Will Madeline Soto's Mom Be A Witness Or Co-Defendant in Daughter's Murder?

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now. >> I've been involved and thank you so much for joining us tonight here on closing arguments great to have you with us and there was big breaking news yesterday with in a follow-up now because we need to. It's the story of Madeline Soto Madeline Soto. >> Just turned 13. Relatives hosted a party for her. >> Should have been an amazing day should have been an amazing day. When you're a child and you become a teenager that is like a badge of honor you wear it you've been looking forward to it on growing up, you know we're small we want to do is grow up. And this is step one you become a teenager. But for Maryland so this was a celebration was her last. Day on Earth. That's not a father there make no mistake that's not her father that's her mother. But the man on the right side of the screen with the shades hiding his eyes. >> Stephan Sterns. >> He's the one has been accused of her murder he's the one who's been accused of sexually abusing her, he's the one accused of having all these images on his phone of himself abusing her. Hundreds of these images. And that was the monster that was in her life. Let's take a listen to the state attorney. >> Today we're announcing Stephan Sterns has been indicted by the grand jury on first-degree murder over the killing of Madeline Soto. We presented the case to the grand jury returned the indictment earlier today, the death toll in his case on we have not not decided to like what decision to make that case. We're going to continue those discussions going forward and will let you know again when we make that decision as to whether we're going to see the definitely in this case. >> All right so let's walk through again what happened in and what we what we know and the questions that we have about the timeline here and we begin with this birthday party against or 13th birthday party. It's a Sunday. It's it's at a relative's She's posing for pictures, she's got a pretty They decorated the home a little bit. She's run around outside You know celebrating the day the cake is right in front of her. Now Stephan Sterns the man accused of murdering and sexually abusing her when not only was a missing child, here's what he said about the 13th birthday party. >> We've got a happy week and she just turned 13 to the 13th birthday party. She was happy that we're all together here. Was very happy. She was a happy kid she seriously she's a very sweet girl. >> I don't know how happy she was to tell your friends you want to go live in the woods when she was 13. She's been CE allegedly sexually abuse since the age of 8. I don't know how happy she was. Now here's Jen Soto again speaking to wftv talking about the last time that. >> Mom spoke to her daughter Madeleine. >> That was the last thing I guess that the conversation that you to your daughter. >> We spoke about her birthday party she had with the party on Sunday, I'm sure a great time. I couldn't make it was working. But she had an amazing time she was so happy longer gives. Colder tonight >> mom says she told her good night all right OK now let's go to after the party, so it's Sunday night now the party is over. What is Stephan Sterns doing well check out what great news investigates dug up. He's on the app Telegram. At 11:49PM that night Telegram this is an app that you use where you can communicate with people but you don't know where they are. You can send things everything is encrypted it's very difficult to track things down information that that exchange in groups start to form and some groups form that do things that you're not allowed to do. Out in the open. A child predators child pornography things like that now I want you to take a close listen to Shannon Butler from wftv investigative reporter an order over 20 years. She knows down in Orlando. What she told us last night about the time. That Madeleine was murdered what time of day or night was it take a listen. >> There is indication now that she possibly was killed right after the birthday party, so if you look at that beneath that would've been Sunday night not Monday morning. Sources have told me they believe that this point that she was killed possibly overnight that would be Sunday night. >> That changes everything if that if those sources are correct but that changes everything here if she's murdered after the party Sunday night. Let's take a listen to the way are look at Jen Soto mom and Stephan Sterns describe what happened the following morning. Monday morning after the Sunday night party, here's what they say. We begin to wftv report. Jen saw Madeleine that morning documents show that the girl's mother told deputies February 26 that she saw her daughter saw her daughter getting dressed for school at 08:00AM Monday. And then Stearns took her to school. Take a listen to more of John sotos speaking to wftv. >> We dropped off at school close to school. She wanted to walk the rest of the way she spotted. by the church by the middle cameras they saw her hang out in the parking lot a little bit and then get up and leave. The into the vehicle or anything else it is on the walkway. Around 09:00AM heading towards the school. >> This is another mystery is this so-called a grainy video from the church parking lot. But this has her hanging out in the parking