Discussing The Best Season to Visit Japan [Ft. JakenbakeLIVE]

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hey guys welcome to TCT time yeah so today we have two brand new guests on our panel I don't believe you've ever seen their faces before it you're brand new here first we have Judy my can you tell us a little bit about yourself I work um in the operations department with she ot at Tokyo creative so yeah yeah I know just started right exactly this week so exciting so yeah that's Judy and we have for you again oh I'm just Jade don't worry about me all the time right now Jake you've been here all the time and we love having you so we've got Jake back again I'm Shizuka hopefully you remember by now and now we have Kelvin you're a new on until you're creative as well how do you spell that yeah it's with a k so APL yeah yeah yes I'm like the measurement of Pete so that's the one yes oh yeah there's a brand in Australia called the Kelvinator and when I was a kid loose puck yeah yeah yeah yeah kelvinator right yeah so what are you doing Tokyo um well I'm a voice actor so yeah I'm originally from australia and I came here couple days ago I was actually exchanged Jun here okay 14 you I mean OH a number of years ago more than I want to admit which I probably just admitted yes I was an exchange student here actually in Yamagata many many years ago so I've come back here I'm having experience living in Australia and doing voiceover work there for the last 10 or years is I've been here doing heaps of different types of voiceover work respecting the cool awesome that's why you've got this nice smooth voice yeah so I can tell you that you should buy anything and everything and make sure that you're listening and watching to take your crazy exactly yeah good and I'm sure we can yeah we I'm really jealous I he's older than me values look that way and you like a better hairline like sorry it's like thanks Jenkins that's very nice very very flattering so anyway we're actually going to be talking about the best seasons to visit Tokyo or Japan in general I think all of us are gonna have totally different responses each season in Japan has something interesting to offer so I think any season you come to Japan really could be quite fun but there's some better seasons than others probably I don't know what my favorite season is actually no answer do you know yeah Jake knows what's your what's your favorite season oh we just starting right now yeah well it's spring and fall there is too damn cold in summer is too damn hot spring has the flowers and fall as well pretty much nothing but it's nice wall has some some really nice like colored leaves doesn't everyone solve all the rage about I care about this but the weather's good I'm not like I'm I don't wake up in the morning beg oh I can take a look at some colored leaves you know I'm like I can't wait to go get some nice but I definitely like really nice people on this guy's skirt screwed screwed okay really interesting spring in spring and fall just never really is just wet it I mean like temperature is important I mean the secreto are like the cherry blossoms is nice in the spring Paul I really don't have anything it's specific I like in the fall but uh I like waking up and like feeling comfortable throughout the day not worry about sweating too much or having to work so many layers and like right that's just that's true like I'm hassle I guess it's like that's Chris mornings but because the sun's end is actually nice and warm ya know throughout winter it's like even with the sun's shining through still drugged up and you like and it's any sign of sunshine like just like you know families meerkats in the end I get off like oh God five minutes of Sun and that's it for the whole day yeah you know it's actually really beautiful get mention and it's interesting because in Australia the obviously the seasons are I'm Australian you know that I'm Australian and do a schooi you have Australian citizen I mean I did issue a damn Australian shoot alright okay so yes interesting cuz um you know just obviously when it's spring here it's the opposite in Australia so now that's coming to spring almost feels quite weird for me you know with the seasons even though you know and and you get proper seasons here so in Australia we don't if you live up north of Australia it's almost constantly hot mm-hmm and then right down south where I was born and raised in Melbourne you actually get these Leicester hipster hipster yeah thing is everyone a hipster in Melbourne yeah there's there's a perception that we all a lot yeah right so I I escaped didn't shave my beard so oh good good you get quite often get those four seasons in one day in Australia it was certainly an elven so here it's really nice one game in one day but we just call it's four seasons one day you can kind of have raining in the morning and it's sunny then it's windy and then hailing it's just it's just nuts yeah but it's really nice to come here and actually have full seasons although the summer is incredibly humid it's true right but that actually brings up an interesting point though in Japan um most Japanese people are very proud of their four seasons like it's it's such a big thing and sometimes they'll ask you if you come from a different country or do you have seasons it's not that rare I feel like there's a lot of places to have some kind of a change in the season in my a lot of people do come here for the seasons as well right like people love the winter here because the snow is amazing mm-hmm and for the fall obviously the fall leaves spring is the Sakura and summer yes there's summer festivals yeah I really like it for yeah so yeah I guess across the globe everyone loves and Japanese seasons pretty much yeah thing that's great about Japan is like not only are the seasons really distinct they celebrate each one recording Lee yeah so there's always something unique in each season like you know flower festival Sakura festivals in the spring you can do henna me like have a picnic out in the under the trees which is really nice yeah it's beautiful I think with um given it up I think a lot of