WILLIAM MARSHAL, KNIGHT OF VLANDIA - Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord (Vlandia) Campaign Gameplay #1

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Here is a link to all the mods I'm using.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Surreal_Beliefs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really enjoyed the story-driven gameplay!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MG_Official πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Its a very enjoyable series

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ok-Regret8391 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really enjoyed the 1st episode. Cant wait for the next

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jkercenneck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ok, I’m enjoying it so far. Hoping you take a Templar Knight route...... weeeeeell, army wise. Can’t find anyone who deploys an army of Crusader knights.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Saint_Juvenaly πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hey The third video in the playlist is on private

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ashenwarrior894 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

i'd recommend using the custom troop mod for when you create your own kingdom:


Its really fun

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Competitive-Break307 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loving this series, especially like you naming your character William Marshall. Always thought his life would make a great movie ever since I read The Greatest Knight

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FojarTheGreat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

So, how are you making the custom companions like Godfrey and the others later on in the series?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jinxulus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
my father used to tell me of the legends that preceded our people of while in the bold how he braved the seas and arrived in a hostile land he told me how the men were honest and good how they took on the work of fighting for the empire and helping them keep their power in the old kharadik tong wylin was called valandian the origin of her people's namesake he claimed that our lineage descended from the lieutenants of the old warlord shame that their stories made it this far but their coin didn't my father john was a minor noble which means i had no lands or fortune to inherit we had to work for our suffer the only thing that he would leave behind for me would be his armor he taught me how to weld a sword how to stand up for myself others too we could have taken better paying jobs we could have worked for a lord he always said it was our duty to help those less fortunate that it was the honorable thing to do i just wish it filled my belly more shortly after my 18th summer my father was invited to a tournament with knights and warriors of all backgrounds showing up he was sponsored by one famous duelist named lucas a man known for his temper through the rounds my father made quick work of his enemies and my heart swelled with pride until it all changed and he was struck by a poisoned bolt he was dead before he hit the dirt i later found out lucas placed a bet against my father earning quite a sizable fortune i donned his armor and began my hunt over the year finding several companions including a man called brogan our group was made up of fishermen farmers all those who were wronged and they followed me in turn i followed the trail of lucas he was expelled for more than just the murder of my father we tracked down one of his arms dealers in a cove dispatching them for the local community and finding the information we needed however lucas had many friends and brogan was nowhere to be found he sold us all out and we poor soldiers of valendia had no choice but to charge in one by one they all fell leaving me alone with only sword in hand and my father's courage and memory i cut down many but eventually metal would mean flesh and my bones fell to earth and as i laid there i could only hear their mocking cheers until darkness finally came for me that's when i came too some strange old bear of a man was watching over me he told me that his name was godfrey that he knew my father in exchange for saving my life i would take on jobs with him now and that's where our story now begins they call me william marshall but you'll come to know me as the marshall william marshall does not have a lot right now which is understandable thankfully godfrey did supply him some equipment you only have right now a western simple spear and over here godfrey has incredible equipment but how can we rob a man who did save her life we're not going to do that we'll let godfreak keep what he has in fact he's going to be a guardian of hours for now now we're over here by the village of usonk you need to know that there's been some dire events that have transpired unfortunately william was also framed for many crimes by lucas lucas was a close friend of the king of landia which is a dire problem for me over here we've got king richard and king richard he hates william marshall quite a bit which is truly a shame now if you need to have a look at lucas he's right over here lucas is a leader of the harbingers of wrath he was infamous as a tournament champion throughout calradia before he was caught doping and kicked out of the order of the phoenix he then joined the redemptive order until one day he led a failed coup in the order and him and his compatriots were kicked out and we'll hunt him down again we won't lose again if we do we'll die let's have a look over here at that castle they'll actually let me in no i'm kidding they won't i'm a wanted criminal here which means we'll have to leave can you believe that we're blandian but we can't even go back to our own home everything