Allis Chalmers Tractor with LOCKED UP engine! Will it RUN AND DRIVE 50 Miles home?

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this here is a late 30s nope early 40s Alice charmels B tractor I got it for free of course it's been sitting a long time as you can see and doesn't run so I'm gonna do the right thing try to get this fired up and drive it home 50 miles that's fine nope if it does run it only does seven miles per hour wide open great [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] headlightage might need those here's what's going to make today really interesting being as a guy knew well Feller gets this fired up I'm driving at home you know I ain't got no room for the storages and whatnot so I brought the bare minimum as far as tools go I'm in a Leatherman and I got a little box full of hobo freight stuff and that is it I ain't got no digital stuff wires I mean we're just you know can a guy get it going with the player is what I'm saying and then we'll have to strap everything to the Tractor I guess doing the math magicianals I mean we got like a six seven hour ride in this thing Moses sandals well just like everything we should probably walk around this drink it up see what we're in for here I gotta get this thing fired up like now you know if we're gonna get home before dark nice seat it's probably recovered sometime in the 80s I like it it's like a picnic tablecloth we got the ampresses looks new probably an on off switch like I say we got kids in there I don't know about pedal Edge oh we got some pedalage here okay I don't know about breakage I'll probably have to sit up in there that guy is you know not working oh you can put some pliers in there pretty neat we got some flying creatures going in here with purple and blue wings I don't know service daily doubtful that has happened for a while we'll take a gander on it though she's been upgraded on the charging units and the belt looks brand new gonna leave that be some sort of custom springage on the throttle here once that throttle doing well that's not stuck choke okay well that's off to a good start foreign it's got ice cube juice in it great news block probably isn't cracked head gaskets are hanging in there for the time being any hoose we got what looks like a thorny bush next to a ballast resistor that was definitely replaced at some point lightning hoses nothing's eaten on I don't there's no mice up here and kind of see like back home anyway that looks like she's been gone through at one point doesn't it ignore all the loose stuff hook to it okay took this thing out can't wait to see that when we get it out of the earth you know I can't can a guy even walk around that's flat this here is really what I'm interested in help me do a little bit of grading had to dig a trench this will work perfect you know all 19 horses here pulling on this you could almost do nothing you know so that's good this one's got wind in it yet I think a little bit that one's Plum full well that's good because I had no idea what to do if the tires were down you know well let's check the Earl on this and get right into seeing if this thing can crank over can a guy even get a ranch in there are we just gonna have to use a starter I don't know guys destroying a map down the leads here a little bit can we keep the wood ticks to like 10. that'd be neat we got a belly plow and a box in the back free implements Fellers I like that you know I got some grain to do at the house so if we get this going we could put it straight to work and I ain't kidding yeah nice guy named Joe got a hold of me so dare I come over this thing so if you want it you can have it and that's what brought me here to Central Tennessee now this looks like the 19 horse unit so I know it's not the early early 30s Alice Chalmers made these from 37 to 57 and actually produced over 125 000 of these little AG tractors which makes them the best selling and longest produced tractors that Alice charms you know ever made which is pretty incredible dad various models of this little guy here potato one and asparagus one and a meatloaf one and basically the sales guy would roll up on your farm and you know Barry what are you planting this year uh sweet potatoes yeah I got a new sweet potato B model it's got a different seat in it and something else special for sweet taters pretty much what AC did for years but being serious for two seconds pretty neat little unit you know this would be comparable to like a Ford 2N or a at n or 9N or 58n or however many ends Ford had to have you know first thing a guy wants to do here is check this battery situation out it is a 12 vs which is great because that's what I brought you know was it a six I don't know is it a 12 yep so that's good I measured on mine the down gooder news is it's too it's too big it's too long ain't gonna fit in there right so latch ratchet strap number one I got fours of them and I got some stuff to haul so we got to be we got to be mindful of that we got kids go forward go backwards shift machine shifts let's just see if this is going to juice neutral clear it's just me nothing she's better than Elvis okay I mean first glance everything looks to be here but this to get her teeth in let's put go right inside of it Jack Handler Earl's here all right oh that's not good don't even need to lick this one when they look like a chocolate milkshake from Donald's well there's I ain't good we got a lot of water injection here and it's like overfilled I don't know 17 liters so oh that's one of them flying creatures is coming from is right inside that can water must have gotten on the exhaust right into the engine so we're not going to try to turn it over the second we're gonna have to pull the sparkling leaders out then try to rotate it see if we get some water out gonna have to drop the oil and everything here fairly common if you ain't got a flap later up here on the old exhaust pipe feathers you know happens hey no I put your house over here yeah by the Dodge this way well I think a guy's gonna go ahead and start by just draining this old Arrow out well it's 17.36 percent Earl for us if it's just rain water basically now these old AC bees take a very special Ranch pop these open the drain plug is rather large you know what I mean and what I mean by that is you know a pipe wrench that you found