Will It Birthday Cake? Taste Test

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The far right is The Last Dab: Carolina Reaper edition; and the far left is the Chocolate Pow Pow, which is made up of grounded-up, dried Chocolate Carolina Reapers.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ledzeppelin341 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

On the far left and far right. Left looks like an extract and the right looks like a special version of the Last Dab. Thoughts?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/adhding_nerd 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
Today we ask the age old question. - Will it birthday cake? - Let's talk about that. <i> ( music playing )</i> Good mythical morning. Today is a very special day because we are celebrating our 1,300th episode. - What? 1,300 of these. - Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo. Yeah! In honor of this milestone, we're going to blow out 1,300 candles on a cake-- - Is that possible? - I don't know. We'll find out. And after that, we're going to read some of your complaints about our show because nothing brightens my day more that your critical comments about the way we do things around here. But first, let's kick this celebration off with some cake. Specifically, the kinda cake that's created to celebrate the births of something. - That's called a birthday cake, Rhett. - Birthday cake. Because 1,300 episodes ago, this show was born. Wah! Wah! Wah! But, of course, these will not be your typical birthday cakes. It's time for... <i> ( noisemaker sounding )</i> So your typical birthday cake consists of mixing eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and milk, and baking that. Well, we've kept all those base ingredients in a cake. We just added in our own unique ingredients, and then baked that into it and decorated it. And, in honor of this being our 1,300th episode, we were lucky enough to have some of our friends send in their video challenges of what cakes they wanted to see us eat. After today, some of these people may no longer be our friends. - Yes. - First recommendation comes from our friend Andrew from Binging with Babish. Let's take a look. Hey, Rhett and Link, Babish here. Just wanted to congratulate you on 1,300 episodes. That is so many episodes, it can't be real. And speaking of things that can't be real, I would love to see you guys make and eat a fictional cake. And what could be more fictional than one of the icons of your show, Chia Lincoln? I'd love to make and eat this cake myself, but why would I ever do that when you could do it? Bon appetit. He went way back. Some of you know this, some of you might not. But the show that started before "Good Mythical Morning" <i>was "Good Morning, Chia Lincoln," where we did a show</i> <i>as long as a Chia Lincoln survives, so this is--</i> this is about the roots of the show. And the roots of chia seeds. Oh, and I think there's probably roots in this. Or something that tastes worse. Chia seeds, potter's soil... - Mmm. Ooh. Yes. - Potter's clay, radish sprouts, - wheat grass, tree branch candles... - Mm-hmm. And of course, Chia Lincoln with some fake moss on here, So what we're calling this, the Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia cake. Make a wish! - Or Cakeraham Lincoln. - That works as well. Oh, gosh. This is where we're starting because we got people to challenge us. - Oh, gosh. It's so thick. - Friends. Oh, wow. There's a darkness in there. I'm gonna try to add some green sprig like this. Just get a little garnish. Both: Dink it. And sink it. Oh, man, when I was a child... - I had to mow my own grass. - Yeah? And my dad would make me bag up the grass and dump it across the street. - And one day... - Yeah? ...I was a curious little kid. I was like, "I wonder what that would taste like?" - Yeah? - Tastes exactly like this. - ( laughter ) - Yeah. Oh, my goodness. - Of course, I spit that out. - We're not gonna do that here. - No. - What would Babish think? ( gulps ) We didn't make it to 1,300 episodes by not eating dirt. ( chuckles ) But will it birthday cake? Both:<i> No!