Vintage tractor left to rot by a swamp for 20 years.. Will it start ??

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[Applause] thank you [Music] foreign thank you I've been given another tractor it's a International uh I think it's a b414 four-cylinder diesel the farmers um tidying up his property and he wants it out of here and before it starts leaking oil because there's a there's a pond over there and he doesn't want any oil leaking in there it was used to tow this irrigator years ago I think that there is the it's like a water powered pump and this piston goes up and down and turns that winch which pulls it along the ground slowly and I suppose that's why it's it's so Rusty because it was always wet when the irrigator was going so yeah those wheels are really quite bad I've never seen wheels that rusted oh that's lost quite a bit of thickness on the rims I don't know how safe those wheels will be it's bad oh it should be okay to get out of here anyway the farmer wants it out of here so if I can't get it running I'll just have to winch it out and take it in for scrap but yeah we'll try and get it running apparently it was going when it was parked up here that was 20 years ago or so pretty bulletproof for these old Internationals so it should run the engine is covered and there's a can over the exhaust so hopefully that will skip the water out foreign it all looks to be intact it doesn't seem to be any parts missing oh yeah it's got oil b414 diesel made in England International Harvester [Music] foreign that's a good sign see if there's any oil in that gearbox it's not too bad it's a little bit milky but it does have oil that break there might be might be locked up and that one there is free that clutch feels quite free that's good so that was um left over from the last service just a whole lot of leaves yeah nothing really useful foreign so the battery goes in there oh that looks like asbestos and it's quite brittle so I'll get rid of that I think before I do anything because that's the Fan's gonna possibly push that back into my face so you know pull that out I think that's asbestos probably is yeah I'll back that up and take it away before I do anything don't want to be breathing that in connection's not too good there looks like it's corroded away so it might have a problem there um everything else looks intact [Music] foreign [Applause] check this out I just went to get a bucket of water and there's all these eels in here and they're quite friendly it's one big evil foreign in there must be full of eels that's awesome that's got rid of the asbestos but I might just go and get some paint and paint over that just to hold any dust in there it might be sticking to it with that fan pushing air through any loose dust in there is going to come straight back at me I've gone into town and got some heat resistant paint so we'll just slap that on uh just to trap any dust that might be on that firewall it does have some old diesel on there but it's like 20 years old so try and get that out of there yep that's diesel it's all drain all that out and add some new diesel in there we'll see if that engine turns over before I put any diesel on it yeah that's actually quite free so I think it'll turn over as long as that starter motor works right I've got the battery in there let's see if it'll turn over before I go any further oh she's trying that terminal there is not too good so see if I can tighten that up see it sort of smoking on there no I feel like it's going to break that start if I keep doing that um I might just have to pull it over so it makes a bit of contact all right let's have a look in this air cleaner it's a oil bath type so let's see what's in the bottom there really bad that's disgusting under the state of that thank you [Music] that's supposed to be oil I hate to think what the engine oil looks like yeah foreign [Music] right that'll breathe a bit easier now some pressure oil on there I feel there's going to be a bit stale so um yeah it'll flush a bit of that out all right so that's getting filled through to the filter there um I don't wanna run up too long because I'm off that my bet for me but that should have flushed out most of the old fuel there oh yeah these have got glow plugs where do they go oh that could be something to do with it there that looks like it could be the glow plugs of the air that seized up pretty sure that was supposed to turn to move there we go a bit more a bit more yeah there we go so that's I'm pretty sure that's the glow plug contactor there see what happens yeah I can hear it it's barking I think hahaha looking for a shot of ether he wants to go yep she's gonna go that terminal wasn't happy but I'll sort that out later if I get it running he's smoking away but I think she's gonna go she's um starting the coffin's life so I'll just make sure it's going to run and then I'll I'll change the oil because I don't want to run that oil for it too long [Laughter] oh that's brilliant it doesn't actually sound too bad once it gets running but it took a bit of winding over I had to throw some ether at it but um once once it's going it seems to run Okay so now that I know it's going to run I'll dump that oil out and put some new oil in there because I don't want to run it too long on that sludge that's brilliant that's um actually sounds pretty good uh considering it's been sitting here for so long thank you not as bad as the air clean a while Fleet guard LF 566. I'll get a new one of those foreign all right these tires are quite flat so let's see if I can get some air on there that tire is actually full of water which is probably why it's still up I just put 15 psi I don't want to overdo it because I don't trust that rim yeah that's got like five PSI on it because of the state of that room The Edge is just rusted through there so yeah she's not gonna be doing a lot of heavy work I don't think but anyway we should be able to get it out of here [Applause] thank you [Applause] that clutch seems to be stuck once I got on here it just started rolling forward so if you try and broke that clutch free somehow maybe tie a rope to the drawbar and put it under load and hope it frees up because it's just been sitting so long and it's yeah it's not releasing foreign around the back of the irrigator and we'll try and free up that clutch um I'm putting a bit of load on it should pop open oh my God [Music] [Applause] too much damage to the tree right that clutch released okay I just had to put a bit of a load on it and release the disc so the clutch is working all right now just about ready to drive out of here now uh I'll put the exhaust back on and pull my way out foreign it's moving okay but these wheels are flat on the irrigator and that one is locked on so it's just sort of sliding along I couldn't get over that hump there so I put the diff lock on and now it doesn't want to come off so I'll try and work that from underneath see if it'll pop back out thing there just locking it in yeah that's good enough that button there kind of seized up so it wasn't letting it go back that's okay now everything's just sort of seized up and needs a bit of use so yeah hopefully I don't need that to flock again because yeah it's a nuisance having to unlock it every time let's try that again [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] no problems um I did have to use ether again to start it just testing these glow plugs and they're not working like this I'm pretty sure that's the glow plug leather there and the voltage isn't moving on the battery so I know they're not working uh so that's either a faulty switch there or someone uh dodgy wiring somewhere I'm pretty sure that is supposed to go on there so we'll have to go through and check all the wiring and um yeah get another one of these solenoids and might as well do the filters and oils drain the radiator just all the basics and try and get hold of another set of wheels because these are pretty knackered um there's there are plenty of these old tractors lying around so we'll just put the word out and see what comes up at some stage it's it's caught something on the wheel and it's come up and pushed in this mud guard so yeah she's had a pretty rough life but the Hydraulics actually work they go up and down all right so that's a bonus we'll leave it there for now and come back to it another day thanks for watching guys catch you next time
Channel: Marty T
Views: 2,787,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mYpyvBR_ENo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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