1960 Chevrolet Impala! Will it Run?!? Abandoned in a Field for 17 Years! Bonus! Paint Revival!

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hey there boys and girls of youtube world today duff dog and i are going to see if we can't get a 1960 chevrolet impala running [Music] huh we're shooting this inside big blue here because the wind's blowing about mach 9 today you know why it's so windy in the dakotas because montana sucks and minnesota blows wait is it the other way around yeah montana blows in minnesota sucks anywho we're gonna jump out of the pickup here it's cold and it's windy and we're gonna get this thing loaded up and get our backs down you ready to do this all right let's go what else we got back here minneapolis moline oh puddin's the king of those boom tube brian he'd dig that two cylinder john deere with four rear tires gotta dig this green we're missing some uh on the side here a couple of whiskey dents pretty good whiskey dent up here post car six cylinder three speed on the column this fender seems good it's kind of down in a hole trim is over here yet oh look at that dewalt 3 8 corded drill our lucky day oh the trim is in there some of it anyway when was this thing on the road last i don't think it was that long ago for us anyway oh for only 17 years nothing we could probably drive this home but then how would i get here what happens when you break down on the road trims all there kind of dinged up over on that you can't call them fins or wings all right let's do this at home out of the wind so your sound quality is better so i'm not freezing [Music] [Applause] so [Music] just pretty sure there's something that's living underneath it so i'm really excited to hook up that chain it's nice knowing you guys in case it's something rabbit [Music] oh man we're so close duff better than the winch is going dead i think we'll get it we got the booster back hooked up oh we got her on hopefully we got enough tongue weight i usually like to load them the other way but four rear wheeled john deere's is in the way let's get her tied down and make like geez get the flock out of here right duff he swears there's something in there [Music] ah never mind that that wheel is two-thirds of the way on can't really go anywhere because fender's gonna stop it what do you got done something run out of there is it under my trailer now hopefully whatever it is doesn't come in the shop with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] well we made her home let's throw some wheels on it so that she rolls a little bit better maybe what do you say leave it sit outside and hopefully whatever's in there goes and runs over there and not in the shop we got this thing rolled in didn't really have too much for incidents other than it got really close to the jeepster no damage these bumpers are good back then and uh yeah swapped a couple tires had to tube a couple you know the fun stuff right duff you just want to go for a ride what are you doing under there he swears there's a critter underneath that thing let's take a look see what we got are you sniffing out that glass pack oh yeah are the floor pans oh they're there kind of soft a couple holes in that support oh support's highly vented what are you getting after oh man that's carpet back there look at how beat this rear floor pan is this thing's done some dukes of hazard stuff cutter double hung isn't that a window terminology for the exhaust there two clamps two hangers all the horsepower the 235 looks like the floor pan on the passenger side is just says whammied up what was living under there this is the most interested i've ever seen you on the outside of a vehicle so floor pans i mean not as nice as i was hoping for but not terrible either rockers are way good super good a little bit of rot in the lower quarter and then of course back here in the trunk section they always got it this hanger's busted oh don't worry quick nick mcdick would be proud little number nine wire fixing the tailpipe this is quick dick mcdick reminding you a man will never get tired of pulling on his number nine wire i think those are the original shocks nope they're monroe-maddox anything else yep front of the fuel tanks all beat the crap this thing had an off-road life of holes in the floor pan frame is super solid i have a classic car ryan's always asking all the frames are we don't ever have rot in the frames of these cars up here yeah whoo floor pan she's soft missing the lower valance here this side's all beat up those are like the first things to go i think the shocks get all sagged out into the back end drags that's your lowest point gets torn off i think we're missing a piece of trim right here yep yeah the taillights are in it so that's better than our last 60. all right i'm gonna get putting wheels on it and uh get her on the ground there's no critter huh you want me to open the door don't you just chomping at the bit he's like open it up the suspense is killing [Music] me what is it it's at a state park oh vehicle inspection 1978 south dakota i got these wheels on you check out what's going on in there oh bailin twine heck yeah what is that hold on hold the hold the gosh dang phone oh freaking door stuff go in there put your shoulder into it kick this open get the old pudding hammer trick all right let's get out of there come on get the wheel on it and we'll see what happens well should we finally uh address this thing no not undress it adress it duff big whiskey dent here we could probably take it off and get the old uh english stump out and get a little bit better but it's creased pretty hard right on the body line and then of course right over the headlight too right though but i think you could get her a lot better because it's a pretty solid fender get into the rockers a little bit like i said it's usually the passenger side all whammied up then it kind of went along here and kind of waved that up a bit and i think the big spear that goes right here is in there and this is called tasco turquoise like tabasco but totally a different color tasco turquoise i like it i'd like it a lot i like it a lot yeah a little whammy up in the corner there this trim piece is pretty chewy but she slid over a bit missing that one in the middle here oh did we see if we got any keys i can't see him from here i'm sure there's some good stuff in here like the two hubcaps are missing jake from state farm i think he was a state farm member what are you wearing jake from state farm uh khakis i think that's what those three circles mean right though quarters are rusty duff just loves this car absolutely you only open the door for you don't you i don't know what his deal is but he's pretty excited about only got one mirror on the outside and uh seven years bad luck there this fender's good this whole side's good looks like the front clip was painted once see how it's like 42 shades off also i'm guessing the windshield leak he was a fan of the old tub and tile a lot of sealing going on up there missing a wiper all the arm and everything scratch the windshield it's cracked no big deal paintbrush folding yardstick grandpa's medicine bottle you uh you fellas been doing a bit of booze and have you sucking back on grandpa's old cough medicine looks like some fuses there more grandpa's medicine oh wood-handled screwdriver score some 5 16 lag screws hopefully a used set of points duff open the hood the front end's pretty straight you're getting pretty good at that hood insulation's coming down oil bath air cleaner 235 coils there plug wires there no flexi hoses starters there does it have oil in it oh i'm guessing they had a plugged up rusty fuel line oh dipstick jimmy it's got oil on it does it turn it's probably in gear oh these gm's they just and it is in gear we could run ourselves over just like we did with the bronco well put it in gear i don't think so just kidding it's in gear no power steering no power brakes which is really quite odd to have those on a uh base model six owner like this radiator held in with some number nine wire coolant oh i mean it's moist in there so good enough the old canister type oil builder oh is that a new choke cable dang okay rusty old master cylinder here's the uh kick down switch for the overdrive basically kicks it on overdrive and into drive when you mash it and you got it in overdrive where's the overdrive solenoid relay thinger at duff you're just getting right in there i can't see it so i forget what these transmissions are called is it like borg warner r10 or saginaw r10 or something anyway i think when you get these things up to 27 miles an hour there's a governor in there and that governor sends a signal to a relay which is usually on the firewall and that reloy relay in turn sends a signal down to a shift solenoid on the transmission and it kicks it in to overdrive so obviously you're not gonna hit 27 mile an hour in first gear but you can go in overdrive in second gear and then you got also got overdrive and third gear so technically um like my white lightning i got the same transmission and i bypassed the relay and the governor so i just have a switch under the dash that flips that solenoid on so i have overdrive technically in first second third so technically it's a six speed yeah that's right not many guys got a six on the tree and they're 62 chevy pickup but duff dog and i do uh pretty neat transmissions i forget what overdrive is like oh 70 or something like that that seems a bit excessive but uh in factory form um like i said it's 24 mile an hour so usually you're in third gear by then but sometimes you could be in second gear if you're really just giving her all the beans in second gear the other thing is if you don't have the overdriving gauge these transmissions freewheel so like if you come into town and you let off and it's not in overdrive it'll free spool so it'll like coast like the engine won't lug it down if you're used to driving a manual transmission so it's