add just a standard shot of so six to be is that right yeah it's over six it's a good job that I did that yeah yeah I mean you topshop okay Top Spin even dare touch spins that's five on three very cool alright got that game that showed up nice and quickly nice three games to two we go - all right Ellen seven I'm gonna go for just five all right nine okay I'm going to I'm gonna hit back with a topspin on feeling like okay ten to beat seven okay brutal all right Ellen 8'o straight into the net 15 all okay for 6:30 okay all right so I'm going to topspin back again so got to be 11 okay okay okay 20 okay okay okay let's take a minute all right so now I'm hitting back that nine mm-hmm I am going to add the drop shot which means I have to beat Johnny 1990 but I've got an ace up my sleeve my hubris us back in it first 40 30 40 so far when this goes to dusar first use yes okay Mary - 816 nice aggravating yeah I'm just gonna go for normal bog standard flat straight shots okay 1111 to beat but I and I'm going to beat that 11 and I'm going to use my power point to increase what Ellen has to return I'll do it okay it all counts on there look and we'll get we have to get them 19 nice and the power point straight back one thing I didn't see coming and they're gonna do a normal know what hit so got 14 to it 12 yeah juice that I'm gonna break your serve wide open okay right okay he can come in 1700 degree that's a PowerPoint okay well how many powerpoints my god - you're peeing - great well I'm going to use a PowerPoint to reduce what I have to hit hit by five which takes me down to two and then I'm just going and then I'm going to add a topspin which breaks me up to seven seven seven to be three fantage Ellen seven breaking dream okay cool I'm going to just do a straight shot so it's ten to be that right six at three games all game three games oh yeah time for a little something I call the West deserve coming up with a power of 10 2000 serve delivers as usual and I use my power point to increase his - oh you do hate to see it the PowerPoint wasted wasted like Ellen's tennis potential she could have been a contender one of the top ten things you have to do in tennis okay all right top ten yeah turn up where the correct clothing yeah you guys see that a lot of them get folded yeah banana every now and then yeah drink some squash yep squash be nice to the ball boys and girls yes do the little thing where you hit it on the racket and then going to be quite thinking about what tennis ball you're gonna use just occasionally come on back we like no that's a rock Oh stow at least two balls in your pocket yeah like in the elasticated waist yep I always worry if he fell over on that would it really hurt I suppose it doesn't matter okay Wester serve coming coming hot with a power of 7 11 C powerpoints mm-hmm that's a ten to beat I'm gonna beat that ten and I'm gonna use a PowerPoint to increase the difficulty of evidence what shutter you return oh yeah a straight shot just a 13 to beat 10 ok aggressively because you know it's 3 games all that's that's understandable yeah okay what's the score 315 or 1500 okay all right short to be of 518 nice to PowerPoint ourselves okay okay so it's adding five yes on the money cool all right so it's ten to beat I'm going to use PowerPoint reduced up to five and then I'm gonna hit a topspin says tend to be yep one Oh buddy Clifford sisters we dead at this point oh no does um you know then it's currently winning this game yes and that's my serve yes she's got 30 April 15 the world is upside down okay let's beat a five playing conservatively do you have a natural advantage don't you numbers wise when it's your serve yeah if I play conservatively that's probably the smart move here so beating a five with an eight okay normal hit back hit and eight succeed nice gosh okay so it's eight to beat so I'm just gonna add 3 to that again and we're gonna use PowerPoint to reduce my requirement to 6 6 whoa buddy break point that's my least favorite way to have those two words ordered I much prefer Point Break agreeable all right here I come with it with a 7 power serve [Laughter] what do you got what do you got 5 I've gotta get this to juice all right here we power level 718 nice okay I'm gonna do topspin what do you know you've got 12 to be currently straight shot user powerpoints to take mine down by 5 so that's tend to be three games to Luke 4 games to Ellen Ellen serve that is you Jonathan you need to run the numbers on this game so you were telling me off full name me Jonathan get 5 5 16 my morale is shattered Oh No or that sense come on Tim did it work for Tim no sort of work for Andy Murray you know it made him really angry yeah okay alright here we go so what was that feat that was a seven so now it's 505 wonderful so coming back with a simple straight shot hmm so 8h to beat all right let's press all there 15 okay okay again just adding three flat shot eight to