Super Cool Carnival (Complete Series) - Part 1

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[Music] super cool carnival open for business grand opening today super cool carnival come on bye we've got bean bag toss games ring of bottle games and so many more fun rides and attractions plus stop by the snack shack for a delicious carnival treat so come on bye to this super cool carnival grand opening maya did you hear this super cool carnival has this grand opening today do you think we should go check it out of course okay i'll get my wagon because i'm sure we'll win tons of prizes for sure let's get that this is gonna be super fun tell me about it wow check it out this looks awesome yeah welcome to the super cool carnival we have the coolest games in town with the best toy prizes that sounds fabulous yeah we like games and we love toys well then you'll love the super cool carnival now you're gonna need tickets to play the games of course tickets are one dollar a piece or you get 15 tickets for ten dollars well fifteen tickets please yeah it's because we're playing to win a lot of toys all right that'll be ten dollars please okay all right ten dollars fifteen tickets for you have fun at the super cool carnival girls thank you where should we go first maya game is of course yep games are that way have fun girls maya which one should we get first the chat hello anybody here welcome to the carnival cat beanbag toss game oh you again yep it's me again well we'd like to play the game well wonderful this game only cost three tickets thank you and to play the game you will receive five beanbags and you will have five tries to knock down as many cats as you can um that's great and all but what prizes do we get yeah it's all about the toys today well if you knock down just one cat you get your choice of a flip zoo blind bag ooh if you knock down two cats you get a flip a zoo seven pack even better and if you knock down four cats you get your choice of a flip-and-do plush excuse me what is the dolphin flip too well i'm glad you asked our tessa dolphin let's do the blush's pink seal super cool but what does the unicorn flip to a great question per step in a unicorn flip two emoji dragon wow that's great and all but what happens if he knocks on all five yeah like this oh well that never ever ever ever happens but if you did not get in all five and five tries you get to take home all of the flippazoo prizes well yes it is pretty cool but it is pretty much statistically impossible you probably wouldn't be able to knock down three to be honest we'll see about that feet behind the line please perfect and five bean bags good luck girls look we don't need it toss number one yeah yeah first house is easy let's try toss number two oh yes come on maya number three oh yeah oh three in a row hmm i'm getting a little bit worried okay two more left let's do this that wasn't supposed to happen flip the zoos please okay well there's the big guys and the seven packs okay and i guess all the blind bags too there you go girls thank you we scored let's go to the next game check out the spring toss game hello hello there welcome to the carnival bottle ring toss game one of the hottest games at a super cool carnival it's five tickets to play are you girls interested absolutely perfect so how do we play this game and most importantly what toys do we win yeah toys are very important well you're going to each receive some rings and the option of the game is to ring as many of these bottles as you possibly can just like so yeah yeah and what do we win well if you ring two bottles you get a fingerling of your choice sweet i always wanted a cindy and if you ring one two three bottles you get a super cool unicorn fingerling whoa and if you ring four out of the six rings yeah you get a fingerlings monkey for replacement yeah but what happens when we ring all six well again that never ever ever ever happens but if you do ring all six which you won't you're gonna take all the fingerling toys home with you we've got lettuce we'll see about that chances are really slim all right see behind the line again girls and three rings each let's do this maya we got this in the bad daddy what easy peasy lemon squeezy hmm yeah that wasn't supposed to happen that way fingerlings please okay there you go thank you good work maya thanks daddy you too hey addie i'm super hungry from all this food yeah i'm famished winning could be so exhausting let's go find a snack chat patty let's check out the sign maya we didn't drink this way let's go [Music] [Music] hello hello anyone here hello why hello welcome to this super cool carnival snack shop how may i help you and you again yeah we're a little short staffed for the grand opening but how may i help you we need to refuel yeah all this wedding's getting so exhausting i can imagine so well what would you like what do you have glad you asked we have cold drinks candy apples snow cones salt water taffy hot dogs onion rings just a moment candy popcorn corn dogs soft pretzels hot fries and ice cream okay and what's the spinner over there well that's something special that we're doing for the grand opening of our super cool carnival all of our customers get a free spin and if they land on the lucky number seven they get twenty dollars in free carnival food yep pretty cool now eyes are against you you probably