Panicking For Power tour! Will We Make It?

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well it's officially one of my favorite times of year once again Hot Rod Power Tour I think it's the 29th annual and it's the 75th anniversary of hot rod it's going to be a huge one if you've never heard of Power Tour go to check it out we've been going for years and it's a ton of fun basically the world's largest traveling car show usually a 6 000 or more cars of all makes and models hot rods to Exotics five cities five days and events in between it's a ton of fun this is nothing new for us like I say we've been going for years and don't worry if you can't make it we're going to take you with us now it's up in there I got four plates and six balls juggling is what I'm saying we plan to take the Mountain Dew car however possible Jessica really wants to take Longmire with her friend Haley we got a ton of work to do on that we got to finish this up and stick around because I've got a build that you guys haven't seen yet I've been keeping uh Keeping a Secret on you something that Dave Chappelle and I built on road really rescues and now it's been up at volunteer Muffler and performance doing a bunch of work done we might have to do some finishing touches on that as well anyway we're going to have the motley crew of Cruisers let's dig in I got a lot of work to do oh where do we start fuel pump [Music] [Applause] [Music] well Daryl Waltrip here is hogging the lift we got to get them out so we can get Longmire in I got a ton to do on that truck we've got fuel access we've got to replace a fuel pump Jessica wants to shifter modified we've got to change fluids we've got to go through ignition the list is long I just fired this car on the stealth EFI system from Holley but I'm running on a digital fuel pump off of Milwaukee battery tossed up on the axle there and what else would you expect so we got to finish the wiring on that I'd also like to change fluids on this and just do a once over again it might be a friend or I don't know just some guy or gal driving this car on Power Tour I want to make sure it's 100 ready to go and one of the reasons we're taking on power through is not only so you guys can see it but just prove that it's it's a roadworthy rig you could drive it around wherever you want as a reminder we're giving this car away right now you can get entered to win at every five dollars get you one entry for the car and five thousand dollars cash so we wanna make sure we get some miles on this new system and work any bugs out that it may have all right so let's get this back up get this fuel pump layered in and then we got quick connect steering wheel I see I threw up here as well I need to clone myself that's what I need so essentially we got to run this I'm going to tuck it up and hide it really good get it up high above the exhaust bring it up over here and then tie it in and tie it in right here to this guy we also have to finish up the vent this is a Venter rollover valve I guess you could say as well then we've got uh ground tank ground and fuel sending unit which we want to hook that up with the new tank there and then we should be done with all of the fuel stuff then we can come back and I think I'm going to go ahead and change the oil this car does not have a lot of miles but it's got this really old filter in here so I'm going to go ahead and change on the oil we'll put some nice oil on this and uh this thing should be ready to go we just got to get some miles on the thing went ahead and put a male female combo on this so if this fuel pump ever needs to be replaced they could just unplug it here use weather seals and then taped it up real good been trying to drill this out for a minute but all my Christmas tree bits well they're dull real doll but we're getting there figuring if I could pop a hole in there I could just thread that through make a quick Loop plug that in we'll be set I'm just going to keep grinding here vent is done it looks nice there's a little check ball in here and a little vent screen on that side got our Loops in it so that's all done up front plus we've got a new ground back here clean that up around a screw through and what's going to use the original connector on this but a guy just didn't trust her she was a little well that's the old it's a little crusty so we jammed the new connector in there hopefully we got a fuel gauge those are handy especially when you're traveling so let's get the oil out of this thing see what that's looking like put some fresh stuff in here get a different filter in just have a magnetic oh it does Colleen yeah I need a change she had an old Pro motive by Pier later in there you know race car stuff I wanted to show you guys look how clean this engine is I don't know if that was a crate motor or something at some point because we know it was swapped but anyway well guy got a new Wix up in there right the date the miles down yeah I don't know if I've ever told you that before when the stickers get lost and stuff guy needs to know what's going on that's what I'm saying all right let's get this car back down fill her up with oil old school chrome wheel here now back in the day it would have been a lot taller so you have less input and there would have been a big pad in the center that's kind of not feasible for a daily driver kind of set up here but I want to do a little bit better than this one than just replace that El Cheapo I got this one here which I