100 Years Of School Lunches Taste Test

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I know some people have complained about them doing too much food related episodes recently but I personally am really enjoying this season.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShyGuy993 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love the food shuffleboard episodes!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GravityTortoise πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I totally get why some people are complaining about the sheer amount of food episodes they're doing, I totally understand that argument

But as someone who finds their taste tests to be my favourite videos I'm quite liking it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mimikker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

this makes me wonder if sometimes link plays up being bad at games

great part of the GMMore


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Covane πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The 80s one was kinda horrifying. veal for kids?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deadmallsanita πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today, we eat grandma's school lunch. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat theme music) - Good Mythical Morning. - Link, I just have to ask you, would you happen to be wearing one of the many pieces available in our new line, Forest and Farm, available at mythical.store? - Rhett, I am so glad that you asked me that, because yes, I actually am wearing this sleek button-up featuring miniature horses. - [Rhett] Ooh, your favorite animal. - [Link] All over it. - You know what, and I just happen to be wearing the wood shirt from the Forest and Farm collection, because, - I did notice that. - I really like wood, and it's wood grain. I also have - Wood grain. - A wood hat. I also have wood socks. - Would you like to see - I would. - My miniature horse hat? And my miniature horsie socks. You don't have to wear it all together, but you could. - Yes, this is the Forest and Farm collection available at mythical.store. - Button up with us, y'all. But enough about our shirts, let's talk about school lunch. Specifically, how school lunches have changed over the decades. - And let's not just talk about 'em, let's play a game where we guess what decade different school lunches come from. It's time for Year Eye with Two Straight Guys, School Lunch Edition. - Okay, here's how it works, in each round, we're gonna be given a school lunch that was actually served during a particular decade. We are going to sample said lunch, - I'm hungry. - And then we are gonna indicate our guess as to what decade it was served in by shuffleboarding the actual lunch on the mythical shuffleboard court. - [Rhett] And mythical lunch lady Chase will be assisting us. - Hello, mythical lunch lady Chase. Did you just burp internally? - Yeah, sorry. - He works with lunch. Lunch lady Chase will be measuring our distance, of course, from our lunch, wherever it lands, to the correct decade. Whoever's closest, wins, and at the end, whoever wins gets to enjoy a nice piece of square school lunch pizza, and then the loser has to write, I will learn lunch better, 100 times on a chalkboard. - Let's shuffle. (upbeat electronic music) We appear to have some sort of meat slab, yet to be identified, some fruit cocktail, perhaps? - [Rhett] Yes, that's what we called that growing up, it had the shrively grapes in it. - Mmhmm, I love some shrively grapes. - That is a fried pork chop. - Fried pork chop. - We cannot lift our drinks off of our trays, because they are glued down. - Now I like this little end part of the fried pork chop. - Don't eat it all, Link, because you're gonna need it to weight down your tray. - But, because my Aunt Vicky used to be a school lunch lady. - Oh yeah, I remember. - You should go first. - Right, because going second gives you the advantage. Okay, I see how this is played. I'm being very ginger here. There is no ginger on my plate, though. - Grab your stick. Do you have an idea what decade this is from? - I believe that these, like, two canned things with some fried pork chop, we're definitely talking about 1950 or earlier. We've added some shuffleboard sand on this, so it's a little bit slicker, so it might be difficult to get it to stop. I'm just trying to get it to stop somewhere in the top, because I'm going for, like, 1920 or '30. - Oh, you overshot it. - [Rhett] Okay, landed safely in 1940. - Your answer's wrong. But you got closer than you thought to the correct answer, which I believe to be 1980. This is '80s stuff, man, I ate all of this stuff as a child. Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna knock your tray into the moat of creamed corn, and I'm gonna land softly and safely squarely on 1980. (trays crash) Boom! Boom! - It's amazing that you did what you intended to. - What? - I wanna celebrate for you. - Do it. - [Stevie] Guys, things are about to get even more amazing. You just ate a veal cutlet with chicken noodle soup, a fruit cup, and a glass of lemonade. This was a popular school lunch in the 1980s. - Wha, ha, ha. - Oh, ha, ha, ha. - Okay, I quit, I quit. I don't want your streak to get ruined. - I'll keep playin' (upbeat electronic music) - Okay, we've got something that's not real eye-catching. - No. - Is that, it's just a lettuce sandwich? No, there is, no, yeah, it's just lettuce. No, there's something, maybe mayonnaise? Only one way to find out, you just gotta take a bite, I guess. - [Link] And I don't know what this death soup is. There's peas. - And a weird green bean gelatinous thing. - [Link] Is there crab in that? - I don't know, I'm letting you taste that. - Hold on, that's clam chowder. And this is, - It's not good, though. - This is creamed green beans. - Okay, what we're gonna do, because there is such an advantage to going second, whoever's losing at the time will go second. So Link, you go first this time. - Lettuce sandwich, man, must have been desperate times. - Yep, that's what I'm thinking. The '90s. - If I knew something about history, and could correlate that to desperate times, then I would be able to formulate an answer. But since I don't know about that stuff, - Aim for the '90s. - Aim for the middle of the board. I'm just, I'm feeling 1920, I want to be at the tip of the spear, so that no matter where you go, you gotta move me out of the way. - Okay, do it. - [Link] It's too hard, too hard, way too hard, what happened? Man, I lost my game. - Hold on, you strategically spilled some clam chowder on the board, though. - [Link] That stays. - Okay, I'm gonna have to go to the side then. Gonna come over here. So definitely desperate times, it's gotta be the '10s, the '20s, or the 30s, right. It can't be after that. I'm just gonna try to get it land at the top of the triangle, 'cause it's very difficult to get it to stop where you want. Okay. - You just kissed 1910. - 1910. - Just the tip. You just ate a lettuce sandwich with oyster soup and creamed asparagus, a meal that was actually served in schools in the 1920s. - Oh. - Again, I was right, but I overshot my mark so far. - I win that round. (upbeat electronic music) Wow, we've got a series of unidentifiable things. Those are tomatoes, I do know that. - This looks like cornbread with a beanie weenie. - It's a Vienna sausage in there, man. Yep, that's a Vienna sausage. - Something my granddad would eat only when fishing. Tomatoes. - A jello salad. - I'd call that ambrosia, but I could be wrong. - That's not gonna make it taste any better. - Oh my gosh. - We're tied, so we'll just alternate, I'll go first, you go second. - Coconut-y. - I think that this type of stuff, like the weird jello ambrosia situation, started to get popular in the '50s. Because I remember we played a game, and there was a bunch of jello-y things from the '50s, from that '50s cookbook, so I'm going for 1950. Too much, too much, stop, stop, stop! - [Link] See, it's not easy to stay on this board. - [Rhett] No it's not. - I'm thinking 1950s, because all the things that you already said. - Well, all you have to do is go on the left side of the board and just contact my tray and you will win. - For the record, I do think the correct answer is 1950, as well. - Don't screw it up. - [Link] Little finesse shot. - [Stevie] Okay guys, that was a, how do you pronounce the sausage when you were children? - Well, we said vie-enna, some people say Vienna. - Vie-eener. - I thought, yeah, there was an R at the end, vie-eener sausage shortcake, served with a pork and apple salad, tomato wedges, and an orange coconut custard with cottage cheese. This was an actual school lunch in the 1950s. - Boom, I pull ahead. (upbeat electronic music) We got milk, what appears to be what I would call beefaroni with onions, green beans, bread with butter, and some sort of cake. - [Rhett] The cake looks good. This is the first one that excites me a little bit. - Peanut butter cake! - That is really good cake. - My nana makes a mean peanut butter cake. - It's almost as good as Nana's. Hold on, did you get in touch with Nana? - [Josh] Yeah, she called me. - Nana will mail me a poundcake. She mails in a box of poundcake, all the time. - She mails me cakes, too. - I'm winning. - You're in the lead, so you're gonna go first. I'm just gonna sit over here and enjoy this Nana's cake. - This is difficult. These are ubiquitous foods. Actually, the only thing that's distinct is the peanut butter cake, which I think is more of a modern dessert invention. - Really, interesting. - Yeah. This is not something from the '40s or earlier. I actually think this is 1990. - [Rhett] Wow, Link. - Of course, that's really close to the creamed corn moat. - Yeah, you gotta be really delicate to hit 1990, knowing I'm coming right after you. - I gotta play the game, though, so even though '90 is my answer, I'm gonna try to go well short of that. - Well short of that. Hey, you know what, that's a really strategic play, because what are the chances that I hit you and knock you all the way. You might have just done something unintentionally really, really incredible. - Alright