ABANDONED 1958 Pontiac Chieftain. WILL IT RUN after sitting 40 years?!?

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with stealth-like precision boom hot damn here we go with another good one oh holy corrosion bill [Music] oh yeah oh my water [Music] 100k t-shirt coming in hot warning we're just having fun if you take stuff too serious this channel may not be for you buddy [Music] man oh man it's never a bad old day when you start off in your bibs gotta get them roundhouse baby who wants a round house ain't nobody want a roundhouse from these mr miyagi shoes uh let's see what we do last week i reckon oh man oh morticus we uh little work little work on the e-haul and then we road tripped her to the chickasha swap meet and cough please look at the precision of them catch cans the cliffs are whipping me oh this thing is fresh and hot like subway and they're still coming let's go get them kids let's go get the kids to school or the other nine tenths of it who knows who knows there we go honest answer see how thirsty she is old truck did pretty good i must say now she didn't do good yesterday she left me in the middle of town damn near i had to let's just say the clutch is gone uh i had to drive her like a big rig home okay but don't worry i made it sometimes you just gotta do some driving now today we're going to start on a a wheel it run on a pretty damn cool car or i think it's cool some of y'all's going oh it's a four-door so it's just a parts car it's a cool car all right so just say we go take a gander at her like my truck this thing don't have super cool patina now this old travel although she's has what i call pretty pretty good patina but look at this baby here 1958 pontiac okay so chieftain right there now this is some sweet patina i don't give a damn if it's a four-door or not this thing is cool now we're gonna look her over real good uh but the first thing i want to do is get this thing off my trailer now i went the other day to pick this up this is not my car okay this is for my buddy taylor who does all my interior stuff old top stitch himself and yeah we went over to a local gentleman's place and got this car what is that ray a little three ton floor jack just a little three ton what's that l stand for boys left left not loose i took a left-handed guy to figure this out too well i don't know i can have something with better patina on my trailer than my travel i'll make my travel all look bad federal national bank although that was pre-bank first that was down on the corner of bell and uh maine we've got a registration from when it was new 1958 up through 72 then we skip a few years and get up to 83. you think if we put the 83 sticker on there the police will be all right with that i think they'd be good with that it's a factory delivered price 25.88 awesome i bought it from johnny kenaisel he bought it from dale miller that worked at swopes and dale miller bought it from the guy that bought it new so it's had four owners in its life now so well that's pretty cool ray had one stipulation when taylor gets it going i want a ride he wants a ride i'm pretty sure we can handle that so she was a little ornery to load front tires or front brakes i mean are locked up so it looks like we did a burnout across there and we may even had to use a little snatch block to double our pulling power and well i just realized i stole that gentleman's chain ray i'm gonna get you your chain back sir i do promise that uh this car's cool because it's local guys it was sold local back in the day 1958 or nine last registered in 82 i think maybe could i be lying to you possibly well well that license plate says my lucky number it says 77. we need to try to see if them brakes want to cooperate we may have to whoop on them there you go relax a little bit damn after the last two weeks i bet some of y'all were worried mortsky was gonna be in this video too huh don't worry i finally got rid of him he i think he's back in north dakota or something just thank god we got him out of here finally i did weld me on some of those onto my trailer cause these don't like to hook to those so if you put some of those then you're good for these just like it's 1958 again except with a little rust and rat poop damn i thought that old headliner in the corolla was bad hell you look good compared to the old green machine the old green weeny here oh safety block to go with our safety winch around here guys we're all about our safety so you gotta get you some bibs okay built-in back support so besides looking cool you support your back also several people in the comments i've seen that with my own eyes how'd you get such a good-looking woman how did you get a good-looking wife i'm just saying i don't have a good feeling about these bricks by the way damn that's a drum if i've ever seen one got a circumference of about 39 and a half got the diameter about oh twelve and three quarter red eye about well six and three eighths add that times the surface area of the contact pattern of the shoe inside the drum and she's about equivalent to six piston brembo brake squeezing on a rotor or something so she may be one of those units that comes off as a hole not really sure oh that's okay if you need your cap just pull it by hand it'll come right out and then uh don't worry about whatever that type of spring or whatever is in there that's not important no glove no love come on come on there we go picked a terrible time to do this considering my building showing up can't get deadly done around here i had to take a break from the breaks if you wanna know what's happening with the merchandise money i'm investing it right back into itself and rolling the dice and hoping it forever stays growing and you know maybe one of these months or years or days i can uh write myself a check try to get in there and back off our adjuster in there with no real luck we hit her with some premium lubrication start with a gentle massage come on baby ah started to pull i know you won't come off in place i want you just come off and play well well well look who just decided to finally participate be sure to put your steering wheel puller underneath that where all that rust falls in there these are the self-folding models so if you just pull it towards itself it just collapses that crap all out there we can slap that back on and that's going to get us rolling for now i showed you guys how i did the other side so i'm just going to get this one caught up i