The Roman Legionary Marcus Agrippa - Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord (Eagle Rising - Rome) #1

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as a boy i knew a united land one emperor one army but as a man i see a leaderless pitis addition with vipers biting around for ounces of gold and power once i had a wife and a child with my own farm too you could smell the fresh produce for miles away that was my lot in life war came barbarians barons and despots uncaring about the plight of the common man rampage drew my field my family was lost to their constant worrying i was at the market attempting to make a living for my family that's when i chose to join up with the army i needed a good sword and shield to fight my enemies i couldn't just throw tomatoes at them i didn't want to believe it by the structure of the army to serve as a legionary was a good change for me the structure camaraderie and perils of combat kept me in check those brothers i served with on the battlefield they're my family now we eat sleep and bleed together in this fields and by the hells we believe that maybe tomorrow we'll get to rest i am marcus agrippa and you'll join me for a time in my story ave hey everyone before we jump in i would like to let you know a few ways on how you can get your own custom characters into my stories here you can become a youtube member you could even become a patron on patreon then join my discord where you can then submit your own character like many have done here also if you would like to get my mod list i'll have it over in my discord server too which is all linked down below anyway i do hope that you do enjoy the video don't forget to click the bell when you sub if you do not you'll never get all the notifications about my current let's play here all right let's get into it now here we are in our story right now marcus is going to begin by being a basic soldier we're not going to be a commander we're not here to become emperor one day i mean you never know what might happen sure but in the very beginning he's got one simple goal to serve his people to protect those around him and our commander is going to be krotor look if you've got a commander he better have a mighty mustache like rotor now here's what we're going to do we're going to join him there's rumor of a siege coming a siege that he's going to participate in which we'll see very soon let's have a look over here i would like to join your ranks i will not let you down he says to me ah excellent i always look for skilled recruits i'm not sure about skills though still it takes courage to come up and ask for it there i'll have my men write up a simple contract then you go to the main officer he will assign you to a sergeant on behalf of the calradian empire i welcome you may you put your sword to good use against our enemies you can count on me i won't let you down now we can leave and have a look over here so if we do have a look over here you're serving as a regular soldier in the army of the caribbean empire your lord is krotor when you are not in battle you have been ordered to assist as novice you're working as a empire levy and your daily wage is only three coins well look at that and we'll be able to do quite a few things over time too there is a soldier camp if you want to you can even begin a mutiny i could deserve i'm not gonna do that just yet so we could train over here we could hunt and fetch food we could request over here new gear we could gamble and we'll see what else we could do over time like over here once i'm level two i can actually leave and i'm not sure how long we're going to serve but i do want to try it out and here we are now we're over here fighting the northern empire we're far from home and i like the idea that i won't always know where i'm at only because i'm just a soldier i've never done that in bannerlord before so here we are now i could go hunt and fetch food if i train i could be wounded which wouldn't be good because we might fight a siege battle what's over here i went hunting with a couple of other soldiers okay so we're leaving now why is that oh our town is under attack so we were going to attack that castle which is not too far from home but now we've got to go fight a battle i am very worried about what might happen of course let's come back over here i've got a new perk point i'll put it over into athletics because i should there we go we've got some inherent skills sure just because i mean look i was a farmer i was able to build strength i'm currently 30 years old and there we go time for a proper battle our numbers are pretty comparable that's terrifying all right let's hope that for one battle i can survive i'm gonna let you know right now it's very likely i'll be knocked out a lot it's just very likely i'm a levy right now eventually i'll get promoted i would like to get promoted i would like to gain more power maybe some new equipment but for now i'm going to serve it won't be an easy life and if there's really nothing going on i'm not going to have all of you watch that for like 30 minutes until something happens so if it gets a little bit too dry then i'll cut right to where there's action just to let you know it's my way of ensuring that all of you are just being properly entertained you know if not i'll have to stand in you know one arena going are you not entertained all right they've got a lot of horsemen over there i'm following now levees we've got auxilia many others over here who are going to fight