A GREAT ADVENTURE BEGINS - Mount & Blade: Warband Let's play Part 1

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hey guys what's up it's Apollo here I hope you guys are doing well and today we're starting something I've never done before we're doing a mountain blade let's play we're doing just vanilla just keeping it simple here vanilla like me so the reason I wanted to just do it let's play is because well I've been having so much fun with it like it's been so much fun playing single-player and I only recently just got into single-player so yeah I'm well I'm a late bloomer I've always played multiplayer but I'm like I don't know about single-player and then I was like you know and I should give it a try and man I'm addicted which is great because it's holding me over for banter Lord but also at the same time it's so much fun that I want Bana Lord to come out but I think we all have that pain inside you know so this is gonna be super chill let's play guys I'm just gonna have fun with it I'm gonna be relaxed you know sit back relax guys get some snacks and drinks it's gonna be a chill let's play it's gonna be fun maybe you're watching very intensely maybe you're watching every move or I make or maybe you're just listening to me in the background whatever the case I am very thankful for you guys to be here and to join me on this grand adventure if you do like this let's play I will certainly branch out to other mods for example I could do the last of the Third Age was it called the last days of the Third Age and then there's Clash of Kings which is a game of Thrones mod so the options are endless from mountain blade warband war ban kind of reminds me of medieval to total war it's like that's that same level of like greatness where the game is like the vanilla is great but also it's super model so you know if there's got these like endless amount of mods anyways let's get started here no more talky let's start a new game a brand new fresh game so we've been through this so we're gonna go mail we're gonna try to create someone who looks like me so look I'm gonna I'm actually gonna pick these based on my real life well I guess that's kind of hard because it's like who was my father well in real life my father's like it's hard to explain but basically he like fixes machines so like what would that be like a hunter No so let's just say my father was a hunter and I know this applies to our beginning stats but I'm not too worried about that let's see you were the son of a family who lived on it live off the woods hell yeah that sounds pretty cool like that now doing whatever they needed to make ends meet hunting wood cutting making arrows even a spot of poaching whenever like you know killing animals in the Kings forest winter was never a good time for your family as the cold took animals and people like but you always live to see another dawn through your brothers and sisters might not be so fortunate Oh though not through though your fortune okay you started to learn about the world almost as soon as you could walk and talk okay so I'm gonna go with it see if I'm living in the forest I'm trying to think about this I would think like a craftsman apprentice just because I've done a lot with like wood and stuff as a boy growing on a child do you apprentice with the local craftsman and learn a trade after years of hard work and study under your new master he promoted you to journeyman and employed you as a fully paid craftsman as long as you wish to stay wow that seems pretty good like what what do I need Ben is an adult life life changed as it always does you became well after a craftsman maybe I got into like a Smith I'm getting into armory you know the distinction felt sudden to you somewhere along the way you'd become a man in the whole world seemed to change around you you pursued a career as a Smith crafting items to function and beauty out of simple metal as time wore on you became a master of your trade and fine work started to fetch your weight sorry as time wore on you became wait I'm sorry a words are hard and fine work started to fetch fine prizes with food in your belly and logs on your fire you could take pride in your work and your growing reputation so I started in the forest now I'm here as a Smith but soon everything changed you decided to strike out on your own as an adventurer what what made you take this decision was okay um loss of a loved one personal revenge wonder lust being forced out of your home well I I kind of like being for sentiment out of my home because I go from having no military background whatsoever my I lived in the forest you know I was okay at hunting and whatever but I become a craftsman then a Smith and it things are good things are really good but we were being forced out of our home only now exactly caused you to give up your old life and become an adventurer however you know you cannot go back there's nothing to go back to whatever home you may have had is gone now and you must face the fact that you're out in this wide wide world alone to sink or