reckon we'll do the same thing [Music] i don't think the back brakes were locked up i seem to remember them rolling oh i'm moving her some set up them stillies i was about to just send her for a ride and then you know i remember i got stuff like a winch now that i ain't used to having so maybe we can use the equipment we got there but hey thanks for ruining the video before we roll the dice on that bumper since she's off the trailer and kind of eye level now let me give her a good look look over the whole trim just as shining i know you see it going down that body oh baby look at that monster radiator but look at the simplicity on this guys just nice and simple power brakes right here power steering right here bazooka tube air breather ready to suck every thing in sight those babies are still wet we got a rat here somewhere oh rap may reside here but takes pride in where it lives so sleeps on this side of the engine craps on this side of the engine doesn't chew up the wiring so you wanna know what i know about these engines uh what is not a damn thing alex i think taylor said that they said or he knows i don't know 347 is that right all you pontiac gurus this is a 347 pontiac sedan four-door chieftain deluxe aerospace on top of the fender special let's see what the oil's got to show for itself i don't know how dark that looks on camera but i can definitely see through it through the light that's some good looking oil guys she does have little whoopty dews here or there but nothing bad guys what a cool driver looks like we had some type of repaint so you can see that is over the original paint and it's kind of faded out so she had a touch up at one one point in her life anyhow front end's in pretty good shape look at the pontiac and gold baby like my tooth yeah like that baby right there now be sure to fish hook your own mouth after touching the engine that's covered in rat crap okay everybody look at that wheel she don't crank boy that piece as shiny as all get out boy look at that old seat look how that pattern drops down and favors the driver's side then on this side we do got a custom door latch going on here i see when we get this thing pushed back in the shop and we're gonna start sucking some turds off of her taylor's gonna be here any minute who owns this car and he said he'd help me shove it in there but you know if you look up the word patience in the dictionary you ain't gonna find me in there everything looks good like it's nothing so top stitch himself is here we're giving this thing a look over and oh aaron just said hey look at that because he uses stuff like common sense to see that that you know that ain't on that side so what we got going on here i don't know we may just need to fill her up wrecking where we put gas in there is probably the least of our worries right now we gotta get some more gloves here got the old soul sucker 97 model here and she's guaranteed to lift any rat turd [Music] see we can't get this old bazooka tube off of her oh she's pretty packed fairly clean in here uh don't look like anything made it to the inside which is good but look how flush that is just perfectly flat right damn near even with the top of the old distributor that's a fresh nuggie if i've ever sinked one guys let me see here oh yeah she's definitely fresh i can tell you how fresh she is eight hours max come on y'all that ain't a rat turd i swapped gloves and just made that from my oreo some of y'all got no imagination i used to not like oreos but i'm quite the fan nowadays that's a pretty good fake rat turtle i i may outdone myself on that one [Music] i think we're pretty fortunate not getting nothing down in her so we don't want to be the ones to add it there now let's give her the suck job deluxe [Music] just did some precision work with the sharpshooter and guys i gotta say i am pretty impressed this rat and look at these sweet plug wire holders by the way this rat whatever the hell it was did not even get our plug wires or nothing i mean the wiring back here still going to our coil and everything still looks good as someone who's been known to come across a rat nest or two oh this will be fun maybe it didn't get down in the engine you guys ain't ever had that problem you probably don't understand how impressive it is that it didn't touch any of the wiring now down underneath here down there in pooh-pooh valley don't worry about it we got going right here they have a little bed laid down a little hobo pallet they're all grounding studs right there she's she's a little stiff believe it or not [Music] then pretty porcelain's down in there even the green on them matched the engine boy these plague wires feel like they've been on here since about 1980. see if i got luck on the passenger side i've been a little meaner with them getting a little attitude well that one popped right off there that one was our mess right there that's why we parked her back in 82 or whatever it was now those are in order in our holders uh i think this thing probably has the same firing order as a small block chevy one eight four three six five seven two this is gonna be on the manifold somewhere one eight four three six five seven two that's her i don't know deadly about these engines let's do a quick google search let's get a little educated here because i do believe that's a 370 according to this in 1955 pontiac introduced a 287. in 1956 that 287 was bored to a 317. in 1957 that stroke was increased and the displacement rose to 347. now in 1958 they decided to play with the old bore size again and got her out to 370. rock chester two barrel for 240 horse with a 8.6 compression ratio and now let's see they got another two barrel set up for 270 horse at 10 to 1 compression ratio hopefully she's got the extra compression just to move that big old lanyard of a car we're gonna see if we can't pull a spark plug off here i reckon you'd pull spark plug out not off oh of course the one in the very back feels crunchy that's always a good sign come on baby you can do it i know it's been 40 years it'll be all right she seen better days just about ready to take a gander down in there hoping y'all can see on the old telephone there trying to see if we can see the cylinder walls oh there it is yeah she's a little rusty right there i think she could use a little lubrication in her life those cylinder walls look clean there so hopefully number one we were just at the top of the head that looks a lot better number