was actually going to put on Liberty Chevelle but we'll use it here this is actually a dirt track wheel and it is like three ounces there's no weight to this but you can see how it's got that old school industrial look and if I can kind of try to adapt this quick connector in as well so we can pull the wheel on and off you're not going to need to but if you wanted to like a race car throw it up on the dash for a show or something sure go on right ahead but see this has got tilt for the big boys like myself to get out so let's take this off take it all apart see if we can get that hub off and adapt this in maybe ah well I got the three little bolts out and discovered she's got an electric power steering no the wheel is actually just falling off this is finger tight so I guess good thing we uh we looked now this one is not bad we're gonna put it on run on a shelf yeah you might have called me a hoarder whatever we'll use it I don't need a horn button on everything okay we still got to get this thing off though I do know that and we might need a polar for this part of the deal got it Leatherman okay now we'll get that quick connect and that should just and then we bolt that on and then the wheel to the quick connect and we should be able to just put that wheel on and off like that boy that's going to be a lot of room because that wheel is going to go forward too because it doesn't have that same dish so it's gonna be about perfect if your Sasquatch size you know what I mean hmm tilt doesn't mess around adapter spline thing is on I think I got her lined up one of these that well it's kind of it might be a smidge off well I think that's the one yeah right there we'll lay it out like that put this nut back on which the previous one was single tight that seems fine yeah yeah yeah okay that is taunt okay then oh yeah oh that looks so much better what do you guys think huh yeah that one that this both of them I I don't know just comment below is this the right move or not that horn button was just driving me nuts okay whoa almost put that on backwards now if a guy ever wants to add a trans brake or any sort of buttons you got all the provisions in here to to do that sweet I think they make some sort of cover back piece there but really it doesn't really remind me much I don't mind it doesn't mind we don't mind each other whatever that is them well a guy's gonna find a gallon or two out of one of the lawnmower jugs around here toss it in the Dew car here let's run down the gas station top this thing off go for a cruise let the computer computerize and tune and all that stuff and then you know we better see if it doesn't burnout Peter Peterson onions get over the coal because science and quality testing assurance programs associated okay well we're all fueled up gas gauge is working we're gonna throw the air on let's go Cruise Tennessee we've got a storm coming in we'll just head south the few will be confined [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] got the new car back in the barn here boy I went every direction but down well up two I guess trying to get around that storm try to find some Drive pavement so we could let some smoke out of the tires here and I I just kind of get it done it was fun sliding around in the rain though this thing effortlessly goes I mean 143rd and a half throttle oh here comes the Thunders and lightnings but I got to do a couple things I need to put a timing light on this and verify timing really quick there's a static timing feature you could put a light on it and then make adjustments there so I wasn't really sending her in the ripples that got excited to go for a cruise cars running fantastic though it's learning very quickly the other thing I need to do is adjust the uh line pressure on the transmission the TV cable got to make a small adjustment there and then the car should be good to go I gotta run into Nashville do some errands Jessica wants to ride in the car so we're going to put some more miles on it before Power Tour just make sure that this thing is absolutely dialed now after I make those adjustments we can get this out get Longmire in I got a long list to go on that truck I'm gonna show you this quick I've set the static timing to 15 degrees so now the ECU is going to hold it at 15. so we can come over here 15 degrees [Music] and I know it's hard for you guys to see this but it is absolutely right on the money which is great we don't need to make any adjustments well we're cruising into Nashville car's doing great 178 degrees it's learning doing its thing it's got great oil pressure it rides really good Jessica's with me what do you think of the pump new car one of the first things you said was it's uh really comfortable huh we uh figured out the cigarette lighter works we also figured out not only does the radio work but we're playing through the CDs and the trunk and what kind of music are they it's like all racetrack music well I was reminded me of the Disney yes our hex chicks or whatever yeah yeah it's it's kind of cute it's like you know full-on tribute car you just crank the radio and you got all that stuff but we're gonna go run some errands let the car do its thing Man it doesn't pull nothing no it's this is one cool car big stock car check over here oh it sounds so good cracking pipe a little [Music] it's fun to drive isn't it oh my gosh it's comfortable [Music] I might have to be the one to win this car I think the rules say you can't sorry what if like