swim Wow all right well let's let's begin our destiny here so I'm gonna turn I'll allow me to quit without saving it's not gonna be too hardcore though I'm not gonna like just quit if you know if something bad happens whatever happens happens it's you know we got to keep that roleplay going for now let's just call me I'm gonna call me by my real name which is Trent in case you didn't know let's just say just subtract oil you know anyways all right we'll do that and our strength is pretty good our intelligence is D Center or charisma it's pretty awful which is important for you know party size and whatnot our army size so let's think it increased charisma one in intelligence and then strength is really great we have really high strength so I'm gonna hold off for now let's put one in agility so let's do uh iron flesh get that as high as possible and then power strike for fighting okay so I put a lot so I'm gonna be very much in the frontlines leadership let's see what else path finding is important okay so we got path funding that's good because we started I assume is like living in the woods and stuff maybe increase yield you know I'm gonna go two-handed I'm gonna be a two-handed type soldier shields are for I mean it's good to have a shield because archers and stuff but prisoner in management let's see I think wound treatment is good or surgery is really good so we'll put one in surgery and then what about wound treatment that think that's good for me too again two-handed it's gonna be our focus so we'll increase that and then let's I always like to have a little bit in archery so there we go this is us this is our start what a great start here we go and again we're gonna make them look like me so let's give them a big ol beard and then let's give them some long hair I don't really like the long hair and this is not enough options that's not it yeah I guess that's close enough I usually go with this hair let's see if there's anything better though zoom out here a little bit I like this one it's kind of grungy god I love I just love medieval or not medieval a mountain blade it's just got this charm to it and let's just go with this one sure will make me young as possible give me brown hair it's close enough it's close enough doesn't exactly look like me but I'm not gonna go through this junk so our new story begins you hear about Carly a car raid Cal Radia excuse me Cal Radia a lands horn between rival kingdoms battling each other for supremacy a haven for knights and mercenaries cutthroats and adventurers all willing to risk their lives in pursuit of fortune power and glory in this land which holds great dangers and even greater opportunities you believe you may may leave your past behind and start a new life you feel that finally you hold the key to your destiny in your hands free it to choose as you will in that book it well bla bla bla bla bla basically who are we gonna fight for and I think I've played a couple like I played this game multiple times trying out different factions and stuff I played as the Nords in Swat eeeh I think I'm gonna go the road ducks the road ducks if I believe it's how you pronounce it so yeah it will go to Joe Kelly yeah I got to learn the names here but Joe Kaylee and whatever the rotox let's do it so you came by [ __ ] blah blah blah wheel and good enough you're exhausted blah blah there we go and this is where our story begins hi all right where's the guy that comes out and tries to kill me here we go come on come on show yourself there you are that wasn't too hard that's a good start gate experience garbage hey how's it going are you all right well I guess you're alive at any rate I'm not sure that we can stay this say the same for the hello yeah whatever you guys been through this 100 times this is always the start of Mountain blade basically he's gonna make us go on this little mission they're having issues with bandits I'm interested cool good you can find again the tavern here after you got a group together you'll okay so he'll be in the tavern and then what was it again we need to collect five guys I believe burgers five guys collect five men cool we can do that easy easy um so let's go over here it's a very hilly area yes I know how to play thank you so we go to this nearby village look at us young naive all right we got three here and then there should be more villages nearby here's one over here hopefully we don't come across any baddies but Oh keep going and we should get a good amount here too that's five should we go ahead and get more let's get it let's check out one more city and recruit some volunteers one dang it I want more than that come on we can we can afford more here we go it looks like I'm getting chased by some bandits so I gotta be careful I said I gotta be careful dang it here I'll pay you how much 62 here take it God scum if I was just a little bit stronger okay so that's the dangers you get you can get too too ahead of yourself too ahead of yourself come on you guys sit by the bridge they're looters looters aren't bad let's kill