Will It Cupcake? Taste Test

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- Today we ask the age-old question, - Will it cupcake? - Let's talk about that. (groovy theme music) - Good mythical summer. - Tomorrow is a very special day for somebody. - Me. - Happy early birthday Link. - Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. Listen, listen, hey. - 49. - It happens every year. - Oh, 39. - Not that many, it can't even be that many. - Yeah, it is. - Really? - Now you join me man, we're both 39. - That's crazy, that is crazy. - Both about to be 39. - Forget you even heard that. - Now I have a very special present for you. - I'm 22 in my own mind. - A very special present for you, - And body. - And for Good Mythical, woah, Good Mythical More, so we'll get to that later. But now we're going to just celebrate your birthday with something very special, something people like to enjoy on their birthday, you don't really like it, but it's cake. We're gonna ask that question. - [Together] Will It Cupcake? - Alright, with each of these cupcakes we have kept the form of a cupcake, but we've taken some creative, what's the word? - Liberties? - Liberties, so you've got cake at the bottom, with frosting on top, but we've infused all types of stuff, using our liberties, starting with this first one, Rhett, let's have it. - Okay Link, this is the pan-cupcake, because it's pancakes. We have silver dollar - Which is a great idea. - [Rhett] Pancakes, stacked on top of one another. - [Link] Look at that. - They are held together with jam, and then on top we have a maple-infused icing. And they kind of go, they actually, they thought of everything, they go down in size to give the form of a cupcake. - My daughter Lily actually helped with the experimentation that led to a lot of these dishes, including the frosting on here. - Oh, so she got the gift of cooking from not you, from your wife. - Not me. Not me. Alright, so - Dink it. - This is guaranteed to be great, right? - Oh yeah. - Or sink it. No, and sink it, we'll do both, there's no option. - Or sink it. I mean, how could this not be good? Of course, if you want, - You got some butter. - You can add some butter to it. - Put some butter in it, we also got. You missed. - It's your birthday man, I was gonna do it for you. - We got some maple syrup here too. You want some maple the syrup? - Yeah, please. You can never have too much butter, let's get a butter and syrup bite. - This is just fabulous, and it stays together. - This is just fabulous. - It really is, I mean, what's not to just be fabulous? - The butter made it better. Butter makes a lot of things better. - That's great. So will it cupcake? Of course. - Yes. - Okay, next up we wanted to tackle the sandwich that put Philly on the map. Well I actually think Philly was already on the map, but in terms of sandwiches. - Yeah, that's where The Liberty Bell is, man. - The Philly cheesesteak is what I'm talking about. We wanted to cupcake-ize the Philly cheesesteak, so we have made the Philly cheese-cup-steak. Now this is warm. - Smells like a hot pocket. - Which is, ooh, - And I'm not complaining. - That's a good thing. So we've got cake infused with steak, mushrooms, peppers, and onions and the cake itself is infused with provolone cheese. - I say provoloney. - Provoloney. But we're also gonna make some icing out of - I know that's not right. - Cheez Whiz. - But maybe it is. - Because they'll actually use Cheez Whiz on some stuff. You could either, - Oh, I love getting the first pour of a Cheez Whiz, you know? It doesn't have that nasty hard cheese plug in it. From now on, I'm gonna have cheese plugs coming out, and I don't like that cheese plug, I do eat it every time, though. - That is purty. - The virgin pour of a Cheez Whiz. - We got a little different style-age here. - Yeah, mine looks better. - Well they're probably gonna taste the same. So let's peel this back, and look at a bit of the cross section here. Now a lot of the suger and sweetness has been removed from the cake that we used, and, like I said, replaced with provoloney. - Did you clarify that this has been heated up? - Yeah, it's been heated up, now we're adding the icing, so we're giving this its best chance of being amazing. Dink it, and sink it. As you can see, I got a gaping hole in mine because I grabbed a big hunk of steak. - A steak hole. I got a little Cheez Whiz in my mustache, also not complaining about that. - I'll tell ya, - The cakeyness works against the enjoyment of the ingredients of a cheesesteak. - But there's cheese in the cake, which is a redeeming factor. - I mean I'm still eating it. - Can you put gravy on a Philly cheesesteak, cause I feel like we need something a little juicier. - You're immediately executed in Philadelphia if you put gravy on a cheesesteak. - I know that's a fact, but I'm just saying the drawback here is that I'm losing the juiciness of a cheesesteak. - It's a little dry. - So it's