now obviously i'm going to try to stay alive a living soldier can be a fighting soldier i'll do what i can look at that we're about to be hit on their flank what a cruel group yep shields up why not but we have horseman coming in to help out good timing by the way i dealt some damage i cut him he absorbed 48 damage wow okay i better keep my shield up they've got a lot of throwing weapons pila can do a lot those pylons man they can hurt oh he just got hit he just got knocked down too that poor guy here comes more attacks again we're about to hit them i'm watching my flanks right now but i should probably look ahead whoa again i'm terrified of that knockback that could get you killed easily if you're staggered in the middle of a battle yeah look at those weapons hitting our shields right now they're still hitting a lot i feel like i'm gonna get knocked out of one hit we've been ordered to charge you know what i think we're dead no i'm going to throw a few of these maybe i want to change things up a little bit you know there catch that of course they've got shields too but we should have a nice bonus when hitting their shields that's what i'm hoping for anyway i'm going to do that just for a minute and then i'll charge in but there's just so many to throw i better at least throw a few of them right i think so all right i'm gonna take one more and we'll go in now i could always use it as a melee weapon too that's an option if i wanted to have some reach advantage but do i really want that maybe i don't know all right let's see here who am i gonna hit that guy 44 damage i nearly got him that's a well-trained man he's pretty tough too he's taking a lot of damage and he's not going down all right let's keep on going we've got to try to do something good here today 55 damage i think i hit him like a blood on the head or something i can't really look at where i'm hitting them all right i'm gonna switch over to my blade real quick let's go 35 damage come on i just want one kill they're getting my kills i'm doing some damage it's all a team effort i suppose but i need kills in order to you know gain a little bit more honor got to put some respect on my name all right let's move a little bit switch up my weapon to a throwing weapon all right so right now it looks like we're outclassing them which is a good thing a very good thing at that let's hit something i hit one imperial charger out of anything i could have hit i hit one imperial charger there's a fist enjoy that one all right let's hit a few more of them if we can without actually getting knocked out because right now i don't want to get knocked down because i haven't gotten to really kill anyone yet but that's what happens when you're a levy man man you just kind of get here you're just trying to survive for the longest time all right they got him too i'm gonna take that too and i'm gonna throw right over here i finally got one that was a lot of damage too they don't auto equip my sword whenever i throw those i'm gonna be careful i'm just not used to having only one throwing weapon you know whoa 24 damage okay do we have more to throw because i mean that might be my key all right let's try to get him he's looking at me now oh he just got knocked down that was beautiful i just got charged through what a slow and deliberate battle i love him uh-oh he's looking at me now poor damage i can barely get through his armor but i got him i killed him oh that felt satisfactory i've got to tell you that right now that felt really really good despite you know how little damage i dealt with him we still got him we're outnumbering a few of them now these are very elite and tough soldiers how many more do we need to fight we've barely lost anyone so far it looks like for the very initial battle that we've had here we've got a nice advantage that could always change in the future but for now we're having a good victory it doesn't even really matter i mean it does that we're winning sure but it doesn't really matter that you know things are swinging so hard in our favor it's just one of so many more fights to go and i could be knocked out it's not like it'll impact my bottom line it's only about the bottom line of my faction all right they're pulling back right now so obviously i need to pull back too got him they've got some archers over here whoa no one's here to help me out oh i don't like that i could easily be knocked out i'm just backing up right now i just need someone to distract them for me if they can come on back off back off i've got some friends close by i just need to move towards them okay one is helping out there's another one good they're still not done targeting me oh thank goodness for that i have never felt so outclassed before because i mean like usually we're fighting looters and stuff so now i know what it's like to fight a full-fledged army so now we know what it's like to be a levy whenever we recruit them from villages that gives me a lot more empathy i'm like man i don't want you guys to ever be thrown into the fray you don't really have a chance i can barely hurt these guys i need throwing weapons to actually hurt them you know got him all right i'm getting some kills here we're still fighting some and it's still very deadly i think it's really our horse when it's really getting things done right now for us come on let's go let's get him come on kill him let's go [Applause] ah good as i get promoted and i get better weapons we'll be okay okay we're killing what's left one resounding victory a good