Prime Crime: Pregnant Teen Vanishes After Uncle Picks Her Up from School

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on Prime crime Miss Sawyer she just disappeared in thin air it was mass chaos when a Florida high school honors student full of Promise goes missing I'm not a monster I have nothing to do with her disappearance a trail of love and betrayal threatens to tear a tight-knit family apart do I think my husband is capable of any of this no I don't you know but we have a miss is an [Music] opposal hey there everybody I'm Jesse Weber and welcome to Prime crime this is where we break down the most compelling and memorable True Crime cases from across the country when a 16-year-old girl named Diana Sawyer suddenly vanishes her family and police chase down every possible lead this is a very Twisted story that proves quite difficult for authorities to crack Jackson 911 was the location of your [Music] emergency like that you have no idea what December 19th 2018 started out a normal day is was a 16-year-old high school student a sophomore straight A student at Terry Parker High School here in Jacksonville Florida she also went to school with her sister SS who was a year younger in her ninth grade year because Ayanna Sawyer and her sister are minors investigators sometimes refer to them by their initials is and SS to protect their identities she wasn't I don't understand why she wasn't on a boat did you ask your sister why she said she don't know that's not I that's not like that's not like her that's not like you together when SS calls her mother frantically stating that ASAS did not get on the bus Kimberly Mobley was at work so she called two of her sisters one of the sisters called 911 while the other one headed to Terry Parker High School do you think it's fou play I have no idea this is out of character for her and for me to call you all something's wrong her family went crazy they called 911 they called everyone it was mass chaos because she just disappeared in thin air so I she was the first born she was extremely close to her mom she was extremely loyal she loved being with her family she wanted to be either a doctor or a lawyer she was into her Scholastics being the straight A student however sadly at the age of 16 she was was carrying a big secret and that secret was she was pregnant Ayan is 5 months pregnant though she only recently told her mom the family supports her and they've even named her unborn baby Hazel Michelle all they want is to find Ayanna safe and sound is did not attend her last two periods of school video surveillance showed that she did in fact leave Terry Parker High School at approximately 11:00 a.m. and we don't know who picked her up because I was outside of camera um footage at the time she has two bags one is full of course regular school items such as textbooks notebooks and then another bag has a voluminous amount of Victoria Secret items a body pillow the family is left questioning where is is the consensus between police is that she has left school voluntarily there was no obvious signs of any force or anything like that our theory of the case is she either ran away and didn't want to be found or she ran away because her mom wanted to know who the father of the child was she didn't want to tell and that led to friction between the two the police they were just trying to do what they could to find her they did some basic search around the area um they set up the tip line the family was doing quite a bit they were looking for anything after 2 days of searching with no sign of Ayan police change her status from a runaway to a missing person then her mom makes a disturbing Discovery her mom is searching through you know her room through her laptop through her her boxes in her closet anything she could to determine where she may be she finds this word document on ayanna's laptop that kind of seems strange how how how you get to it tell me how you get um I went there in the recyc bin right here recyle bin and then she also got other notes over here on the side they asked you for a password she got some of the notes lock and she got other stuff that she wrote in here about him too though the fact that Ayan went to Such Great Lengths to keep the documents a secret is as concerning as what she'd written it was a couple pages long and it was a pouring out her heart of this person Jose her love for this person the Betrayal of this person ayanna's mom has never heard her talk about Jose could it be a code name for someone could she have run away with this person the diary entries are dated February and March 2018 almost a year before Ayanna disappeared around that time Ayanna was in a relationship her mom didn't approve of with an adult neighbor when Ayanna was just 15 there was a nextdoor neighbor he lived across the street from Ayanna he had had a sexual relationship with Ayanna and his name was Kamar Humphrey I mean the the person that was accused of sexually assaulting her you know 9 months earlier is very much someone who I would be looking into very deeply when she goes missing authorities have legitimate cause for concern about Humphrey in March 2018 at I mom's insistance they'd obtained a DNA swab from him for a rape kit he admitted to having sex with Ayanna at least once and the DNA confirmed it under Florida law he was listed as a sexual offender because he was over the age of 18 and she was under the age