has been taken from us that will have to change in time thankfully there are good noble people the peasantry who might join us now we've got some looters to fight close by but i don't want to fight them at night so we're going to wait until it's daytime because man it can be pretty darn dark at night obviously all right we also have some other work that we can do too now we have no peasants to return to their families we have no bandits to sell into slavery which is something that we're not going to do but i could work here to build some homes i could begin to clear land i could train militia yeah now i need some tools to help clear some land i can build some houses if i've got 50 hardwood interesting and we would also need some engineering skill i like that alright now i could try to train people sure that's a great way to help them out it also gives me a bit more leadership too i'm not going to be here forever but why don't we train up for a little bit just to gain some more leadership and to help out these people who did allow me a safe place to reside there we go now i'm feeling a little bit better about that all right it's currently night time but we need to move along oh five looters there we go i'm not gonna be very good in combat early on but that'll change that'll change in time now i'll show you the map in just a moment it's a little bit different from what you're used to and i'll tell you that much all right let's kill these brigands over here we can do that things are grim things are dark today but we can do that much i mean have a look at godfrey [Music] he's off a different level than we are okay they can all go out now i'm going in too there's only a few looters to take down i've not been in bannerlord in so long so it's been a tremendous return for me oh i know they have rocks but i will always call them potatoes that's a waste of good potato friend no you don't get to do that nor do you really got him got him two dead well that was really good i think we have won the battle thankfully it looks like gaining skills is a lot easier i mean have a look at that three skill points already nice i got two kills godfrey got one kill the recruits got two kills one victory of many more to come okay we could use some crossbowmen sure early on i want some good crossbowmen all right now what am i gonna wear in my head yeah that'll work for now and we could use more food i'll probably do a few local jobs as we get more people to fight for us now i'm gonna pick up more blandians i've got to watch out naturally like over here we've got abandoned militia oh no they're not faster than i am but wow they're close 42 men to my four and yet they can nearly catch up to me i'm gonna pick up a few good soldiers and we'll see what we can do after that right over here we've got a nice little village there we go all right recruit troops i'll take them all i've got the food for right now no i'm not going to train men for you i could but it won't be safe i can assure you of that these poor people might die hold on poor looters i mean that's a great way to begin my journey we're always going to help out the local people we've got to it's really the right thing to do to do that we've got to hunt down bandits looters like these guys over here and also i want more crossbow men if i have more crossbowmen we've got a better chance to survive now we can wait over here i've got my equipment [Music] also there are going to be nightly orders that are gonna pop up we're gonna have a better look at that in time not yet though but who knows one day we might have a nightly order around which i think would be quite cool and appropriate as well all right let's go in all of you men of landia good job crossbowman look at him go nine damage not my finest hour huh 28 damage there we go i'll have to switch over to a sword eventually but i'm okay for now all right let's go over here again blending recruit i want all of them to have crossbows i mean they're very powerful and because i won't be over here in blandia all the time i want to ensure they have a job where they won't all die in battle yeah let's come over here real quick i'll have to keep on traveling around and i'll grab a few more i'm at eight right now i think a good like 15 or 16 should be sufficient all right what do you have for me manual laborers really i suppose i could help out quick talk i am william marshall it is a pleasure to meet you okay you own a mine near here normally i can find a willing villagers to work it but these days they've been demanding higher and higher wages fine they're out of a job but i still need to work the mind prisoners really all right i could probably bring you 9. sure wait hold on sir a moment of your time you're on a job for amalgam of rhodoton am i right look our people are depending on those jobs he doesn't need to pay us a living wage if he can do the work with prisoners oh no you're correct i could share the profit with you and your people oh man okay that wasn't perfect see my only problem is i gave him my word otherwise i would change my mind but in the future if i do that again i'll say no and sure the original guy might not like me but i think it's a fair compromise we can be as honorable as we want to be but we've got to also keep in mind that we have given them our word the mining guild really what an interesting group okay the only two looters but i want to check out these miners [Music] all right i'll let my archers advance right now oh they're pretty fast wow look at them crazy battalions out there oh they're like we're here to work you're not going to stop us today i believe that check them out man anyway we can leave that got other battles to fight hopefully better ones yeah i'll do that for now i know he's not happy but i can work on it later here we go more movement speed or more hp that's really a tough one i think for a blandian knight we want to have more hp and five more is a big deal okay i want to be able