Show of the Weekend: Untitled Goose Game and Luke's Fowl Quiz - HOOOOOONK

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hey Ellen I bought the switch light can't believe you left it in the pub I know how excited you were to play untitled goose game well that's okay Luke without the switch I simply invented my own goose game where my arm is the annoying goose hog well I don't honk okay that is quite annoying we can't go on like this we simply can't go on like this Ellen okay I feel like after all this we should actually play untitled goose game and in this show the weekend you spectacular you goose tacular goose special is what we're calling it unfortunately the geese killed Ellen hate to see it I'm going to go in get my laptop now so that we can play untitled goose game is that okay oh if it's art well if it's fine with you if you're sure yeah all right I can't believe we're finally playing untitled for all these years so long for this press y to honk button prompts the button prompt Indians love honking n yeah for ducking first a to use your beak yes then down to pick things up off the ground okay make sense get that can yeah very nice that goose has done well to get that it's big huh yes the goose is loose there's a goose please lose loosey goosey oh oh goose is already recognized Eddard to spread your wings oh you're quite graceful in the water and in the grey eat them put them in dessert put them in the lake yeah can you drag the whole bag in yeah enjoy your picnic is all of its going in the lake and that oh yes leave them the napkin that's more humiliating [Music] they've history ah press - to see your to-do list and controls right get into the garden okay get the groundskeeper wet okay so where's the garden then that's right yeah interesting yes oh that's how we do we can use that to get the groundskeeper wet Oh No cheese it alland cheese it they cool they cool they cool all right now confront him I don't think you probably can't kill us right tried to kill the goose yeah yeah you better run okay all right no no no no but now like follow him in quietly before you shut the gate quick quick quick quick quick quick quick run into the garden yes I love that this goose until finally yes oh yeah just a flower Ellen yes yes okay what's on the to-do list steal the groundskeepers keys are there on his back there on his back on his bum let's wait until he's involved in a task he's about to start troweling yes all right nice and slow nice and slow go get him get him oh wow all right oh he's okay now while he's looking for the channel run run run run run Ellen Oh Dody slightly faster go go go go go go go run from the nursery no down go no you know I don't want them to go in the lake side that bin yeah oh okay all right you're gonna be okay we're gonna be a bit stealthy what else is on this to do this make the groundskeeper wear his Sun Hat and raking the lake well okay well there's there's a Sun Hat on the on the side tools you break in the lake break in the night yay good I'm glad you do whole body moves but the head doesn't that kind of the way that like those kinds of birds or that sort of like natural steadicam yeah can you steal the carrot yes okay so we need how are we gonna make him worry Sun Hat Oh [Music] oh you could fill that watering can up but I don't know what the advantage would be that's guys a bit too helpful that's hard being a goose come on goose great I can't believe that the groundskeeper hasn't noticed that what that might do because I think it sort of bounces back up on when you let it go yeah that's good oh don't know why we fixated on this so you want to drown them if they're in there what else is on the list have a picnic bring the picnic blanket sandwich geese shouldn't have to regret their actions all right there's a sandwich ah there's the notice what else was in the water so pleasing and then what's the other thing we clean nice love wet bread good was everything have a look on the list again maybe we forgot something all this load champion carrot Jam thermos radio oh man quite a to-do list the radio seems like it might make some noise [Music] nice facedown carrot delicious and the sort of sideways beak all right and what else Jam thermos pumpkin all right well the pumpkins are in the top left big one go crazy [Music] muscular goose yeah yeah have you seen the inside of a gooses mouth oh yes great all right Oh Jam old jams on the table there it is can we get can we reach up onto the table yes yes Jam need to somehow trick him to take his hat off then so that he'll put his hat on it somehow yes it's still and but first we need to get the last picnic ingredients which is famous thermos yeah I don't know where that is but oh maybe it was also on the bench oh yeah thank you holding that well done they do oh yeah of course sorry it makes better okay in case the goose wants to steal it alright that's everything right ok now who wouldn't you to do list item is a pony what's the new item make the groundskeeper hammer his thumb okay alright let's find the groundskeeper oh ok I have an idea you know something you know oh yeah always going to get a hammer oh I know we have to do easy yeah always died oh my god confirm the killer then okay okay I have no I have an idea for the Sun Hat always really first thermos yeah