won't spin a seven i'm feeling pretty lucky today well i'm glad you're feeling lucky but i don't need to be disappointed if you don't get a seven because remember odds are not in your favor you'll probably get a one or two or five or really anything but a seven here goes nothing please 20 dollars on cotton candy okay hang on all right twenty dollars in cotton candy i'll have twenty dollars in popcorn please oh well i'm afraid your sister spent the seven so you'll have to pay for your popcorn we'll see about that popcorn please well okay that spinner must be broken all right 20 and popcorn right here all right addy this is turning out to be a lovely day at the carnival it sure is how's your cotton candy maya good love it and then eat it all wow the grand opening i've given away all my fingerlings all my flippazoos all my cotton candy and all my popcorn i can't afford to lose too many more prizes or my grand opening could turn into my grand closing hey maya we still have a little bit of room left in our wagon for toys should we go play some more games yep i think that's a great idea [Music] after good luck girl [Music] which way do we go maya it looks like that way let's go which one should we do first this one addie great idea maya hello girls welcome to the can bean bag top game at the super cool carnival are you like the only person here i like to think of it as i'm the best worker here are you ready to test out your skills on this super difficult carnival game perhaps what kind of prizes will we win well winning a prize is highly unlikely on this game it is the most challenging one at the super cool carnival that's what you think however if you manage to knock down two cans you get your choice of a busy bomb baby i always wanted one of those and if you knock down four kids you get your choice between the cute chris and the cute carrier which of course include busy bub dolls as well and what happens when we knock down all six cans well that's not gonna happen but if it did you would get all the busy buff toys maya i think we got this no doubt yeah yeah we know behind the line okay well then how about beanbags thanks let's show her how it's done oh [Music] what that never happens toys please all right poppy for you snow beam for you carrier for you crib for you all right let's make room my our wagon is pretty full i don't think we could win any more games today yeah should we head home and get busy playing over new toys absolutely best turnabout ever [Applause] whoa i'm glad they're headed out i can't afford to give away any more toys today ordered me my grand closing for sure well i am really upping the game with my prizes here at the super cool carnival these giant teddy bears will for sure draw in the crowd and the kids are gonna love this prize just wait till they see this here maya i still can't believe we won all these toys at the super cool carnival yeah i know i just love my blue bazoo and my fingerling my do you think we should go back and get even more toys for sure i can't wait to see what we won this time i better get the wagon again great idea we're gonna need those for all the toys we win super cool carnival come on bye get your tickets for the super cool carnival lots of great prizes [Music] carnivals here we come whoa check out the cool prizes come on bye girls here's where you buy your tickets for the super cool carnival tickets are one dollar for one ticket or ten dollars for 15 tickets we'll take 10 tickets please wonderful all right 15 tickets for you perfect i could tell you up your prizes here yeah we might need two wide and daddy you're right we do have some pretty cool prizes on display well you girls have fun all right let's head off to the game chuck a duck come on up cool carnival game right here whoa check out those giant teddy bears oh yes super cool prizes here but you have to earn them first wow i remember when you're so badly yep what are the rules lady we want to get these babies in the wagon as soon as possible for two tickets each you'll each get a turn to throw three beanbag ducks into one of these holes if you earn 100 points between all three holes then you'll get your very own teddy bear all right who's up first i am perfect here are your three beanbags good luck here goes nothing one in for 50. all right toss number two yay i got it i got it yes wow you got it on your first try nice work let's see what your sister can do now here's my tickets thank you three be next for you good luck [Music] fifty thirty you need 20 more to make 100. oh i did it i can't believe you both got 100 points wow oh [Music] excuse me you two um just step away for just a minute now these bears are our display bears only where are her big bears oh i'm glad you asked because i have them right here [Music] here you go are you kidding me yeah we wanted a big one not this dinky thing well don't worry there are plenty more amazing prizes at the super cool carnival today so why don't you continue on to the next game now that was a bummer i hope we have better luck at the next game come on up to the ketchup ball game at the super cool carnival come i want this one or maybe the basketball all right girls well before you win a ball you have to win the game come on up how many tickets does this game cost yeah and how do we play catch a ball is two tickets per player please thank you you'll each