</i> - All: Hello! - Hey, Rhett and Link, it's Sorted Food off of London, England. Now, we hear you've done an amazing thing and made it to 1,300 episodes. - Man: Whoo! - Well done, you. Now, 1,300 sounds awesome because it's like a baker's dozen times 100, so we thought, "Why not bake a cake in celebration, but rather than it be a delicious cake, how about one with UK ingredients, a black and white pudding cake?" Yeah, when Ben says "pudding," don't get excited, this is definitely not an American pudding, this is a British pudding and more of a sausage. Yeah, black pudding is blood sausage and white pudding is pork fat. So, if you could knock up a cake using those two, that'll be fantastic. Also, feel free to add in a little bit more blood, little bit more fat, you know, - that would be terrific. - Ad lib. - "Knock up a cake," is that what he said? - Yeah, they did say that. - Okay. - I tried to ignore it. You know, with those accents... It depends on how much we love it. ...it feels like they can just talk you into eating anything, you know? They made this sound beautiful, but, guys, I know it's not beautiful because white pudding, like you said, - is pork fat sausage... - Okay. ...which was blended and sliced, and we've got black pudding, or blood sausage, blended and sliced. And then we did what they said? We added extra pork fat and extra pork blood. We call this "The United Cake-dom." It's gonna be divided 'cause I'm 'bout to slice it. No, you're not. Okay. - Okay. - I'll take care of that. And... oh, wow, this sucker's thick. Ooh. Go on the dark side too? Yeah. ( groans ) All right, now... You can use that dilly dally to get that out. Blood out to the people. ♪ Happy birthday to us ♪ It's, you know, it still doesn't look too horrific. Oh, yes it does. I see glumps and clumps in there. Oh, make a wish. Make the other half of the wish. - Wow. - Ooh, wow. Was there a projectile in that? Uh, no. I should enter the world records book. Man, breakfast of champs. Golly. "Golly," he says. Oh. I'm getting some white and some black. Okay, I'ma go right here. ♪ The cake is white ♪ Both: ♪ The cake is black ♪ ♪ Together we regret every decision we've ever made ♪ Yep, didn't have to rhyme. - Dink it. - Ew. And... sink it. ( gags ) It's very rich. It's very iron-y. Man, you could live off this cake for a very, very long time. It is so dense with nutrients. Do you wanna knock it up? No, I'd rather keep my distance. Oh, gosh. I'd rather keep my distance from this cake. There's something on my tongue that I think is like, it's like there's fat - enveloping my tongue... - Yeah. - ...now that I've bit into it. - It's creating a coating - all inside my mouth. - In my mouth, yeah. It's actually not gonna be difficult for me to get down. - 'Cause of the lube. - Yeah. It's gonna slip right down. 'Cause I was expecting a blood taste and it's not necessarily a blood taste 'cause something about "saus-ifying" the blood, "sausage-ifying" makes it doable. Ah! Got it down. Did you get it down? Take that, Sorted Food! Ah! Link:<i> Will it birthday cake?</i> Both:<i> No!</i> 'Sup, Rhett and Link, it's Harley. I wanna say congratulations and mazel tov on 1,300 episodes. What you guys should do is you guys should make something specific to both of you. You know how you're both pretty, with your shiny, little, pretty faces and you're beautiful wavy hair? You guys should make a makeup cake. A cake made out of makeup. A pretty cake for pretty boys. Okay, I love you guys, enjoy that makeup cake. How creative, Harley, thank you. Oh, gosh, blow it out! Ugh! Wow. - Freakin'... makeup cake! - Those are, like... eyeliner candles that just burnt to a crisp. Look at this thing. Give it a rotation for the mythical beasts to see. That is the GMM logo on a compact. Look at that, guys. There's 20 types of eye shadows in this, three types of foundations, 12 different types of bronzer, baked makeup, makeup brushes, lipstick. All ingredients are vegan and edible in very small quantities, I assume, like as a by-product of applying it. I feel like we should apply this before we... Okay, yeah. You know, I wanna look "perty" when I eat my cake. Mm-hmm. Put