good luck mate I wonder if we can steal his hat when he's bent down so maybe if we like throw something out for him something but he'll want to pick up like the hammer or the mallet or something that will make a noise when we drop it and then when he's bent down we sneak up and pull on his hat and then if we run away and throw his hat in the lake then he might go get his Sun Hat good luck do it anything with just one boob soup okay let's keep trying to keep the grounds oh he's going all the way to the picnic I think maybe he's not having about this whole boot situation up there oh wait he's got wait for it wait for it go go it's too high of an object mmm maybe when he's troweling yes he wants his trowel okay wait i always trying to get the pumpkin from the picnic thing oh and maybe pull down the sign yeah yeah maybe I want to find it somewhere that I can maybe hide in the bush and then be like yeah look yep very nice okay yeah looks like a good spot [Music] [Laughter] have you grabbed onto something there is Jonathan you how he's fixing the sign okay let him put up his damn sign you had to do it oh maybe that maybe then that would have been an opportunity to get his hat okay okay well we don't know hide again hide again I'll break this honk yes good idea hey hey hey look hide quick don't like that do you yeah you better tend to that side here we go here we go here we go all right Ellen he's coming in too grim focus see you yet now yeah all right be ready he's down he's down did you get it you got his hat she's it run oh no we don't have it where is it where is it and honk yeah sign oh well I'm not very happy about this man this dude does not learn and once you've got the hat and then you're gonna have to really run for it yeah because he's gonna be steaming mad [Music] yes all right get out of there get out of there get out of there oh no you might not have seen you might not have seen you yes yes yes we did it ah so that was the opening stage of untitled goose game we did it people never been more proud of us well Ellis that was a little bit of untitled goose game we've played through the opening opening stages but are you ready for a goose themed quiz I'll take that as a yes [Music] we've been waiting for years but Ellen untitled goose game is here at last what do you have to say about that ah the stealth slash puzzle goose I'm up in which you an ornery goose are tasked with bothering humans but Ellen how can we truly understand the goose unless we become the goose prepare to travel deep into the goose mindset in an untitled goose game quiz it's a weird noise for the goose Ellen geese flock together but which of these fictional waterfowl would you choose for a roommate number one Gladstone gander a lucky goose and cousin to Donald Duck whose exceptional good fortune means things always go his way he is a comedic foil to Donald Duck for whom things never go right basically imagine the smuggest duck in the world but he is very lucky things always go Gladstone's way next Jemima Puddleduck star of the Beatrix Potter story the tale of Jemima Puddleduck and naive duck who makes the mistake of living with a fox come on Jamie [Laughter] think it through he doesn't want to protect your eggs you [Music] all right sighs option B option C all of the geese from 1996 film fly away home described on Wikipedia as a quote coming of age goose drama yep he's got a little airplane into the geese in print the can Canada geese imprint on to her and to her and her in her dad make it so that all of the geese fly after the plane to help their migration okay so you can have all of those geese as a real mate or finally princess Odette from Swan Lake a human with a curse that turns her into a swan during the day so which of those four would usually to be the smug one okay it'd be insufferable but such good luck every time you ought to take away it would like arrive really early yeah yours wouldn't arrive it ought to be fantastic he'd get extras but you're gonna be wrong even if it was on the same order yeah all right Gladstone's out all the geese yeah that's a lot of gear you quite overwhelming the smell and they probably imprint on you is their mother so require a lot of responsibilities okay so that leaves Jemima Puddleduck and princess Odette Jemima is I agree I loved your mama puddle duck shut up with a fox well I always it me exit me and you only like I've invited a fox round I've sublet the toilet for fun devotedly yeah no go away on a city bridge leave me with the keys quiet swan-like all those ones do look like they're constantly judging you geese look like they're constantly planning something yeah but you know like yeah and then a nighttime actual princess princess to hang out with that's going to be good on a night out yeah perfect choice go on point princess Odette it is Ellen everyone knows that geese collectively are known as a flock or perhaps herd but how well do you know the collective nouns used to describe other birds in this whiteboard challenge your job is to match the species to the collective noun okay they can put the pen in the mouth of the goose weird felt like a vet taking his temperature or something it doesn't matter right collective net we'll try to keep it clean Eloise grammar a nice cool do nice segment on grammar No along the