The Murder of Madeline Soto: Domestic Violence, 911 Calls, & Police Video

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>> Madeline Soto's 13th birthday party was on Sunday February 25th that the party was at a relative's House and she was surrounded by family, but one person who wasn't there was her mother Jen Soto she was working madeline's mother and father were not together in fact her dad married another woman a couple of months after Madeleine was born, but there was a man living in or House her mom's boyfriend Stephan Sterns cern's was at the birthday party and at some point after that party before she was supposed to be at school the next Madeleine was murder. Sterns is the prime suspect because he was the last known person to be with her and he's alleged to have hundreds of disturbing photos on his phone of Matalin being sexually abused. Investigators are putting together timeline they have gathered surveillance video from the complex where they lived tracking Stearns movements. They also have license plate reader information and eyewitness statements all connected to Stearns and his car. He is charged for all the images found on his phone but he's waived all of his court appearances. But tonight we see him for the first time since his arrest on dash cam video being transport then we'll take a listen to the 911 calls from that. De Madeleine was reported missing as we continue our investigation into the tragic life in debt. Madeline Soto. >> I'm Vinnie politan thank you so much for joining us tonight here on closing arguments. Madeline Soto was a victim of domestic violence. That's what we've been told. A victim of domestic violence. It's not surprising. But when you actually hear the word. And think about what those words represent. It takes you back a little bit. Especially with her. Remember what she was telling people. You know what I'm 13. Going to go live in the woods. Doesn't seem to me like it was for some sort of an adventure. To get in touch with nature. Seems to me based upon all the circumstances that it was to get out of the House. To just get away from it. But she didn't get away. And we've been told. She's a victim. Of domestic. But so far. No one's been charged. I mean you look at the 2 people who were. Living with her in the House. It seems clear to me that it's one or the other or both. If it's domestic violence. I mean it could be another somewhere I guess that you could. Put together if there are other people living in the home. There's a relative or someone else but like let's be honest here what are we talking about. Because you look at all the circumstances surrounding when and where all this happened like the disappearance was from the home, according to these 2. But she's a victim of domestic violence. So it doesn't match. Their story doesn't match their story is he was she was dropped Goff and the church parking lot and then walk to school. Some stranger, some some Ted a far away. The alleged pedophile was living at home. The home where apparently she's the victim of domestic violence, as well as all the alleged sex abuse. That was documented on Stephan Sterns fall. But as we sit here tonight still no one's been charged. They're taking their time but. Jen was involved the mother would they be taking their time like this. With him he's locked up right this guys locked up. Every time you supposed to show up in the courtroom is a no show. Doesn't want to be seen in public waives his appearance is. For all these charges related to what was found on his phone. So we really haven't seen or heard much from Stephen Stearns. After those television interviews that he did when Madeline Soto was a missing person. And people were looking for her some perhaps believe that she was the victim of an abduction. Apparently with the medical examiner investigators are talking about here. That's that's not that's not in play. That is not in play in this scenario. And as a result this guy does want to show its face anywhere. The only time that we've really seen him since the arrest was that what they call the perp walk right. The jail to a to a vehicle and it is you know the media is there we get to see him sometimes a bark some questions out. Many times they don't answer sometimes they do. That's really the only time we've seen him since his arrest. But tonight we're going to see some more of Stephan Sterns but first I want to bring in our panel of experts joining me in Orlando, Florida, human behavior expert and jury consultant Susan Constantine is with us. San Diego California forensic psychologist doctor joneigh Johnston there she is and the chief of police of the Talladega college retired homicide detective, you're recognized him from television Chris Anderson is with us. Yeah hosted a reasonable doubt and I think we hear Susan in the back. >> Have we hooked up Susan are you here. There she is great. Fantastic everyone's ready to go great to see everyone thank you for being here so. There's video tonight that we're going to take a a look at and some images of Stephan Sterns and this is what he is being transported right so there's that the deputy is driving and he's in the back of the vehicle being transported. And it seems like the little slide in the middle is open. So there can be some communication I want to take a look at some still frames that we have this first and here. The darting eyes of Stephan Sterns in that vaccine. Now this is before. This is what their first the first gets in. No