four number six cylinder walls are pretty rusty guys usually i'll just kind of hit those with some spray and not worry about it too much we're gonna give this one a little special treatment some people say it's bad for it blah blah blah here's the deal guys we're not gonna leave this in here for three weeks okay it's gonna sit in there till the morning and i never seen anything else you put inside of an engine break down the crap that's in there like that vinegar does y'all see all that that's from that caprice they had a locked up small block chevy in it that we put vinegar down that by the way she ain't even smoking anymore from what i remember she well maybe a little bit don't let me lie to you damn that smells nasty number eight's way back there by georgia tell you right now you see a pair of round house if y'all know vinegar some gold frame glasses in the funnel you better watch out because somebody's engines getting soaked i'm gonna pull her forward where the old shop door can close and maybe we'll even close the 17 foot long hood here and we're gonna be back on her in the morning where we're gonna see how much i don't need them fingertips they're fine right there we're gonna see how much vinegar can break down in about 12-hour period and that hood's getting heavier and heavier fingers are overrated anyhow oh there we go hard to see but it looks like there's some foamed up crap in there oh 15 16 she's a big oh yeah she's moving that's what i like to feel there we go we're spraying some vinegar out now nice big helpings of the old wd-40 the vinegar i've seen come out of this side a little bit already guys was a little dirty but honestly not like i was expecting winter on this one if we shouldn't have just lubed her down with some oil or atf from the start so she wants to play with some power that's a good looking connection there yeah copper is not supposed to match the color of your car guys i mean the the green patina matches but it's not what you want to see give that a snip snip snip and just right there that's pretty good looking copper so we'll take that it'll work for now we're gonna isolate that on the upper radiator hose until it falls then we'll isolate it somewhere else gonna use our old shortening technique right there too for this ground [Music] there we go i'll just try her like that for now two of them wires run over to this little junction so i'm guessing the yellow supplies everything our 12 volt supply and i'm guessing that brown or black to the left there is our uh starter solenoid i'm going to clip our starter switch down on that give her a couple shakes maybe get through some of the corrosion and clip our other end right here on our 12 volt we should be good let's see what she's got oh yeah baby don't y'all worry about that belt all right that's it i don't want to crank on it any more than that just enough to uh blow out most of that vinegar hey she's cranking taylor did drop off some oil it looks like so before i crank on it too much i do want to change the oil we got to get the canister filter element thingy majigger so while we wait on that we can spray some more lubed down in the engine itself uh now that we sprayed that vinegar out of there and we'll go from there had about half a quart of atf so i just kind of added a little bit to each cylinder now speaking of lubrication all them shifting linkages and whatnot down in there i'm just gonna be a nice guy here and lubricate lubricate the hell out of everything and since we're lubricating and i'm a nice guy and we're by this carburetor well i'm gonna go ahead and hit her in the old throttle lever there some too hey there's a safety latch be sure to catch that with the back your head let's see what the survey says about the element noon that's 10 it's 10 o'clock now that means well we got a couple hours to kill get her up on the concrete since we gotta wait just say we pop open the whole distributor cap and now i reckon we take a gander in there since we got power on her i guess we can turn on the ignition and see if anything catches on fire get our first clip whatever you want to call it brought the long daddy to get that back one oh my wires are a little stiff what and the crossover heater hose in front of our damn coil we got going on here trying to get this coil wire off but she stuck like chuck there we go be careful of these brittle babies come on get her set up out the way just couple dead spiders in there no big deal and the world's worst about losing these tiny screws right here so i'm gonna try to be careful let's see if i can get her it's gonna pop it oh there we go holy corrosionville can y'all see down there on them points right up in there see all that white powder oh yeah those are good guys all right no way in hell we're gonna get spark out of them so we can make a white cloud oh just falling off of there i've been known to use tons of stuff to clean points i've used my knife i've used sandpaper i've used emery cloth i've used flatheads i've used the serrated edges of this craftsman flathead kind of like a file if you can scrape with it i've tried it guys i've been doing this for about 53 years to this date in my whole life never have i actually used a points file but those things look terrible so i'd say this is a special occasion uh warning cancer and reproductive harm so got to be careful with these things oh yeah you're about to get some top of the line points tuning right here first you up first you open that then you slide your file down in there then you remove that then you move your file up then you slip around and you do it again while always having your left hand holding your camera after about two hours of this we'll have that element we'll be able to change the oil most y'all know more about points than me if you don't know anything about points here here's the the basic rundown here's the basics as your distributor spins and that little gap opens it breaks the ground this is gonna be our ground to our coil so when those points are opening it's breaking your ground to your coil which sends a zap so that's running right down there which means over here is our positive so it sounds like i just broke that wire because it's so brittle since she's got 12 volts on her won't we try the ignition key and get our test light and see if we're getting power up to our coil not a huge fan of test lights i'd rather use the meter but both of my meters took a took a crap so they're out of commission