pretty dry. - Even though it's got Cheez Whiz on it, it's dry. I prefer my, I would just prefer to enjoy a cheesesteak by itself, I gotta say, will it cupcake? - No. - No. Alright Link, this is the food court cake. We have taken ingredients from all your favorite food court establishments, I don't know if they're your, but they're yours. - Oh, I just love food courts, how it brings all food groups together. - We've got Wetzel Pretzels infused dough. We've got chunks of pepperoni from Sbarro. And we've got pieces of orange chicken from Panda Express, and we topped it all off with an Orange Julius-infused icing. - Now this looks almost like a bun. It's like something you'd get at like, I get like breakfast room service, and they give me a basket of buns. - Well sometimes a cupcake can become a bun. - It can get bunnish? - It can take on a bun shape. - Now I ate at Sbarro yesterday. - I saw a Sbarro yesterday, and elected not to eat at it. As a child, I thought Sbarro was fancy. - Well, cause how do you say it? You know, there's an S and a B together, how many words have those two letters next to each other? - My mom taught me that the S was silent, so we just called it Barro. - Barro? - She said, don't say the S, you sound stupid. - The deck is stacked against this one, because it's cold so that the icing would stay set. - It's also hard man, I feel like I could give people a concussion with this thing. - Yeah, it's a pretzel dude. Alright, dink it, and treat it with care. - Oh man. - Crazy. - Look, I struck like a nugget, a golden nugget of orange chicken, let me just grab it out of there. - All I got was pretzel. - Hey, you're spitting it out? - Well, I gotta go with, I gotta try to get a good cross-section. There was one nugget hanging there in the middle. - I got a nugget cave. - So I've got a, there's a pepperoni and a nugget. The Orange Julius icing is, - The best part. - Abso-freaking-losing amazing. - You said abso-freaking-losing. - Losing nothing. - The icing is great guys, really good. The cupcake, the bun, not so, this is just not something that, these are not ingredients that you should combine. - But like orange chicken, and orange icing, you'd think it could work, but it doesn't. - The pretzel, the coldness of everything. That icing, though, boy, I'd go to town on that icing. Bury me in that. - Alright, I'll do it, I'm gonna hold you to it. - Okay. - Just die first. - [Rhett] But will it cupcake? - No. - No. - Next up we have a cupcake with a snake, it's a cup-snake. It's a cupcake made of snake, that's what we've done. And now we have to follow through with it. Maybe it's good. - Yours is burst. Yours has been breached. - This cupcake, cup-snake is on, oh my gosh, it is wrapped in Craig, our pet python, is he a python? - Yeah he's a python, the office python. Did you guys get Craig's permission? - They didn't skin him. He voluntarily shed his skin for this cupcake. - I think he has to, I don't think he has a choice. I think it just happens, it's nature's way man. - He did it weeks ago. And then we boiled it for safety in a microwave, and in an oven, to get rid of the salmonella. - Cause we learned, 92 percent of snakes have salmonella. - Look at this. - But not anymore. - So the icing is just snake colored icing, but there's snake, oh my gosh. - There's lots of snake, there's lots of Craig still, essence of Craig is all throughout this and on top of it. - [Link] Oh my gosh, snake meat throughout. - But what kind of snake meat is it, like a rattlesnake? - [Male Crew Member] It's a diamondback. - Diamondback rattlesnake meat inside here Link. - Oh my gosh. But there's no rattle. - Your favorite. Oh look at that, oh gosh, it's like an intact snake, look at that, they didn't even grind it up, they just wrapped the little sucker around here. - But they made it green, which is cute. - That's food coloring. Alright, happy birthday man, dink it. - I'm not ready to dink. - Yeah, this is what every 39-year-old man should enjoy with another 39-year-old man. - Sometimes you gotta think before you dink. - I'm dinking, I gotta get into this man. - It's just meat man. - Come to poppa Craig. - Come to poppa daddy. (grunting) - It's such a long thing. - There's snake. (retching) Hey man, hey man, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. You're about to be 39, you gotta grow up a little bit. You're eating like a 38-year-old right now, man. Be a 39-year-old like me, fearless. - You look crazy man. - I'm just taking this snake on a ride. - The frosting really helps. - Let him ride the roller coaster of your intestines. (hissing) I don't think making snake noises is gonna help. But listen, whatever it takes, man, I know you're not 39 yet. - The cake is good, the frosting's good, that long chewy thing in the middle. - They're so tough, are you sure it's not just a fake rubber snake? Cause that's exactly what it tastes like. It has the consistency of a rubber snake. - I know, it was so