LOYAL SERVANT OF VLANDIA - Vlandia Campiagn - Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord - Part 1

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so do you guys remember when I said I needed a break from Boehner Lord after our first campaign I said I needed like two weeks a month well it's been one day and I don't know what I'm doing I was like that day was terrible because it just didn't feel right you know I didn't want to play anything other than Boehner Lord because I'm having so much fun with it and I was trying to record other games and I was like you know I'm just not feeling this I want to go back to Boehner Lord so here we are guys we're back with another banner Lord campaign also and I do want to mention this the comments for the the final like finale of our first campaign the comments were very moving it actually made me kind of sad because a lot of them were like man I'm really sad this is over like I'm sad it's gonna be gone now and there's no more campaign and the story's over and it made me kind of sad so I was like you know what let's do another one let's do another one and also with the whole quarantine stuff going on and the virus and I don't like to bring this up because I like my videos to be a bit of an escape you know for you guys you don't want to hear about the virus every single day you know it's old it's it's not old news but it's just you hear it all the time and you know I want to help entertain you guys and and help you get through this but at the same time this is also helping me as well it's keeping me busy it's got me just you know I'm completely just immersed in this this world that we know as Cal Radia so yeah it's it's good to be back and we're gonna have a lot of fun with this campaign we're gonna do a lot of role-playing I feel like the first campaign was kind of like alright we're learning how the game works and I me personally and getting better at single-player because I didn't really play it on a single-player with war bands so a lot of stuff that was old mechanics were still new to me now am I the greatest at campaign no not at all but I feel like I know so much more to where we're gonna be able to progress much we're gonna we're gonna progress more quickly and and everything like that so I also added some mods which I didn't put too many because I don't want to break the game but I added four mods so I added banners so there's this really cool mod where you can add banners to your army and I think they add like extra morale and if you kill the troop holding the banner it takes away morale we also have fast dialogue so this gets rid of the loading screens when you're talking to like bandits or whatever it just makes it faster more smoother we have settlement icons this is really helpful if there's like a quest at a settlement you'll see it over the the the settlement on the settlement icon and then we have the final one sound the alarm which is bigger notifications when someone's attacking your settlement or something like that or if someone declares war on another faction you get this like alert box which I think it will help us help me personally kind of see what's going on in the world because there's a lot going on so those are the mods i'm using i'll have them linked down in the video description if you guys want to try them out too and in today's or in this playthrough we are going to be playing a very loyal night servant a blend of the bland diems so yeah let's start a new one so yeah he's gonna be a very like honor focus like the classic cliche night of a medieval world he's gonna be that for the Blandy ins so we're gonna pick a vlandis ville a nyan of culture you get 20% more up upgrade XP to troops from battles that's actually a really good that is really really good so that's gonna be cool to see that and I'm gonna just um I want to try to make someone who's not looks like me um I don't know I just like the cliche I don't know what it is but I just like the long hair we could that's pretty MIDI oh that's a medieval style there but I just I can't do that I can't pick that hairstyle uh see where's the long hair well I think that was the hair for our last guy see what about this that's kind of night ish let's see let's spend some - ere we go you know what that's pretty cool he's like an older fellow you know he's seen some things got a little bit of receding hairline all right and then and then we'll add a nice beard and there we go I'll give them we can make them blond you know like we don't have to make it like my hair which is let's make him redhead there we go yeah he's got reddish hair I like it I like it a lot and let's make him let's make him tall little tall not like crazy tall and I guess we can see a lower pitch oh oh that's a good one like okay that's good alright so this is our our valiant night now I do have a name for him I'm gonna save it for later these are my parents okay I'm gonna saved the name because I use a medieval auto generator for his name it's actually pretty cool so we'll get to that point now if we're night what am I good at probably tactics