to run quickly and i want to be able to do that early on so that's why we're really putting a lot of points into that build it's really the right thing to do all right so over here what do we have let's see recruit troops again 18 18 is a good amount we just need to find some decent enemies around the map and we'll be ready for something extreme it's my first job i've taken on all right we'll chase them down we've got a town watch close by eight looters right after that oh come on combine up hopefully they'll only grow in size because i would love to fight many more of them and we got him let's go take him down and i'm already training up a pretty decent group godfrey really does stand out doesn't he i mean i know he's got the best armor but wow he looks really cool there's my banner too which i think really fits well for the blandian ideas that we're gonna be following oh they're already in that was quick that was very quick and i've got crossbows too they don't need to join in i want these recruits over here to train up 25 damage i'm gonna find a better weapon eventually i'll have to leave though they completely cut through them i mean they were heavily outnumbered so it's really not a big deal but we now have eight prisoners i'm not gonna hire them they don't get to be hired i want nothing but crossbows for now it's only the foundation of what we're doing long but right now that's what we're doing all right we've got eight looters over here there's a bunch of custom groups all around the map as well that we'll be running into custom enemies will be able to hunt down criminals a lot of criminals too they're going to be part of very powerful bandit groups you don't get to really live out here unless you're pretty strong ooh pirates and we need food too so we'll go pick up some food over here not being able to go to a town can be quite challenging there's one abandoned militia at over 50 men so we don't want to go to them i'll take grain i'll take some olives too just to feed them all right and have all that terrible gear so all that i've done right now just really get enough money to pay for food [Music] 58 okay we don't want to fight them that might be a little bit much for me i would rather go after those pirates i saw briefly but i don't know where they went off to ah but ambushers got over here imperial deserters now that would be way too much i think there's another hideout ambushers huh what are they all about then we'll head back and go turn in our job hey man quit running i'm gonna okay yep there we go playing tag all right there's only seven of them but if they all have bows that could be an issue all right i think i want all of you over here to advance all of my infantry go in yeah once i can find a decent sword i'll be more than happy whoa oh that's what you have oh crap throwing weapons are really deadly don't do that to me there they go again it's all about godfrey today all right now they're going for all of the archers too and i'm gonna engage in plenty of battles personally but i've got to also command commanding is very important to me so if my men do well and they get more kills than me early on that's okay i'm just here to raise a pretty decent crop of men there we go that gave me a noun and plenty of prisoners too all right i've got more there's a rusty sword a really bad shield but i'll take it that belongs to me today all right let's go back now we've got a job to turn in they chased me down quickly i had no chance to get away we'll have to try to get them now oh they look pretty tough and slavers don't come after you because they feel like you might win all right we're gonna see if we can do something hopefully we can advance right now oh no don't advance hold on move over here move over here instead i just saw all their horses we gotta go i wish i had my spear all right let's see if we can actually shoot a view i don't know if we can whoa oh my god he went flying that was amazing yeah kill him screw these guys hills we should pray to them they're so powerful i'm gonna pray to the trees too i think i might begin my own religion we'll call it true hill raise b to the true hill mighty defender of the vlandians all right get him or follow me actually just follow me let's go in right now good sir have you heard the good word of sword it's got a sharp point there we go that feels good all right they're gonna come back but we've got the range yeah just come over here spread out a little bit let's get him get him right now 102 damage here comes more of them i don't care let's get him again 49 damage dealt to him i can't believe we're doing it that feels good i mean the battle's not over yet but they're evidently barely armored what a shame 37 damage we're getting closer now they tried they really did come on back pal we want to greet you all right there's only a few more to kill they don't have the numbers to stop all my crossbows how about that now if i had only infantry we would be dead which means i made a good choice all right you know what go get them if you want to i mean pour them out there if you want wow he's very fast i did manage to kill one that's a good start there's another dead enslaver we have been blessed all right we can leave now how many did they kill they got a few sure they got a few i killed three godfrey got one my crossbows seven we need to one day soon i'll take them all and over here we're just gonna upgrade all of them there we go i'm over my limit okay we'll get rid of two looters and that'll be fine all right now we probably want to upgrade my gear yeah it's really not great stuff but i'll wear it anyway i've got to there we go now i have what i need let's go over here to rhodoton oh that did make me nervous now i've had that happen before where they come out of nowhere and again because usually i have a lot more infantry they tear right through me that time nothing oh hold on abandoned militias can be pretty dire to fight but at the very least we