strong and stringy. - Is it baby snakes, that's a little sad. Not really, though, I hate snakes, I think they all should be dead unless it screws up the ecosystem. Even Craig, I don't care. We only got him cause we couldn't take him back. I got no love for snakes, and I don't care. I don't care what you think about me. - Then you should eat it gladly. I got half of mine down, here goes the rest. - Snakes don't have hopes and dreams. - Go for a ride snake. Through my tract. It's down, and you know what, it didn't taste bad. - No, it tasted fine. - I didn't like the idea of it, I gagged a few times on the front end, but the proof was, did I gag on the back end, no. - I gotta say, I'm not usually the snake aficionado, but if you're gonna enjoy a snake, you might as well enjoy a cup-snake. - [Link] So will it cupcake? - Yeah. - Okay, yes. - When the apocalypse comes, you're gonna go to extreme measures just for sustenance. You may actually end up eating a cupcake that is made from your own urine. - If you have a cupcake in the apocalypse, why would you pee on it before you ate it? That doesn't make sense. - One of the things you're gonna have is lots of pee, lots of urine, you gotta figure out things to do with it. And we've made the I-C-U-P-cake. And the icing is made out of a homemade urinal cake, which, I mean, how natural do you have to be to insist on making your own urinal cakes? But there is a recipe for that on the internet. - Baking soda. - Eucalyptus oil, water, butter, sugar, and food coloring. - Well the sugar, food coloring, that's just something we added to make it more, that's the frosting part. - Come on listen, you don't have to be that natural. Just pee into the toilet. Just don't make your own urinal cake. Just don't have a urinal cake. - Now the last time we interacted with urine on our show, we drank it through a filtered straw. - And now we're gonna eat it in a cupcake. - But we drank each other's, because we might could get nutrients from the other person's urine that the other person filtered out. - Yeah, that's why we did it Link. - But this time, this is redundant. I mean, maybe we should switch. - No we shouldn't switch man. Alright come on, let's do this. Come on, let's go next level. - Why is this the next level? What's at the top? - To the top, man, to the top of the world. - This better be at the top. - This is the next level to the top of the world. - If there's a level after this, oh man, dink it, - I'm gonna eat the part that didn't touch your urine. Okay. (retching) - It's so salty. - It tastes like I just stuck my face in a urinal. Just like, I just stuck it in there and shook it around. That's not something I would choose to do. How you, (retching), every time I retaste it, it's horrible again. - I think I can get it down, me and the apocalypse. Going all the way. - What is wrong with you? No, no, no, no. Happy birthday Link! - I did it. Woooo! - Oh gosh. It was so bad. Alright, you can be 39 now, you did it. (retching) Hold on, if you keep that up, you're gonna get disqualified. No, you did it man. But the real question is, will it cupcake? - No. - Definitely not. - Oh my goodness people. - Congratulations Link. - Take me before the accommodations arrive. What's it go, apocalypse. - Apocalypse. - I don't even know what word it is. - You're ready for it, though, man, you did it, no problem. Well, a little problem. - Yeah, I think I might continue to have problems. - Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - I'm Grace from Virginia, it's my birthday, and we're asking the age-old question, will it cupcake? And these are crickets, and it's time - [Together] To spin The Wheel of Mythicality. - You can watch Link's daughter Lily help make the pan-cupcake, it's one of our Mythicalicious videos over at the This Is Mythical YouTube channel, so go do that. - And click through to Good Mythical More, we're gonna let the crew sample some stuff, while, I get a birthday present? - Yeah, Happy Birthday Link. And happy birthday to whoever won the win face. That's Denby, you win a mythical mug. - Oh well these are, maybe we'll have to give you this one, because this one's no longer available for sale, and this is only available for a limited time, so purchase it while you can. Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Rhett] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Link] And make sure to check out our new channel, This Is Mythical, by clicking the video at the bottom. - [Rhett] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 11, will it cupcake taste test, rhett link will it cupcake taste test, will it cupcake taste test rhett link, will it cupcake, will it, will it taste test, taste test, cupcake taste test, cupcake recipe, rhett link will it, rhett link cupcake, will it gmm, gmm will it, will it rhett link, cupcakes
Id: gwxPqMgqBe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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