left you have a murder a parliament a bouquet a siege accompany a convocation of flamboyance and on the right pheasants Eagles herons crows Paris flamingos owls which collective noun refers to which sometimes when I looked it up these things were described as having multiple collective noun not to go on around but collective nouns like this slightly annoying me because it's that thing with people like oh did you know that it's actually like a legislation well if no one says that then no but I thought so Ellen what what's your thinking right there's a few that I know so it's a murder of crows correct a Parliament of owls very nice that's my personal favorite on it it's going funny because actually owls when you talk to trainers owls are quite dumb our trainers hate so what's your own like idiot Harry Potter behind the scenes stuff studio tour no here he's a bloody night correct now this is where it gets interesting hmm convocation what does convocation even mean now I know what convocation means I tell you what does the word means I'm sure this will clear everything up a large formal assembly of people are there any of these are the people kind of thing like because it's like oh there's a lot of eagles maybe a siege let you do all of these for I tell you okay okay will either be parents or peasants and I think is they're so brightly colored I think it'll be parrots herons are usually quite solitary cuz whenever I've seen them in the wild there's only been one yeah so they're not usually in company so I would think Heron is company and then a convocation is just a lot of pheasants because you get to see a lot of nice okay Allen well I can tell you that beyond the ones you already know you didn't get any right but I actually like your I actually liked your reasoning a lot more the correct answers are as follows it is a bouquet in fact of pheasants why literally no reason it is a siege of herons I don't see why they you if you're a fish in a pond you could find yourself besieged by a heron a company is parrots in facts which means you get a convocation of eagles as you quite rightly point out Eagles very solitary Birds let's stop it with this collective noun business shall we whoa yikes goose honking mad Ellen the three core pillars of goose hood are of course waddling being annoying and perhaps most importantly of all you've been doing it a lot so far this show ah the honk but Ellen how good how good are your bird vocalization skills I'm going to play you six bird calls and I want to know if you can a identify the species and B do your very best to imitate that call okay Alan here is your first one you ready easy one to start with it's a goose correct a classic honk thing about to get a little tricky early can you tell me first what species is this you can tell me patchy only I can tell you but I'm conceited the thing is that you tell me correct it is a crow and a great impression one more okay the eye contact is a little full on third Oh way to win a staring contest just be like doing it normally and then just third what bird is this that my friend is a wood pigeon correct perfect very good wood pigeon in Ellen I like to call back it's really low all right next up you're pretty close it is in fact the 19th at Nightingale Nightingale Sally Berkeley Square and that's what it sounded like your life's not very good so anyway it's nothing else let's hear your impression we judge here once more very good very strong I think it all agree okay next up Ellen what is this [Laughter] what are you imagining again one two three jump can you do is move on the on the goose as we do that I wanna crash zoom on three one two three but what is it Ellen let me ask you this what what do you imagine is happening to the bird in that moment that's not a clue I'm just curious yeah well if this bird saw a mouse I think I think it's an owl solid guess John would you like to hazard it or are you going out or Eagle I think it is an eagle yeah oh oh we happen to your impression well that's that's gonna have to be a B - Ellen for me I'm afraid oh you know I'm sure that I'm sure now that you've had a giggle fit it'll be better we go one two three pretty strong pretty strong wrapped around your finger this dokie that straight out of the gate immediate create answer simply like Adam just put yourself in the mind of a turkey the night before Thanksgiving you look down at your little turkey children you know that you're for the block tomorrow you need to pass on your final words of wisdom say that to raise them right so that they can go on without you and you say that was very good Ellen well done good turkey noise finally what bird is this correct Clara laugh kookaburra gay your life must be excellent I actually think this sounds like a sped-up version of your laugh faster faster faster faster faster don't pass out but keep going people are so fond of your life Ellen and it could so quickly it could so quickly go south a bit like the geese in fly way home if your love were to be over it kookaburra laugh very good well Ellen uh I think we know everything we need to know about untitled goose game now and indeed untitled goose game later but why don't we find out what you guys have been honking about in the comments last week we took a look at some of the details of Apple