some looters okay that's all right surrender or die all right sweet our first battle I know we shouldn't really be doing this we're oh my God look at my army it's pathetic all right men let's just have them follow me follow me brave soldiers of Rho duck Road reductions whatever your name is there they are up this way guys yeah the trains a little weird here it's a little funky there's a lot of hills and whatnot please don't go in the water please don't go in the water oh my god you're going in the water wait I start off with a crossbow do I always start off with the crossbow these guys are so easy to kill because they're looters you know looters are scum [Music] okay gotta be careful here can't get stock hey we'd really love some support you know what just everyone charge please get in there get some experience nice looter scum how is he running I think not what is this guy he's like I will stand to the last oh my god this hill there we go victory first battle victory I don't think we lost anyone either which is good and we should have some level ups if I'm yeah we got the tribesman it's crossbow or spearmen right now I think we should just go with spearmen and then we actually captured but we have no prisoner management skills so we can't we can't get them but we got some good loot is it this gotta be a button to like quickly just move everything over anyways our quest is over here let's go to the tavern and we're to meet our friend here hey dude I found some people yes mission I love that noise alright let's hunt for some bandits alright so I think I think what I have to do now is got to find them oh they're right here I've been looking for you alright let's kill them another battle and I'm just gonna tell my men to charge in no need to get all tactical with this we do have a couple leveled up guys look at that we got a couple spearmen actually just two so sweet look at they look a little bit more professional and I might as well just run in I'm not too worried about that it's for bandits it's not gonna be a big deal it's just important to do this beginning quest to get some like good money here pretty soon we'll have the largest army in all the lands if I can land any hits there we go ah too far come on guys you're gonna make me kill them all your bandits are pathetic good block I finished the job men finish the job there we go easy get good scrub uninstall let's do this all right yes tell me where your hideout is and then we'll improve you guys let's make sure we move up spearmen unfortunately we need we really need to improve prisoners so we can get some prisoners going oh we got some smoked fish my soldiers can feast on some fish notes so there's a bandit camp oh I see it we ride men we ride men of the row ducks row ducks it's cool - I'm gonna make sure I didn't do it yet but I'm gonna make sure to put my banner in the game so we can have the Knights of the Knights of Apollo banner for the army which i think would be awesome all right let's attack let's do this guy's well cool I've never actually seen this hideout I think I've seen most of the hideouts but man I can't wait for battle Lord hope that game comes out I have a bad feeling it's not gonna come out ever oh I missed [Applause] get'em there you go I need a shield all right leveled up level two I want a big sword in a big shield where are we going after next there's somebody down here I just whenever I don't know where to go I just follow these guys oh look at this little Hut is there someone in here Oh what is this is this a joke oh boy oh they're behind it okay I was like are you trying to get inside this little Hut thank you thank you for rescuing me with the retreat cut off the looters fall one by one sweet and we have a bunch of equipment which is great so pretty soon a week oh we full let's get rid of the rocks those usually are no good man our inventory sucks we can get a hat it adds three two head armor I mean we might as well 14 is I mean is there anything twelve Oh 16 it's a little bit better it doesn't look as cool but you know whatever this is 24 armor this is 11 6 so is there anything 10 21 24 let's put on the 24 armor there we go now I'm looking like a not a soldier alright that's good cool so let's head back I'm pretty sure we're supposed to head back if I'm not attacked abandoned later you requested was to talk to okay yeah we got to head back go back to the tavern and we're gonna have a nice successful start to this let's play so first off let's go to the marketplace oh my god it's a trap are you serious Wow come on I'm out there killing bandits Oh gotta be careful oh my god Oh eyes get nervous they're getting nervous it's probably one more oh thank god I was like oh my god if I don't kill this guy I'm gonna be so sad it's go to the marketplace let's sell to anyone really we're just gonna sell everything here I'm pretty sure I have the best the best that I'm currently wearing which is not great but yeah and it's okay if I sell something that's worth you know that you know it's better than something I have because