on the ground over there that oughta that ought to work just fine there we go oh my goodness yeah that's all water so far see if we get down to any oils that can there we go I will save on that stuff you know wow she was plumbed full goodness gracious we'll let that drip for a while oh got some chunks or something that's fine you know still dripping a little bit of milkshake but I don't see any boys in the yard not quite sure what that means anyway when we get sparklators out of the old girl here we're gonna need to turn the engine over I know it doesn't sound good right now but just listen and that's going to shoot the water out if there's any in the old cylindrays but we're going to need some juice to do that old one needs to go get out of here and then I got a new one for it here very specific reason I got this guy nope it was just the cheapest super starts economy that was a top post clearly it doesn't fit at all but boy it ought to put this starter in the Tokyo Drift mode you know what I mean we might need it I your house is over here we are I told you this moved it over there anyway there we go I don't want to bump the key right now and Hydra locks this thing or bend up something but I want to see if that's the headlights and not a kill switch I'll be dipped it is I got one headlight but apparently that's all you need to get home okay that's off now I wonder oh there's some Valentine right here okay well maybe I can save on a ratchet strap or back to four we'll just twine this in we'll just tying this in this will fix everything we'll just okay this twine's a little aged okay but normally back before zip ties Fellers they had twine back in the day okay let me find something is that a Ryobi wow wow surely that shouldn't be out here hmm let me root around see what I can find found a 97 foot zip tie I gotta hold this in here boom lightning Cube complete onto the sparklators you know let's get them Rascals out ouch whatever vegetation that is got some points on her you know what I mean well with these speculators they're either going to be bad you know or if we're lucky they're going to be bad so that's good gotta get this oil fill tray from 1976 out of the way there I don't know what do we do with that let it roll away over there yep yeah okay got a fancy water temp gauge on this thing I guess you don't wait till the water blows out throughout oh my goodness that ain't gonna fire cylinders are completely full of water and I ain't kidding yeah I mean I'm looking right at it is what I'm trying to tell you foreign Hunters are up to today I think they reside in Tennessee don't they oh even worse that's that's great I think I brought some sparklators I just don't even know if they're remotely close to the same though I'll have to dig around in the backpack that one's definitely full of water reminds me of the Clint Black song like the rain you know is that a hood to a Kia I don't know what I'm looking at anymore number one is the only cylinder without water in it well yeah we seem to be doing the thing so now I guess we twirl on it get them pumping try to shoot some water out and then we got a lubricate on them finish changing this Earl now we got to move on to either sparkles or fuels speaking of fuel oh I got the old nose sniffer right here what have we got it's like 87 octane and best but my retinas are sweating the rust level yeah we got some rustage that's not good I got a five gallon jug but we need the fuel capacitize if we're going to pull this off see these old rigs here they did what's called load testing back in the day they'd run these under load figure out how much fuel is used typically in an hour or two and then they'd extrapolate that over a workday how much gasoline does a feller need you know if he were to be protects the trees with the plow for eight nine hours that's usually how they you know came up with the tank see the international same size tractor had more HPS that's why their fuel tanks longer see what I'm saying I don't know it's a theory this is theory we grew up on I could be wrong I guess but we need all of this tank and probably three gallons more to get home wide open throttle if it even runs and if the bearings are going to survive being bathed in water for 74 million years enough to feel make it happen or works and if it doesn't overheat and hopefully the tires hold air and the transmission actually shifts basically I'm going to twirl on this neutralis check got to be careful here failures don't want to get you know I took it over and hopefully we don't but there's a possibility I could see water just shooting out over here see what happens nothing happened key isn't working how about now still nothing happened are we hooked up yep yep well I got headlamps for Pete's sake what I don't believe it foreign I guess I got to I'm looking right at it well the Armature on the starter is all you know it's not armored you're in anymore so I'm going to use my Leatherman here see if I could pry this oh [Music] foreign Fellers is a locked up four-cylinder this thing is stuck which really really you know doesn't doesn't surprise me it's been floating in water for who knows how long great well this is my ride home so what's the plan here what have we got no can I get there ain't no way I'm getting a wrench in there that's for sure well I brought some oil of mystery with me it's an oil that no one knows what's in it it's a mystery I'm going to dump that down on the cylinders let it sit for I don't know two wobble pops best be laying on the creek bed down in the shade while that cooks then we'll come back and it's going to do the same thing again then we'll start you know panicking all right plan really helps we're working on a 97 degree Hillside today here we go yeah this is going to look like an episode of Murder She Wrote but I ain't got much options you know what I mean not cylinders up that one's down might take some more it's probably the stuck one if a guy had to guess leaving the drain plug out chances are a lot of this is ripping right past the rings so we'll just let her come out the bottom end right and do my recycle pan this dish thing down there could be the bearings on the CR I mean could not even be the Rings you know what I mean the whole you saw how much water there was in this thing could be rod bearings could be main