oh fuel gauge moved ground our test light oh yeah it's a red light it means we got power y'all the whole connection up there's a little rusty but don't you worry about try to get this coil wire here she ain't very dirty in there guys actually looks pretty good both ends get that shoved back down on her coil there we're gonna take this to ground somewhere she may be able to shoot a spark down to here now manually i'm just going to open those points and flick them with my screwdriver here and if we start getting contact and breaking contact we're going to see a spark right there now as we start popping these things oh yeah we're getting sparked there [Music] you wanna ride the lightning huh you wanna ride the lightning just because she's sparking with a screwdriver don't mean she's gonna work sometimes the the screwdriver is the only thing doing any ground in there the one way we can test it cranker oh yeah oh yeah good sharp hot looking spark coming out of there guys i don't know if the camera picked it up but i gotta say those were probably the worst looking points i've seen to date anna who would have thunk it old point file does the job since we're pulling out all the right tools for this one trying some new stuff somebody sent me this air spark plug cleaner from the vct tools it comes with a robin hood coin sack to keep your shillings in what in the legal baggie is going on here basically it looks like a palm sander i think we put the abrasive in the bag we clamped the bag to here that sticker i just peeled off i'm guessing you probably put her in there and give her a palm sanding hey man you got my abrasive yeah i got it got that good abrasive right here man i hope that's what you're supposed to do cause we just did it so dimebag davey in a spark plug blaster when you got her flip down it's letting abrasive go in when you flip her up it closes off for the abrasive can't get it where you can just give her a blow uh seems to help when you know how to operate it what'd i say earlier about patience got the spark plugs overhauled now i understand that blaster probably gets down in between there on the tip and electrode or whatever where it's actually important we're not going to worry about that these things are basically guaranteed to spark at least 33 as good as when they were new got the spark plugies all cleaned up and take a gander at this old rotor cap now in the tractor video mortsky had mentioned using a eraser to clean a rotor of course out there we were in the field all right we like like nam we were out in the now we just didn't have the eraser out there so we used the tractor tire and the tractor tire work but now i want to try the eraser so she's a little dirty it would have worked if you would have used the pink eraser everyone knows you can't clean a rotor with a damn white eraser dummy it did do a little bit it ain't doing a lot a bit how about we use the old original bias ply spare from the burnout video wipe her with your cleaning cloth and wham bam thank you shiny ma'am [Music] yep that did one hell of a job on the end of that rotor too she's ready to install we'll put her spark plugs let's go take a gander inside the cap say your old engine's been running and you need to pull your cap but we know this came off number one cylinder this front one did so we can follow it back we see it goes all the way back here so i'm gonna scrape right underneath number one just to mark it where i remember which one is number one since we know our firing order right there now that we know our firing order we can pull these off in my case it's gonna be where i break the plug wires trying to do it with one hand sometimes you just gotta bust a cap don't worry about all that up there i see some of my scrape mark right here for number one so i'm just gonna mark it a little better how about a little scrub i love it on the outside mainly because i want to tell you guys about this uh get gone deep greaser by the sweet potato hey you got all the good cleaning products let's got that sweet container potato sauce and well you can check her out at sweetpotenter.com don't forget to use that old promo code on the screen y'all little brushing and just rinse this dang dole thing often for a second i thought it was 1958 again it looks so good we did her good just like they did it from the factory a lot of people don't know that that's pontiac okay specifically the 1958's with the 370s that there was a plant up in michigan and that's exactly how they marked it they would do yellow paint around the top okay about halfway down you give a mark and then the number one and uh that's how they produced them absolutely none of that was true i just made it up a mark number one where we know uh which number one or where people in the future know anyhow well let's say this is where our scenario gets tricky okay let's say we were those guys who forgot to mark number one before we started pulling plug wires actually had a buddy call me probably two weeks ago and say hey you know i just went to town pulling this i kind of remember this was pointing there what should i do i i didn't keep track to everything before i pulled it apart you all know how it goes when you get all excited and sometimes you know you just you hop in the old swimming pool and you ain't even got your swimming trunks on you still got your britches on and now you're in a sink or swim situation i'm not gonna say a name of who did that and i ain't gonna tell y'all that it's the guy who owns this car guys everyone does it okay you make mistakes you know what i'm bad about i'll uh i'll do all this stuff and go to get it running and go hey i ain't got no spark you you know why nine out of ten times i don't have spark because i like to reassemble everything except a rotor i like to leave them rotor sitting off to the side you don't need no damn rotor so here we are in our whole situation we pulled our plug wires off we don't know where number one is oh no what do we do just like our chevrolets one eight four three six five seven two curve ball distributor counterclockwise say this is number one and you start going around like a chevrolet you're gonna be in trouble one eight four three six five seven two so we know front driver side right here is number one so now we're gonna come to number one and you need a finger plugger very special tool where the spark plug goes put that finger plugger in there start to bounce bump this thing over but go slow