it's not a big deal but that's gonna give us 506 dinars awesome oh okay okay well give me back my stuff you can only afford 295 I should have been paying attention to that gave me back my stuff [Music] wait where is my other stow no I don't want that I mean where's what can you give me let's see there's some pretty cool heavy all heavy bastard sword I want that okay because it's too hand I love the bastard sword it's rusty it's not great but okay you must pay okay now we're gonna do now we're gonna give them our stuff let me just put that there I love that sword and if you get a decent one okay there we go why I still have to pay him something I have whatever 29 not a big deal let's go to the tavern and we're gonna get some money from this guy hey your brother who's back captain - you okay oh yeah that's right yeah yeah that's fine so this is where like the captain has gone corrupt all right you know give him the sign let's do this and then we're gonna cleanse the city of bandits here we go it's time lads yeah now we're cooking with propane oops why do they have like women trying to do this mission in like their dresses no you don't what I died oh my god well dang it he's still gonna give me money okay I forgot I was low on health I should have been more careful the heavens alone grant us victory yeah whatever you know whatever dude just give me your money we're gonna get out of here so the whole world is open to us we have so much to do so much to say let's uh well let's start recruiting some forces and hunting down some some looters and whatnot oh we've got some battles going on there all right so let's get about we can't recruiting anyone probably let's see how many can we recruit 43 well I'm one hell of a leader all right let's improve the Train spearmen get him up there I forgot I was i also leveled up so let's continue to improve charisma and trade is pretty high that's pretty sweet let's increase trade I think trade is really important the two andddd skill let's get that all the way up that's gonna be good all right so let's um there was a battle over here but oh well let's just keep exploring the lands and looking for people to join the ranks humble beginnings guys humble beginnings always loved uh there we go three over there I always love to start off with the campaign you know like an RPG this is more of an action RPG but Oh looters I think they got away no don't let him get away just just kill someone there we go surrender or die let's charge the enemy so again these battles don't require much strategy these especially when we have such a overwhelming advantage against these guys oh my God look at these look at these guys we're actually gonna use the short sword cuz I like how I can swing it faster Wow okay I need to be I'm a little little too aggressive how can I take him out I'm so used to my other I'm actually I love mountain blades so much right that I bought the Xbox one version actually playing a campaign on that and my guys like super decked out with armors so like I can just mindlessly charge in let's go ahead an get some crossbows let's get two crossbows make sure we move them up above spearmen and now be good that's good unfortunately we still didn't improve our prisoner management but that's okay okay so let's see we're the major cities we got yelling Jack Jack okay and then fell back I don't know how to pronounce any of these names again I gotta get used to the world guys I wanna I want to be somewhat knowledgeable for banter Lord Oh fifteen bandits we'll skip that for now we could probably kill fifteen it's but for now I'm gonna sell my equipment and the reason I want to sell it is because there's a tournament this is a great way to get money as long as you win but anyways the reason I want to sell my stuff is because I want to get some food for my my army as armies march on food thank you okay my team's doing great I hate I hate spawning as an archer in tournaments oh nice I didn't do anything there but that's okay I'll move on to the next round so go ahead and better myself again there we go Wow what am i doing so reckless man I forgot oh oh come on come on Archer take it hopefully they let me win oh this is gonna be bad I've been eliminated guys I'm sorry I'm so used to my old other campaign I forgot my stats also affect me in tournaments and like I'm Way tankier and I'm just getting too aggressive that's okay we lost a couple hundred there it's not okay but at least we got some items to sell oh my god fifteen fifteen do not that's all we're gonna get and then we gotta buy like bread and stuff okay that's all I can afford right now okay rough start rough start all right let's go and see if we can recruit any more soldiers here and then we need it we need to go huntin we need to go that's what I know best my father was a hunter let's go kill some bandits oh wait there's something over here you know it's also really good but affects your honor is like caravans going after caravans what's this I should really get to start to know the Lords here I haven't seen