real communication back and forth yet, but this is like him first getting in the car. Then we have a moment here where he's looking out the window as well. One other moment where he's looking down. And I want to start here Susan with this this body language. He's just been arrested, this is Friday it's a couple days after being arrested for the highest profile case. Obviously in central Florida but really around the country at the time. What are your thoughts about what you see from him so I know you've reviewed the video. >> So what I'm watching it first of all is that his eyes are going side to side which is to get this frozen kind of a freeze response. But when he's looking for side to side. He's looking in the direction of police officer, he's looking as if he's to Issa keary us he suspicious what is that officer really doing and was he thinking about then he's looking outside the window. It's like he's detaching from the inside. That a vehicle to the outside trying to connect with it. But he's also 100 this is a time for him to go into internal thinking and he's processing generally that's looking down. But when he's doing this here he's kind of detachment for what's inside looking outside and he's thinking that he's processing down what you see is head go down. There's a lot of things are going to be happening there could be an attorney in something Charlie motions things that he's processing there could be that he's thinking through sometimes process down into that week off and instead of Is caught on the Tory digital area that's what he's doing here. But the whole point is is that he's looking was looking at the officer waiting to see what his response is our and he's keeping a really a close look at what he's doing because he's helping him to cut and determine what's really going on. >> So detective Chris essential let me go to you now so. Yeah there you transporting a notorious suspect in a murder someone has been charged with all these hundreds of images of this this young girl all I'm being sexually abused it's a super high profile defendant. It's a big moment what's what are the thoughts of the officer who who needs to transport. This suspect. >> Number one I'm thinking about my own safety and the safety of getting him to and from where he needs to be so. I'm not a huge fan of of leavg >> When do open completely open because I I have seen suspects that were able to climb through those Windows and maybe even attack an officer, you know manipulate your handcuffs around and and get an arm around where you can you can actually do so are to myself which causes danger to the public so never been a huge fan of keeping that window open. If the her sudden by an my whenever I was doing transport a person wanted to speak then you know we can speak, but I'm going to do it in a manner that he's safe and the public is safe. So I'm not a huge fan of keeping those windows open when you're transporting the known suspect like this gentleman. >> That's Joe Johnston your thoughts about the the mentality of this man right so he's been. He claimed that he that there was an accidental factory reset of his phone which I would guess in his mind he would think they would find nothing but apparently according to investigators and prosecutors they found hundreds of these images. It's like he's been caught literally red-handed at this moment, he's been thrown into this fire storm yet. He refuses to show up in court doesn't want to be seen. What are your thoughts this suspect Stephen Stearns. >> I think in some respects. He's got to still be in shock because this is somebody if the allegations are true. He's gotten away we asked tremendous amount of illegal activity. Specifically sexual abuse of a child for a couple of years. And so sometimes when offenders get away with things like that for a long time they developed a sense of okay, I'm never going to call it, I'm so smart and so sly and so I would imagine it was a huge shock for him and he was arrested so I would imagine as Susan was saying in terms of looking down part of that thinking is reality is setting in you know he knows what's on that front. He knows what they found on that phone and he knows there's not going to be an easy way out of this if at all. >> Now in the video posted on youtube by the docket Stephan Sterns appears to loosen up a little bit with the sheriff's deputy after a conversation about all things cough drops let's take a look. >> Please forgive my calls. We're trying to get rid of it for the past 2 or 3 days. I had a really bad cold. I like those that we get it right the very ones, the recall very. The recall a very wants all. >> Okay detective Chris Anderson, you're thoughts of there's been a lot of chatter about the conversation and that they're actually having a conversation. How unusual is it is there is there anything. Is there a reason behind it other than just general human nature that you're in it car with someone for a period of time and you start talking. >> You know what I've said in the room with a lot of murders on a lot of murders. And they are no matter what they've been charged with no matter what they've done a society still treat them as human beings so what I see here is a is a person that cares his job about human life and he sees a man has been charged with one of the most horrific crimes that we have in society today but he still treats him like a human so I think this officer should be commended for even being able to have that