Will it Start!? BARN FIND 1950s Caterpillar Dozer!

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[Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so today guys we have a video that's going to be a bunch of fun and you know what it is because you clicked on the title here we're going to be working on this d6 caterpillar dozer here it's a cable dozer we believe it's like a 19 late 1940s to early 1950s this has been sitting here a while it's been in this barn don't know the last time it was ran something i acquired anyways let's before we jump into that and do a little bit of a walk around here if this is the first time you guys have made it to this channel because you guys are interested in seeing an old equipment like this run welcome uh my name is ben channel is the island farmer more or less we don't do a lot of uh big equipment start fine time things like this but this is a little bit special most of the time it follows me around doing farm stuff down here in southern iowa and if you guys do enjoy videos like this trying to get some old barn find equipment up and running take a second hit the thumbs up button leave me a comment it'll really help out the channel we might not be able to make this my biggest video yet so this is going to be a fun one trying to get this piece of american history up and running and maybe and maybe get a little bit of dirt pushed with it this fall i did get my hands on the books for this old gal we got the engine book um the tractor book these two the bindings broke i got to rearrange those a little bit and then this operator manual i did read it and actually it's got some really cool pictures it tells you the maintenance things to look at uh and starting procedures things like that which is actually kind of really important because unlike most things where you hop in and you turn the key and you start whatever you're going to be running this isn't that simple on this dozer this dozer here has a pony motor so you start the pony motor uh which happens to be luckily an electronic start here throw some decompression stuff and then you kick it into gauge using kick it into gear using a couple of these levers which then the gas motor which is the pony motor turns over the diesel motor and then you can start the diesel motor that way that's this whole simple but complicated system it's got going on so i have a secret weapon coming uh steve uh who you guys have seen on my channel before he has a really cool shot pitch the automatic floors and stuff he's really smart when it comes to mechanical stuff and he's actually been around these before so he's going to come out here today help me kind of check everything out see if we can get it started because otherwise i might be a little bit lost i i'm not really good at diving into motors and things like that i can fix things but i'm not mechanically this way that good i've just never had the chance to learn with somebody someday i hope to get the chance to like build rebuild an engine with somebody so i can learn that man take a look at all this cool badging caterpillar d6 the big old cable on the front of it cable runs down the side here [Music] ran by these levers here to this big old behemoth in the back so yeah that means this thing has no hydraulics on it it is ran off of a pto i don't know if the pto is belt driven or whatever runs off a pto runs the cable and the cable is actually what runs the blade no hydraulics definitely old school pretty cool you can tell it's been in here a little while um it's kind of sunken into the ground the undercarriage is there it's kind of interesting that's got a lot more life than that does in it but yeah six cylinder and my guess is that it's like a two-cylinder pony motor probably got like an eight-foot blade on it be nice if uh it actually had the root rake for it i'd be pretty interested if i could find a root rake it's like turning around and sitting into a time capsule here cobwebs included look at that seat that seat's even in good condition still only minor duct tape break break clutches throttle down all the way forward i don't know which where's the neutral at there's the gear selector so that's a neutral forward reverse ah my secret weapons arrived this is the hand clutch oh boy so here's steve you guys have seen steve he's here to hi guys how are we doing he's here to give me uh all the pointers on maybe how to get this thing running yeah let's see if we can see if we make a old machine come to life here i don't know what do you think the first thing we need to do is probably turn the start or make sure it's gonna turn turn starter which means we gotta put the battery in correct so which i already went and got a new battery and this is a six volt machine and they apparently at some point made uh 24 volt starting systems which apparently people didn't think batteries start engines wasn't a good idea because this one's a six volt but you got to start the pony motor that are these old motors when it got cold or so hard to start that they just kept having pony motors steve was telling me actually like one of the advantages of a pony motor when it gets cold is and steve you can correct me here is is actually the exhaust runs