Japanese culture they've worked so hard they do have these seasons they have these festivals it's actually time for them to spend time with their families you see these huge communities they get out and they really do celebrate it because they have such little time to actually do it so I think they really sort of embrace the idea of I'll it's this season so we need to celebrate it yeah like we should actually yeah I have five minutes away from the desk yeah you know and they they really do embrace and the communities get together where I live I live near a beautiful park and throughout the seasons I have all of those you know quite often they have those festivals and it's just so lovely you know and especially as a foreigner who lives here when you kind of get to embrace the the culture with the seasons I mean that's it's like a combination of not just the season as you said it's the festivals that come with the the seasons and it's the all the events that that happened with it which is which I absolutely love because you kind of get that a nice community sense which you can be missing sometimes I yeah very true yeah actually definitely like each season brings a community kind of collaboration to celebrate like there's there's a different festival on each season too and usually each lik community will will organize them and they work together and then celebrate together as a family so it's really fun every season yeah but totally agree yeah but you know each season is great but are there some for you guys there but stand out a little bit more I used to think that it was spring as well because that's when you can kind of go back out into the mountains and start hiking and doing oh that's always stuff I've got some friends here and there's a thing called the cup commuters on Purdue's the hundred famous mountains and so there's like a website for it I've forgotten what it was cold but I've got some avid hiker friends and it's just so lovely because you can be stuck in Tokyo which can wear you down cuz at times it's a great sitting and it's amazing for work and opportunities and things like that but you really do need to get out of the city I feel my life so now I really love that because it's you can go out into the mountains and you can kind of go out for a day and be out in the wilderness and it kind of refreshes your you go right out and go and have an onsen still because it's still cold enough that you can have one of those at the end of day every new day so right um I think that's that would probably be definitely be my favorite yeah I guess yeah spring is probably one of the most popular you think like it always seems to win by a landslide yeah yeah I mean especially because of the cherry blossoms right yeah everything's cherry blossom themed even like Starbucks coffee but your step like watch a staircase at a multi Ulpia a tree in the background definitely monetize on spring they put by giving the coffee machines they keep the SUP coat of paint yeah I have like suckered up coffee oh this is the season for I still know what the hell the flavor what's up how do you taste - Cherry Bomb he's like you say we go and actually cherry blossom is like cherry blossom leaves with it and my overall gets a rap yeah a cherry blossom leaf but they use the actual cherry blossom to flavor them Lachie yeah so they do a lot of that you don't like these yeah they're edible but they use them in a lot of desserts in Japan so there's like a good light floral flavor maybe as a traditional like old school like ages okay yeah lots of old desserts that are flavored with that cherry blossom so they're edible yes new things all the time so that's one thing you can look forward to if you do come to Tokyo in the spring there's cherry blossom themed everything and cherry blossom desserts everywhere like Sakura cakes you do not those at pretty much any pastry shop Starbucks as well always has a secretary cake yeah and Sakura flavored drinks are also everywhere and not just Starbucks literally everywhere um so yeah those are if you like that kind of seasonal dishes like a lot of those in the spring themed stuff mm-hmm I guess there's themed everything in Japan yes yeah they love these like they're very good with the commercial stuff so true but so do you have a favorite so far like do I have a favorite in terms of festivities maybe the summer mm-hmm because man I mean despite it being so humid and you're probably sweating out gallons per day the activities are so fun and there are the fireworks which are probably one of the best in the world yeah yeah yeah it was huge like two or three-hour yeah festivals were there it's like a competition - yeah it's like what at one end one of the other tying up each other like we're helping my phone I think those are really unique to Japan oh I mean obviously there are fireworks everywhere but you know in terms of my firework competitions and like here it's not festive music festivals it's like festivals where you celebrate a day or just community gathering kind of thing that's what you would think of as a festival yeah yeah and those are really good because there are lots of good foods you can beer yeah a good beer what about baby sports you like to have any favorites like for someone like dudududu you're sort of further down south like sort of somewhat like so I'm actually trying to I've travelled a bit of Japan but have much I've done a little bit this summer stuff yet I really used it tonight I think I gained some that I'm actually going to those juices I'm actually the same - I've only been - unless you want where the beaches for the summer but I'm pretty sure like other places in Japan have beautiful beaches yeah I think um Tokyo Tokyo beaches aren't known to be like great usually you need to go more I don't know yeah like more rural areas to find really clean beaches Tokyo's are clean but not that clean but sushi is a famous place to give each it's kind of near Yokohama area I think sushi ish like in that direction yeah but so I think for me as well summer is probably one of my favorite seasons in Japan now and the reason actually it changed when I first came to