Customer States: Ford has NO OIL Pressure! 🤨 2003 Crown Vic Cop Car

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hello youtube good day to everyone we've got an 03 ferd crown victoria and the customer states it has no oil pressure looks like it's a retired cop car pull the dipstick and see if it has any oil in it oh there it is ah we're not off to a good start careful application of prying with my fingers managed to get the hood released whoa we're looking rough okay let's uh let's pull the dipstick and see if there's oil in this thing i bet there is and no let's give it a wipe down and recheck [Music] and this dipstick is uh pretty dry i'm gonna go grab some oil before i bring this into the shop because not my liability [Applause] i think i'll grab at least two quarts [Applause] send it all right that's two quarts let's go uh let's go check the dip and stick oh i made a mess and we're between the low and high mark so two quarts is safe that filter down there looks fairly newish i wonder if we have a leak or a consumption problem here let's get her into the shop and find out alrighty and they they also stated that the coolant temp gauge was also not working so they we have no oil pressure and no coolant according to the consumer let's start things the engine and find out what's going on and yeah we got nothing there i don't hear the thing knocking and clanking so i'm assuming it's got oil pressure uh but i do want to know where the two courts went to it does not have a sticker in the window so i don't know how long it's been since it was last changed regardless we're going into the shop to uh lift this up and inspect everything and judging by this light bar i'm assuming this car belongs to a security officer of some sort this is not an in-service police vehicle it may have been at one point but this is uh some kind of security uh running cop style wow this thing's clanky and rattly hello lizard this thing sounds horrendous all right well i can see right here the engine coolant gauge is starting to come up off of a off the cold position so i don't expect to find a problem there okay we're down here under the engine compartment of this bird and i do not see a drippy drop of oil anywhere pick up the phone yes pick up the phone okay anyway so i don't see any oil leaking anywhere out of this therefore i am left to conclude that the oil loss condition is due to internal consumption or just a very very lengthy oil change interval and again that would result in consumption now if we move over here to the filter housing we can see the oil pressure sending unit and that's that little white connector up there i'm gonna pull that connector and then run a jumper wire between those two pins and that's going to drastically increase the amount of resistance in that circuit which should peg that oil pressure gauge to a maximum or a high pressure condition and what that's going to do is let me know if i have a sending unit problem a circuit problem or a gauge cluster problem it's basically going to rule out that i have a sending unit problem and if the gauge does not move then i know it's probably not the sending unit and something else is going to be the uh the cause for the condition i hope you guys can see it's kind of close quarters combat in there i'm trying to get this connector off but i can't because the release mechanism is on the very top so i'm in there with a pry bar or a trim tool remove these wires i'm in there with a trim tool trying to press down on the button to uh get this to come out and looks like i got it it's like long range surgery with chopsticks come here connector all right that's a one wire connector i'm just gonna put a test pin in it short it to ground okay let's plug this jumper wire into that connector pin and then i will just uh clip this to ground and now we're gonna go check and i know reed's supposed to be fused or you should use at the rheostat um i have one if not here so i'm using a straight to ground jumper wire it'll be fine uh so please feel free to insert three in the comment section down below so let's let it down heat on and then check that gauge okay with that connector shorted to ground let's uh key this on and see what the gauge does nothing it should be it should be at mid-range or at full hot and it is or full high and it is not so let's uh let's go over to the data source and the computer and uh see if there's a flow chart for this video all right i've pulled up the 03 crown vic went to the flow chart and it says pinpoint test for incorrect oil pressure gauge a key off disconnect oil pressure switch is c103 that's what we did install the jumper wire between switch connector and ground this is what we did and with keon does the old pressure gauge read normal or mid scale the answer is no if we get a no we go down to c3 which is this one check instrument or check circuit 31 red and white for green or for open between instrument cluster and engine oil pressure switch so we've got to pull the cluster out now find the connector and check resistance between the pressure sender connector and the connector in the dash for the cluster basically this is going to test to see if that wire is any good so we got to go back to the interior of the car and uh pull the instrument cluster so according to that flow chart we do not have a pressure sender problem we may have a wiring problem and if it's not a wiring problem then we have a gauge cluster itself problem so this is those are already loose right there let's go ahead and pull this cluster out and see what we get and another panel the one that is taped on i don't like taped on plasticy bits let's yank these out first that's already broken now it's broken more 20 year old plastic okay let's get behind this one with a trim tool and try to not break it into pieces it's so brittle wow it's terrible okay a few more bolts and uh this next panel can come out [Music] okay oh this is super sketchy i feel like this panel is going to turn into dust at any second