of uh 16 the time period that the rape kit was done that the that we can confirm there was a sexual relationship is outside of the time period that she would have conceived but we have always asked did that relationship continue on and we know it went on for months just based on the conversations that she had with friends he's a viable suspect for the father of her child police asked Humphrey where he was the day Ayanna went missing when he shows proof he was out of town investigators have to rule him out but if he's not Jose who is that's when a new name comes into the mix Jonathan quilles she confronts ayanna's sister and ayanna's sister is the one who says oh that's Jose is Uncle John so Ayanna was John's niece by marriage he was Uncle John to Ayan and to the other siblings as well they were very close um his wife and him both took care of the kids on a regular basis they would spend time at their house John really charismatic guy he's very like able he was a mechanic he was a handyman he had a good family life was working doing well married had a kid another one on the way at the time ayanna's mom knows the two are very close but if Uncle John AKA Jonathan quilles is the Jose in ayanna's Diary did things go too far her mom is determined to get to the bottom of whatever is going on she calls police and they head over to his house hey what what's going on this is this is crazy all this just got dropped on me like both of us I was just getting trying to get Dam guy to sign a lease over there and I'm coming back I see patrol cars in my dang house he arrived while they were there he was calm cool and Collective I'm here to help we literally had their kids her kids for Summers you know summer at a time and then you know like yeah all of them if we knew where she was at we would have been the first ones to grab her on our Faceook yeah yeah exactly weting stuff on our Facebook trying to find it the same way they are he did not know anything he didn't have any involvement even his wife you know was defending him and that he would never do anything to harm I so I'm going tell you with with regards to this here do I think my husband is capable of any of this no I don't you know but I I mean I don't we have a missing piece of the puzzle police tell the couple they have a warrant to search the house you got free range I'll hang out out here they'll go in and look and we'll take it we'll go from there you guys hang for be right back Naomi and John say hey search our house you know do what you need to do um look through because you know there's she's not here she we have nothing to do with it got all the rooms yeah okay backyard yeah let's look at the back in the backyard even one of the officers found it kind of funny cuz Jonathan's sitting there he's like hey come on in you know whatever you guys need you want something to eat you want something to drink you know and he's inviting him in like he's one of the family but quilles and his wife do admit that ayanna's Mom voiced her concerns about quilla's contact with her daughter since she found the document on her laptop once that all happened we got blocked completely from having any communication but then the girl said well we can't speak with you now because we blocked mama said to block you so we got to wait until this pass is over so I mean the same but it it's not like it's not uncommon yeah this this happened before and then they come and they'll stay you you know a week weekends over here at the house it seems like the relationship was a little more complic ated than anyone initially thought then the couple makes another statement that seems to catch officers by surprise so while talking about well do you know any items that are missing of is's well the wife had stated when she left she took a lot of her Victoria Secret undergarments Jonathan quilles is even more specific oh yeah her 38 pair indicating that she had taken 38 pairs of Victoria secret undergarments with her how someone in a family relationship with know that is obviously very odd as Cooperative as quillis has been officers sense something is off she said that she know the who the father was but she ain't saying she didn't know yeah she knows who a father her child was and she just but then you can't really take anything that she's saying serious because now that she's been gone I question literally literally everything police they're wanting to talk to John about you know have you had a sexual relationship with Ayanna and so it's just you know they were investigating him at least trying to find out when we return police decide to bring Jonathan quilles in for more questioning they're making some like some allegations that we got to you know do a thorough investigation okay okay so we're have to take you to get interviewed by detective okay okay and just just you know tell him your side and that's it all right all right I still go over here [Music] quick when quillis was brought in for questioning he acted like you would expect he denied everything said he didn't know anything and he lamented the fact that his niece was missing December 27th 2018 about a week after 16-year-old aana Sawyer or is disappeared it's especially concerning because she's pregnant police have brought in her uncle Jonathan quilles for an interview they press him about the diary his niece wrote that indicates the two had sexual relations he denies any inappropriate contact