conversation so you know some people may not have been able to have conversation with this man knowing what he's but what he stands accused of. It's sometimes it's hard but you have to put that aside and as a as a law enforcement officer. >> Doctor Jodi Johnston your thoughts about they the tone and nature of this conversation. >> I mean your job as a sheriff in transfer to transporting somebody is really to do your job and that does involve putting what you know about the case what you think this person may have done and focusing on the task at hand and I mean you know I used to work at a maximum security prison and I saw custody. Officers, the best ones do this all the time they just had to and as a psychologist going in and talking to a lot of different murderers and rapists and that's kind of thing same thing you have to be able to focus on your goals versus the behavior of the person that you're interviewing or it's impossible to do it. >> And it's we cover trials here on Court TV and the people who are accused many of them are locked up they need to be brought in and out of the courtroom. They've got to be put in a holding cell they have to be transported from the jail to the courthouse every day. >> So I've seen it myself as well in those starts if you're in that courtroom, you'll see it you'll see that the conversation back and forth and the and the handling and you know every once in a while you see someone who becomes dangerous but that's why it is that part of a Chris to create that relationship that it could almost. Bring down the level of tension to a certain degree in that potential for defended to become explosively dangerous. >> Yeah you always want to establish a report with anyone that you're speaking with even if he's not the interview, you know, yeah interview or if he's not the investigator that's that's and that's working this case you still have to establish we're for because the interaction that you have with this man could affect the investigation so you never want to being put yourself in such a situation where is to make this person blow up plus he's charged with a horrific crime just like I just say it you know they any moment he could take it upon himself to say OK this is my opportunity to escape and I'm going to destroy anything in my pear which means that this officer which he knows this I'm sure he knows that his life may be in danger so. Yeah, you have to establish that we're poor with anyone that you are you come in contact with. >> Susan Constantine your thoughts about the conversation, the cough drop conversation. >> Oh my gosh there's so much stuff that's going on here into everyone's point here is that what we're looking at is that he this guy this police officer is a master report builder he is tapping into his censori's is tapping into minimizing know the what it had actually happened right is building this wonderful rapport with him, so you just keep this conversation going on by using conversation prompt ers and minimizes brilliant work on the sheriffs because what he's doing is he's he is warming him up to and connected with him because he knows that once he is going into the police station. Everything was going to happen so when he's talking about those drops they put him up all he's doing is connecting is trying to open up this conversation and when he doesn't watch to see if he leans in Bam right there he already been determined he had work or with Starks because this was brilliant work on his part and I applaud him for what he did. >> I want to go to another section of the conversation Murray's leaning in as they talk about of all things classical music and here's some of the transcript of from this part of the what kind of music do you like the officer S Stearns classical you like classical music, sometimes you're the first person that has ever said classical music like what give me a classical song. I started says I forget the exact days but some Mozart Beethoven some occasional rock and then the officer says well you're you're the first one. Here's the first one ever does Jodi Johnston. >> O y Z. >> Volunteering into this classic all I mean is he really is almost like you're trying to impress somebody on a date or something. Oh yeah I was the big Beethoven you know the big ones. >> Well I don't think Stephen stars as stupid and I think one of the things that he's going to need to survive in their farm and he's about to enter is being able to establish rapport and connect with people they interact with and so I think he is making an attempt not only to connect with us officer by talking about cough drop 6 senators ever joining the conversation. But you're right also trying to impress him. Pam human being I'm not just a human being a human being likes River has refined taste. And so I think that's part of his strategy at this point. >> Susan Constantine I know you're going to have to run right now we're going to be back top of the hour for us helping us on another case deck to join Johnson detective Chris Anderson staying with us. When we come back, we'll take a listen to this summer 911 calls in this case plus coming up next hour. >> In Santa Fe, New Mexico explosive new revelations in the Alec Baldwin shooting case why did the defense want to call Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford as witnesses will this trial be impacted by. >> Celebrity real guns are going to be used on movie sets there needs to be. Law of safety protocols in >> We dropped off at