Will the DIESEL Start & DRIVE? ~ Part 2 ~ 1950's Caterpillar TraxCavator ~ Forgotten for 20+ YEARS

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that is a caterpillar 955 [Music] [Applause] traxxavator boom shakalaka oh one will choke full throttle start fuel on and start all right issue i'm having here this is the fuel tank and get this you see this thing this is a carpenter bee good lord they're huge they're like freaking that big they're massive they've been everywhere but the one thing i read carpenter bees the males have yellow on them and the males don't have a stinger and so you can't get stung by a male but they buzz so loud and they get right in your face and they swarm you that scares the crap out of you and when i first came here to look at this tractor i was spraying some wasps nests etc well one of the females all black one came down and stung me right on the hand and the all the females have no yellow they're all black but they do have a stinger and so man it actually stun me right here and it swole up pretty big and i'm not allergic to these things but long story short they freaked me out so back to this issue i'm having here is this is the fuel tank here and i don't know how long fuel's been in it and i don't think i'm getting fuel out to the diesel motor it the dipstick set had five gallons of fuel so i opened this up dribbles came out nothing really so i shoved this wire through it and opened it up and basically there was a little bit of blockage on this drained all the fuel out so right now has no fuel well in here is another shutoff valve and the actual line that goes to the diesel motor so now i'm going to fight with that trying to get it open so that i can make sure there's no block here and then we'll we'll keep going and move forward so this shut off here is the drain for the fuel tank above it allows you to drain the fuel out and then this shut off here is the fuel line that goes to the diesel motor i've already unplugged this one drained all the fuel out it had a little blockage up here i'm going to check this one for the same thing because i just want to make sure that i've got fuel leaving the tank to the motor there is a massive block right here it's all stuffed up and this uh i can feel in there this shutoff valve is all stopped up so i am glad we took this apart i'll bring you in a little closer and show you all right if you can see right right here this is the fuel line you can see it's jam-packed with with crud let's see if we can unlock that yeah see just a bunch of crap sitting in that so now you can see it's open that could be a problem this out it's completely stopped up in that one as well as in that one so 60 some years of crap all built up and i'm betting when i stick the wire up this elbow here we we uh break free some stuff let's find out i felt something come on you can just barely start to light through this valve it was stuffed up pretty good uh it's all cleaned up the valve actually works so yeah let's get it back in there [Music] and what i'm doing is i'm cracking them all loose so that when we go to try and start the engine it will push all the air out of the lines and we'll know that that's happened when air or a fuel starts to come out of each of these four areas and then once fuel does start we'll we'll tighten them back up and then we ought to be able to start it right up or at least we hope so i put some coolant in it and i definitely have a leak [Music] right out of the side of the engine block and i put water in the radiator started leaking it looks to me like there's a plug that's missing maybe it was drained to keep the water from freezing in there i don't know if maybe they didn't use antifreeze and had just water in they drained it out so i have to find a plug for that so right there's the radiator and right along the bottom there it's leaking so i'm not sure exactly where it is what the leak is at but at least we know there's a problem before i run it too hard all right so i was looking under here and it looks like there's a linkage that's that's disconnected on this uh pedal so i'm going to take the cover off and then this one doesn't want to go down very far so i want to see what it's hitting [Music] my worry on this side you see how right here there's a linkage that goes from here to somewhere my worry was that linkage was the actual break for that track but down below a little further is the actual brake linkage that goes to actually break that side of the track my guess is this probably attaches to this somehow and that's probably the parking brake and so i don't know if i've got the parts i'm sure they're laying around here somewhere and so i'm going to look around um but if you know for sure what that is and what it does definitely let me know leave a comment below i'd love to i'd love to figure out exactly what parts i need and what that does so on this other side there's a stick jammed in there but so this right here is the break for this side of the track this lever here is the clutch for shifting these two levers here control each track that side that that track this side this track but what's happening when i push this break down is it's hitting something right well right below it this line this reddish line that's the fuel line and that is not supposed to be there i'm betting it's supposed to be down here man down again i'm betting that the fuel line that's down there below is supposed to be run through this hole or this there's two holes right here and i'm guessing it was supposed to have what at one point been run right through here but to make it easier they just stuck it down below so i don't want to jam this brake on and then push my my uh brake or foot right through this fuel line so i'm gonna pull this fuel line out and we're going to see if we can get it routed a little bit better around the brake linkage so the fuel line is this copper tube and it runs from basically inside the battery box below the seat straight forward runs right here along and right here is the diesel engine and it connects in right down here so we're going to disconnect this it's a pretty straight shot straight out so i don't think it'll be too difficult to pull it out and then while we have it out we'll flush it out clean it out make sure there's nothing in it so right above where the fuel comes in is this hour meter that tells how many hours on the machine and so while i'm here it's going to be easier if i take this off to be able to get to the fitting on this so we're going to clean up around it pull this off and then go from there somebody's done this repair before and to get to it they literally torched this right out of the the arm so they could get the part out because these loader arms get in the way and for a lot of maintenance on these old machines it so so so now that i got this all cleaned up this is the fuel line you can see exactly where the brake pedal was contacting the fuel line and somebody was at least