Toy Doctor Lucy and 5 Sick Kids !!!

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and these toys are so last year yeah do it just will be awesome I'm out of money I'm done here I spent all my money on ice cream guys all right getting ready for another wonderful day at the toy doctors often boy there's nothing more satisfying cheering kids illnesses with boys we stock this stuff that's a new prescription medicine is it and I think I'm about ready for my first patient hey doctor I'm going to the toy doctor yeah I hate getting shots yeah I don't like taking all the yucky medicine they give you she's different what do you mean when you're sick she didn't want to make you feel better yeah and we all goes here we'll get a whole playroom full of toys Wow I got a busy day my schedule impact let's see I can let's see Sophia Oh Stella Annie Charlotte my wife Alice just goes on and ottoman have a busy day here at the toy doctor's office sweet okay girl when the doctor comes and we all have to remember sick oh you look miserable girl yeah so Sophia what brings you here to the toy doctor today well I have a horrible case of strep throat oh no I'm so sorry what are your symptoms your experience let me take some notes here I throw hers and it's hard to swallow and I have a terrible fever oh wow yeah just awful I have light patches all over my throat hurts so badly hmm that does sound like classic strep throat let me know baby coos amination on you before I prescribe you some medicine let's start by taking your temperature to get some beer time for me please oh you have a blue tongue hmm oh you don't have a fever though hmm let's see let me look at that throne of yours open up wide mmm you know what I don't see any white patches back there sure doesn't look like strep throat oh I forgot to tell you when I have strep throat my white spots are always invisible Oh invisible white patches on the back of your throat well I've never heard of mr. Kutz throat paste like that mmm this is new to me but anyway my throat is in so much pain it's killing me oh wow well I guess this just must be some rare or that's dry clothes that I haven't heard of you know what I better write you a prescription I think I know just the one to heal a piece of invisible strep throat we can i prescription pad over here and let me write this up boy this is a radar hey Sophia I have never come across in all my years of being a toy doctor all right just a prescription for you here you go little friends awesome yes what's a friend's work magic with strap throw let me show you a couple selections that I have for you let's see let me get to my medicine stockpile oh here's one right here yet that hurt lake city playground Oh in the sunshine catamaran - now which one do you prefer it's hard it is hard this is for a weaker case of strep throat but if you have a really tough one I would recommend this one all right yeah I think so - all right let me get this out for you and now to fully heal a strep throat keeps us yet we're gonna have to build this entire set with 603 pieces do you think you can do that yes I bet you can't do it's gonna be hard work but your strep throat will be gone alright you get home you'll be better in no time I can't wait to see what we all get yeah easy to solve let's see who's next on my shirt Oh looks like Stella I better go get her now what sickness should I have we can you sprained your ankle oh my goodness what happens here what rate to the toys over today sprained my ankle oh I can see that I saw you hobbling in here my goodness well let's take a quick look at it okay hmm let's take a look now how did you sprain your ankle exactly I heard it at the park yesterday oh the park yes lots of injuries happen at the park I see lots of patients here the toy doctor from Park injuries now you know what for a sprained ankle I don't see any swelling or bruising really I see no symptoms of a sprained ankle and it doesn't seem to hurt when I apply pressure here hmm wait that again oh okay ow that hurts now let me try again oh oh well that's interesting it wasn't hurting at all a few minutes ago but it hurts now hmm oh you're laughing quite sure crying a little bit odd are you sure that's okay well I guess I'll believe it it's a sprained ankle and let me look at my notes here and see what kind of medication they have for a sprained ankle this is so the very odd case here let me see so it looks like in the past for sprained ankles no we use eyes it's an elevation and compression but now that medicine has advanced so much the prosthetic play-doh kits do the tricks but I think one our plan is a play-doh kit will heal that sprained ankle in no time so let's check my medicine stockpile here and see what play-doh kids by having stuck I wouldn't hate this adieu to the pharmacy with a sprained ankle so give me just one moment here let's see I'm pretty sure yeah I have one right back here oh yeah this is a good option but I know I have one more hmm yep right back here let me pull this one out fill it up I have two options flavor you like your medicine in over here I have a stove top super step looks awfully awesome and over if you're symmetrical of it what's one you want I think I think this will do just the trick let me hand you this right here and you know what one hour of play with that play off the end your sprained ankle be all healed oh wow I get that kid Burt you really just jump right out here mm-hmm hey well I'm gonna walk back to the playroom bro see you later All Right girls get ready guys sick again I think I hear the doctor what should it be to have chickenpox idea I know today that take oh wow really looks like you had the chickenpox yeah oh what a Maya you know what I told us all of these rents hustle over your face just a couple minutes ago I need a drink to a medicine right away oh yeah some of your spots seem to be almost smearing when you scratch them you know I don't see any