through the engine or through the manifold so like the exhaust comes out here right there yep and runs through and then comes up there so the exhaust from the pony motor runs into the engine and then you can actually turn the engine over for a little while without any fuel supplied to the engine and any compression on the engine and that will actually warm the engine up before you kick fuel into it and put the compression to it so it's actually should be easier in theory to start in the winter with these pony motors if you can get the pony motor started there's one battery see that's what starts your pony motor is the battery if you put your positives negative side on first then if you're putting the positive on and you touch the frame what are you going to get you're going to get a dead short across your battery which you really don't okay now we've got pyro there i better make sure she's in neutral i'm pretty sure it is i don't think you can move these things on a pony motor though can you that feels like neutral first thing that steve says to check is to check to see if the starter will actually turn over so you can actually start this in two different ways so there's an electric start on this one or you can actually pull start the pony motor right back here by putting the string in this pulley and steve was saying that you'd have to turn the magneto on and that's what would fire it but we're not doing that we're going to try and start it with electric start first thing we need to do is to see if it will actually turn over go ahead let's see or turns shoot so we got the chance of it starting okay so let's let's try the magneto let's see if it happens so the magneto was need to turn the magneto off yeah so we have spark so what steve's looking at now is actually the injector oil so all the injectors are behind this plate and apparently if it doesn't run right you can take this plate off and look and see uh with the with the decompression lever thrown you should be able to actually turn the engine over with the fan you want to see if you can actually turn the engine it's the decompression lever is actually thrown just give it a shot so i can turn it you can turn it yeah i'm turning the engine if the injectors weren't working right you could take that panel off turn the engine and see if any of them are getting hung up because this is what oil bath it apparently and uh lubricates that and so if this gets ran without it it can get them kind of sticky so we're good there too i think i need to go get it just a soft a wrench yeah oh yeah yep so the first time i liked this i thought this was actually like the starter for this so it might have an electric start but that's actually the old generator steve says that's the voltage regulator probably turns on back checking the oil for the pony motor which i checked to look good there and then uh the engine oils down here no that's what's that one that's probably a crank oil or clutch oil i don't know what that one is no but it's okay and then there's the engine right there i believe there's plenty in there typical good old diesel engine i did stop in town this morning and i got some non-ethanol gas so not to rag on ethanol obviously we want ethanol to be burned and everything but small engines and long sitting wise no alcohol the better and older stuff and older stuff no alcohol because the gaskets are not made to accept alcohol yeah here's a pair of pliers we might be able to break that what we don't want to do is drop that bulb though [Music] probably not it's a cat machine but you can still get parts for it yes you can we going at the top there steve it doesn't wiggle where you think it wiggle oh boy got an important phone steve i've been waiting on somebody to call me about my car insurance okay clean up the little fuel bulb here and some nike there's your fuel filter and some like rust and stuff it's like a bunch of little brasses stuck on top of each other it's not even really a screen is it huh we got basically the old gas out of the machine here we're going to put some new gas in there but the gasket on the fuel bulb is kind of bad so we're actually going to run up the road here and try and go make one real quick that way it might not leak so bad it might still leak but it's leaking pretty quick right now what do you think is that going to work yeah these scissors are less than perfect so time i guess looks substantially better doesn't it so we just made a i had some gasket material that was i don't know eighth of an inch thick was it even that thick half 16th of an inch thick gasket paper uh just cut out a new gasket to shove up in there if that didn't work we were going to try an o-ring but gasket paper works so now we got gas going through that filter bulb which means that we can head around here to the other side now and we should be able to see if we can get gas to come out of so this is the this is the turn valve that turns on the fuel we'll just try and start the engine and then off clean the engine filter here we'll have to no need to mess with the diesel and stuff until we can see if this little engine right right make sure this makes noise and then we go next step down and down is ryan yeah that's