that back in there 'cause I like it in there. - 'Cause why not? - All right. - Where's my knife? - I got it. It's my knife now. Okay. Oh, gosh, this one's thick too. Everything's so much... Hefty, man. ...thicker than normal cakes. Love a big ole slice-y. Oh, goodness, gracious! Now pull that out towards the peeps. Okay. You getting it? Oh, you're really grunting. Yeah, you gotta, like, saw off the bottom. Okay. Here we go, here we go. Ooh, man. Look at that. Doesn't that look appetizing? - Ew. - Look at that, Link. I thought the soil from earlier was nasty, but this looks like processed version of the same thing. ( sniffs ) - Smells okay. - It doesn't smell bad at all. Dink it... and sink it. - Ooh, that's tough. - Yeah. Your mouth knows. Your mouth is designed to know. Yeah, it tells the brain... To not continue to eat. To shut down the throat and the stomach. - This is actually the best one. - Yeah. Which isn't saying much at all. No, but I feel like, if any of 'em are gonna cake, it's this one. Come on, let's be real, <i> makeup, will it birthday cake?</i> Both:<i> No!</i> Hey, what's up, Rhett and Link? Duff here. Hey, guys, congratulations on 1,300 episodes, that is amazing. All right, look, you guys know that I'm the ace of cakes and I'm the master of all cakes incredible, right? And you guys are the aces of weird and disgusting food. So I was thinking we should take what I do and take what you do and combine them together to make something insane. Here's the idea, let's make a birth cake out of an actual cow placenta. So you gotta make a cake out of a placenta. Okay, Duff, you demented fool... we have one-upped your idea. This isn't just cow placenta, we've created the birth cake, as you requested, in the shape of a female reproductive system, so this is also an educational segment. Link: And this brown stuff is cow... Yeah, so there's deer placenta mixed in because why not go for deer when you've already got cow? Yes, cow placenta is draped over the top of this. We've got pork blood for decoration and also pig uterus because what's a birth cake without a little pig uterus? Let's make a wish, I'm gonna make this one out loud, I wish I didn't have to eat this. Whoo! Me neither. Whoo! Oh, gosh. Well, I mean, I gotta get a little bit of this. That's too much fondant, you gotta go to the middle. I'm getting it. And then I'm gonna add a little placenta. This show has done amazing things for us. And it's also done this to us. I'm gonna have to use the scalpel... to peel off a little bit of placenta. Golly! Guys, this is... ugh, this is so wrong. - Okay. - Ugh. Oh, you're using the-- Ooh, yeah, give me a little. You want a little bit? Yeah, give me a little, little, little. Oh, mine's got some blood on it. All right, so I've got some on the end of mine. There's yours. ( sighs ) ( sighs deeply ) Dink it. - Congratulations, Rhett. - Yeah, congratulations to you, man. - Boy, you know you've made it... - Yeah, look at us. - ...when you're eating placenta. - Living the dream! Whoo! Golly... Oh! Just keep chewing and stop thinking. I see him... Ugh! ...laughing at us. If we don't get this down, we won't be able to tell the people if it cakes. Mm-hmm! This isn't about us, this is about you. Oh! - It's so chewy. - I did it! I ate cow placenta, and deer placenta, and pig uterus! - Hi, Mom! - ( gags ) Aren't you proud? I did it again, Mom! ( gags ) Link's not doing so well, Mom! I got it, Rhett's mom! Hey! - Where is she? - Oh, ow! - Are you over there? - Ow, you just... you almost cut my finger off. On what? You put the chairs together. - Oh, sorry. - Ah! - Hey, Rhett's mom! - Hey! I got it down. Go out into the living room and tell Dad what happened. I know he doesn't watch and you tell him. Tell him you're proud. Cow "placlenta." "Cow 'placlenta.'" Link:<i> Will it birthday cake?</i> Both:<i> No!