bearings not so Andreas up that's why it didn't have any water in it okay I'm glad the time that I bring the least amount of tools we get a locked up engine you know oh yeah it's just like it's not even Marvel Myster oil coming out it's like sand water well can this go back on for crying in the mud there we go well go find a Hickory Stick lay around a bit like I went ahead and pulled the starter out really quick and as you can see that ain't good we're really starting to chew up the teeth on the flywheel there so that's no longer an option been prying up here with that pry bar that ain't working when you got the original crank handle on it been just soaking her down with the juice it doesn't have a crank bolt on the front so we're kind of running out of options I'm going to try to get the pry bar in here but we really don't want to cause any more damage to that flywheel we'll be splitting this thing in half should sure be a lot easier with some tools but we'll use what we got yeah they're going to snap in this old girl or maybe she'll pop free nope and doubtful very wow it's really stuck oh there goes two flandies not the most leverage on the flywheel here yeah been here before ten dozen times dollars she ain't gonna go just trust me okay what this needs is to be dragged down a gravel road at 30. and I ain't got the fixings for that also need some Brute putting the cylinders there but I don't have any extra with me just what I'm wearing foreign [Music] well guys just literally bending all my pry bars so that's fine nope engine is locked up tighter than County Jail you know what I mean I don't have the tools or the juices or anything right now to deal with this unfortunately was not prepared for this so I did the next best thing called the wife Jessica she was thrilled you know she's currently hooking onto a tray more that has a winch while she's doing that I'm going to use these ratchet straps try to get the belly plow and box up in the air so we can at least get it on a trailer Plan B may not be driving at home we're going to trailer at home but once we get it there guy's gonna have access to things like you know torches and different chemicals and pry bars and you know things of the nature to do the stuff on the thing we'll still see if we can get this engine unstuck and get this thing running again I think that'd be pretty cool and you bet I'm putting this thing straight to work and it's going to be wide open the whole time I got one right over the tank and I'll be dipped actually worked a lot better than I thought it would we're going to try to do the same in the back here disposable I don't know come down here somewhere get some more leverage on it hook into here maybe see if we can get the box up in there so we can get this on a trailer and that's going to be interesting in itself kind of on a steep hill here but we'll get her back then some way or another well we got her winched out of the spot staff she'd been sitting quite some time that is for sure lost the socket out here somewhere shoot made it about 100 yards that's great but don't worry I'll just use the Jack in the truck and got one ah it's even better found the culprit yep drive all screw we've been picking up a lot of screws on the property with the construction going on unfortunately got to try to figure out how to get the axle up so we can get the tire off a little man's got you know the spare going on which is a bald tire about to pop I also noticed I just I don't like this Fender design the inside of this one I've been rubbing for who knows how long as well and the inside of this tire wow you can't see it but it's I can darn near put my fingers through it time for a set of tires on this and a fender redesign all right let's see if we can get her back to the shop well we made her back to Rusty Acres gonna get her unloaded here first shot is coming off the Traymore gonna come down here and pop the clutch see what happens most likely it's just gonna skid the Rears we'll go get the John Deere hook a chain on this thing and drag it around the yard for a while see if we can get her to knock loose [Music] trying [Music] got my 10 year old up here driving the John Deere that one's locked into four low so it'll drag this all over the yard no problem boy that thing is really stuck well we know the clutch is good I've been uh playing with the brakes here clutch boy it just does not wanna hey Bentley Bentley well that did not unstick the little bugger I am surprised right all the gears different technicals we used to do a back on the farm you know pretty much pull started all the deers the old big deers I'm gonna throw some more juice in it I gotta go find some brute some Diesel and more Mystery Oil I don't know what's in it mystery you know I'm Gonna Fill all of them up we're just gonna have to let it cook for a while we'll keep coming back and testing on her but I ain't gonna give up on it yet it's a pretty neat little rig let's see what we can do yet in the meantime I might borrow that box off the back and throw it on the ground here and get a little bit of work done well fillers we got the AC up in the pole barn here truth went on ahead and be told it's actually several months later for a couple reasons two yeah I'm a little I got busy a little bit and also see I've been soaking the engine I mean this thing is locked up like County jail I've tried kerosene propane diesel gasoline Brute I think there was some mayonnaise or something in there JB 80 Crow oil WD-40 PB Blaster I mean if you I CLR I've tried it all and it is just stuck it just won't come unlocked so rather than just completely give up on this thing I want to scan the papers on it first and just see what we got going on so I think it's time to go ahead and tear the Bonnet off rip the head off this thing and just see what we got going on stuck valves stuck Pistons maybe the bottom ends is bolted out of it and locked up might be dropping the pan on this thing I don't I don't know how in depth we're gonna get but let's go ahead and start by taking the lid off this doesn't look too bad standard issue tractor-ish basically a couple few bolts here and there banjo belt extrapolizer 400 maybe a 200 haven't looked yet I've got some lights we could probably just snip for now and then we'll get into you know the manifold-ish stuff and all of that