and is even provided his DNA to police you guys took my DNA at the house I don't have nothing to hide you are looking at the wrong person I have nothing to do with that girl disappearing whatsoever whatsoever they don't arrest him that day they detain him they talk to him but then they release him however quilles has raised enough suspicions that a few days later police turn the investigation over to homicide detective Abbott who immediately processes the DNA quilles provided it was submitted to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement here and a rush was put on to it because what we had Learned was that a sexual assault kit involving is had been submitted back in March of 2018 and there was unknown DNA the results showed DNA from neighbor Kamar humphy which was expected since he and Ayanna had had a relationship but the unknown DNA was additional could it be her Uncle John's well on January 7th 2019 a shock came Jonathan quilles DNA was on is's panties complete utter shock it only heightened that Jonathan quilles was definitely a person of interest then a bombshell hit a phone call comes in to the docville Sheriff's Office that individual identified himself as Joseph quillis Jonathan quillis his brother and oh boy did he have a story to tell Jonathan quillis had called his brother he stated it was either December 19th 2018 or December 20th 2018 that his brother was frantic stating that this girl might be pregnant it might be mine and I have to get rid of the body Joseph quillis then stated his brother hung up the phone however sometime later he called back calmer not upset not nervous said he had taken care of it when Joseph asks his brother to explain quilles reportedly gets surprisingly specific Jonathan quillis tells his brother that he lured her to his work in an area where no video surveillance no other workers it's loud and he went to strangle her but he couldn't stum like it so he shot her he then put her body in a dumpster and then it's done he now can move on and his life won't be ruined his brother was like I don't believe my brother did this but it made me feel very uneasy that if I didn't call and report it and something had happened that it would haunt him armed with this shocking new information detective Abbott and a colleague from special assault bring quillis back in for another interview how are you do I've had better days I know right there's been a lot happened we need to talk about okay at this time Detective Billy Abbott has spoken to Joseph quilles and now he's looking at this closer to a homicide investigation the girls would come over to your house and you do like trips to the beach to the we we always uh when to well the pool we had um the pool we had at the house they would stay the night they SP time house and there was the whole summer so you're doing all these things with the girls no with all of them right with yeah all of the kids yeah but then but then they're accusing you of messing with the girls correct yeah and this is um they came out with that uh they they started they started like real heavy with it when went with you know that boy across the street and doing all that that's when it started like really thick Jonathan KES was trying to do anything and everything to show how it was not him that it could be this other individual or you know she might have had another boyfriend in her life so now uh uh is missing she ran away or what not now here I am sitting in the hot seat because is mentioning me as that I am I was you know I'm Mr Jose okay you know so do you know who she ran away with I don't I don't I've been expecting call me text me anything Snapchat me smoke signal quillis painted himself as the victim himself he's being unfairly tarnished by this belief he had inappropriate relationship with his niece so if I were to tell you that I found some underwear that had your DNA in it how would you explain that I I would say that that is not that there's no way in shape in any form okay yeah there's no way so with the case across the street there was a kit done correct and she was wearing spef specific clothes to include underwear mhm yeah she told me that that was one of her biggest pet pees that they took our away from her okay so that's what he's talking that's that's what I was referring to I that wasn't my DNA that I didn't 100% no way it's DNA yeah I'm not saying you're a monster I don't think you're a monster at all okay I think maybe they came on to you and things went a little too far it happens all the time what exactly are they accusing me of what exactly are they saying I did okay well now they're making suggestions that I'm having the sexual relationship or that I had something to do with her going missing and I absolutely did not look at her face I could look at her face they need closure I'm not a monster I have nothing to do with her disappearance I have nothing to do with her disappearance at all so the whole family's off is a liar your brother who loves you is just crazy right everyone's just circling the last I the last I spoke with with my brother he was all bent out of shape and I'm like hold on bro you got this all twisted I didn't do nothing I have no idea what the hell happened with this young lady any of that so then how did he have all those details I don't know how he had all those details I'm sorry I don't know how he had any of those details and he said he didn't