get five red balls so you'll have five chances to get one ball per container and if we do we did a big bouncy ball well you do get a ball but let's go ahead and get behind the line and we'll get started all right girl in the pink you're up first this should be a piece of cake ah it's tougher than it looks luckily you get five tries all right i could do this oh one down and two to go you got this daddy thanks maya nice job whoa you got all three yay here's here maya all right here are your balls you've got five chances to get it in all three holes good luck it should be piece of cake oh good job two more to go nice try nice job just a minute girls you know these ones are actually just for display purposes only so just come over here i actually have something even better for you too super duper bouncy balls you're serious this is real bummer well here you go blue one for you and a green one for you enjoy girls and we'll see you next game i can't believe what bummer this is turning out to be yeah our wagon was filled with toys last time yeah and look how empty it is this time well let's give one more thing because i actually saw a really cool prize when we came in okie dokie wow check out this clown game maya well i wonder what the prize is for this yeah maybe we could finally get a cool toy for the wagon wow i heard you girls asking about the prize for the clown game how would you like to win a cool car i still want to win the car like this me too well let me explain the rules then let me just get on over here all right for two tickets each you will each have four shots that's four bean bags to knock five ten fifteen and twenty oh that's so easy well we'll see and if you do you get your own car i can't wait to drive that baby home four tickets and four bean bags for you let me show you how it's done [Applause] good work now let's see if your sister can do the same all right abby was both playing carl today absolutely here goes nothing [Music] yeah we did it we did it wow good job girls you both win cars yahoo oh girls now it's not this car that you won this is my car for display these are the cars that you want a little white one for you and this little turquoise one for you so yeah if you can just get on out of my car oh there you go but those are really cool cars um i don't think so yeah this is a rip-off again rip-off fly these are some super cool cars you don't really need a big one like that so here you guys continue on find some more games to play and have a wonderful time at the super cool carnival i'm over the games me too well we do have a scrum delicious snack shack over there why don't you go treat yourself to some delicious carnival food well it's better than getting dinky prizes here it is i am hungry let's go [Music] we have the best hot dogs here at the snack shack that looks good it sure is we have the best food at the snack track here would you girls like any food yes please i'll make a hot dog and french fries please make that two of both okay coming right up girls that hot dog looks so juicy and delicious i know and i'm starving i could probably eat like three of them hopefully they'll be out soon all right big juicy hot dogs and french fries coming up one for you and one for you one don't they look delicious i thought they weren't all the jumbo dogs there's nothing jumbo about that what why this is a jumbo delicious hot dog um this isn't gonna fill me up at all oh are you kidding me these are the most filling hot dogs and french fries you two enjoy i'm gonna get on my way this place is a joke maya i know i can't believe we paid 20 for this i can't believe this is my hot dog i know and i can eat it in one bite i guess i'll try and put some ketchup and mustard on mine [Music] well i'm done and i'm still hungry should we disappoint maya totally this is lame hey my a display vehicle still here are you thinking what i'm thinking you bet i am addie let's do this oh hey hey that's my card the display card not not your prize come back ah so not cool thanks for watching watching this super cool car do you understand any of that thanks for watching the super cool carnival if you haven't checked out our behind the scenes channel tic tac toy family be sure and do that because you get to see all the fun behind the scenes action of these two girls where did mia go there she is so tic tac toy family check it out you can see all the fun we have behind the scenes and in between video shoots thanks for watching bye bye [Music] [Music] all right i've got one order of cheesy popcorn one order of butter popcorn anything else i can get you girls from this super cool carnival snack shack no thanks we're good with our pretzel and popcorn super cool hey addie how many tickets do we have to play games today it looks like we have 12 tickets but we better get better prizes than we got last time yeah did you remember those stinky toys we got last time that was such a rip-off tell me about it wow these are going to make some super cool carnival prizes i've got anna here and rapunzel and elsa boy kids are just going to be flocking to the carnival to win these dolls all right maya rides your game most definitely games good call maya step right up play carnival game two tickets chance to win a beautiful princess doll come on up let's go check out this game daddy step on up girls hello there excuse me how many