you're looking for compression stroke you know it's compression stroke because it's going to blow your finger out of there should be pretty close on compression right in there over here we're looking for our timing marks and i believe that's our pointer right there i cleaned it up some down there looked all the way around still can't find no timing mark so can't put a square in a round hole so this is only going to go on one way now if we set our cap on here and we pull it off you can see where it's starting to point at you can see the direction it's going i know it's hard to see on camera but it is just before this one here so you look at that and go hey that one should be number one now if it's off you may just move a plug wire this way or that way depends on your situation so get our old rotor back on we'll put number one back on we're going counterclockwise so then this should be eight get that coil wire shoved right in the middle i'm just impressed none of them broke so maybe that helped maybe it didn't maybe i made myself look like an idiot maybe i did a little bit of both i don't know let's go see if we can get spark out of one of these now that we put all the whole distributor back together oh yeah she's sparking good got a little distracted there we ended up doing a mail time video show them years baby [Laughter] we got the filter element finally guys so we're gonna change that we're gonna jack this baby up then take a gander underneath there put some harbor freight specials underneath there keep her from falling so i found the drain plug underneath here for the old oil pan then we got our canister right there 58 first year for the x-frame use that cheater pipe since i had it ain't no need to working hard uh see if we can't get that drain uh plug out first oh my water holy crap that was a lot what is it you see how that oil's coming out of there yeah it was water at first that's exactly why i didn't want this thing to bust off without getting into the oil first that stuff was full separated almost like it's been sitting for 40 years or something is it in a tube or is it this portion that's just pouring baby what do you think about that i think it's gonna leak you can tell a lot from the oil it looks like blood mostly highway miles so he was taken care of that water just worked its way in probably from the hood being up at some point in its life you know stuff like that she must have had 300 coordinator she's still going good thing we got that h2o lubricant out of there we would have been in bad shape next we're going to see if we can't get this whole unit down oh something's good something's given oh there we go this is like damn carl's jr okay if it don't get all over the place don't smash it to your face or something you know you're supposed to make a mess when you change these i'm just killing it here there we go thank you man that stuff is thick that's some damn 80 90 weight gear oil in this sob give that stuff another 40 years it would have turned into grape jelly and as you go to carry this in be sure to stumble and fall and be sure to get her on the ground this is talent folks push the car in as it's draining you push the jack to push the drain pan so you don't make a mess i think we nailed it back on her in the morning i believe in letting them drain okay you won't get that old nasty stuff out of there like this one may just say here for two days you don't do a three-day oil change what's wrong with y'all i reckon it don't matter which way this goes i don't see no arrows on it tell you want to properly store a seal right there just be sure to crinkle the dog piss out of it and hold her up like a taco see if we can't get the old taco seal shoved up in here i'm assuming it's where it goes ain't really a nice flat surface for it but if it fits it fits oh valvoline taylor brought that's got the fancy laundry detergent lid on her look at that they need to do a damn collaboration with uh tide thick with two c's stuff's thick like an old shot of penicillin straight to your butt talks damn filter housing holds half a gallon in case y'all didn't know now let's crawl up underneath there and see how much of this we can spill with ace like precision he nails the target we only spilt a little bit it's better than a lot a bit slap our drain plug back in and you know makes good sense to make sure those are different sizes that way you gotta grab two different sockets a step to completing your three-day oil change is to top this baby off with some oil so i don't know the capacity of this engine i know we already got like three gallons in that damn filter housing because it's so damn big so we'll just top her off and check her as we go i am digging that fancy lid though it's got to be a better blend than that water yeah she needed a quick polish job just a hair below full a dollop will do you just about money folks this old girl's gonna be happy to have some some fresh oil in her life after what came out of her little thick hot fudge sundae sauce with some you know a quarter water separated from her so before we put spark plugs back in you know everyone always says uh hell it's got it's got spark it's got fuel there's air in the atmosphere we live on mother earth it should run but you need other stuff with it okay or at least one other thing you gotta have some compression so just for fun when we uh when we check some compression on this old land yacht we're gonna start right here on number one and get her threaded in here good for keeping rat poop out bad for compression test some people will even freak out if you don't open up the old barrels all the way she is a little stuck did y'all see that but she just broke free letting her soak for three days may not hurt nothing huh i'd hate to give y'all some invalid numbers so we're gonna get this baby pried open okay there we go jump packs at 1900 volts 12 megahertz ready to go [Applause] not a lot in my scientific chart here it seems she's came in precisely at about give or take three or four we're just gonna say 45 psi on number one you might say but doc what does that indicate and doc would say you need to go home and make sure your loved ones know you love them because you ain't got much time at 45 psi doc would tell you your rings may be stuck since you know they've been sitting for damn 40 years and you say but doc i can't live off a mic how do i know if it's my rings and the doctor would tell you well here take this couple