kind of a weird feeling but when the overdrive is engaged it does not freewheel so like when you slow down from 65 mile an hour or anything over 27 mile an hour and your overdrive is engaged it's gonna slow down at the engine speed there is a lever underneath the dash that says overdrive that is the overdrive disengage basically that just pushes a lever arm it's a cable that pulls a lever arm on the transmission which basically overrides the solenoid down below in the transmission so if you're pulling a trailer you're going up hills or whatever and you just don't want it in overdrive you can do that and the other thing is if it's in overdrive it will not roll backwards so you're thinking well you got to be doing 24 miles an hour to be an overdrive not in my white pickup if you flip that switch you can switch at it flip that switch at an idle so like if i park on a hill hit the brakes stop put it in neutral and i flip that switch over so that celery engages it will not roll backwards so it's kind of a neat parking brake for when i park on a hill because you know i cut the park brake cables on everything i can leave that thing running in the morning and warming up and it won't roll backwards down my driveway the more you know did i just bore you to death literally with my overdrive speech you don't want to mess with the engine yeah it's loose and it's got oil and it's moist in the radiator i don't know why some people don't like that word moist moist let's uh check the inside out hopefully it's not moist in there you really want me to open that door don't you oh i think i'll just jump in this car all by myself i bet if i just barely open that door far enough so he can get in he'll do it we gotta see what's in here and uh that door doesn't open i'm sure neither of these will open right well that one's locked hey good sir if you could uh hit that lock button while you're in there and unlock it that'd be great oh it had seat covers on it pretty much left of it so of course that's gonna happen well i'm gonna go flip that and see if she opens up nice you mean to tell me those were just locked maybe not this one what's back here bailin twine hit me up if you need some of that we got enough for several bales what's this oh that's the trim off the seating yeah i think it's that piece for the other side right is that a very large dead animal or is that just the stick is that what you wanted was the animal i need to get this door open oh for cheese and rice i guess we're not getting that door open what is in here that you're so excited about what's this a hot dog cooker oh they got the keys to the oh i thought they headed to the lock position that's not good it's got the straight line tuning factory radio factory clock option when was the oil change last i can't read it i was doing it to philip 66 though there's a sweet choke cable i wonder this works for his chassis glow lights what are you getting after down there spare coil what's underneath there oh 22 shells are empty glove box surely full of mice nope that already fell out you are just on a mission they're not gonna catch us we're on a mission from god to evict some type of creature oh the cosby sauce is empty choke return spring you can tell this guy is definitely a farmer oh razor blade for cutting the hoover shaneaf didn't we find one of those in the last 59 just all kinds of mystery screws and bulbs staples phillips screwdriver bits is there's any cool advertising on this jimmy this could be your new dipstick it's pretty neat right there that's pretty neat i was hoping to have like a business advertisement on it nope just a folding yard stick was there no tape measures back then why'd everybody use a yardstick so did you find that smell yet maybe it's in the back seat maybe it's in the headliner [Music] all right let's go see what's in the back i wish we had some keys to get the trunk open all kinds of good stuff in there oh no the easter bunny had a rough year it's that trim am radio part of a square what oh it's so bad in here the 98 tags shower head tub adapter thinger don't store stuffed animals in your old car a bunch of oil like no empty jugs empty empty empty oh what a disaster this thing is that's a good file dang that's a monster what is in here duff go find it sump pump manual pennzoil snowmobile oil still full well it's got something in it it's not that old because it's plastic well i mean it's old but it's not metal i don't know i want to see what's in the trunk it's so bad back there he doesn't even really want to go back there really a smoker nope gum rapper trident so it looks like in the trunk there's a spare tire and wheel a random spare tire an ax handle maybe some orange flags for doing road construction nothing that great nothing i really want to rip that back seat out for it this time but i might see if i can give the ols donkey kick get that door open maybe i don't know wish me luck this thing is it's not as gross as that 67 but there's just so much stuff so much stuff duff and i think they're all the window now remember when windows went all the way down kids weren't tempted to jump out the door is really upsetting me all right the car is going to be just fine without that back door open like i give up for now anyway let's put a battery in it see if it'll turn over well we know it turns over but see what turns over with the key and we got power at the coil and such before we do that let's disconnect that fuel line oh how convenient i have a pliers oh it's a napa gold you know what's good i'd like to thank florida man dave for being our battery sponsor this week should we clean those up no well magic smoke didn't escape so i'm gonna go tap the key before i do that i'm taking it out of gear brilliant wait it turns over i'm gonna get the loser switch and a jumper wire and we're gonna see if we got some spark coming out of the coilage i bet we don't even have to clean the points on this one oh who am i kidding you know we're gonna have to clean the points the morsky flick these 235s are so good starter's easy to get at distributors right here doesn't require any tools to take a cap off as i can't get it off with my thumb there we go looks surprisingly good inside of that cap everything for that matter maybe we'll just leave that on there for now just getting or taking it off maybe not i made up my mind yet i don't want to break that rotor spinning around so we'll leave it on there so now instead of using the key we're just going to run a jumper wire that way uh i don't have to go back and forth and forget about leaving the key on red wire goes the distributor this side got the green wire coming off of our solenoid so you get 12 volts at cranking otherwise this wire usually has like 8 to 10 volts to it we're gonna give her a full 12. now we unhook our coil wire oh a nice shiny spot on our valve cover [Music] i got a dead battery probably shout out to the guy in bowman north dakota that sent me a screwdriver oh it says case on it it's not even a uh channel lock like my other one it's just rebranded case perfect but yeah thanks for sending me the screwdriver that i've been missing forever i promise i won't lose this one for like another 15 years is our distributor spinning that's gonna be a problem so that i could hear some squeaking in here you know valve train or the fan or something the rotor ain't turning i guess that's why they parked it so i don't know what that runs off of i'm guessing a gear on the cam shaft so i suppose the camshaft could be broken we're going to take that distributor out and see before i do that we're going to get all these wires out of the way so i'm going to mark where number one is at 15 is too young 36 too old 24 is just right so don't lose where number one's at you know what i'm saying i could probably unhook this coil wire it seems how we don't have a distributor that turns what holds this guy in there now normally you would want to mark where the distributor is pointing before you take it out but since this one ain't turning it's uh not gonna really matter we're gonna have to find top dead center let me put it back in jimmy the dipstick tube is right in the way on this why did you put it right there all right oh so here's the other concerning thing i can't turn the shaft so i thought maybe the gear was stripped down there fell off oh it could be the timing chain maybe hmm can we see any of the rocker arms up here i'm gonna turn the engine over and see if those rockers go up and down that'll tell us if the cam shaft's moving right oh that's right these have a timing gear on the front of the engine [Music] i don't know if you guys could see that but the rocker arm is going up and down it's the cam shaft's turning so why isn't her distributor turning we gotta figure out how to get that out of there there we go i'm gonna ask you what i did i'm gonna take that vacuum line off dope go go all right what's it gonna be raw spaghettio oh oh spaghetti so the camshaft drives this gear here and which turns the shaft which turns your rotor and the bottom of the shaft turns your oil pump so obviously this thing wasn't pumping any oil but at the same time it wasn't really turning over much i think the distributor just locked up internally oh no something must have caused that to uh stop abruptly what is it it sounds awful growly in there no i guess we gotta go see if we can find a 235 distributor i suppose we could put a new gear on it but it's probably because there's an oil cap here for oil in this thing and i'm guessing it never got oiled do you ever oil your distributor because you should watch it'll be just packed full of grease and it is also i noticed that uh it was like wedged up tight against the side cover here the inspection cover for the uh push rods and lifters and such so i think when this locked up it spun it clockwise obviously because it turns clockwise because only ford would have it spin the wrong way and it bashed into that cover