believe you at first he thought you were kiding but it was so detailed didn't no I'm sorry nope he really is just kind of like you know what there's nothing I can do at this point you've already made up your minds you haven't looked anywhere else I'm not the person but you're convinced that I am so Jonathan or anything else you'd like to say there's nothing else I would like to say okay then at this point I'm going to place you under arrest for sexual batteries it's a first-degree felony you'll stand up ENT turn around and face the wall place your hands behind your back now Jonathan KES is the number one suspect in The Disappearance of is and now the murder of is and her unborn child police seem to believe Jonathan quilles is involved but they still don't know exactly what happened to Ayan coming up a new development so after the interview detective Abbott decided that he was going to do some more investigation and that was through a wire you did good by doing get rid of the [Music] all hey everybody we're going to get you right back to the quilles case in just a minute but before we do what do a lot of the stories we cover here on Prime crime make clear that the unfortunate truth is you have to know who you're surrounding yourself with you have to be careful about who you led into your life especially new people new friends new dates new people you meet on social media well that's why I want to talk to you about not only great sponsor but a service that can provide actual safety for you why do I say that I say that because truthfinder is one of the largest public records search services in the entire world their whole goal is to help people like you learn what is going on with the people in their lives here's how it works you go on their website and you type in a name I'll be the guinea pig make it easy type in my name Jesse Webber when you do that within minutes you get access to reports that include information like phone numbers addresses iates previous arrests criminal convictions no I don't have any of those but you get the idea also you know what's really useful is if you type in an address it tells you the registered sex offenders that may live in that area too that's the point unless you use truthfinder you may never know the reality about the people around you now aside from all this nefarious stuff truthfinder is also a great tool to use when just trying to reconnect with people long lost friends family members you haven't spoken to in a while truthfinder can help track down these people's information for you well right now you can get 50% off of confidential background reports 50% at LC Prime crime hope you check it [Music] out you huh you pray I hav stop playing playing this whole time you have to forgive me I do this Jonathan quilles is being held at Duval County Jail on charges of sexual battery in connection with The Disappearance of his niece Ayan Sawyer or is when police interviewed quilles he denied any wrongdoing but detective Abbott has gathered some powerful evidence against him including DNA and a confession quillis apparently made to his own brother now Abbott decides to see what else he can gather this time from inside the jail detective Abbott threw his part ERS and and his homicide team they were able to get into contact with some other inmates one of the inmates then was wired up and through the instructions that detective Abbott and his homicide team had given this inmate was you know see what Jonathan killes will tell you just two days later the detective's plan seems to pay off you did good by do why why they my brother why did you kill if she if you didn't think she was going to tell or you just felt like it was going to hit the fan L she 16 month day she came off she wasn a possibility that was M when Jonathan starts talking he doesn't know how to stop and he just keeps going his biggest flaw is he's a chatter box you shot at the job left overnight this girl would have jumped out scream anything about the ca system like everything focus and that's the thing the cameras do work but they they suspect you know a part it's so many spots you thr over the gate I guess by you killing me you did the right thing though cuz you probably be in the wor situation you was living the challenge with jail house snitches is that you could have some doubts well he's just bragging in prison because he wants to have some street cred there but his words are his words and when you compare that to his own brother's comments and Miss Sawyer's younger sisters words that Jose was Jonathan now the evidence is really starting to pile up after detective Abbot reviews this audio recording the determination was I got to get to as pickle part I got to make sure that we get that video surveillance Ace Pick aart you pull it is the auto salvage yard where Jonathan quilles Works video surveillance from December 19th the day Ayanna disappeared could answer a lot of questions and confirm or deny Quill's statements suran's video showed that Mr quillis left his work around the time when the niece went missing from school so he could have left from work to go pick up Miss Sawyer but there's no clear-cut evidence of that because he had an alternate explanation he was leaving for work purposes it was his lunch break and there is no specific video that shows Mr quillis with Miss Sawyer around that time Jonathan said that he was asked to go up to fenol up near the