teaspoons of uh oil see if it don't help so that's what we're going to do we're going to pour some oil down in that cylinder and well if our number goes up then we know our rings aren't sealing and i don't know why people say to use a teaspoon because honestly it don't work worth a damn i pull out a lot of bs but the teaspoon may be the worst joke to date you see that's the stealthy goodness of a set of bibs guys you can whoop right in there you tuck her down low your wife don't see it when you steal her coffee spoon all right looks like we hit about 70 this time so maybe if we lube them all hit her with ether just at the right time maybe she's gonna want to bust off hopefully we just got one like that guys we may have about seven so let's get to checking seven others i know she ain't got seven cylinders twenty that's what we wanna see watch out we're getting crazy hit fifty damn holy cow there may be hope yet about 15 on number seven so if number seven hits the rest they're just gonna go buck zero zero on the dot things are looking up big seven zero on number four we've got a solid 40 right there on number six and bright's gonna have to bring her in strong folks come on baby we need a big number [Music] [Applause] good solid numbers y'all we're gonna send a little oil down each cylinder to hopefully help kind of seal her and then we're just gonna send some get her done 91 down her throat i think they say you want your numbers like what is it plus or minus within 10 of each other or something i think we may be out of that range just buy a hair you know for 75 on some no big deal all right i'll knock out the passenger side real quick gonna give the spark plugs the installation after they had that wire wheel restoration keys on coils hot the bottle of the getter down 91 is topped off and if uh if 91 won't do it we got some starting fluid just hit her with some starting fluid and she'll hit speaking of hit my neighbor's smacking the hell out of something want me whoop it need a fresh elbow or what got the little throttle stop out of there where she was good to go it's been a long 40 years ain't it baby say if she wants to play y'all she thought about it but she ain't cranking very good instead of rob peter to pay paul we gotta rob edna here to uh energize the green weenie yay oh she's thinking about it guys i put us a wire on here damn it smokey where's all that smoke coming from [Music] come on baby come on baby oh come on come on baby she's trying she wants to she just can't do it but you can do it baby all right i don't care what people ever said about you they talk down on you none of that matters show them who you are oh boy that smoke is just rolling off this thing come on baby what the hell it's like she's running but she's not all right we're gonna later have another break and next time we're gonna smack her straight with the ether from the start straight to the 99 aerosol let's go baby she's just teasing me her joints are aching she needs some bengay there we go there's the back fire we're hoping to see just let her sit there and burn think about how she's acting let's see if that idle won't turn up just a couple i know the carburetor ain't really carbureting too much right now but maybe maybe we'll find a sweet spot on her here we go give her a couple rotations without having a couple rotations our airflow's gonna have some multiplications and then she's about to run like a sewing sewing machine sensation come on oh you're just tired aren't you a thing smoking like it ran for you know more than six seconds on two cylinders she did bust off good enough to uh blow some rat's nest out of the old exhaust i see i'm gonna pull the plugs again i can't imagine they got nasty or anything so we'll clean them uh and i'm probably gonna give another little drip drop of some oil down in her see if we can't get a little squeeze a little more compression out of her now that she's trying to bust off anyhow sometimes you just gotta have a gas station cookie and step back perfect time to reevaluate your life and what's going on in it going live go baby go baby go baby look at that smoke y'all just rolling chi chin chong style baby oh yeah still andre there we go there we go [Music] yeah baby guys that's trying to start now good enough i'd like to get it off its own fuel system instead of having to rely on the x-acto squeeze of uh on the old bottle of the get her done 91. gonna start by getting this filter housing off of here so we can't get in our old sediment bowl here maybe was that very smart nope for the record i don't regret trying to tap on that and not knock it loose off there i just regret doing it not wearing a glove and remember it don't matter if you do dumb stuff only thing that matters is the camera has to be rolling that way people can see it and then call you a dummy later on i may be out of barb fittings but i ain't out of creativity i'm out of uh pronunciation capabilities so we got the factory stuff we put that on there we put our air fitting to there and we're ready to shoot 100 psi into our carburetor if you make one of these and you get pulled over with it you didn't learn how to make that on putin's fab shop okay the the police are gonna question you sometimes we gotta do stuff we ain't proud of you know what i mean there's chicken rig there's jerry rig there's jimmy riggs and then there's this guys for right now our grounds just twisted on there uh we're gonna steal our coil wire jumper wire and oh yeah we're feeding her off some vinegar by the way you can soak the engine with vinegar you can run an engine off vinegar so we'll just see how she does we're going to click our jumper wire on oh i can hear doing something yeah she's straight pissing now we want to go into some bodywork so we're going to uh work the body of that old carburetor with some love taps my effects are with the love tap she ain't spraying anymore [Music] [Music] look at her go she may be smoking just a little bit but a little bit i mean a lot a bit oh yeah there we go i'm gonna let her run much more than that because we ain't got a cooling system on her but damn she just all right i got the whole highway just covered in smoke y'all i mean the whole damn highway this place looks like it's on fire it looks like when i did a burnout in the truck guys i'm gonna bust the generator loose how about some shout outs to that carburetor that's the real champ in this situation as long as it's been sitting in the fact