and put a dent in it so yeah i'm guessing this thing uh she seized up yeah she's really tight right in there you can hear it oh man and then it stops so what are the odds i got a 235 distributor laying around and where did those teeth go so with south dakota i know where those teeth went i'm on meth all right i'm gonna go look for a distributor wish me luck well i wasn't able to find a distributor in my collection and that got me to thinking did that tooth get screwed up on there sure enough that cam gear is chewed up it's just one tooth oh can you guys see that uh shiny sheared off tooth so i don't know if it's worth risking sticking another one in there and ruining another perfectly good distributor oh i can see some teeth though see if i can fish them out don't drop here's a couple of our suspect teeth i think it might run okay without it it doesn't need that dude there's a lot of people running around that are missing a tooth first case scenario we just shelled another perfectly good distributor like i said i don't have a distributor that's loose but i do have several vehicles with 235 engines in them that uh i guess we're going to have to steal a distributor out of but it's cold and it's windy and it's dark so not really excited about it especially if we shell this one out but we're gonna do it anyway just for you guys because i like you any ideas which we should grab duff here is a 61 engine 62 being the last year of the 235 we're working on a 60 so i figured the distributors should be pretty close they did make a couple of different ones this is another car we're gonna do a video on some day but you guys are just gonna have to hold off on that one while i uh pull this distributor out hopefully this one will get its distributor back someday or i guess we'll have to find another distributor hey the starter is there that's good carburetor this one doesn't look near as nice as the 60. so i don't feel bad robbing parts and we're missing a little radiator hose and it's got a flexi hose and the heater hose are off you'll see more on this one later oh weird the coil's gone imagine that freaking everybody from their dog stealing freaking coils oh well we broke the clips for the shiver hold down so let's fix those oh there's the coil i just somehow got wedged down between the engine mount and the control arm how does that even happen it's not our problem right now try's a point that way remember when we put the 62 back together it's pointing at the rear control arm yeah that looks the same let's probably put a rag in there but we won't well let's go stab this thing in man the other one looked a lot better who needs a 62 impala station wagon hit us up if you do here's our toothless wonder here's our new one the vacuum advance on these it's basically just a diaphragm with a lever and it clamps on the distributor and the entire distributor rotates it's kind of a phenomenon if we get this thing running show it to you really weird have we showed them one of those yet before like i say in 62 is the last year the 235 not sure the first year but i believe 54 was the first year the full pressure oiling system unless you had a powerglide car which i think came out in 51. uh anyway when this thing locked up it looks like it spun the whole shaft but it didn't allow the vacuum advance canister to spin so that's why that's rotated differently but other than that it's got the same grease cup and we're gonna have to swap these clips looks like the same clamp there this one looks all together better externally than this one but i kind of wish we could take this one apart and swap it and we can but we gotta grind that off i think we're gonna take this apart anyway to see what's inside but i'm gonna clean this one up a little bit maybe i don't know it looks ah it sucks well we could just pop this gear out put it on this one we know this one doesn't rotate very well so there you go more useless 235 information and uh see we got going on here looks like these clips are just screwed on so that'll be nice well as you can see we got this distributor all blown apart there's way more grease in that cup and i put new grease in there i think what you do and this is just me i think you pack them full of grease and then you just tighten it up you know every oil change give this thing a couple of tweaks you know it's kind of got some serration on it so you tighten her up and see how it's tapered to push grease in there this one looks a lot better in the grease cup than this one i mean there's grease in there but i feel like it's not in the right spot oh looks like something threaded in and hit the shaft so how i got this thing apart where is the gear at so we took this pin here and we just ground the head off the one side so really we could put it back together probably just weld that pin in or get a new pin and stake it in there maybe a roll pin would work roll pins what like a small block chevy has not this staked in kind it did have usa made points so maybe we'll swap those into that one this is the vacuum advance collar basically just took that screw loose spun that off you said swap those bail clips because the very ends of them were busted supposed to look like that then we had to take this i don't know what's the power for the points it's got this rubber isolator on it so it'll ground out through the body and that's about it to get it apart but looks like that's a mechanical advanced spring i'm guessing this bottom plate has a mechanical advance built into it maybe something i don't know what is it never really had one of these apart here's your top plate or bottom plate whatever you want to call it so it basically holds your points and your condenser this is your main shaft gear drives that drives your oil pump and you'd see i can hold the bottom of the shaft and move the top of the shaft that's all your mechanical advance and there's our one spring that's missing nothing too concerning there i think it's supposed to run on that grease i don't know and then i'm guessing oil is supposed to either wick its way up or down doesn't buy those grooves there i'm guessing you'd want it to go up i'm not sure what these grooves are for well that's where your grease sits when you uh push grease in there did have a little in it so you could probably clean this thing up put a new gear on it put a new spring oh what is that set screw hold the show i was gonna say you could just put a new set screw in it grease it up in a new gear and this thing might be okay might have not been lack of grease that caused it it might have been this screw head that i have no idea where it come from because you know how it was like it would turn fine 300 degrees but that last 60 degrees she was grinding i'm guessing that screw head got in there and or this spring so we're not going to throw this away because we could fix it the problem is we need to find another distributor for a gear in the spring so basically have to sacrifice another distributor to make one work but we could find one in the scrap pile probably so i was going to say you know what we learned from this grease your distributor but actually we need to find out where that screw come from anything on the bottom of the plate here where's the screw that has oh there it is this is the screw that he had holding his points in he used way too long a screw to hold the points and that got in his mechanical advance and that is why this car is parked look at that this is like forensics except for nobody's dead yet well this car is but we're going to bring it back to life we're like dr frankenstein here it's alive oh it's alive it's alive it's alive it's alive only it's not right now but we are robbing parts just like frankenstein right i need to watch that movie even though halloween's over cool well now we know where that screw come from now we just need to put this all back together and remember why it's broken and label it and uh put a note to find a spring let me have a spring like that later i bet we can reuse that i'm just gonna straighten that hook out so i'm just gonna not straighten that hook out unstraighten that hook out good enough make sure to put it on there the right way tech tip use a screwdriver see well hook springs just kidding doesn't work well we're using a pliers because it's just a baby it is a little guy he just a little guy ow no blood yet even had to dig in the nancy cabinet for a while knock on wood look at that can you guys see those so how the uh mechanical advance works is there's basically two sets of weights here kind of like a centrifugal clutch on a small engine like a mini bike the faster this thing spins these weights go out and that advances this shaft which in turn advances your ignition same thing that your vacuum advance does but as you punch it you lose vacuum so it doesn't advance it and when you have vacuum it advance i don't know it's that one does it by vacuum basically mechanically by vacuum this one does it mechanically by centrifugal force the fast how fast that it's spinning i'm a terrible explainer all right let's put a little grease on this shaft just kidding we're slamming it back together what is hold what is that hardened oh no there's a shoot so that's something that's supposed to be in there to push that grease onto that shaft at the end of that cup what a great learning day with more ski we got going on here well how about that so looks like you got your cup with your cap and then it's got this spring that sits inside of it and it's got another cup on the inside that rides against the distributor shaft i don't know how that works i suppose it just that way only so much grease can get in there but we'll clean that up put that back in there as well i wish we had a peasant to clean all this stuff up for us if anybody's looking to be uh the mortsky parts clean and punk hit us up there's always crap jobs to do around here what am i talking about all of our jobs are crap around here duffs you've