but really just interested in popping this head off and seeing what kind of corrosion we got in there remember when we dropped the oil on this thing it's just water from what I can remember and well that's a big part of the reason I went ahead and sealed her up professional-like you know but it could have got even more water in the thing well probably not see I got the spark lighters out and you can see from all the sauce on the side every single time I was in Rusty Acres I'd spray her down let her soak a couple days come back roll through the gears and just try to hammer on this thing get her unlocked it's got such a cute little bottom plow on this I just I'd really like to use on it if I could but anywho let's get this tore off see what we're looking at [Music] well here's where our seller's at quite a bit of moisture but this came through the top of the valve cover in here is fairly clean it's been gone through at some point had a fresh gasket this has been cleaned up oh this looks fairly pretty goodish actually a little bit of moisture on a couple of these valve springs here so what I'm going to do now is Place some whack-a-mole Bing Bong I'm gonna smack these around I'm going to show you guys how you can just listen and feel and make sure these valves are opening and that's not our issue and if it's not valve train we gotta go lower I'm just using a dead blow here rubber mallet will work and what we're listening for especially with the sparklators out it's kind of an acoustical echo-ish Reverb on three maybe three and a half kind of thud if it's a dead whack like that you got a stuck valve not stuck [Music] hear that anyway I got a little a little off track there this one is down in the hole we can still bounce at a hair but it's going to sound a little different still feel it free free doing good so far she's really wallering around that one's free these are light Springs come back through valves not the issue great grand I pretty much know what we're going to find underneath this bad boy so oh she's had a new water circulator pump later unit thingy majigger on the front end but he didn't replace the belt and use the wrong pulley on the charger it's fine anywho water nozzle nucleator needs to come off Mazel strip the exhaust and intake off because we're right here let's just do it I think we'll leave all the ignition and the lightning can alone plopped us off and see what we've got going on underneath of this suspect we're going to see a heavy heavy ring Ridge a bunch of rust let's see if we can break this thing free yet worst case scenario bottom ends knocked out of her but I don't know fingers crossed [Music] well I got a tour down here heads ready to come off actually a couple things I observed again really clean someone was definitely into this the push rods are all straight those look great it's had a recent valve job is what it looks like to me and there was a head bolt well it wasn't the right head bolt or kind so again Telltale science someone's been in this so one of two things something went wrong in the old rebuild this is more like a face space rebuild not just a Craigslist someone might have put some used parts in it oh you know or it did just get locked up from sitting got full of water now I did decide to keep the manifolds on this thing because the nuts on this side look terrible and I didn't want to take the chance of busting one of them out of the head and creating another 647 hours work so that's pulled us off let's see what we got going on a guy's goal is to wrestle this off without ruining the head gasket because I ain't got another one all right something like that oh it's still full of all sorts of juice for my concoctions and two of them are clearly just rusted and rotted okay perfect great well you could tell that these two Pistons are on the way up and these are down because of the way that it is you know this isn't any flavor or color of stuff that I've put in this is rust and well cylinder wall material floating around in here so this is definitely our issue without a doubt not to be confused with no doubt so now I got to get all this different juice out of here this is Diesel and mystery Marvel oil I don't know what's in it it's a mystery and that's going to be a mess on its own then we got to see if we can work some magic and get these freed up oh that looks like a newer piston look at that Wow We just cleaned on her that's all it's going to be interesting if we can get this thing rolling over again or these cylinder walls are just in terrible condition kind of just sort of sucking this out or just pushing because I'm getting a lot of that just stuff it's like mud sewer-ish slew Sulu ER kind of stuff oh yeah but I would say this guy back here is probably the one that's causing most of the heartburn here and I ain't got enough Prilosec I'll tell you that much you just start soaking up in there we might have to do a little bit of Dremel rebuild in here get these Pistons floating around again that one looks pretty good this one looks absolutely terrible these two are the jury is not out yet they're it's they're doing something and they're they're in the room doing something yikes Man live how did it get I wanted to get that bad there's just huge Crustaceans and that's just stuck I think this is the guy that shut her down so wow this one looks pretty good see there it's definitely been round standard hasn't been bored over so I'm Gonna Keep scrubbing see if I clean these up a little bit maybe get a brass brush in here or something just gently try to get some of this titanic-esque kind of stuff off so on this uh Dremel here I got a really fine thin wire Brushy thingy it's also called a bore machine we're going to see if we can bring this 30 over I'm gonna try to get this Ridge right around the Piston out if I can I think that's what's hanging her up you know and then we'll get to whacking on this see if we can break it free I got some brake cleaner in there just to help kind of flush around that piston boy it's looking a lot better already got speed way down on this just taking very easy now let's give her a little more there we go [Laughter] down on the bottoms look fine here but man they still need a bunch of work up here every good project starts with an old battery on boil no idea where that came from she is Flatline