the person offer to buy it back from them oh yeah maybe maybe heading home late night early I'm still gonna launch get back to the bar and get to work Daryl is kicked out for now and Longmire is in the barn the plan right now is Jessica wants to try to take this on Power Tour she just loves this truck but it needs quite a bit of work I'm going to be out here quite honestly till probably three or four in the morning to get this done because we leave tomorrow around 7 30. so let's get done what we can I bought this truck for my dually and it just didn't look right and I set it in here was pottering on it but also too shiny not quite a fan now if I recess that or frenched it in I think that'd be pretty sweet if it was like this High out we could just grab the latch have some storage but project for another day we've got quite a list on this thing we got the EFI done this thing is running I can't even tell you or explain how good this thing runs with the CFI on there now uh this is pretty much what we did last time fuel tank relocation EFI we fixed the seat but there is a lot to do here some of this we just we already threw the Hat in power steering I have a gearbox ordered from layers Corp they did the quick gearbox and Independence and a couple other things for me it's not a direct fit it's quite a project actually that just showed up this afternoon not going to have time to tackle that right now I want to do electric power steering on here I want to do some some dish or bowls or what bathtubs whatever you want to call them for the wheels as well that's kind of another big project I got to get after the important stuff for a road trip here fuel pump we just put one in but I broke it so I got to put another one in we should probably look at fixing that shock we got to put the bed back together which isn't even on here we need to modify that shifter I need to change the oil on this thing I always tell you guys put the date in there something mileage at least 9 10 of 22 on that Wix we got to change that cooling fan would be nice I got to fix the tail light it's just a lot of piddly stuff but we got to get after it so let's get this up in the air and let's get started on that fuel pump I'll show you what I did idiot move I finished up on the truck last time I usually like to bring them back in and go through them again just really quick Bumper to Bumper make sure I didn't forget anything not in Bolt check everything make sure there's no tools or lights hanging under the rig whatever else anyway I decided you know what that fuel pump I better snug on them nuts a little bit you know vibration snap idiot broca oh I fixed it though I'll show you snapped off one of these nuts the positive one I mean obviously I fixed it but this is barely making contact and believe it or not we've put about 540 miles on this truck exactly like this this has been just scraping on the ground eating away so for lightning protection so we're going to get rid of this little rinky dinky thing I got a nice uh a bigger Holly pump actually that's can be mounted a little bit better and longevity I think it's going to be better and I got a spare we're going to throw in the truck everything else kind of stays the same we just we got to swap this out quick so this one's made by Holly it's not a third-party unit per se it's a 12-800 and as you can see it's just it's a it's a hefty boy it's a much better built pump about the same calculizationals as far as everything goes mechanically and scientifically but it's just a better unit overall we're gonna put these fittings in here and then we're going to go to our typical Vapor guard right there this is obviously a bigger one so we're gonna have to shrink up line on one side but let's get this popped in quick thank you [Music] [Music] I'll tell you a thing of three about a thing or one guy spilled about 13.87 gasoline the good news is though I got the wipe up the floor you know never waste it from all the work we did on Daryl you want to live on the edge for a minute drill a hole or two and do some heat gun work while standing in a puddle of gasoline we must have hit an artery when we ran this fuel line because she was flowing like Easy E back in the day nonetheless new pump is in even use the correct clamps I know it's getting weird correct fittings all that stuff you know so Jessica said do it right or try it's mounted so okay I think that is done we gotta move on to this big project back here reassembling the bed and we got to get an access hole or door or gate or lid or flipper flapper or Tupperware two of the fuel fill like I say I've put a few hundred miles on this truck which is several tanks of gasoline I tried to fill it under the bed blank plant planks boards not gonna work we got to do something else well we got to get like I say something cut in for that I tried to see if it was possible filling it down there and it's not these guys do make different tanks there's a lot of different tanks out there that have filler necks in the back and the corners and other provisions and Hideaway tail lights and listen this this was given to me that was free so we're just using it okay now I got to get I'm gonna put this board back in and this board back in so I have these two in the center Loosey Goosey then we can come up with a game plan we might even snug those down actually I think I will because we can run like a welding wire or something down the center to locate our filler cap and just figure it out so