got a maid being management this is why i don't restore anything because you i could spend literally a day going through this distributor literally a day and that's without putting any new parts in it just cleaning it up you know if you start putting bushings in it and new springs and putting it on our machine and buzzing it up when you're doing it ain't fixing nothing around here we gotta clean this up a little bit since we got it apart goodness gracious what is all that [Music] just old petrified grease there's a little drain hole in the bottom even it's the glory hole so i take back my previous statement multiple glory holes [Music] that this thing was run without grease because there's plenty of grease in here it was uh that he used the wrong screw so are those points like brand new did he literally swap points and kill this thing pretty much look at those points like they hardly ever even made contact for dumb the guy should have known when he changed points that his car didn't run that maybe i screwed something up in the points like when i lost the screw and decided to just grab one off the dash and put in there so there's your tech tip of the day if you lose your point screw find it and if you can't find it find the right one not some random self tapper all right rant over one screw guy literally screwed the engine up how do you like that for stupid dad jokes [Music] screwed it up god i should be a comedian [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well since we got it here let's pull this screw out for the points on this thing let's see if we can find the right one to put in that distributor yeah look at that little short guy which this one now is although it was previously significantly longer and it's also a machine screw and uh even a self tapper in there tell you what so i'm gonna see what i got in my stash all right so i couldn't find a screw short enough kind of like the previous owner lloyd did find one the right threads went to go thread it into the top plate bottom plate whatever you're gonna call it and uh since he used this big oversized screw it's all schlopped out so i think we're gonna do is i got the next size bigger screw and we're gonna just tap this in there and then we're gonna shorten it up how about that never throw enough in a way you need bumper bolts you need lag screws countersunk screws press tin nuts machine screws self tappers miscellaneous small nuts more self tappers license plate screws carburetor floats license plate screws and yeah you get it i got drawers of this stuff because it comes in handy why is that i don't know it's metric though i'm gonna go uh tap that and shorten said screw up if i lost it didn't do they not lose it no it's still there all right got this trash back together i stole the points out of the stripped-off gear one which i also put the gear back on so it's all in one piece and put those in here stole the best rotor i'm guessing that one came off of there too but yeah we're ready to stab this thing in first we gotta find top dead center for number one i guess we'll just uh pull the number one spark plug out just that easy and then crank it over till you get compression i swear i'm gonna paint this switch orange all right [Music] well if you got no compression then what do you do i guess we go to number two let's see we get impression on that one come on jesus oh i guess he didn't put new plugs in when he did points they're pretty sunny that's their compression on two yep so now we're just going to drop the distributor in so that the rotor is pointing at number two instead of pointing at number one pretty easy right self-explanatory you guys get it grab the old super scraper and clean that mounting surface software to put it back together some how the casting numbers are at on these i think they are not casting stamping sure enough right there i don't know what they mean on a six silver though i don't know i really care but if you care this one is f 0 8 0 3 a so we got our point at number two looks like we have to turn the oil pump shaft down there a bit so the reason i'm turning the oil pump shaft is because that's driven off of this flat drive down at the bottom here in order to get this point at number two that flat has to be pointing the right way oh it's close you can turn a little bit more oh there we go i think i think before we even worry about it let's clamp this thing down and turn the engine over and see if that actually turns that's going to tell us a lot now the moment of truth see if the gears will actually turn this thing or if we're just about to ruin another distributor gear [Music] i think we'll be okay let's uh snugger up put everything back together now hook that wire to there the other end of the positive you should get some sparky spark well if this wire was hooked up to crank it over that would help here we go [Music] no sparky spark those only flick those points hopefully not electrocute myself there we go just gotta give it a flick [Music] oh what the heck what was that that just flew off oh dang it so the old morsky flick on these american-made points i knocked the contact off of one of them so i guess we're gonna be putting points in for the first time probably ever on a video well we have done it before oh dang and i was so excited for these newish points hopefully we got some on the shelf well digging through my stash looks like i got a dr2227 pt there it is right there standard i think the uh t is the uh economy version and these don't say they're a country of origin so one can only assume henshaw and mexico they're gonna have to do though i gotta go get cleaned up because it's thanksgiving so i've expected that dinner i presume so to resume after the holiday ham well it's trash day and this thing's gonna fire right up once we get those points in address everything else that we come across i'm sure it'll be just fine so let's clean all the crap out of here so we got some empty trash cans for the rest of the week spare coil pao what's that mean pad ball paid for we'll never know we're saving it though because they're always freaking missing you don't suppose that he uh put this on this car after putting points in and it didn't run after that and then he tried to coil i bet he did oh even standard points ones we put in there made in usa these are the ones we took out wait wait they're new even no he put the used one in the plastic bag even son of a biscuit we tried dang it this goes to show you that standard parts used to be good i'm gonna save that wood handle screwdriver but we gotta get all this off the dash of that neck breaking horsepower the old inline's gonna throw it all over our lap [Applause] [Music] i think we're gonna need another trash can there duff son of a biscuit trash can number two i had to borrow mower mans we've seen him for a while he's doing okay it was like five degrees above yesterday morning so cold mower riding season [Music] it's most of the front other than a stinky dirty dog trash cans pretty much full from that carpet [Music] oh is this the new wiper the old one they took off freaking new score i wonder if we can take that back seat out and uh get into the trunk i really feel like it probably should though freaking slice man i haven't had it forever mandarin orange i don't know slices caffeine free so this is just a tire there's another one back there on a rim garden hose base of a jack it's an axe handle yeah hammers was at least useful and it's an axe oh pickaxe nonetheless dang it got a good handle on it though what's in that pail more carpentry tools stuff go in there and snag that up well if we could just reach that latch for the lock i need one of them skinny little kids from uh the muffin video or real long flat screwdriver i don't think there's any way i'm fitting through that gap if i do i don't know it'll get back out we should try it anyway just for entertainment value oh i don't think i'm gonna fit in there guide me cyclops i'm not gonna fit through that am i nope not gonna go if we taped a screwdriver to something really long what do we got that will fit back there oh we got a cane just kidding we had a cane we set it out at the curb dang it well save this i don't know what it's for i say it's a cattle branding rod but it's probably not tested for length it's the length of the deck lid so we should be good so i'm gonna crawl underneath there and it's just a flat slot on the back side of this hopefully i can hit that turn it boop easy peasy lemon squeezy oh i used to make a screwdriver dang it scratch that idea hmm the screwdriver's too big and it just wants to spin on the rod so back to the drawing board well after getting a hold of the khaki banded himself mr ryan at iowa classic cars he said this is how you get the trunks open he says you can't fit through there even he can't fit much less my chubby self so he said these lock cylinders are like 12 bucks with keys first cut is the deepest that's not even how that song goes [Music] got it didn't maybe scratch the paint a little bit which is good he is ready for the bounties of our score oh my gosh what do we got nothing good toilet plunger 5 gallon bucket lid a wheel that i don't even know if it's this car doesn't hold there 15 though spare 14 inch tire propane bottle where's that flag i was talking about with some fancy when you clamp it to a 55 gallon barrel kind of looks like it empty paint can oh flat wood-handled screwdriver with a metal end so you can bash on it valve adjuster antifreeze back when it came in metal gallon cans empty no hubcaps so we wanted to find is the freaking hubcaps yeah this guy is definitely a carpenter [Music] and that's why they get so rotten the quarter panels everything just kind of drops in that little crack down there there's the rotor bit set empty there's the drill he replaced djk that wasn't even the guy's initials he must stole that drill but i'm guessing the milwaukee one replaced that bathtub more