airport to pick up some parts if he went and picked up is how could he be all the way up near the airport which is over 30 minutes away he can't be over at Terry Parker High School picking her up however authorities allege that quilles drove to an area of the yard that had no cameras and was off limits to most employees where he purportedly shot Ayan investigators piece together what happened next from the wiretap recording got went to the gun same police end up finding his signature on the sign in sheet at the range and the gun in his closet he went to the gun range and shot the gun the only thing I can think of about that statement is maybe he thought some forensic evidence could show that the gun had been recently shot if that was Quill's plan it seems like it worked there's no blood evidence there's no DNA there's nothing on your gun and alleged that he shot her at close range like in the heart even the physical evidence didn't line up with what we were expecting to see investigators check every vehicle in the yard and find no trace of Ayana so what police had was a theory that he shot Miss Sawyer and then dumped her body in a dumpster that was quickly removed but there was a lack of physical evidence here based on what quilles has said detective Abbott follows up on the dumpster detective Abbott learns on December 20th 2018 All American garbage picks up the container it went to Otis Road Landfill so detective Abbot then makes contact with the Otis Road Landfill the Sheriff's Office spent over $1.5 million over 3 weeks to go through and excavate this landfill it was almost 80 ft deep deep the the tons and tons of trash that was moved even by their own account was Monumental in nature and they found nothing over a 3- week period of time they couldn't find anything that directly tied Mr quillis to miss Sawyer's disappearance they found some articles of clothing that they thought were Miss Sawyers but the sizes were a little different it was some Victoria Secret clothing and it could have been her clothing especially as she was carrying a baby but it's not 100% clear to law enforcement that they've got the goods with no physical evidence the question is whether the evidence investigators do have is enough to indict Jonathan quilles in the murder of his niece and her unborn child you have Miss Sawyer's younger sister saying that Mr quillis uh was Jose you also have Mr Quill's own brother saying that quillis confessed to him and you also have wire Taps now on July 18th 2019 about 6 months after Ayan Sawyer disappeared investigators send Jonathan Quill's case to a grand jury and and thinking about well what kind of charges are we going to do well ultimately it was decided that we were going to do first-degree murder and the reasons why we were going to do those particular charges and also in the State of Florida we can do that for an unborn child so we knew there was going to be two counts for that the list of evidence the detectives present pays off we met with a grand jury today on your case as well as several others and you are being indicted on first deegree murder the third count is going to be sexual battery okay we need to advise you of that okay all right we would like to talk talk to you if you're willing to speak with us I have an attorney that's U that's representing me that she doesn't want me to talk to without her being present considering the charges that that he was facing he had good spirits um he was pretty confident in how he spoke and very clear concise we talked about a lot of the alternative explanations or alternative options alternative suspects after the grand jury indict Jonathan Quill's case doesn't go to trial for another 4 Years yet with no significant additional evidence turning up does the state have enough to convict we didn't have is in her unborn child in a normal case we know we're someone's murder there's blood there's fingerprints there's a bullet there's a spent shell casing and it's readily identifiable this is where the person was killed there was going to potentially be some doubt [Music] hey everybody we're going to get you right back to the Jonathan quiles case in just a second but look I know that we cover some very difficult stories here on Prime crime the world's scary I don't have another way of saying it it just really is and it is hard to be prepared for what happens having said that there is one thing you can do be prepared if you get hurt that brings me to Morgan and Morgan the largest injury law firm in America and our proud sponsor look if you should get injured it is so vital that you understand your legal rights and whether you're entitled to be compensated because that injury could be worth millions of dollars Morgan and Morgan is a firm that's not afraid to take on big insurance companies that sometimes lowball offers no Morgan and Morgan will take a case to trial if it's necessary and you know what they win big verdicts of $12 million in Florida 6.8 million in New York $26 million in Philadelphia all of these by the way significantly higher than the highest insurance offers and since Morgan and Morgan is so client focused they want to make the process as easy for you as possible they've completely modernized it so it's all done from your smartphone from submitting your claim to signing documents to uploading materials to talking to your whole legal team seeing if you have a case only takes a few