tickets does this game cost and more importantly what toy do we win this game is only two tickets and we have the coolest prizes at the carnival princess dolls these i love this one i'm gonna take this out something so badly and i want rapunzel she's so adorable wait so we actually win these giant balls oh well if you win you do get to choose between an elsa anna or rapunzel doll of your very own how cool yep pretty cool indeed so how do we play well first you give me two tickets each done next you'll each get four balls stand behind the blue line and have four shots to try to land the ball into the various holes or boxes and if your four numbers add up to eight or greater you get a princess doll awesome all right good luck remember they all have to add to eight that's one point okay here goes nothing that's two two more tries that's two points which means i gotta get a three on my last row you should do it okay you can do it you did it now you can do it maya here you go good luck that's three that's two that's one you just need two more points this time you did it awesome job yeah i can't believe we got giant princess dolls maya all right so which princess though would you like on elsa or rapunzel oh i'm rapunzel i want elsa all right then here you go elsa and rapunzel you've got to be kidding me right yeah i thought we were getting these giant princess dolls oh no no no no you see these giant princess dolls are here for display now they really are great at drawing in a crowd so these ones these little princess dolls these are the real prize now pretty cool huh that's false advertising lady oh now don't worry you know if these prizes don't float your vote here you go we have plenty of cool prizes in the carnival so i'm sure you'll find something else you just love so if you could put those back down that would be wonderful yep here you go right there and then elsa this guy's to go right here because it's gonna really help attract some more kids thanks girls oh this is such a bummer step right up super cool carnival game come on up win a super cool balloon only two tickets two tickets that's right so what do you think mike should we give that fish game a try why not we have nothing to lose and plus we still got all these tickets all right then let's go come on up girls super cool game here this dog is as big as i am and check out how cute hello kitty is we really win these balloons absolutely you can win a balloon now you only have to get four of your six fish in this little bucket over here and a balloon is just for you and we gonna choose which one we want absolutely you get to choose so why do you give me two tickets each and you can each have a turn thank you thank you back behind the line please so we only have to get four of these in that's right just four fish inside the bucket and then you'll leave with a super cool balloon awesome out the puppy all right oh missed one try again whoa backboard in two in three in and four in awesome my turn my turn six fish for you there you go nice job one in that's two all right here i go yes back four nice job guys yes oh okay just a minute you know these ones are just for display but i do have the real ones backed up i just need to blow them up okay i'll take the hello kitty please announce this puppy dot well actually our choices are these colors purple yellow red orange blue or green not a again it's not fair to have super cool balloons right here but then give us super lame ones well you know i would normally have these super cool balloons ass prices but you know what unfortunately we're just out of them right now and you know i just can't get out the display once today because you know this is what gets people come over here and play the game so these are actually super cool balloons when you go and i'll take your pick you know what i'll even let you have two these will provide hours of entertainment there you go two for you too so pathetic [Music] she can't even blow these up so much for hours of fun well what should we do now maya this has been such a waste as a day okay well we have a few more tickets left so we might as well play one more game i guess so maybe we'll get it to a practice time ladies and gentlemen stump right up for a chance to win an adorable puppy dog that's right play a classic carnival game and go home with a new pet mine did you hear that we can win a pet oh my god i'm so cute oh my goodness they're so cute she's so cute oh i know isn't she just adorable yeah yeah wouldn't you want to take her home yes well then step right up for a chance to go home with your very own puppy come on girls so how does this game work well it's really simple first you give me two tickets thank you [Music] thank you next you'll each get two chips and you'll do your best to drop the chips and hope they land in lucky number five and what happens if we land on number five then you go home with your very own puppy dog this is like a dream come true all right so why don't you go first two shots to lean to number five here goes nothing that was number one try again all right i hope i get this one you got it in yes i want a puppy too my turn my turn it sure is good luck maybe we'll have two puppy winners okay oh that was a three let's try again though oh i got it in oh you sure did we won the puppy you sure did i'm so glad you're excited oh you are going