let's go ahead and put these boards back together now that I spent 15 years sticking them apart and then we'll figure out what we're going to do for the door I'm not a woodworker can you torch wood like cut it oh we're gonna find out you didn't miss anything this is times 39. I'm down to this board this is my floater you gotta have a floralizer what I'm thinking is a guy can actually kind of see that filler neck and I've just been pondering do I want to scooch it this way because you know gas nozzles are curved well this let me show you restrooms not done yet but I picked up this really cool lamp we're going to do something see this shape so the hole is way over here but in order for this fixture to fit in you kind of need an elongated area right so I've been pondering that am I overthinking it do I just want to do it this way that doesn't make sense because wind do I just Center it I mean we might just have to send it flipped the lid open and you just free pour you know what I mean we could always put a piece of hose on I don't know it's really early in the morning I'm just I'm just I can go on with Center also as luck would have it as a beforehand mentioned I don't have any woodworking tools this is not a this is not a wood shock you know what I mean so Sawzall torch I don't know I'm gonna trace this out I guess we're just gonna give her and whatever it is is what it is I put these in here just to kind of give me the spacing I've been using water displacement on the 40th try on all these because a lot of them were so rotted they almost didn't come out so I want to make sure we can get this bed off again in the future so I'm going to get a marker trace this out cut it see what happens this is one of those times I need my buddy Jimmy diresta here because he would he wouldn't know what to do I don't know I'm just using laws of metals cutting Corners that's what I do best I figure if I get the corners cut out I can come back with the Sawzall or death wheel or something well I just packed just past full in a hurry didn't I how do you run these off ouch it's hot wood get out leave I need you out of the I need you out of the thing now great this is probably some sort of monthly subscription to get this to come out of here yeah yeah any of you guys woodworking sellers It's gotta be how would you do this comment down below probably what do they call them rooters roto-rooters routers oh no um jigsaw puzzle saw jigsaw that might be the way to go I don't know a lot of you is probably giggling at me saying he ain't really going to use the death wheel yep here we go let's start a fire right above the fuel tank [Applause] [Music] okay I want to admit that works considerably better than I went around through my head I'm using a diamond blade Cuts everything I don't know [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh watch the woodwork how much HP is on that one [Applause] that might could work oh just gotta take the line I can't believe it but I'm looking right at it with sawdust in my pupils so that's what burning wood smells like then does a guy have a saw of course he does I mean Bob Fila keeps calling but I got better things to do at this point thank you oh yeah I'm sure this is nails down chalkboard for you woodworking fillers but listen what did you expect well there we were you know albeit extremely dangerous when I had around a torch around here as well seared her up man you don't want it rare rare we just want a rare and that looks I mean come on now that's pretty good and then uh we'll just throw this over here run some screws for this bad boy and this should just do that guy drilled some holes here and then ran these trim screw screws through they got this little washer thing on them seemed like the right thing to do now I've gotta put a slat over this make some marks and then cut those said slats and get them in position and then it came with this little magnetic uh button door I don't know reminds me of Kia Furniture I think we're gonna go ahead and try to use that because right now yeah it doesn't open I've tried clapping and all sorts of stuff and it's stuck [Music] oh oh I need a washer ah that's that's great well for crying in the mud well I definitely didn't over torque that Bolt it was manufacturer defect no I gave her way too much anyway this chunk is actually the Chunk we cut out of here this is the piece that was here with the original hole in the snapped off bolt so I use this chunk and put it over here drill the hole drill the hole in the subframe below self-tapped it and if you squint it's mint right so now we're good now oh okay so now we just got a figure out this button thing I think it goes like it's kind of going like that oh the woods in the way oh and I have to try to figure that out well after eating 16 pounds sawdust got the fuel door in now back to something I know a little bit about spilling 19 quarts of oil on the floor let's go ahead and change this oil super quick and we'll come back up top and we're going to put some new sparklators in this thing this had a carburetor on her and man I tried to dial that in something beers yeah you know 17 million times taking it off and going through it just got tired of it went to the EFI here which is working great but I kept following plugs is what I'm saying that's where I'm going with this the plugs that are in it well you'll see they're shot so we're gonna put some plain ones in now that we're still each they're running good and uh the