school close to school. She wanted to walk the rest of the way she spotted. by the church by the middle cameras they saw her hang out in the parking lot for a little bit and then get up and leave the into vehicle or anything else it is on the walkway. Around 09:00AM heading towards the school. >> None of that is true by the way according to investigators in this case, none of his trip. There's no there's no video of her by the church. And Stephen cern's didn't drop her off. She didn't walk the rest of the way anywhere. Just didn't happen. I mean there's no by the way is no evidence of it. There's no there's 0 evidence of it other than the statements of Jenin Soto Stephan Sterns. When she was a missing child and we haven't heard from them. Since she's become a murdered child. Before these interviews, there were 911 calls that were made and we don't have the identity but we don't believe either one of these calls you're about to hear or that the other one is people are going to hear on the it's just so we think it's it's relatives perhaps a sister maybe. Not only is Grandma, let's take a listen to the 911 calls that were made. The day that Madeleine was reported missing. >> And you need police fire or medical. >> Police possibly are reporting a missing child. Okay and what is the name of the business there business of okay and the child that you're trying to report missing are you calling on behalf of the of the parents. Yes, he's on the health of the mother. >> Okay okay and then so and then how old is the child. And could I go ahead and get her name. And is she white black or Hispanic. >> And dirty blonde hair blue eyes. >> Hold on with me here and then what color shirt and pants was she last seen >> hold on let me ask. >> look kosher in Goshen are wearing. >> About our finding out okay and then how long has it been since you guys had last seen her. Since this morning she was dropped off at school this morning and apparently she never showed up. >> We everyone you know I hate her. >> And then so ma'am I just want to come. Know where she last seen from this Saturday. For you guys >> her no no no she was last church that's on this could be a little for I think it's called peace church, I'm not sure the exact address. She was wearing a dark green hoodie I believe what is the name of the church. I'm pretty sure it's called peace church. It's the one right next to her little for the full note got it it's across the street. Prominent. I believe so yeah, there's there's 2 I forgot about the other one it's not focal point church. It's a moist it. >> Key United Methodist Church. Okay if he diagnosed with any medical mental conditions at all. >> I know she takes medication for I think I'm pretty sure that this. >> All right there with me here. And it's you know to carry anything on or person like a pocket knife pepper spray anything at all like that >> Does she have a cell phone that she might keep honor person. >> She says that she had when she looked at home could be in Reporting live in child that it was no longer possible. 8 years after how they may open up the The cost apparently pending the have the deputies respond out there that we don't have any available deputy. We still have to call up the holding so no one's on the Not yet now. The loan for that response to the call. >> If there's a big emergency in the And there's nobody there's no units available to cut the common cold. >> But as soon as one becomes available. They respond to the next pressing Paul. Okay, yeah we just do it here just me I don't have the calm we still have a calming. Yet we still have the car holding for them. I'll go ahead and update them with the information. All right thank you says this happened very recently so we just want everyone here to to do it too I am so we want to get everything got to the hospital trying to find her. You need police fire or medical. No for the medical issue we we have in the seat file in this morning. We recall the time. And the police didn't show up >> Got it right here for because when I see it as a way for getting this far. >> They haven't they haven't come here yet. >> I'm more of them I see it I do it for a deputy to respond. >> It way for us to respond to. And how what do we need to wait child missing. >> I said about tonight to give it I I don't know when they'll be there. >> For how long do we need to The emergency that we have information but it is it that they're trying to get someone says pass. >> It is not important for you >> But we're very thin air. Look I understood as a beautician and they can do for us. >> Let's bring back our guest with me doctor, Johnny Johnson and detective Chris Anderson in joining us the editor, the Osceola news because that can Jackson is back with us. Okay before we get into these not along calls those want to check with anything new eye in the case of you spoken to What's going on down there. >> For me and So we heard from the state attorney and remaining in the last week I weighed in that another case and you know everything to to gravitate back to Madeline Soto these days around here and then we asked about the details an investigation, he said that they're being kept from the public pretty from Italy to prevent any leaks because they want to make sure that they don't taint. A potential jury pool. When Steven certain goes to trial. I mean he's scheduled for trial in the May trial block I tend to think that probably going to get pushed back it will get a continuance on that