Rhett, knock me to the '90s buddy. - So I have a choice here, because I actually think that, okay, my reasoning on this is that you remember coming over to my house in the '80s and eating pasta with we had milk all the time. - You did. - We already know the '80s have been guessed, so that was either something that had already been established in the '70s, or had carried into the '90s. So I think we're in the '70s or the '90s. If I hit you, I run the risk of knocking you closer to the answer and leaving myself at the top of the pyramid. So I'm gonna do this. - Is this all leading up to you forfeiting? What are you getting at? - I'm gonna do the sneaky slide around you. - Sneaky, you're gonna put spin on the tray? - No, I'm just gonna try to get past you without actually coming in contact with you, which is not easy because these things, they're not evenly balanced. So this is tough, this is tough, this is tough. - Good luck with that. - [Rhett] I have no confidence. - I've got a lot of confidence. Sneaky slide. - Sneaky slide! - What? - Woo! - I mean you just went past a tray with a tray. - I could get excited. - [Stevie] That was beef goulash, green beans, peanut butter cake, enriched white bread and butter, and a glass of milk. And school children enjoyed this lunch in the 1960s. - Ooh, ooh, ooh, I am closer. - You win this round, we're tied up again. (upbeat electronic music) - Again, we've got a glass of mlik, very popular in the '60s. - This is peanut butter and cottage cheese, I think. I've never had this. - This has a dog food-like consistency. - Is that ricotta or cottage cheese? - That's liver. - Well, I ain't tasting that, but this is good. Peanut butter and whatever that whiteness is. - Ugh, that's liver. Oh gosh. - Now this is for the win, Rhett, or the lose. Because you went second last time, you have to go first this time. One of us is gonna eat a really great piece of pizza, and the other one's gonna write a bunch of junk on a chalkboard. - Okay, well you've got the advantage here going in with the tie, but let's see what I can do. Now, I know that liver indicates desperate times. Putting liver in something that should probably have a non-organ meant in it indicates desperate times. - That's your opinion man. - This is in the 1910s or the 1930s. The problem is is if I just put it right up there, you're just gonna known me out of the way. I've got to do something even more strategic than that, Link. - Which is? Are you kidding me? Did you do that on purpose? - [Rhett] Yes. - No you didn't. - I'm tempting you. What you gonna do? What you gonna do with my tray? - You're thinking that Lincoln's gonna clinkin' your tray. Just because it's there and I can't help myself. - I can see it in your eyes. There's no way you can talk yourself out of it. You have to make contact with that tray. - What would be more fun? Winning or just blasting the crap out of your tray. - Exactly, I know you well, my friend. - Well good buddy, I'm gonna do what I wanna do, and I'm still gonna win. I'm gonna do what you want me to do, what I wanna do, and I'm still gonna win. - Alright, okay, alright. - I can't remember if the 1920s has already been an answer, but that's my guess. - Great, it has. - Here we go. For the blast, all the kibosh, and the win. (Link screams) (Rhett screams) - Whoa, that's my tray, right? - Well it's in the moat, but mine's over against the wall, so you win, but boy that was fun. I'll write a bunch of crap on the chalkboard, you-- - Hold on, but what was the answer? - [Stevie] Okay, so you just had a peanut butter, cottage cheese, and salad dressing sandwich, with creamed liver and potatoes, and a glass of milk, which was served in schools in the 1930s. - Good game, Link. - Oh man, that was worth writing on a chalkboard. - It was totally worth it. I love when we do something that gets the views and I win. - So you like our show, then. - Yes. - Thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - I'm Madison. - I'm Jade. - I'm Isaac. - [Group] And we're from Odessa, Texas, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - There was a kid in the background snorting something, I'm just saying, watch it back. - Click the top link to watch me eat pizza, while Link writes on a chalkboard in Good Mythical More. - 100 times. And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Wood grains, and wood cookies, and horses so mall, Forest and Farm collection for the fall. - [Rhett] Check out our debut apparel collection at mythical.store.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 8,422,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 14, 100 Years Of School Lunches Taste Test, gmm school lunch, gmm 100 years of food, rhett and link 100 years of food, rhett and link school lunches, gmm shuffleboard, gmm food shuffleboard, good mythical morning shuffleboard, good mythical morning food shuffleboard, rhett and link shuffleboard, school lunch taste test, taste test, school food taste test, food shuffleboard
Id: L1eoutp7FSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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