all right okay you know i think i got my verbage wrong i believe technically these fasteners count as screws yeah that's that's more of a screw i think than a than a bolt oh well eventually i'll get it right okay let's get the other two on the other side [Music] i've got my money on this thing needing a new gauge buster which also will probably be unobtainium gonna come out or what perhaps if i angle the steering column up some i can get some more space here there's a cable that runs the shift lever indicator and that's kind of in the way maybe you can top come on okay after pulling the guide for the ignition key off and three screws from the bottom of this bezel i can sneak this bezel out of its uh position now i think but everything here is kind of a catch 22 and nothing really wants to come apart of course these weren't really made to come apart very easily i almost got it out i think it's clipped on in the back where i can't reach it i'll try to move this slide it some ding ding a lot of work just to diagnose something that uh they're probably going to decline the repair on wouldn't you say well it wasn't clipped on it's screwed on from that inside part that's uh that's not cool that means i have to take off this lower bezel right here later too well how about now that will give me the space later to uh put that screw back in but for now i'm just gonna pull this out of here so i can finish my diagnosis let's see what i do with those keys there on the floor okay now that that upper bezel is out of the way now i think i can get this cluster out perhaps i still can't get it to come out i wish i knew how to get this cable removed that's that's really what's hanging me up here but i don't know how it comes out either way i've got the connector this is what i really needed was this connector and now that i have the connector i can check those pins and see if i've got an open circuit between uh the red and white up here the red with a white tracer and i believe it's that one and the one with the red and white tracer down below at the oil pressure sending unit so let's get let's bust out a meter and check the resistance you know before i do that i'm curious to see if i did this the absolute hardest way possible so i'm going to try to take this cover off the cluster and perhaps that will give me access to that cable because if i find that that wire is good and i suspect that it is that's going to lead me to believe and it's going to confirm actually that the cluster has a failure and that being said there's a chance i'll be able to fix it and a couple more of these screws in this black piece of this cluster should come out okay there's the the body of this cable assembly thing this is what's holding me up and i think that's held in with a little clip let's pull this guy out and then here's another clip snap please come out come on there it is okay now i think i can get the cluster to come out after all that well we're halfway there i think one more connector oh while we're here i'll show you guys something cool see back in the day you used to be able to change the light bulbs inside of these cluster units these ones aren't wanting to come out very well but let's see if i can get it to go yeah you would just rotate these uh these light sockets here and they would go past their stop come out and you could actually change the bulb inside of the socket but those days are gone they uh they solder leds in this is also how people would cheat and remove the check engine light bulb and see that and these are just standard 194 part number bulbs that go in like turn signals or marker lamps so you could actually go in take the cluster apart and remove the light bulb and that way your check engine light wouldn't work anymore so they could sell a car with no check engine light on sneaky the way that you check for that is uh turning the ignition key the on position without cranking the engine and if the light bulb lights up during a self-check procedure then you know that the the bulb is working if it doesn't light up if there's a chance it's been removed or tampered with okay so here's what's going on now i've got a about a 10 foot length of wire that i've run outside of the car and down over to that oil pressure sender and it is plugged into the connector just as per the instructions now i'm just going to set this up for continuity test because what we're looking for is to make sure that the end of that wire is connected to the end of this wire now it's supposed to be a position or pin 31 which these are not named but it's um i think they said it's the red and uh yellow so i've got two red and yellows here i've got one red wire with a yellow tracer and i've got a yellow wire with a red tracer now according to the graph it is two positions over from this little alignment notch right here so let's check this uh well first of all when we have continuity achieved the the meter is going to beep and i've got the other wire just kind of run into the red right here so this is connected the brown wires connect to the meter at the positive terminal and uh the positive terminal obviously is connected so i can do a self check on continuity for the meter by making connection and i'm just gonna probe it with the negative probe on uh pin 31 which is going to be there's the yellow and red tracer right there so we have continuity between this pin and the pin down below at the connector for the oil pressure sender unit so that tells me that our fault is not in the wire now we have to take a look at the gauge cluster and find out if there's a fault within the cluster itself and seeing as how i've already got it off perhaps i can go in there and uh inspect it more than likely the stepper motor is bad in uh in the actual gauge base itself and just to confirm that let's try uh plugging this back in and then we will check continuity at the actual pins and see if we get a chime at that point if we get a chime at the pins then we know it's the stepper motor itself that