lot. Take a listen to what Stephan Sterns says about what happened when he dropped her off here he is speaking to wftv. >> The doctor aupperlee. We could have waited longer. She looked occasions walking toward the school nurse are it was like any other dates on with my day with church across the street had some carriers and they've been to see her waiting around in the parking lot for a while before moving on to know is that it was greedy was created for the 2. >> Well both those you can't be waiting in the parking lot and walking towards the school. The same time it said she started walking to school and shows us is that it was like any other day like any other day like he always drops are off. Well on February 28th, Madame Tussaud's grandmother spoke to Telemundo 31 Orlando and she confirmed Matalin was caught on camera but also says Stearns was drops also cisterns dropping off was unusual not normal take a list. >> They told me had found a niche and video and the mean girl the bicycle sentimental Moy can sign in know you can set up here. A lot of fun, you know, Tim penny us come out of the legacy of being came in of the no because he indicted but cattle got don't. Even a minute but this was one that the court has hit us with a sigh society. >> So that's their version of what happened that morning right that's what they were saying that's what they told investigators that what they told the world and the community is they're searching for this little girl. Well, here's what law enforcement is saying about all this. Take a to what the Orange County. The sheriff's Department had to say about some video they found near the dumpster in the subdivision complex gated complex where they live. >> We have video evidence that shows Stephan Sterns discarding items in a dumpster. In that apartment complex in Kissimmee at 7 35 on Monday Feb. 26 detectives later recovered madeline's backpack and the school issued laptops from that dumpster. >> 7.35 at the dumpster where his he at a Take a look a license plate reader captured Stephens vehicle with the Florida tag Jay y l l a to driving away from the school. At 8.10 driving away from the school at 8.10. Now take a listen to what they see at 8 19 9 minutes after he's driving away from the school. >> Stephan Sterns moved her body in the early morning hours on that day at a 19 we have evidence that shows staff concerns returning to the complex. >> And Madeleine was visible in that vehicle, we believe she was already dead at that time. >> OK let's try to break some of this down put some of these pieces together figure out what makes sense and what doesn't make sense let me bring my special guest in Portland Oregon. Podcaster great use of great news investigates on youtube a great thanks so much for joining us again tonight. I want to start with that 1149 Telegram. >> From your perspective what's the significance of that in light of what Shannon Butler's sources are telling her that Matalin may have been murdered that night not the following morning. >> Well you look at that you know you explained it. Well earlier about Telegram and you look at that and you just think you're so. If she died that night. What is he doing on there and even if it was the next day, it's so close to that time early in the morning. You wonder what he was doing a lot of these predators. Take images of various events that you know I don't want to you know even if even a a snuff film sometimes when it's actually very. Common I mean it's very sought after by some of these black is so I mean we don't know what he was filming and what he was doing on Telegram but it it very ominous. The timing of it. And when you just look at it. I don't I don't know, I mean I can't really see it another reason why be on there that late and it's not even really know well known app either right I mean we just kind of heard about it more recently and the predators have heard about it for a while it's used for a lot of other things too so don't want to completely disparage the Apple together >> yeah you have this great technology can be as for for great things and very a positive things but it could also going the other direction and the people go the other direction usually find it first somehow some way and I think that's part of what has happened the videos. The one thing that that we having heard from law enforcement that the one piece of the videos of him leaving the complex right they they talk about him coming back at 8.19 they talk about him near the dumpster at 7.35, which is close to the back exit. But we don't hear about that my guess is they probably have things but just maybe haven't told us about it but to me that's that will put some more pieces together here of of that morning. >> Yeah, I think that's absolutely you know people like us we try to put the pen and the pens and order and the timing and map it all out and what we're missing is at 7.35. He come back to the complex to put to get the back pack and laptop and then put it in the dumpster and then go back out to wear. Allen's body was and then later he comes back with her. You know we don't if he was actually stayed overnight at jennifers home he could have been somewhere else but he knew that he was supposed to take her to school. So therefore you meet the needs to make it look like her backpack and laptop. Art at home because she would have needed those are going to