anything yet it's pretty cool to be in this part of town cuz oh well new do we want to fight the sixteen mountain bandits and maybe we should oh there's eight looters okay that's fine fifteen they get sixteen we have fifteen okay we might need to be strategic about this one so let's have they're probably gonna charge us so oh there they are there they are okay so crossbows I want you right here infantry I want you right up ahead and that's it because that's all I have we'll even do some shots here not like do shots but like shoot shoot the crossbow okay you guys go what I'm saying come on yeah I got a kill it's even game now I think I'm aiming too low hold man there we go it did some damage one more shot and I'm charging in all right if it's recharged I'll meet you on the battlefield these guys are pretty tough Oh different I lost the tribesmen or get Rex there we go now we're gonna make some good money from this take out the bandits come they have no place here in Calvary dia oh my horse I gotta I gotta heal my horse good victory there we lost we lost one guy two wounded which is not too bad all right let's oh yeah all right we got a bunch here and then let's get some crossbows I don't want too many crossbows but we're trained crossbow let's move them up the awesome pretty sweet force unfortunately we still can't get these but these bandits here because we have no ooh ooh 20 okay we got a twenty three nine it's not as good as body armor but it adds to leg armor I guess we'll do that I should get a shield mm yeah I should get a shield this is a pretty cool reinforce covered I'll do that and then move that there and then just take everything else here oh yeah look at all this equipment we gotta sell this as soon as possible I can't really hold much in terms of inventory so we got to kind of make a couple trips here and there oh it's moving to help yeah great we got a little battle here that's gonna be easy I'm just gonna charge in look at row ducks actual trained professional forces unlike mine so I'm gonna lead the charge my men are gonna lead look at that army it's awesome all right there is a mod where you can have it I think where you can have like a thousand troops on the battlefield I might look into doing that I don't know if I can do it now that I started the let's play there we go just wrecking these guys showing you're showing off a little bit in front of this Lord maybe he'll respect me more these guys pretty good there we go yeah I almost killed all of them victory my guys winning first what were you guys doing way back there doesn't matter ah I showed those bastards a thing or two yes we did yes we did all right it's still full-on inventory so I need to first off let's see if we can recruit anyone here no but where is the major city there okay so we'll go to this one right here let's see if we can hunt down these looters real quick there we go surrender or die judge the enemy nice I got a shield now I don't like the shield it for some reason it reminds me of like that works from Warhammer so not my favorite shield but it's only temporary just like everything in this world so this is gonna be pretty easy battle again we're just gonna charge in Oh hiya boys oh that was a miss there we go get rekt it's so nice having calves early on guys am I gonna have to kill them all I know a crossbow got a kill but there you go there we go that's all right I don't care if I kill them all as long as my men are not dying all right excellent so we can look and try to get like maybe get rid of a cheap thing sell price so something that's really cheap get rid of this because it's actually a sell price is not that great so there we go we should get money out of that anyways yeah we got 23 dinars okay so let's go let's go to this major city that's enough bandit hunting for now also do we have any levelup's we didn't even I leveled up okay cool so Oh another thing I forgot to mention guys this is literally what I do on my Facebook streams I just play Mountain blade campaigns and sometimes I do like online battles and stuff but if you guys want to see this live and interact with me my facebook link is down below join me it's a lot of fun it's really chill we just have a good time so it's I stream every Monday through Friday at 2:00 p.m. so every week day Monday through Friday 2:00 p.m. u.s. Eastern Time anyways let's sell my crap here I have some supplies to give you but I'm making good money probably because my trade skill is so high whew here's a sneak peek to what eventually we can get oh did I sell a helmet is this better oh that's way better let me do that I don't exactly look fancy by any means but we're getting there oh you don't have enough that's right nobody has enough all right well that should be good then we'll go to someone else oh wait we already went to you okay you have 400 I'm gonna sell you 400 worth of crap there you go and then let's buy some more food let's get this bread all right so we're making some progress we're making some progress I did level up so um let's increase intelligence