if I'm well-educated in terms of warfare social would be up there because as a knight it's a social status as well you know so I'm getting invited to the Kings parties and stuff intelligence it's got to be up there too you got to be pretty smart to be a knight I mean Knight sir these like complete packages kind of soldiers archery probably pretty terrible at so let's see what can we improve on see this will improve endurance riding and pull arm skill that's pretty cool we could have like a cool pull arm kind of weapon urban merchants that definitely improves our social again as a knight that's something that's important let's see blacksmith that helps with crafting weapons but a knight's not really a blacksmith you know see a hunter mercenaries that's I'm gonna go with a Barron's retainers so we're gonna be good with the pull arm writing and social goes up to three so that's pretty good and then here I like it a little Chucky always looks like Chucky so good leadership is I could definitely see that from a knight a bran that is definitely a Knightly thing you know attention to detail that improves our one-handed and it also improves our endurance or athletics so I like the attention in detail I'm gonna go with that and then when we're getting older let's see what do we do herd sheep well again that helps endurance a lot and that's one thing that killed me the first playthrough is so slow with that heavy armor so I might just go with that I might try to improve endurance two-handed we can try to improve two-handed sword I mean I don't really use a two-handed sword too often see smithing so this would improve scouting which is pretty good because I'm collecting herbs and stuff also helps with medicine but again a knight is not known for his medicinal skill and this will help with archery and this one improves kind of the social stuff trade and everything let's go with I think I'm gonna go with herding sheep that's gonna improve our endurance a ton and then as youth I still had that receding hairline even as a young lad so let's see barons groom tactics there we go that improves tactics and steward stewardship so that's actually pretty good trained with cavalry that is really good too because again a Knights always on horseback and improving our horse skill would be great especially with the vlandis they've got some really good like heavy calves let's see what else can be good engineering I don't really see ignites as good engineers you know they're like they're smart but not that smart they're not waked smart all right one hand going up from trained with the infantry I'm gonna go trained with CAV that's going to improve our pull arm and our calves so we'll go with that and choose your young adulthood so what did we do defeat an enemy in battle now would be pretty useful let's see let a successful man hunt that will help improve tactics and our leadership skill I definitely I like that one I'm leaning towards manhunt so far invested money and land hunted a dangerous animal now I'm no archery we're not gonna be an archer see this one's pretty good because it improves our endurance but I feel like we've already kind of like we have enough in endurance for for now you treated people well that's definitely that is definitely a Knightly thing you protect the people kind of thing charm goes up stewardship goes up I don't know I still kind of leaning towards leadership and tactics so I'm gonna do a light a successful manhunt oh hey here's my bro he actually looks like my brother many times when I started campaigning the brother just like dude we came from different parents like you're no way okay and this improves okay so we subdued a writer this improves our endurance and our one-handed skill which is pretty good pretty important so our intelligence is crap that's no good so you rode off on a fast horse that helps with scouting a horse riding of course you trick the Raiders that would help with tactics a ton tactics are very helpful it's you organize the travelers to break out that would improve our social skills so I think a part of me wants to go with you subdued a Raider so I'm gonna do that it's gonna really make me a good fighter my endurance is amazing so now we've got the name and this is the name that the OTO generator gave us Tobias so yeah Tobias pretty cool it did give me a last name too but I'll save that for when we make our clan name or whatever so Tobias the knight is going to lead men into battle a glorious man of honor and we're going to go ahead and play on real stick like we usually do we want to challenge especially now that I understand the game combat AI difficulty I guess what is challenging the hardest um combat AI difficulty let's make it veteran should I enable death let's see choose if the heroes are able to die on the battlefield I'm gonna not do that and auto allocate clan member perks I'm not gonna do that either I want to be able to customize my clan members especially like in this one I'm gonna have a lot of like companions closeby with me so let's start the game and here we go guys this is the start the epic