we'll try to bring her around in the meantime I'm taking this pick here and I'm just going to start working around the edges try to get all of this stuff out from in there and then probably some heat do that again then we'll get into some sort of uh I don't know penetrance or something again I'm gonna try to make something we can set in here and start banging on this thing I gotta figure out where she's at in the firing order you know the power Pumpers are pumping we got to figure out what direction that would also be helpful switch batteries rip I don't know we'll let that one boil maybe that's just a six volt there but maybe maybe oughta could work here got this pretty cleaned up I got some error soaking in here um I think these two are fine in fact some of it's leaking past the ring so can't be stuck I think we freed these up all I've been doing is stacking a rubber mallet over another Hammer dead blow and then hitting it with the other one for now that seems to be working we're going to need some more horsepowers here that one looks like it should be fine too I think it's just this guy here I think I'm going to pull the old starter machine box out see if we can angle in a pry bar right on the flywheel risky right snap a tooth or 17 off but we're going to get more leverage than a six volt starter I believe rocking a back and forth isn't doing anything I've drugged this with the tractor for miles and can't get it to break free popping the clutch over and over and over and over so she is stuck good but I'm going to try some more heat here I did put some heat on it as well for a few minutes while I was picking at it and just kind of letting it soak this out pull this off see what we can see well you can see these poor teeth in here from attempting to start it pretty well wore that off right there also we got some dirt doverage most likely by the looks of that we could probably clean that up a little bit I'm thinking I might be able to get a pry bar in there and rotate this bolt Corrections going backwards might be the key here to get some movement out of this bad boy let me go grab some prying apparatuses also known as a new starter see if we can get this to crack free okay I'm gonna give myself a hernia and you guys watch here see if we can get any movement the way I'm moving it now it might be coming up ouch oh blood injury ah nope she's stuck so anywhoose like I was saying we should go the other direction see if I can get it get a tooth in here come on yep oh it moved oh that's it okay can we go back the other way yeah it's trying it's stuck there other way can we go back the other way again okay I think there we go stuck right there we're making progress I think I'm gonna get a little more sauce in here eat eat on that there we go I think I need to apply a little bit more heat get some fires going in here right next to this fuel tank we're gonna light this off like that hopefully this will break the seal no probably not that's fine let that cook for a little bit I've really had the heat to her see if we can it's going a little there we go it's the highest we've gotten it yes foreign might have to work her back and forth here well I can hear it crunch there something just kind of popped all right I should clean those up a little bit before we send them up well it's been a knuckle breaking process literally but we're getting there these are they're they're moved a little bit you know but before we start sending these up these are going to drop down they're kind of through the crispy part already I want to clean these up a little bit more because they have some big chunks here on the cylinder walls and as we hopefully try to get over top start bringing them down because we're at the top of the stroke now which is the tricky part because we don't want to get bound up here because we're going to lose some of the Leverage essentially but got to work nice and slow here just kind of clean this as we go the walls are going to get scored up no matter what we do but can we just reduce on that a little bit if we can probably not great way to do this would be pulled bottom end out of this thing or just pull the engine out quick pop the Pistons out hone this thing it might even need to be bored or sleeved so I'm gonna do the right thing and just you know do this oh yeah oh machine work one-on-one doesn't get her out of there looking real nice no but if it works is it really a dumb idea you know what I mean man oh yeah brand new rings oh foreign Jackson's doing [Music] gotta red Deck The Block here all right that's like a it's looking real good real good around here well you can see unfortunately yep and then that piston it's along that water sat in there even pour a stop the top there but I mean it's gonna run Maybe but it ain't gonna have a lot of compression she's probably gonna burn a while that's all [Music] there's great news she broke free even better news starter's bad great it doesn't have much oh it's a lot thinner but [Music] that's pretty good I'm going to keep cleaning it do a couple revolutions clean it revolutions clean it I also got to add some Earl to this here pretty quick actually we might just do reassembly I don't want to spin it too much longer I believe it's still empty yep from when we drained it and figured out she was stuck but man that is fantastic news now the starter ain't gonna get one in a hurry tell you that we might be in a situation if it has enough compression this isn't going to do it but we might be able to pull start it so time to clean the head get that all prepped up and inspect the head gasket see if that's good enough to reuse and hopefully start reassembly well here's what we got going on for the head I gently got the head gasket off which absolutely should not be reused it's in terrible condition so I'm going to reuse that and down here I'm going to take the bore indicator slash block finisher slash directional bore machine and if you turn it this way now you can rebuild heads with it so I'm going to dig that in here and we got some where did I see that well maybe not some gunk in the valve there I gotta bang them open I must have been sitting open we can fix that this is that one that was completely full of water back here but just try to get this as clean as possible and give her a shot to actually valvolate and compressionalize