minutes so if you're injured you could start by easily submitting a claim at www. / Prim crime or by dialing pound law that's pound 529 on your phone all right let's get you back to the Quill's [Music] case you swear Fromm tell the truth the whole truth about the truth I do all right sir so you're charged with an indictment count one is murdered the first degree count two is murdered the first degree count three is sexual batter Jonathan Quill's trial begins on September 14th 2023 in Jacksonville Florida's Duval County Courthouse he pleads not guilty to all three counts against him in the murder and sexual battery of his pregnant niece aan Sawyer whose body has never been found and her unborn child if you're found guilty of any one of those charges there is the possibility that you can spend the rest of your natural born life in prison do you understand that I do and the death penalty is also on the table the girl might be pregnant I can't lose my family if she has the baby I have to get rid of the body she was 16 did you shoot her you shoot her in the head heart once they heard everything that puzzle was built that picture was painted that they would know beyond every reasonable doubt that the defendant Jonathan ques killed his family member because he could not let the world know that he fathered an underage juvenile's child the defense responds telling the jury not so fast they have to prove that Mr quilles is the one that committed this crime there will be no direct evidence to say that he did you will not hear it investigating and looking through the evidence that the state had gathered the glaring issue um again and again was the lack of physical evidence that they had there will be no DNA to say he's the father they will not be able to prove that Jonathan quilles is in fact the father of The Unborn Child they don't have a body therefore we believe they cannot meet their burden of premeditated murder and therefore we believe there will be reasonable doubt the biggest challenge for prosecutors is that we're living in a time when people expect to see DNA uh direct evidence via video and if you don't have a body you don't have a murder weapon and your case is largely circumstantial it's tough to convince juries that you should send this person to jail for life or even the death penalty the State of Florida is banking on a strong slate of witnesses along with with purported admissions of guilt made by Jonathan quilles himself to his brother and jailhouse informants Naomi Moy A's aunt and Jonathan quilles is now ex-wife at whose home aana spent so much time testifies she says she was initially defensive when her sister said Jonathan was behaving inappropriately with their niece but when her sister showed her Snapchats between the two she changed her tune what if anything did you do therea I told him at that time that he needed to stop speaking with my nieces and he needs to give my family space I said that it looks really bad and he needs to distance himself did you learn thereafter whether or not he stopped speaking into or communic I learned after that he did in fact continue speaking with them so what are we looking at in state 64 these are the messages um from Snapchat the Snapchats from Jonathan quilles and the months leading up Tiana's disappearance were sometimes sexually explicit and even seemingly threatening 94 2018 927 I'm very aggravated right now I'm going to hit you later 97 2018 1221 yeah so I need you to be like 100% with me at all times I'm just so in love with you I'll kill you and cry there was a change in his behavior after she went missing prior to that he was fidgety and nervous he was Restless after she went missing then he slept like a baby quilla's brother Joseph also gives emotional testimony about his conversations with Jonathan as evidenced by their phone records they talked four times times between December 18th and 20th 2018 the time period of ayan's disappearance Joseph could tell his brother wasn't acting like himself uh his demeanor was a little off it was kind of like he was um nervous or a little panicky about something have you heard your brother uh sound panicky to you on previous occasions no he was more concerned about what is he going to do with um the young lady in question um that he might she might be pregnant and he like what is he going to do he doesn't want to ruin his family and mess up what he has already going on in their last conversation Jonathan quilles seemingly finally came clean about what exactly he did on December 19th 2018 he' picked up Ayan from school telling her they would run away and be together he had her sitting in a vehicle uh waiting he tried to strangle her it didn't work out he couldn't stomach it and so then he later went shot in the chest and then he proceeded to um discard the body by transporting into a dumpster and um and destroying the vehicle now Mr pray were you surprised by what he told you absolutely on December 20th Joseph wrote his brother a heartfelt text which the prosecutor reads in court I can't talk to you right now I have to stay firm on my decision what you told me is it some joke or something you like about so yes I told the police because they needed to know I'm sorry I have to do the right thing for that girl and her family not the right thing for you and your selfishness I hate to lose you but I'd rather that the girls family have some peace if you're innocent