sign of fraternities oh wow what's over here that guy's still alive i thought no one would get him we have one fortuitous victory for our faction i don't think i'll be able to catch him oh i did i should have more faith all right well that was a fun fun battle i killed six people in one battle it's so little but i feel so good about it alright they were torn to shreds they were by far too weak which is fine we have not properly met he wants to talk to me how wonderful i gained a level again okay now let's have a look i'll put more points over here because i do like to run quickly whenever i can now let's see oh i've been promoted look at that i'm a vigil now my daily wage is 17 coins my fame is going up too awesome i think for now i would like to not gamble i want to train but i'm not in a good condition for that so i've got to wait for a little bit all right so right now we're off to go defend another town let's do that i am fully healed up now which is great so i can do some training right over here i could request new gear but i feel like my gear should be okay i hope we don't have to fight at night sometimes it can be by far too dark okay so i was hurt in training but i gained experience in athletics and my one-handed skill we'll do it again once i'm fully healed up let's go back now i wonder what the bandages do do they heal me up on the campaign map maybe i'll find out later i'm going to save up my coins right now we're still going to keep on moving on and evidently there's a bit of a visual bug with our party right now but that's okay that's probably due to freelancer but we still see our party we still know where we're going and evidently we're off to go defend bostrom so there's some attack over here thankfully it'll be during the day i'll try to avoid night battles whenever i can because again they can be rather dark there's your army we'll get them right over here okay our numbers are comparable i'm a little bit worried about it wait they have a crow tour too wait which character is more powerful ours has got to be look what i know about tactics and strategy and just combat in general i know that mustaches give you the upper hand so i think we're going to win it and again i've got to be very patient here which i have a hard time with because i like to aggressively attack more often than not when i don't do that it's usually because i've got a bunch of archer so obviously i want to use my archers but we'll see what happens now they want me to hold the high ground okay now i'll try to get a few kills here and there obviously i don't want to charge in and get knocked out early on now is it going to happen absolutely i'm going to get knocked out a lot i could see that happening if i don't then good for me but it's just very likely one stray attack two attacks maybe and i'm out that'll be it for me so we'll see how it all plays i wonder if they're gonna be more aggressive now yeah maybe they're gonna be the ones to attack because we are a little bit outnumbered by their army we do have horsemen now engaging theirs but from what i've seen now of what armor we have in the game it can be quite powerful it can be quite engaging you've got to just stay there constantly attacking them to do any real damage i'm gonna need some more powerful weapons in the future all right i'm buying our skirmishes right now which is what i probably should not be near let's have a look oh yeah they're definitely advancing right now so we're gonna have to watch out and just not get knocked out that's gonna be the biggest goal today to not get knocked out we've got our soldiers over here all of our comrades fighting together and hopefully we can do it i think we can do it i've got some better equipment today it's not great yet though yeah if you've seen my other campaigns you know what i do in the very beginning i take my time building up my party we slowly fight i usually get to like a max tier or close to it before i begin my own faction that's always been my cycle but now we're doing something completely different so i wonder how that's gonna play out and they're not quite advancing yet so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go out and just have a look around oh here they come now that's imposing that's pretty scary but they're advancing now they're moving in they've got throwing weapons too so i'm gonna have to watch out for those as well those are gonna hit us all right i'm gonna keep my shield up but if you have a look at my massive cavs they are prime targets for enemy attacks too and already they're getting a few of her horsemen not a good start so far we could even lose i mean i'll do my best to survive but we'll see oh era she got dysphorian well good job i suppose they're nearly here i'm so used to dealing with like 200 damage with my two ended sword back in my blandian campaign so going back to such a low damaging weapon is going to be pretty different and strange for me so i'm going to watch out on our flanks i'm going to watch out in the middle too i'm going to have to try to carefully pick up what kills i can because we could end up losing we could end up being pushed back and that's obviously very bad oh boy there we go it's time one damage look at that one entire damage whoa hey don't hit me do not appreciate what you're bringing to the table today all right guys all right i was hoping to hit him but that did not happen there's a guy coming after me that's a legionary he's very well trained i however am not my team will hopefully be back