chances of the gasket actually working oh I don't know [Music] 36.721 no problem [Music] well six angle valve job you know I decided just to go all in on it just ignore the pits that's a high performance variable compression kind of stuff it's proprietary anyway lost the receipt so I can't remember where I put that already this should be fine uh not seeing anything that's yeah it's doesn't look that good but it's gonna run okay now we'll go clean up the block once more get the gasket on get this set into place start torquilizing get this down and we can worry about the valve train here in a minute and we haven't even started on the fuel make it happener or any of the other stuff for Pete's sake it's been a while since a guy reused head gasket and head bolts feels good okay yep easy oh easy but faster but slower but easier right there dumped a whole bunch of water and goop in there that wasn't good ah we'll let it ride in fact I can bloat it out right now foreign bolts coming up okay I'm gonna put just a tackle of dope on these Boop see you later I got two in here just as kind of guide bolts in the corners make sure my gasket was lined up right some of you right now are probably going did he I can't did he really just reuse head gaskets and head bolts and listen we're talking an old rig here this is how stuff was made back then you didn't go to town and buy new parts you're on the farm you just whatever you had is what you had and you made it work this is not out of the ordinary believe you me no yeah you know not sure the torque specs on this Old Devil but most these old tractors for head bolts right around 55 60 foot pounds so I'm gonna go with 60 because that's the bigger of the two numbers I just said and uh as far as torque sequence well it's like everything else in America probably Canada and Europe start in the center work your way out in a circular fashion that'll get you home you know oh it is raining like you wouldn't believe outside right now I was looking forward to farming tomorrow but I don't know what we're gonna do with this thing well if it runs [Music] yep for sure put that that's where that one's gonna go yeah torque specs twerking sure yeah yeah okay sure you know yeah that was so good sure after I get them run down oh go get the actual clicky clacker don't come back no more no more no more and we'll just you know actually we'll run them to sequence which happens to be right now okay could just use my elbow torque wrench I guess I'm gonna go to 40 and change first and then I'll bring her up to Snuff that way when you strip it in the head you know exactly which one see bringing her up bring her up to 60 let's go it's digital units are kind of nice because you can monitor your Charlie Daniel wrench here he's a Charlie thing so the torque wrench down down anyway if it starts backing off on you a guy knows you're either stretching your bolt or you're losing your thread and then you can roll the die on which one you want to believe it is see how it cut backing off a little bit bolt stretching there again oh yeah he's got some life left in them sounds like my pacemaker just barely hanging in there in there valve springs here I'm gonna spray some of this what is this valve train assembly Lube right on inside there give these guys a fair shot at life now I'm going to take this Ultra slick and I'm gonna put a dab right on the tops here and that's going to help it dry start will be something in here and then when I put the rocker arm bar in here I'm gonna also spray that down with that same pink juice here well for crying in the mud here we go beep Boop it's got to make sure these are Seated on there right see that's off there we go that could be a world of hurt you want to clean these with a really clean sterile rag you know before you put them back in or if they Chuck them over for defects yeah yeah I don't know what that did but looks straight got the eye scanner on it you know I don't know why I put my parts table 48 yards away there we go looks good assembly oh I'll put these in the parts washer flashing washing washing okay well can I can I get these how do you just line them up okay then well which one of these is Dennis stubborn devil it's this guy look at this now before I forget probably quite honestly the most lubrication they've ever had in their life to be honest but you know we're building this to run seven seconds no okay we gotta I'm gonna put that on now right I don't know I'm gonna guess 25 foot pounds here a little roller over again still make sure we don't have any binding or any weird issues going on here I'll be dipped okay got some oil lines on this side Mazel tidy them up they're right in my teeth here where did I put this for that though it's probably lost in my pocket no firing order is probably one two four three like most A's and B's and C's got the water neck on there with a little bit of rid of do not like the flavor of riddles but that's all I got right now the pegboard wall is all packed up still from moving everything so it's you know gotta keep let's keep the feet shuffling did I put this on backwards there's one of two ways and I didn't look at it right and I messed up okay there we go now can a guy and get this gasket in here right not messed that up too well for Pete's sake I don't know what's the other side look like I mean are we going with this is this what we are we feeling that's this is what we need then I gotta reinstall the rubber o-ring here we're going to let this tack up I might try to go find some flanged nuts that would better cover this well I guess I got some washers I'll work never mind boy I'm just laser accurate with this nope it's getting everywhere all over the place this is terrible okay perfect trick on these Fellers let a little bit run out like that then let it dry next time you use it Boop ready to go works every time German Shepherds and rotten eggs I think I just let these float around in here for a minute kind of like that these set up and then bam whatever that meant foreign temperature vulcanization cream is setting up I'm going to dig into this fuel make it happen or I'm sure she's plugged up like a Woodstock porta potty and I ain't getting it looks like an old Zenith most of them were back then no it's more like yep zenith made in the US of a good news is I have one shot