lightning hoses should be fine lightning whirler all that's pretty much brand new so we should be good there as well just trying to cross off some of the little things you know I gotchas you can get out on the highway cruising nice thing about these old GMS the blpcs really is there's not a parts store in America Coast to Coast that doesn't have what you need in stock that's quite honestly we get asked about these wheels a lot 245 40 20s front pair big old boys but the fill the fender Wells nicely this 292s take a very special Ranch up here it's a croissant branch if you can get yourself one of these wow I almost rolled the truck off the list one of these locking croissant wrenches out here uptown you might even get a little bit off your Applebee's steak I don't I don't know whoa there we go well we got all the oil eat like I thought it's pretty much full of fuel she's just running super rich we got a new Wix filter on down there got the date on her of course you know then I realized I never bought any Earl for this thing so we're gonna have to go dig in the cabinet and see what we got it might get a little dice here some mix and match you know like the old soda fountain tornadoes a little ice stay away from the fruit punch now that's pretty pretty spicy let's see what we can find well the old straight six getting a real treat here with the Earls I'd run 15 40 all day long in this honestly anything think about this 1966. think about the quality of oil and what they were putting in this thing anything it's better than that but I found two half jugs of VR1 which is a high zinc stuff I don't even know what I was using that on one's so old it doesn't even have the updated logo on it but I think I got almost six quarts here which is about perfect so we're gonna go ahead and top this puppy off with that let her chew on this let's go ahead and snag out these old sparklators here we're going to be moving from the chefios oh it's French I think and then no it's Albert champion of course we're going to move to the AC delcos and uh they should be pre-gap ready to rock and we'll just look for any mechanical damage or anything that's weird or odd but my shaking is all pretty much well taken up I might got some soggy motor mounts at this point but other than that I'm not too overly concerned plus we don't got a lot of blow-by but we'll just scan just in case [Music] a quick oil pressure check here oh Jessica's got the seat towel away forward oh yeah we put a new uh fuel pump in it too but that Prime no choke go popping at 58 000 times 50 pounds great oil all right we can knock that off the list just fired it again and did a ignition test she's running like a sewing machine I gotta be honest I am fried the candle is burning of both ends in the middle I gotta get some sleep it's about one 140 in the morning supposed to be leaving here in about five hours give or take so I don't know I don't know if this truck's gonna make power to her or not we've got some pretty big lists here cooling fan we got a shock under there that needs fixed Bentley noticed the heater core was leaking the shifter is needs to be fixed for Jessica but we got some of the main things taken care of oil change plugs fuel pump got access to the fuel tank that's pretty neat you know but I guess you guys are going to have to stay tuned and see this thing's going to actually make it on Power Tour and that's one of the nice things about Power Tour is it's a lot of work getting there for most folks but it's a vacation it really is even though you're still working on your rigs every day and changing fluids zip ties That and tape and whatever else I have met some lifetime long friends and Power Tour and it's a lot of fun to kind of let your hair down relax have some fun so if you can make it please by all means do we're going to be posting our whereabouts every day because we're kind of doing our own thing this year we're not doing the Midway we're not going to be at a fancy Booth or any of that stuff we're going old school the way it started we're going to be out in the parking lot tailgating just hanging with you folks having fun looking at hot rods burning hot dogs you know went down the back neck that kind of thing we're going to be posting probably if I remember our location every day we're going to drop a pin over at this the face space and the insta letters I know a lot of you guys don't do that stuff but it's the easiest way to communicate to the masses so you can come find us in the parking lot we'll try to do a map or something so if you can make it out to a location awesome if not again don't worry we're going to take you with for the ride plan is this year just Cruise take it easy we want to see back roads of America we're not doing any Highway stuff we want to see museums and antique shops and ice cream shops and hopefully we run into some old cars and stuff like that trying to let Jessica let me take a checkbook but I don't know if that's going to work but you never know anyway that's going to do it for me I got to get some rest and thank you guys once again for watching vice grip garage I appreciate all of you very very much we'll see you soon on the open road [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 556,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, powertour, hotrod, hot rod, classic car, muscle car, g body
Id: rjpwMhjpCHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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