smart to put this piece of tubing this piece of hose on here to keep the copper line safe but at some point it wasn't routed properly so we're going to reinstall it now and find a better way rerouted i might just have to put like a big dip right here where this goes i already rerouted the electrical cable that goes from the battery to the starter slightly got it tucked up a little closer to another another hose so it's not in the way of this one before we put it back on we're gonna flush it make sure it's not all clogged up that'll do so right here is where the fuel line comes in from the fuel tank and i'm going to pull it off and basically check and make sure it's not clogged up before we go putting the fuel line back on it's all clogged so there's a pretty decent fuel blockage in here and in here that we're gonna clean out real quick i broke one of the little spout pieces on one of these brake cleaner cans so you just get the little chunk out and kind of gently you don't throw it in the crap first gently push it in there now we can see through since i've got this apart i'm going to go ahead and make another gasket for it because i don't want it to leak all right boom let's go put it back on all right so i got the new gasket made cleaned all the gasket material the old gas material off the actual uh motor block there we got this all nice and clean so i don't have any rtv out here but one good replacement is just some heavy duty marine grease it'll help fill the little gaps and it'll also make it easier to disassemble later when the time comes so on this plate there was just a hole right here i cut this notch to be able to fit the fuel line in there and then later on if i need to take this bracket out i don't have to remove the fuel line i can just lift it straight up and out rather than having to pull the full fuel line all the way out this gives me that ability plus i can get the fuel line away from the brake linkage so that'll be better [Applause] so i'm putting the fuel line back in there was a small chunk that was soldered on it came off and so i had to resolder it on i've already soldered a new union here on this end of it and so we're gonna fit it in there now and solder this pipe to this pipe and then we should be good to go [Music] so that should hold up nicely so this is the hour meter so here's the inside of the hour meter basically after so many rotations these numbers go and so when this is lined up and in there which is right right there so it reads 3203 and then it's between 0 and 1. so i don't know if that means that it's got three thousand two and three point one hours or if it has thirty two thousand thirty one hours if you know i'd love to know what that number means i made a new gasket for the end cap on the hour meter because the old one was broken so the engine oil pressure gauge on this machine is cracked and broken so i was up at one of the other buildings looking for another part and i came across an oil pressure gauge that is awesome because the other one was cracked so one of the terminals on this start ignition button broke so and i can't get it off maybe i can just break it off i got it yippie kaye mother this is flux you use flux when you solder and so once i get this installed on here i'm going to solder it on lux helps the solder suck down into the joint and really get a good connection and a good bond between the metals [Music] that one was a little sketchy being so close to that tank but i just had the heat real low took my time now what i also do is i add a piece of shrink tubing heat heat shrink tubing right over it to cover up the joint as best i can [Music] i don't have a heat gun here so this will work [Music] i don't actually have power here at all no power in this building so every every light that i have every thing that's lit up or power tool that i use i brought battery powered lights and i have a generator in case i do need something electrical but it's a little bit sketchy i think i'm going to cut it out and add a add a piece in here so here's the new button i bought it's a sealed weather type button momentary switch essentially and it's what we're going to install on the panel right where the other one was all right that should do [Music] all right before we go any further we're going to check some fluids so this is the diesel engine oil and it is right at full so right here is the transmission oil which is almost empty it looks like it needs to be to here we're down there we're gonna add some transmission fluid about halfway there all right we're right at the f at the full line perfect down here is the hydraulic oil which is full that's a good sign all right let's give this pony motor a start and we'll see if we can get the big diesel to go ah crap i think i ran out of gas oh it's going wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] all diesel baby she is burning like a kitten so the gas motor is now off it's just deeper running i do love the smell of diesel smoke in the morning [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah baby i don't want to run it too long right now because it has a massive coolant leak and i just wanted to see if it operated i just want to see if the motor ran properly so now that i have the motor runs it drives all i really need to do is fix the coolant leak and go from there with other issues right now we know it's a workable fixable usable machine and man am i excited he purrs like a kitten and idols really well too nothing like a caterpillar diesel hell yeah look at those tracks time to shut her down stay tuned special update on this sprocket here everybody was concerned about that sprocket this one's worn down pretty good if you look at the other side here the other side is much much nicer already been repaired you can see the welds on the welds on each sprocket well we know the pony motor runs we know the starter works we know the diesel engine takes off idles and purrs like a kitten we know there's a coolant leak and i honestly haven't tried the hydraulics yet because of the coolant link i didn't want to do too much with it so all in all though awesome progress awesome machine he's alive ran out of gas [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i am so excited
Channel: Salvage Workshop
Views: 584,195
Rating: 4.9318967 out of 5
Keywords: restoration, Machine restoration, tools, old machinery, caterpillar, cat, hitachi, yanmar, ihi, kobelco, repair, heavy machinery, earthmover, earthmoving, komatsu, stuck, logging, machine, heavy, tracked, vehicle, tank, john deere, case, crawler, bulldozer, dozer, track loader, crawler Type, material handler, track type tractor, barn find, gasoline, pony motor, diesel, mechanic, asmr, Salvage Workshop, Restore, discovered, found, lost, tractor, forgotten, rusty, digger, steel, recovery, recovered, american, IH, Reds Farm
Id: 3S5Hn23dT0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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