school so he realizes oh yeah, I'll go there early to the House and pick those up and under from the dumpster because she's not even alive right now and I need to take care of that portion because if you took it to school the question would be welcome the laptop and backpack are still sitting at at her home she would need that for school. >> You know so it's it's you know you can almost see someone planning this out right because okay if the murder happens at night now you have hours to try to figure out OK what am I going to do how do we how do we have handled this situation whether it's him alone or whether or not jeno's we don't know she hasn't been charged has been named as a suspect, but. You can see the planning here alright we're going we're going make it look like she went to school like I dropped her off at school. The other thing this out about it though are the hours that he chose because school doesn't start till like 9.30. Why would you drop a child off an hour before school and maybe in his mind. He's thinking if I if it's early there's less people there no one's going to see me I don't know. >> Yeah, you know they both that he was called to pick her up. Right so that means you somewhere else to go pick her up at home. So how does how does that fit into right so that's why it makes it seem like. You know it almost feels like he stay the night she stayed the night Madeleine. With Stephen Stearns this is just a theory and then you know it was like she's too tired. He goes how it all just take care of her. Tonight and you know they've known each other for 9 years so she probably trusted him like that. And freshly groomed Madeline did not say anything about all the and times that he assaulted her then took over 400 photographs and that's absolutely the same. So maybe he rove over there that morning to get the laptop and backpack and came in and said oh she's you know even if Janet woke up he couldn't just said she's in the car, I'm just getting a backpack. And no book are you know laptop and then picks it up throws it in the dumpster and then retrieves her somewhere but what's weird is white is you bring your back again. >> To that first range right at 8.19 and police are very clear are the sheriff is very clear that there's video coming back to the complex and she appears to not be alive at that moment. So. If you're near the school around 8.10 or so are driving away from the school at a 10. Wyou coming back at 8.19 and if he comes back, he's got to leave again right so there's there should be a video of that as well because her body is not found at home, it's found. More than 20 miles away in Saint cloud. >> And when and what to be have are in the car in the parking lot through 4 hours because any drove away I think it was one 20 when the witness saw his car in the side of the road changing a tire. So what where was she during that time I mean I I don't think you would dared at 8.19 the taker out of the vehicle and bring her into the House. No that would be crazy right so you would think that she just sat in that car. Anybody that may be covered with a blanket but she was visible when she came in from a camera that law enforcement looked at I mean the average they could see you're in there and they don't believe he was alive and that >> Unreal still putting the pieces together great news great to have you on the program great news investigates a live stream in on you to make sure you check it out folks make sure subscribe to it as well so you know when he's on the air doing self, thanks so much Greg. The thinktank is locked their loaded ekeler mercy Philip to Bay judge Gayle buyers. >> We don't know it'll be a version of the tape that we just run off. We don't know where she can be. We just want her home. >> Desperate for >> any answers at anything that you can do to help. I'm here for just please it. You see my daughter just please bring her home. We just hope they're it hope you're saying. When I heard. We just hope he's okay. >> She wasn't OK she was found dead 20 miles away from their home. She had been allegedly sexually abuse since the age of 8. For 5 years by the man has been accused of her murder. Mom's boyfriend, Stephen Stearns but how about mom what is Jens Soto's story versus some of the evidence that police have released so far in this case, let's take a look at jen's story. She said she spoke to Matalin after the party that's Sunday night saw her getting dressed at 08:00AM Monday morning. Herdman grandmother said or not was grandmother said that Jenna was too tired to drive. And had Stearns drop her off around. >> about an hour before school why dropping child off that early but now here's the evidence the police have and their timeline number one they say she was never dropped off. There's no evidence of that. They have video of Stephan Sterns dumping the laptop and backpack in the dumpster and the back of the. Subdivision at 07:35AM they have Sterns driving away from the school at 08:10AM and then they have Stearns entering the subdivision on video with. Matalin dead in that car at 8, 9, teen. What does this mean for mom because these are these facts are they are what they are they are videos, okay, hey our videos versus her story, let's bring in our think tank joining us tonight criminal defense Clinton mercy also with us retired judge former prosecutor judicial fellow national judicial college