wood-handled screwdrivers can't beat on that end though swedish nut lathe missing pieces keyhole saw nope saw blade saw be american made be something good ct's challenger by proto not bad scraper no super scraper another screwdriver wood handle of course yep nothing real exciting back here there's a garden hose i was talking about i actually need a short chunk of garden hose for another project good call wiper blade with the arm nope just the blade oh that was kind of a flop better luck next time you never know i'm gonna find that 30 30 lever action one of these times there's some sweet revolver all right this was now time to get it running those points that were inside of the car they looked alright so we're sticking those in we're saving our new ones for i don't know something better i'm gonna say for a rainy day but the weather the way it is we're not gonna have rain for a while i don't think [Music] now are we gonna have spark good spark all right put our plugs back in we'll put some oil in the cylinders that are down and put our plug wires back on get our air cleaner off give her a little shot of hot sauce see what happens how's the debacle i'm gonna swap distributors and points and everything else but i think she's gonna go [Music] i didn't even notice this one's a hybrid model too that's a big old block heater all right hot sauce time sure enough we can pass the throttle shaft already every one of these one barrels always freaking worn out in throttle shafts that should be enough the throttle linkage on these six cylinders always amazes me how it even works make sure it's not oh yeah she's loose all right well the odds this thing fires up we know it's not going to run on six right away because number one is pretty low on compression all right slingshot engage slingshot engaged [Music] i'm sure timing's off imagine that [Music] a little jokey choke maybe [Music] we gotta check our timing again just kidding i don't know why it's not doing anything the coil's not hooked up idiot idiot i don't know what's making noise it's all compression because there's no ignition here we go i feel a lot better about it now that we have the ignition wire nope that was dumb [Music] now that we surely have it flooded all kinds of spark there [Music] is there just one cylinder with compression [Music] um so these things do have a fiber gear on the timing and i'm actually surprised that didn't fail before the distributor indoor cam gear so i wonder if maybe that didn't get some damage and caused our valve train timing to be off we should do some digging i don't know why it's just getting one big bang off of one single cylinder that's weird we know the valves are moving back here so if they're moving back there you gotta be moving up here because it all gets driven so i mean we should have at least four of the cylinders that the valve trains moving and we know it's moving midway because that's where our distributor is at so the camshaft shouldn't be broken so what's the issue so can you see that little indicator down there that's how you time a 235. so let's see if we can get that to top dead center and that'll tell us where number one's at and then we'll check the uh distributor cap again man that turns way too fast that looks like a mark don't it [Music] hmm [Music] well i can't find that mark and it's a pain to turn that over and look and try to see it's a really small mark that's in there so i'm just going to pull the valve cover and we'll bump it off until we see that the intake's opening on number one and when it comes all the way top it's gonna close and it's gonna go back i don't know we're gonna find it that way you know what i mean i'll explain it when i think about it how sludgy is it gonna be behind door number three that might seem worse so what's gonna be happening here so this is number one here's where the intake comes in so this is our intake valve is their exhaust valve and there's why we don't have any compression because that exhaust valve is stuck so we'll snap that off here in a second well but what we want to do is wait till number one intake opens and as the piston is going down it's going to draw in fuel and air as the piston gets to the bottom that valve is going to close piston's going to come all the way up boom spark piston goes back down from the spark as it's coming back up exhaust opens pushes exhaust out so we want to go to just after the intake open so we know the piston's going down and then we'll pull this spark plug follow the piss until it's at the very top and that's we know that the rotor has to be pointed at number one and we also got to get that exhaust valve loose and i'm sure there's probably some other ones that are stuck man we haven't dealt with a stuck valve in a while and that's all right is this guy getting pushed open yeah he gets stuck then we'll also know since the intake's going down that's when we can work with that exhaust valve because we know that both valves aren't going to be over at the same time so now it's on the exhaust stroke that's pushing the exhaust so the piston is coming up right now for the exhaust stroke [Music] well the key is on inside of the car that's why it was popping and farting stuff turned the key on so we got power up here now hopefully we don't have spark still have spark something's getting back fed oh it's feeding through the solenoid here so solenoid down here when you got power to the purple which is where we're hooking our loser switch up to on these you've also got power going to this green wire which powers up the coil so when i push the loser switch i'm getting power to the coil so that's why it's sparking when it's cranking over but as soon as i let off that we don't have power we shouldn't anyway because the key was off in the car yep no power so i could unhook this green wire and then that wouldn't happen but it shouldn't be a problem since it's clearly not running anyway now back to the valve debacle we're waiting for the intake to open then we know the piston is going down as it's coming back up all right it's pushing the intake down try to get that valve loose here we go pull the spark plug out duff literally climbed into the trunk did you find anything back there i just watched him come through that hole in the back seat what a goofy dog all right we got our spark plug out now let's wait till we get the piston all the way to the top [Music] turn it by hand i'm going to take my marker and i'm going to mark on the flywheel so we know where tdc is at so we don't forget that way the next guy knows it was super tuned but mortsky and i'm going to mark where number one is that on the shooter captain with a black marker because i hate obnoxious orange marks kind of like red plug wires craggers and flexi hoses and side pipes and glass packs and billet wheels and air shocks looks like our timing is off just a hair so i'm gonna turn that distributor so all right timing should be really close on the ignition looks like it's fine up here it'll certainly help if that valve stays moving spark plugs look like she was burning some oil all right let's uh well we know what's going to have sparkle while we're cranking because it is let's watch these valves make sure they're doing what they're supposed to be doing looks like we freed that one up i want the rest of them everybody looks good here we go slingshot engage [Music] well we probably should hook this up just for just to make sure we got power to the points oh boy we're getting magic smoke on the coil why's that why are you smoking huh not because that wire is way too small fixed it i don't know why that decided to get hot and it wasn't hot before but like i said the wire was a really small diameter a gauge and it was about half torn through so there's about six strands holding it so we should be getting plenty of power from our 14 gauge wire we sent up there all right see what happens now she's close she's close stuffers [Music] damn we're so close [Music] she's going those plugs they are loaded up with fuel and carbon and everything else [Music] so [Music] it's timing that's off or just restricted or what she's gonna go [Music] [Music] i think we got to take a break put a battery in it some those plugs just look horrible let me see if we can find some spark plugs and maybe the exhaust is plugged full of crap oh yeah we're getting a little rust out of there so i mean it's getting some compression back to there i don't know so you call it oh the mouse house really shot over here didn't it duff good stuff [Music] dug through my spark plug wire making kit had to put a new end on the number six plug wire because that decided to snap off on us oh they call that the ferrule anyway instead of digging up a different plug wire robbing something from something else rob and peter to pay paul i figured we would just uh grab a new end on good to go let's see if she lights off did not have six matching spark plugs so we got two champion j8cs in the back and four ngk br 6 s's up front it'll be fine so we have any better luck this time oh we also gave the battery a little juice boost [Music] [Music] [Music] just seems really unresponsive is it the timing hmm longest we had it running thus far though [Music] i'll play that timing a bit you might play with a lot even who knows see what that does probably didn't do anything good i think it sounds better you see as i'm revving it watch the distributor rotate that's the weird vacuum advanced stuff that gm did on these [Music] i think she'll go i think it's all in the timing we might have to play with it a little bit more but i took up fuel source to it what do you think ready to go for a ride a ride we got to uh check brakes why don't we do that quick oh yeah definitely blowing some mouse house out of there that might be some other restriction yeah right no brakes to the floor tell you what i'll hook up the fuel system you'll hook up the fuel system and i'll do brakes i'll do both got you