journey of Tobias the knight again I'm keeping his last name super secret for now until we get past this beginning stage but it's not anything like crazy or anything super cool or anything hello brother yes it's been days now we've been tracking those bastards I think we're getting close absolutely I'm gonna go ahead and skip the tutorial because we did that the first time so let's skip it and we are ready here we go it is awesome to be back in kaleriya oh oh the blue fields so ah okay so here's the icon mods you see that you see how the settlements have icons over them little quests you can do it's very convenient so we're gonna leave the training notification for hours you leave the training ground you come to across a wounded man lying under a tree yes family name and the family name is Bennett so Tobias Bennett is the name I got from the OTO generator so pretty cool I like that name I don't know sometimes with those Auto generator names you get some goofy goofy things now this doesn't really matter this banner selection I do because like I said I'm gonna wait for you guys to make an awesome banner and I'm gonna pick my favorite one something going on with his face you see that is like a little white marks on his face but yeah just whatever again it could be a line you put on the flag it can put it could be like a pig a warthog a fish I mean I whatever it looks coolest I'm gonna pick my favorite one and then we're keeping it that way I kind of like the Rose though so again I'm not trying to influence you guys but having a rose is awesome and doing like if we did man let's can we make the if they need a white flag here we can do that and then that looks pretty cool I don't know the Rose no I don't know I thought the flower night or something that's pretty cool that's pretty cool so we're gonna do that for an it for now for now until you guys make one so we need to get to the Blandings again we're gonna be a loyal servant for the Ville and ian's so Tobias needs to get moving I'm gonna go ahead and for now just recruits um recruit oh it's so good to see the southern empire back and healthy again but yeah we're gonna recruit some just basic recruits whenever we can along the way until we get to the land Ian's then we gotta be careful gonna watch out for looters it's crazy to be worried about looters again Oh get away get away back you beasts all right here we go here's a village okay what do you got what do you got all right you got a couple recruits we have two food so we probably want to buy some food too I'm gonna go ahead and just buy mmm we're gonna buy 70 worth of green there we go that's gonna put us at seven food oh man the grind is real and then we're gonna go ahead and shift upward to this next village again just kind of pinballing around the villages until we get to the Ville and ian's and then once we're at the Villani ins we're gonna do like village quest and try to like upper renowned so we can become a mercenary I don't know if you need renowned for a mercenary you might have to get your name out there before they let you be a mercenary there we go we got more empire recruits I know they're not bland Ian's but they're probably gonna die and here we go a pledge is ready to be upgraded extra arrows are extra throwing weapons well honestly I see myself using throwing weapons more so I'm gonna do the extra throwing weapons so that's all done we also have a point we can put into so what do we want to improve leadership is important again we're gonna find some companions to join us and I'm gonna have them kind of held like if our medicines really bad which it probably will be I'm gonna have them you know be specializing in whatever smithing you know medicine that kind of stuff but we're gonna be an honour person we have good honor so let's improve our leadership a little bit just a little bit and then we need to go actually up this way and I'm not sure what does the crown mean I'm not sure what the icons mean but yeah just oh don't 22 looters trying to fight me and can we can we hold any more food now that we have more soldiers yes we can hold a lot more food so we're gonna buy all of this grain perfect yep going back to the grain days the good old grade hey what's for dinner grain Oh big army forming over here it's kind of nice to not be involved in these wars you know to be like solo mercenary again we're gonna be loyal to the Blandin crown because the landings are awesome but you know it it's just nice to not have to worry about someone declaring war on you here we go we got some good recruits there okay so we're up at 12 soldiers already and we're gonna keep making our way to the Ville and ian's territory and it's gonna be really interesting to see what the Blandings do I could definitely see them going to war with the battalions pretty pretty early on really anyone who's sharing a border with them I were up at 14 now food is still doing well we need to probably start attacking looters here in there just to you know start making money but we're still at 500 so we're doing we're doing good I'm gonna try to get my army up to I