Will It Start After Years? Snow-Mobile Engine Airplane

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I bought seven airplanes off Facebook Marketplace and we have five days to get them all going we got that one done that's the goal right there is to sell six of them to be able to pay for that one and get that one for free the second plane we're gonna do is mini me it's a miniature version of the exact same plane we did now this one it's super special because it's what's called a part 103 ultra light which means you don't need a license to fly this thing it doesn't even have an airworthiness certificate anybody can work on it it's about the cheapest thing that you can possibly get to get flying and it's pretty much like no rules the full size version is called a cub and this one is called a pup you have tube with fabric over top of it flight controls all the way around it's the exact same airplane over there just went into the shrink machine and came out with this one person in there I'm six foot tall that it's ridiculous that that thing even flies but it does yeah the speed on this bad boy 55 miles an hour five gallons of gas but ironically you can still go like 250 miles on that now I pulled up the Wikipedia the pup is designed to be flown across country and also can be mounted with floats and skis I don't know what they're calling cross country if it's a really small country I guess here's the best part about it the empty weight on this bad boy 254 pounds I know I actually put together an entire list of ultralights the top 10 ultralights and went through some of the reasons behind the FAA making it so that you don't have to have a license or anything like that and you can check that video out up there if you just click on that and then come back and watch the rest of this one because we're going to try to get this thing started one of these things in really good condition running really well flying really well all that stuff you're talking about 10 grand I think the kits when they were being sold were twelve thousand dollars so you're saving money already by just letting somebody else build it and do it and this one is frankly brand new it was the last airplane that Jerry made he skinned it he did all the stuff to it and he was flying it around quite a bit well let's take a take a peek around the old uh girl here and see what we were dealing with this is all 4130 rods here all the scales every the wing design all of it is based off of that and it's brand new oh my gosh these controls are so light what the heck was it I think we got mud daubers in there how did they even get in there they're obviously right there it's fine moving on I'm honestly legitimately impressed with how clean the build is on this one let's see it even has the handles in the same spot oh my gosh Maybe 20 pounds I mean the controls on this thing are so flipping smooth for your P Factor your torque on this right no my daughter let's see if any mud daubers in this one oh I can see them right there hello little guys you got extra parts inside the wings all right and the tour let's see the cockpit tour of this thing oh good lord oh surprise there's actually like a Headroom in here yeah clean speedometer it even has CHT and egts I think that's an altimeter there's no RPM no oil no nothing digital Tech no idea what that is and you pull it by this bad boy right here how are you gonna oh that's you're gonna have to man up on this thing all right Jesse what do you think man um it's a washing machine I'll be doggone it does say washing machine Charlie that's got a k n filter on it man that is 10 knots right to it that's half a horsepower right there it's a two-stroke engine it's a snowmobile engine so would you fly this honestly yeah yeah I would oh you look you would fly the crap out of it and you'd have the biggest smile on your face oh yeah you're right I mean because it's like a go-kart you cannot not be in a go-kart without a huge smile I mean I could land this in my yard at my house [Laughter] hey I just saw something what'd you see aerobatic flight prohibited can't do a barrel roll you can do it's even got like go-kart tires yeah exactly and that's that's got brakes right Caitlyn they're yeah their cable breaks should be your heel brakes oh yeah they are heel brakes see if that yeah there you go now do you go in front of the bars behind the bars I'm going in front here's a neat piece of technology for the older planes like this this we have a float that is your fuel level gauge full empty and it's unless you let it soak in there and soak up the fuel it is extremely accurate correct it's that old school saying if it ain't broke don't fix it hey what's up let's see if we can get started all right so first thing first let's check some fishing petrol see what we got is that is that a plumbing thing and a cork that honestly doesn't smell that bad for 95 cents we can remake this piece although inflation so it's Buck 95 now okay fuel is now on okay I feel like I'm starting trying to start one of those old chainsaws where you get a little primer bulb yeah that's nothing happening there yep oh this is very thin yeah it's a little crunchy now let's see the reveal the heart of the Beast more wires though that's the most wires I've seen on any of these airplanes oh there's a fuel filter down there that's good and it comes into this what the heck is that thing I wonder if that's a diaphragm fuel pump and it uses vacuum off of the engine oh and oh and there's no yeah there's no sucky all right here it comes so this is the line no we are in the on position I can't tell if any fuel was coming out of it though where's your problem there's a problem right there yeah huh okay well let's go ahead and turn that fuel off yeah I just see blue it's not even oh it's pretty nasty honestly like normally there's some clear to it and this is pretty cloudy so what if we took that can right there that does have mixed gas in it and just ran external fuel line to it Kaboom to the carb set that gas can up on top of the wing I'm not opposed all right we're still going to have to get some some fuel line though of course and potentially the same line that you were mentioning is was maybe a diaphragm style pump here based off a vacuum of the engine that is uh we're gonna have to replace that line too because it looks looks a little crunchy yeah all that line is trash yeah so all this line is going to have to be replaced from the primer to the fuel pump to the or to the fuel tank all of it oh yeah that is some sneaky gas yeah it's rough it's all on my hands too let's see if this thing has any spark and let's go ahead and do that too while we're here you want to