okay but you just hang out in there i'll let you know when i'm ready okay okay i'll uh i'll be a bit so you just go ahead and nap till then yeah not the rustiest one i've ever seen i think that goes to the uh rambler oh my word i've never seen anything so chewy inside of a master cylinder oh who's this let's get the mask bolt down still got the pajamas going to get them black friday deals though yeah mower man gets all the good deals duff yeah you're goof here goofy boy all right back to work back got our fuel tank in here duff did all that just got a grounder to the floor and then power wire running over the fuse panel for the fuel pump because who knows if that one's gonna work then i also made a new jumper wire from the solenoid up to the coil that's about it i was going to show you where i hooked up into the fuse panel don't be a hack use this trick so you see all those spades on the left side they got connectors on them like there's one there at the bottom left that's open and uh it's probably got for courtesy lamp so i'm guessing it's got power all the time but there's a spotlight one an accessory one up there on the left and you just put a spade clip on there hook it up with that you don't have to hack up your wire harness tech tip of the day don't screw up your harness then you just unplug it when you're done but does it work i'm sure my rusty ground is just fine it doesn't work but fuel gauge works so do we not have power down there or does our ground suck what could it be does it crank over oh fired right up so keys on they must not have ground you want to check the ground it's over on your side gosh i even scratched it up a bit i can't imagine this chinese even pump is no good now let's do some checking jumper wire didn't fix it ground yep so we're gonna have power we just have a bad pump [Music] well bad pump awesome i think somebody sent me that was that you mr minnesota man who gets mad when i make fun of the blue platers oh well yeah i think a viewer sent me that one it's no good all right the hepatitis pump's working so we need to plumb that up let me figure out why it's not getting power from the fuse panel too power probe to the rescue put it on the spotlight [Music] all right so using the power probe i found out that the backup lights only have power when the key's on watch this perfect what if it's really got a full tank of fuel 17 year old bad fuel ew let's plumb that thing in maybe that pump wasn't bad i don't know yeah it was never mind we hooked it up to the power probe and it don't work how are you doing on brakes you got to jack it up and get that wheel off start bleeding good pop he's down there i think he said the bleeder is a little rusty but he's working at it how's it going duff that good oh he's going to get the other side no you got your uh nub of a tail out of the fan see what starts from the inside here shift linkages needs a bit to be desired this worker a bit oh there we go we got third i want to lube that up a bit fuel pump see if she starts from in the cab slingshot engage there's the new choke knob there it is see what hooked up backwards [Music] his exhaust coming out oh no he's got the choke the right way we're getting fuel up there she's dripping what do you think the accelerator pump dried up definitely [Music] hey we even got enough oil pressure to turn the light off running on our own for the first time in 17 years leaking a little fuel something just mesmerizing or satisfying about watching and listening to all these lifters so this is how you adjust them there's a screw in the top and a jam nut you loosen that jam nut up and then adjust it in or out to get your adjustment they make a fancy little tool for pushing on and adjusting them as well cause you gotta adjust these when it's running if you're supposed to anyway and that's the way i always did it oh yeah we're getting oil up here nothing wrong with a buzzing half dozen look at that ain't even smoking pretty quiet for a glass pack too all right before we get smoked out we better do some breaks where did you get those done yeah that's the look of shame he didn't get him done probably put that valve cover back on too eh man don't even need to give it any gas no watch it won't start how many miles 61 212.1 radio nope that must have been why there was one in the back they were gonna fix that god i love these things oh yeah we gotta lube up that shift linkage you like it duff so here's all our shift linkage down here usually they get really sticky inside the column because there's really no good way to get grease in there so a lot of times i like to pull the steering wheel off and spray grease down it because it's two tubes in there they gotta slide inside and out of each other plus these go up and down and there's adjustments and if you don't keep them lubricated that's why people end up with floor shifters because uh they don't know anything about these and they ruin them a little coil's good a lot's better running a little bit lower there mr benoit this is our last cam it is dang it let's go back to the zip see if she's in a better now i'm gonna go inside work her back and forth a few times you guys will see what's going on [Music] duff it needs some adjustment i don't know if we got time for that i'll show you what the deal is here though so this thing should sit about right here when you go in between the gates so you kind of get it here's first reverse and first and you feel that's where it should sit so this should be in between your gates neutral so that's fine it goes into first and reverse we got to go up a little bit for it to go into the gate for a second and third and those those should be right here but it's not you go up and then back and down so reverse and first is good but i think the rod for uh second and third needs to be probably shortened up a bit to get those gates to line up it's gonna be just fine for what we're doing but i just wanted to explain to you what's going on here for all you guys that love driving three on the trees or for those of you that don't because yours isn't adjusted properly and to adjust it oh yeah you can see it's in neutral right now and you just take this what is it 9 16 nut 3 8 no no it's 5 16. half inch wrench slide that up a bit so that those gates all line up you know what let's adjust it let's do it right this thing's so good so far let's do her upright so one would think this linkage down here the front one would be second third nope it's first in reverse it's a bass backwards so we're going to adjust what is it 9 16 idiot or maybe one's 96 comparing this one's half inch this one's 9 16. so we'll get another wrench oh my goodness so you know those gates should line up now if we pull this rod up here there so you see we moved oh probably a half inch right there let's try it ideally somebody would be spraying in there as you ran them but duff can't shift nor can he run a spray bottle he's pretty amazing but he can't do it all [Music] i think we got her so i ended up splitting the difference only moving it down about a quarter inch from where it originally was how's it look down there yeah i know we should lube it up underneath so look at how buttery smooth this is first second third reverse first second third second first rubbers oh man a well-adjusted and lubricated three-speed is probably the greatest shifting thing ever yep i said it other than like a late model five speed on the floor three on the tree way good four speed floor shift i don't care if it's a top loader or a side loader it's never as good as these things fight me i should probably put a valve cover on but yeah oh yeah we gotta do brakes frickin brakes how's those brakes coming oh you want me to pump the pedal he still thinks something's living underneath this thing which there probably is [Music] stuff the brakes uh don't feel that great but they slow the wheel down and the wheel doesn't stay locked up i did put a nail going to the line to the rear you know so we can do burnouts and two less wheels that duff had to bleed so to believe these i just pulled the bleeders out clean them up i'd already filled the reservoir and of course no fluid run out and then i used my psyringe that's a veterinary syringe i guess and push fluid push the air and fluid up to the top both sides seems okay-ish i mean it's not good but it's not bad very nice so let's see if this thing drives and duff is over it but watch this we'll say the the word i'll go for ride oh you're just perked up a little bit okay i guess i'm gonna go without you now you know i wouldn't i'm gonna throw my jacket on because it's a little breezy out how much crap is gonna fly around in this thing gross all right load up seat's almost as bad as the one in the last 60. we need a chip clip for that where was the oh man we threw away the freaking clip that was on that clothesline clip that's the word phrase i don't know clothespin that's the word phrase way better bin does anybody hang clothes out to dry anywhere we did a 1960. no it won't start fuel pump oil pressure light well the generator light don't come on i wonder if that's charging what is that switch runs best with a little bit of choke it's cold out is the transfusion gonna work let's fix the gas but just kidding there's no fix to that [Music] oh yeah we're golden duff not as sloppy as the other 60 either another like 240 000 miles it's got 244 000 miles because the odometer is working he says how many miles are on it i said 44 he says that's 244. that explains why she was kind of meandering down the road on us can we stop kind of then they drag a little bit seems like a sewing machine quiet i haven't even made it a block and i already like it fix the only mirror that we got see it kind of slows down abruptly you know like a manual does let off the gas see if you guys can notice what it does once it hits overdrive speedo's working see how that one-two shift is like it came off the showroom floor i think you gotta