do have a foe to fight in the future that could be fairly tough it has been a while there you go it's all done take them all i don't want them whoa that was a lot of money i think he gave me more money based on the quality of my prisoners that's really good so now i could buy some equipment let's go over to a nearby town they're not going to let me in but i wonder i just want to find out real quick i don't want more soldiers not right now i feel like 18 is a fairly good amount early on okay so you've got grain farms over here is your grain cheap it's okay i suppose all right take that here's a bunch of bad gear i'll gain some money very good you know what i'm gonna keep my spear i made some more coin that's a good day for me eight forest bandits yeah we'll get them later oh yeah have a look at that they're not gonna let me in that's a shame and trying to sneak in would be a little bit too difficult for me i'm not a rogue if i was then sure i could zip right in but that means i need equipment from other lands if i can i'll try to sneak in later to buy some personal equipment wait lucas just caught a guy wow he's out there beating people what a villain we're not going to be able to beat him anytime soon but one day it's one of our goals one of our many many goals now here is legeta what now my family all right where's my brother evidently you want me to find my brother sure i'll go along with your little plan later have a look over here hired blades i don't want that yeah that's part of the base game story which i'm not going to really involve myself in but we'll say that i have a blood brother someone that i've pledged myself to so i am going to help him out all right let's go over here to the trading room that's what i want to do all right i don't really have too much to sell do i need more food i've got a decent amount but i'll buy a little bit more there we go okay when it comes to armor what do you have anyway imperial gear uh not my favorite really i've got to tell you that much it's really not my favorite i'll probably wait until we find better stuff now a good helmet would make a tremendous difference that's true i've got a few options that's pretty good i like that you know what we'll take that i don't want to get hit in the head and die it's not my plan today okay when it comes to a good blade what could i pick up that wouldn't break the bank right now an eastern sword no a slashing weapon could be fun that's true i'm gonna find a blacksmith one day not yet but one day yeah why don't we take that slashing weapon i do like to slash people up a little bit yeah that'll do it all right that's gone now what about shields we could use a good shield i don't want to spend too much yet though so why don't we keep it under our budget perfect yeah have a look at that that'll do it man a lot of money gone but i'm stronger already i feel better for it man okay so we've got a job to do i need to head on over to that hideout i could do that much who's over here another bandit militia you know what let's have a look around here the azariah you've got your sultan let's go back real quick betania you've got calidog the empire has nero fairly older man let's see sturgia you've got john snow jon snow landia king richard and finally the crusade that's a pretty dense guy but anyway let's zoom out real quick so one of my mods i have unifies the entire empire maybe a better way to do it in the future would be to like split them into two not three but i want to see how they're going to perform here are they still going to lose a lot or shall they actually be a proper empire and survive we're going to find out all right now let's head over there to that hideout don't worry my blood brother we're here to save you now crossbows use your crossbows whenever you begin a little hideout battle they're all holding fire which is probably a good thing like if you wanted to move in quietly you wouldn't want them opening up in the very beginning but i do i want them to kill everyone here not out of cruelty but because they take from others it is wrong what they do and there is going to be punishment met down now i'm gonna take care of him hopefully or godfrey might beat me to it never mind he beat me to it he's quick that old man does some cardio it's good to have a cornerstone like him to help us out you know nope you're not gonna hit me i got him hopefully no they got him too that was rat a ghost but that gave me a point into tactics good i just want to be able to level up you know a nice loosing of your arrow that's two take a third do it i want you to i got him there's my kill and they got everyone else if there's anyone left alive like that guy his life is gonna be short-lived yeah there we go it's over well not quite i've got one more person to defeat galter or jack's quad if you want to call him that there he is bastards you're the kin of my captives right i saw radicals with you you know you can't be trusted he led us here where are my brothers and my sister there's no more talk and kill me or i kill you that's how this ends very well we'll do it now how's that buddy i got him it's over i feel pretty good about that one interesting hairstyle it reminds me of my new minter all right let's get out of here i got two kills god forgot two radicals two my crossbowmen two as well and now we can let's find out what's going to happen look we can still talk i'll give you a pouch of silver you said talking was a waste of time goodbye now he's gone and it's done i'll take all of you with me we've got one blandian crossbowman added on cool and i'll take another one i'll get some infantry later not right now all right no gear i can upgrade with that's okay that'll make some coin for sure james dyer my blood brother william marshall i knew you'd come great heaven damn brother nothing can stop you i love you brother yeah sure okay evidently we've got two adopted younger siblings i understand sure so we're going to legeta great i'm