here behind me i'm hoping anyway i don't know if that's true or not i'm backing up i can't beat him alone it's just it's not gonna happen i dealt 20 damage and that was pretty good all right so we got him there it looks like right now we are not winning the initial attack oh i got him a principe nice okay i like that despite our losing situation right now i'm pulling back real quick we've got our ranged units but they're going to be hit hard and i could stay out there and get knocked down but i'm choosing to not do that you've got to survive to be a long-lasting veteran and soldier all right let's hold on they're still doing a lot of ranged attacks and look at that that knockback is so devastating they're doing a pretty good job with it i'm gonna try to stay over here we could have a few throw weapons to hit them with that would be awesome but i'm just having to deal with it oh yeah we've got to regroup now okay well look at that we're now regrouping we're pulling back i was able to hit someone i've been able to avoid damage so far oh we've got to go don't we yeah if we could keep it together if we could somehow regroup be okay using range attacks to actually really whittle down their numbers that would be the primary thing that we need to have accomplished here if you want to stay alive hey i don't have the skill to actually ride that mount come on you've got it i believe in all of you so they want me to hold the high ground where i don't really know yet but yeah look at that they've got a new wave on the way too so we'll see how it plays out we've got any more throwing weapons i'll pick them up can i pick that up i can cool well thank you all right there's a guy that i would like to kill if i could i don't think i can get him i would like to though oh he's looking at me now he knows i'm here their army is moving back they're going to regroup maybe we'll fight on the field of battle i don't really know yet we'll see in a moment i really want to hit him but again he's got his shield i don't think i could hit him holy crap look at that army hey buddy how's it going oh i got him heck yeah all right that felt amazing all right let's go now i need to get out of here whoa oh no oh my god how far can they throw that might be too far that's incredible skill those are big weapons i thought like maybe they would like use them up close but here they oh what hit me my leg i told you my legs are primary targets for them all right i'm gonna have to just back up with my shield or something i'm gonna grab that too how far can i throw mine i have no idea but anyway i'm getting out of here my leg is sore they're attacking good job we're not doing a great job right now i really hope we can pull this through man if we lose it i'll feel bad i wonder if i'll be captured i don't know what's gonna happen to me i'm using freelancers so again i don't really know what's gonna happen yet it'll take experience and time for me to understand all right let's have a look again you see that we're like shadowing flickering i have no idea what that's from i think this map always has that issue for whatever reason i was hoping to get him didn't quite get him though all right i could pick it up again there he is i got his horse all the horse went flying he's about to go down there's no way they got him oh wait wait what was that was that a throwing spear i don't know where it went off to anyway it's around somewhere uh-oh don't do it back off here comes their army now we do have the high ground i wonder if that's going to help out with their movement up the hill if they'll actually slow down enough to let us get a lot of kills because right now my our slingers i can't say my because i'm not commanded them but our slingers on our side they seem to be doing okay so far pretty cool come on there's the levy again they're doing their business they're not in a great location but oh man that might be the change up that we need hopefully i don't know though they're pretty close already we'll see in a moment oh yeah they're about to engage good job slingers man oh now we're charging oh god all right let's see i'm terrified at the moment charging down oh we're losing so many already no i don't want to lose the battle let me command i know i'm new but i feel like i could do a better job than you all right let's see here got that guy doing some some damage right now that's really all i can do is just deal some damage and try not to get knocked out oh there's victorians man obviously i need to avoid them wow come on i want to kill that guy oh heck yeah we got some forces spawning in right by them some horsemen too that might be the change that we need come on men get in here oh we need you we need you now i mean fighting the empire is always going to be bloody i don't know how we did so well in that first battle versus now but that does terrify me i mean i was hoping to fight barbarians or whoever else but we're fighting our own here thankfully we do have them surrounded they made a bad call today coming way over here that was a good call for us though [Applause] got him i'm cutting down a few i'll obviously want to cut down more i'm going to chill bash him i need that stun to last you know let's get him got him another dead levy man he's gone too we're not done yet got him another one dead i'm killing so many it's like a full-on route over here let's try to get more of them oh try to hit me don't be rude we have more to kill got him too that's what i'm looking for come on man we could do it the