and one shot only to not ruin the gasket on this and you know how I do things so we're going to ruin that and then not be able to put it back together okay here we go judging about the screws on this thing it's been a part about 758 times in the past so that's a really good sign pretty glad I got that thing unstuck what do you guys think is it gonna run or maybe not we haven't even got to the lightning system yet you guys let me know what you think so far Loop bloop it down in the comments is this a runner or are we in trouble you know right now I'm taking a razor bla day and just gently separating the gasket okay so far so good cross your toes oh not looking good over here I'll make her happen though there we go oh whoa okay and then what what are we uh get get off of there okay well the needle wasn't stuck actually but every jet is just why are you doing that basically plugged plugged well I'm gonna get in here start cleaning all this up I don't know if I'm gonna risk taking these out we'll wait and see how I feel once I get in there I'm gonna maybe even try to work well maybe not we'll see I'm gonna get it as clean as I can the needle's moving and I can test that by [Applause] [Music] squirting some juice in here gently holding this down and making sure it doesn't leak but the biggest thing is this thing will actually flow some fuel and atomize it and there's science you know that has to happen in here I got this jet out and as you can see absolutely just plucked solid that's going to be the case with all these so I'm just taking my time going the slowest part look at all the stuff coming out here I just don't want to strip these out or cross thread them then we're in trouble and we gotta go with the 109s but slowly making my way here got these elbows torqued in messy I'm gonna do the deal we didn't want water leaking down in there also got the fuel will make it happener bolted up got the governor hooked up did not hook the fuel line up yet that's another process we have yet to get to that's side fact over here digging into the electrodigitals what I did was just crank it to where the points opened here and I'm going to take this paper set it in there and then I'm going to crank it again right there see how it clamped the sandpaper in there Emery class whatever you got we're gonna sand on that I got to do it again I pulled it too far just just a little bit where we can clean these points up see if we can reuse these not very often to find parts for the ACs in stock a lot of the Ford stuff like Tractor Supply stuff like that they'll have them but all right now we're going to watch in there for a spark on the mission arm there we go I should see a little Spark on those contacts there foreign much oh I just saw it it's there it's weak it's six volt so coil is working contacts are contacting so we should technically have spark as well back on something like that all right I also take my paper and run around the wing quick [Applause] wow can a guy even get this hooked up well just triple check the rolling yeah she's empty I'm gonna throw in some and is this 1540 for Riley's brand stuff there's a court missing in this already so miles will just use this up you know that I put the drain plug in I'll find out in a minute I'm gonna screw it in the town in the morning grab a handful of sparkilators for this and maybe even an Earl filter I wish I could see a number on this guy but there ain't nothing might just take it off and run that in with me I don't know what I do with sparklators when I pull them out I must have set them on the hood or something but we've drugged this around the yard half a dozen times so I'm sure we hit them with the lawnmower and the brush hog and they're probably in a hay bale somewhere so I got to get them picked up but man we had some pretty good progress tonight we started late got quite a bit done I will uh hit the store early in the morning and we'll see you guys early in the morning as well [Music] good morning back on the little else Charles B here ran into town attempted to pick up some parts but didn't have a lot of luck see I live in a town of 14 this Bobby's stepson's in town 50. basically I did not find another oil filter unfortunately so we're gonna have to keep that scam Fram Fram filter in here unfortunately I'd rather use a beer can full of paper towels but it's mounted upside down instead of hanging so I can't really do that so we're just going to pretend we replace that I did find some sparklators or close-ish to what would originally go into the unit there's some AC delcos most importantly I found some new head gaskets and main bearings there in town AC orange all be dipped so before I put the sparklators in I'm going to go ahead and fog down the engine with this let it start tacking up a little bit then we'll plop them in get the lightning hoses hooked back up then we can move on to the fuel system here and here shortly we can start cranking on this see if this old thing is going to fire to life now the goal was a Craigslist rebuild is be messy as possible and then just continue to insist that everything is brand new and it's just rebuilt let's see so that's what we're gonna do don't even wipe any of the RTV off or any of that stuff just bring it right on nice and heavy there's that head gasket it's going in right there see back in there yeah it's brand new looks like a fell Pro from here start working down towards some rod bearings here I can't forget them not bad about to tall what happened to this cap nothing it's brand new cleaned up a little bit before Jessica saw the floor there who by clean I mean just lay a tarp over it put away some tools things of that nature letting this dry you know the rebuild gonna move on to this guy I need to get this sediment bowl off take a look at what we're working with full of water and different stuff so what I'm going to do is put a drain pan or something under there just start dumping some gasoline some old gas I like to keep that around or run it you know flush this out a little bit until we start seeing it pretty clean then we'll Plumb it into the fuel make it happen here and that's the final step before we crank on this see what kind of noise it makes or doesn't guy's been flushing on her for a while this is what I'm getting well it's not Mello yellow still a little bit of