think I think this is it like I'm good here this this is a good amount of troops and let's also buy some grain got it wouldn't like 13 grain is a lot you know that's an awesome feeling okay there we go so we're gonna roll out with an army of 16 again I'm keeping it very low because I want to be able to save as much money as possible that's kind of my plan for this one is to turtle up in terms of like financially like not get too aggressive on buying a ton of troops and everything I just want to kind of turtle up save up as much money as possible and then start buying shops once we once we buy shops then we can start having bigger armies and then from there we can build a caravan and get more companions and all that Jess here we go we can go for these looters right here and this is good we want to fight them in the Ville Andean territory I'd see if we can catch up to them alright it's gonna be nighttime well by the time we catch up to them it's probably gonna be daytime watch out come here I'm coming for you come on we can do this there we go what oh they were not in range they are not in range already we're struggling okay I think we'll be able to beat him though ah jeez okay that's not fair that's oh you can't do that there was like a 20 stack right here they were far enough to not show up as reinforcements but we're gonna have to try to pull off a victory here we can do it I believe now our equipment oh look at the banners that's cool so I have it on a tutorial movement whoa I don't remember that okay so we got our spear here we've got a sword or shield very little armor it's like listen men oh look at the Blandy and land - it's all new it's just that's the cool that's the cool thing oh god you're ready to hold all right I'm gonna try to pick off as many as I can I also need to compete in tournaments oh [Applause] so if I can compete in tournaments I kind of want to wait until I get good armor though because tournaments do go into the tournaments with your equipment oh no no no come here don't charge oh don't charge my infantry keep focusing on me there you go infantry kill oh there you go I'm keeping them busy we lost one so far is it oh if we lose these recruits it's okay because I'm gonna get I want more of land Ian's I'm a man of my people I don't want you know foreign people serving under a bland Ian banner no I'm just kidding I'll probably just recruit all right infantry go ahead and advance yeah you guys got it the banners are really cool though there we go I think I already leveled up there we go victory nice work father running okay so we lost six men that's that's a good battle I honestly thought that was gonna be a lot worse but you really got to keep them divided we'll take the prisoners and oof it's time it's time to get our first recruits and I'm actually gonna make them all archers have that superior Archer force now with this guy since he is a knight oh wait we're carrying too much that's a bummer that's a bummer that's okay we'll just be slow and we'll quickly go to the nearest city [ __ ] over here hopefully we don't get chased though which we are okay wow we're really struggling okay let's improve pull arm extra health yeah that's perfect and then we also have a point that we can spend we'll put that into tactics try to improve on that front and we need to can we drop unfortunately we're gonna have to drop a lot of stuff I'm probably gonna drop a lot of the grain there we go and that's gonna speed us up I don't want to get caught out by those bandits get to the village Oh No okay early grind struggles guys this is how it's gonna be all right let's let's attack let's attack that's okay that's fine we're just gonna get more loot and let's not forget these guys are archers so they're gonna be able to do a lot of damage trade down there there you go all right let me try to deal with this calves get them off off the battlefields oh no that's not what I was trying to do come on get away from my archers okay good good good good good there you go all right infantry hold hold with me hold with me [Music] okay this isn't sorry that went really well I think we lost one guy did he die though no he's just wounded okay see I told you like we're gonna do so much better I will take these prisoners and let's improve the archer here and very nice improve the infantry looks really good in red I like that now we have more lutes but unfortunately we're not gonna be well we could wear this armor let's put that on there we go already getting some awesome armor I'm so used to like fighting battles and not changing my armor because I have like the best armor from the old playthrough let's see is this shield any better it's the same now what we need to do is just get rid of stuff that's really cheap because we want to try to hold on to the most expensive stuff there we go there we go hold on to that I want the fish the fish is exceed by value let's get this and that should be good now can you look at something based on weight yeah let's see well we might have to get rid of the grain or well we'll just be slow we'll just be slow because we're