empire is gonna rise today and hopefully tomorrow if we've got time all right wow okay they've got another wave if we could reform and do a good job we could win this one today i was very concerned about how that was going to go because it initially just didn't go very well but i think because they over committed that's where it ran into our favor oh they got him cool okay well thank you i got a few kills 12 kills really hey good for me all right shield up got a fresh group to fight we're losing a few now i could go after a few of the range units that'll probably be good oh here's a guy try to shield bash them just to keep them busy just to kind of mess them up a little bit that's a good way to let your allies join into the attack it's nice to get kills sure but sometimes you just need to shield bash to ensure that you know you're dealing with the damage you need to be dealing all right let's see 83 yeah 83 damage let me grab more i'm going to grab more of these real quick if i can just to get some attacks going oh that didn't hit anyone all right i'm gonna grab that now [Applause] wait that didn't really hit anyone i thought it would okay well never mind let's try to grab this one now let's go over here that went over okay that was my bad i'm just like throwing stuff right now i'm just getting a little bit wild you know all right so we have another one [Applause] let's see got him that was great right in the shoulder that was a lot of damage too yeah dude oh my god that was terrifying i can't believe we did it hopefully this map will be fixed so the little shader effect isn't so strange but what that is we did all right i got 13 kills our crow tour did win the casualties were pretty high sure but i think we did it hello xeno all right i've been promoted again i'm going to be a legionary thank you look at my wage now 46 my service level is three my popularity has gone up big time which is a good awesome let's go back over here let's see yeah i've served a lot in here i wonder if i could i have no idea i've killed 19 enemies so far huh as a novice huh gamble i lost again but not a lot reassignment we'll see what that's about eventually but let's move on i suppose i'm fully patched up so now what do i want over here i'll gamble again i've lost again which is fine i mean one day it might work out reassignment okay interesting i'm a novice right now earn basic combat skills oh it's so cool secure order within the army i could become a trainer a quarter master an engineer yeah so that gives me different ways to train up my skills alright so i do want to work naturally on my athletics i'll keep on doing that for now yeah i'm gonna keep that going up man whoever made the freelancer mod buddy you did a great job wait why do you not like me i have no idea training hurt badly oh that really did hurt badly okay yeah we've just done a good job i think i think overall we're gonna be able to prosper and you know really rise up into ranks i have no idea you know what happens after i get maxed out do i get to keep my gear or what because i mean that would be a great way to define an early campaign we'll fight for one lord right now krotor we're still fighting in that one army different mercenaries are no longer trying to attack my family which is probably a good thing i don't have a very large family my family is deceased at the moment who knows if we'll ever remarry or you know find friends or love i mean it could happen but i have no idea what's going to happen now we're not fully healed up yet let's see we're off to go defend a castle we haven't done anything really offensive yet it's been all reactive what's over here now embers of the flame yeah sure don't attack me probably a good idea i'm getting more skills again we're just traveling along and if you look at it we've got a nice little section of power but if you look at the map proper there's so many different things that we could be doing right now i mean there's a lot of different enemies around the map i do like this more divided map and there's more talents too so that should give more power to people as to begin to you know really amass more territory to help out their side all right so right now we're heading off over to a castle one castle understood it shouldn't be too difficult shouldn't be too hard it's not too far away right now all right so that would be our offensive move and hopefully we'll build to quickly take it it didn't take long to get here as soon as we arrived and they were able to build up their battering ram they sent us in it's a very small garrison but we did make it over to the castle we just had to wait a bit for that to actually be built up i'm not always going to wait up for things to be built up on its own they've given me some pretty decent weapons too by the way have a look at that i'm not going to throw them in just yet i could get a little bit closer and try it it's dangerous i could take some damage even get knocked out let's see can i hit him let's find out there we go heck yeah i've got one more throwing weapon oh he's aiming at me don't do it don't do it pal all right i'm gonna move a bit we'll move over here the battering rim is not quite here just yet if there's anyone easy for me to take out i'll get him i suppose like that guy got him there's my two kills yeah having those throwing weapons is a big change but have a look at me now i feel so much cooler than i was i've got my blade i've got everything i need and here comes our force we're pretty strong as it currently