be 19 okay yes I'm beginning to feel the tingling of my mojo returning okay okay all right 15:07 16 okay I'm gonna return with a red-hot slice which would require if Dean Dean but I'm going to knock five off that using a pal so 1017 nice nice straight back I'm going to do a normal hit okay and then I'm going to use my power point to add five five ah okay dear I hope to break the serve back okay I'm going to go for an eight all right twelve twelve okay just normal shot back got to beat in 11 17 minutes okay I'm gonna do a normal shot back as well routine to be 400 break points I'm pretty good about that word combination now I'm awake uh-huh I like it now gonna go for high 19 so it's just a 5 nice and easy all right well I'm just gonna return that nice and normal nice and normal eight to beat mm-hmm one Dan that doesn't take it to deuce does it no it's still great point forty two thirty so it's still break point okay well this time five cool okay all right so five just a normal normal back against hb3 yes it was your shot again trying to get in my head well good luck there's nothing in there we're drunk or five okay well I forgot them because to be okay just coming back with a slice so that would be ten I'm dropping that down to five using a PowerPoint 15 okay so that is what's that for Ellen to beat then advantage most beautiful word in the English language Wow we are going to be here forever okay we were gonna play too but we didn't expect that this one so longer that we could both be quite so good at the game so we're going to do next game wins now I know you're thinking that being my serve that gives me an advantage so we are going to roll again to see who gets to serve would you like to go first three three no okay might be Luke's serve anyway twelve all right yeah all right look sir I said how are we doing points wise power point wise you've got one Ellen's got two she's not been using them as frequently I feel like that might be about to change okay well I'm just gonna hit a nice simple salt of the earth so with the power of eight okay - I understand or we'll hit back okay so eleven risky No Oh fifteen power of ten seven fifty no power of ten nineteen are used my power point to reduce my life and then okay so I'm going to add two three normal normal shot again eleven eleven eleven nine fifteen thirty wait is Owen in the lead yeah yeah the indignity okay all right power of power of five fed in that case twelve good okay okay so I'm gonna use my power point to get it back down to seven seven and I'm just gonna do a normal shot so it's a tend to be no wait what's that mean does that mean this is match point I mean how voice if I got to you both got to both got to this about to get ugly real ugly oh is it my serve yes yes I remember because I should be winning this game you should you that's how I remember okay all right it's a good way to remember okay power level ten leave nothing on the table ten thank you I'm sorry Joe you need one to reduce and then hit a normal shot back [Music] it says eight to beat well I I'm gonna use my power point to do i aggressive and do I make it harder for Ellen's return no because no I'm going to drop them to lower my own requirements down to three and then hit just a normal shot stay in the game on six so six six to be wow you can wow I think we can all agree that Wimble dungeons is fundamentally broken so that is amazing that is such a great blend of luck and strategy yeah I love it it makes me think of hearthstone in that way you know the way a hearthstone is like there is strategy you can affect it with yeah the way you play but the roll of the dice at the end of the day that's brilliant thank you so much and thank you again to everyone who sent in the other one sheet tennis rpgs they were all brilliant great I can't believe I just had this idea on a train and now it's tending to this and now they will people coming up with their own brilliant ideas that is one of the best pvp like combat systems effectively I've seen the pennant paper of generally they're just like PvP boring the DM the DM has spoken I like that he knows his stuff we're gonna pop the rules to Wimbledon's in the description of this video if you fancy running the game yourself hopefully you'll have better luck than I did or maybe just make better choice yeah thank you so much for watching I think we should go get some pins and some strawberries and cream yes thank you very much I'm pie Johnny let's do a three-way gentlemanly handshake doesn't really work [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 76,001
Rating: 4.9612832 out of 5
Keywords: wimbledon, dungeons and dragons, tabletop tennis, tennice dice game, johnny chiodini, ellen rose, luke westaway, dice, d20, outside xtra, outsidextra, loading bar, tabletop game, tabletop gaming
Id: KAd9xVOqBMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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