going to meet him there so we'll have another companion to join us you know what rata ghost you may go i'm not here to be your executor some greater power is going to judge you but it won't be me today now let's head back over here evidently there's a tournament we might enter that tournament who knows oh there's another bandit militia i'll have to watch out for them for sure 198 gold i'll take that okay james dyer let's have a chat you and me man you're tall [Music] i could give you a new role maybe when you have some real skills now come on in he's gonna join my group now and we need to sell what i've gained it's a little bit of coin but it all adds up for me it could pay for my food for a week or two like over here i've got 27 days worth of food that's really not too bad yeah i'll keep that i can't wait to have more money to just be able to buy some better gear that'll be nice i mean i've got a decent amount but i don't want to spend it all in one go i've got to care for my people as well james dyer you could use some new gear too my friend yeah we'll have to buy him something better better armor for sure but not yet time to make some money and to potentially get some armor as well oh godfrey you're fighting too that isn't good for me i want to live 40 damage you're a large one you are 48 damage i'm dealing some serious serious damage right now which is awesome but i'm not really much of a thrower it's not really my thing guy hit your shield hey buddy don't do that on that was a close one but not quite what i needed oh thank you pal i'm glad you won that worked out of my favor oh man i'm going to be filming that for a week all right so we're over here skip around back over to us i've got to make some coin you know i've got to do it oh no i was really hoping that would hit that early early hit is really vital if you want to get ahead you know i got him from behind got him too yeah things are working out i think all right perfect and i've won okay never mind i love throwing weapons they're feeling really good now they feel different here's another battle let's go you and me teammate you and me imperial veteran archer you need a shorter name oh we've got it we've got it today i'm doing some serious damage it's over now it's me and you here's a good way for me to earn some coin my father used to fight in tournaments i can do it too it's you and me i can only hear the cheer of the crowns right now and also the clink of coins in a pouch it's not out of greed it's out of necessity i need coin in order to grow in order to do something better there's a shield bash enjoy that pal come on i'm gonna be defeated and you have been defeated it is over for you i'll have my coin now great we won a great tournament now why don't we help out locally i'm gonna patrol the town if i'm gonna be here quite a while then i might as well get people to like me more my steward skill is now at 10. not bad at all those skills are harder to level up oh here we go i've been ambushed by a gang of thugs fine let's try to lure them out i love to fight them on the streets everyone charge in let's go it's time we're going to teach them all a lesson today how's it going you bunch of idiots nice hit pal my turn though 38 damage oh i'm dealing more now i got one that's a pretty large group i've got to tell you that not really paying attention to me that's okay don't don't even look at me you shouldn't anyway it's a pretty brutal fight but if we push on i think we can win i'm gonna swing a little bit faster don't i yeah i really have got to if we want to survive [Music] come on all right they're trapped over here good they're not very smart that's why they're here fighting me but you know they're not very smart but attack but not good enough pal we barely made it but we did just need to knock him out and it's over well all right then good job crosswoman let's get out of here i took out six men and we are done all right foxy you lost your gang i don't feel bad for you that gave me a level two my leadership skill went up let's have a look at that real quick not bad at all that was a tough battle okay i could get raised the meek or combat tips i think i'll pick up raise the meek if i could level up lower tier troops early on that could only benefit all of us a lot okay i've got all of my focus points over here in athletics i'll put more over into one-handed there we go and one more now for one of my attribute points what am i gonna put it in endurance there we go i'm stronger for it i'm doing better now that was a really interesting battle let's go back over here to the trading room so my good brother james dyer here's your new armor that should help out a lot i don't want you to use the horse right now okay because you'll be all alone if you're all alone you won't do very well i'm going to hold on to that horse your harness no that tunic no we don't need that but that should do it 14 000 gold i've got a lot of gold i could give you better armor that's true let's have a look around here what could i give you that would be truly ideal or instead i could give you a nice helmet that's another idea i probably should too here we go not really your thing though but yeah that'll work that'll keep him alive probably now we need another weapon for him it can't be too expensive i've only got so much money you know take your blade that'll do it okay he should be all right now that james dyer there are a few villagers close by we can help out like montos over here it depends on what they want me to do the king slayers sure i can help you um we can hunt them down it's only two groups it could be quite challenging sure let's have a look over here i'll take a few more recruits because i should there's one oh another one too they'll be quite easy if i can catch them all right there pal i'll send my men in it's over that's one battle i'll take your too let's go after the other one we've got to watch out for the more unique custom groups of banded enemies