stands i've got only one good eye but i see everything that i need to all right they're about to break in that's a good thing we could try to bring up the ladders i could take some damage doing that but let's see where are ah here they are i was wondering where they were at but they're right over here yeah they're moving up now i could charge in i could be like the first one in i just took 28 damage though oh dear i can't block everything so i've got to like move around and just hope oh no another hit okay so they're targeting over there gotcha i'm going up don't worry about me come on don't you sling at me fool got him dead slinger let's get these guys now oh he got me too what a tough guy huh we got him you're one tough sob you've got a weapon inside of you and he's like yep and i like it like that too bet you do you freak all right a fork you know what i'm not hungry i'm gonna leave that fork alone [Applause] 19 damage not a lot i'll take it hey are you okay he's like nope i want to die all right whenever you get in suddenly you can't really see for a brief moment all right let's get him come on i want to kill someone oh wow they nearly got me i'm about to die actually let's back up don't you attack me with your freaking archery yeah he's looking right at me i got a little bit too aggressive i think all right they got him now it's over for him i got him in fact haha there we go my kill count is going up there's just so few here it's not like a true challenge oh i fell oh no my first real knockout i slipped off sounds about right it happens gravity is a very powerful foe if i can't beat gravity and we won two that was it i got five kills though all right we don't need to retreat we're just gonna wait for it all to end i think we're done right is there like someone that we're trying to get that we haven't gotten yet okay now we're good all right i gained one renown well good i saved your next okay well good i'm glad i gained more charm for that we're still waiting now obviously i've got to patch up i've killed 23 enemies already my popularity is really going up i'm a legionary my daily wage is 54. i mean we haven't been into too many battles and i've already got a decent amount of kills my relation with them has gone up which is nice legion of the trade huh all right so now where are we going kyra okay we might be finding some other people in the desert later that could be a very interesting campaign am i gonna fight here forever probably not but i think i would like to get to max rank i think that would be pretty fascinating and interesting let's go back real quick so we're not fully healed up yet right i am going to gamble though i didn't win one day though one day oh it does patch me up cool all right i like that i was wondering i finally did test it out all right so we're going to train up and train again cool i've made a decent amount of money too good for me right all right i was only hurt a little bit i could easily pay for more bandages and just keep on training until i become some type of supreme god of war let's see let's have a look at my skills real quick all right i'm gonna put another point over here my throwing is okay i'll put a point over into vigor right now there we go i'll take that too all right let's wait now we're at 94 percent i'm not talking to any leaders right now we don't really need to i just want to be promoted more i wonder what the milestones are to be promoted but 54 per day is actually pretty decent you know all right so we're still traveling there's another army the kerguet again all right time to gamble one day one day i'll win but i am gonna keep on training no matter what we're heading over here maybe for food or something i have no idea man we're still alive blood's good so now we're going to koticia people are getting married out there in the world we're just visiting a few locations there's a few mountain bandits close by i could get a leave of absence but we're going to keep on serving i'm going to see what we're going to have in store very soon we're coming over here to defend a castle i can't believe how long the army's been together oh boy yeah fighting the empire as the empire is quite challenging because again our force of arms are really comparable all right but now i've got even more weapons than before our plan is to attack with full force yeah sure so we need to advance right now if i'm careful i can get a few decent kills we can hold up and i'm really impressed with how good the armor looks good on them very exciting all right so we've got to win another battle i wonder if i'll get promoted again maybe i don't know how far it goes but if they let me keep my armor early on that can make a dramatic change i doubt they will but if they do hey awesome regroup very well let's wait i'm not going to be that greedy and cruel to leave my brothers alone we're gonna fight together our horsemen are out there doing their business i've got two decent throwing weapons my you know pila can really hurt some enemies i like throwing a lot i haven't done that for quite some time and i could also use it as a melee weapon directly too so i've got a few options you know oh there's a horseman yeah come back over here i've got something for you all right he's not back i wonder what our short mid-term and long-term goals are going to be you could even tell me if you've got ideas if you've seen what this character is like and you've got some aspirations for him then you can definitely share that you'll also meet some different