like pushing out compression down there it's just pumping out the gas down there [Music] she got a loud steep [Applause] on top of that thing wow it is noisy next step is to engage the clutch and turn the engine over yeah so we need to uh for that we need to check out everything and i need to check out the air filter be a good first step so go turn off the gas yes on that side yeah [Laughter] that's too fun right there you just started something that probably hasn't started who knows so something else that's uh on these older tractors is that they have what were they technically called like oil breathers oh just air filters that had an oil i got this side off she feels heavy oh man bath oh there's a mouse or something in there steve there's multiple mice in that bad boy [Music] oh man that's bad good thing we opened that one up so what's special about this cat is that it's uh it's caught quite a few mice [Laughter] [Music] yeah oh boy i can smell that as soon as you dropped it [Music] i feel like it spins ooh ooh how many dead mice do you think are in that thing i don't know but it's pretty ganky ooh that's all that's good after it yep that is that smell is just something else the mice knows oh boy i don't have really a weak [Music] so i'm actually like laughing at myself because i want to clean the hook i can't really look at it but i don't have a weak stomach except for when it comes to that kind of stuff i can kind of look at it a little bit but man if i was doing what steve was doing right now you guys see a lot of gagging is yeah i can't do that wow that's like a chuck full of them hey [Music] [Music] okay so what i was saying before i started gagging i don't know where we started that at is is that on these old machines they have oil bass and this one happened to also catch mice so i've officially come up with the nickname for this dozer and it's barn cat steve you want to explain kind of how this works so you know more about these than i do okay first of all this is the oil part of the oil bath and this container is filled for the oil inside and outside the ring then this this piece fits in here which then directs the air coming in here and then it comes through the oil and then it goes up through the filters these are the filters on its way up to the air intake and there are numerous screens that will be six screens then this piece sets it on top and holds the screens together and then you gotta you gotta put the wing nuts in and we're gonna fill it with uh 1540. either we got a whole leak on the bottom or spilled so i don't know if we got that on camera but we went put that together and we got a little wheat leak going on here so we're going to try and stop the leak do we need to do anything on the inside or just hold them outside nope oh just that clean enough [Applause] man you guys are missing out on smell-o-vision right now just about five-year-old aged mice so i bathed in oil on sauteed pretty good okay where's the fuel tank wait you're sitting on it i don't know there's no squeaky surprises in here is that the fuel gauge that's the fuel gauge that's pretty darn cool right there it says that uh we are at says we're sitting right around 25 gallons in there should i should i do anything with it should i just put it back say we're okay with that we're in neutral here i think which way does that take the lever that takes it down that's got to be shut off there back shut off forwards more you can you but you can run that up there i'm in neutral so we're at the point where we have changed the battery we have made sure that the starter engine the pony motor runs we've cleaned its fuel system we've cleaned its bulb made a new gasket for it we've checked all of the oil reservoirs that kind of pertained to us we cleaned the air system that was the that was our little hiccup so far today i had to braise the bottom of it a little weep holes in there but no more mice in there i guess as far as we know we can try and start this thing yeah yeah well you want you want you want to do it or you deserve to let's see if i can okay so turn on the fuel fuel on i did open that pick on the bottom down there okay this thing yeah okay okay now that's on it to on that's the magneto and that's the starter probably i would mess with the left lever throw yeah listen to that so we're getting somewhere now i gotta see if i can figure out how to move it okay you gotta oh okay i think i got it uh so we're having issues here so this is like the flywheel break and that's supposed to be like engaged right when it's saying pull back is it the pullback is engaged disengage the flywheel classifier pressing class controller forward as far as it'll go which is that which i'm thinking there should be break on that so i'm wondering if it's the clutch these old clutches can be get froze up can get rusted tight i wonder if it's like there's a panel right there that we could look down in there with some like 9 16. i'm honestly wondering if we got some linkage and i'm not being able to push that forward far enough to get it to slow down that i can actually put it into gear because like here it's in gear guys so you got first be able to take this and this should go forward there's that's