gonna rush over and go to this village let's recruit more troops get some Blandy and recruits and then we can go ahead and buy products and I'll hold on to the fish and grain and olives and cheese but we can just sell all this other stuff just make sure that none of this is better than what I currently have you know there's something really fun about the beginning of a playthrough you know just there's just something really special about it just that fresh start kind of feeling it's awesome and we'll sell the shield too so we're just holding on to food and there we go we made some good money very good money and there's a quest over here in this next village we'll go see it is again we need to try to improve our art renowned and everything so let's recruit troops kind of strengthen up our army okay fifteen is a good number to stay at and then we've got what is this oh delivery okay we can do that we're back to delivering animals this is a really easy question you get like four hundred gold which for us that's a ton that's a ton of gold alright I am I am Tobias I'm so used to saying I'm Apollo I am Tobias who are you okay I will help you alright let's go so I let me look at the quest but I'm pretty sure this is the quest where it's like you need to deliver ten a large truck attention divert at least half okay so to make extra money and where do we need to deliver this to oh we got to rebuild our clan that's right so we have to deliver the herd we've got to do this so you need to deliver at least half the herd okay and we will know what is the city okay here's the city so yeah okay it's tracked okay good so we're how far do we have to go oh pretty far pretty far okay well let's quickly go to the city and sell half of the cattle and make some extra money it's like dude it's like I saw you go to the city and sell half of the herd like that's not cool I go what no well we get some horses too alright so we need to sell five done of course I'm not gonna get any horses I'm gonna save my money and then we are going to quickly rush up to the village and we got to be careful here we have still four wounded okay I'm just not interested in fighting you mountain bandits and I'm gonna wait I mean I don't know when should I become a vassal guys like should I do it now I mean I don't think we should I think I'm gonna wait until I've got at least like 2025 like really good soldiers to kind of fight for me I guess I should be going after these looters huh they're not that scary all right let's go let's go for that army of nine up there there's seven come on group up and face me I know you want to there you go there you go perfect let's attack so just get some more experience get the troops some more experience we got better armor we might find better equipment how fun oh we're in a village okay all right man my army Oh what what are you guys doing please tell me they're not stuck are those my archers what an awesome position do you guys see this they like glitched out on this like what little like storage building this is perfect cabbage you're defending the cabbage okay you as long as you guys fire we're good to go all right they charging us there they are yeah the looters always charge you I'm gonna go ahead and run up and try to get a couple kills try to weaken them a little bit okay it's always the spear looters that scare me the most what are you doing over here you should stay with the pact ah I got hit by it stop oh my god I keep missing that's right okay okay all right easy easy all right men get ready now all my archers firing no it's only one okay I think that might have backfired a little bit honestly oh it's okay we I don't think we took any care what who shot me my archers do that oh they're jumping off now okay well I thought that was gonna be a little better than oh is it still not over area just fast forward I thought um that was gonna go a little smoother here but the archers being up there oh no now they're killing my guys ah I lost two of them that's okay what did we lose we lost one bland table we lost bland Ian that's not good I'm okay with losing Imperial soldiers oh let's not forget all the prisoners yes the prisoners we can sell them off okay let's get the crossbow again we want to try to get a lot of skirmishers ooh let's go ahead and get these juicy crossbows very nice and we should we should sell the prisoners - oh forgot that we can do that again it's been so long okay so we wiped them out let's keep moving we'll sell the prisoners at the city that we're headed to we could get some battalions let's do that let's try to fill in the ranks I think we just lost one troop though so we'll just take all three we're almost at our max which is 20 again I didn't really want to get to that max I like being at 15 16 but right now we're at 18 total so here's the city finally should be pretty safe in here - just fast-forward all right so we need to talk - what is the quest say again we have to talk to [Music] so sorry let me just read it okay his name is Sentra century of anvil okay the anvil okay sorry words are hard uh there she is okay we're