judge Gayle buyers, and deputy public defender for La County Philip Dube welcome to everyone thank clin what about mom. >> as a criminal defense attorney and as a guardian ad litem I want to say Stephan Sterns is an anomaly but he's not. >> One out of 5. And one out of 5 boys are victims. I'm such a child molestation and. Matalin lived in terror for 5 full years by the man who's supposed to take care of her. >> And. >> We live in a world in which the. So in sex trafficking is a 115 billion dollar business and there's no. Supply without a demand just man was able to terrorizes girl for use so is going to be hard. 2. Really see how she didn't know. And how she was needed. Of her child being terrorized by these men. I'm sure you're so I don't know how you're going to get a jury. That will be able to and release it. In this particular case. I don't 2 child molestation cases anymore because of this that but most importantly it is really hard to get a jury because of just how to use the crimes. >> And it looks it looks here. You have 2 different trials are have The sex abuse trial for all those images found on the phone and then you're going to have a potential they haven't decided murder capital murder trial with the potential of perhaps the death to follow. Judge Gayle buyers, what do you think about moms the story versus the evidence that police have and what that means for how this case is is going to develop here because investigators told us yesterday prosecutors told us yesterday. The cases the investigation is still open. >> And then I can completely understand why the investigation is still open. I'm there. >> Maybe. >> Some question as to moms culpability. And even her potential >> even if you accept the idea of the fact that now police are humans and they make mistakes and you know they don't always get it right in their reporting. What seems to be clear here is that there's actual corroborating evidence or information to buttress the timeline that they put together so they get video evidence and they have you know other things that are time stamped that involve human being if the committee patients at least as far as we know that means that all of that evidence and macean is being placed up against moms meme Murray or her legit of the night before and none of it seems to align right so you can't have it both ways you can't you know so you can't getting dressed at 08:00AM and there's clear indications that your your boyfriend is dumping her backpack and laptop. Almost a half hour before there's no way that you can believe that this child was dropped off a school at 8.40 win. 20 minutes or 30 minutes prior there's video that shows her body police in a vehicle and she does not seen to be a lie those 2 can't coexist at the same time and so even moms going to potentially revisit her memory. Or either going to be a cooperate a witness or perhaps a co-defendant. >> Yeah Phillip Dube I it's I don't. >> You know that she hasn't made a statement since the rest of Stephen cern's she has made a statement since. >> Or daughter's remains were found and you have a right to privacy don't the same thing so we don't know what her position is as to Stephan Sterns the accused murder of her daughter and the one who had all these images on his phone that became the subject of that first case in that first indictment for Hunt more than 400 images. So I don't know what she thinks about Stephen Starr's at this point I know when they're missing. They were like comforting each other like on camera you can see all that but I don't know if things changed. >> I have a feeling that mom has lawyered up and counselors told her to shut up and not say a word to anybody let alone the police and the media. I have a feeling that the coroner has enlisted the help of forensic and tamala just what's going to really matter in this case is the exact date and time of death. A forensic entomologist can pretty much pinpoint almost down to the hour when that child died based on insect activity found on her remains in the woods where where her body was recovered. They'll be able to tell almost down to the hour and that is significant because remember what mom said she said she saw. Natalie getting ready that morning and Stephen peep drop and you know that whole thing if they can show based on the forensics and based on the insect life on that child that she was already deceased and I have a feeling. A mom is going to be in a lot of trouble she will no longer just be a lead but she maybe even beyond a person of interest in possibly. A suspect I'm with that, but I cannot believe that mom did not see behavioral changes in a child of that age to suggest that you know everything was just fine in the House I'd like to you know what type of attitude she headed home how she was performing in school. Whether or not she had friends whether or not she was isolated. Those are the classic symptoms of somebody who is being abused and given the age difference between step into the chop I have a feeling he was what's called herd. The file which is basically going sort of post 2 best in children with them wide age gap between the Big 10 and the vendor b
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Id: 0Wpuly8W2F8
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Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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