Will Addy Get CAUGHT Peeking at Her Presents ?!?

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(fun music) - [Child] Tic Tac Toy. - [Announcer] This video is a paid advertisement for Mattel. - Cumulus cloud, got that one. Stratus cloud, oh yeah I know that one. - Oh, you have your big weather test tomorrow don't you, Addy? - Yes, and it's my final exam for the year. - Well, you ready for it? - Just about, I just want to go over the material a bit more so I can be really confident. - Are these for Addy, Mommy? - They sure are. She has been working and studying so hard this year that I thought I'd give her a little gift to congratulate her, once she's finished her exam tomorrow, that is. - Cloudees are the perfect present. - Exactly, they're weather related collectibles and her final exam is on weather. - Plus she has a few already and she wants to collect all 14. - Exactly, but don't tell her they're in here. - (gasps) Did I hear that right, Cloudees for me? - What was that? - Oh, clouds, just studying all the cloud formations. You know Stratus, Cirrus, Cumulus. - Oh, I see. Well, why don't you take your studying upstairs now so I can get this kitchen all cleaned up. - Sure thing. I probably have less distractions studying upstairs anyways. (uplifting music) Okay, I think I got hurricanes and tornadoes down really well. Now to move on to another weather topic. Okay, Loopy Bat, what do you think I should study now? Maybe cold fronts or blizzards? Hmm, I'd rather study my Cloudees. I really love you guys and to think that there are a few more of you downstairs in the dinning room, just waiting to be opened. You know, I could use a little studying inspiration right about now, Poised Polar Bear, and I think opening a brand new Cloudees might just do the trick. (upbeat music) - And then the five red fire trucks went quickly down the road. And then, look at the police officers, they drove their blue cars too. (timer goes off) (gasps) - Ah, cookies are ready. - Did I hear cookies are ready? - They sure are, but they'll have to cool for a few minutes first. - Mm, what kind are they? - Your favorite, peanut butter. - Woo, that was tougher than I thought it would be. Wow, there's three Cloudees in here. If I just take one, I don't think anybody would notice it's missing. Here we go, no ones been here. Oh, I wonder what surprise pet I'll be adding to my collection now. (upbeat music) First, I'll add some water. Now I'll close the lid, then put the stopper in and now I get to make it rain by shaking the cloud container for 60 seconds. Shake shake shake shake shake woo who who. Shake shake shake shake shake shake shake. Thunder lightning boom boom. That should be good. Wow, super cool cloud fluff and here's my Cloudees. Isn't she adorable. I love her sleepy little eyes. I bet she's from Starry Way just like my Loopy Bat. Before I find out your name, I'm going to get your tail and accessory on. So super fun, totally cool tail, super trendy sleep mask accessory, and you got a cute shirt too. There, you look like you're ready to get some serious shut eye. Now, let's learn a little bit more about you by checking out the collector's guide. So your name's Puzzled Raccoon and you're commonly cool, and you are from Starry Way, just like my Loopy Bat. You know what Puzzled Raccoon, you've given me a whole new level of motivation and inspiration. It's back to studying. (playful music) - Oh man, Addy's so lucky that she gets these Cloudees. I can't wait till I start taking final exams. Well, Loopy Bat and Puzzled Raccoon while you two were snoozing away I got a lot of studying done but I think I can use a little more motivation, and I would also love to add another Cloudees to my collection. Maybe I can get the Sizzling Hot Lucky Llama, or the Frolicking Unicorn. I think it's time for a study break. Okay, I had to sneak past way too many people last time. I'm taking a different route to the dinning room this time. (upbeat music) Woo, that was a close one. No one in sight, this is so much easier. (Addy gasps) - Good girl Sandy, come on let's go get you a treat. (closes door) Good girl. - Woo, I better make this quick now. Surely no one would notice another missing Cloudees. (upbeat music) Well, aren't you adorable. I can't wait to find out what your name is but let's get you accessorized first. Super cool turquoise tail. There you go, and you got adorable rain boots and a life vest. You must be ready for the rain. Let's get you accessorized. Aren't you a cutie patootie? Now let's see what your name is. Time for the collector's guide. There you are! You are Wistful Platypus and you are hot. That means you're pretty rare and your my first Cloudees from Raindrop Village. I think opening you has renewed my motivation. Wistful Platypus you have inspired me to get back to work. - Addy doesn't have to be the only one having all the Cloudees fun. Come here Frolicking Unicorn I wish I had roller skates like yours. Ow, I have have an idea, let's swap tails with Prancy Poodle. I think you two look cute in any tail. Maybe you two can make friends with Addy's Cloudees later. I think you two would like that. - Wow, I'm feeling pretty confident about my final exam now. Thanks for all your help, my Cloudees friends. I have just a bit more to go but I feel like I need a bit more weather related inspiration. I think it would be really smart to open that last Cloudees. That should do the trick. (upbeat music) Wow, no sign of anyone yet. This is almost too easy, there's no one here. - Cookie for everyone! Grab one Colin, Maya, mm. - Oh boy, I spoke too soon. Now this is gonna be a challenge. - These cookies turned out so good, Dad, thanks for making them. - Of course, I know these are always a family favorite. - Mmm mmm, so yummy. - Be sure to save some for Addy, Colin. - Should I go get her Mom? - She seems so focused on her studies so let's just leave her be for now. - Yeah, we'll be sure to save plenty for her. - Well, let's get these cookies put away before Sandy decides to jump up and help herself. - Good thinking, she'll totally do that. - Woo, another close one. Now back upstairs. Wow, yellow cloud fluff this time, and who do I have here? It's an adorable bunny. Let's put your tail and accessories on now. What super cute accessories. You look like you're ready for a day in the sun. Let's get you ready to go. Fluffy tail first, super cute sunglasses next, and sunshine purse last. Now let's learn a little bit about you, cutie patootie. Your name is Sunshine Bunny from Sunnyland, and your commonly cool. You're my first Cloudees from Sunnyland, and I love you already. (upbeat music) - Hey Mom, why do you bring Addy present in here? - Oh, I was actually just getting ready to take it upstairs. I thought maybe she could go ahead and open her Cloudees because they might bring her a little bit of motivation for that studying. - Speaking of Addy, there she is. - Hey Addy - Hey guys, I am all done studying and I am so ready for my final exam. - Oh, that's great to hear. I was actually coming upstairs to bring you a little motivating present. - Oh, thanks Mom. That's really thoughtful but I've actually had a ton of motivation. - Oh, that's wonderful. - Here, have these then. Wow, this bag is a lot lighter then I thought it would be. - Oh, yeah, I think I'll go open this in my room, if you don't mind. - Yeah, that's fine I suppose. - Thank you so much, Mom. - Mm-hmm. - That's odd, I wonder why she didn't want to open them down here. - [Announcer] This video was a paid advertisement for Mattel. (fun music)
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 4,671,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: silly kids, addy, maya, lucy, jason, colin, cloudees, mattel, sneaky, surprise
Id: QXCp1Nti9IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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