here to talk to you here's your heard easy money this should be like four hundred gold right here we're gonna have I think we're doing fantastic guys this has been a great start of this campaign and here's the good news to guys about this campaign I'm gonna have two episodes today now like I said I'm not always gonna have two episodes for this everyday I'm gonna kind of pace myself with this one but I will have two for today so that's gonna be fun I'm Apollo and here's this alright I gained a level two here's my city clothes we got four hundred gold very nice I love that sound okay excellent so mission accomplished we're gonna go ahead and start shifting back to Blandy and territory and we're gonna start and we can go over here is another quest we got down there in the village we're at a thousand three hundred and ten gold oh there's an army moving out ooh there's a bunch of like hold on let me get let me talk to one of these Lords I'm curious if we can become to meet armies during the battle okay hello right oh it like I said they're fighting the battalions already I am Tobias what is this well yes so we know about this item so I'm gonna just okay cool so I could try it okay we yeah we got to wait until before we can we can serve the bland Ian's we gotta up our like you know our oh wait no they're these are not the pattani these are the sturgeons my bad but yeah we need to up our renowned and stuff to be able to pledge our to the great of Landy and Kingdom see if we can catch up to these these guys up here yeah we need to put potentially invest in some horses to make us a little bit faster I think we should do that we might as well go to this village down here and do that because they've got horses ooh sturgeons over here actually um no we don't we don't want their true we have enough troops but what do you have for horses well these are are they considered horses right horse type okay yeah yeah these are all horses cuz I know they like stumper horse though is that we we have the stumped stumped her horse that is considered a horse right okay well let's get a couple horses it's gonna be expensive but the amount of money it's gonna make us is gonna it's gonna be great also it's gonna help improve our caring amount how we doing food we're doing fine so okay and then you know what I'm gonna go ahead and add this horse so I'm gonna have a better horse I'm gonna put you there okay there we go so there we go and then we can talk to train troops ooh I don't like doing the training stuff I'm gonna skip on that I'm gonna go for these looters over here though we should be much faster now we are but we're still kind of lagging behind we need to get more horses huh yeah yeah this is not good it shouldn't take this long to to catch up to them there we go so it's gonna be a little bit of a dark battle but it should go quickly oh okay in the forest all right well let's push up the infantry here the looters like the push very grim oh they're already pushing all right well let's go up here actually archers get up here I'm gonna try to slow them down a little bit by time for my infantry there we go that's the kind of spirits thrust I'm looking for ow it's always the worst when you're going in for a guy you go in for a stab and you get hit by a rock and it just completely throws off your step all right infantry advance oh you know what I've forgot to sell those prisoners we'll do that after this battle come on get him guys get him get him get him oh this guy's running for it no you do not sir who are you we're just trying to make ends meet I'm Tobias okay if I could stupid Mountain No all right well he got away but we didn't take any casualties so that's perfect we're getting more renowned we're getting more morale let's take these prisoners again we can add them to the army but I'm not again I'm a man of honor so I'm not taking any prisoners like that and again we want to get mostly just archers just lots of archers that's gonna make us very deadly against looters we're gonna take all this loot and we're starting to snowball guys we're starting to climb up there I'm gonna go to the nearest city for the Ville and ian's which is going to be I guess uh ox Hall I always wanted to say orcs Hall it looks like you know like a Skyrim name or something but yeah we're gonna head back to the Velandia or I guess Sargon whatever let's just get to somewhere so yeah we'll start shifting over so our seventeen troops still have one wounded pretty soon the first companion I really want more than anything is probably gonna be the the healer definitely want a healer in the army as soon as possible because it's gonna make us um be able to survive more here's another looter force let's go ahead and go after them come on there oh yeah we're much faster now yeah you stand no chance let's attack ooh how fun all fun it's it is refreshing to start over especially knowing all the stuff now but I know now there you go guys set up here archers up on the hill infantry down below wait why are you why are my crossbows up there as infantry I gotta fix that I'll do that after the battle