sediment in there so I'm going to go a little bit longer keep on flushing it just the slow tdias process but it needs to happen well not really if you could throw a gas truck down here well it'd have to be up here we got a gravity feed this bad boy yeah well the guy's got her you know about as clean as he's going to get her unless we take it off the tractor and we're not doing that so gonna dump a few gallons in here open this bowl up see what we got it's looking pretty good as long as it makes fire you know that's what we're after needle seems to be holding if you'll make it happener than spilling all over the place it's always nice custom fit let's lean that back because of the speed well I think that's pretty much it I'm gonna jump on board see if we can fire this up choke that's working throttle isn't sticking all right that's well that's comfy a little bit of Choke yeah we might have we'll start this the starters not happy it's afraid of that come on I wonder if I hook a jump box to her just for the start oh oh yeah let's really burn the starter up yep okay maybe that'll work probably not well plan R don't know what it is well next option we're going to pull the AC with the deer Bentley's going to give me a ride we'll head out to the Hayfield and I'll just drape clutch see if we get this thing to pop off certain gear okay go ahead bud [Music] it's acting like it's not getting sparked [Music] a little faster faster okay hold on all right we gotta look this over something right if something happened in here what it is ain't exactly clear I gotta get in here clean these trees out a little bit [Music] well at least we're building oil pressure but it's not the goal here fellas well for Pete's sake spark issue made it all the way over to hubcap Hills huh well get into the ignition again ballast resistor is working if you go on the output here and open and close the points I'm seeing that rock between two in high change or low three change back to six volts or whatever the battery is holding so coil is getting six I'm going to just make sure that I'm getting that same voltage in here and the disconnector which really looks poor isn't poorer than I think it is and I'm going to file the points one more time because we ain't finding that contacts out in town I'll tell you that and we'll see what we got going on yep yeah yep yep I got a little Sparkle in there I'm gonna see if I can sparkle it more I guess [Music] well now she's plugged up knew that was gonna happen so we might have to get creative here on a fuel supply well monkeyed around with fuel some more gonna give her another go faster thank you fuel delivery issues now well guys got the fuel distribution system off I think I fixed the sparkling later issue but we've got an issue with the cinema bowl and that's a weird one where I tighten it where it doesn't leak out of the gasket it doesn't flow if I crack it Loose where it does leak it does flow I kind of distorted it a little bit and it starts flowing again so it's gotten bent up this isn't plugged this is all deformed in here ran in the tractor supply picked up another one hopefully it's the right size I just shot the eye scanner down it before I went to town gonna swap that out quick throw it back on we got fuel we got sparkles maybe it'll fire up all right new setups on here sure let's go plug this thing back in see how it flowates float floors flus floods while we're out in the hay field up by uh hubcap Hills I'm gonna tug on her again see if we get this thing fired up sounded very good knocking I don't think it's not healthy [Music] I don't think she's gonna have enough depression [Music] [Laughter] well here's the deal compression makes vacuum vacuum makes an updraft she'll make it happen to work so we need that and that's not looking too good but I can't test the compression well I mean I could but I would have to lay off the hood whilst being drug with a compression tester tool because we don't have a starter great the other thing is we could have got some floaties already and the fuel making happen or that I just cleaned out Made It Flow fuel now it's not flowing fuel likely very we're just going to pretend that anyway so I'm tearing it apart again I'm going to clean everything again I'm going to blow air through it again put it back together again it's just not getting fuel you know give me fuel give me fire give me that which I desire back together again I did find quite a bit of gunk in there already like wiped this tray out it was perfectly clean before I started so we're going to be battling that quite a bit until I clean that tank so I'm going to do the right thing and not clean the tank and put this back on and see if we can get her fired up again yeah doesn't that look familiar okay here we go yet again all right here we go again thank you [Laughter] [Applause] I'll be there just listening to make sure it's building oil pressure sounds like it to drive it back to the shed and get some water in this thing going on hooked me old little thing is smoking but friends are what's left in the ground yeah it could sit a long time let's see what happens here after we run it for a bit [Music] smoking real bad [Applause] that looks good head gaskets might be hanging in there [Music] smoking really bad but we'll wait a little bit like I say first time it's been ran in a long time those Rings got to heat up and hopefully seal up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but there you have her Fellers and Phil that's after sitting for years forgotten locked up engine a host of issues the little ACB is once again running toodled it around the property I got her parked up at one of my favorite spots here just gonna hang out and relax for a couple minutes and we'll go get the hood and put a can over the exhaust and do the usual but thanks guys for watching appreciate it very much we'll see you very soon [Music] foreign
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 2,430,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, tractor, farm, ranch, will it run, will it start, vintage, classic, equipment, farm equipment, locked up, seized, allis chalmers, ac
Id: Q4W9TWrwnh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 54sec (5274 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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