let off slightly frickin shift right about 28 now maybe the overdrive don't work lever's in there it went i think 35 mile an hour now i'll let off and it'll freewheel whatever we're going to third probably something screwed up in the wiring what are you linked up this thing ain't so bad some bricks tires light the interior on fire fluff all the paint 50 yeah overdrive definitely working pulls hard to the right if we get the rigs first is not synchronized if we knew that right [Music] that's going to run good enough to do a dhoni [Music] oh man this thing's good not gonna set any speed records but she's all right get that overdrive working she'll cruise right now either as cool as a cucumber or that's mkh workout [Music] the wind must be just right or having that one rear window open must be the optimal windfall because there's not even that much crap flying around in here which is pretty good considering how much was in here nothing like the 67 nothing so bad oh the floor vents open well maybe that's just a gaping rustle on the floor the steering wheel sits straight don't hardly pull okay i'm just kidding it doesn't hit the brakes that's for sure jeff what do you think what do you think huh is this thing good 60 a good car yeah yeah wish you had phone so you could drive it he likes sleeping in it that's for sure clutch is even good what do you think duff 60 a keeper yeah i don't think so either we've got 260 impalas and a 60 ford i just need a 60 fury or something that's awesome for mopars in 1960. there's a hornwork no horn what are you doing you're crazy you're crazy dog you're crazy all right let's get out of here let's go let's go go see you later hasta luego duff where's poppy where's bobby what are you doing hanging out with your buddy where's your buddy at poppy come here go get him go get him get him poppy just a are bruit so excited when your buddy comes to play so excited get him you guys up to no good just making all kinds of friends tonight you brought rover over here too rover must have escaped oh well you can share your treats with them not so much well this thing drives so good should we uh see if we can't polish that paint out give her a quick wash and uh get the buffer out see what happens at least try to get that and that matching because i'm sure at one point they matched maybe maybe he didn't care that the body guy did a terrible job of painting it yeah i know what you want in it so you can sleep in it get to buffing duff [Music] well dang we didn't even need to do any of that pudding pressure washing look at how much better i just scrubbed this half i think if we did like some clr to get rid of those rust spots it'd be pretty good huh duff and even just scrubbing it got those panels to match a whole heck of a lot better now i'm going to dry it up a bit and we'll get the buffer out see what happens yeah just scrubbing it helped out a bunch back here you can kind of see it had like that scuzzy tree slime dust caked into it it's not quite as i don't know why the hood's so rusty i think it's because all that stuff was repainted up there and this is good factory paint look at all the scratches and the fins from sliding everything in oh it doesn't carry over the trunk because the trunk was open good resting spot you want to rest on that front seat i know you do want to bet he loves this thing so we've got some mcguire's 105 ultra cut so this is the heavy stuff this is the first step and then as you get down to the light cut that's more your polishing stuff then we got our heavy cut i guess your whatever rough cut pad and this thing's just your amazon cheapy champ power use it a couple times works all right i think we're gonna start on this fender because i kind of want to get rid of some of that rust on the hood first i don't know i really don't know what i'm doing here i wish that hood would sit lower too i'm not really into the whole cowl induction look uh and how do these get bent what the frick yeah duff's like what's up with that i'm just gonna wing it i'm gonna put a little on the pad smear it on here a little bit and then flip her on and let her eat oh i'll dry it up imagine that we shake it up first that's why i don't have nice things that's a lot just smear that all over here and we do like half of the top of the fender right off the bat this is a random orbital i don't know d a it spins it makes noise freaking battery died midway look how much shinier that is than this this yes one or two two or one so that's two times going over that and then wiping her down with our uh bath towel also ham and cheese is not as good as the ham sandwiches but we're running out of sandwiches and uh they're extinct now so we're gonna save our dodo birds for special occasions like let me get done buffing this something about 15 minutes to do that little patch so you can about imagine what's going to take you do the rest of the car [Music] [Music] so i'm not an expert at any of this i'm sure i'm using the total wrong method and the wrong material and the wrong prep and the wrong grinder buffer sander va orbital whatever you gotta clean this thing once in a while and i'm probably not cleaning it right this is how i clean them if you guys know how to clean it better let me know i have a brush that's supposed to be for doing that but i don't know how that's ever going to work you got to get the dead paint out of there man this thing's looking way good the other side's all smashed up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] look at that difference man or if we put like some linseed oil or something on the roof to give it a little bit of gloss being rich like pudding's fab shop can't afford that uh patina sauce i wish that fender over there or that whole side wasn't kind of wiped out but i mean the rockers still got you know rust on it it is what it is this car looks freaking good i think if you took like some cli or something you'd clear up a little bit of that russ but you put some wheels and tires on this thing and she looked good from the outside the inside is a crime scene but this is why i don't do this stuff because i get attached um also this is like number four of uh the ham and cheese so we're halfway done-ish so i'd call this a eight to ten beer job this just goes to show you you can polish a turd and if you can't polish it you can roll it in glitter a couple things i noticed on this i mean the paint quality on the hood you know like it's got all these dirt spots and stuff in it it's not it's definitely been the front clip's been repainted replaced when you're buffing this stuff you got to stay away from edges i mean that's that's where paint's the thinnest and it's going to burn through and you know the hard spot like that that's where you're going to put all the pressure rubbed through but i mean it's got some good patina some people hate that word rusty crappy patina you know whatever it is what it is you get this car on the ground you'll never see any of that stuff down there i didn't get in behind like these door handles and stuff like you almost got to do that by hand or get a smaller buffer i didn't do inside the white there if you really wanted to get crazy you could buff that or you could scuff it and shoot it so it'd be nice glossy white but then where do you quit it's like wow then you do the roof you do the wheels i might as well do rockers and you do floors and then polish the stainless so that's another thing like you know some of the spots that i hit with the stainless with the buffer look pretty dang good then you get these nooks and crannies and then you get into window seals whatever is what it is i mean this car is really good there's a thin spot kind of right there i don't know if it's been touched up but like you can see a little bit of gold there and then oh that's just yeah there's a thin spot there we're kind of rubbed through it's getting a little bit white but up here there's like all this white stuff and i don't know if that's overspray from what he'd been doing before but i can't get that to come out so i don't know if a guy wet sanded that or what and then the same with the top of the trunk i think that's just from the sun beating down on it i mean obviously the roof is gone and then here it's kind of getting white from being rubbed through there again you know there's your body line let's kind of rub through there another thin spot i did notice a little bit of rust back here that i didn't notice in the deck lid before again is what it is i totally forgot to even buff that or scrub that the dirt out of there and the other thing is you'd see all these little dents and waves and stuff now you got it all cleaned up like hail damage stuff like that there's one there one right there one there there there i mean everywhere so if you wanted a perfect car you'd be there forever but this color man that is good tasco turquoise pretty sure that's what it is but it's i dig it when you go back over to here granted this is the worst side for damage look at how dull and nasty and boring it is i did get cleaned up a bit but this shirt is definitely hurting look at all that stuff coming out of there probably gonna need i mean this pad's gonna make it through this job but we're gonna need a new pad we're gonna burn through at least half of that bottle of stuff meguiars so you're gonna have probably 40 bucks into the meguiars and that pad we only use one chop towel probably could use a couple more but we usually right to the last drop just like maxwell house always good to the last drop and yeah so i mean ten beers you know because we're halfway done with you know four beers we gotta wash this side yet we're gonna wash it let it dry and then knock this side out i don't know how much that will film but you buy one of these buffers i forget what the price was like i don't know like 100 bucks ish and you get yourself some rubbing compound some pads or whatever cutting compound and some cloths chamois microfiber