people over time i usually have companions we incorporate quite a bit not right now of course but got his mouth had to get his mouth you know he had to go all right they'll easily bring him down now a lot like that oh he was knocked down and just completely butchered awesome i got him killed and i don't feel bad about it i can't feel bad about it we've got insurrections if you have anything that's close to an interaction but not quite that then you're gross shame on you it's a battle come on can i pick up that one as well let's see if i can that would be awesome cool all right that allows me to strike a few more especially if they come at us you know then we could really really get them the faster we get them the faster we can actually get into the mainstay part of the battle where we can you know exchange a few feelings of hatred and mutual disgust you know like dealing with your ex-wife all right so there's our enemies there they are a few horsemen still being annoying and there's a big hill of imperials how deadly all right we're moving up it feels interesting to be playing as some type of imperial faction again last time i did that was around this time i played a solo very different type of character now we're playing someone who might serve zola right now still running around huh very busy huh buddy yeah all right shield up that's a lot of them man that's a lot of them look at those weapons and we're the ones attacking today hopefully we'll be okay why would you charge in use your ranged attacks but i'm not the commander i suppose whoa watch out calm down i'm gonna throw something for fun got him all right let's see i'm going to move in again i'm going to grab some more throwing weapons because those are very good for me in case i need to pull back too got him too pretty cool all right let me pick oh i wanted to pick that up if i can get to that one in time that'd be awesome okay cool let's switch it over to a throwing weapon i keep doing that by accident my bad got him another dead empire levy not really what i need to go after but it's what i hit you know oh and optio plus defense i wonder if they like add in special stats which is pretty interesting and cool all right moving to range gotcha so we're pulling back right now we've got to relocate i got a few choice kills i think that was pretty interesting but look at what was left on the battlefield i don't have my corpses to being set to you know being there permanently i'm gonna change that up because i like to see the chaos it's really like one of the more visually interesting parts of a battlefield just seeing what happened and where you once fought and it just adds a layer to it that i like a lot all right let's see our side we haven't lost nearly as many thankfully [Music] i wonder what's been in our favor outside of you know having me here oh they're pursuing this right now yeah we definitely need to pull back now we do need to regroup movement move get into position i'll take these thank you all right i'll grab that one too i should i need to i can hold two they're just very handy for getting a couple of choice kills no questions like if they hit they usually do get a kill very few exceptions happen let's hold on let's wait here they come now shield up again oh another wave on the way come on men for the empire for the empress too i want to go home tonight eat some growl and by home i mean our marching camp but there they go now another charge get them cut them up all right i'm gonna try to flank someone if i can i'm gonna get around try to hit someone i think we're getting them i think it's working out they're pushing back a little bit you know oh whoa who hit me oh these guys did okay i see him now look we're all kind of comparable in looks here it's kind of hard for me to know whoa i thought i had him there all right i'm trying to get my shield out in time he got me there got him whoa now that was a duel he dropped like a rock maybe his name was rock i don't know i won't judge got him too now i'm getting kills heck yeah the empire is strong i am one of many links my end will not break their ends maybe i don't know oh that felt so good there's only a few left to cut down now like that guy come on pontus go down well that was the good stuff you know that's what i was looking for the action that i wanted very impressive my friends you've done a good job today and i am proud of you regroup again why regroup pursue what is left but i suppose if you want to all right i've taken a lot of damage each battle has been kind of a nail biter for me because it's about me i'm not worried about my side i'm more worried about me no i mean obviously i do want my brothers in arms to succeed and do well but if i'm out i can't do anything to contribute to the outcome oh have a look at our signup i can't stop looking at them they're just really cool to have i love that advance again okay let's go hey nerd got him there's another guy right into our formation okay i mean that's your prerogative buddy that's what you want to do if that's what you want to dedicate your life to to a short life then okay that's it man we won the battle that was our final you know foray [Music] that was a fine affair many would be proud of that i think wow all right let's hold on we just have a few horsemen to take on yeah i can't ride that yet one day though one day i'll i'll be there could use it as a spear or just throw it we're looking at how many five left we're held up by five enemy horsemen okay all right if we've got