to love these puppies which one do you want you gotta be kidding me we wanted a real puppy oh you didn't think i was giving out a real puppy did you no this little cute puppy right here why she's just here to entice people to come over and play games these puppies right here are the real prizes this is so not funny lady well why don't you go ahead and pick a puppy and you guys can continue on and go find another fun game to play am i we're out of tickets and i don't want to spend another dime on anymore especially if we keep doing shirts like this you know what the carnival lady is being so unfair we want the giant princesses the cool balloons and the puppy all fair and square yeah we're not leaving home without them that's right um but how do we get them i think they have idea all right how many tickets do i have left to sail today to be profitable hmm i better count these up [Music] you ready addy i'm ready maya two four six eight ten twelve 14 16 18 20. let's go back to the princess dolphin all right let's see tidying up this game i seem to be missing one of my ping pong balls though hmm i wonder if the balls over here [Applause] they were done it looks so bad for the daughter now great idea let's go maya looking like a little popcorn after a hard day's work at the carnival hmm where are my customers by the way [Music] [Music] come with wow maya this turned out to be a great day at the carnival after all it sure did so we did all our loot home yeah come back tomorrow why not [Music] [Music] we are making some big changes at the super cool carnival today i'm gonna fill this big bin with all sorts of toy prizes and whenever a kid wins the game looking to pick their own toy hello anyone here we want to buy tickets hello and i'm going to change up the games a bit and make them more competitive it'll add the excitement so see potato stack races will be wonderful and these body boppers will be a hit for sure oh is someone here hello anybody here hello there welcome to the super cool carnival where we have super cool games super cool toy prizes and super cool fun for everyone we'd like to buy 15 tickets please no problem 15 tickets for you if you're looking for games well games are that way hop on girls thank you yep [Music] whoa what are these oh this is the toy tub every time you win a carnival game you get to visit the toy tub and pick out your very own toy lots of fun things to choose with super fun of course wow i want this wild style and the leather friend and the fingerling oh and i want this and this and this i really want this rapunzel secret journal it even has a crystal blacklight that's so cool i have to win this i just want to win everything step right that's super fun game here only one ticket per player mile let's go check out that duck pond thing cool how do we play this game well it's really simple for one ticket you each get a fishing rod you take turns fishing for a duck and whoever finds a duck with a little black dot underneath it wins and gets to go to the toilet to pick out a cool price wow i have to win i want all those toy prizes and i really want the rapunzel journal two tickets please all right maya you're up first here goes nothing [Music] i got one oh no dot bummer my turn you can do it you can do it [Music] oh does it have a black box bummer doesn't all right maya you're up again i think it would be this one [Music] it has the dot oh bummer i won i won i didn't go to the toy tub you sure do maya why don't you head over and pick out your first prize so many choices so much choices out by the side i think you'll get the barbie cash register yep this looks super fun don't worry abby i'll show you when when next time step right up potato stack races only two tickets per person come on over here you're in all right tickets tickets potato set for you potato sack for you okay so here are the rules you're going to have to hop all the way over to the snack shop do a loop around the cone and the first person back to the starting point gets to visit the toy tub on your mark get set [Music] it looks like addie has the early lead come on i can do this oh addy's rounding the corner first [Music] now it's my chance i did it things are not going my way today i did it i did it i won i won i won congratulations mike you get another trip to the toy tub so many choices so many choices what are you getting maya i think i'm just gonna get this color spin out this looks super fun oh maybe i'll get you next time rapunzel secret journal i want you so badly this is turning out to be a great day ladies and gentlemen step right up for the hottest game of the carnival only two tickets to play the famous body buffer game come on up so what do you think daddy should we try the body bumper game why not i'm sure to win this one all right girls for the bodybumper game the object of the game is to stay inside the blue square the first person who gets bopped out loses and the last man standing or a girl standing gets a trip to the toy tub i got this this one's mad all right girls on your mark get set and go look at the giant cupcake cupcakes where ah where's the cupcake yeah congratulations my you are the winner of the body poppers head on to the toy top girl annie want to come see what toya picked out oh you know this day is an absolute disaster what i went this time i want this lego friends all right all