reverse and that's forward in that gear and then that's the neutral where you should be able to do this and put it into a gear and that should go forward except for we're thinking i'm not clutch breaking [Music] [Music] i feel like we don't have enough movement there i feel like we're missing something brake adjustment equipped with a clutch brake which stops a clutch shaft from turning that would be right down there next to the clevis so what we decided here is that basically the clutch brake isn't working correctly which it's right there and uh we've taken one of the adjustment nuts off of there to try and get some more adjustment into oh that's really bad lighting but trying to get some more adjustment into this hopefully give us a clutch break and by doing so it was basically out of adjustment so we've taken a bolt out of it probably not the most recommended thing to do but we're going to do it just to see if the clutch is actually frozen seven sixteenths yeah it's been about there pretty much on the money i just put it there and it went to that's two and a half right there that's what the book calls for okay so this is the clutch break right here we took it all the way off there is a little bit of pad left not much though and uh we're gonna actually take now you guys can see what i was talking about we're gonna take this bolt all out slide this bolt to this position and then this won't be down there hopefully giving us enough adjustment that we can make this clutch break work yes okay so we're going to put this back in there you guys won't be able to see any of it because i hit the light and broke it so we'll put this back on there see if we got adjustment try and start this back up here give us a second i'm guessing that clutch brake peg goes in a hole down here sorry i missed that could you say it again please so here we go again we tried to adjust the break here i don't know if we talked about actually how to start this thing um by without me doing it and when you can't hear way this gal starts is here's your throttle that's half throttle so this is your clutches so i got to pull this one forward here and that gets thrown in here's my gas so you turn the gas onto the pony motor this is the get decompression lever for that so what you need to do is turn your gas on here upon you started you throw the clutch put it in gear which turns over the motor let it turn over for a second you've got fuel to it throw the compression and after you throw the compression it should start chucking out some black smoke start it up shut your fuel off turn off your magneto or whatever that's called and uh your engine this starts fuels on decompression's on this is on turn this should start there you go that started we're moving okay so for steering you got the right left clutch then you got to hit the brake left clutch we're gonna have too much fun so then i can go out of here so then now i'm out of gear so i do that forward we've got reversed we're too cool for school right now [Applause] thank you steve i wouldn't have been able i wouldn't have been able to do that one without oh boy you're certainly welcome yeah i hope you enjoyed that yep i'll just take that down the road here and do a little dirt work with it here when i get a chance to push a little bit with it but i feel confident that i can start that boat whenever i want i know it moves all the idlers were rolling good all uh i'll come out and all grease are good now so i think we proved to prove the concept so there it is we got a dozer back going it's um that's that's definitely going to be one of my favorite videos that i've done in 2022. if you guys did enjoy that hey please hit the thumbs up button it'll help this video out it'll help the channel out we're getting ready to move into harvest season so it'll be a lot of harvest related videos coming out here soon we've got grain bin building videos coming out and some other fun things coming along the way here so if you enjoyed it consider subscribing the channel uh man that was fun wasn't it guys that was that was definitely fun uh i can't thank steve enough for coming out and help me out hopefully you guys got a smile out of that i know i did um i know my neighbors whose dozer this was that he's he he was smiling today too so um yeah that's pretty darn cool so i think that's all i got for you guys if you want to see the next video go uh go check out one of uh steve's shot pit videos that i've done on the channel here i'll put them down in the description and i probably put a card up there at some point too yeah i guess that means we'll see in the next one you
Channel: iowANFarmer
Views: 204,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Farming, Farming Video, young farmer, Caterpillar Dozer, Cat Dozer, CAT Dozer, CAT Bulldozer, cable dozer, D6, Will it start, barn find, old dozer, Cat Cable dozer, pony motor, humor, funny, fun, entertainment, old equiment, equipment, heavy equipment, abandoned equipment, will it run, can it start, cold start, starting diesel engine
Id: Ce77ypRWkjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 33sec (2133 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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