has failed so and there's our chime there must be a short in the motor okay let's try to get this section of the cluster out without breaking it and we can try to do a visual inspection inside that's our oil side i don't think there's anything i can do in here but since we're down this rabbit hole let's keep going they wanted it diagnosed and i can do that these connection pins are absolutely huge so i don't believe that we're losing connection at one of the pins it's got to be it's got to be in the motor itself i'm afraid to break this i don't want to i don't want to damage anything go i don't know if i can get in there or not i have to get this uh needle off of it and that is what i'm afraid of is i'm gonna break the needle it should just pop off but i don't i'm reluctant to put a huge amount of force on it pry bar there it is okay the needle's off let's pull this motor out see what uh what it looks like [Music] interesting yeah i don't know this thing should should be working it looks okay you know just for fun i'm gonna slap this back together perhaps it was just making a very poor connection and after having manipulated it that connection may have been restored to normal so let's slap it back together real quick and uh plug it in and see what it does everything looked good and it's a fairly simple motor and we'll set that needle back to that to zero ish i'll have to adjust that again later but i don't know that feels kind of sloppy look at that one that and then this one this one will stay where you put it yeah something's wrong with this motor i think but let's plug it back in and see what happens put this thing back in went like that okay i just reconnected the oil sender to its connection and i removed my big jumper wire i'm gonna set this to low or zero where it should be at rest right there and it's now plugged back in so what i'm gonna do is not answer the spam call that i'm getting and now it's time to key this on and start the engine see if we have oil pressure [Applause] okay it jumped straight up when it got keyed on hmm well i did get a change out of it but not the one i wanted because now it's just going straight to pegged yeah something's definitely going on with the motor that's man i thought i had it fixed too i was i was i was really happy about that but with the engine running we're not getting much of a change out of it okay we are in lost cause territory for sure there uh there are absolutely zero parts available for this except for an oil pressure sending unit which is not going to solve the the problem with these bad motors right here so all that being said uh this thing is getting put back together right now because there's absolutely nothing more i can do for this car at this point okay i'm gonna start putting this thing back together uh we have absolutely zero parts availability um i think what's gonna happen is we're gonna try to find a used cluster on ebay and i can maybe pop this odometer out and swap it over or or pop these gauge assemblies out and then swap them over with the ones that come out of the other unit unfortunately this guy right here needs his car back he's kind of waiting for it and it's his only car uh plus it's his work vehicle i think he's like an independent contractor for uh like a security firm or something like that uh anyway i've got to put all this uh this stuff back together and uh and return the thing to the you know they say in literature there's only two kinds of stories there's a there's tragedies and comedies and i'm gonna disagree with that because i think in automotive land there are three kinds of stories and those are tragic comedies because everything we do is a tragedy and if you don't find humor in it somehow you turn into angry technician and then no one likes you and this is one of those situations where i knew i was getting myself into a rabbit hole and i knew this was going to be a real pain and i knew that parts were not going to be in existence anywhere for it but i i did it to myself and i went in here anyway but that's the job and you've got to do it you can't guess and you've got to be thorough as painful as it may be that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes i suppose there we go and the worst part is this thing doesn't have working air conditioner which also bothers me because i'm in here just sweating to death getting dehydrated okay just a quick fast forward about 20 minutes i've got this cluster reassembled back in the dash i have the gear selector cable reattached i put the bezel back on and i'm just going to go ahead and get the rest of these dash pieces back together like i said earlier it's i find it to be super unfortunate and quite a tragedy that i cannot fix this car there's just no no parts available at all um i'm sure someone out there knows where to find a find these components new or remanufactured but we just cannot seem to source them we've got some feelers out people are looking uh but so far it's gonna be used parts from ebay land and that's uh i think that's really the only option so they tell me but uh we'll uh we'll cross those bridges when uh when the mail shows up and see if there's anything uh anything more i can do for this when um when that ebay gage cluster arrives so that being said um i hope you guys enjoyed watching me meticulously diagnose this issue to make sure it was 100 accurate and without fail if you did like this video please let me know about that by tapping tapping that thumbs up button i'm going to go ahead and close this one out so i can buckle down and get this put back together in a reasonable amount of time as always i'd like to thank everybody here for watching and of course i want to remind all of you to not forget to have a great day see you guys in the next one
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 224,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mY1r_XGmch8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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