right whoever spins the highest number wins the prize i'll give it a go my turn [Applause] ah plumber i'll get the trolls toy whoever knocks down the most cans with one bee backpack goes to the toy bin i got this i got this all right you knocked down two i know i should get them all all six are down yeah seriously hmm this one all right whoever rings the most bottles gets to go to the toy bin you're at first maya i've got this [Music] nice alright see if you can get all four too i could do this [Music] oh [Music] and maya's the clear winner yeah i won i won not again i want littlest [Music] looks like i'm not gonna be going home with you today i wanna do so so badly hey addie maya there's one last game you haven't played yet oh the pressure's on i have to win this one all right this is a test of brute strength girls it's an arm wrestling match i got my muscles and i've got mine on your mark get set go [Music] and maya is the victor victory hmm what do i want this time a little life pet [Music] alrighty daddy we played all the games so let's get heading home oh wait girls i forgot there's one more competition why even bother i know i won't win let's go home maya well this competition was for whoever lost the most games in one day did i win i lost the title games you sure did head on over to the toy town and pick your toy wow i finally got my rapunzel secret journal best day ever see you next time at the super cool carnival all right gearing up for another great day at the super cool carnival hello i'm jason i'm your new carnival employee yes welcome to the carnival thank you so much now it's a lot of hard work here at the super cool carnival so don't worry you'll probably make plenty of mistakes today oh no no no see i'm actually a carnival expert i'm sure i'm going to be teaching you a few things today okay we'll see well lady it's a beautiful day for the carnival right it sure is maya i'm glad we're bringing the wagon today yeah i'm planning to win a bunch we'll need this to get all of our loot home oh here come our first customers now watch carefully how this is done okay [Music] hi there well hello welcome to the super cool carnival where we have super cool games super cool prizes and super cool fun for everyone sounds like my type of place would you like to purchase one ticket for 1 or 15 tickets for ten dollars well we're planning on winning a lot today she means a ton yeah she's right we'll take fifteen please well in that case i think you need fifty tickets for thirty dollars oh that sounds like a lot of toys i mean we should do daddy see i've already tripled your money lady here you go here are your tickets thank you mister hi which one do you even do first rides or games games of course all right houston so i'm gonna put you to work at one of our games now i'm gonna put you on a coin toss game i will be right next to one of our most popular games the ketchup ball game sounds good so just follow my lead and i'm sure you'll catch on in no time so what game do you want to do first coin toss or ketchup hmm they both look fun i never played twin toss but then again i love catchable why don't you two step on right up here and give our most popular carnival game a try okay could you please remind me how to play absolutely it's easy peasy you simply get five balls and try to toss one in each bin like so and if you get at least one in each bid you get a trip to the toy tub the toy top that's right our toy tub is filled with some of the most popular super coolest toys ever awesome and how many tickets will it cost only two tickets per person here you take tickets attention super cool carnival guests free shimmer and shine toys for anyone who plays my carnival game what let's go play that carnival game [Music] excuse me can i help you um what's going on here oh well i just wanted to prove to you you know since it's my first day and all that i really know how to draw in the crowd and get people to play the games um i don't know how i feel about this well if you'll excuse me i got to get back to my guess all right girls are you ready to play wait do we need these dolls even if we don't win that's right these are all yours wow so a wish and twirl shine of furry phrases and songs yeah look at you twist their hairband to transform their dress that's right and you get to pick a toy from the toy tub if you win my game wow this is super cool let's put these in the wagon first now how do we play this coin toss game well for two tickets i'm gonna give you three coins and the goal of this game is to throw your coin up on this ledge here without knocking any of the coins over and if at least two out of the three stay you get to go to the toy tub sweet here's our tickets mister uh attention carnival guest free project mc square dolls for all who come to my game did she say project mc square dolls i think he did probably mister that's right come on bye um excuse me what do you think you're doing oh i'm just proving to you that this is my carnival and i know how to run it uh yeah using my tactics wait do we really get these for free yeah without even winning the game that's right you each get your own project mc square doll addie gets cameron's rc hoverboard so cool and maya gets cameron's robot this looks amazing plus if you win the game you still get to go to the toy tub and now i'll just collect two tickets from