let's do prisoner management so I can start to get some print prisoners and let's also improve surgery which helps my my soldiers from dying like they're more light like for example they'll go unconscious instead of dying which which is better you know so let's increase we increase both to hand in one hand because I do use them both since the bastard sword is both two and one sweet that looks good let's let's continue to push let's look sigh oh we got a grouping here maybe we can join the fun screw it recruit some volunteers oh we got a big battle oh we got some battles going on in the outskirts against wadiya didn't even know we were at war with them this could be a good opportunity let's join in oh do I know you I am Trent no I don't I don't what I want to fight in this battle are they not fighting I guess because I'm not loyal don't get ya see I I'm just gonna wait it out all right kind that sucks I wonder is the King here I want to get involved all right oh my god there we go okay the battle is over it sucks that I couldn't get into the fight I'm looking for the king though and then I can be a mercenary force because I am gonna be loyal to the road ox so if I can join them as a mercenary troop just so they can start you know so I can start having a monthly income do I need to talk to the king though again I'm still like fairly new oh wait there yes talk to the king do I know you hello King grab grab grab a--the I am Trent what is your name can I be a mercenary horse for you maybe maybe I have to like earn his trust anyway so let's just see if we can do some things from Oh excellent we have to hunt down a villain known as taro the fair okay I will hunt him down no problem let's go to the notes so we do need to start doing this so we can start gaining some light reputation with the relation with the Lords so we do it have a murderer on the loose that needs to be hunted down which is really far away Jesus Christ all right so we got to make our way that way and travel and it looks like they're gonna siege this castle so every once in a while we're gonna do some some quests for the King and first off let's recruit no one's willing to join let's go to the village center and we're looking for looking for a man who is suspicious a nervous man as the game puts it usually behind buildings hiding or standing usually not walking looking for a nervous man sometimes this can be a little tedious little tedious oh this guy looks nervous hello hey excuse me sir there's been reports of a murder I don't understand sir I never killed anyone I think you got the wrong man drop your sword I'm not going anywhere friend I'm not your friend guy that was easy and we leveled up oh-ho look at that death pose to look at how you could touch his heels look at that amazing it's amazing what the body can do when it's dead all right let's go ahead and leave and then we need to go back to the king which I believe is seating right now so we will report to the king thankfully we are not a part of the faction right there's someone so we will sit and watch hopefully they win this siege battle doesn't look like they're Oh did they win they won they took it well done okay so where there he is well done King I've heard of your great I watched the siege from afar about the task I'll take the money I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna lie I'll take that money all right good working with you so I leveled up so let's go to my character and let's improve charisma and let's improve persuasion engineers already at - it's to engineer let's level that up that's gonna be important when we get our own and we can build their own buildings there let's improve two-handed and one-handed just so we're good at both all-around good fighter you know and it looks like they're all headed back they're gonna rest up maybe all someone's raiding over here I want to join can I please hi can I please be a mercenary for you always running let me talk to this guy do I know you I am Trent blah blah blah you're one of the counts of this land that's fine I wish to ask you something can I be a mercenary I think I got a I think I have to build more of a relation with them you guys can always it let me know in the comments but for now I see you for now we are going to hunt bandits and keep improving my soldiers all the swati in the Rotex have made peace I definitely think that was a victory for the row ducks they just took two two settlements there all right we got some looters up here on the pursuit let's kill them this is gonna be easy there's only six of un-- 20 of us look at our grand army it's good it's getting there guys it's getting there it's pretty cool it's pretty cool all right let's get in here and kill these guys I'll meet you Wailord shouldn't you stay back that's all right these guys are scrubs fresh meat [Music] oh good block not a good block from you okay throw rocks at me scum oh dang it all right here comes my army finish them kill them all well done well done and now that we have improved prisoner skill we should be able