alright they do so much damage to me all right I need to rely on my infantry apparently it's like Tobias you're a terrible night I'm not even a knight yet all right there we go there we go getting crushed and the good thing is like being more of a commander rather than a fighter in these battles it gives your soldiers more experience I would love to have just like a big old juicy halberd or like pole axe as my weapon you know just like stainless steel pole axe whoa look at all the peasants okay we're gonna no we can't we maxed out at 20 well let's get two of them that's gonna that's his mouth that's the amount we can have I'm gonna actually donate these guys to a garrison to try to improve our relations a little bit we'll take these prisoners and we'll get all this loot which we are going to be able to hold and now we keep going where are we headed orcs halt see where let's just go to Tsar God it looks like we're headed toward Tsar god anyways the mountains up here make it very difficult to travel it's very rough terrain ooh stay away from those forest bandits nunu nunu not dealing with the forest bandits so we're gonna ride out and get to Sargon now also with the questline to form our own banner I think I'm gonna do that much sooner probably not in the first couple episodes but like maybe on the fifth episode or something do that much sooner so we can what am I trying to say we can we can get the great banner we can give it to the Eve landings so let's go to the tavern and we're gonna ransom our prisoners very nice easy money there which man we've kind of lost a lot of money but oh it's because we bought those horses but we're gonna be able to trade here and I just want to make sure we don't trade anything too important like food which looks like all we have is grain I could wear some of this head where I mean I don't have any so there we go is this any better I just want to check the loot here before we get rid of it doesn't look like it there we go so 400 gold there how we doing food we got 15 grain we could get a couple more grain just a little bit yeah let's get like 20 I want to try to make some money here and you know what let's also get some desert horses I know that's too much all right we'll get 75 gold out of that but a desert horse is really nice actually I could I could I could ride the desert horse it's pretty good that we have some pretty good riding skills right at the start and we'd get some good horses all right one-handed edge placement one hand increased damage one-handed damage increased by 4% or hit points increased by 3 we get hit a lot I'm gonna go with the hip points make us really tanky let's apply changes what do we got for a party we've got some upgrades and we're also need to check there's somebody here that's like who's considered infantry okay that's like I noticed there was crossbows in the front line I don't know where that is Imperial Archer I don't know maybe it's fixed now I'm not sure okay okay cool and then let's go to the keep and oh you know what I don't think we can that's right we have those peasants in our army but we can't actually donate the peasants until we become a vassal I'm gonna go for these see Raiders they're pretty good they usually have some juicy loot all right let's push for this hill our troops get up here and then infantry down here hurry up there you guys go and we're gonna try to now this the sea Raiders are kind of scary they don't have rocks they have throwing axes so I'm gonna try to slow them down if I can get a kill you know I'll be good but oh no I completely whipped on that yeah they're gonna get some kills on us guys see Raiders were scary even even just seven of them I probably need to rely more on my my archers like just have the infantry behind the archers they've got good armor but I think we lost one guy maybe more maybe it was just the peasants one was a peasant one was a volunteer so we lost our battalions let's take these prisoners they're gonna bring us a pretty penny and let's see what do we want here we want the archer right let's see who gives us the coolest spearmen umm wait what do these guys not become I guess volunteers are just infantry right let's make them a horseman so we'll go with the Pattani and clan warrior and we have a recruit here it's make them a crossbow there we go and then let's make you an archer really just get a ton of skirmishers or so strong oh nice nice yeah we'll take that round shield the rose looks kind of stupid on the round shield and we also have a much better spear question mark yeah it's a little better the Pierce is not as good the length is better and there's a blunt to it so that will help us get more prisoners correct it's slightly better and we guys let's get the scarf here we go this vest is not as good as what we currently have but it's worth 70 and the shoes are not as good we'll take all we'll take everything of course and yeah we'll block the food you guys go you guys earn some wine there I know we lost a lot of couple or we lost a couple brothers there in that battle let's go after these looters and try to quickly