it's sitting there half trying to actually act like a carburetor all right there we go give that thing the pry bar deluxe and uh oh she's tight don't don't worry about that this laundry detergent bottle ain't just perfect for oil neither she is a water spilling everywhere machine i know this radiator so damn big you could use her in the basement of your local courthouse to heat the whole damn thing [Music] you don't think that old generator that's loose is what's wobbling do you that generator there we go [Music] damn thing looks haunted [Music] [Music] i don't know if our gauges are working but the temp one is up a little bit and the oil's indicating oil dropped temperature dropped i think our gauges are working oh yeah baby this chieftain is sending smoke signals that's for sure that's a mortsky joke for you she's out of gas we're gonna have to go get some more we're gonna let that cool down a little bit we're gonna do that again and those are called heat cycles i reckon i'm done playing games with this old carburetor so see if she'll pick up off here maybe she will maybe she won't she's a little warm we're gonna hit the carburetor first thing in the morning and we're gonna cycle her some more and send some fluids down through her start off this morning with some coffee and a carburetor rebuild how about that so i figured it'd be a perfect time to talk to you guys about something that's been on my mind lately what i've been wanting to talk about is just being a hundred percent transparent with you guys and what i'm trying to do here uh now i don't here's a shocker i don't watch other youtubers guys i i simply don't have time usually if i watch something on youtube half the time it ain't even car related but other youtubers i've seen some other you youtubers just ridiculed and grilled and thrown to the state for being called saying they sell out they do this they do that for reaching towards something they want some of the stuff i've i've kind of have seen have heard with people it got me thinking what are people going to think when i get a bigger shop because y'all's nuts if y'all think that i'm so prideful of being able to work in my little shop shopping on this crooked concrete that you think i just want to stay in this thing i'm telling you right now my goals are 40 by 60 or bigger y'all's nuts if you don't think that i think my family deserves a bigger house than that 1100 square foot that we're living in right now i got two girls sharing a room we grew up i grew up four deep four kid deep and a 69 single wide that had two bedrooms so sharing rooms is okay it's where i come from but that don't mean that i don't think my kids you know deserve their own damn rooms you ain't gonna see me wearing gold chains okay you ain't gonna see me no good gucci or whatever overalls okay i'm sticking to my round house you ain't gonna see me pulling up in a damn lamborghini those aren't my goals but my goal is to grow all right so of me getting a lift and getting off this little crooked concrete one day it's gonna be me selling out to y'all then guess i'm gonna sell out or if you're a person with a work ethic you just set a goal and accomplished it so i just want everyone to know right now i got goals and goals ain't to be all broke pudding forever we're gonna make it y'all definitely want to snap a couple pictures for you pull her apart just because and the last thing we're clearing the air on so you can't call me a sellouts to someday model a this here is the someday model a she's mighty fine this here is a banner for the bowling brothers close to 12 months ago when i only had 5 000 subscribers and have been grinding it out on youtube for three years to get that 5 000. uh i don't miss those days by the way so i appreciate the hell out of you guys i mean that from from my heart since we're getting all personal uh bowling brothers agreed to sponsor my model a then before the channel had any type of name really so when we build that model a it's going on a bowling brother full rolling chassis i'm just saying that right now because if it's a year from now then people can't go well he sold out he wouldn't use that model a chassis from them before he would have built it himself no the hell i wouldn't those guys do awesome work and if you're going to tell me that i can do better model a chassis work than them nope so now the air's just cleared on everything now i can sleep at night y'all know my plan is to grow and one day when i build the model a i'm going to use a bowling brother chassis that's supposed to have a clip on it that's what the problem is ain't it this clip is supposed to go on there somehow and it's not on there so it ain't dragging her back down don't worry about cleaning up the body that's how you keep these things a sleeper you don't want them to know that you rebuilt your carb and you're ready to whip that booty okay leave them dirty so new accelerator pump hit puberty uh new needle and seat with clip installed on the float and that right there would probably fix our problems we could put her all back together now but here put putting the carburetors in more we may be okay with half-assing but we ain't okay with quarter-assing so we're gonna keep going she's nice and smooth that's been the first one we've had so far [Music] i hit this with a real simple pot county port and polish job and uh we're gonna give it one good spray one one last final spray anyways out i'm gonna reassemble it you ain't gonna damn believe this 300 gaskets comes with this sob and don't one of them match our uh base plate here got some leftovers from when we did the whole 77 caprice and i'll be damned if we just don't happen to have a gasket we need in there get our crack pipe reattached to her and we'll be good to go put the whole carburetor on get our fuel pump on [Applause] oh that's good we're leaking somewhere by somewhere i mean everywhere since none of the other gaskets were right surely it can't be the incorrect gasket can it well well can't believe she didn't seal y'all think she's a little small or what look at that this gasket is split guys right here so i'm just gonna kind of do my best to hold it where i think it needs to go and we're gonna trace and pray if this thing don't leak it's going to be a miracle i can tell y'all that right now i put her top half on there and well she just kept flooding again our float's not adjusted so i'm going to bend on her a little bit went to put this last screw