to take yes we can take five of them so we got some prisoners it's gonna get another Spearman awesome and you got some crappy material that's right we almost have a thousand gold hey there's fifteen bandits that's what I'm saying oh my god oh it's against five I found a little hideout but I thought they were gonna have a lot more all right this is gonna be easy so this is a good start I mean it was a little shaky there during that tournament I lost but it seems like everything is kind of you know getting better it's getting better gradually getting better money's doing well my soldiers are leveling up I'm doing tasks for the King a nice early start to this let's play let's kill these these fools get better all right I'm gonna I'm gonna a dismount fight just try to improve my two-handed skills there a little bit but I think that's battle oh my god just kill him there you go well done guys well done all right cool Oh we got some interesting gear here some arrows let's okay this is a little concerning all right no this is still good I thought the bandits were gonna group up there cuz there's 215 stacks of bandits but no we're cuz I thought it was gonna be like 20 verse 30 but it seems like we're gonna fight these armies one at a time which is really great because I'm gonna gain some pretty good experience for me and my soldiers definitely not gonna get off my horse it's so hilly over here alright hey um this is where we're gonna post up archers get right there infantry right there come on guys hurry I might have to run up there and slow him down I'm gonna go try to slow him down a little bit don't throw stuff at me okay all right my guys are in position headed back hold the line I should probably put my infantry further down so they can give the crossbows an angle actually you know what infantry just charge Wow dude do with the big hammer I took way too much damage not paying attention to far there we go no I lost them you bastards come on damn these bandits damn them to hell no where do you think you're going victory a man it sucks that we lost one oh well I hate I mean its battle it's war you know one killed one wounded this one's much better 23 9 23 9 all right that's all I can hold really and we can kill these guys 18 Oh I once again we're gonna form up in that same spot we might lose a couple soldiers here but that's ok I'm gonna quickly rush up here quickly rush up at the hills come on guys quickly quickly I think we form up right here yes all right so I want my infantry just honestly like infantry go way down here I mean this is such a good spot and then archers up here and I will sit back and try to get some kills from afar form up infantry oh nice I gotta kill alright infantry charge dye bandits come dinging a loss to Spearmint tragic day [Applause] dice come come on there you go well done we cleaned out these bandits okay so we're not quite done yet let's capture him we got nice veteran spearmen let's move him all the way up let's get some crossbows okay and then there we go armies starting to cost a little bit here but it's not too bad and I don't think we can get any more equipment we can try to get roof that's a good shield I'm gonna take that you can have that 105 let's um get the most expensive stuff 87-71 just so we get the most out of what we're carrying plus 20 oh nice when you need to look into getting a companion - anyways that's good enough let's make sure my troops are all the way leveled up veteran crossbow let's move you up okay so now we gotta clean out this this hideout clear it out men you're the best we've got oh I'm so low though I am so low my health if someone farts on me I'm dead so what farts hopefully I know what farts on me I don't see any enemies near the cave so let's go over here oh here we go hello you guys charging where you going there's a battle over there I should help out I should get involved where's the fight what is this this train is so awkward I can't wait for Vanna Lord oh where did you guys come from you scum come on help your comrades out don't be like me standing in the back because I'm a low on low health oh god this guy's so dead oh okay thank God he's only knocked unconscious nice dude oh this guy's an animal what is going on over here oh my god can we just end this thank you dude this guy's a legend I really wish you can name soldiers like I wouldn't name him right now so I always kept track there we go we cleaned out the hideout whoo butter delicious all right let's get rid of these hats they're worth like nothing 21 one these are pretty expensive too let's get those see anything here not worth a lot it was a lot of worth a lot this is great get rid of the club which oof nice olives all those would be nice let's get rid of this get that get rid of this get that [Music] okay that's good enough again I'm not gonna go into it to detail oh this seizure no all right so we need to go to important city also let's see if we can level up yes I also leveled up so I should probably focus on that let's increase our agility and let's do persuasion