then you don't need need to worry and they won't find her body but if you're not they going to find her and in that case I already lost my brother prosecutors argue Jonathan quilles had also told his story to jailhouse informants including an inmate who ironically quilles met in a Bible study group tell this jury what he said to you told him he put his gun out and shot him what if anything did he tell you with what he did with her once he shot her once he shot her throw her body in the dumpster you how you ask I'm just BL yeah I know I know you don't really want to talk about get body see I DP garbage over at the be bued like 3 ft of garbage when the inmate had testified and we played that wire we no longer how to say this is what Jonathan quill said believe the State of Florida it was listen to him himself you could watch the juror reaction of Jonathan on that wire and what he said and how he said it you could literally watch the jurors change the the entire demeanor of how they felt about the case eight out of the 12 jurors almost in unison turned their heads looked right at us and you could just read the look on their faces like you're done leave the jury find theed guilty of first degree murder as charg indictment count two leave the jury find the defendant guilty of first-degree murder as charged in the indictment ver count three leave the jury find the defendant guilty of engaging in an act that constitutes sexual battery if he hadn't started talking if he hadn't done that there was more than enough reasonable doubt if his own words had walk them through it for the state after almost 5 Years of Living and breathing is's case getting to know is um seeing is's picture every day in my office the best words ever were heard [Music] guilty as the case reaches the penalty phase the question the jury will deliberate next is whether Jonathan quilles should be sentenced to life in prison or death Jonathan quilles is now a two-time convicted murderer each of you know the horrendous facts that occur in this case each of you did Justice when you convicted the defendant Beyond A Reasonable Doubt of premeditated murder of is and the premeditated murder of is's unborn child and we'll ask you all to render a vote of death State of Florida did hope that they would come back and recommend death that's why we sought it to begin with given the totality of the evidence in this case the defense had hoped for a different outcome we're asking you to save his life does he deserve it you probably don't think so but is there something there worth saving is there something there that would make you all come back and say life without the possibility of parole is appropriate we were able to put on Witnesses his family a uh psychologist that evaluated him him to humanize him really at the end of the day to make it so that you could understand that this is a life worth saving the jury is decisive once again we the jury find Jonathan qua should be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole it was disappointing however we respect the process of our system and ultimately we were just beyond ecstatic that they had found guilty verdicts when they came back for life I I just that was the biggest sigh of relief um I really felt like at that point that was the best thing that we could do for him um as his attorneys was to save his life that was a huge win for us ultimately our judge did three consecutive life sentences so State of Florida on behalf of is her unborn child and the family felt that Justice had been served the truth had been sought and it had been seen and shown wearing a t-shirt bearing the name of ayanna's unborn daughter Hazel her mom reflects on her loss Ayana was full of life and wanted to do so many things she wanted to be a pediatrician I thought about being a lawyer to my mom she was going to be a LA because she could talk her way out of almost anything she was everything you could ask for in ad daughter we were so close she was my first love it was a case that was beyond different than anything I had experienced as a prosecutor you get to know is through her death you get to know her unborn child to get to know her family she is a part of me I would never hear her say I love love you I never received a another FaceTime from her while I'm at work I thank God for the 16 years that I was able to stand with her until we meet again I love you forever yes the jury found the P the right person accountable however is is forever gone and not only just forever gone she's forever 16 [Music] every murder is a tragedy but there's something especially heinous and cruel about the taking of a young life and that is underscored by the fact that Ayanna and her unborn daughter were murdered by a trusted member of their own family denying them both promising Futures that's all we have for you here on this episode of prime crime everybody thank you so much for joining us I'm Jesse Weber and until next time stay safe
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 1,148,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, true crime, truecrime, true crime videos, court, trials, law&crime, prime crime, jesse weber, prime crime documentaries, true crime documentary, true crime stories, true crime documentary full episodes, prime crime with jesse weber
Id: NV1Kh7wvuAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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