spots on your arms or your neck or your left this is the oddest keeps the chickenpox I've ever seen hmm today but these are awfully flat like what her skin got like a marker and cleared them on you yes I must have I knew strange well I I get that quit any strain of chickenpox but boy since that back thanks but now I haven't seen chickenpox and ages this must be some new strain room you know what you want to be like an extra super duper stream prescription to treat this and I bet I need a really good toy yep let me get my prescription pad out I think I know just the SuperDuper coolest toy to treat these chickenpox yeah you know I think the new shopkins happy places grand mansion should do the trick and that should get rid of those chicken pox and no time let me see my happenin stop by the way I'll have to send you guys to pharmacy so give me just a moment here let's be happy plays a grand mansion nope not here no no not here yeah ah here it is right back here yep this this should treat the chicken pox in no time oh yeah I think so this is a pretty exceptional toy you have seven luxury bedrooms inside it a garage and it's a four sided house why doesn't your chicken pox go away in no time now you have fun with this okay you got a doc all right can you do this okay here I'll help you all right take care of those chicken pox my answer came Wow another case salt and another healthy child on the way thanks to the modern medicine the toys and I love being a toy doctor I get something that cool me tubes are lit or guys I'll need an adjusted later and wash these box off from my face by now you don't forget your toys oh yeah silly Maya all right next time and Lissa looks like we have Charlotte I wonder what brings her here today I think you're a good thing so why don't you back off okay pretty normal if this one a wet cloth or a dry well would you the skies with a dry cough hmm well you know for dry cough I usually treat with pick me pop no usually one or two doses generally does the trick what do you give her a wet cough well you know I got this new Barbie rockers placement that I've heard of wonders for a wet floor in that case I think I have a wet cloth and a dry carpet Oh hmm well I guess I better give you picked me pockets and a Barbie Robin says and after all being that you're both the cops all right but if you're the one make me pop don't treat that dry pop of yours I think it's pretty bad I think I need a higher dose Oh a higher dose well okay let's stop here let's see hmm all right puppies off as no surprise the mold that's not gonna work practical no oh yeah another pick me pop all right Charlotte I only have to pick me pops but I think that'll take your dry coffee just fine let me give you these and then I'm gonna go look at the Barbie rocker set because we got to treat that wet cough too so give me just a moment Oh yep here it is yes two-in-one concert stage barbie and the rockers this will be just perfect with your wet socks check it out this is such a fun toy and you're asking to be gone so Aleta : these are clean with like crazy for the next day or two in that cockle disappear in no time think you got it all right well your free choice top Wow another healthy kid on the way yeah Charlotte I got this burning Wow and these two picks me pop wow that's so cool so we can present our Barbies are having a concert yeah will be so much fun and I got to pick me pops maybe I can share them with you then will be super cool I better go don't forget to print 10 your set okay bye all ready for my last day it must be you at all right so Abby won't bite you to the toy doctor today oh I'm having trouble hearing you [Music] you lost your voice boy I have had so many throat issues here today we had strep throat and wet cops and dry cops and now laryngitis you can't talk at all mmm this is a tough case now how long have you been without a voice ten day oh and you have any other symptoms no okay well just laryngitis and well you know what this sounds like a tricky case Tandy the battle boys I'm gonna have to price cried me something super strength to treat this and I think I know just the thing let me get a prescription pad out you know I've been reading a lot of medical journals about laryngitis lately and there is just an awesome new medicine on the market that I think will get you talking in no time this is I'm gonna prescribe you okay well maybe it's just one of those odd cases of laryngitis for your voice cousin bill yeah okay well I let me go see if I have it in stock and I think your this game all right here we go yeah this was a surprise New York it seems super cool you can be surprised mystery characters and check out the back it comes to color pouches character molds and surprise accessories you can make up to 10,000 collectible figures I know pretty cool now you know if you it Coolidge you can bring them back and share with me okay okay will you take this and you should be talking don't forget to bring some photos back rogério the toys I'm gonna put up your love toys after all was a strange keep I know I heard her talking there for just a second what an odd case of laryngitis another successful day at the toy doctor office is completed the doctor in out have you subscribed to Tic Tac toy yet if not what's holding you back it's absolutely free go ahead and click on that button in the corner of your screen and then you won't miss any of our future videos thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 24,965,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy doctor, toy, doctor, Doctor Lucy, Dr. Lucy, addy and maya, kids toys, dr. lucy, pretend doctor, silly doctor, the doc is in, pretend toy doctor, fun kids video, doctor lucy, toy medicine, toy doc, pretend, toys, the doctor is in, lucy, silly kids, kids, addy, maya, silly
Id: eR1RfpZ_TGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2017
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