now those guys are quite deadly they could easily destroy me even if i do outnumber them like slave traders yeah they're no joke you don't want to fight them beat the hell out of you or men over here but you're not part of that quest anymore what a shame let's go back [Music] i need to find someone who's close by i did lose more money thankfully i do have a lot of money so we'll be okay i just need to find the appropriate group barbarian raiders how many 60 wow i can't beat them yet they'll be a good like mid game enemy but for now i need to get away my bad hunter here's a bunch of king slayers over here enter the camp and we're here to break him down i'm not here to support their way of life not me all right let's wait a moment my stupid skill went up oh hold on hold on there's a group come on just need to reach them it's only four oh we're so close we got him okay send in all of my men it's over again i'll capture all of you make more crossbows sure and over here and more infantry because i should there's my money there's my oil that job is done that gave me some more money hell yeah now back to that shelter i'm not leaving yet we're waiting until nightfall then we're going to attack man i have a feeling things are going to get pretty extreme pretty dire out here on the map but that's okay there's one beat patrol they're losing that's good i suppose let's go in the fight everyone come join me even you james dyer let's go out and kill them all right fire ed will everyone charge in i'm going into i'm already becoming better we know what we've got to do i might not execute many people but lucas i'm gonna kill him you kill my father i kill you that's a fair exchange you only get one father like that oh what a hit he went down quickly they're doing very well that's my team that's my crew we are becoming better at what we do that one individual right over there charging in what a madman godfrey's gonna get him i told you it was predictable really oh a prowler knocked out godfrey now that wasn't predictable i'm very shocked about it i thought things would change up a little bit but evidently not his armor alone is so good all right so we've got more of a crowd to fight over here then i'm gonna have to fight their leader but that'll be my early game build a lot of landing crossbowmen and a lot of other infantrymen around maybe one day i'll get some horsemen but not yet i don't have the money for that yet it takes some time you know got him that gave me another skill point let's keep on pushing on we can do that much i think go on imperial recruit i believe in you probably live kidding i doubt it yeah there we go he's gone i knew as soon as i said that that man is gonna die not that i'm a curse but sometimes you know i could feel like one got him too it's another dead enemy it's a pretty tough group but we're making it work out i'm here surprise oh time to deal some serious damage reed and we have one again that's a big chunky man that man likes to eat his potatoes you can tell by the everything about him yeah we can fight let's go excuse me oh you're quick nice little dagger pal we'll do you much good right now there it is it's over we've won all right let's move on now let's get out of here it's about time let's see i'll take all of that what else do i want i'm gonna promote a few people infantrymen and over here more crossbows it is done that entire area is gone let's have a look at what armor they have that's a bit better than what i'm wearing right now sure i'll take that that is not though to work for you no i bought you a nice helmet you'll be okay there we go and i get you anything different around here not really you have what you need very good we should probably go to rest up let's have a look over here too all right swing speed would go up over here or damage we'll take swing speed i'm not going to use axes or maces that isn't my life i'm not about that today what's over here baron nothing too vital okay very well well that is one major battle right over here good luck betania i can't help you out that isn't my battle today who else could use a little bit of help need animals you need mineral library so i can't help you with that again that isn't for me i do need to find a good dire foe to take on maybe i could even fight in the tournament if i truly want some money like over here we've got a tournament ben cannock right time to camp out for a bit what do you need caravan ambush wait hold on what what is that all about i need to know i think maybe you can help me yes you see usually caravans are too fast for the larger bandit gangs and too heavily guarded for the small ones right there's a new banded chief around here understood that horseman and you would like for me to help out sure he'll outrun any large group that goes after him but i've got a plan we'll use bait i've paid some of my workers to spread rumors about a particularly fat caravan laden with silverware heading out towards dunglannis it is a trap of course i gotcha okay i'll get some money i can do that i think let's go follow them and i'll take a few batonings while i'm here i feel like i should earthbreakers huh we'll get them eventually all right so they're heading out right now we have a chat they're too fast for me let's go in and help out i can do that much it's a bunch of king slayers they hate the nobility archers i can't blame them but i'm not going to help them depose the ability advance right now hold on oh have a look at that they're here actually don't advance just stand right over there it'll be okay i think whoa are you okay horse no we had flying horses around here i could use a few pegasi yeah there they are now all right crossbows it's really up to you want to win i suppose 87 damage not bad but it's not over either that's a pretty tough group though what a bad way to go okay shield wall should wall right now [Music] it's a group i'm helping out i can't really command them i wish i could i only have my own