but. State attorney Bain is adamant that they want to be fair trial. They want this tried in the area in the 9th district by people from the 9th district rather than either moving the trial elsewhere because of the no variety or having to bring in a jury pool from elsewhere. >> That's fascinating and it's it's almost as if. They're going to try him on these first charges because there's no statute limitations, a murder of thing the charging for the murder you could just sit back and try to convict him on this interesting approach to everything down there. Detective Chris as you want to get your your reaction to that. Could it be I mean could they be the place where they've had a you know we know he did it we have enough here but state attorneys holding back and just wants to get the conviction. The easy conviction for all the things that were found on his phone. >> You know if the the either scenario could be true. But as an investigator from an investigative standpoint. You never want to rush to a case like this. You because you only have one shot at it and you don't want to mess it up so bad that he's never tried and convicted if he is guilty of her murder so. >> Good speed is is is not necessary time is on your side you have some very solid cases against him and take and for me as an investigator I'm going to take as much time as I need to make sure that we get this right. >> that Joe Johnson to get back to those 9 one one calls as we listen to was there anything in there that struck you about the 911 calls that were made. When Madeleine was finally reported missing. >> Well obviously the first thing that stood out is that it's not to who's making the call made that just is kind of mind boggling to me if it was my kid, I'd be on that phone. And you know, I'm not going to be somebody who says OK there they didn't show the right level of emotion because I do think people sometimes have different responses and this wasn't Jens Soto and they know it but I have to say I found myself listening to this series of calls. Hailing this increased sense of urgency myself. I mean I would be down there at the you know it's a playstation by that second call you know banging the door down saying you know where Mike it is missing, you know what it what is the problem so many to help me I'd be out there looking for my kids so those are the things that really stood out for me is that they're what they're waiting and but again the first thing as here is somebody calling and turning apparently to Janet sounds like it asking her all these questions why isn't she the one talking to 911. >> And she's the one that got all the information all the details that we heard in these polls in these television interviews subsequent all this we heard all these details that she was can in those cars calls and and. Do you hear any inconsistencies anything that outside of of of what we've heard from the story of Judge souto this story of Stephen Stearns. >> Along with your the doctor here I for me if I would see Jen so it will be on the phone or something especially after that first Call the second or 3rd calls you would they would come from her you know the the whoever is making the call I did ask you know what was she wearing and it took a moment to get that information. From Jen and so you know these are things that she rattled off in the interviews with television. The day or 2 after an Iowa. Granted those are probably rehearsed by that point because these calls are coming on the money that's been February 26 the day that she was reported missing. Detective Chris session. >> It's this is a missing child case and it just seems like you know my child I've got the information I know what she was wearing I know everything I not seeing that does that raise a red flag for investigators out of the box. >> So out of the box first it didn't raise any red flags second 3rd calls absolutely. >> Because e I've seen it where you know you're you're and such. You know dismayed that your child is missing during a time like this I can understand having up there. >> Remember making that initial phone call to get law enforcement to you where you can give them the information that you collect just self almost but after that first Call. And they've not responded the second call know maybe my family member did something wrong and they need to be here because I need to find my child. So the second call them, making the call myself a 3rd call. You know I would be way more I've said because of 5 now I've called you 3 times my child is still missing. I need to find my child so does it raise a red flag that the first call the second call birdcall absolutely. >> Detective Chris Anderson great to have you on the program, hopefully we'll see again really really soon doctor Johnny Johnson and Ken Jackson staying with us when we come back we're going to talk the medical examiner releasing that statement about the death of Madeline Soto a victim of >> Now we are here on hickory Road in Saint cloud where Madeline Soto's body was found in it. Take a glance behind me you see there's not really much to this road. I mean there's a little flat land on the left a little brush on the right. It seems that you be able to see something from your car as you pass down this robot is not a busy road is only been 15 maybe 20 cars in the past by since we've been here for the past half hour or so and also those security camera's on any of these light post but as we continue this way. We are in mind that