towels that's the word i'm looking for microfiber and uh you pretty much transform a car this thing is scary good some wheels and tires and like i said the outside would be great i'm half tempted to pull this fender off and see i mean we're not going to get it great but i think we could get that body line pretty good up around the headlight that's scary i don't know but you got to find a fender in color and you can't paint one because then if you paint it you're never gonna get it to match and then you're knocking dents out down there and then you're looking for stainless and it just never freaking ends and this door won't fit that great i don't know what's going on down there we're gonna keep buffing her out right duff and we're gonna have a couple salmon look at you even got some body work on you i must have been from when i was petting you but we're gonna do some thinking see we can come up with some for some wheels and tires i wish i had all four of them caps because then i would just throw those on maybe four matching wheels and tires i think i got a couple of full-size caps that probably would have came on an impala i have a classic car ryan would know but i think the impalas had full-size caps and then the smaller caps would be on the biscayne's and bel airs and stuff which is weird because i don't know what these caps are for because those are not factory caps oh look at this we got a factory 58 960 cap that's what a full cap would look like i hate them i don't really care for them but they would make that car look a whole lot better if i had four of them duff checks it out wiggles tail he approves all right we're uh punching out for tonight might wash it before we punch out but we're not gonna show you guys that go over to puddin's fab shop if you want to see washing duff says buffing is boring she's pretty good we buffed real hard on that fender but we couldn't buff the dent out yeah i tried duff but it's pretty freaking good you know torn on this fender i don't know if we can make it much better without making it worse and the time put into it i'd rather put time into like you know brakes or a tune-up or a fuel system or wheels and tires which is next we gotta see what we can find in the stash for wheels and tires i think i'm just gonna put some better-ish 14s on the factory wheels and see if i can round up some 14-inch wheel covers full-size covers like that guy but maybe i can round up four dog dishes that'll look decent on here but i mean there's a lot of things you can do you put torque thrusts on here you could just go with black steelies and some new lug nuts and some new dust caps or you could go with chrome reverses i mean anything except craggers and side pipes and air shocks and flexi hoses and butt connectors none of those yeah like even back here the dents aren't even as noticeable anymore to me after polishing and i think if you you know took that door panel off you could there's a pretty good one right here you can get most of that out this one is so close to the body line i don't know and there's kind of one here you can maybe get that one if you could get at it but i think the wheelhouse is back there so you'd have to maybe sneak something in from back there and really i wouldn't even worry about that until you found trim which we don't have trim oh speaking of trim i did slide this guy over and she's been slid over for quite some time you can see the rust built up in there and while you're looking for trim find that trim too yeah i mean it came out pretty good trying to figure out what to do with the roof if we do some uh like linseed oil boiled linseed oil we don't have any of that and i'm guessing the hardware store isn't going to be open tomorrow because it's sunday so yeah probably won't do anything with that i know a million people are going to be like clear coat it so i had a 53 ford that was a nice pickup had a valarie subframe 49 inch 305 700 r4 drove phenomenal rattle trap but got like 24 25 miles a gallon but they clear coated it and they didn't do any prep work when they clear coated it if you don't do the prep work like the clear is gonna lift in all these corners so it's basically like doing a full paint job and if i'm gonna go through all that work you know pull the glass take the trim off sand all the edges you gotta do your jams do all that i'm gonna paint it i mean it might not be glossy but i'm gonna paint it a color because that pickup like in spots like this you know this tub and tile would lift and then water would get under the clear coat and the clear coat would lift or on these door edges the clear coat lift on the hood engines or the hood edges clear coat would lift i mean it just everywhere it lifted and then what do you do once it starts lifting what do you sand it smooth and try to touch it up no so clear coat not the answer like if you want to put some wax on it and polish it but i mean just the way the water beads up on this after polishing that side and then i wash this side the water just beads up on the opposite you know the side that we already did and you actually see a bunch of water spots from when i left them last night that's the other reason i don't like nice paint and stuff like that because then you got all these water spots and you worry about the dog jumping on it you worry about kids on bikes and birds flying overhead crapping on it you worry about bad weather but whatever this thing looks a million times better i'm gonna see if we can come up with some wheels and uh i think we're kind of done with the outside here let me just get a little bit cleaning on the inside color good for now so on this stuff i just looked it up quick this chant power uh dual action buffer is about 70 bucks um it comes with a few pads but i bought this pad kit and cleaning kit that was like another 40 bucks and then this meguiars is kind of spendy 32 foot ounce you can do several cars i think this is like 32 bucks or something like that so you know for about 150 bucks by the time you get 10 with the microfiber towels but you can do many cars with this i did burn up that one pad we started with so i had to get a new pad and you're gonna have that you'll have that on these big jobs and so here's the uh you know the ratings of the pads yellow is your heaviest down to red is for your you know fine polishing at the end yellows for you know oxidized paint deep scratches stuff like that 105 like i said that's pretty aggressive and then i got some of this stuff it's by p s um i think c10 flipper is what he goes by on instagram he's got just a ton of c10 pickups that he either shortens or they're already you know factory short beds and maybe he does some long beds too but he uh he's what he you mentioned using this stuff and i've used it it actually works really well but yeah 30 bucks for that stuff it's crazy i'm sure this stuff is about the same so it's pretty crazy that you know your buffer is only twice as much as your compound but whatever i definitely think that uh it added 150 dollars worth of value to this car duff maybe does not agree it's not a fun job but it makes a big difference it's worth it so what do you guys think worth it not all right we're gonna see we can find for some wheels and maybe tires that all have black walls or white lines one or the other you know like my new wheel of selection duff i think these are like 67 68 bellaire hubcaps oh now you're interested those are like one of my favorite hubcaps i don't know i just like the bow tie in them and then the way that they kind of got this dimple out here or in here whatever you want to call it i don't know i do have four of them but i don't know i kind of like these ones too i did find a 14 inch with the white wall on there of course i didn't clean it up at all we're done cleaning stuff did get the back seat put back in it did not clean out the inside stuff like sleeping in there so we don't want it to be too nice do we duff so yeah i think it looks heck of a lot better with four hubcaps do you approve good sir yeah i think it'll do that'll do pig that'll do not a bad car so there you have it we got a 1960 chevrolet impala four-door sedan back on the road after sitting for only 17 years all because somebody put the wrong screw in when they replace the points so let us swap in a distributor swap in some use points off the dash let the front brakes put a couple tires on it that's about it this thing was this thing's good oh yeah and a fuel tank fuel system so if you want this thing want to do a brake job fuel system could be yours more info down in the description also check out the deaf approved membership down below we've been putting some behind the scenes stuff and there's some discounts on merch as well also we got the patreon account if you want to support the channel so we don't lose the shop appreciate it thanks very much for watching check out the other videos and remember doesn't matter get it done long as you're having fun oh chevy's are so much fun oh you're gonna get some food for the day all right i'm gonna clean up this mess you made here off your back seat you're welcome [Music] [Music] this [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Mortske Repair
Views: 486,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: will it run, impala, sedan, hardtop, jeepers creepers, patina, barn find, abandoned car, 60 impala, tasco turquoise, vgg, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, thunderhead289, junkyard digs, jyd, junkyard mook, pfs, puddins fab shop, revival, buffer, dual action buffer, paint rejuvination, dead paint, overdrive, three on the tree, six cylinder, field car, field find, distributor, points ignition, brakes, wax, rubbing compound, diy, do it yourself, hot rod, lowrider, daily driver, nos, rat
Id: i0gcpxlc-wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 5sec (7505 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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