in and guess who managed to just drop her down the carburetor that's how my day's going guys i predicted this thing was gonna be running about three hours ago and here we are oh my goodness guys y'all will not believe this i'm talking about eight different stores to find this damn magnet all right finally got the damn screw out of there i'm just letting that thing idle up so i ain't got control of the throttle uh i was just working the clutch some all i did was spray all that linkages down you got you guys i didn't do nothing else to it this thing make you want to cruise to the local drive-in with your honey racked in pipes for a couple times she cleared up quicker than i thought she would i got some marvel mystery oil for her though so we're gonna kill her she she dies good i mean that timing's on the money so we're going to take the marvel mystery oil i'm going to fire this thing up idle her up pretty good and we're going to slowly pour this through there what that's going to do is it's going to lubricate the top in and it's going to work some mystery that's why it's marvel mystery oil we're going to unleash engine power saved us a little bit here damn they ran that whole thing through you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna pour a pretty healthy amount down in there and just let that run on down ain't gonna hurt a damn thing [Music] [Music] [Music] you wanna go for a cruise come on oh yeah right past the nanner pudding with style and class y'all we're cruising the old chief then after she sat in that salvage yard since 1982 how's it ride you ask like a freaking king-sized mattress on four tires it's actually got some power too oh yeah she's got a little pet to her just slide on through the trampoline and tree we're ready to go for another down and back pretty impressive for old uh no compression having sally here tastes good guys this thing's perfect [Applause] [Applause] no matter how many times you stomp the brakes they don't start working what else do you want from a car it's been sitting for that long guys i think this baby's got some potential in her wanna ride smoke coming off the engines from underneath the intake all that rat nest and rat poop underneath there but check out the old exhaust she may have cleared up a little bit hey all fuel pumps started pumping i think we got to finish this off with another compression test to see how much some rings freed up [Music] way to disappoint us number eight 115 115 135 130 85 which i don't get that there 130 130 and then 65. as this thing fires up more and we maybe run some more fluids through her in the future i'm hoping it just keeps getting better and better and better now it does sound like there may be some a little chatter out of the valve train coming from the passenger side maybe we can adjust those i don't even know if these are adjustable i don't know anything about these engines i just know that that one with no more than electric fuel pump to supply the fuel and a half rebuild on the carburetor she's running pretty good we may not be able to call her the green weenie anymore she may have just uh graduated while she is hopping around in that field and being green we might have to start calling her frog leg now taylor who owns old frog leg he's going to come over and me and him is going to kind of game plan we may give her a quick little makeover nothing over the top if y'all want to see that be sure to drop a comment down below since i want to tell you about merchandise i figured there's no better place to do it than in the new buddhist fab shop merch building that's pfs merch for short my wife's gonna be tickled pimp to have all that stuff out of our living room and have it in here so thank you guys we're gonna keep growing this and keeping control of it uh i do have t-shirts on the website right now some of it is women of stock we got the warning shirt uh i had leftovers from the 50k shirt that we didn't i just now got them posted is what i'm trying to say and there's little odds and ends of leftovers from other shirts i put a huge order in for t-shirts that should be here mid-november 100k t-shirt coming in hot yeehaw t-shirt coming in hot what about the classics truck t-shirt coming in hot travel t-shirt coming in hot and the number one pudding's fab shop classic the good old sitting on your ass won't finish your project coming in hot yeah i ordered a lot of shirts and i'm not going to list them for sale i'm trying to get away from the pre-order thing it creates a headache so when they get in stock we'll list them i hope you guys will buy them if y'all's buying them i'm gonna get more to repeat and circle and y'all know always got new designs coming in the mix so don't y'all worry about that i didn't think this one out much by the time we insulate this and heat it and cool it my wife people kicked me out the house that's it you son of a you know what cross the last line you're sleeping in the shed you dang right i'm sleeping in that shed i'll go sleep in it appreciate y'all buying merch you guys kick ass i appreciate you helping me grow my channel and whatnot uh not bad i'm pretty happy with the outcome of this thing pretty neat car uh got a patreon page set up got an instagram and i don't think there's nothing left to say y'all except one thing don't forget sitting on your ass won't finish your project and you too can find a project something like this and get her going you can do it i believe in you y'all didn't think i'd end the video without checking the oil did you damn near dead oh oh she's a little dirty kind of milky hopefully we ain't getting water in there hopefully just the old oil in there kind of breaking down mixing with our new
Channel: Puddin's Fab Shop
Views: 336,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: puddins fab shop, pfs, mortske repair, junkyard digs, mustie1, sleeperdude, cleetus mcfarland, goonquad, carsandcameras, halfass kustoms, finnegans garage, vice grip garage, heavydsparks, matt's offroad recovery, whistlindiesel, restored, western champlin, will it run, will it start, abandoned, 1958, pontiac, chieftan, impala, belair, biscayne, bel air, chevrolet, junkyard, salvage yard, rat rod, ford, dodge, plymouth, cadillac, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964
Id: VjccSRu2oro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 7sec (4507 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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