Japan from Canada that's where I'm from some are here was brutal and and that's just because some are in Canada doesn't get that hot I mean it can get to about like 30 degrees Celsius or something but it's dry so it's very comfortable yeah 30 is not that bad I guess compared to here here it's been way worse I mean 41 door you prepared yourself just actually like I'm ready to do this I can take this on and then you walk out you have a five five steps and you like drenched yeah yeah yeah and you're just blasted with heat sometimes any step outside you'll be coming off the buildings yeah usually won't pass one of the buildings and you get that like it's a radiating the heat oh yeah I feel like you know as a pedal white man yeah I can get burnt just off you know like a the reflection coming up hey let the Sun feel you brother yeah suck you've got more five minutes down the road and you look like a lobster and you're like oh this is ridiculous I'm just standing a student building just getting cooked listening like a statement piece near here in the summer really yeah why I don't know but I've never gotten ten during Japanese summers right well let's see you're from LA and I guess it's sunny like every single day yeah I actually get burnt they're like pretty bad but here I think it's because of the humidity I don't know I think that yeah the main thing in Tokyo in the summer is a that's rough about the summer is the the humidity it's not so much the temperature some days it's like thirty one or two yeah and like 80% humidity and it really it feels like you just walked into a sauna it's it's rough if you're if you're not used to living in like hot hot country like in Asia yes this could be a really new thing and it kind of a struggle to yeah especially if you have a walk to the station quite often when you you know you start renting for the first time here in Japan it's always how far are you away from a station will depend on how much you know your rent may be more or less so you know the further you are away the further walk that you have to a train station which is usually a mode of transport you know you can yeah I I generally take you know just a spare t-shirt or something like that just in case I've sweat through too much okay Ramona towels on their nose yeah not the heat tech stuff but the the dry tech yeah yeah as well as it may sound crazy but you know trust us you know that that's it's a good trick to have just in case so at least when you rock up the work and certainly my work you know calm even jump from one studio to another and so you want to kind of rock up not looking like you're totally de-stressed yeah you've melted some towel and you like just like walk into the nearest convenient like there's self-doubt yeah it's a muddy owner andand put a mutation I'm going out there let's do this job but no that's really gonna struggle like if you in Tokyo you're often walking yeah if you're lucky you can catch a cab I don't know in the summer but it's rough because everyone's when we try to get off of the streets and the heat so you're walking everywhere taking the trains and the trains are also another struggle because you're just crammed into the trains are you talking about this vision yes yeah in rush hour you're just stuffed in the trains and everyone is sweating like wet socks that's worse because they have no armpits so you I'm conscious of making sure at least I smell good yes smell all right because my you know most people it turns out yeah a lot shorter than I am yeah I'm about six foot two really yeah breathing space I mean well but also just remember that hate Rises oh yeah I'm usually in a cloud of everyone else's hate and smell well you get a lot of different yeah I've always just gasping for air and that you know the divine bill is everything is like yeah you sort of go from the next to the next station and hope for the best swear I did usually yeah oh it's stress well usually need to reapply yeah and use this you know it's really helpful are those powder wipes if they sell them at convenience or have you know they have a go to your face like they're kind of mint polish now you put it on it's like the wind hits you like whoa they're cooling and it's it's kind of a genius invention and they also have like a powder in them so they absorb your sweat that's so cool and then they have a nice fragrance so you can like freshen up after you sweat they're coming with showers gage took a homeless shower break came here they have all these things and Japan like to how to bear with the seasons you know for example for the winter there's hole cut all yeah the heat packs and then I guess for the summer there's the there are all these ways we can deal with the seasons even if it's extreme right yes yeah those little pain packs actually food speaking of the season winter those are just Heaven Sent you can propose a heat packs into your pocket yeah into your coats and you see there under sort of oh yeah and it's nice and warm yeah especially I'm actually having thing skiing before I came to Japan so actually we just been coming in as a close second for me now in terms of you know as a season because of being able to hop out on a train yeah especially the like to our package the tour packages with the Shinkansen and the hotels and you go out to the the snow fields and it's pretty reasonably priced but it's so cold up there obviously yeah even though you hopped on a bullet train for an hour going and how fast I go you're still out in the so when you're like if you're if you do get the chance if you come over here by them so that when you're on the ski lift or something like that you have to take off your gloves yeah you keep your hands nice and warm for the next for the next run but the winter is also extremely beautiful yes no it is like going out into the mountains seeing everything covered in snow it's just is pretty stunning especially if you come from a place where you don't get exposed to that very often straining is really not very exposed to the fake ice that that's sprayed on the mountains I think yeah I think but but not certainly not as much as it is here so you can kind