arcade and the games coming to it shape manipulation game spec felt like a pleasing head scratcher in which you blend a dividing set of shapes by rotating a camera with the goal of catching these stray shapes [Music] there's also an augmented reality mode that lets you move around the objects for real and has the bonus of being totally dignity free Isabela Liberty felt that one point apply to more for just the game spec totally dignity free should be the tagline of every AR game out there I think I don't know what you mean trying to catch a not sure what they just added its Pokemon go haha found you we looked at some of the bosses you killed from the inside out usually after being swallowed whole dealing enough damage to the uvula causes Fox to be vomited up a sentence that if video games were never invented would probably never have been said aloud and that would have been fine commenter Matt Wang one thinks that there was a moral to that video that is useful for all of us I think the biggest lesson we can all learn from this video is chew your damn food right it's got so many benefits like aids for digestion means that you don't get killed by a tiny video game hero wait huh also on the channel John joined Ellen to play the legend of zelda links awakening without me it's nice going on this little adventures here and I know you know Luke's not here but he's not really that big of a zelda fan no I don't think I don't think I've ever had a single conversation with him about talk about it much so I thought you know it'd be okay if just you and I plays I just just cannot some punk in the comment I thought that you might react like this in my back saying in my heart as well on my morning night back and one in my heart I'm calling it now Luke's gonna be salty and show of the weekend I don't know about salty more like righteously furious are being left out what the heck what the heck love zelda and ii join me on the purple sofa to chat shiro make a little link for a Link's Awakening quiz and do a whole lot of singing and dancing as we got entirely carried away talking about the Backstreet Boys I think I want it that way it's gotta be it's gotta be you are my fire the one desire believe when I say way tell me why commenter and Sweeney had some compliments when it comes to your singing abilities that whole Backstreet Boys section was surprisingly good and II spot on version of the cool Ellen's fantastic backstreet's back dance and those I want it that way harmonies top work top work yeah actually it was really good totally calmed me down finding out that you did another Zelda thing without me mmm calm me down calm is the word you can sometimes I'm sensing that you might be upset you can sense is a letter from my attorneys this is going to industrial tribunal unsafe work practices see you in court you're right Luke yes that's a good first intern made some amazing Merrill when Artie Wow look at that beautiful and love the coloring you're doing neon magic to become a cat it's become a cat I really like the two eyes are different so like a mid-transformation yeah and like the swirling is sort of matches the pattern on a little Scottish Wildcat so that's good it's good work XYZ tales it's really beautiful really but wait there's more merrill whenua and yes it continues to be cat related brace yourself Ellen because look what princess were sent in Simon maybe Dabas cast speak with dead so that you can I mean you would need summin summin buried as a favor to you by NAMM cadaver [Laughter] as a favor so you can ask five questions is king dead oh I've made myself sad now it's beautiful out like Joe Simon is good go Simon is so cute I like the glow castle Maryland space is good yeah the lighting effect on it is beautiful lovely and I say yeah I saw that on Twitter and I win a bit well speaking of being sad look look Ellen to this drawing of me with mahi imagine what Justin break this is supposed to be my favorite revelation about you on the show vicen magical watch to bring his imaginary friends yeah Cassie oh good Darren or the dragon depending on how many times you press it but look how cool this is this is so good yeah especially on my face perfect perfect I would point out there were my other friends when I was in the shadow rosy around defeated hasn't no normal adult room thank you all so much your eyes is amazing as always that was a real roller coaster of emotions this yeah Luke Luke professionals [Laughter] [Music] we are friends [Music] get a few tickets left for our egx shows in October so on the Friday and the Saturday do come along details on as if the link is down below with all the details and yeah this this it's been a fun fun juicy films show today what's been your favorite thing mr. goose good yeah it's good it's good [Laughter] [Music] did that feel that premium Ponton [Music] [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 121,730
Rating: 4.9710817 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, untitled goose game, show of the weekend, goose game, nintendo switch, funny, birds, fowl, quiz, let's play, comments, honk, level 1, bird noises, impressions, untitled goose game fails, goose, geese, house house
Id: _CCvpDwtpjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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