grab it I'll pull yeah that's what I said shoot best two out of three no grab Phillips screwdriver oh yeah those are easy here we're going to show you old school trick let's stick a screwdriver in like so and just let her be just like that just like that and you're gonna either See Spark or you're not and clear bra everything's shaking around so much I can't tell I'm not hearing any popping hold on screwdriver down how fouled out do you think those spark plugs are going to be they look fairly new so I really don't know oh they're iridiums and their ngks what we got foul slightly just wet oh those are soaking wet they smell bad gas no actually they don't smoke bud so we're gonna do it on the bolt right there hold on standby and it should be able to jump that go ahead okay nothing let me flip switch the other way all right now let's try ready yep nothing again nothing that's which right there is the only switch we can find in this whole thing so there's the coil down here because it goes inside and all your Magneto and everything is inside there because this is the pool thing here that's the Rope right there and you got your coil right here made in Austria good eye mate no put another shrimp on the Bobby oh Austria not Australia he didn't pick up on the Dumb and Dumber reference I did you're supposed to say let's not Jimmy [Laughter] and for all you Aviation people out there I'm sure you're commenting like crazy on these connectors we know remember part part 103. part 103 which means good luck we don't want to know about it well we need to make sure we got uh our contacts and it's doing its thing so we found a wire kind of pulled out yeah we're hoping that that is the issue and we just got these tied together right now to see if we got some sparkage purely just a check Spark all right and prop is clear everybody everything's around it all right go ahead yep what'd you do foreign here we just throw the prop that was way easier okay hold on a second let me all right go ahead nothing not even like crying a whole lot of nothing all right uh so we need the Google here for this because I don't know anything about those we still got five more planes to do uh so we'll just pick this up tomorrow [Music] hey Jesse I say we just throw the plugs back in it throw the ether the wake up juice in the carburetor and just see if there's any life coming out of that whatsoever what do you think let's do this yeah you know the drill are we gonna hear any life out of this thing whatsoever I honestly have no idea there's no fuel lines hooked up that's why we're gonna do it here because they're just puffed to life if it pops away uh I think it is it's like a MAG if you ground it it don't do nothing that was it that literally was it thank you I'll do it yeah oh I know I've done Yankton a few times ready yeah one eternity later plug your way I can feel suction on this thing so I know oh yeah I know the plugs are wet you'll see what I want to see hey wet slightly wet I'll give her the beans here so we're gonna go ahead and go Full Tilt yeah okay all right got it yeah 2 000 years later yeah I'm not even getting enough at least on the sc5 we had a blip after a while and we ain't got no and we're putting it straight in yeah so well boys this is still undone over here and you're positive it's open it is hot that's what I read on the forums we could try it that should be plenty you know okay I'm not hearing anything can you uh crack the throttle just a smidge right there I'm not hearing anything yeah it is the end of day three we got the Cub going we got the luskum going a little brown one back there we got the Jenny going we even got the se5 going but that one that little stinking pup is still kicking our Tails tomorrow we get to go and see the Mustang and an acrobatic biplane so we got two days to get those two airplanes and hopefully eventually that thing will I I still don't know don't have any idea and this looks like a flipping tornado [Music] or at least one really nasty yep this is our place and uh we got a texas-sized storm it is hurting Harley here we go [Music] it is day number five the last day that we have and here's spoiler alert for any of the videos that may come after this that is the only plane that hasn't started I've been kicking my butt got an idea I know this is gonna sound crazy but uh follow me thank you I had kind of a dream and basically it was Jesus can heal anything anybody like creator of all things and I'm thinking even machines that's a little bit weird but he's like no just give it a shot so what we're going to do is we're going to cheat and get our IV bottle that we used on another airplane hook it up to this one and we're just going to make sure everything's plugged in and give it a whirl and she's going to fire up so in Jesus name you are healed um that's pretty much all there is to that let's go get our Ivy bottle hook it in here and yank on it and it's going to start up a good feeling about it wires are plugged in all the fuel lines are totally trash on this thing we're gonna need to pop this off and get our our fuel deal and they go and then that's what I love about an ultralight less than 250 pounds just grab the thing and slide it around yeah one two three all right all sorts of clear over there okay we're not going to be clear here so we kind of gotta nice and now swing it around and right there and tie the tail to the Tractor how well is that roadside it's got enough a good good mix up there maybe now what we're gonna do squirt a little bit of that into the engine over there roll it around to re-lube all the stuff we dried up yesterday with the carb cleaner and then Yank on it and that sucker's gonna fire up attachment hose here plug bottle in right there give it a little squeeze for some fuel pressure and should be good to go put in the comments do you think this is half gonna do anything whatsoever or if we're just delaying the inevitable of pulling a bunch of parts off of this thing what do you think now let's see if we can plug that into the hose all right be getting old Jimmy all right go for it all right are we ready yeah ready yeah I told you Jesus said just cure it and it'll be done go baby [Music] thank you I'll take it baby what's up seven out of seven five days heck yeah that's how we do it on Jimmy's world
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 54,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned airplane, free airplane, free abandoned, jimmys world, will it run, will it start, will it fly, free abandoned airplane, abandoned airplane will it start
Id: ocBMj2ro-Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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