get to them we're at 700 gold so what how much gold do we think we need 13,000 for for our first workshop but we're doing good we're doing good it's a slow grind here we go here's another bundle alright like I said I want to rely on my archers more so Bowman up at the front infantry behind all right let's let them go to work why what are you your landing level leve cross woman why are you with the infantry get him boys I'm gonna go ahead and try to pick off a couple data marchers there you go see easy peasy battles with these archers very nice very cool it looks like one of them leveled up to will take the prisoners oh it's level you up yeah see Reiter could join our ranks ooh that's okay we'll save them for gold rather have the gold okay let's go to SAR got and sell our goodies sell our goodies we also leveled up as well so what are we gonna do rioting perfect +6 hit horse hit points that's fantastic we also have two points we can put in well I guess well no let's not do that let's put it into non tactics is good maybe scouting mmm-hmm why is this so high raid caravans recruiting lead bandit troops I'm not leaving bandit troops we can improve the trade a little bit and let's improve our one-handed skill as well make us a better fighter there we go let's go back to the city and we're going to trade and we are going to trade everything that we have except for our food now it will give us 800 gold whoo we're gonna we're gonna climb up here in no time these looters are dropping some good loot let's go kill these guys come here there we go No oh I thought we caught up to him yeah group up group up make it 23 come on Oh 32 I don't know about that I don't know about that um it's the mountain bandits that are gonna be scary and it's night time so archers are not gonna do well and we're in the woods oh no we're not okay oh come here come here come here hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry up let's get up this big hill all right I'm gonna go kill this CAV unit so he doesn't harass my infantry premier buddy I know you got jayvees yeah I wounded him - all right archers have fun that's a huge help right there killing that calf I was like an epic jousting moment there they go if they're firing I think we got this God the archers make it so easy so easy oh I forgot to update that levee crossbowmen that we have who's for some reason with the infantry I don't see him shooting now do we still have them all right - buy more time I'm gonna try to run around these guys come on get them guys get them there you go this is how you deal with bandits all they're breaking hi guys everyone's charged okay I'm gonna let them go that's fine so we didn't lose anybody there holy crap that's a huge help take these prisoners let's upgrade you to crossbow there we go let's go sell these prisoners oh we got so much loot there that was such a good battle such a good battle so let's head off yeah let's go to Sargon and we are going to 2,000 gold we are at 2,000 gold guys we're gonna go ahead and trade our goodies make sure we don't try trading Oh trunks baggy trunks hold on are these better no anything good here no uh let's see let's hold on to the cheese sell everything else okay so that's gonna give us another 700 gold and then we're gonna go to the tavern district and we are going to ransom our prisoners that's gonna put us at 3,000 gold and let's go ahead and like we do and every episode in the tavern have a nice drink oh the Blandy and taverns I like yeah dance dance the prince hey I don't know if you know peace you stranger my name is Tobias sir what about yours yeah sure I come is this a is this a fuse of the retired a new guard captain you know oh this is a companion I'm not sure what his stats are though but yeah let's go sit I'll sit kind of like I'll be the mysterious man this mysterious night in the back corner you know kind of sitting here kind of like Strider and Lord of the Rings eating some bowl of chili or whatever that is but yeah guys thank you so much for watching uh yeah our first episode of our new play playthrough is over hopefully we'll have many many more but this is the start of a brand new epic story I hope you guys enjoy it let me know make some awesome banners I can't wait to see them but thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time on the battlefield [Music]
Channel: Pixelated Apollo
Views: 317,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, campaign, first campaign, pixelated apollo, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, let's play bannerlord, part 1, episode, guide, tutorial, pa, talewords, massive army, siege, siege battle, pitched battle, funny, epic, mod, modded, commentary, first look, medieval, middle ages, total war, shieldwall, strategy, rts, morhau, new, first 30 mins, gameplay, m&b, siege defense, warfare, knights, king, bannerlord guide, how to play bannerlord, hd, campaign gameplay, vlandia
Id: lH_HKyVZq2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 48sec (3168 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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