each of you attention all carnival guests you've got to be kidding me three crate creatures for all who play my carnival game my i've always wanted a cray creature me too let's go over there okay i'm clearly going to have to step up my game over here so tell me more about these crate creatures please well after you open the lock and pop the lid you unleash a crazy character that unlocks 45 different sounds well this looks super fun we'll definitely play this game let's go on and put these in the wagon so we can focus on the coin top there we go all right so do you girls need a recap of the rules for the game no thanks i think we've got it uh attention all carnival guests really this lady's being quite annoying free tablets for all who play my carnival game come on bye i won't be keeping these tickets after all um you need to let go oh fine so do we really get to keep this tablet you bet you do i have roblox already loaded for you and i've got minecraft ready for you to play oh two can play at this game wow minecraft is the coolest game ever whoa this is awesome excuse me um excuse me you're gonna ruin my minecraft world lady all right i'll go ahead and take your two tickets for the catch ball game remember game right here i guess we'll have to put these down for a few minutes good idea let's put them in the water until they're nice and safe all right so two tickets please attention's super cool carnival guests all the toys in the toy tub for whoever comes by and plays my carnival game omg mine did you hear that i sure didn't i know what day morgan play oh hold on hold on you know the catcher ball game remember come on two tickets each that's right step on up all the toys in the toy tub for anyone who plays this is like the best that's right i know how to bring the fun to the super cool carnival you sure do um excuse me but this is not okay um why not are you jealous of my superior selling skills um not at all but you've given away pretty much all the toys and we've barely made any money yes this is how we spread the word and get people to come by giving away all of our prizes i don't think so um i think this might be our time to make our exit but not before we get some toys from the toy top so i'm afraid i'm gonna have to send you home today um i'm sorry if you do that your carnival's gonna be destroyed that's ridiculous the carnival was just fine without you no i i don't think so i want a little live pet and i'm with the soggy doggy i want the flippazoo and then the microboats uh keep in mind i am a carnival expert yeah you're an expert at losing money well we're right in full so let's turn on out hey where did their customers go well it looks like you drove them away i drove them away you find them away with all the toys wow man we have a wagon full of toys plus we have all these tickets we can use next time yeah and i can't believe we didn't have to use a single ticket to win all these toys best day ever this ice cream looks delicious hey addy what are you up to just playing hey is that my shirt you're wearing um maybe not maybe that is my shirt well it doesn't even fit you anymore hey and that's my toy you're playing with i got this for my birthday mariah no i got it from christmas i know this is mine it's always been mine no that's mine no it's mine no it's mine no it's mine it's mine it's mine and you wish you weren't my sister well i wish you weren't my sister i'm so glad you came over for a playdate me too i was getting kind of bored at home oh excuse me hello avery speaking evie mine's just being such a pain today i am not going to the super cool carnival with her want to join me hello sophia here hi sylvia addy's driving me bananas today i am not going to the super bowl tournament with her wanna join me um please it's addie she wants me to go to the carnival with her i guess she's mad at maya i got mine in here and she wants me to go with her it sounds like she's pretty annoyed with daddy [Music] okay see you there great wonderful i would have way more honor with sofia than i had with addy [Music] super cool carnival come on by and get your tickets super cool carnival open for business i'm so glad you can come to the carnival with me today i can't wait to see it let's i'll get a good break from maya she's being ridiculous today well hopefully you guys can work it out soon welcome girls come on up to the super cool carnival are you interested in buying tickets today yeah all right and i'm gonna love being away from maddie today well i'm looking forward to it maybe it wouldn't be too bad if addy was here too that would be horrible all right girls here are your tickets to have an absolute wonderful time today hey what are you doing here i'm going to the carnival of my new sister sofia well i'm here with my new sister is a little bit awkward this was worse than i thought i'm out of here me too remember the plan sofia i got it but it's gonna be tough though i never been here maya what do we do first well there's lots of choices we just like chat to that right here hmm that sounds like fun but what else do they have is that over there i never played that before want to try it absolutely i'm a pro at tug of war evie what game do you want to play first what kind of games do they have they have everything ring toss a ping-pong game even a beanbag tossing hmm let me sing oh tug of war sounds fun