this actually is where Madeline Soto's body was found by this Memorial set up by community advocates family members maybe even some friends because right back there in that span of trees is where her body was found by police. >> Big parts of this investigation obviously is the medical examiner's room port, the autopsy and the report of of this investigation in this we're not going to get the medical examiner's report second to be released like many reports are released in Florida take a wftv and and Court TV also have been notified by the medical examiner's office that it cannot release its report, Madeline Soto's autopsy. Report is confidential and exempt from being publicly released because it involves a minor whose death was related to him. >> Act of domestic violence. >> But that speaks volumes doesn't it, I mean it does to me. It does to me. Tell me without telling me right. >> Let's bring back our guests still with me doctor, Johnny Johnson and 10 Jackson and joining us now Certified forensic pathologist doctor priya Benner G as well can I just want to be with you you have an update on the medical examiner. >> Well I just did some checking on the state statute, >> that regulates all this now this is not a medical examiner's policy about not really seeing in this case was a minor leaguer inactive domestic vi business makes exempt from public records laws the most among the most open to the nation and that's what you hear about Florida man so much because these records are readily available in this Cases are available. The so the state statute states in a case like this that when you have a case to make that that report confidential like that. It's >> now this is where I'm kind of connect dots here except that the surviving parent of a deceased man minor may view and copy the Al top 2 reported the surviving parent did not commit the act of domestic violence which led to the miner's debt. Now here's the dots and connecting. Jennifer Soto has yet to be charged with anything if she ends up being charged, it's a an accessory so all of these things are really accessory to murder. Then she's party to committing the act. I wonder she's going to ever going to be able to see this report. >> And I want to actually seen it yet that's a great great point doctor priebe energy let me go to you if your medical examiner and you know yet deal with the laws and what you can release can released. What what the medical examiner saying here it involves a minor whose death was related to an act of domestic violence, how would the medical examiner. Get that information and come to that conclusion. >> I think that's a great point where we can to read between the lines here. That cooperation with the police there have been times when I was in involved in not all the with the homicide of the day might have wanted me to haul the cause of death for a day or 2 just to get more investigation. Obviously I think they're much farther along in this case and now that. Are determined by my colleagues, I know they're not released but they're determined they probably share that information came to that inclusion together with the police that. The most likely suspect is. The moms boyfriend and and you know what about the mom as well and so they're not Alicia because these are the 2 adults close to her. >> And you're talking about domestic violence right that's the it's as related to an act of domestic violence very very specific here this isn't I'm a stranger. So Joni Johnston to me this is so important because from the beginning Stearns and Jen Soto were telling the story. This is a different story than what they were telling. >> Actually right because what this is saying is it speaks to the relationship Wein Madeleine and the people who murdered her I mean as you point out when you're talking about domestic violence. You're talking about a pretty narrow pool of people that are suspects. >> So doctor priya Banerjee it. They have cause and manner you believe right holding it back as you do. You say it's a result of domestic violence. So now you're talking about who is connected. In order to know that someone is connected to this you would also in this autopsy there would have to be some evidence of of homicide. Right there you have it happen absolutely absence if you talk about domestic violence, then it's homicide. >> Pigeonholed the manor very clearly into homicide. You know she didn't die of any and the reason it wasn't an accident. No natural disease. This was as you know a very unfortunate outcome of someone doing something to her. You know we don't practice and a black box I think that all the time and that. You know my colleagues can do term and the injury, but you don't really get that domestic violence component until you look at the investigation which is they're working with the police. >> Kenneth we heard it all from gen-z Soto anywhere any time since those initial television interviews. >> I wish I could tell you otherwise all we have that does cause here in town where she where she is who she is with. I'm sure she's got an attorney that he's told her to not talk like Steven in the back of the a transport vehicle that we saw earlier in the show. So you know like I said I want to tell you otherwise, but nothing new.
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Id: pHjuAt8pa4s
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Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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