of it no hoping a train and so you're out and now and you're right in the middle of that yeah it's so trail freshness of the air that's yeah that's actually one thing that some the other thing that's really cool about Japan is that you can experience some very vastly different like temperature like temperature zones you can in the country um Tokyo is probably the most mild I would say well in the winter here from LA yes pretty cold still for you yeah I mean today's like a nice medium this morning I woke up like I was out the door like 7:00 so yeah I was pretty good little bit normally nice right now yeah yeah do you time during this season is really nice and the evenings and mornings are super cold yeah yeah but the the great thing is like if you want experience like real winter you can always go to the north of Japan in Hokkaido Oh woody you know not a chance never go in there so there's so like she's amazing and they have the Snow Festival and yeah rice festival businesses mm-hmm yeah it's no festival I think oh they make like super cool sculptures out of snow and yeah it's supposed to be really beautiful yeah yeah I haven't been either uh yeah being up that way when I was changing because I was up in Yamagata we went up not that way so that was that was really cool but living in it is a nice little strength someone before about having still having nightmares of my host mom knocking on my sari like boy right there get off if you're living in a rural area does restrict you as to what you can join if you do like skiing or snowboarding then wow yeah and the night's game yeah type of stuff I mean it's just phenomenal yeah skiing yeah that's a popular thing here yeah so music well music oh now it's very very popular for Australian so I know a lot of people it's like a foreign country knows what I've heard it yeah yeah everything is in English like one friend who Japanese friend who went there recently she speaks in English so she was fine but she's it said she went there and there were a lot of shops where no one spoke Japanese like though the workers really she would like try and ask us something Japanese because oh sorry I don't speak Japanese and she's like why not though still in Japanese talent like Julie I can speak English so it's fine but the other ppl the tip of Japan to ride on the top just super rural it's got a whole bunch of Aussies go yeah what would you like a latte all right never say no Japanese oh no no it's really it's really changed a lot so some cities in the north a lot of foreign people are like living and working there which is interesting but yeah so that's the cool thing about winter is like you can experience that in the in the north Tokyo will be a little bit more mild so you won't get much snow in the city so this isn't a place to be if you want to see like gorgeous snow right yeah but I do we could get like a day of snow maybe maybe but even if you get a day it's like a couple of centimeters yeah so people freak out here no the trains freak out char's freak out everything yeah yeah it's just let's just chaos it yeah um train delays everywhere so that's something to watch out for yeah so in all in all though um no one really said winter I feel like somebody would say winter yeah but I guess we don't have any avid like skiers here I should've I should be but I'm not as Canadian as I yeah for me it's summer now just because I've adjusted to the temperature because I've lived here for nine years and now the summers don't destroy me so I can enjoy like the summer festivals the fireworks yeah everywhere yukata which is the summer kimono yeah but yeah that is awesome I love doing that I'm really - yeah the Scottish version multi-culture so yeah that's something you can try if you commit you know forget about summer jake-style sorry this entire segment ruined no I think you probably you made it right you made this segment that's what you do but yeah so I think um that's kind of us the seasons in Japan autumn is the main attraction is the autumn leaves you can see if you go a little bit out of the city there's a lot of trees they turn red and yellow and this it's stunning kyoto is a good place to say that it was you're here in the autumn it's starting to get a little cooler so you can go to a nice place with you know beautiful scenery and foliage and then go to the hot springs and maybe you can get a nice like hotel room if you're lucky they'll have like a private hot spring and you can sit out there and just like enjoy the view that's probably one of the best ways to enjoy the autumn oh yeah yeah yeah hot springs hot springs rumor anyway I mean I think that that kind of covers like what we know about the seasons in Japan we all have different seasons but it seems that Spring has one ring it's like it's goes spring hi I'm team summer though like I think summer is a lot of fun so if you like festivals festivals mm-hmm summer is the time to come if you like being outside and a t-shirt and shorts every day then that's the season for you yeah let us know what you guys liked the most in Japan what seasons you guys have been to Tokyo which one was the best for you guys I'd love to hear about that and also I think we want to hear a little closing from Calvin Oh what should everyone do Calvin but oh well if you like this video we'd like you to click the like button and subscribe and stay tuned more for TC talk oh you are convinced non-scripted we'll work on that okay don't forget to subscribe yes anyway thank you guys and I hope you guys enjoyed the video let us know what else you want to see in our TCT 10 videos see you guys next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative Talk
Views: 15,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tokyo creative, tokyo creative talk, tc tea time, tokyo creative tea time, best time to visit tokyo, best season japan, best season tokyo, visiting japan, spring japan, summer japan, winter japan, fall japan, sakura japan, jakenbake, jakenbake live, a foreign voice, seasons in japan, japan, japanese
Id: BH56jjllgVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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