a b then i suppose we've got to be you know [Music] i'm just gonna wait for them to take care of them and then we'll be out of here if i could throw something at them i'll do it not a problem i'm more than willing to commit what i have in my arsenal yeah they're out there on the flanks currently it's pretty wild to see how long it takes to actually get them if i'm commanding it wouldn't take that long at all i wonder if we're out of like stones for our slingers it's usually ranged attackers can knock them down pretty fast [Music] so we've got someone over here we're looking at again five left i'm not gonna retreat that would be weird four left now i'm just trying to see if i can be fortunate enough to get one regroup again okay they got another one it's a pretty open field i feel like i definitely want to get some auxiliary horsemen whenever i do get my own command i wonder what that might be if there's any system for that to join an army or something and have your own command even a tiny one okay so now we're regrouping everyone's getting together i've killed seven people let's have a look at our kills real quick while we wait let's see pilots prior eleven rotor killed two good for him hey all right so we did regroup and rather quickly as well i thought that might take a little bit but no there's only one enemy left one hot head oh it was a lord well that was worth it then all right cool let's get out of there in the future if it takes that long i'll cut it out but i just want you to see what i might have to deal with from time to time so we won that no promotion wow okay all right fine i'm not mad i was hoping no mutiny for me yet my theme has gone up my loyalty has gone up to my popularity too a noble right i lost again that's okay let's see here i would like to patch up sure let's do it again done claim noble right i have no idea what that is about huh does that make me a proper noble maybe it does i don't really know nothing really feels any different i might find out in time but anyway new gear i'm going to train again because i need to train up all the time and now we're going back to mantola i'm not going to leave yet i've killed 30 enemies so far i'm going to keep on gambling listen i'm a soldier we get bored we can be pretty bored yeah i'm going to survive well that's a good thing now we're going to o'near if we have a look at the map right now i think we're doing well in the war i have no clue i can't really tell but here's my clan i own nothing right now one day though one day all right we're traveling around we're not attacking anyone directly we're going to a nero i'm a regular soldier i wonder if that implies that i could do something to not be a regular soldier that could be cool what now keep making peace over there again i have no idea what that's about all right patch me up again we'll train again i'm gonna keep on training i'll take advantage of my time here okay that gives me one more perk point i'll put that over into i suppose one-handed i should and now it's done all right let's keep on traveling so now we're going to kyra and i could get some time off but i wonder what happens if they leave and i'm not in the party i feel like that would lead to a few issues one day i'm gonna win a bet okay one day i've got to be service level five a strategist huh yeah i would love to become one i think that would be great oh wait look at that empire praetorian interesting so i do have that nice rank and title i like that so kurtore what are we going to do today we're no longer in the army we've got our own group i have no idea what he's going to be up to at the moment where'd he go i'm gonna gamble again i'm gonna go hunt for some food too is he just like chilling out here maybe he is i don't know i went hunting with a few other soldiers it'll take 16 hours i'll gain experience too so it does take a long time but if they need food i'll get him some food i was injured a bit okay well it happens all right i'm not going to desert i guess he was waiting over here all right understood so now we're part of a new army and now we're going to go besiege lycaren alright we've got over 200 range units that's pretty shiny all right i'll keep on losing bets no i make so much that it's okay if i happen to win great oh there's a bunch of generals over here all in one group my current is how far fairly far away hopefully they'll actually complete that siege i think that would be cool so let's wait for that to happen once we're back we'll finally be able to attack lycorand our journey is going to continue our life as a legionary is a difficult one but i do find purpose in it and i would like to thank all of you for being here for my story and i shall see all of you very soon ave
Channel: SurrealBeliefs
Views: 707,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord walkthrough, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord gameplay, Let's Play Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Playthrough, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Episode 1, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Part 1, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Mods, vlandia bannerlord, mount & blade ii: bannerlord, lets play bannerlord, eagle rising, bannerlord roman mod, roman legionary, life of a legionary, roman campaign mount and blade
Id: 04lce2A6BFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 47sec (2987 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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