let's do tactics but looting pathfinding let's improve our pathfinding make us a little bit faster there we go I say yeah we're gonna go to this city to sell our equipment and also get rid of the bandits we have so let's go to the marketplace and let's sell all this junk I'll keep the olives for the soldiers okay that's all we can sell because he's almost out of money let's go to you there we go who's some cool armor in there did you see that oh man I want that good this elite armor so cool some really cool stuff we can get eventually so let's go to the tavern because we're looking for either a slave trade or someone to buy the prisoners for for ransom and unfortunately no one's in here tavern-keeper yeah nobody's really in here so we're gonna leave we're gonna recruit some soldiers cuz we did lose - we were at 20 I'm gonna try to keep it that 20 number for most of the time no one wants to join haven't heard of me yet I'm not famous yet no one wants to join me man I saw some bandits over here though if there's some tracks this way where did the tracks lead Oh enemy forces well they they got peace swati and the Rotex are no longer at war i think unless war broke out again oh here we go know what we could do is just do some tasks here let's go talk to you hello do I know you I'm Trent just Trent there any tasks for me I need you to send a letter to count lark Quinn we should be currently at jamchi castle okay you got it dude watch cat which castle again I forgot this one which is right over here okay so we're gonna make our way doing the old good old postal service we could attack the caravan but there's no honor in that I don't know if we're strong enough for that yet [Music] all right to the castle approach the gates repress entry oh there's a feast I'm not good enough for the feasts but I did yes this is what I want to see did we miss him oh there either get them I want to join in charge the enemy gotta really do these battles got to try to get some experience from my men maybe there's some weird rocky terrain here you know I keep I keep watching banner Lord videos and I'm like oh it looks so good just needs to come out before it no longer looks good you know I mean it's gonna it's gonna feel out of date if they don't release it soon I mean this game is definitely out of date obviously but it's so good so I guess it doesn't matter too much but it's still important for the game's health you know you want the game to look good at launch at least I mean for the for the dirty normies that is you know I'm very hardcore when it comes I much prefer gameplay than graphics all right so that's good that's why I'm playing this game definitely don't do it for the graphics okay so we got all the prisoners that's some more equipment let my guys feast on some olives and we're gonna go over here to recruit right yes we can recruit one is the fee still going yes all right I guess we got to wait for the feast to end okay feast should be over but yeah it's over but I'm worried that the Lord's on here is that you dang it that's not who I'm looking for where is he I need a location of this guy wait wait I missed it I just skipped over it I'm an idiot let me ask you again this guy he's near Almera castle and he should be close okay he should be still nearby it must have been who we saw leaving the castle earlier oh oh there he is wait I am Trent I have a letter for you speak quickly a message there we go anything you have any task for me I don't need any help okay farewell then goodbye what's happening over here is there a battle I'm curious I'm gonna follow him a little bit I'm gonna follow him doesn't look like anything really going on there's a caravan I would love to attack the caravan but you know what guys we are pretty much out of time I'm not gonna make these episodes an hour every time just like it's the excitement of a new let's play I decided to you know record for an hour but yeah that's that's gonna wrap it up for the first part let me know just down below like if you want to see anything tips and tricks that's always great as well but yeah that's that's I think it's a pretty good start I think we're doing well in this whole scary land of car radio Cal Radio excuse me but yeah we'll continue to play and see where this takes us see where it takes us who knows and I do want to make it clear that this campaign might not have an end okay like it might just end like alright I'm done so just stay tuned for that but yeah thanks guys so much for watching again if you enjoyed the episode don't forget to leave a like a comment share and if subscribe for more epic parts thank you guys and I'll see you next time on the battlefield
Channel: Pixelated Apollo
Views: 876,637
Rating: 4.867487 out of 5
Keywords: mount & blade warband, mod, gameplay, lets play mount and blade, commentary, part 1, rhodoks, epic, battle, command, pixelated apollo, pa, m&bw, chill, fun, relax, stratgey, rpg, action rpg
Id: awx2Z_0BPM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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