oh i've never done that before let's try it out okay girls time for tug of war and just a moment we're gonna break up into two teams of two yeah yeah what's the prize if we win oh well i'm so glad you asked because the winner gets to take home an lol surprise confetti pop o-m-g i always wanted one of those me too i know they're pretty cool okay so now's the time where we have to choose our teams you know adi i'm feeling especially weak today i bet you'd have better odds playing on maya's team there's no way i'm playing on my feet come on avery we could do it oh maya i forgot i entered my wrist this morning maybe you should be on addy's team today are you kidding me toughen up girl we're gonna win this i tried okay now that we're in position the object of the game is to pull so hard you move the arrow past the tape lines okay ready set you're going down maya go oh [Music] it's a tough battle pull harder sofia maya can't win okay go girls go who's gonna win oh we have a victor oh well we did it all right girls a little surprise confetti pops for each of you go ahead and grab one best day ever i can't believe that he won it's okay miles we'll get the next one let's go find another game sophia hey look addy we can collect 35 of these i know and they come with nine surprises inside i don't know which one i'm most excited about should we open them now or save them for later let's play a game first come on up three-legged race over here come on up give it a try let's go do free london race oh perfect welcome to three-legged race now in order to compete we just need two more people perfect avery addie come over here addie come on this will be fun all right girls so for the three-legged race you will be in two teams of two you'll have your legs tied together so you have three legs basically sounds super fun and you'll race with your partner all the way to the snack jack first one there wins a prize exactly with surprise oh i'm so glad you asked they are num noms snackable dippers amazing i've always wanted one of those alright so let's get ready to play which two of you are gonna be my first team they are no way aren't you two sisters not today getting them back together is going to be way tougher than i thought totally mm-hmm all right now that we have our team figured out ankles tied up are you ready to go yeah who's gonna win me definitely not maya definitely not you on your mark get set go come on avery we gotta beat maya no it's so familiar come on eddie we can do this come on we got this out come on come on i can't believe i lost maya ah all right girls here are your prizes congratulations and you know what i think i have one more game that you're all gonna love i'll love it if i beat maya all right welcome to the body boppers game where you bump and battle until the last person is standing great i'll battle maya i can't wait to get in the rainbow fatty well great it sounds like addie my art person sophia and i will help them get their boppers on wonderful thanks for your help okay maya arms up all right addie arms up too down there you girls are trapped now what get me out of here and we're not letting you guys out until you're friends again but she's wearing my shirt and she's playing with my toy you guys are having trouble sharing today and i have an idea maya you really wanted an lol but you didn't get it right no i didn't i mean you didn't get the nominal you wanted right nope my got it what if you two share the toy so you each got to play with both of them i think that's the perfect idea sofia what do you think um i suppose so whoa sounds like a great plan let's get him out of here then come on oh so glad you two are getting along sure yes well that was much tougher than i thought it would be agreed you know what i'm finished let's go to the snack shack good idea girls to the snack shack well today turned out to be a great day at the carnival it sure did i can't wait to open these lols they look so fun and then they look super cool all right girls you know what i have some extra prizes lying around and i figured since we're all in the sharing mood oh sure too prizes for everybody absolutely everybody gets one of everything there you go girls enjoy all right we just wrapped another super video we were lucky to have sophia and every here with us today helping us film did you guys have fun yeah yep absolutely now when you get to film with us you also get to take home toys everybody's going home with toys today we had so much fun be sure and subscribe tic tac toy and we will see you guys next time thanks everyone for watching bye this is our all about me tic tac toy book by addie and maya we have designed this tic tac toy all about me book to be an interactive book for you at home to learn about us to learn about addy and maya and to fill out all sorts of fun information about you in the process so parents if you are wondering where you can get our all about me books you can go to amazon to purchase this book
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 421,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tic Tac Toy, Addy and Maya, Addy, Maya, Lucy, Jason, Colin, super cool carnival, pretend carnival
Id: qYLols31p4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 14sec (3794 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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