TOY DOCTOR Fixes Maya's Hearing !!!

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hello Turtles well I'm just gonna start playing okay bullhead awfully good girl I could just plant these all day long my app can you start cleaning up your room please Oh which one I like the best the paint for the white one copy me birdy this one has it such a too hard on it I love it that's so fine Maya did you hear me it's time to start picking up your toys what my favorite one is Maya yes daddy didn't you hear me calling you from downstairs or from the door just now no well I was just calling you from downstairs and then just from the door I think you need to get your hearing checked well I just have to go to the toy doctor I really have to I think that would be a good idea why don't you let me know how that goes okay daddy oh I'm so glad you got a new shipment of cutie car medicine in boy my supply was getting so low and I keep having all these sick kids come in I know I'm gonna need every single disease speaking of the kid see who's first on my patient list today hmm looks like we have a Maya I think my hearings just fine I think my daddy doesn't even know what he's talking about all right night yes perfect miss my exam room this way hon okay so my out what brings you here to see the toy after today well my death man becomes its because if they can't hear properly oh that is very interesting okay well me give you a urine test sounds like a plan doctor okay so I'm going to test each of your ears individually we'll start with your left ear over here and if you hear noise just reach your hand for me okay good job [Music] [Applause] Wow that left yours perfect let's test it right now okay doc okay raise you're gonna gonna be here sound perfect hearing in both of your ears I can't be here your hearing is just fine tell your daddy you being silly just does expect it yeah that's silly daddy what was he thinking her hearing is perfect I'm gonna make a plate of soup oh well that's interesting yep sure is well my name is time started setting the table and getting ready for dinner so why don't you start clearing out the play-doh delicious nothing better than play-doh soup it's time to clean up your play-doh oh yeah pretty too yes Daddy did you hear a thing that I just said yeah there's definitely something wrong with your hearing I'm gonna go with you the toy doctor this time come on let's go [Music] well the best thing about being a tummy doctor is that I have all these employees they get upstairs between patients and the more we might play with well dear I am after all there is that thing a toy they keeps master away oh you know what I'm gonna come to my next patient hold up here it's taken forever [Music] I'm surprised field has grown up we rarely get grownups at the toy doctor all right back to the toy doctor Maya he does yeah I just know that there's something wrong with her hearing hmm well let's see if I look here yeah you know what I have all her hearing test results here and what do you know what here the fakir skilled here well that's great but you know what she's not hearing a thing at home hmm it sounds like a super tricky case of selective hearing itis what's that that sounds scary well it's actually quite common in kids you see this disorder where they only hear what they want to hear we're gonna have to get to the bottom of it and conduct a selective hearing I detect okay I am that sounds good let's do it doc all right all right Maya now this test is gonna be pretty similar to the last one I'm gonna see something in your right ear first and if you here wagering in it you ready for that okay Maya please help yourself to a doughnut very interesting Maya go clean your room Maya go clean your room Maya go clean your room they're very interesting let's go test your other ear now ready okay yes okay all right hand back and let's do the next test now Maya you need to take the trash out Maya you need to take the trash out Maya it's time to take the trash out Wow well and here she had a very serious case of cholestacare nightís can make down below mom oh sure nutria gumbo so she's clearly only hearing good things she wants to hear she heard me offering the gumball but she didn't hurt anything about cleaning her room or taking out the trash it's a very serious case well I'm so glad we pinpointed the problem so what's securedoc well know here for that but happy perfect here for you whoa what's that now I can write the prescription just the perfect prescription let me see here and prevent you from demanding a weird if you love things from Maya such as cleaning her room or taking out the trash or picking up play-doh because you don't want to do those things do you Maya I think so so let me write the prescription for you okay doc let's make that extra large dose here is your prescription kitty in my pockets yes kitty in my pocket does wonders for all those ridiculous demands grown-up sometimes make on kids I just happen to have one right yeah here's that needs more than that he sometimes make me make my bags mmm make your bed well he does need a larger dose Ben give me one moment hmm yes this is a larger dose this should do all right here you [Music] okay definitely we can extra-large Stokes for you that's the extra-large and now we have the in my pocket this is amazing all right fine well you know if it'll make her happy and we could have some fun together we'll go ahead and take it and try it out okay just do this my pocket ginny made pocket or pop in my pocket they're all super cool now don't forget mattress for me you have to get in there too and have some toy bud okay okay I'll go with it wow I just know this cure is going to work wonders for them these are so adorable and I don't know which one's my favorite Wow are they over mine I took out all these doggies I have and there's a kitty over here jungle that is from the jungle pets right yeah these are all so cute these are way more fun than I thought they'd be look what a cutie patootie just missus ones my absolute favorite edible well I think your daddy is official insured my will be pestering you to do those ridiculous things anymore yeah it sure is who knew the planet toys would be so much fun Maria okay oh here it is yeah lol's are pretty cool but I like this for real friends what's his name again so cute hey guys I'm a low pony over there do you mean rarity here try light Sparkle raggy okay kids are you I did to hurt I bet they're just having the best day at home putting with toys and toys and more toys and they've been worrying about cleaning up but they're just having the best day and thanks to me are you ok Maya yeah my neck is all twisted up funny this next one Perla well you ought to go back to the toy doctor and have her look at your toe and my neck well I have to say I was super surprised to see you two back here so soon I thought you to be having the most marvelous day playing with toys and toys and more toys what happened I stepped in my tub oh no when you yeah I hurt my neck real badly doc hmm luckily thanks to the marled of modern medicine I have just the cures for both of those ailments perfect we need that soon no problem there just right back here yes vehicle do yes for a stuffed toast these Disney hobby places do wonders and her injured next well the grocery game yep bar does the trick well I can't wait to open s I found Cinderella third tours Wow check it out daddy and get one leg hose old butter wow that's so cool my let's open your go seigen yeah can't wait my next killing me hopefully this works I can't wait to get these open oh okay oh look it's our strawberry and look over here I have splotchy spray-can and my neck is perfect now well you two are blamin yeah this sounds great and all but I'm a little bit worried about the mess we made thanks to the kitty in my pocket I have no desire to tell him I had to clean her room and even if I did she wouldn't want to hear it thanks to her selective hearing I this issue but luckily I have my hey need any prescription pad here and I have just the prescription that will solve all of your problems can't wait to see what it is here you know magic wand magic pointer right this genie 82 a perscription will get rid of any mess with this stuff so what you think I'll get rid of all of your messes and continue on with your toy bug all right if you say so doc thank you all right man let's test this magic wand thing out okay let's try it here to my alright mind we have one more pile ready to do this okay here we go let's do it you got there oh yeah have you subscribed to Tic Tac toy yet if not what holding you back is absolutely free go ahead and click on that button in the corner of your screen and then you won't miss any of our future videos thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 28,145,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy doctor, doctor lucy, Maya, pretend, pretend doctor, Dr. Lucy, silly kids, toys, doctor, new toy, Lucy, the doctor is in, Jason, doc, toy doc, pretend toy doctor, toy, kid video, toy video, silly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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