group to command right now come on 41 damage oh that was a close one let's watch out we'll get them i don't think they have the damage output to take us all on so my crossbows are going to get him adventure i have a treat too get over here infantry if you want to move a little bit waiting to find someone nice and fine to stab into i wonder who we're going to marry one day no idea got one all right that gave me a lot of skill points all right that's even better oh too close he bopped me get him boys it's gonna take a minute to win this one but we got it i got his horse that's a good start chill bash got him all right do we have more to kill we do only a few more i'll cut them cut them all deep like what we enjoy here got my blood brother my old brother oh but you got him now take him on he hit me that was rude all right she likes me more we've won the battle that was a great mission that was a lot of fun let's get out of here got my kill and i got all of you too promote so many people we're actually building a pretty harding group so very early on the clan warrior i don't need any of you to come join me now what do we have over here anything fun or good not really no it's all crap that's okay well you were quite welcome all right that gave me some money my charm went up too how about that yeah that was really good now let's have a look at the local armor they might have because i could use some better body armor that's true actually i need to sell a lot of this really bad loot too yeah take it all i don't need it i'll take the horse the horse belongs to me for sure some steel i'm gonna hold on to that for crafting later yeah you don't need that all right done our part let's have a look over here real quick what armor do you have that's really not too bad it's all highland gear though it's really not what i want to use i would rather use landing gear but if i don't have a choice right now you know i might not have a choice now we'll hold on to my money for now i think we're doing okay but for now i need to rest up for a little bit just for a night or two i feel like a good tournament battle would be sufficient right now town guard of razi has discovered an underground market run by the crimson cartel interesting now they're all scattering as they all should the bunch of villains yeah there are so many more powerful parties out there i've got to be so careful with what i'm doing right now actually hold on let's have a look at the redemptive order oh check that out they have a lot of different soldiers oh that's pretty darn cool here's a green crusader they do seem to be pretty powerful oh they let me in well how about that now what should i do over here another caravan ambush that wouldn't be bad i would like to potentially fight in a tournament but i'm pretty beat up right now i need to hill up yeah sure i can help you out i'll do the job got some people who were captured by bounty hunters i can do that all right let's go out it's only a hideout it's a great way to maximize our money and to prosper in life so that's what we're gonna do right now wait until nightfall to attack and then we strike we'll take them all on there anyone i need to upgrade yeah that guy gotcha yeah if i can travel around here that would be ideal man who knows who we'll fight for in the future i don't know if i'm gonna join a faction right away but we shall see in time there's one hideout crew let's get them okay i want all of you to use your crossbows and just go in there and kill i'm getting faster too as you can tell got a much better mustache i was a little bit too young before but now i've got that mustache fully growing out feels good there's a few of them good job crossbowmen that's a really good start yeah come on shoot me you don't have the freaking kahunas try it out pal there goes godfrey again oh there's a lot of them all in one area usually they're pretty spread out that's fine though let them go in and destroy them all i don't care don't hit me don't do it they got him it's over we have only a few left and it'll all be done i'll need a older leader i suppose which is okay i can do their leader they take them on no threat to me all right we've got only a few more to kill right over here then i get to fight that gang leader and call it a day wow they are destroying them so quickly good job but i got him that's a good start for me my skills are going up here's a guy to take on all right you weakling let's do it here to earn some coin from my people been trying to victimize far too many for far too long and i got him it's over man i got the point that hurt a lot okay now there's all of my prisoners i've got everything i need i'm feeling pretty darn good i can actually enter some blandian city for once that's really cool take that few more clean warriors too i do have a lot of prisoners let's head over to a nearby town man i've got so much money good for me 1 000 gold for that all right let's go into sargot now i need to patch up a little bit our game has only just begun we have much more to do to establish our legend and to redeem the name of our family the journey and prowess of william marshall has only just begun we have much more to do my friends [Music] you
Channel: SurrealBeliefs
Views: 449,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Episode 1, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Guide, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Part 1, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Playthrough, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord gameplay, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord walkthrough, bannerlord 2, ck3, crusader kings 3, mount and blades, mount and blades 2, surrealbeliefs, surrealbeliefs bannerlord, total war, total war three kingdom, warhammer
Id: q3qLgRCB6Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 23sec (3023 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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