</i> Hi, Rhett and Link, it's Sean Evans from First We Feast. Congratulations on 1,300 episodes, what an incredible milestone. And to celebrate, I would be so honored if you guys ate a cake inspired by one of my great passions in life, spice. And not just any spice, I want this cake so packed full of spice that one bite will make you go blind. I'm talking jalapeños, habaneros, Carolina Reapers. You guys know the drill. Cheers, Rhett and Link. 1,300 episodes, salute. But I have to know, Carolina Reapers, will it cake? Sean. Sean? We ain't friends. I know what I told you, but it's off, the friendship is off. Well, we haven't eaten it yet. What, to make us go blind? Okay, here it is, Sean! - Thank you. - ( blowing ) Make a wish that we don't go blind. This thing is chock-full of peppers, guys. Let me list them all off, ghost pepper, scorpion pepper, habanero pepper, Japanese hot pepper, jalapeño peppers, dried Nora Chiles, Chiltepin chilies, bird's eye chilies aji panca chilies, Costeno rojo-- I took French, sorry-- chilies, aji amarillo chilies, cascabel chilies, pasilla de Oaxaca chilies, and, of course, our nemesis, the Carolina Reaper. You should be like a pepper announcer. You know, like, when you get something at a Mexican restaurant, you're like, "What's in this?", and you come up to the table, you don't make guacamole, you just slightly mispronounce all the peppers that are in there. - Oh, thanks for making me laugh. - ( Rhett laughs ) Oh, I feel I'm on the verge of torture. Look at that thing, man. Look at that, look at that cross-section. And then there's pepper on the outside as well. So I'm coming here grabbing. You're setting the bar. I feel like that's aggressive. It may look small to you... - Hey, man, hey, hey, hey... - ...who aren't about to eat it... - ...1,300, man. - 1,300. Go big or go home. I know the route home, it's this way. My mom is watching right there in that camera, that's where she watches. She has a live feed of just that camera - 'cause it's my camera. - Really? - Yeah. - And she gets mad... She's like, "I like your profile, it reminds me of my daddy." - Oh, gosh. - Hey, Mom. - I got... - Of course, when I shaved my beard and I sent her a picture, she just texted back, "Poor baby." Oh, gosh, yeah. And, you know what? Even with the beard, I think we're both about to be poor babies. - Okay. - Dink it. And sink it. Oh, I can taste that it's about to hit hard. - Uh-oh. - There it is. ( exhales slowly ) Uh-uh. I don't wanna swallow it, I'm too afraid. Swallow it, you can do it! You can do it! Overcome it! - Mm. - I'm getting... I'm getting weirdness right here. - ( hiccups ) - Oh, you got the hiccups? I'm not getting the hiccups. I think the cake took the hiccup away from me. - There's something about... - It's going up the back of my head. ...the slight sweetness of the... It helps, it does help. ...of the icing, like, made it a little bit more uniform and not quite as biting as it would be if it was a direct pepper. This is nothing like eating the whole pepper. Thank goodness. I've got all the evidence that I need to answer the question. <i> Carolina Reaper and assorted peppers,</i> <i> will it birthday cake?</i> - Link:<i> Yes. </i> - Rhett:<i> Yes?</i> Congratulations to you, Rhett. Congratulations to you too. Congratulations to us. You're great. - You're great. - We're both great. No, no, I'm the greatest. What? ( laughter ) I was trying to, 'cause it's 1,300, - I was like... - No, that's how it starts. - Oh. - Yeah. - I'm the greatest. - No, but I was changing it, I was like, "No, you're the greatest." Oh, no, you're the greatest. - No, we're both great. - We're both great. And you're great. All right, stick around because we're not done with the cake, we're about to blow out 1,300 candles. <i> We couldn't have done it without you.</i> <i> And to thank you for being your mythical best,</i> <i> we made this limited-edition T-shirt</i> <i> available for only 24 hours at mythical.store.</i> Link:<i> Only 24 hours.</i>
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,633,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, Season 13, rhett, link, mythical, rhett will it birthday cake taste test, link will it birthday cake taste test, rhett link taste test, will it birthday cake taste test, will it birthday cake?, will it, cake, it
Id: SJUAiNt5x_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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